Monday, August 09, 2010


New thread.  Back from NH. 

We will be doing some major maintenance on our systems this week. 

The cam sound will likely be affected by this work most of the week.



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Bob Quinn said...

Off to a meeting. Will drop back later.

movin said...

Hey, thanks for the new thread, Steve. Hope you had a great weekend.... I'll call the troops over.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Well I know I am part of the troops!
Hope your NH trip went well - Please retrieve all turtle shells from the nest when placing the new camera - Thanx

Mema Jo said...

It feels hot hot today. 90+° I'm sure.
Had lunch with Jenny and guess where we went - Dutch's Dungeon!

Heat really takes the energy out of me.
Going to put my feet up!


stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve and for the call-over, Bob.

stronghunter said...

Please gather those turtle shells for our Jo.

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Hi, Bob. Bye, Bob.

Jo, does the Dungeon have the same menu as upstairs? Bet you got crabcake!!??

Hey, Maggie shares her birthday with Smokey the Bear!!!!! Date....not year! He is older than me! 66 to be exact.

hedgie said...

Kids had a really great trip!! Some adventures....saw monkeys in the rain forest, but don't know what kind they were----duh!

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Home from dr. appt. Sending email.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update and new thread, Steve, and the call over, folks!

Lowreeda, glad to hear you have some wrens!

LOL, luv your request, Jo. The dungeon is great.

Lolly said...

Loweeda, our little wren babies never chirped. Both nests this year were silent. We could look in and see them, but they are the quietest babies.

Lolly said...

Oh this is weird! I posted, it was there, I saw it, made another post and the first one is gone!!!! Alright!!! Who is stealing my posts!

Lolly said...

Judie, went looking for your email. Am waiting!

Lynn, glad you have your daughter back home. Laurel is not looking forward to our leaving next month. She says "when are you leaving? I need to know when the boys are going to get sick." I am her back up! However, her mother in law has retired and she can help.

Lynne2 said...

WWAAAAAAA my post disappeared!

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, I'm sure she'll miss you for other reasons, too!!!!

Judie said...

Um, forgot my manners. I apologize.

Thank you Steve for the new thread and the heads-up about nestorations.

Need to play catch up so BBL

Lolly said...

Read your email, Judie. Got very concerned for a few minutes! But, glad you are okay and starting new meds.

Lynn, hate that you lost your post, but glad to know I was not the only one to loose a post. It was on for a minute...I saw it!

Guess now I should do some work in the house. Need to clean the bathroom and straighten up a bit.


hedgie said... have mail!!

hedgie said...

It is SO hot......96°, humidity is stifling. Hard to breathe just bringing in and putting back out hummer feeder.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, yes monarchs can be tagged! Many organizations do this in order to help biologists track the migration. It should start in our world in mid Sept and they should be descending on YOU LOLLY, mid to late October. I highly recommend the PBS "Incredible Journey of the Butterflies". I got it on DVD at the library.

Spent the morning in Poison Ivy. I was VERY careful removing it and washed up right away, before and after I came home. Clothes in the wash. Hoping for the best!

Bob Quinn said...

I'm back.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

I sure hope they save those turtle shells for Jo when they get up into the nest!!!

Lynne2 said...

I'm wondering why when they can put men on the moon, they can't find an effective lotion to apply to repel poison ivy oil.

Lynne2 said...

anyone familiar with Freecycle? Many towns have freeclycling which is a group you join. People post things they have and don't need anymore, and you can also request items. All free. Well, you just never know what you may have that someone wants...Today there was a post from someone looking for Red Rose Tea figurines, specifically March as one of the 3 months. And I happen to have one!! I never buy Red Rose tea, just happened to do so in the spring! Never threw the figure away cause it's kinda cute but I have no use for it. And now someone wants it!

Lynne2 said...

Beautiful pictures Bob, as usual!

Heading to store....

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Gang!

Thanks, Steve, for the new Monday thread, and the news about the NH trip. Thanks, Bob & Jim, for the call over.

Wanda, thanks for the info about the Propanolol! I'm hoping that Hubby can manage to adapt to it. It may just be that a combo of 3 drugs that can make you drowsy is too much. BTW, fantastic news about GG! YAY!!!

Lynne, thanks for the butterfly link! TONS of info! Love it!


I can't spend much time here today--studying like CRAZY for an English I
final exam tonight! Will be back MUCH later tonight, after class. Please say some prayers that I will do OK on the exam--it's going to be a doozie!

Hope everyone has a good day--even though it's Monday! :oD Later, alligators!

Judie said...

Okay, here I am back again. Need my blog "fix" for the afternoon.

I see that Jo has been in a dungeon maybe eating crab cakes, Loweeda has mute wrens, Lolly and Lynne are eating each others posts, unknown monkey types were seen in a forest, Laurel is so organized she plans her boys' sick days, Lynne played tag with butterflies in the poison ivy and has begun Freecycling, Lolly and Lynne have probably eaten Bob's post also. Y'all have been really busy.

Happy Birthday, Maggie.

Andy, exam prayer headed your way. Another A without doubt. Break a leg, girl.

Need to put my feet up. Got up way too early today.

hedgie said...

Well, Bob's post with the link disappeared AGAIN! So glad I got to see the pics first!! Thanks, Bob.

paula eagleholic said...

What Bob post with links? Who ate it?

hedgie said...

Andy, you are such a tease. We all know that you will get an A!!!!

Lynne, that is very interesting. I will check out that site.
If you can find it......a "silicone glove" product helps protect from all irritants (except fiberglass). I think Avon makes one, but there are others. It's a hand cream that you can use on all exposed skin.

paula eagleholic said...

Good luck on your test, Andy! I hate English!

Ooops, sorry Shirley!!

hedgie said...

The blogger cop ate it, Paula---TWICE!!! It was a link to the first set of his weekend pics!

hedgie said...

Well....I think I am going to get myself in trouble......saw the cutest dachshund puppy on the local Humane Soc. webpage.....a found stray.....she's adorable. I'm going in tomorrow to check it out........
Was reminded last night while working on slides, that both of our doxies that we had when I was growing up died when they were 10. Cinnamon will be 11 next month. They also have a Doxie/SharPei mix....male (I have only ever had one male adult dog) and 7 mos. old!!! Will find out more...........should I/shouldn't I tug-of-war here.

paula eagleholic said...

Go for it, Lynn. But remember, it's a puppy.

floralgirl said...

Hello everybody!
Have you guys seen this? someone sent me a link and I hadn't seen this cam before--Live Owl Nest Box Cam
Barn Owls Online- Live Owl Nest Cam With Owlets. cut and paste, I'm too lazy to make a clickable link.

paula eagleholic said...

I keep thinking about my dogs, they will be 8 and 9 this fall. Golden retrievers do not live to be old dogs...I will be lucky to have them for 3 or 4 more years.

and it's funny, one has gray on the face and the other doesn't!

hedgie said...

Yep, Paula....and a very young one, too. Barely looks weaned. Good exercise for my lungs---trips up and down steps!

Lynne2 said...

I'm glad I saw the pics before Bob's link got eaten.

It's really very annoying when the blog acts up like this.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn thanks for the heads up on the Silicone Glove. I'll try to find it.
How do you think Cinny will react to a puppy? Many times I've seen older dogs get a new lease on life when a youngster comes home. BUT, sometimes they don't appreciate it. Maybe the shelter would let you bring Cinny so they could meet on neutral ground. Better hurry, a cutie pie like that might end up with a waiting list of potential adopters!

Lolly said...

Yes, I was wondering what links??? Never saw Bob's link!

Go for it Lynn! A puppy is a lot of work but oh, so much fun! Might even pep up Cinnamon. When Annie goes do not know what we are going to do. Jack is NOT a pet person and it is a hassle when we travel. It is going to cost us an arm and a leg to board her while on our trip this fall. May have to do without a pet as long as we are traveling. I may cry a lot! I really will want another Siamese kitty!!! Maybe a Ragdoll! Oh, I would love that!

hedgie said...

Megan......will check link...there is a Sportsman's Paradise at Falling Waters---NOT a desireable location!
There was one on the news yesterday morning, but I never found the cam.....

Usually, the larger the dog, the shorter the life span. :(
Cinnamon grays more every week.

floralgirl said...

This barn owl cam is in California.

hedgie said...

Megan, that IS the sight I was looking for!!!! Thanks!!

hedgie said...

Oh, I know, Paula----just a coinky-dink name.

hedgie said...

Good grief.....average DAILY death rate in Moscow is 360/day. With heat and smog, it has neatly doubled to over 700.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is finished and it is still too hot for me to go sit on the deck. Glad I have sliding glass doors to watch the birds and squirrels.

Lynn The dungeon's lunch menu I think is the same. Yepper I got my crab cake and coleslaw - They're the two items I like best. Jenny got the crab dip - its yummy also.

Lolly said...

Ahhh! Crab cakes, lobster, lobster rolls.......New England here I come!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Guess I could start thinking about dinner. Hmmmmm???? What should I prepare? I am hungry! lol And, I know Jack would like to eat.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't see Bob's newest photos
I tried to locate on his site but can't
Maybe Bob will return or Lisa will post the link on BWO

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch some news/game show.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't have Bob's new photo place bookmarked either.

Lynne2 said...

OH LYNN!!!! Almost the farm today, I HEARD THAT SOUND AGAIN!! And I saw the bird!!!! WAY up in tree, and of course I had no binos with me OR my camera(I never learn) but it was grey with a lighter belly. I saw it from below sitting on a branch and did not get a good enough look to tell right off what it is.

hedgie said...

That's the right link, Paula.

hedgie said...

Lynne, I have not heard it again.......must have something migrating through.....

paula eagleholic said...

Oh this thing is really gobbling up posts...just ate my last one with a blue link to Bob's pics

Mema Jo said...

OK things are getting weird again on this blog. I just used Paula's published link and looked at Bob's pics. Now the link of Paula's isn't there.
Loved all the eagles but sure hope they don't fly into any of those

Mema Jo said...

BBL Hope all the comments are here!

Judie said...

Lynne, did it look like a gray robin? May have been a towhee.

Not fair everyone, especially Jo, talking about crab cakes. No appetite tonight but still jealous. It's all about ME and crab cakes!

I know how you feel Lolly, and others I'm sure. I so desperately want two more cats, preferably Siamese, but I don't think Darth will ever consent. I miss our last two so very much. My dream/wish is to find two shelter Siamese and an older dog that doesn't need much exercise or training. The health benefits are tremendous. The emotional benefits are beyond words.

paula eagleholic said...

Sound is off at our nest.

hedgie said...

It apparently is a problem with clicking on links cause that's when Bob's disappeared before.....someone clicks and it disappears! Guess we better stick with copy and paste until it gets straightened out.

hedgie said...

Judie, would crabcakes stimulate your appetite? Send Darth to get some carry out!!!

Lynne2 said...

sound off expected Paula...they are doing work!!

DANG my post with the link to Bob's pictures is GONE and so is the post with the link to my song.....that's the clue Lynn, posts with links.


No Judie, too big for a towhee. Will look at some pictures this evening and see if I can figure it out. I sure wish Darth would consider are so right about the health and emotional benefits!

Gotta call Steve in off his mower, time for dinner....

Saw that butterfly Lynn! Really pretty!

Lynne2 said...

The Missing Links HAHAHAHA oh brother

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I can see we are getting silly, tonight:)
You did it Lynne!
Could your mysterious bird be a Cat Bird? They do make weird noises and meow like a cat.

paula eagleholic said...

Well my one post didn't have a link, just a copy and paste.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Lynne, saw the post about the system work. Just letting people know the sound was off.

paula eagleholic said...

Megan's post is still there with the barn owl copy and paste...

hedgie said...

Wanda, had that eerie greenish-cast sky again this evening here.

paula eagleholic said...

Munch munch slurp slurp


It ate my copy and paste link again!

hedgie said...

Is there someone you can send a message to, Paula?

Lolly said...

Ate my post today too and it did not have a link. However, I did make it blue and underlined. I was asking Steve to save the turtle shells for Jo.

Lolly said...

Well, it posted now. But lets see what happens next????

Lolly said...

Okay, it happened again. I made blue underlined post. It was there for a minute....then Poof!

paula eagleholic said...

Didn't like my copy and paste again either

paula eagleholic said...

You can report it to blogger...

hedgie said...

How do we do that, Paula?

Judie said...

I am sorry the blogger cop is so hungry and needs to eat up so many posts. Maybe it needs a crab cake and cole slaw?

Long time since 5am and very tired now. Thanks to all for your support.

Tomorrow should be better. Going to a meeting about wills and assets, etc. Long past time to revise and update. How upbeat can my life get?

So, turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, heading back the hallway (for crab cakes), to the tub, to the shower. Off to see the sandperson.

Until tomorrow morning...

Lolly said...

Nite Judie! Pleasant dreams!!

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Judie. You deserve a good rest after this long day!
Those nasty legal things CAN be depressing, but a necessary evil!

Lolly said...

I am thinking of heading to the shower. Nite all! Maybe tomorrow the monstrous blog eater will have disappeared.

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Good night, Lolly! Sleep cool!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Want to thank Lynn for the email about SD. How awful!
Was planning to get on here and do other things this evening, BUT~~~ended up on Beltway during rush hour after an appt.(A hypothetical~~~if one is anxious about driving on the Beltway & takes a tranquilizer, would they be too impaired to drive??☺)
Then went to get Rx at drug store. They said it would be ready at 8PM. Yeah, right! Was there for 45 minutes after 8.
Was looking thru some jewelry and the little plastic drawer pulled all the way out & fell between dresser and wall! Was rearranging found pieces w/drawer on the bed. Big cat, Binky, decided to help!P/up again. Then Fubby wanted to go to bed, so I scooped up a handfull & got stabbed in finger by pin on a broach! End of that project.
Other than that, it was a beautiful day!

hedgie said...

It is still 83° here.....

hedgie said...

Goodness, Lowreeda---a true comedy of errors!!! Guess we all have days lile that, but they can be discombobulating (one of my grandpops' favorite words!).

Mema Jo said...

I sat in front of the TV this evening for 2 shows.. I think I am going to put my puzzle table up and work on a new one.
It was almost 2:00 when Shirley said she would be back later... I hope that blogger cop may be the reason and that everything is ok.

NatureNut said...

Lynne, you may have hit the hay, but am curious about your strange bird & the sound. Another large gray besides mocking bird are the cuckoos. We've been hearing them a lot lately at Park & Chelsea farmhouse. And you won't really hear a cuckoo sound--I've been hearing a loud, low Koo, like enhanced dove sound.
BTW, This evening, I was able to hear tiny cheeps from the birdhouse AND saw a tiny beak tip when Mom left the house.Now the mystery will be are there more than one?? Stay tuned...

Mema Jo said...

Ready to head back the hallway

Good Night everyone and prayers for all
Karen & Kailey you are in my prayers.

(((Hugs for all))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My blue underlined comment (not a link) is still there

NatureNut said...

Lynn, my Dad used that D word!!

GlaD TO HEAR YOU WERE IN CONTACT W/DAUGHTER AFTER THEIR TRIP. sOUNDS EXCITING. Sorry, I'm not going to retype all the caps...(the a is right next to the caplock button--duh!)
I read back, but didn't see if Bob had a new set of pics. I have his gallery in My Faves & can check. Is the blue thingy making posts disappear??

Costume Lady said...

I hope BOB comes back tomorrow and gives us a link to his photos again. Many of us didn't even get a chance to peek at them:(

I didn't get in on the Judie email. Something I should know?
Hope everything is OK there!

Tomorrow, I get a "new knee". I've been walking with the assistance of my Eagle Cane for about a month now. Last shot didn't help much...doc put it in the wrong my opinion! (upper knee, instead of lower knee). If this shot doesn't work, then I will be looking into a REAL "New Knee"
Tomorrow is Soup Kitchen day.


hedgie said...

Yep, Loretta, seems to be blue links---when first person clicks on it, the whole post disappears! Weird!
So glad you have seen a wren!! Cheep, cheep!
The bird that Lynne and I have both heard does a short, staccato Coo and they do it in quick order 12-20 times in a row, and then start again in less than a minute. I only heard it one morning----about 10 times.
Jo, I am planning on a puzzle, too, after I finish the slides and get my eyes checked!
Goodnight, one and all! See you tomorrow. Prayers for all.

hedgie said...

P.S. Wanda, Paula put the web address in regular text this evening for Bob's pics---just copy and paste!
Judie's email is on Momster mail---she had a good apptmt. with the Dr. More tests coming and he changed her medicine.
Tell the doc to put the injection in the right place tomorrow!!!

stronghunter said...


Wanda, Judie had a good conversation with her doctor and there is nothing to worry about. I am sure she will provide you with the details.

I went out on some errands after I posted my last message. Paid a bill, went to the library and did some shopping. Thought I would buy myself a jewelry box, but ended up buying two pairs of jeans for Hunter. Funny how those things happen.

I am heading upstairs with a book. See you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I just got home from school. That final exam for my English I class was a real stinker--hope I get a good enough grade on it! It's like I studied TOO much, and my brain just said, "Forget it!" This teacher does really complicated tests, and you just don't know quite how to study for them. Nobody felt as if they did really well, so don't know what to think! The final grades will be posted on Wednesday...MTBR!

Lynn, I think you should check out the puppies, and take Cinnamon with you, to see what she thinks. Meeting the pup on neutral ground would be the very best way for them to meet, too. Hope all goes well!

Judie, I'm with you--doubt that my Hubby would EVER consent to another pet, but would SO LOVE to get at least one! Would be happy with even a guppy at this point! I just about give up. Guess I'll have to talk to my houseplants more often!

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's a conspiracy against Bob's pics! lol

Here's where you can see them!

Fell asleep reading a book! Got up to let the dogs out! Back to bed! See ya tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Andy!
Have a great evening!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn and Lynne, your "mystery bird" has me going. Lynne, how big is it?
As big as a dove, or smaller?

NatureNut said...

I know everyone has probably it the hay, but Lynn, & Lynne, you might want to check out Cornell Birds--they have sound of each and we have 2 cuckoos around--the yellow-billed and the black-billed. One of my bird books does list a long staccato version of he call. Both are 12"-y-b has a very distinctive underside of tail if you should see one perching. It had wide, round-edged white stripes on dark, whereas b-b has more narrow stripes on tail.
Re: tagging Monarchs---some of us did that on butterfly counts starting over 15 years ago.You wipe a few of the scales off near the stiff edge of forewing and attach a tiny, numbered Post-it like tag over the edge. Doesn't hamper them at all.Info gets sent in just like after a bird count or banding.

Well cuckoocajou---Pleasant Feather Dreams.

Ms Bookworm said...

Sorry I missed Megan this evening--thanks for the Owl cam website!

Hope your flowers are surviving--don't know HOW you keep up with all the watering you have to do in this hot weather!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, it's getting kinda late, so think I'll go veg in front of the TV for a bit. Leaving the night light and the porch light on for others. Prayers said for everyone, especially those in need of healing.
The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, everybody, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Lynne2 said...

BINGO LORRETTA!!! Yellow-Billed Cuckoo!!!
I did look up the song for that bird the other day on but the noise I heard there didn't match. But that IS what the bird I finally saw today looked like now that you have mentioned it again. SO I checked Cornell's site and there is a series of sounds but the last ones sounded very similar. Further investigation to and they had several recordings and sure enough, that's my bird!
I'd post the link but I know what will happen......

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Lynne, glad you figured out what the mystery bird is.

I put the feeders back out. Saw a little birdie looking for breakfast this morning.

Hope that the grackles have moved on. I suppose they have to eat, but I don't think I can afford to support them. Too bad they come in such hordes.

stronghunter said...

Checked the cuckoo at Cornell. I think I remember hearing that call once.

Lynne2 said...

Good MUGGY morning all!

Shirley, the grackles probably have moved on. Here, at least, they usually only show up in a large group for a day, just a few times a year. Even during the blizzard last year when they showed up, they didn't stay but one day, and only a half day actually, even though there was food aplenty for them.

I took 3 cuttings from one of the rouge butterfly bushes and popped them in the ground and they are doing well so far! I just have to keep them watered. We did move the other one closer to the house and it promptly died...BUT, I didn't move it out. I just cut it back almost to the ground and sure enough there is lots of new growth!

hedgie said...

Morning all!
Happy 10th Birthday Yang Yang at Zoo Vienna/Tiergarten Schönbrunn, Austria.
Yep, Loretta and Lynne have found the right bird----I can vouch for the sound! Have not had any visual sighting!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just getting on quickly and then heading outside. Another HOT day and have a chore to do with my roses on the fence.

We heard cuckoos in Italy, but they sounded like the clock! Have it on video, it is wonderful to listen to.

Have a great day.....I'll be baaaack!

stronghunter said...

Heading upstairs to do some chores. BBL.

Bob Quinn said...

I posted the link to my photos seven times yesterday and they disappeared each time. Lisa posted a link on the osprey cam page and on her Twitter page. I added a bunch more late last night.

hedgie said...

Out of luck.......both of the pups have already been adopted........:( "Some time ago" she said......then why don't they take them off the website????? Grrrrr.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Bob.

Actually, my cut and paste from 12:55 am is still there...scroll down to the bottom, click on Aug 7th

paula eagleholic said...

Aw, Sorry Lynn. They must not have the staff to keep up the website...

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning everyone! Waiting on oldest daughter - today is Tues. When you retire you keep track of which day of the week it is by who is coming to see you! lol
I am so glad you ID'd the cuckoo I would love to hear it.
Hope all butterflies are doing well. I must check out a plant on my deck for eggs.
Shirley I am chuckling about jeans vs jewelry box. Oh how often I have done something similar.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Bob! Really strange about the disappearances. Love all the pics!! Left another comment for you.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - sorry about the puppy not being available - sounds like you had made up your mind to look at him. I agree with their website being up to date.
I guess it wasn't meant to be and that there is another one out there waiting for you and Cinnamon!

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo---guess that's why I get lost sometimes----no one comes to visit me hardly at all!

Shirley---I got a lovely jewelery box a couple of years ago at JCPenney. Was still using one that I got when I was a teen!

Who is going to be brave enough to try posting a blue link again?? I will on a seperate entry.

hedgie said...


Listen to a cuckoo

Lynne2 said...

I clicked on the link. Post is still there!

hedgie said...

Hooray!!!! Thanks, Lynne!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, your link is still there, Lynn.

movin said...


GooD MorniNG,

Have a good day,



C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Lynne2 said...

heading out to get car's emission test done. BBL

hedgie said...

Alaska small plane crash....reports that ex-Sen. Ted Stevens(AL) and ex-NASA chief Shean O'Keefe were on board. 5 fatalities; 4 survivors. No word on who survived yet.

hedgie said...

Andi, glad you have that bad final exam behind you. I just know you did well!
Are you heading for a summer break? Or do new classes start right away?

Mema Jo said...

I opened the link and it is still there, Lynn.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break


stronghunter said...

Lynn, I looked at Penney's and found a nice one. It will be on sale on Wednesday, so I am waiting. I also found a really nice one at Belk's that was mahogany. Really nice, but much more expensive. More than twice as much as the one at Penney's will be when it goes on sale.

I saw some others that just looked and felt cheap. One on display had obviously had a broken drawer that had been stapled together.

I am thinking. I like the mahogany one. It is pretty, and when you open the drawers, it feels nice. I am not used to spending money on things like that, but . . .

I just want to keep my necklaces from getting tangled and to be able to find things easily. I don't have a huge amount of jewelry. Both of the ones I like have hooks to hang necklaces and little drawers to keep things separated.

hedgie said...

Go for it, Shirley. We are at the age and stage of life that we need to treat ourselves!

stronghunter said...

Andrea, I am sure you did well in the English exam. They have really put you through the paces in that program. I hope you get a fantastic job when you finish.

movin said...

Hey, they have some great Island Reports this week (or two)...especially the most recent N. Islands report. It has a lot of beautiful pictures, AND there's an absolutely awesome video of A-71 getting some flight and soaring time in on the updrafts and thermals rising from some beautiful cliff formations.

Check out some of the reports when you have time..

Channel Island Reports

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynn. I am really not talking about a fortune here. I keep telling myself that. The nice one even smells like luxury.

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Been busy trying to catch up on some home chores.

Forgot Darth and I have to go meet with a finance person before we revise/update our wills. So will be gone this afternoon.

Couple of quick read through comments.

Lynn, so sorry about the puppies. You will find just the right one(s). Keep looking, please.

Jo, enjoy the day. I keep track of summer days by when I absolutely have to do something.

Happy the links seem to be working again.

Happy also that the cuckoo has been identified. Don't believe I've ever seen or heard one except for a clock.

Okay, off to try to make myself presentable.

Have a nice afternoon, everyone.

movin said...

Hmmm. I thought the female eyass of Finney's had flown south last week, but there she is with her brother on the nest now.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Another hmmmm. Both adults at BWO, it looks like, but no eyasses this time.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Bob Q., that's a great shot of the two BWO eyasses on the camera stand.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Good updates, Jim. Pics were great. Don't know if that chart is "newer" than the last one or not---didb't fine-tooth it. Saved and it asked if I wanted to oversrite (last one) so I did. Will have to study it a bit.

hedgie said...

Think I need to turn light back on---typos!! Turned it off to see if kitchen would stay a bit cooler...

movin said...

Have a good day, Hedgie and all.

Got to do some "act like an adult" stuff around here.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska killed in a plane crash--CNN.

stronghunter said...

Plane crashed in a remote area of Alaska last night.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!

Just got back in from sweeping up the patio--a whole paper grocery bag full of empty seed hulls! The gardeners just got here. Hope they remembered to get replacement sprinkler heads.

Lynn, thanks for the cuckoo calls--don't think I've ever heard one, either. Glad you and Lynne managed to figure out what it was. Sorry to hear that the puppies were already adopted. Nice for them, but a big disappointment for you! Please don't give up--I'm sure there's just the right pup for you out there somewhere!

Ms Bookworm said...

I'm sorry to hear of the plane crash in Alaska. Guess we'll hear more as the day goes on.

Shirley, if you like the more expensive jewelry box, go for it! If you don't get it, you may be kicking yourself down the road a bit. We need to treat ourselves to things like that occasionally.

Oh, Lynn, I almost forgot--my last final exam is today, for my Practice 3 class. I have next week off, then it's back to the old grind.

stronghunter said...

Good luck on that last exam, Andrea. And I hope you enjoy that week of freedom.

stronghunter said...

I need to finish tidying up my room and my dresser. Then I will decide about the jewelry box.

Ms Bookworm said...

Golly, look at the time! Need to get a bit of lunch. Will BBL. Have a good afternoon! :o]

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Interesting meeting. Lots to think about.

Andy, good luck on the exam tonight. Just keep thinking about next week -- yippee!

Shirley, do get the dresser cleaned off so there will plenty of room for the new jewelry box.

Feet going up. BBL

hedgie said...

Ace another one, Andy! Bet you can't wait for next week!!

Judie, rest the brain along with the feet! Heavy stuff this morning, huh?!

Just turned on CNN---hasn't said anything yet about O'Keefe. Such a good looking guy he was while he was at NASA.

hedgie said...

OK---O'Keefe and his son survived.

stronghunter said...

Strange . . . George was meowing in his sleep. He must have been having a dream. He sounded pretty upset. Seems to be okay now. I was a little afraid to touch him for fear he might be dreaming that he was under attack, but he woke up without a problem. I put a towel over him before touching him.

My mother once got badly scratched when she touched her cat as he was looking out the window. She thought he must have seen another cat and thought he was under attack.

stronghunter said...

Ironically, Stevens had survived a prior plane crash that killed his first wife. Not many people experience more than one plane crash, though I am sure people who travel in Alaska fly more than most of us.

hedgie said...

Just heard that , Shirley! They said he suffered from survivor's guilt.

O'Keefe's son is still a teen.

Ms Bookworm said...

Back again. Got some lunch, did some wash, and got some housework done. About to go shower and head to school to take my last final. Will definitely be thinking about next week--no problem with that!

Will BBL this evening to check in.

stronghunter said...

Good luck, Andy!!

Grackles are back.

Lolly said...

Jack and I worked in the yard this morning and just about died! It was so hot and we were in the sun. The roses on the fence needed to be cut and tied to the fence. Got the job done and then I had to water and repair the holes the armadillo made last night. It was bad. Hoping Jack will "hunt" tonight.

Then I got my hair cut. Yea!!!! I had been letting my bangs grow more!!!Should have cut it before the beach. Feel like a new person.

Lolly said...

I have stopped putting out birdseed in the feeder. The white wing doves were emptying it in a couple of hours....not even a whole day!!! Still put out suet, they do not eat that.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be able to feel like a new person tomorrow, Lolly when I get my hair cut.
Andy - great that you will get an entire week's break from school.You sure are doing a great job!
Lolly do you hold the light when Jack goes Armadillo hunting? You know "the spotter" !

Lolly said...

No, Jo, I have not done that. Maybe I should!

Lolly said...

Just told Jack I would get up with him in the morning. Groan!!!!! 4 AM here I come!

Mema Jo said...

Alright - news is over so we are putting in one of hubby's tapes for an hr and a half of entertainment.

I'll be back in a while.

Costume Lady said...

I'm back from getting my knee injection. It feel pretty good, but I guess it is still holding on to some anesthetic?
Doc said I should know in a day or two if this shot is going to work, if not, he will send me to an Orthopedic Dr. Prayers please...I have too much to do to be bogged down with a NEW BODY PART;)

GG was doing well today, dragged the hose out and watered the flowers...don't know about the garden...didn't stay long, had to go do the Soup Kitchen.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Wanda. I hope your knee is as good as new by tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Good for GG!!

Lolly said...

Prayers for you, Wanda! Know lots of women with new knees and they are doing great!! Understand though that you have plenty to do what with GG and the Soup Kitchen. So, hope it does not come to that.

Going to stick my nose in a book this evening. How novel is that?!!! I'll be back!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the prayers...I need so badly to be able to walk on my own, can't get much of anything done with a cane in one hand.
I can promise this...if I can walk without a cane, I will work even harder to catch up on things that I have been putting off!

stronghunter said...

Whoa there, Wanda! Don't overdo!

Take care of that knee.

Costume Lady said...

Doctor said to take it easy for 2
or 3 days...I will take a week to be on the safe side;)

I've never wanted to work so badly in my life!

stronghunter said...

Going to head upstairs to read. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Just cool it there, Wanda.

hedgie said...

Wanda, yep, it takes several hours for the anesthetic portion of the injection to wear off. But it should feel much better in a day or two!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - you have had a very full day.
I will pray that your knee will feel like new and that it will stay that way for a long time. Since the DR said take it easy - well, you will need to learn how to do that! I think it begins by learning to say "Gene will you get me my a drink of water".. lol

Mema Jo said...

Watching both of the chicks (I think)
at the Finney (land) nest. They are very beautiful.......

Lolly said...

LOL Jo, that reminds me of some friends of ours, Richard and Mary. They play a "game" which they like to do when there are people around. One will ask the other to do something for them when it is really something they could easily do themselves and inconenient for the other to do it. They will reply to each other with "Certainly, Dear" and promptly do it. An example one would ask the other to get them a drink even if they are standing up and the one asked is sitting and involved with something. It sometimes stuns people who are not aware. Jack and I will do it occasionally and laugh.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, now you know Gene would stand on his head for me and I would do the same for hime. But, never a drink of water, maybe iced tea or a G&T;) LOL

No, I don't have to be THAT careful. Just not walk on uneven ground or up and down the stairs a lot.

LOLLY, talkinig about playing games.
Before Gene and I started traveling in a Motor Home, when we would go to a hotel or motel for a room, Gene would pretend that we weren't married...maybe ask the attendent not to tell anyone we were there if they were asked or he would give them our names as Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones. He bad;)

NatureNut said...

Wow, it's getting late & I can't believe Blogger let me in on one try!!
Haven't read a word yet--been fooling around & working on pictures. Was waiting until there were new developments before posting any,& now there is!!☺
Watered every plant when I got home & filled the birdbaths. Noticed several sparrows sat on the big one, looked and flew away!
They were back shortly taking baths!
We had an interesting group- use our meeting room all day---about 15people from NOAA. Wish I could have heard the discussion. Most had not been at Park before but are coming back on their own.
Our boss told them about the Navy 1812 archeological investigations up river. There is a sunken ship under 9' of mud. It will not be raised, but some type of enclosure will be around it or it's site. Can only get there by boat when they're done.
I will put pics on shortly--gotta have a drink first.

Mema Jo said...

Well Wanda I am glad to hear your still able to be up and about full strength ahead! Glad Soup Kitchen went well.
Loretta I don't remember hearing about the 9' deep ship in the mud. When they finish the enclosure we might need a ride up the river!
Lolly that would make eyes stare at the couples and their games.
Hedgie are you still working on the slides?

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - does reading put you to sleep? It always did that to me.

Mema Jo said...

I have an appointment tomorrow for a hair cut... I am getting ready to head back the hallway....

Mema Jo said...

Good night and prayers for everyone
and their friends and their family..

Sleep well Pleasant dreams

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Busy evening here......two good shows to watch, but three long-winded phone calls, so..glad I taped them! Whew---I'm tuckered out.

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, I've been on the slides again today. Only have about 20-30 to go!!

hedgie said...

Loretta, read the article about the ship a couple of weeks ago....think I mentioned it here, or sent you an email....fascinating!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Got home from school a while ago. Got my schedule for next semester, and will have an English class in Punctuation (the "Politically correct" name for it is ten feet long!), and a Practice 4 class. Will have school from 5-10pm on Tues., Wed., and Thurs...Mondays and Fridays off. Sounds like a workable plan!

Lolly, I bet your new haircut feels wonderful!--especially with all the HOT weather you guys have been having lately! That's great! Not sure, but think I may have seen a White Winged Dove out here! Will look carefully tomorrow, and try to get a picture if there is one. We have mostly Mourning Doves, with a few Eurasian Collared Doves and a couple of huge Band-Tailed Pigeons.
A flock (is that the correct terminology?) of Mourning Doves about 16 or 18 birds strong shows up morning and late afternoon every day. We have about 40 or 50 house finches and sparrows, about 3 or 4 Hooded Orioles, 2 Anna's hummers and 2 Rufous hummers, and of course, a pair of Cooper's Hawks, and a bunch of Black-Crowned Night herons. Oh--also a pair of Oregon Juncos, and one lonely female Cowbird! Never a dull moment around here.

Costume Lady said...



hedgie said...

Andy, don't know if it's flock or covey or what----but for sure you have a true AVIARY in your yard!!!! Say, 4 day weekends every week doesn't sound too bad at all for you, gal!

Ms Bookworm said...

Wanda, am saying prayers for you that your knee will settle down and let you "get on with it"! You're right--you're MUCH too busy to have to deal with a bum knee, too! Glad to hear that GG is still doing so well. God bless her! Glad the soup kitchen went well--your menu always sounds SO inviting!

My ankle is absolutely fine now, except for a tiny bit of residual swelling, which goes down as soon as I've elevated it for about a half hour. No pain at all. The big toe and ball of that foot are absolutely fine, too. Still can't figure out what I did that set it off, but will just be careful of it for a while to be on the safe side.

Think I'll go watch a couple of TV shows. Leaving the porch light and the night light on for others. Prayers said for everyone. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Hope we all sleep well, and get rested up so we can hit the road running tomorrow! God bless, and goodnight! Love you guys! :o]

NatureNut said...

Got my pictures on blog. Forgot news was on & some other stuff~~
For all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

hedgie said...

I will add my goodnights, too. It is still 87° very grateful I have AC!
Sleep well, one and all. Prayers.

movin said...

About time to say,


Good NighT, aLL.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I checked the Alcoa site down under, and they are having their troubles this year.

But the Peregrines are there and ready for the nesting site ...

Check out the blog entry.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

PA Nana said...

Good late evening everyone. just checking in.

Who is responsible for the computers being unruly and uncooperative? My desktop is almost unusable. Freezes up continuously. AArrggh

I've had to use the netbooks and that presents problems of their own - like finding a flat surface and a chair that's not in the way of say, the kitchen table or counters and being able to type in odd positions. Oh well, without problems, little or big, life would be boring. ☺☺

Prayers for everyone's needs/wants.
Hopefully,I'll be back tomorrow.

Wanda, don't overdo that knee.

Lolly said...

Well, guess what!!!!!! We were going to get up at 4 to armadillo hunt. I suggested to Jack we go out now before bed. Well, there is one less armadillo in this world. Hip Hip Hurrah!!!! Now to go dig a hole and bury him.

Deed done! That was not a pleasant task. Jack is NOT a hunter, we value all life BUT when they do as much damage as he has been doing, he had to go!! Trapping did not work. Yea! Get to sleep tonight!

Lolly said...

Should say....hope there was only one armadillo, but likely not!

While working in the yard today two Mississippi Kites landed in a tree over our front patio. We see them frequently soaring high but here they were in our yard! Then later on while in the backyard one flew through quite low. I am thinking maybe young kites???? Anyway, they are beautiful and I love their call...sort of a whistle.

Lolly said...

I am wide awake now! But, guess I will go shower and try to relax.

Paula, there was no time to take a picture of the armadillo, it all happened so fast!

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!!
We were with you in spirit, Lolly!

From Facebook: Following is the message I sent my children about Lolly's armadillos and the responses I got from my daughters. I haven't heard from my sons yet.

Shirley: Rus, Kathryn, Will, and Susan: I have a friend who has invited you and
your siblings to drive a golf cart for her husband to ride shotgun in
search of armadillos.


Kathryn: woo hoo!!! Just tell me where and when!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Andy, I certainly have never had a whole class in punctuation--or in vocabulary, for that matter. Are you sure you are not getting a degree in English?

stronghunter said...

I went out last night just at dusk and three rabbits came hopping into the front yard. Two were medium sized--adolescents, I would say, and the third was tiny, just recently out of the nest.

I got a couple of pictures of the bigger ones. They look spooky because it was dark by then.

stronghunter said...

Jo, I think reading probably keeps me awake. But when I get really sleepy I don't know what I am reading anymore. Then it is time to stop.

stronghunter said...

Rabbit pictures aren't all that great, but I posted them anyway.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Wanda, sure do hope your knee injection is working quickly. Please do take it easy. Don't want to do more damage because the knee "feels" better. Soup kitchen menu sounds yummy. Hope it was a success. Also glad GG is continuing to be active.

No too much going on. No armadillos to hunt. Will begin new meds today. Probably take some time to see any changes where side-effects are concerned.

Going to get my "do" did this morning (can't let Jo out beautify me) then take care of some errands.

If you don't need to go out, don't. Horrible day for heat/humidity.

BBL - late afternoon.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is here today. He's funny. He was playing "Lego Battles" on his DS and I was sort of watching GMA on TV when they announced the segment on sexless marriages.

I decided I should turn off the TV. It took Hunter less than five minutes to turn it back on to his cartoons. He could watch cartoons all day. I think he's been doing that at the sitter's this summer.

Some of those cartoons and supposedly kids' programs are not really appropriate, others are really just a waste.

We'll be going to the pool later today. It is going to be hot. I think I'd better wear my swimsuit so I can cool off in the pool.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...