Monday, February 21, 2011


PM thread.


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Judie said...

Hi Steve. Thank you for the new thread. Have a nice evening.

Must say, the picture for Phoebe is fantastic.

paula eagleholic said...

BWE chicklets eating, egg in view. Can't see any really long cracks in egg #3

paula eagleholic said...

Think they are getting one of the other meats for snacktime

Bob Quinn said...

Lynn - No, haven't been to BW in a few weeks. Yes, some good photo ops at Longwood in PA (near Chadd's Ford). Also went to Brandywine River Museum to see Wyeth stuff.

Photos from Longwoood here:

Longwood Gardens

wvgal_dana said...

Don't whether to say happy for Luna or sorry they didn't do the surgery. I'll just keep Luna in prayers and the family.

floralgirl said...

Oh, Longwood Gardens is beautiful. I love that whole area, it's gorgeous there.

wvgal_dana said...

Bob the Longwood Garden pictures are excellent. On #6 you even caught the "bug". If you use a petal as 12 o'clock I think it was on 10 o'clock petal.

NatureNut said...

Thx for new Monday Thread!!

and the 'puter turned on..!!

Gonna get some coffee~~~~

magpie said...

Thank you Steve - we really needed a new thread, going to have lots to talk about !!

magpie said...

Longwood Gardens....aaaah, let me see, it was in 1970 I was last there, absolutely stunning !
Going to check Bob's pictures very soon

magpie said...

the most serious prayers being offered for Luna, and all of you, and the doctor/s

magpie said...

I knew that was not a fox at BWE - but you all probably know by now...I see things that are not there but look like - well, lots of things

magpie said...

Belle and Liberty are going to be tenting soon...whichever one happens to be on there....


magpie said...

Enjoy all that new memory, Loretta

I am losing more and more of mine all the time, and not just on the computer

Best wishes for a good evening everyone, where the weather is poor especially...and that goes for Tuesday also !

work tried to call me in for tonight....encouraged them to please try someone else...think they succeeded....
more sickness...with the staff, NOT ME
Detroit gal made it back though
lucky us
can get tagged for shifts later I'm sure with this weather coming in

back later on...

magpie said...

You could call law enforcement and have them check out all that noise...

we get calls for that kind of stuff, often....

magpie said...

things remain mysterious upstairs, though not noisy, will be watching in and out short visits...and thinking of what officer pals work what shifts...regarding, those "friendly visits" that Judie suggested...

the 3 yoa is upstairs today...
not sure anyone up there works a job...more to be revealed
did not have the ooomph to put together a welcome package yet

magpie said...

I am so disappointed that my brother had to re-schedule his travel plans..for him, and me

large family I'm a part of, but we seldom get to see each other - too geographically spread out, plus I work full time, can seldom get long stretches of days off and cannot afford to get to where many of them are

sorry, I better mean back later when I say it...

plus I forgot to add my x's and o's


NatureNut said...

Hi, Margy. Maybe you shouldn't do a Welcome visit until things settle down. But then again, that would surely take you off the complaint list to the owner!!!

NatureNut said...

BTW, wonder if we can get new people memory!? I sure need some!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I'll take some fresh RAM!

paula eagleholic said...

So, we haven't seen Lib today?

NatureNut said...

Shirley, Hope Luna can be stabilized w/the drops if she can't have the surgery yet. I know they're expensive, but animals are kids too!

hedgie said...

I got lost on the old thread!

Fire is rockin' in the woodstove.

BEagle said...

Hurray for RAM!!!

Sweet Luna will have some prayers.

Stunning floral pictures Bob!

Lib is playing hooky.

It's getting crowded in the bear den.

WV sUSAn said...

Good evening eagle peeps. Lynne hope you are doing better today. And hope all goes well for Luna. Sorry plans got changed Margy. I know that's disappointing.

I see Belle is sitting on he egglets. Good girl. Is there a hatch at NBG? She was looking so intently at the eggs like she was expecting to see an eaglet.

I've been out of pocket for a couple days at Canaan. Trying to get caught up. Great wkend w friends. Woohoooo

Cubbie names revealed tonight. Oh boy!

hedgie said...

Oh, Bob, thank you so much for sharing. Lovely, lovely!!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Lib MIA??? How long has he been gone? Belle doesn't look anxious.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy, Hedgie or Wanda Do you ever use those Cofee House Inspirations International Delight single creamers in little tubs liquid. They don't have to be refrigated. Irish Creme, Whie Chocolate Mocha and Caramel Macchiato only 5 g sugar?????????

WV sUSAn said...

Double egg roll.

magpie said...

just had an egg check
not sure if a parent switch or not at NCTC - someone can say?

live feed stopping a lot for me
goes with the day

floralgirl said...

No switch, just an egg roll.

magpie said...

thanks Megan
today is not such a good day for the dinosaur (the computer)

magpie said...

I really liked the daffofil avatar...can't wait to see it on THIS THREAD ☺

hedgie said...

Barred owl release near Winchester

WV sUSAn said...

There's our boy!

magpie said...

Well, Liberty is MIA no longer

magpie said...

live feed shows two
still cam shows Belle leaving

see what I mean ??

WV sUSAn said...

And a switch. Belle flew off for some dinner.

magpie said...

my last post did not make sense...
that's how it is FOR ME, not you all...
about the still cam being ahead of my live feed

hedgie said...

Dana, I do not drink coffee.....hate it!!! Do like the smell, tho'!

magpie said...

answer to your question:
sometimes, the Irish Creme creamers...only when I have had enough black coffee...
don't much care for too much of that unless it is
Irish Coffee ! like I had at the Rumsey Tavern during Open House Friday night dinner

magpie said...

jsut realized I got a capture at 9:15 this morning of both our eagle parents in the nest
got that, and the last switch on the E-M album

paula eagleholic said...

I see Lib all snugged in.

hedgie said...

Susan, how was the skiing? Was the wind awful there, too??
Blackwater has two hatches!! So you DID miss a bit of excitement!

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, your 'puter is really giving you fits. So sorry. Bad enough when it happens at work. No techie at my house either.

WV sUSAn said...

Spring ski conditions. Yes on lots o wind, but beautiful. Hubby skiied one day. I fished instead. I don't really enjoy the "mashed potatoes" snow.

WV sUSAn said...

Belles back. Libs not ready to give it up. Haha

BEagle said...

Lib just might stay on all night. He ain't budging.

BEagle said...

Belle might have to peck a little to get her spot back.

BEagle said...

Okay. He finally got the hint. She had a very imposing look.

WV sUSAn said...

So funny. She's staring him down. Finally. He's off and off and away.

BEagle said...

No the waggle.

WV sUSAn said...

And a ghostly wiggle wiggle.

BEagle said...

NOW. Now the waggle.

WV sUSAn said...

Hoping to steal a peek at BWE babies.

magpie said...


I thought Liberty had the little white feather spot...

can you help me out?
who is on the nest ?

WV sUSAn said...

I can say that's definitely Belle all tucked in on the nest.

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening!
So sorry about Luna. Hope the vcet has a plan.

If you can, please read the Feb 14 update on the Sydney nest if you haven't already. Seems Pa may have fishing line around his neck. If true could be trouble but seems like they are putting plans together. No eggs there yet.

Just watched the change at the nest. Those eggs sure are pretty!!

Lolly said...

Good evening! Oh, what a great day! Thought of you and wished you were here! It has been bright sunshine and blue blue sky. A cool front came through so the wind has been out of the north. At one time I saw 71 but it is presently 62. Just beautiful and pleasant! Anyway, I worked most with the columbine cleaning out the old stuff and leaves. As I worked I listened to and watch the hawks. They were very active in the area, calling and circling.

hedgie said...

Margy, good that you were able to NOT go in to work. Hope you don't get called again!
As for the upstairs you suspect something fishy, as in illegal??? If so, forget the welcome basket and just report to management!!!

magpie said...

that's nice Lolly,
was waiting on your daffodils on this thread, they are singing now

Hi NC Suzan...been missing you too.
Nest is going to be dark. No visible moon tonight, all clouds and probably snow later

WV sUSAn said...

Suzan, just read the Sidney update and will be watching for additional info posted.

Egg roll.

magpie said...

still watching and waiting Lynn...
need to try to take it all in for a few more days
but yes, that's what I'm getting at...
have seen it at other apartment buildings here

saw the house you mentioned on R9W near Payne's tree farm...
though I speak of moving to the country I cannot manage anything like that right now, not by myself anyway, but thanks for the tip

Lolly said...

Glad you like the daffodils, Margy. Put them on my Hawkwood blog as well. Just for the Momsters!

NCSuzan said...

Magpie, hi! I do a lot of tilking when there is no moon!

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCSuzan said...

Thanks susan. Like many here, i watch other nests too and I felt if maybe more eyes were on Pa maybe we could see something.

NCSuzan said...

S. Sorry.

Lolly said...

Oh, poor Luna! Do hope she gets her eyesight back today and that she can have surgery.

NCSuzan said...

Going to put some cookies in to bake.

magpie said...

sure hoping everything will be okay at the Sydney with the Male Eagle...

that was my deleted comment a few posts back by the way, it was irrelevant

clean wet sheets need to be switched to dryer

wvgal_dana said...

NCSuzan I sure hope the eagle is going to be ok.

You all remember the chick in CT that had the plastic pop thing around its neck. They went up and cut it away.

BEagle said...

What? What sydney eagle? What poop thing about it's neck.

Where would I get the report?

BEagle said...

I mean "pop" thing. Sorry.

wvgal_dana said...

BEagle it was in Connecticut osprey nest one year.

BEagle said...

I think you must be talking about the Sidney BC male. I think there's something there about the dad's neck looking gashed.

Going to go read up.

BEagle said...

okay. That's strange though. The "central" forum is talking about the male eagle having problems.

BEagle said...

The Sidney male eagle has a gash across his throat. Mr. Hancock says that it must be superficial because there is no food flowing from a crop wound.

This copy and paste may get you to Dave Hancock's about the eagle.

I think he ran into an electric fence and burned his feathers.

hedgie said...

Freezing rain now....accumulating. UGH!
Have to worry now about Charlie getting Carolyn to work safely by MN.

Margy, doesn't do any good to call police.....just as with 4-wheelers and dirt bikes.....long gone before they ever show up (I'm convinced that the chronic lawbreakers have scanners, too!).

hedgie said...

Judie, glad your PT went well.
Know you are relieved to have the exam finished. When will the wannabe's take it?

NCSuzan said...

Beagle, on the update they think there is fishing line around his neck.

BEagle said...

Oh, Susan. I don't think we are talking about the same eagle.

There are pictures of the Sidney eagle on the Windows Forum.

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. The chronic lawbreakers just don't care. It's a way of life for them unfortunately.

Hope Sidney male injury is superficial. That nest view is way off. Will they adjust?

floralgirl said...

It's been sleeting/freezing rain here for about an hour.

WV sUSAn said...

Saw a red tail take a big black bird today and the other black birds went after the hawk.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

I Stopped by Wally world on the way home...came out to sleet and rain, and then snow halfway home.

I don't see any snow at the nest yet.

floralgirl said...

Nope, we are in a patch of freezing precip right now, here and at the nest. No snow yet. Mostly sleet

paula eagleholic said...

They said that Pa at Sidney doesn't have fishing line around his neck, they think it could be an injury from a fight with another eagle.

I think he ran into some sore of wire or line, myself.

WV sUSAn said...

Faith and Jason are the names for the cubbies. Very nice!!

hedgie said...

I saw the references on FB over the weekend about Pa Sydney....but Dave assured then that things appeared now it's questionable?? Gotta go read up.

Snow mixing in with freezing rain now....frizzlenow.

floralgirl said...

Yep, starting to mix here too. Snow and sleet.

NatureNut said...

Wow! I sent Faith in for the female cub! Charlie for the boy. Guess I didn't win anything :>(
Wonder if they sell any toy bear clones for those we know, like Beanie Babies??

Another surprise today~~I saw A Tulip!!(leaves)Hope it survives.

NatureNut said...

sUSAn, were you able to order/get an LOL blog osprey book? I wrote SWT & got a response, but very expensive.

paula eagleholic said...

I can see snow or sleet around Belle now

hedgie said...

Yep, that's the same info that was on FB a couple of days ago.

hedgie said...

Pure snow now---and coming down hard.

WV sUSAn said...

Loretta. Should have book this wk from LOTL hopefully. They have been without water for days at the Center. Plumber tomorrow. Maybe that allowed for packing and posting time?? Anxiously awaiting!

So glad to bear Sidney male is okay.

WV sUSAn said...

And most definitely snow around dear Belle.

hedgie said...

Faith is good. Not crazy about Jason. To continue the Hope theme.....they could have used Faith and Charlity. Gee, too bad I didnt think of that in time to submit!

Costume Lady said...

I do hope this snow stops before Belle get buried! We have, maybe 1/4 inch on our grill. Just had a skunk looking in our patio window, just sitting there looking at Gene:) Last night, a hugh racoon sat in the same spot and did the same thing. I think they are trying to tell the Capt. something:)

NatureNut said...

Jason's OK, but what does it have to do with those bears??

Costume Lady said...

GG was in very good spirits today. Pain was under control and appetite very good. She ate everything on her plate.
Watching House...

Mema Jo said...

Jason is the young man that helps Dr Rogers - the one that goes to the den to 'fix' things. I like Faith for the little gal. I couldn't think of a name in the form of Charity for a male

Things here are very icy - turning white now and coming down hard!

NatureNut said...

Wanda, that's funny. Wonder what Gene did to get those animal stares??!

Just looked at nest. Why are those stupid flakes aroud Belle when she's the warmest part of the nest????

Mema Jo said...

Both cams show sleet/snow all around Belle. Going to be a long night but
from past experience we know how well Belle can tent. She has her head tucked under her wing.

Prayers for Luna's ability to see being restored.

WV sUSAn said...

About time for a stretch and an egg roll. I've been spoiled to not seeing Belle covered n snow.

Mema Jo said...

Update & Reminder .............
Snow emergency plan in effect
for Washington County MD went into effect at 8 p.m., according to the Hagerstown barrack of the Maryland State Police. When the plan is in effect, all vehicles traveling on designated state snow emergency routes must be equipped with chains, snow tires or all-season radial tires. Vehicles parked on the routes are subject to being impounded.

NatureNut said...

Thx for clarification, Jo, on the Jason name. I thought maybe it referred to someone there.Is he the younger guy that had to snowmobile in -temps to the den?

WV sUSAn said...

I like Jason. Not very beary but he has done so much for the project, bless his young soul. Has gone out in the extreme weather to help keep the cam and mic running.

hedgie said...

This episode of House is stoooopid!

Lolly said...

Guess we are going to miss TH have her second egg. I love that cam and hope they get it back up really soon.

magpie said...

even I can see the snow at the nest.
I think, maybe, glad tonight do not have sound, though we all know what it sounds like :(
well, usn's around here anyway know what it sounds like by opening a door and listening

Safe travel prayers for everyone, including Charlie and Carolyn tonight Lynn

I'm headed to bed, in case I do get called in sometime or another

Prayers for our health and pets needs also
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

and prayers for Belle and Liberty and the egglets...and all wildlife in difficult weather

hedgie said...

Heading for tub....BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Time to shake it off Belle!!

hedgie said...

Margy, I hope that you can get a whole-night-through sleep!!

BEagle said...

Oh NO!

BEagle said...

Belle looks tucked and contented. No problem!

WV sUSAn said...

Heading off to TV land. Beary sweet eagle dreams to all.

floralgirl said...

Belle is shaking off.

paula eagleholic said...

Up for a shake off and egg roll

floralgirl said...

Wow she is really spread out.

paula eagleholic said...

Look at those spread wings..bless her heart

paula eagleholic said...

About the cub names...

As many of you already know, the chosen names are Faith and Jason. These names were the most popular names submitted and were the two selected by the anonymous Lily fan who won the honor of selecting the names. She sent the following description of the insightful thoughts of her seven year old grandson for her choices. "Faith is the faith that the learning and love of the bears will go on and on and since you can't name a boy Love, Jason is the next best thing because he shows love in all he does." Thank you again to Team Bear for organizing the selection process and to the 2213 Lily fans who submitted names.

Lily, Hope, Jason, and Faith
Jason Sawyer, fittingly, came through again for us all today. He made two trips to the den shed to repair the microphone cable where it had been chewed through by a snowshoe hare. He hadn’t gone prepared for a broken cable the first time, so he repaired it the best he could with materials on hand. After a trip back for supplies he returned to make a ‘proper’ repair. The static from the broken cable is gone and we have sound again. Hopefully the repair will hold for the rest of the den season. And hopefully that wrascally wabbit moves on or chooses more nutritious and less destructive fare!

magpie said...

I couldn't stop watching either.
I do wish we had sound...seems like we could share things at the nest in our hearts better with the Royal Pair and the Royal Eggs

I have to go to bed now
(( hugs, friends ♥ ))

magpie said...

that's great Paula... Thank You for posting that...

and to the Bears and all the Bear Team

paula eagleholic said...

I think Faith was a shoe in for baby girl bear!

Oh, and speaking of baby girls, Gianni is a walkin fool according to her Mamma's post on FB tonight.

stronghunter said...


I see the snow at the nest. Prayers for all of our outdoor critters tonight. (Maybe not stinkbugs!)

Kathryn brought Luna home tonight. She will have to make the journey back to Fairfax tomorrow to return her to the surgeon where they will determine what to do.

Susan was a little put out because she was all ready to keep Luna tonight and deliver her to the surgeon tomorrow at 7:30, the earliest they will accept her, but then she found out that, instead of having to be at work at 8:00 AM, she has to be there at 7:00 AM. They changed her schedule and didn't tell her until she called today.

Susan had already bought dog food in preparation for keeping Luna. But the co-worker she spoke with was adamant and not at all sympathetic. The woman is not Susan's superior, but Susan wasn't interested in a battle, so Kathryn drove up there and brought Luna home. We all know that you have to pick your battles.

Belle is tenting now, and getting snow-covered, but maybe I am the last to see this. I have been busy and then talked with Susan on the phone.

NatureNut said...

Thx for sharing that, Paula. Great story.
Belle is really tenting~~too bad the adults aren't taking turns!
They need a big umbrella!

BEagle said...

Our poor sweet Lady Belle. She looks like a polar bear!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like we might have snow on the ground in the morning, too. But they aren't predicting anything like you West Virginia people might get.

I am going to have to say good night and go upstairs. Really tired and sleepy tonight.

BEagle said...

I remember last year when all you could see was her head from the neck up.

This will be a piece of cake for her.

When is this snow supposed to stop!

BEagle said...


CUT THAT OUT....snow!

BEagle said...

As far as I could tell earlier, we have no snow predicted for my county as yet.

BEagle said...

I better check the weather again.

Mema Jo said...

I do want to let you know that I love the peonies and daffodils :)

floralgirl said...

Nest weather- sorry:(
Snow and freezing rain late this evening...then snow. Snow may be heavy at times. Snow accumulation of 4 to 8 inches. Additional ice accumulation around a trace. Lows in the lower 20s. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent. It is supposed to snow overnight night and into the morning.

BEagle said...

I miss the sunshine.

hedgie said...

Mai enjoyed her romp in the precip. Ate snow/ice----even lifted her face into the air and caught some in her mouth. Funny!

Lolly said...

Do I need to bring back my sunshine avatar???????

Lolly said...

Have been watching TV, watching Castle now.

Lolly said...

Oh, poor Belle!

paula eagleholic said...

From FB

The Two Harbors internet feed has been repaired and the Two Harbors nest is back online. Thanks Dewitt.

Lolly said...

Thanks Paula. Must be raining at TH. 82 is spread all over the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

From Steffani at IWS forum

We figured out that the problem with the TH camera had to do with the internet server in Two Harbors and not with our equipment. As soon as they fix their problem the camera will be back on-line, it shouldn't more than a day. I watched the feed for a few minutes and they seem to have a second egg!
The roads are still off-limits so I wont be able to work on the WE cam until Wednesday at the earliest.
Bear with us...

This was posted before the nest came back online.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't see any rain, tho. she might be warm. No sound.

Lolly said...

So, sometime today the 2nd egg was laid. Well, dern! Wanted to watch that again.

Lolly said...

Your right! No sound. ????

Lolly said...

I find it hard to believe it is that warm.

paula eagleholic said...

It's not raining, I checked their radar

paula eagleholic said...

Shake off!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice big dry area under Belle

paula eagleholic said...

It's around 45° there, not sure why she's tenting.

hedgie said...


paula eagleholic said...

Well, it's 82 at TH, she just got up, circled around and wiggled back down. Couldn't see the eggs. In normal incubating position now.

hedgie said...

Temp has dropped here to 22°.

hedgie said...

Snow is piling right back up on Belle.

paula eagleholic said...

Just saw a spidey at TH

Someone behind me just let off some fireworks dog is on my lap...whew he just got down

floralgirl said...

It's coming down really hard right now. Still a bit of a mix, mostly snow, but you can occasionally hear the ice mixed in. It's a heavy snow:(

NatureNut said...

It's sleeting here now & temp is about 33. Posted a snow pic on E_M album at 9:30. Wish I had gotten one around 10, before she shook.
Been vooking stuff for next couple dinners. I didn't plan it! Fubby hit BJ's again! ☺

Gotta do my do even if there's no work in AM. Fat Chance we'll get off! So if I don't return tonight,
Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for Us and all the animals ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Another shake off

floralgirl said...

Belle is shaking off again, big wing spread.

hedgie said...

What are they celebrating, Paula? Pres. Day? LOL! Poor Nugz.

Shirley, feeling so bad for Kat and Suzi AND Luna. What a mess....and sure hate to think that Kat will have to deal wit the weather to get back up the road in early morning.

hedgie said...

Feeling so sorry for Belle......Lib should come tent her!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - maybe the snow?

Shirley, hope they can do Luna's surgery tomorrow.

BEagle said...

That would be nice if Lib would come make a tent over Belle.

Mema Jo said...

Just finished watching the news.. I
Did watch Harry's Law -
Everything is white outside and it is all snow (earlier it was a mix of snow & sleet)

Shirley I hope and pray everything goes well for Luna. Sorry Suzie has to go in early to work.

You all had a great idea about Lib 'spreading eagle' over Belle.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - whoa! We must think alike...
Oh yes, forgot to tell you that I had a chocolate Frosty from Wendy's about 3 days ago.

paula eagleholic said...

Was waiting for another shake off, but getting too tired. She's pretty covered at the moment.

going to hit the hay, catch ya'll tomorrow

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Belle has been shaking off in about 15 min intervals.......
BWE doesn't look as they need to tent!

Mema Jo said...

Night Paula - I won't be far behind.

BEagle said...

I sure hope you enjoyed that Frosty MemaJo! Sure sounds good.

hedgie said...

Last outing of the night for Mai. Everything came out fine, and she had a few good romps around the yard.
We've got about 3" already.

Oh, poor Belle....shake off, mama bird.

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope Margy gets to sleep through the night without a call from work.

I'm going to bed - I get too upset looking at our nest. I know Belle
knows when to shake off but that doesn't help my nerves while watching.

hedgie said...

And she did! Egg roll.

Mema Jo said...

Good night all
Prayers for many many reasons....
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

Belle just had her shake-off

magpie said...

I was sleeping...
got up
left the cam up, saw the shake-off

magpie said...

and now her tail is where her head was

Lynn - Carolyn make it to work ok?

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Thanks Lynn.. now I can sleep knowing that she shook off!
I also saw the 2 eggs!

OK Margy is correct: My Live Feed is
behind the actions on the Still Cam...
At least it was on that shake off.

I wish she had a pillow for her head
She can't tuck it under her wing because her wings are spread out tenting and protecting her chicklets to be.

I am going - I am gone..... ♥

hedgie said...

Me, too, Jo......just hurts to watch her.
So, goodnight dear friends. Hope Andy picks up the watch.....Lynne hasn't checked in---hope she is feeling better. Jim, SLEEP tonight!!
Lori will be checking in a few hours.
So....leaving everything in good hands.
Prayers for ALL and peace.

hedgie said...

Oops-----yes, Carolyn made it safely. Charlie took her in.

Margy....go back to bed!!!!

magpie said...

Am sorry, knowing Megan that you will have snow removal going on for the greenhouse, once again...
hope that it does not get too bad

Ok Lynn, Carolyn is ok, good

back to bed for me now

Costume Lady said...

Sandman is making his rounds again. I'm yawning my head off, so going to bed.


floralgirl said...

Aw, she's hanging in there, it's all she can do. It is snowing very hard now, gonna be a rough few more hours for Belle. Check again i a while.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Late Evening, Everyone!
Hubby and I had a busy day today. We met Sis-in-law for breakfast at Watson's Drug Store and Soda Fountain in Orange, CA. Haven't been there in quite a while, but it hasn't changed. The food is good, and the drug store has been around forever (I think since about 1899)! It's like a 1950s diner with counter seating, and a real soda fountain. Very cool! After that, we went through some of the antique stores in downtown Orange. Surprise! I found a Circus Peanuts can from about 1950! Had to get it--my Dad used to be their Sales Manager! Haven't seen one of those cans in AGES.
Spent a long time this morning with Emma parked on my lap. She was really soaking up the attention! She ran all over the house this afternoon with her toys, and also ran around with her leash in her mouth. It's really cute. We say she's taking herself for a walk! Tonight after dinner she sat in my lap soooo long she almost fell asleep there. Since she can't really find enough room to stretch out and be really comfortable, I put her in her crate so she would sleep well. Watched a program on (I think) the Nat Geo channel about "Blue Collar Dogs"--about service dogs. One of them in England can sniff out cancer cells! He is a Springer Spaniel like Emma, and takes his job very seriously. Amazing!
Omigosh--I just checked our nest, and poor Belle is totally buried under snow! Hope she shakes it off soon! Boy, you guys really got some of that white stuff today! Sure reminds me of last year.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Megan,
How long has Belle been staying all covered up--before she decides to shake it off?

floralgirl said...

Belle just got up and shook off. We are in a heavy batch of snow right now, it has been a while sine she got up.

Ms Bookworm said...

Still praying for Luna and for all of you. Wow, what a mess with Kathryn having to go pick Luna up and take her back in the morning! Sure hope they can stabilize her and get the surgery done.
Aaahh--Belle just shook off all that s__w and I think did an egg roll. She has settled back down again, and is "spreadeagled" over the eggs. What a good mama she is! A few minutes ago she was so covered that if you didn't know she was there, you would think the nest was empty!

Lolly said...

I have been reading and now heading to bed. Sound came on at TH. I looked at Belle and could hardly see her then realized I needed to refresh. She has the snow off now, but man she was buried. Oh, I hate this!

Nite all! Prayers for Belle and her egglets!


Ms Bookworm said...

That s__w must be coming down hard--Belle is starting to get covered up again. Poor girl! I don't know if I can stand to watch this! Sure hope that white stuff slows down soon.
Oh, Megan, I bet you're having to get s__w off your greenhouse! YUCK!!! Hope you are able to get some sleep tonight!
Oh, my! Poor Belle is beginning to look like an icicle! Sure hope the weather improves for her and Lib and the eggberts! This is nerve wracking!

Lynne2 said...

Hi for just a moment. Been VERY sick. But I had to drag my bum outa bed and check on our nest. Poor Belle...Hang in there! Haven't read back, and can't now, need to go lay back down. I hope everyone is well.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Lynne,
Golly, I hope you get to feeling better REALLY SOON!!! Prayers being said for you! Maybe you'd better call the doctor in the morning! Doggone, you went to the Dr. and got meds right away--WHAT THE HECK! ((HUGS))!
You should be getting better, NOT worse! Hope you can get some quality rest before morning! :o[

floralgirl said...

Just came back inside and we're still in some pretty heavy snow here and at the nest. Bulk of the Storm is past us though, maybe just a few more hours. I can see a break in the radar, if it holds, it may stop here sooner than that. We probably have about 5 inches now. Gonna catch a few winks...

Ms Bookworm said...

Poor Belle has sort of tucked her head, I think. She is almost completely covered with s__w again, and still has her wings spread out, but it looks that way. I don't think I can watch any longer.
Have said prayers for everyone, their pets, and for our Belle, Lib, and the eggberts. Checking to make sure the night light and porch light are still on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Hope we can all manage to get some sleep and stay warm--especially our eagles! God bless, and goodnight! I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love all of you! :o]
Oh--prayers for the injured Sydney eagle, too! Sure hope he will be OK!!

Mema Jo said...

Our Gal is hanging in there! Snowing lightly here now. She must have done a shake off recently - looks like the tenting is gone and Belle's head is tucked under a wing.
Now for me to tuck my head back under the covers since my eyes are half shut.

floralgirl said...

It's not snowing here anymore. Belle is snoozing.

Lori O. said...

Oh my poor Belle, keeping her eggs warm in the middle of a big pile of snow! Poor honey.

Good morning Megan! I hope your flowers are okay.

Lori O. said...

Oh Golly Bob, your flower photos are sooo beautiful! Gorgeous!

Wanda and Capt. Gene - a close-up raccoon, how cute, though I know they can be vicious. Skunks don't thrill me - too tinky as I tell the dogs!

if you need an animal eye specialist to see LUNA there's one in Leesburg.
FloBear, my bulldog, has to see her at least twice a year. She's done miracles for his sight.

floralgirl said...

Hey Lori:)
Glad you made it to work safely.
it's all good here, school's are all closed, I'm laying back down for a while. Guy just plowed half my lane, then drove over the rest to turn around. Just awesome.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...