Friday, February 04, 2011


Evening thread.


floralgirl said...

Thanks for the new thread. Empty nest, hoping Belle comes back tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh thread - we were almost to 500! Have a good weekend Steve.
Hey Megan! Thanks for the call over!
Are you angry with Lib!?

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for the call over.

Steve have a nice weekend.

That is the one couldn't recall the name of it ... thank you.

hedgie said...

Read this garbage:
NRA on lead ammo

WV sUSAn said...

Thanks Steve. And thank you Megan for the call over. Think Belle will be back around 11:00? That's my guess.

Lolly said...

Jack just told me my bears are too loud. LOL Who does he think he is insulting my bears!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynn. I am a hunter and searched for lead free ammo last year -- 270 150 grain -- to no avail. Trying to do the right thing but couldn't find. Dark and empty nest. Hopefully soon to find lead free whatever the law says

WV sUSAn said...

Lolly. The bears are loud. Ok. Now quiet. Ha

Judie said...

Cannot express in words the extreme anger I am experiencing.

Yet again, my attempts to access the live cam are being met with "Adobe Flash Player has Crashed" Then I am asked if I want to receive a "crash report."


This same problem kept me from seeing Palmer hatch and raised and fledged. No matter what or how often I updated I was unsuccessful. This has been going on since just after my last post today. I am going to bed.

Will check the blog to know when the first egg is presented for inspection. Sorry. Thanks for letting me vent. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!

Lolly said...

Ahhh, Judie! Sorry you are having that problem. What gives?

hedgie said...

Oh, Judie, okay to vent, but DON'T give up the ghost!!!! Reboot and re-install Adobe just HAVE to see the big events!!!
Know the frustration you are feeling. :(

WV sUSAn......I have no problem with responsible hunting. My premise is that lead ammo is no more effective than lead-free. If lead-free is all that is produced then it will be readily available and prices would come down.

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo! me mad? no. They are doing their thing and I'm enjoying watching. They know what's up, it was funny to watch him bump her out of that cup to add fluff. She could've gotten back in it if she wanted.
Judie,sorry you're having issues. I agree, I would try rebooting.

hedgie said...

Sure is a good thing I went back and looked at the info from the behaviorist. I was thinking Mon. was the 8th----duh! It's Tues. Weekend will seem longer than I was anticipating.............

Lynne2 said...

just popping in to say hello. Been watching on and off today, trying to be productive!

Lynn, the article on Golden Eagles was great! Sad about the hit by train eagle though.

I was laughing when reading about all of the Libelleantics today!

Judie, how frustrating! Hope it can be fixed ASAP.

Going to go read awhile before bed. If I don't get back, have a good night everyone~

Mema Jo said...

Almost that time of the year to see Snowmobiles at the snowman cam. Deer at Okie Bird Cam in OK

NatureNut said...

Good Grief--copied from old thread~~~
Good Evening eagle peeps!Nest is MT now. Saw a neat eagle at National Harbor! We had a small field trip for late lunch and got some pics there. Put on Blog.
As you probably know, the Harbor is near the MD side of Wilson Bridge, close to the trees where George and Martha Eagles had nested. No nests there now, but heard George nested further down the River last year.
Guess we maybe should pray for an egg! They should be ready. Glad they've waited for hopefully after the storms.
Have some room for din-din! BBL

Mema Jo said...

Eat you hearts out - BEAR Lovers ROFL

Just finished a phone call from Kristen
You all should remember the trail cam and the black bear her hubby captured.
Kristen & Hubby & Bo (dog) are sitting in their living room looking out the sliding glass door to the feeders and
the black bear is having a feast! She
was so excited! The bear started going back down the hill and when Bo barked after having been very quiet the bear took off. BUT within 2 minutes he came back and is finishing his feast - She had to call Jenny!

Lolly said...

Oh, I am jealous! How fantastic! I really have a thing about bears. I would love to live in an area where there are bears.

Lolly said...

Guess I will just have to settle for armadillos. Booo Hissss!

floralgirl said...

Pretty cool, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Daughter & Hubby can't decide who will
take BO out for potty! lol

Mema Jo said...

Taking a TV break...........

Hoping for some white feathers to show up in the darkened nest........

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

I'll try to keep this brief. I found out the test results on Boo today, which is what I expected. He has a tumor on his pancreas, most likely it's cancerous. I was planning on getting an ultrasound done to see if any other cancer could be detected...and then go from there.

I got home tonight, and Boo was unconscious on the kitchen floor, but still breathing. I got my neighbor to help me get him in the car, and I took him to the emergency vet hospital in Frederick.

I don't know what the outcome will be. They are trying to get him stable.

I'll call the vet around 10 and see how he is. Right now, I'm taking my drink upstairs, and I'm going to snuggle with Nugz. I may or may not check back later.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Love you all.

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Loretta, I didn't realize that Nat'l Harbor was on the MD side!!!
Really want to go there!
Love your pics!!! Is The Awakening the one that was moved from Haines Point???

Jo, tell Kristen I am jealous. Wish my bear would come back. Or show himself if he is still around. Now that I have a better camera, I could probably get a pic so that people would KNOW it is a bear!!

floralgirl said...

Oh, Paula, I am sorry to hear that. (((hugs)))

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, my heart is breaking for you, So very sorry to hear this news. Wish I was there to support you. I, too, was afraid of that diagnosis. Hoping that Nugz is giving you some comfort. Lots of love and hugs coming at you all, and prayers going up.

Lolly said...

Paula, I am so, so sorry. Yes, You and Boo do have our prayers and our love. (((hugs)))

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you and for Boo, Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Paula I certainly wish the news would have been different. I know this is very hard for you and I'll pray for the
best outcome possible. ((hugs))

glo said...

I am so sorry to read about Boo Paula I am glad Nugz is there to cuddle with. You certainly have done and are doing all you can to try to help Boo. Prayers coming your way.

stronghunter said...

I am having trouble staying online tonight. Not sure why. I am going to sign off and go upstairs.

I will be thinking of you and your sweet pets, Paula.

Good night.

floralgirl said...

Hearing what sounds like a fox on the live feed.

stronghunter said...

Still here. Kathryn came down to say that she has gotten involved in a chinchilla rescue. The owner lives in a single wide trailer with a whole bunch of people. He does not even know if the chinchillas are male or female. He says they are tearing up his home. (Does he let them run free and unsupervised?)

I guess Kathryn will get them tomorrow and bring them here, but Susan is going to need to find a home for them. We have our limit of pets here. The poor critters might be better here than where they are, but they do not need to live in this circus.

Lynne2 said...

Just checking in hoping to see an eagle in the nest but no.

Paula, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Love and Hugs and Prayers for you and for Boo.

NCSuzan said...

Oh Paula. I am so very sorry about your baby. I am asking for healing.

Judie said...

Paula, I am so very sorry for Boo and for your heartache. Prayers of comfort are being sent to you.

Goodnight, everyone.

magpie said...

knowing you are nuzzled up with your dear Nugz....I send my prayers up for the three of you...
and prayers for the veterinarian team also.
I am so sorry....

We are here for you....
(( hugs and love ♥ ))

magpie said...

I bet you were hearing foxes at the nest...
late one night last year I was hearing one or more,
Paula was the only one still awake
at the time
we talked about it
went to site for fox and other animal sounds
it matched the sounds for foxes
got the nest up now
hope to hear it again
sometimes they sound like a cross between a cat and a hounsd
used to hear them years ago when at a hunting camp

magpie said...

hound not hounsd

magpie said...

that is so perplexing about your live feed
I recently re-did the adobe thing, also reloaded Java...
and have tried a bunch of other stuff
live feed hangs up for me
but I can manage okay with what I have...
there are some great computer whizzes on here....
I'm hoping someone can walk you through what you need to get what YOU need !!

magpie said...

almost overslept
was having a dream that I didn't really need an alarm clock to wake up so when they went off, I was dissing them

magpie said...

"they" - plural - I need two !

magpie said...

No matter what time we wake up

Let's offer our first morning prayers for Boo and Paula and Nugz...

magpie said...

What a neat Bear story, Jo
I think I can sort of picture it in my imagination...
they are in what general area again?

magpie said...

I have spoken with a resident of the Tomahawk area, last year, who said he had seen a couple of Golden Eagles out near Hedgesville
spoke with him when he was fishing at Swinging Bridge
will have to check with local DNR and see what they know
also need to check on the status of Eagles' nests at Sleepy Creek
Thanks for that link with the picture Lynn

My buttons on live feed finally look different...took me awhile to find the sound button
it moved !

magpie said...

also have a friend who has seen Bald Eagles, juvenile and adult
near McCoys Ferry...which is near the Potomac....
that was last year
need to make a little foray out there sometime

Best wishes for a good night, precious Eagle friends...
Hope Sleep is Sweet...
especially for Boo, Paula, and Nugz

See you in the maybe slip-slidey morning light

How about those crazy conditions in Dallas for the Super Bowl!!
who would have ever thought it !

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

I hink the caffeeine is kicking in here !

hedgie said...

I managed to miss the last half of CSI: NY.....nodded's taped, so can catch it later.
Heading for tub. Will see you fine, fowl friends in the AM.
Special prayers tonight for Paula and Boo and Nugz, and a couple other friends in need of healing and comfort.

Margy, be careful in the morning!

Mema Jo said...

I watched my tv shows - MT nest
Maybe Belle is waiting for Sandra's
b-day on Sunday. I think it happened once before.....

Mema Jo said...

Well Lynn I won't tell you the ending but it will surprise you! Good Show!

Going to close down - Take care

Goodnight Everyone and peaceful sleep
Prayers for all of you and your pets and family and friends........
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Nest is still empty. I am heading to the shower and bed. Eyes really bothering me tonight. Guess they are tired!

Special thoughts, love, hugs and prayers for Paula and Boo.

See you in the morning!

God bless!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I bet your eyes are tired due to all the glare from the snow! ((hugs))

PA Nana said...

Just in to leave a message for Paula that she and Boo are in my thoughts and prayers.

Prayers for all others' needs and wants.

God bless

Lolly said...

Still no Belle in the nest. I am leaving it with the nightowls now. Guess that is you, Uniqueie. Did I get that right? Probably not! LOL

NCSuzan said...

1:30am and all is quiet.

PA Nana said...

2:15 am and no action.
Going to bed.
Sweet dreams

Lynne2 said...

wee hours check....empty nest.

Costume Lady said...

4:00 am and empty nest.

NCSuzan said...

Still a lonely nest.

Lynne2 said...

2 in the nest, looks so bright....night light on? pretty dark here.

Lynne2 said...

I've got that one second herky jerky feed again.

one standing in egg cup one up front

Lynne2 said...

standing one poofed

Lynne2 said...

second out of egg cup plucking at something towards front

Lynne2 said...

standing there looking around

Lynne2 said...

eating nestovers, I don't guess the big moment is here!

Lynne2 said...

back to fussing in the egg cup with fluff

Lynne2 said...

laying in egg cup again

Lynne2 said...

hasn't moved a muscle except to look around.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Lynne2!

Dang no egg yet.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Lori! Nope, not yet

Both in nest now. One diggin in egg cup

Lori O. said...

Both are back and nest eating something.

Lori O. said...

Maybe they were just playing with fluff instead of eating.

Lori O. said...

And they're off - poof!

Lynne2 said...

double poof....

Lynne2 said...

well, so much for morning excitement!

I will tune in later......

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I see we now have 2 eagles and no eggs.

My first waking thoughts and prayers this morning went up for Paula and Boo. My heart aches for her as she deals with this whole situation.

Of course not far from that is constant concern for Tom and Jack who also continues to struggle. In all my years I had never known a dog with seizures and now I know 3. I just don't understand what is bringing on so much more seizure activity in our animals. I think it is food related whether or not it is insulin/pancreas related as in Boos case. We need lots more research and info in that area both medically and nutritionally is my guess.

glo said...

Well there were 2 eagles when I started my comment but now there is an empty nest hmmmm.

Lori O. said...

Lynne - Love your Sopermalu shirt! Guess you're a Steelers fan.

I'm not a huge football fan - but from PA. Not a big Rothlisburger fan either.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Do have live cam this morning -- yippee! Hope is continues. MT nest -- wish otherwise.

Wondering about Paula.

Rainy morning here. Going for coffee and newspaper. BBL

Judie said...

Hope IT (live cam) continues. Need coffee.

BEagle said...

Hi Eagle Fans!

I just noticed our cam has a different tool bar at the bottom of the screen. I don't remember seeing that before.

Belle and Lib are out at the moment.

Judie said...

Hi Darth here.

Rest easy everyone. Judie has her live cam and I just brought her coffee. She will not be tearing up the blog or anything else soon.

And all is at peace with the world and Judie.

Darth [aka House Husband]

hedgie said...

Morning all. MT nest now.
I, too, have the different toolbar on the cam---again.
Judie, SO glad cam came up for you.
Wonder what Paula has found out.....extra prayer for her.
We have a thin glaze of ice....don't think I will venture out driveway yet.

BEagle said...

Paula and Boo...prayers for you. I just read about the happening.

BEagle said...

Bears will be bears.

The NC and NBG nests are getting a snowy rain.

NC mom is an umbrella.

BEagle said...

NBG mom is looking might wet.

BEagle said...

NBG mom rolling egg and digging them deep. I don't know how many. Looks like one so far.

BEagle said...

NBG cam zooming in on the egg roll.

BEagle said...

The SQ mom is sitting on a nest of snow.

BEagle said...

That is wild. I checked the OR cam last night and not a speck of snow.


Costume Lady said...

Darth, so glad Judie has you as her HOUSE BOY;) Many men wouldn't be so attentive...because of your TLC, she will get 'BACK ON HER FEET' sooner. (((HUGS)))

BEagle said...

I hear the bears.

Costume Lady said...

It rained a COLD rain, off and on through the night and it was 32° most of the night.
I was so glad Belle wasn't on the nest. I think building the 'new' nest has thrown her laying time up a week or two. Remember, one year she layed her first egg on Valentine's day. So, it could be a while or any time for that matter:)

BEagle said...

There was an eagle on the BWO nest. The BWE eagle is patiently incubating.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Once again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Boo.

I went to Frederick last night, and gave Boo lots of hugs and kisses and pets, and held him while he crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge.

RIP my dear sweet Boo ♥

BEagle said...

That's what I was afraid of. I am so sorry about Boo.

hedgie said...

Hi, Darth!!!! Nice to see you, too! You are a very good househubby!!! Thanks for taking such great care of our favorite professor!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, I am so very sorry. I know how much it hurts. Just always remember the good times you shared with him and know that he is running free and with no more trouble. ((((HUGS)))) and love coming your way. We are here for you.

stronghunter said...

So sorry, Paula. All of us who have lost pets understand so well what you are going through.

God bless.

magpie said...

Dear Paula
I am so sorry for you, Nugz, and all the family on the loss of your precious and beloved Boo.
We are here for you...
you have a lot of our telephone if you need to...
my cell phone is always on...
Love and Hugs, and Prayers....

♥ Margy ♥

hedgie said...

I put a new pic on my Lair. Check it out. Way cool.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Oh, Paula, I am SOOOO sorry to hear of Boo's passing! My heart is breaking for you! Prayers for you, for Nugz, and for the whole family. I am glad you got to spend some time with Boo last night, though. I know he appreciated that. RIP, dear Boo!
I know you will be missed. ((HUGS))!!

NCSuzan said...

Oh Paula. I am so sorry. Bless his heart and bless yours too.

stronghunter said...

Was interested in the comments about fox sounds, so I found some examples. Flash and Luna thought they were very interesting. Got an immediate reaction from Flash.

Hi Darth! We are so happy that Judie has you to take such good care of her.

floralgirl said...

Oh, Paula, so sorry you lost Boo, my heart breaks for you.
((( Love and hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

I can't believe that I am sitting here with tears on my checks over Boo's passing. I guess remembering our same experience at another time and place, does that to all of us.
Words cannot ease your pain, right now, Paula, so go on and cry and mourn Boo and in doing so, peace will come to your heart, soon♥

Costume Lady said...

Funny that you would mention Fox sounds, Shirley. I thought I was hearing a fox last night, but it was so faint, I'm not sure. Maybe a fox was barking at a cat for trying to eat his food. We put a ton of left-overs out near the cam yesterday. Will bring the card in and see what is on it.

BEagle said...

The Jordon Lake chicks just got fed.
They were looking pretty wet!

Yes, it is a wet and weepy morning. I just go ahead and cry. It's good for the soul.

hedgie said...

Wanda, I've been crying, too. But crying is does help to let go sometimes and ease our hearts over many sadnesses.

Ms Bookworm said...

I have been MIA for a while here--just got VERY busy yesterday, with lots to do. Spent a LOT of time trying to wear Emma out, and have decided that's nearly impossible. She spent a LOT of time chasing after her tennis ball, though, and then took a very long nap. That allowed me to get lots of grocery shopping done, which worked out well.

I'm so glad Judie has the live feed for the nest again! Sure is frustrating when it's not available, to say the least! Nest is MT right now, but hope Belle and Lib will be back before long!

Well, going to go search for some coffee--maybe some breakfast,too. Will check back in a bit later. Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

wvgal_dana said...

I am here

My words of sorry for Paula and Nugz just won't began to touch how she is feeling. I know she thanks us all and has and will appreciate the prayers.

For me for now I shall leave and come back when I can better function. later

glo said...

OK so I have only read back a few blogs and was trying to swallow a bit of cereal and of course it sticks in my throat as the tears well up. I am so very sorry Paula that you have lost Boo If only our fur friends who are so very much our family could live out their lives in our arms as long as we live it would take away so very much of the pain we who choose to love an animal must eventually face in their passing.

Boo had a wonderful home and Mom and enjoyed a live full of love and care. You were both very blessed by the time he spent with you in this world and in your arms and home. He will be right their with you in your heart forever. We all so very much know this. If he could he would kiss your cheek and say MaMa I am OK now and I love you and always will. Please don't be sad for long. Remember the good times we shared as I always will.
Hug my buddy Nugz for me today and play with him in the snow or something he loves to do and help this time pass for him too.
Love Boo

Costume Lady said...

I do wish, at times, that we had a dog, again, but don't think we will go there! I do have a sweet little ggrandson who played ball with me last evening:) He learned to sit on the floor and roll the ball to someone in front of him. I'd like to think I taught him, so I'm not going to ask if anyone else did;) He just giggled and giggled. Then, he got tired of me and took the ball to someone else to play with...took turns with everyone. He is 14 mo. old now...we all love him to pieces!
He sat on GG's lap a long time, he doesn't usually let anyone hold him for very long...he is very independent, a Free Spirit, if you will:)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Glo, now you've brought my tears back!

Costume Lady said...

But, beautifully said, dear lady:)

BEagle said...

I just heard the bears and at first, I thought it was my stomach growling. :)

floralgirl said...

Eagle alert!

hedgie said...

Eagle in nest.

BEagle said...

That was very sweet Glo. I like to hear about your g8 grandson CLady.
So cute.

hedgie said...

I am so glad to hear that Mark Kelly is going to resume training and command the April shuttle. News conference on NASA TV now----he is speaking. I know that Gabby would push him to go if she could.

NCSuzan said...

Lonely looking eagle in nest.

NCSuzan said...


floralgirl said...

Lib flew out, Empty nest.

hedgie said...

Glo, you have a wonderful way with words.....even if you did make me cry again.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning
Such kindness and caring I am seeing for Paula and Nugz concerning Boo. Many tears have fallen and prayers have been raised up for Boo & those who have loved him. I think the most wonderful experience is what Paula was able to do with Boo and it was to be with him as he crossed over. Paula, I pray for you to find peace in remembering all the happy times with Boo - I know there were many.
((hugs to Paula and Nugz))

BEagle said...

Just checked out the video of Nugz and Boo playing in the snow last year.


Judie said...

I am so sad for you, Paula. I'm sorry. You and Nugz will help each other through this.

WV sUSAn said...

Paula. So very sorry for your loss. RIP Boo. You were very lucky to have a momma who loves you so much.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, I am with the rest of you, tears streaming down my face. Paula, we are feeling for you. ((((Hugs)))) We are all here for you!

Have seen only one eagle in for a short visit since I have been on. Happy to see the nest looking good.

Bright sunshine here and up to 35!!! We will be adventuring out. Need to get to the grocery store and to church. Have communion to prepare.

Lolly said...

That was interesting. I shut down all sites last night. When I went to post I did not have to sign in. Hmmmm?????

WV sUSAn said...

Fly in

floralgirl said...

Eagle alert! with a stick

BEagle said...

Belle just flew in.

floralgirl said...

Now both! There's Belle

BEagle said...

Lib is busy digging and Belle is busy watching.

WV sUSAn said...

Two on nest

BEagle said...

Belle is taking Lib's place now.

hedgie said...

Yep, both.....let's see how today goes for them..oops, one out.

hedgie said...

BEagle, every once in a while, I am lucky like that and not have to sign in. But it is rare!

kickngbird said...

New thread

BEagle said...

Lib flew off while I wasn't looking

BEagle said...

Lib back with a nice big stick!

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone.
NEW THREAD!! Come on over ☺

WV sUSAn said...

Oh where to put the stick

BEagle said...

Lib just doesn't understand that when he brings a stick back it then belongs to Belle.

hedgie said...

Gee, wind is blowing at nest......not here.

Lolly said...

Can not get the OK cams up. Have tried several times. Apparently some are able to get it, but not others. Anyway, read the blog, and there are now two eaglets in the nest.

Laurel called and while talking with her saw the HP!

Lolly said...



hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...