Monday, February 14, 2011


In DC all day.  New thread.


Costume Lady said...


Lynne2 said...

Happy Valentine's Day Steve and Mrs Steve!

Thanks for the callover Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, I asked about your avatar. I would love to be able to do thingys like that. I have gotten a bit out of control with my Familial or Essential Tremor and can't do fine things anymore:(

Lynne2 said...

oh my goodness Wanda, I'm going to have to look that up....

Costume Lady said...

You and Lolly did a nice job. I tried to make an arrow a while back and just couldn't make it straight. It is fun trying:)
TV time.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the new thread

Steve and wife hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

Wanda did you catch where the blind man's store was?

Has anyone heard whether Janet's (Nilla's) grandson Nathan's gf Stacy has had the baby yet???

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly and Lynne2 you both did a great job. Mine would be wiggle writing lol

Glad Steve is home Hi Steve (:

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Really windy here. I wasn't going to put the trash out because I was afraid the can would blow over--the neighbor's trash is already blowing into our yard from their overturned trash can.

But Kathryn came home and put it out. We will see . . .

Hunter's a little frustrated this evening. Kathryn is only allowing educational games on the computer. But it looks like he might be warming up to one of the games.

Luna is back home and is okay. She will be getting the expensive eye drops on a regular basis, but the doctor found a less expensive source for Kathryn.

wvgal_dana said...

House is on will check back

Lynne2 said...

went upstairs....I just killed 24 SBs in 5 minutes. They are everywhere up there, mostly in our bedroom.

Mema Jo said...

I found you all! Going in to watch a taped TV show with hubby.

Dana - Nilla doesn't usually come on the blog - You should send her a FB message or go to her page.......

Thanks Steve for the fresh thread.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


hedgie said...

Weird Jeopardy! Don't like Watson the computer. It's going to take 3 nights to play two games.

Raining here.

Dana, that road IS off 51 near Middleway.

hedgie said...

Oh, Shar----we knoew it was jsut a matter of time! Congrats to Andrew and Kelsey!!! Have they set a date?? AFTER graduation, hopefully!

hedgie said...

LOL, Wanda, I don;t have any medical tremor---just caffeine shakes!---but I couldn't do what Loretta, Lolly and Lynne have done if I spent hours trying!

wvgal_dana said...

Great news Sharon just as Hedgie-Lynn said it was just a matter of time. That has been a lasting couple (:

hedgie said...

Cool coincidence....a temp agency lab tech that worked at the hospital with Christie is now on an assignment in Indianapolis. They hooked up for dinner tonight!

stronghunter said...

I will see you tomorrow. I am so tired.

God bless and good night.

magpie said...

Congratulations Mother of the Official Groom-to-be, Sharon

Thanks JO - saw there was new thread, but read back on old comments and found that you had said Steve was ok..guess it wasn't a Valentine's Week-end for him and the Mrs. after all :(

Now I am over here
Thanks Steve for the New Thread

magpie said...

Shirley, if you could come back for one minute, I have a comment for you, coming up next !

magpie said...

I totally encourage Kathryn's plan for educational computer games...
I called James earlier, you know, the Valentine's Day call....
he was more interested in getting back to the wrestling game on
his Playstation 3 -

magpie said...

I need to take the trash out but I am truly frightened to go outside
will wait til the wind settles down if that is ever going to happen tonight

magpie said...

revolving map has me blogging from Hedgesville tonight...
once again, better than from Rochester NY!

back later, working on something here

Mema Jo said...


♥ ♥ What a Valentines Day Memory ♥ ♥


NatureNut said...

Good Evening on New ♥ Thread!
Been a day of few accomplishments~~~and mindless TV tonight. Not what I want to see on until 10PM--Cathy Bates-Harry.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, WANDA & CAPT. FATHER GENE!! & Everyone else wed on this day!!

My Valentine gift today was a new mouse ('puter species)! I cleaned the old one, put it back on last night & think it's working great!Next techie job will be trying to find out what kind of DDR chip I need.

NatureNut said...

WOW, Congrats to Sharon, Andrew & Kelsey!!! What a goo0d day for proposals!! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Both Belle and Lady Blackwater have their heads tucked under their wing.

Costume Lady said...

Well, Sharon, that GRANDMOMMY time is getting closer and closer;)
Congratulations to the kids♥

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Father Gene got a wireless mouse for his laptop and I really like it...want one too! Mother's Day is coming up:)

Lolly said...

Jack and I just completed a most delicious dinner. It is fun cooking together. We had veal saltimbocca, linguine with homemade pesto, and asparagus and some great wine. I think no one dined as we did tonight!☺ Now, after I finish my wine, back to diet. Sob!

Looks like Belle is tucking tonight.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Lynne, Familial Tremor is an inherited condition that causes your hands to tremble as if you were very nervous. It affects the head sometimes, but fortunately, my head is ok (I think:)). It has been controlled with medication for 30 years, but meds aren't doing the job anymore. My Dad had it and never knew what it was until I was diagnosed.
I think there is a opening in the skull is drilled and they do something to a certain part of the brain and if successful...tremors are gone. Might have that done at the same time I have my knee replacement:)

hedgie said...

Heavens, Wanda....don't wait that long for a new mouse. They don't cost much at all!!! Just stop at Office Max and GET one!!

Rain is gone. Moon is out. And nest is lighter! But I don't think we need bother to wait and hope for another eggbert. THink we have all for this year.

hedgie said...

Watching the Westminster....what beautiful dogs!

Costume Lady said...

Sorry if that was TMI:)

hedgie said...

Oh my, Mai------I sure know she had that canned chicken meat this AM----P-U!

Just showing Bassett now----crowd favorite, Shirley, Kat and T-bird!!

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, Gene and I both need new glasses...if there is any money left over after that, I may get a wireless mouse. I didn't even ask him how much it was...going to!

Lynne2 said...

No Wanda, not, that's so strange. Never heard of it before. I'm going to still look it up to see about that drilling the hole in the head. Sound scary!

Margy, i don't blame's still crazy windy here, too.

Oh Lolly, dinner sounds so wonderful! Very romantic, I think, to cook together! Steve and I do from time to time too. Nothing that elaborate though!

Shriley, glad Luna is OK for now and that the vet was able to find a less costly source for the meds!

Costume Lady said...

Buy Mai some BEANO, Lynn:)

Lolly said...

Congratulations to the Mother of the Groom to be! How exciting is that?!!!!

Lolly said...

Judie posted after the call over to the new thread, so thought I would bring it over....

Judie said...
Oh my goodness! Do some of us know about what dregs are? Dregs as in rum cake? I would give a whole lobster dinner to see Wanda tipsy. Tee hee!

Dana, so happy you and your mom are not flying about pretending to be shiny green garlands. Sounds like a good outing.

Not enjoying the Jeopardy congest between humans and computer. Interesting, I guess, but prefer competition between/among human brains.

I guess someday I will have to make a really serious visit to learn all the great history such as where Pokey the turtle is buried, etc. Need to visit the swinging bridge that doesn't swing, and all that fun stuff you people do in WV. Around here, we just have congresspersons who do really stupid stuff and then resign.

Lynn2, hope Steve is feeling better now that he's home and had a nice dinner with you.

Going to try to watch a little mindless t.v. so will be back later. Been a busy day and last I looked, the nest was attended and all is quiet.

Oh, check out the videos posted for Lily and Hope and there are a couple of good views of the bear babes on the videos. Amazing how gentle Lily and Hope are when they play but are so careful not to hurt the babes.


Monday, February 14, 2011 8:17:00 PM

Costume Lady said...

The best part for the MOTHER OF THE GROOM is that the brides parents pay for the wedding;)

Did I ever tell you that together, my 2 daughters have had 6 weddings?

Lynne2 said...

2 daughters, 6 weddings?? Pleees splain Lucy!

Lolly said...

Well bad news here....Michael and Ashley's rehearsal dinner cost almost as much as Laurel's wedding. Yikes!!!!☺

Mema Jo said...

Our sleeping Belle is very beautiful in the moon lite nest.

3 more days and perhaps an eaglet at

Naming ceremony of Atlanta cub tomorrow. Daniel is to have the cam up.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I had no idea your girls had
6 weddings...Guess you are an old pro
being the mother of the bride. Just hope you and Gene only had to pay for 1 apiece.

$15 to $25 will get you a Mouse, Wanda.
Depends on what size you want. I have
the smaller one. Handles real well.

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to watch 10:00 show
Harry's Law....

Lynne2 said...

Anyone watch Army Wives? New season starts on Sun. March 6, at a new time...9pm

Heading to bed, good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Watching Harry's Law.
Our nest looks like daylight!

Lolly said...

Watching that program!

wvgal_dana said...

It's between Harry's Law and Castle.

Hedgie-Lynn buy the flat skinnless chicken breast easy to cook and cut for Mai. Do you have to use canned?

WandaYou never answered if you know where on Moler Ave. the blind man had the store left side of road as you leave church for you to head home.?????

No baby yet for Stacy Janet's/Nilla's grandsons gf.

Lolly said...

It is weird watching the moon shadows moving across the nest. they are really moving in the wind.

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, a new Valentine's thread!

Looks like daylight on the nest, Belle is really hunkered down.

Gotta grab some grub!

paula eagleholic said...

Windy windy ride home! Felt it on all the bridges! Electric had gone out here, not sure for how long.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, didn't the blind man live on the right side going toward my house? Had a candy shop or something like that on the first floor...Clifford or Cliffy?

Costume Lady said...

Paula, did you come across the bay bridge or did you go around?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo, we only paid for one wedding apiece. I must say, in the girls defense, all divorces were, really!

Costume Lady said...

Both of our girls made some bad choices. Karla's present husband is a keeper. Denise is presently single, has been for 12 years.

Mema Jo said...

Elsie and Einstein
Egg #2 6:30pm valentines night

paula eagleholic said...

Oh WOW, congrats to Sharon! OH and I guess he proposed on Valentine's Day. Cool.

Lolly, sounds like you had a truly spectacular dinner!

Got my grilled cheese, off to the old thread to catch up!

paula eagleholic said...

yUP, did the bay bridge.

Aw a Valentine's egg!

Costume Lady said...

You gals are right about the wireless mouse not being expensive. Gene said he paid $20 on sale for his. "Well, you can have one if you like, no problem"..."Oh, yes, I would love one, I love yours and I love you too, you are my hero!";)

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

The Bay Bridge scares me to death...I would not ride on it with winds like this, much less drive! You are a gutsy lady!

hedgie said...

Lynne, my girls and I are anxiously awaiting the new season of AW.....did you see the trailer on FB a few days ago????

hedgie said...

If I didn't know that it was shadows moving on the nest, I would swear that Boris is back in action.

hedgie said...

Wanda....on FB, Mits had that she and Jay got engaged on this date 37 yrs. ago!

Costume Lady said...

I read back, in panic, and see that it was Elsie's egg. Thank goodness. Too late for Belle...two healthy chicks will be something a little different for us to watch.

Costume Lady said...

Engaged on Valentine's day, huh?...Gene and I didn't get engaged until 4 years later.

I tried to get on facebook earlier and was told that page couln't be found. Need to try again and see what my kids are up to:)

wvgal_dana said...

WandaYes it was Clifford and he did have a store on the right. We lived across from the store when I was born.

Use to collect soda bottles and he would give us this little loaf of warm bread. Awww was good ....he was blind but could really play the piano.

Well I'm tired night

Prayers for those that need them

magpie said...

Glad you made it home okay Paula
I had thought earlier you might be staying down there overnight
what with the drink, the sunset...I was getting carried away myself

Headed to bed...

Good Night, Everyone

God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

hedgie said...

I have the mini mouse, too, Dana for the laptop. Like the way it fits my hand. Got mine on sale at O.M for $9.99.

hedgie said...

Paula, glad you made it home safely. Do you feel comfortable that your "new" place is secure? I'm sure that crime is relatively rare there.....but just hope that it locks up securely!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana, there sure is a circle of life out there, isn't there?

Oh Lolly, that's a great avatar of Lib and Belle!

Oh My gosh Loretta, I had forgotten about Tiny takes a tumble. What a great laugh!

Aw, Lynn, what a sweet daughter! Glad things went well with the trainer!

Oh yes, I got the Mead/Westvaco land commercial. Think I'd rather see Ed.

Lynne, scratched the box open! Love it!

Not a good day for a fire! I thought I saw one across the river at the beach house.

Margy, so glad you didn't get called in. Lucky you with the neighbor that likes to cook and share!

hedgie said...

Thankfully, only one wedding per with my girls----at least so far! Carolyn and Charlie will hit 19 yrs. this summer, and Christie and Shannon 13. Where does th etime go?

Wonder if dogs CAN use BEANO??? Whew!!

paula eagleholic said...

JOhn came and fed Nugz tonight....they both needed to see each other.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Margy, would love to stay down at the beach, but there isn't anywhere to sleep at present except the floor!

I only had a couple of sips of wine...just enough for a celebration!

Yup Lynn, all locked up. Will feel even better when I get the yucky doors replaced...the sliders are full of moisture, as often happens.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! out of sight out of mind ---
So true because I haven't thought about Spidey/Boris in forever.

Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower and signing off for the night. I have been up late monitoring the nest too many nights.

Glad you all like my avatar. It is very special, isn't it?

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Muddy dog feets here too...yard is all wet and squishy with that quick thaw! Noticed when I came home today that just about all my snow is gone! There wasn't any on the eastern shore!

paula eagleholic said...

Nite Lolly, had a good sleep!

Yup, Boris will be back before you know it!

Oh, I put a sunset pic on FB, will load on here tomorrow night. Gotta get ready to hit the hay, will be a looong day at work tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

Check out Belle
I think there is a loose branch bothering her around her head...
Can you see it?

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, I see it. She ought to just chuck that one over the side!

I'm glad that John spent some time with Nugz, Paula. I'm sure it helped them both.

Good night to all turning in.
Hope th ewind doesn't keep you awake!

Cool news----the SharPei won the nonsporting group at Westminster!!!
Wish my dream would come true and he would win Best in Show tomorrow night! The breed is due that recognition!!

Mema Jo said...

Good night and sleep well with pleasant dreams

Prayers for all needs/wants

Hugs to all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Loretta, forgot to thank you for the Tiny tumble video----Remember watching it way back then----LIVE. I think that was before I joined the blog. In those days, before I knew better, I cried so much for Tiny. I was so afraid he wasn't getitng enough food and that he was going to die! I was hollering at Belle to feed the little guy, and asking God to take care of him, and crying, crying. Little did I know...!!!!!

hedgie said...

Closing down shop here, too. Prayers for all.

NatureNut said...

Past bedtime!!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) ♥

PA Nana said...

Goodnight & God bless all.

Costume Lady said...

It is 38° here right now, going down to 25°...the wind is really blowing hard!

So, DANA, you lived in the house across the street and your father built it?

Now I lay me down to sleep...


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Watchers!

The nest is lighter this morning that I've seen it at this time. It's wonderful. God Bless those eggs.

Paula, glad you made it home safely - I'm not a BBridge fan in calm weather - can't get off that thing fast enough!

Shirley, so happy to hear that Luna is going to be okay. If it's the Tachrylimus (sp) - it's good stuff. My boy, FloBear gets it 3x a day, but it has saved his eyesight.

Congratulations Sharon and family on the engagement! Woowho! Of course, you get to shop for a dress, too, Sharon!!!

Hope everyone had a fabulous Valentine's Day. Getting ready for the return of warmer weather again tomorrow, but ValDay was nice to see sunshine.

Lori O. said...

Guess it's darkest before the dawn - nest is nearly pitch black now. Still, can see Belle's white head.

magpie said...

Good Morning Lori!
Wow you do get up early, guess you are clocked in now and tickling the airwaves...

I'm glad if YOU can see something at the nest, all I see is Big, Black, Blog (as Wanda once described the Bear Cam site before the cubs were born...)Venus is bright in the East but not bright enough to light up the nest, and the Moon has set...soon we will have that Moon all night, a couple of days from now.

I have lost sound :(
Again :(
on everything including email dings...not just at the nest.Couldn't even hear the Westvaco ad on Outdoor Channel.

Wind has diminished, some...

Guess I need to do a restore, had sound last night up to the end but it disappeared in the dark of night
so, off to do that now, which takes a little while.

Hope you have good day

magpie said...

I can't even see the white head
Dinosaur computer, and I am NOT at work which is where I would see at least that !

magpie said...

Lady Blackwater is moving around on HER eggs, but those eggs are very near to hatch time...maybe she "feels" some movement in them ☺

magpie said...

going to dig into my morning prayers while this computer tries to fix itself

Be Back Later...
in the meantime:


Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

control panel says not audio devices, I've been through this before, I DO have them......
Hi Bye Lori
That white head will be presenting itself before too much longer


Lori O. said...

Hi Margy!

I can tell where Belle's head is, but I wouldn't know what it was if I didn't stare at it daily.

It is the darkest I've seen it though.

magpie said...

and just why did your last comment disappear, young lady ???
glad I am a fast reader !!

okay, Hi Bye again...


magpie said...

oh now I am really confused...
maybe it was NOT your comment that disappeared because now it is there again..

Lori O. said...

I forgot a word so I edited. :)

magpie said...

nest is light.
I got sound back, but NOT at the nest...had the Westvaco sound
Belle all tucked in, catching a few more winks....

anyone going outside soon, check out Venus in the twilight, East, nice - Planet of L♥ve you know...

okay, later

magpie said...

OK !
Two at nest now

magpie said...


I guess Belle flew out

was two eagles two egglets

Lori O. said...

No - it WAS there & I copied it -- then I deleted it. THEN I pasted the old comment on a new blog post and inserted the missing word.

And, you're right. I didn't think you would notice. ☺

magpie said...

well I guess it was Belle...that left...
too early for me and I was away for a short bit while computer was fixing...

Lori O. said...

Dang, did I miss a switch?

Is that Lib in there now?

magpie said...

yes there was a switch...
at least one...had thought it was Belle all tucked in when I got the computer back up, Lori...someone else if watching can say more
then I saw the other come in eggs were exposed briefly, the Royal Two....then switcheroo took place

back in awhile

Lori O. said...

Alright Eagle Experts, I know you're watching, is that Belle or Lib in the nest now???

Risking embarrassment, I'm guessing it's Lib.
Anyone know?

magpie said...

Guess What, before you get too chatty here:


WV sUSAn said...

Good morning Eagle peeps! Fourth time in a wk my power has gone off so I've hit the ground running this morning. Whew. Had to stop in quickly and play catch up.

Comgrats to Wamda and Gene. Woohoooo and congrats to Amdrew and Kelsey

Hope meds help Lunas eye.

See we still have two blessed not so little eggs and looks like sweet Lib is in the hot seat.

Hope ankles, knees, backs and hearts are healing today. You folks are great!

Gotta go get ready for work. BBL

magpie said...

Okay WV sUSAn
don't forget to

have a good day at work..hope the weather is nice and Charlestonny sunny ! ☼

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...