Friday, February 25, 2011


More wind...fresh thread.


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magpie said...

Thanks Lynn...hoping for a quiet night too

thought the wind would be the first thing on the local news....
it is NOT

time to find the fairy,
and head out the door

Prayers that all our illnesses and ailments take a BIG HIKE overnight..

and prayers for all our other needs also

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Mema Jo said...

News is over - I think we should have sunshine tomorrow.
I have the hic-cups! the kind that shake you!

I am going to hit the pillows anyhow!

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for everyone
Hugs for everyone....... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

NatureNut said...

Time to hit the hay----
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>) and Prayers for all

PA Nana said...

Good night everyone. Prayers for those in need. ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Gee, Diann...good to see you, even if only for a moment! Hope all is well with you and Jim! Been missing you!

Judie....are you saying that the incision still isn't healed????
The swelling is probably not related to the incision itself, but just to the entire mechanism of injury.

Oh, yes, we ARE our own worst critics when it comes to cooking! And, Lolly, I know exactly what you mean about the holiday meals---too tired to enjoy it until the next day!

Guess Andy or Wanda will bring up the rear. Saying my goodnights, too.
Hoping and praying that everyone feels much better tomorrow. Don't think we need to worry about blowing away!
Prayers and peace.

hedgie said...

P.S. A cow in Iowa had triplets....very rare. Humans are 13 times more likely to have 3 than cows are. Cuties!

paula eagleholic said...

Going to say my goodnight's...last load of laundry is finally done.

C U tomorrow.

Hugs to all ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
I'm dragging in here to wish everyone a very restful good night!
Hubby and I got most of our grocery shopping done. Have a couple of items to look for at Target tomorrow. Wally World hadn't stocked their shelves, and the place was a 3-ring circus. Just about the worst I've ever seen it!
Emma has been a real rip-snorter tonight! She apparently has cabin fever. Much better, though, after running like a wild Indian all over the house for about an hour! She's had her dinner, and been out in the rain to go potty, and is now snoring peacefully. Still haven't heard from the dog trainer at Petsmart about getting a refund or finding another class in April. May have to call HER!
It feels SOOOO cold tonight! This is definitely an ARCTIC rain! Time for long johns!
We are watching the bulldogs for the weekend, and possibly Monday morning.
Oh, my gosh! Did I mention that they are forecasting SNOW here down to 500 feet?! Actually expecting some in MALIBU!!!!! That may make the news back East!
Well, my brain is fading fast. Judie, thanks for turning on the night light! Hope Darth feels better tonight. Bet your dinner helped! Sounded SO good! (I doubt you've lost your touch in the kitchen--it's kinda like swimming or riding a bike. Once you've learned it, you're all set!)
The porch light and the security systems are on automatic pilot, so to speak. Have said prayers for everyone--especially for Lynne,Steve, Darth, and Luna. Sleep well, and stay warm and cozy! Will be back tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all of you! :o]

Costume Lady said...

We had a fun evening at GG's, it's like party time every Friday...Love It!
I changed the bandage on GG's lesion (thank you, Lynn) and it looks good, no bleeding and a bright pink...nothing looks nasty like I imagine cancer would look.

Have some little videos, but too tired to fool with them tonight.


magpie said...

Oh just peeking at the nests and the blog....some people here in the county getting rip-roaring tonight but nothing too bad so far...

Lady Blackwater and Lady NCTC Belle seem to be sleeping sweetly, hope the rest of you are too ☺

magpie said...

mother birds are waking up at NCTC and Blackwater

hope all mother birds on here have a good day

and everyone else too !!

finishing up a not so bad work night here....


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Everyone - trying to get caught up on life around the nest.

Lynne & Steve - so sorry to hear you're still not feeling better, well you Lynne. Glad you got back to the doc.

Judie, 4 months to heal is a very long time. What does your doctor say? Sounds painful anyway.

It was pretty exciting reading about all the hoopla with the intruder at the nest yesterday! Prayers for a calm day and rest today.

Paula, loved your note that the first egg is 21 days old today- I can't wait! Big smile.

LOL when you said house wouldn't get clean without visitors coming over.

I say the same thing. Nothing gets a house clean quicker than someone coming over! :)

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Margy and Wanda!

I'm just so thrilled to not have lost power yesterday!

BEagle said...

Good morning Eagle Fans!

I cannot bring up Belle and Lib this morning. YET.

BEagle said...

I think I need a screwdriver and a wrench this morn.

BEagle said...

Both on the nest.

BEagle said...

Lib is getting up and allowing Belle a turn.

BEagle said...

Two very smart looking egglets in the nest.

BEagle said...

Belle is rolling and fluffing.
She rocked her boat on them.

BEagle said...

She is so very pretty sitting there being mama.

BEagle said...

Prayers are going up for Lynne and Steve. This flu season has been awful on people. It's been going on at work too.

Waiting to hear about Luna.

BEagle said...

I made my son laugh telling him about #82 laying her egg and scooching it into the egg cup.

BEagle said...

Belle was just fluffing and stuffing. I think I will check on the other nests for a bit.

BEagle said...

Then I will start tackling the dust. Where does it come from?

BEagle said...

Lib is back. Brought a hay bale with him. lol.

BEagle said...

He just picked up some of the fluff he brought and flew off! ?

Is he working on another nest?

BEagle said...

Belle is rolling her eggs.

BEagle said...

She is now facing southeast (as we see it.)

BEagle said...

TH is sitting. Still two eggs I think.
WE rolled her egg. Still see only one.

BEagle said...

White Rock working on the nest. It's still dark there.

BEagle said...

I better go check the White Rock nest on the forum. The eagle sat down on the egg cup then got up.

I thought the eagle was checking size and fit of the egg cup.

BEagle said...

I cannot tell if White Rock laid an egg. They act like it but when the eagle gets up, I cannot see into the egg cup.

Maybe someone else will check it out later.

Don't see anything on the forum about it.

BEagle said...

It's snowing on the Decorah nest.

BEagle said...

Eagle gone from the White Rock nest. I don't see an egg on there. I was beginning towonder.

BEagle said...

Belle is fluffing. Putting small sticks and fluff exactly where she wants it.

BEagle said...

Vian chicks are getting big! They are having some breakfast.

BEagle said...

I hear geese but do not know which nest they're near.

BEagle said...

BWE has a mess of food on their nest.

magpie said...

Feeding time at BWE -
live feed at NCTC is kaput for me..nothing coming up...
Good Morning everyone...I think you are out there somewhere

I know BEagle and Lori are up and about

magpie said...

did see the last egg-tending at NCTC on the Still Cam

magpie said...

wow took four or five minutes for live cam to come up but I have it now...
with sound

BEagle said...

Breakfast at BWE. I see three bodies but only two heads.

Oh there is the 3rd! He better wake up to get breakfast.

The adult has an errant white feather on the right shoulder.

magpie said...

each of the Blackwater chicks seems to be getting some chow

BEagle said...

Hi Magpie! It took a while for the NCTC cam to come up this morning.

Belle is now facing Northeast.

BEagle said...

Belle's up to tend the eggs.

magpie said...

more egg cup tending NCTC

magpie said...

lots of nice bird sounds at Decorah

sounds like Tundra Swans and/or geese there too

magpie said...

things are up close and personal at Decorah, nice cam

BEagle said...

Magpie. Can you tell the difference in the swans and geese calls?

BEagle said...

The Jordon Lake eagles are looking more like eagles now!

magpie said...

I need to try to get my block of sleep in all at the same time today...going to work on that NOW

Best wishes for a good day everyone, whether at work, home...or wherever

See you all later on


Lori O. said...

Good Morning BEagle and Margy

BEagle said...

You can even see the snowflakes at Decorah. No guessing there!

magpie said...

BEagle...I think there were both at Decorah...
thought I heard the same at NCTC the other day too...
just not sure what other kinds of things are adding to the concert...
so, yes, sometimes I can, and sometimes not...

Okay, have fun cam-hopping !

BEagle said...

Hi Lori!

Decorah is rolling that speckled egg.

magpie said...

almost just missed you Lori...

Say hello to Kate for me...
hope you are at home today and enjoying some free time

Okay, Hi and Bye ...

BEagle said...

Uh-oh. I just heard a shot over one of the cams.

BEagle said...

Have a good time today Magpie.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Haven't caught up on comments, but Belle is hollering again.......Up out of egg cup.....

BEagle said...

Belle is raising a fuss!!!!!

BEagle said...

Belle is standing on the nest looking around. Did I read where she did this yesterday?

BEagle said...

She flew off to the left.

BEagle said...

That must be Lib that flew onto the nest from the right.

hedgie said...

Guess she was calling for relief.....poof and Lib in---I think!!

hedgie said...

Wanda, skin cancer (usually a basal cell) doesn't look bad. That's why they are often dismissed as not warranting a dr. visit! Of course, once removed, it doesn't look any different than having anything else rmeoved from the surface. Mom has had 3 removed from her face in the last year or so.

Andy, we did hear about the possiblity of snow in San Fran----did they get it???

BEagle said...

I think Paula wrote the ages of Belle's egg.

I will have to go search for that. I don't remember when and where.

BEagle said...

We need some sunshine!

hedgie said...

Mai has been in basement crate drying off muddy paws. ARGH! She also had a bloody foot----I think the stick she was playing with must have snagged her. :(
Time to go let her come back upstairs.

BEagle said...

There's some rustling and knocking at the mike.

BEagle said...

I sure hope Mai's paw is okay.

hedgie said...

BTW---I had two loudly honking geese go right over the house a little while ago. Strange to only see two.

Lori O. said...

I just read this story of Eagles starving in Canada this year, some falling from the sky, so I thought I'd try to post the link since I haven't heard anyone talk about it.

Eagles Starving

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

Lynn - look! You're tutoring on entering links worked! Thanks.

Costume Lady said...

I guess the geese are 'pairing up' now.
Question, Lynn: why does the doc want me to keep vaseline on lesion to keep it from drying up...isn't that the idea, to form a scab and disappear?

Costume Lady said...

Good going, Lori:)

hedgie said...

Hurray....Pet-In at National Zoo.....protesting the cancellation of the Kids' programs by the O-blam-a admin. Probably won't do any good, but we can always hope.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Please forgive my bad manners for not getting on last night to say good night. Jack and I were both reading until after midnight. I was just too tired to get on! Yikes!

Gloomy here but think the sun is supposed to come out later.Hope so!

Will be going to church soon to prepare communion for tomorrow. Think I will clean up my garden there at the church today. Need to cut back the verbena. Then we are going to Laurel's mid afternoon.

Need to check cams!

BEagle said...

Thanks for the article Lori. Sad news.
Isn't Maj the lady that got Phoenix from the Hornby nest last year?

BEagle said...

Ahhh. Communion. I have been working on the wine and bread through the Bible.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning to those in Eagle Land (: and lurkers.

Loretta lol you cracked me up (which I needed) when you said "talk to Peggy!!!". Thank you for the smiles. (:

Waiting to hear news about Kath an Luna.

Judie I don't believe it is the incision. I believe it is the injury that was done to the ankle/foot. Those take a long time to it seems to stop swelling. Glad Darth is better...let him cook some and keep the foot up a little more for awhile yet.

I put my bird feeder back up this morning. Are the birds ever happy. Got the water dish back out there too. I love to see them drink. I did forget I think to add to my list yesterday the black cap chickadee.

wvgal_dana said...

Enjoy your day Lolly.

Hi BEagle love your comments. Keeps me up to date.

Lori your a big help with that too ty.

BEagle said...

Oh. I didn't realize that Darth was feeling bad.

Prayers going up for Judie and Darth.

BEagle said...

NBG eggs in view. Looks windy there.

BEagle said...

I couldn't find Paula post about the age of Belle's eggs. Guess I will have to count now. :(

BEagle said...

You're welcome Dana. Your posts are a big help also.

: )

BEagle said...

I wonder if MemaJo got over the hiccups.

Going to study a bit and dust a bit.

hedgie said...

Bloody mess in BWE----yuck! But eaglets are alone!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

BEagle...The first eggie is 21 days old today!

hedgie said...

Very good, Lori! You did it!
Have been following the starvtion thing to some extent on FB. Very sad. Just too depressing to talk about it. BEagel, I was thinking that Maj was the lady who rescued the young juvie that got knocked out of the nest when a truck hit the tree-----was that Pheonix??? I get all these nests and birds mixed up! Which nest had the infection??? Was the Hornby?? Duh!

Wanda---he might want it NOT to scab over----healing from inside out instead of outside in. They did Mom's the same way. It probably lessens scarring that way, too.

BEagle said...

Thanks Paula! 21 days. Not too much longer. Getting goose bumps thinking about it. : )

BEagle said...

Hedgie. Phoenix died on the nest with something like pneunomia that humans get. It was last year at the time she was preparing to fledge.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, thank you, Lynn! I thought I might have misunderstood. I have to do the vaseline and bandage thing everyday for 10 days to 2 weeks. I asked her if it hurts and she said it didn't , but sure does itch...asked her NOT to scratch it!

Lynn, I'm sure we are all so gratefull to you for you 'NURSE LYNN' advice. You don't know how much it means to get your advice and second opinion!♥

BEagle said...

Back to study.........later.

About 100 posts till the split! (snort) : D

Costume Lady said...

DANA, every time I see that TALK TO PEGGY commercial, I crack up...we have all been there and done that;)
Loretta has a great sense of humor:)

I think I will finally be able to get my Lobster tonight! Going up to 50° amd sunny...just right for enjoying a little shopping and dinner:)

BEagle said...

But not before I get to see the fuzzy heads at BWE!

Costume Lady said...

BEagel, what are you studying?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Wanda, Lobster dinner sounds great. Glad ya'll finally get to go.

Tell GG the itching means it's healing!

BEagle said...

Oh. I am studying the Passover in Exodus. The significance of the blood on the doorway and the meal.

Judie said...

Wow! I had no idea humans are three times more likely to have 3 cows than cows are. lol Thanks for the chuckle, Lynn.

Nest looks quiet and comfy this morning. Nice to see the sunshine.

Wanda, Lynn is correct. Basil cell stuff is usually nothing to fret about. Probably won't even leave a telltale mark after healing so GG will be her ever so beauteous self.

About my incision, the doctor is an orthopedic trauma surgeon long on outstanding reputation and skills but not warm & fuzzy. "These things happen and we may have to do surgery to remove that pin." Won't be MY first choice and was quick to say so.

Have had an unusual late breakfast of eggs and bacon followed by a frantic attempt to secure a slice of the quickly disappearing apple pie -- get it now or forever wish I had. Darth has "apple pie breath."

Phoenix died as I watched. Just toppled over. I could not believe my eyes. Waited for what seemed like forever before I could accept reality. I believe I remember it was a group of vet specialists from Vancouver that did the necropsy. Death due to a parasite. Adults are bringing in nest materials now and saw one yesterday sitting looking around. No eggs yet.

Darth feeling some better this morning. Thanks you all for your good thoughts.

Okay, off to do some reading after checking some critter cams.


paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll our nest :)

hedgie said...

Just finished "cleaning" yard, if you get my drift! SIL is supposed to come measure for new fencing so didn't want him tromping in ****.
Mai is back in downstairs crate drying off muddy feet.

glo said...

I hope Mai doesn't think she's been bad every time she goes outside and gets muddy and then ends up in basement in her cage for a while. I understand the mud issue, just wondering how Mai is putting that together. Guess its more than cleaning off the paws. I keep a towel by the door in muddy season sometimes a wet one too and wipe the mud off as Dex comes in. He is sort of like a rag mop.

When I seem to disappear for a while sometimes it has to do with sadness on the blog that I can not help in anyway and I just can't follow and read it any more for a while; or often will just say a quick Hi and well wishes for the day.. When my spirits lift I come back and read more closely for a while.

I am NOT AT ALL saying to not put sad stuff on here. You all can certainly BLOG about anything you want too. There are just times "Many times wild animal related" that I just can't read it anymore. So I go away for a bit.

Whether or not I BLOG if its not snowing in the nest I usually have that pop up popped and I am watching our Royal Pair.

hedgie said...

Thanks, BEagle and Judie...did the juvie that Maj rescued have a name? And the location was....???

The parasite that killed Phoenix is the same one mentioned in Lori's article, I believe.

Glad to offer medical help whenever needed. Wanda, definitely tell GG not to scratch. My Pop did and site on his schnoz never did heal up after the treatment for his basal cell. Reminded Mom about that often.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - I am really tardy today as stomach was a little upset earlier. Good to go now.

Enjoy your lobster, Wanda just as much as Darth enjoyed the apple pie! lol

Belle seems relaxed today - hope everything stays that way.

Lynn, Are you putting up more fence line?

BEagle - hiccups finally went away before I got in bed.

Lori thanks for all the morning comments - Hoping that Kate is comfortable.

Judie I remember watching Phoenix
and I can still picture him. Very sad thoughts also for the adults.

Mema Jo said...

GLO, I respect your feelings and how you handle them.
Hope you're getting a lots of votes on
which pics you will submit... They are all so beautiful... BTW - where did that ostrich come from?

hedgie said...

So glad you are finally going to get your LOBSTER, Wanda!!

SIL Shannon wrecked the ladder truck at work today...:( Not injured. He was backing it into the station and another piece of auxilliary equipment snagged something having to do with the ladder. Gonna get lots of ribbing from his fellow FF's!

wvgal_dana said...

So Darth has apple pie breath does he lol

Enjoy your Lobster Wanda (:

Yes Lynn you are our nurse in here.
We thank you for the help you give us.

Glo I enjoy each time you come in and I get to read your comment.

glo said...

MeMa Jo Yes I have had lots of folks stop by and let me know their favorite photos. Looks like K is going for sure and most likely h. Have the rest of the day to decide between a couple of others folks sort of like equally.

The Ostrich photo was taken on my way home form Georgia at a place called Noah's Ark Club House. I had followed it on Facebook and knew if I was ever near Macon GA again I was going to find my way there. Rescues animals and also works with troubled kids. They use many of the animals in Pet Therapy. It was indeed an awesome place. I only spent an hour and a half there BUT if I lived in the area I would definitely be volunteering there with those folks. That ostrich was maybe 4 feet from me and I was hoping he/she would not spit on my lens as I snapped LOL

hedgie said...

Glo, unfortunately Mai doesn't have little Dex feet-----her paws are HUGE. YOu wouldn't believe the amount of mud she drags in. Can't leave her loose in basement because she gets into or onto everything. I just can't keep lifting her into tub----she's over 30#. Think I'll try a footbath in a basin, if she will behave and not try to bite me.

hedgie said...

Jo, replacing fence. Afraid that it's not tall enough if Mai decides to try to jump it. So far, so good.....but can't take the chance, cause I could never go chasing after her if she got loose. That fencing is 19 yrs. old, rusted, bent from where deer have grazed it with their hooves when jumping through yard, and the posts are so rusted that they probably would crumble in the ground if pushed on.

Mema Jo said...

Watching Jordon Lake - there are 5 nesting pairs at the lake..... Sure looks like there is a female and a male when looking at their size.....

glo said...

LOL Hedgie Yes I know the mud is the issue indeed. Lots of mud I do get your drift. Hmmm I would love to see her co-operate witht hat foot bath thing but well guess time will tell. I am glad you are getting a new fence for her. Hopefully soon she can just stay outside til she dries of a little or maybe :-) you can hose off those feet before she comes in. I do understand. Just wondering what Mai thinks.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Glo our Lasho Alpso would get muddy feet. It would stick to her paws and up her legs. Would always work on her standing on one or two towels. Getting water and the wide comb and un-muddy her. She did not like it. She did bite me a few times. Well that sometimes goes along with that breed. Loveable girl though.

Mema Jo said...

Turtle Bay is incubating their 2 eggs.

PA Falcon Cam - turn down volume

BEagle said...

Here is bits & pieces of the article about the fungus that took Phoenix. The parasite infestation was a result of her weakened state I think. She had no parasites in her, just on her.

Aspergillosis is a respiratory infection caused by Aspergillus fungi; Aspergillus fumigatus is the species most commonly responsible for infections in wild birds. Also susceptible are compromised individuals (e.g. oiled birds whose immune systems are stressed) and young birds whose immune systems are not fully developed.
The infection is not transmissible from bird to bird; individuals become infected upon exposure to spores. It can present as a chronic disease, or as an acute and quickly fatal disease. Phoenix’s infection was the acute form.
In acute aspergillosis, birds are usually in good condition and have good-to moderate fat deposits; the disease is often characterized by sudden death of a previously healthy bird.

Mema Jo said...

The female falcon was in the box when I posted but she quickly high tailed it out of there....... She was very vocal.......

Mema Jo said...

I just got Server Error 503...........
Someone said it didn't happen anymore..

But it did post my comment ......

BEagle said...

It was Maj Birch that picked up Phoenix.

BEagle said...

Glo. I understand what you are saying.
Sometimes there's sad. More happy is better.

On the lighter side, I am happy to hear you got over the hiccups MemaJo!

BEagle said...

WOW. That falcon cam is LOUD!!

Lori O. said...

Hello, Jo, BEagle, Dana, Glo & Lynn! A great afternoon to you all.

Glo mentioned about reading sad things ... I get upset reading sad things where they don't write what the reader can do to help the situation, like who is accepting donations, personal actions to take, etc.

Lori O. said...

Bless you Jo, since I didn't get to say it when you had the hiccups. ☺

BEagle said...

Yes Lori. Along with the articles about Phoenix, there came international curiosity. The articles will promote the issues that are against the eagles. We don't hear so much about the outcomes, just the disaster; but there is some relief that comes about.

BEagle said...

Is that Belle on the nest now? She is arranging all the fluff, dragging it from side to side until it's just right.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lori - thanks again for you and BEagle's comments this morning

Going to get a light lunch ...


Mema Jo said...

Tee Hee - just thought of something Lori

When someone has hiccups you don't say "bless you" - You say "BOO"

hedgie said...

ROFL, Jo---I was thinking the same thing!!!

I just got the 503 error, too.

hedgie said...

Glo and Dana----Cinnamon was VERY foot conscious----she was ALWAYS "grooming" her feet----she didn't like having her toenails cut at all, but until her neck issues prevented her contorting her body the right way, she would chew her nails! Any mud she got, she washed off with her tongue!!

Was really hoping all that wind would have dried out the ground like it did last week---but no such luck! Guess the melting snow contributed too much water!

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for the Decorah Iowa snow to stop. Their cam is beautiful but the male incubating their 1 egg is getting snow covered.

Eagle in nest in snow -

BEagle said...

I got the 503 error too.

BEagle said...

The pop out cam on the Decorah nest is nice. You can by pass dingbatty chat.

hedgie said...

Awww...poor Mai. We were playing ball. Suddenly I saw blood on my sleeve---she hadn't been biting, but was "kissing"---looked and she lost one of the nasty canine teeth....and it was bleeding. Found it, tho', so now I have 4 puppy teeth in the collection!

glo said...

Well MeMa Jo I don't know that male by name LOL or love him.He has no personality and has not left talon tracks on my heart. BUT I do think about all of them who are now nesting in the snow etc. I really hardly watch any other cams now. I do have a couple of other eagles out there that I am somewhat attached too though. One rolled her egg into the nest bowl recently and the other is quite old and has also laid her first egg of the season. I will check in or read about them some this season BUT if the news gets sad out of those nests I will avoid the details as best I can.

wvgal_dana said...

Awwwww Mai is loosing her baby teeth. It wasn't Mommies blood it was from Mai's teeth.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Hope everyone is well and enjoying Saturday!
I'm busy doing transcription homework today, but thought I'd better drop in and say hello.
Hey, Lynn, one less canine tooth (and 3 to go?) I promise the adult teeth are much better! Bet the new fence will be really nice!
Gosh, haven't checked our weather yet. It has been raining here in my neighborhood. The closest mountains should be covered with snow, but can't see them for the huge cloud cover there. Will check the next news broadcast and let you all know.
Well, back to work for me--nose to the grindstone! BBL... :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Lynn, you think Mai is a mud puppy? Bet Emma could beat her with one paw tied behind her back! She is a mud MAGNET!--But, she washes her own feet nicely. Just puts the whole big foot in her mouth, and licks it clean! Since she LOVES the water (as all spaniels seem to!), a foot bath with the hose would work well, if necessary.LOL :o] Later, alligators!

Mema Jo said...

ROFL - BEagle if I ever read
Dingbattie chat - Decorah takes the
prize! You get put in Time Out - You can't use caps! That's not for me.........

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo Mai ! You just might get a biscuit from the Dogie Tooth Fairy
You could get Mai 2 pairs of Mud Boots!

movin said...


GooD MorniNG, sLL.


It's only supposed to get up to the low 50's with rain showers today, but so far it's pretty sunny. Still only 54° though. So I guess it's another "wet your finger, hold your hand outside the door, and see what goes down" kind of day.

I've actually been semi-awake for several hours, but I got easily side tracked on the way to here. Sorry.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Lolly said...

Chuckling...know what you mean, Jo, about using caps. Was following Lily chat one day. Someone was really getting all over someone else for using caps. Really?

Have been to church. This is my last weekend to prepare communion. Then we worked in the prayer garden. Chopped back the Lantana, think I said verbena earlier...wrong, raked and cleaned up. Looks a lot better. Left home with a jacket on, took it off while working and wished I could strip more. Got hot!

Mema Jo said...

Ted and Lucky are awake in their den

Going to check on Lily's den

Lolly said...

Another good laugh...doggie tooth fairy.! Laurel is going to the poor house...both boys have been loosing teeth, two this last week and the tooth fairy forgot both times!!! At 38 she is having senior moments!!! LOL Both times she told the boys they must be getting up too early. LOL Sure enough. they found their $ later. Too funny!

Lolly said...

And yes, at 10, Joseph still believes in the tooth fairy and Santa. Bless him!

Mema Jo said...

Jim - better later then never! Good to see you. I often get sidetracked for an hour or more at a time... I think with me it's just that I forget
where I was headed...... Hope your sun stays out!

Mema Jo said...

We have an egg roll in our nest

BEagle said...

Yeah. I will go into another room to get something and forget what I went for. Then I go back to where I thought of it.

That works actually. Except I noticed I had to do that three or four times in a row. lol.

BEagle said...

I am going out to dinner tonight. :)
Lobster sounds good but....I might stick to steak.

BEagle said...

Cute story about the tooth fairy.

paula eagleholic said...

You can see the crops on the BWE chicklets :)

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle at our nest

BEagle said...

Get a load of those eagle feathers on Decorah. Both adults. Gosh it would be nice to see Belle and Lib that close.

BEagle said...

The mail just flew off. The lady will take over.

BEagle said...

Oops. There are certain words that don't get highlighted by spell-check.

The male just flew off.

BEagle said...

Nice breeze at the NCTC nest.

Lolly said...

LOL BEagle! I love it when others do typos. I do not feel so alone then!

paula eagleholic said...

When my dogs get extra muddy in the yard, I walk them out to the front yard, put them on the chain and hose 'em down!

When their feets get muddy, sometimes I use a wet towel...gets the mud off better than a dry one.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle I bet that was airmail

I know what you mean about spell check.

BEagle said...

The BWE chicks are covered up now. I do see a big crop of food items though.

BEagle said...

Happy news! I miss the Pelican Harbor nest really bad, so I checked to see if I could get updates on their new nest.

They are installing a cam! Up close to the nest. Yayyyyyyy!


hedgie said...

Yep, Andy, only 3 to go. The other new teeth are just beautiful---don't know about back teeth....assuming that they came in as adult teeth.

Wow, such a difference in the weather between you and Jim, Andy!

Mud boots----there's an idea!!!

BEagle said...

Did something land on Belle's back?

Mema Jo said...

Headed out the door for Mass

Then Dinner down in town at
The Main Cup......


paula eagleholic said...

Catch ya later...

Lolly said...

Heading out. See you guys tomorrow. Be good! :)

Judie said...

New thread, Y'all come on over!

hedgie said...

Three little eaglets all in a row at BWE!!!! Got a pic---will post on my Lair and send to lisa!

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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...