Tuesday, July 17, 2007


New thread.


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normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Friends!

Way to go Norma, #1 again!

normabyrd said...

HELLO CANDY!!---GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!----We guessed you had stopped in WINCHESTER!!!---SO ENJOYED MEETING YOU---Wasn't it a GREAT FUN!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---GREAT PICS----I would like to have a copy of the one STEVEN posted!!!----That's a GREAT SHOT!!---I am drinking coffee out of my EAGLE MUG---& using my EAGLE COASTERS---Sorry I don't have my EAGLE SHIRT ON!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Early Bird #1 Byrd

I have just signed on - need to catch up on the previous page. LOVE MY EAGLE SCREEN SAVER, PAULA.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll send it out right away, Norma!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO---How are you feeling this EAGLE MORNING?----ho!---Have you noticed how much this "CREW" has 'PERKED UP' since we saw the EAGLES & met all our EAGLE friends!!!!-------LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma and Paula and Jo! Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Sat was awesome, and so nice to see Belle!
Thanks for the heads up Candy and Norma.
In case you guys didn't go back, our last Kestral fledged this morning. Slowly but surely we're getting that MT nest syndrome again. Darn!

paula eagleholic said...

Great pictures, Suz! Please, anyone who has pictures, please add them! Everyone has a different eye on things!

Suzanne said...

Oh, swallow parent is off nest. Using feathers to cover her 3 eggs!

movin said...


THOSE are a couple of great looking pictures of Belle.

I see all the Kestrels have started their new life this morning (not sure all 3 flew yesterday).

Two brothers in the fog of Kent.


Mema Jo said...

We'll need to keep a watch on the Kestrel nest box because sometimes they change their minds and pop in again.
I agree Norma - Perky group!
I see Ms Owl is still resting at the Motel.. 3 Burrowing owls are out & the cam has moved or the landscape has changed a little or I need a cup of coffee lol

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Jim - not too often I get to say that to you

Going over to Momsters' album...

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Those SWALLOWS do have fancy nests----Did you see the one WANDA showed us Sat.---All those fancy feathers---nests are just a work of art!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Third Kestral left the nest this morning.

Eggbert on tree branch in Puget Sound. Storks just hanging around. Burrowing owls are out, and Jo, there is an owl in the nest box on WildWatch. Both owls are in for the night in Benicia, think Mrs Swallow has returned, both eaglets in Kent, have to really look for the Fin chick, he blends in very well, and both BW osprey and PA falcon are MT.
Eggbert is flapping around and is now in the nest. Looked like he jumped from the branch he was on. Seems to be alright, looks like he may be eating.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM---I checked the KESTREL nest last nite & the last one was about over the top then---BEAUTIFUL COLORFUL FEATHERS!!--Hope JO is right & they stop back to visit!!!

Suzanne said...

No, Norma, didn't see it! Darn! Bet it was pretty!

normabyrd said...

THE NORFOLK nest is MT---But the STORK CHICKS are all preening---One is very vocal---couldn't tell which one----I so ENJOY watching them!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS---Paint # on the PANDAS--ho!-----One is asleep & I THINK it is the "Little Prince"---One is SO ENJOYING an ICICLEPOP---but is also eating it slowly---the way TAI does!!!---

movin said...

Thanks, Norma...it's like the wood ducks, once they're out that entrance, you don't know nuttin anymore.

It would be great if we could get the technology to follow them out of the nest with the camera...at least for a few days.

Got to get weady for rork...maybe a few more sips of coffee first.

Talk to you all this evening.


Mema Jo said...

Eggbert is back on his limb! Wasn't visible earlier.
Added 4-5 new pic in album. Suzanne those are good pics you added.

Suzanne said...

Don't work too hard, Jim. Thanks, Jo. I have some more, but they didn't turn out as well as I thought they should using the WalMart thingy! Jo, Eggbert has only been showing us his beautiful tail this morning! Hanging on that limb across the nest. But our tree climber in Kent is back, and he's been visiting Albert for quite a while this morning. Nice to see both of them again!

Mema Jo said...

ButaButa and LunLun are up on the tripod! lol

normabyrd said...

A BUMMER!!!----I haven't gotten caught up!!!----A SNAKE ate the bluebird eggs!!!---Time to fix something---CROWS in the DUCK BOX!!!---???

normabyrd said...

WOW JIM!!!---Have you been reading too many BUGS BUNNY comic books---'YOU WEADDY MUST GET WEADY FOR RORK'----STAY COOL!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - you are bad! Do you know how hard I had to bite my tongue not to catch that pun! Weally I did!

Mema Jo said...

Family meal at Kent.

I know nothing about the snake & the bluebird eggs.... Do you mean the TX bb eggs?

normabyrd said...

ALBERT & EINSTEIN are being fed by

Mema Jo said...

It was a family meal at Kent - all 3 down in the nest - until Einstienella took over. I really think she is a female

Now I need to check out emails! BBL

Mema Jo said...

Bluebirds of TX Drama

I thought that yesterday I was going blind but that nest was MT

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I keep checking on the FIN NEST----Remember 1 CHICK almost always raised his head when MAMA did---You have a pic with MAMA standing & you can see the profile of this CHICK right under her chin?----This CHICK seems to be a slow mover?----What do you think???

MITS said...

GOOD A.M. EVERYONE Too bad about the blues. Stay hydrated today.Hope we get some kind of answer from Finland today...CANDY Glad you made it home, safe and sound.....NORMA, it was probably Mei eating the fruitcicle, she takes her time.

normabyrd said...

JO---The message is at the BLUEBIRD TX site----SNAKE ATE ALL FIVE EGGS---

MITS said...

Mei is at her door, and Tai just went up a tree.

Suzanne said...

Yes, depressing, isn't it? About the bluebird eggs and chicks. Think they said on the site that 4 had hatched.
Norma, not sure which pic you're talking about. I had so many. I haven't been watching that closely, been doing other things, so not sure if this chick is slow or not. Sure seemed alert this morning when parent or food was brought into the nest!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Took me a while to type last comment, and you weren't there when I started! That's what I get for being a slow typist today!!

normabyrd said...

MORNING MITS-!!!---I didn't think it was TAI with ICICLEPOP--Because this bear had dirty fur on the lower part of her body!!!--ho! THANKS for the info!!!----STILL HAVEN'T HEARD FROM VICKY!!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I remember one of the CHICKS was much more alert than the other----The other one seemed to sleep more!!!-----The ALERT one seem to jump every time MAMA did---I guess we will probably never know---& that may not be a bad thing---

paula eagleholic said...

Just found this info on the Puleston site about the Fin chicks. There was a message on the site and this is supposedly what it said.

My friend translated the message: One chick was banded (given an identity band). The other chick was found dead in the nest.

I hope that is not true!

Suzanne said...

Wow, I hope that is not true also, Paula! I'm gonna have to go back and look at my only pic from yesterday before that guy arrived to get them for banding!

Suzanne said...

Paula, you know what, could be. I'll send the pic around on email. One chick is sleeping, can't really see him, other chick is kinda laying half on him, but has eyes open, and of course that infernal egg.

MITS said...

That sounds like probably what happened, too bad.

normabyrd said...

I certainly HOPE JILL is feeling better today!!----Think of all those FELONS who will be roaming the streets of MARTINSBURG!!!---ho!JILL---HOPE YOU ARE BETTER!!!--MISS YOU!!

MITS said...

I felt alot safer knowing Jill was around Martinsburg, when we were there, of course anyplace in the world is safer than D.C.

Suzanne said...

I sent a few pics out. 4 from the 12th, chick appears to get lethargic as the day progresses, and the one I took before that guy arrived yesterday. So sad!

Suzanne said...

Star is in the nest feeding the Kent twins!

Suzanne said...

Never mind, now she's in the tree. Guess she left the food for the eaglets!

Suzanne said...

LOL, she must have broken it in half, they're not killing each other to steal a bite!!!

Suzanne said...

Now that Eggbert has discoverd branching, he sure likes that one branch above his nest! Wish he'd discover another branch where we could see more than his back!

Mema Jo said...

This is the newsiest place! It is fantastic how all of us have places to go to find out the latest! We are a group of great networkers to say the least!
My compliments to all!

normabyrd said...



floralgirl said...

Greetings from the Sharpsburg desert! Are we supposed to put our pictures from Sat. in the album Paula already started?

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma! Gypsy likes the extra pets!
Morning, Megan. I just added my pics to the album Paula started.
Somebody just came in and said he heard on the radio that we (PA/MD) are supposed to get very strong thunder storms this afternoon. Man, I hope he's right! My plants think they're in a desert too! Have to water this afternoon, just absolutely have to!

MITS said...

If you go to SLOTH BEAR CAM YARD 1A, you can see the demo of them feeding the sloths now.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Momsters! I got home Monday evening around 7 Central time zone time. Left Shepherdstown Sunday afternoon and spent Sunday night someplace in Ohio and got to Commode Town Monday evening. Safe trip, just a very very long time with 2 kids! Deana and Haiden had a blast -- thanks Sharon for bringing Mattie and Justin!

Carol_in_WV said...

Morning, everyone! I had a wonderful drive to work along the river this morning. First I saw a heron - which isn't unusual, as I often see 1 or 2 in the river. But this morning this one was sitting on a small bridge which crosses the river. It was just sitting on the edge of the bridge looking down at the water. Then, a few minutes after that, where the river bends and gets wide, a bald eagle flew up from the river. Both me and the car in front of me quickly pulled off the road and watched it fly to the far side of the river and land in a very leafy tree. It was so beautiful!!

A couple of weeks ago, an osprey flew up from the river and landed right on top of an electric/telephone pole along the road, right before I was about to pass the pole. I almost ran off the road trying to see it. There was nowhere to pull off the road to look at it.

Thanks to variuos folks for info on how to get to the swallow nest.

floralgirl said...

Glad you made the trip and you made it home safely Vicky! Did anyone ever think that when they started writing on this blog they would end up so rich with so many new friends? I sure didn't.

Just Vicky said...

I'll try to say "THANKS" TO SANDRA AND JO FOR THE LOVELY LUNCHEON! Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the wonderful time I had with momsters and with Iris' cousin Barb and her hospitality to my granddaughters and I. What a fantastic whirlwind of 4 days! Worth it all! NOW WHEN'S THIS EAGLE EXPRESS TRAIN RIDE???

Suzanne said...

Einstein is on parents' branch. Albert is looking everywhere except up at Einstein!

MITS said...

CAROL, you lucky duck:)

floralgirl said...

Cool Carol! Bet that made your morning. Hello Suzannne, guess you are out of leftovers fro tonite, huh? Hi MIts, glad you came to the market Sunday!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Vicky and Carol in WV! Glad you all made it back home safely! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting both of you, I'm glad you both decided to come to the get together!
Wow, Carol, you had quite an exciting ride to work this morning! That would be very exciting to see one flying that close and be able to stop and watch! How cool!!!

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

Thanks- change the wtaer in the vase evry couple of days, it will keep them fresh.

MITS said...

WILL DO:):):).

paula eagleholic said...

Good to hear from you Vicky - Glad you and your pretty girls had a good time!!

Mema Jo said...

Carol, WOW is all I can say! Better then seeing deer all the time but still can cause a fender bender if your not watching! So glad the car in front of you also stopped. lol It was so great seeing you - you are a loyal Momster and you always show up at these special events!

Vicky - thanks for touching base with us here on the blog. Now we know you & the girls are home safe! There is a pic of you & Iris if you wish to copy it from Momsters' album you can. Was great seeing you. NOVEMBER is probably the month for the Eagle Train Ride

Suzanne said...

I want to thank whoever gave us the awesome eagle postcards at dinner! Mits, was that you? Pics was from the zoo, and it was a beautiful pic! Whoever it was, thanks so much! Love looking at it.

Einstein still in his branch, his new favorite place, evidentally! Burrowing owls are out and about, and the owl in nestbox is grooming! Pretty owl, at least she found a safe place for her night. I hope! Finland chick has his leg out showing us his new bracelet! Einstein is still in the tree, and Albert is still laying down in the nest.

Time for me to hit the road! All have a great eagle day!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

MITS said...

YOU ARE VERY WELCOME, SUZANNE!! We have 2 bald eagles at the zoo, haven't had a chance to visit them yet, they are way over on the other side of the zoo.

Mema Jo said...

Megan Add all of your photos to the album that Paula started.
Thanks I'll be looking for them!!!

Mema Jo said...

MITS - I brought home a little brown bag..... Will send it to you.....

floralgirl said...

I'll work on it, Jo. But remember I live in a dial up world:( it takes a while to download them to the site.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

IWS Forum Eaglegal, Steff, has super pictures of all the fledgings:

IWS Updates July 11th

I hope the link works...Will try to
fix if it doesn't...............

Mema Jo said...

WHoo HOo! it works.

You know it is sad to say but
We are running out of eaglets
Storks, falcons, pandas, swallows are still active - are we going to watch the Grizzly bears again? lol

MITS said...


Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, afternoon for most of you. I have loved your emails and pictures. Its so wonderful to have found so many friends who share my interests. If you take the train ride around the first of November maybe even I could join you. Its sure a posibility. My cruise is in Sept. and that would give me time to build up the bank account before Nov. There has been so much galavanting around this country for me this year that I need to regroup financially. I cant come all the way out there and not go to Williamsberg. It's been a dream for years. We will see what I can do. Back to work.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE (Too many Momsters on here to name now!)
Just stopped in to see if I had an email from Finland and read Paula's comment. I think that pretty well sums up what we thought. Here we go with Mother Nature again.

As Jo said, I can just feel the LOVE from everyone since Saturday (it was there before, but not like now). Don't you think it was in God's Plan to throw us all together?

Jill said...

I am here. Feeling better. Back to work tonight. Don't worry Norma, I put all the criminals in before I got sick. LOL

Carol-Where did you see the eagles? I think I told you I want to get up there soon, and take some pics. I know you live in Upper Tract but where do you work?

I am going to try to do the pics today, what do I do with them when I get them up. JO????????

Mema Jo said...

Put them into the Momster Album that Paula created. Just open that album - Choose add photos and the form that comes up is very easy - Just browse to wherever you have saved the photos and then give it a title if you wish and the 3rd line can be left blank.
If you don't have time to do this - email Paula or me the pics and we'll gladly place them in the album.

Glad you are feeling better!

paula eagleholic said...

Jill, just click on the album. On the upper right will be a button for you to add pics. You then search for them on your computer, and add your title and description. Hint - it will not load huge pics, so you may have to resize them. If you have any problems, give a yell!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda & Anne You Momsters are truly part of us! Isn't it great to have such a loving feeling & it was soooooo simple- All you had to do was
"sign in" lol

Mema Jo said...

I need to leave for awhile - MTBR
Be back around the dinner hour.

paula eagleholic said...

Don't know if anyone else heard this, but there are 2 Hornby eaglets this year. And next year, the cam is supposed resume on that nest...

MITS said...

That nutty Tai is inside playing with some of his toys...just like a kid...Mei looks like her old self too.

wvgal_dana said...

Hey Hey Hey Good Afternoon All Eaglet_Momsters and Jim. The excitement of Saturday made the History Books !! ( :

So nice to meet everyone! The only sorrow I have is that I didn't get up more and go around visiting more often. I met all of you so now like if I'm walking through the Martinsburg Mall. I can yell "Hi Sharon, Hi Candy, Hi Vicky, Hi Robyan, Hi Iris, Hi Mits." hee hee If I see in the Matinsburg Mall; Jo, Paula, Suzanne, Wanda, Sunny and Norma I'll want to know if they rode together. Now if I would see in the Martinsburg Mall Jill and Nilla I'll wonder how could they have gotten lost because Nilla knows the way to Charles Town Race Track. ha ha

IrisF said...

Goodness it was wonderful meeting you all on Saturday!!! And even getting to go to the Market on Sunday! My Cousin Barb introduced Vicky and I at church as Momsters and I added Eaglet Momsters so they would all know we were not "MoNSTERS" hahahahaha. Maybe next time I will be more "up to snuff" and my mouth won't be so sore. Many Thanks to Sandra and Jo for all the planning and encouragement and to all of you for wonderful pictures. Until next time...
Prayers for all who need them!!! Love you all, Iris

Jill said...

Dana, anytime you want to have lunch in Martinsburg just let me know. I will meet you somewhere or pick you up. Maybe Robyn, Nilla and Wanda could join us. (sorry if I missed anybody from Mburg, you are all welcome to join)

I loaded a few of the pics to the album, I think. Let me know how I did.

Anne-Marie said...

Jill I am not finding your pictures.

Mema Jo said...

I can't find them Which album?

Mema Jo said...

Did you click on SAVE?

wvgal_dana said...

I'm not finding the Kent Pictures that were spoken about (on the railing).

Hee hee Jill I'm checking for handcuffs before I get in the car with you. wink

Carol_in_WV said...

Jill - I see the eagles and ospreys and herons and kingfishers on Rt 220, about halfway between Upper Tract and Franklin. There's a stretch of a couple of miles where the road runs parallel to and right next to the river. That's where they are. It's hit or miss when I see them - sometimes a couple of them during a week and then none for several weeks. I work about 9 miles west of Franklin, off Rt 33, on top of North Mtn - a ridge which runs North/South through the center of Pendleton County. (During the Civil War - the west side was Yankee and the east side was Confederate - there is still antagonism between the 2 sides to this day!) It's the same ridge that Seneca Rocks is part of. I do accounting for a non-profit organization called Future Generations - go to www.future.org to see what we do. It would take me forever to explain on here. My office has a spectacular view of the North Fork Valley and I can watch big birds, mostly vultures, but occasionally eagles, ride the thermals above the valley. It's interesting getting up here in the Winter!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - those pics are in the first album on Deltaview....

Anne-Marie said...

Wow, Carol. All I can see from my office windows are KFC, Taco Bell and Highway 5 going north. Wana trade?

paula eagleholic said...

CU later...heading for home!

Carol_in_WV said...

Heidigirl - no way will I trade!! Altho, you might want to ask me that again in mid-January. But, you probably wouldn't want to trade then. Three years ago, we had snowdrifts almost five feet high! What did you like best in Vegas?

Time to go home now! Been working on spreadsheets most of the day - getting ready for an audit in 6 weeks.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Jo for emailing me how to get to the Kent album. Oh such wonderful pics.

I see Paula sent me some help on the blog too. Thank you too Paula.

Mema Jo said...

You know me - No One can really figure me out! So don't know why I expected the DR to be able to tell me about the biopsy other then It Was Not Diagnostic! I will now go to the surgeon for a more precise Biopsy. It could mean a hospital stay of 2 or more days because they do put you under. I don't have any date yet.
Please keep the prayers coming

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

You can now see the 3 pretty swallow eggs in the bluebirds nest!

I am going to dinner BBL

MITS said...

Always, Jo.

Jill said...

Carol, I kind of know where you mean. Traveled 33 many many times going to Harrisonburg. 33 is bad in the winter, wouldn't want to travel off of it anywhere. I know exactly where you mean about the river running parallel to the road. I can almost picture it. My dad bought parts in Harrisonburg and I went to JMU for a semester. Plus shopping.

I thought I got the pictures in the album. I put them in Paula's album, I will check to see if they are there.

Robyn said...

I found a translator but if there is any dialect used it wont proprly read it. The last post from 7/16 states this from finland

16.7.2007: Calf rengastettiin. Another calf striking burrow dead.

Jill said...

BY DARN they are there now. Don't know what happened, didn't like one of the photos. I have to go look at it and see what the problem was. If you have already looked at the other photos just hit last page and mine are the last six.

MITS said...

Robyn....a calf??? Is taht what they call them in Finland:).

Anne-Marie said...

Robin, go to Microsoft in "My computer" and go to languages. There should be a translation area for all kinds of languages. I have spanish on mine also.

normabyrd said...

GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES!!-----Just finished reading the BLOG---WOW!---WONDERFUL!---The 14th was very successful---Brought us all together!!!---THANKS AGAIN SANDRA & JO----I'm happy VICKY is home & JILL is well---CAROL---I used to come to FRANKLIN once or twice a mo. when I was working---Like JILL, I can see that river & all the wildlife & flowers in my mind!!!--Beautiful COUNTY!!!

normabyrd said...


Jill said...

Okay, I tried with an online translator. Best I can tell is one kid is gone, the other kid is loyal to the nest. Guess it makes a little more sense than the calf strking the burrow thing.

normabyrd said...

MITS---I wish I had see TAI playing like a kid with his toys----That's what he is----A LOVEABLE LITTLE IMP!!!------HE'S A DARLING!!!

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Folks, Lots of chit chattin going on but like smeone said MT nest syndrome will be hitting soon... I think Petes Pond comes back soon also if not already.. My Ol Buddy Fatty the croc i hope is still there... Carol, Jill , Norma i just love up in that area of WV around Seneca Rock... Love shopping and having lunch at the old store on the corner across from the rock.. Well my whole family is going to Hershey Park tomarrow for the day.. I am working to hot for me to go. Jill any time for lunch is good...

Anne-Marie said...

OK Jill I have the hole office wondering what I am laughing out loud for.... Your something else. :)..I'm going to clean up here and go home. I am going to throw some fish on the bar-b-que and make a salad. Dr. Atkins would be proud of me. I am bottom heavy and I cant seem to loose it. Atkins always helps a little. I will never be Barbie but at least I can try to make short and dumpy as atractive as I can. I will check in later. Anne-Marie

NillaWafer said...

Ok here is a bus trip that my daughter is putting together for Walt Disney World April,6th-April,12th Your package will include: Round Trip from Martinsburg to Orlando...... 5 Night's hotel at a Disney Value Resort.Offering themed rooms , pools, &shopping.....6 DAY PARK HOPPER PASS...with addmission into the following parks...MAGIC KINGDOM...EPCOT...MGM STUDIO'S.....ANIMAL KINGDOM...plus 2 water parks, Blizzard Beach & Typhoon Lagoon & 1 Pass to Pleasure Island in Downtown Disney ($331.00 value) Convenience of transportation while at Disney World.... Everyday of your stay the park opens early and stays open later for Walt Disney guest only!! Price is : $699.99 for double occupancy....$669.99 for Triple & Quad....Your meals ARE NOT included in this deal... OUR BUS IS HOLDING 55 PEOPLE AND FILLING UP FAST.. For those who have been to Disney know this is a fantastic price deal... For more info please call Dawn @ (304)-886-9598 or (304) 262-9328... or Janet (aka Nilla) @ (304)-279-8557 or (304)-262-4139. Or e-mail me @ hipnoticredhead@yahoo.com... yes i be going also and we are planning another trip for October 2008.. This trip is advertised in the local Buyers Guide next weds...

Jill said...

Hey Nilla, that is where I was raised, well in Petersburg. Beautiful up there.

Maybe we should plan a monthly Martinsburg Momsters lunch. Anybody interested?

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a plan to me!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for posting the pics, Jill
I love the one of Norma - might even put that one up as my screen saver! Seeing her would really give my spirits an uplift. What's with the Gang Leaders??? Five years ago that would be a compliment but in this day and age - well look out Momsters here comes Mema & Mits! lol
That was good Jill! Thank You!

Mema Jo said...

Norma Hubby says he remembers the Romney School for the Deaf.

wvgal_dana said...

I almost went to work there Jo. Took the State exam passed and they offered me a job. I would live right there. Went looked over everthing I liked it so did Dad. Mom turned it down. I would be too far from home ha ha ha too far

MITS said...

lol......GANG LEADERS, What's up with that??????

MITS said...

Raining on the calf in Finland:).

wvgal_dana said...

hope it's "others" don't get wet

Mema Jo said...

Dana, that is so interesting. I guess Mother knew best..at the time. You would probably have gotten to know Norma sooner then anyone else!

Mema Jo said...

Candy, Thanks for your photos from Saturday!

Mema Jo said...

You are soooooooooo good
and you're faster then lightning!

Mema Jo said...

Going to leave for an hour........

Candy, you have mail!

MITS said...

I think we have a swallow hatching at the BB nest?

MITS said...

mom back on nest...

wvgal_dana said...

Night all tc sleep well my friends and lurkers

MITS said...

wish I had taken a pic of that cracked open egg.

Mema Jo said...

I have the pic - will send it to you.

MITS said...

ok, so I was not seeing things, phew!

Jill said...

Sorry, that's just want came to mind when I saw the picture. Leaders of the pack, maybe? But Jo was armed with a cane and Mits was enforcing the rules. (or trying at least). LOL. And we were kind of wild, just ask the wait staff at the Rumsey Tavern.

Mema Jo said...

Falcon slideshow

This is so very entertaining -
Take a couple minutes and watch it!

Costume Lady said...

They are due to hatch somewhere around the 24th or 25th.

I never did get an answer to my email. I guess the Finns couldn't read my email. They are probably trying to get it translated.

MITS said...

Jo, that was fantastic, Lou has a great sense of humor and takes wonderful photos.

MITS said...

ok, then it was a displaced feather that made it look like a cracked egg, thanks, Wanda.

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Pleasant dreams. Tomorrow is another day.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Wanda. I just knew you would be able to tell me hatching dates that I couldn't figure out.
Did you see on the blog that Paula saw over on the Maine Forum that it translated that the one chick was dead. Wish they would have sent you a reply though - mainly to see if they knew English!

Costume Lady said...

JO,thanks for the slideshow. Enjoyed it!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo, I did see Paula's comment. I think we got 3 different versions of the translation, but they all ment 1 chick was dead. Maybe next year we will have better luck with our favorite nests.

Mema Jo said...

I hope our luck with nature next season is better.

Going to call it a day...........
Good Night all my Eagle Buddies
Peace to you and yours
Prayers for all your needs being said

Good Morning Suzanne I think it's Hump Day. Be sure to watch the video on the Harrisburg Falcons that you have in your emails. Wanda you best get on to bed now too, if you're going to have coffee with Suzanne in the morning. Candy, good morning

movin said...


Worked OT and stopped at a Denny's for dinner, so I missed the whole evening program.

There's always tomorrow...if there are any young left on or near the nests.

Mema Jo, I'll be praying for you, and I'm sure we all will. You'll be alright, I'm sure.


Suzanne said...

Good warm morning, eagle world! Yup, Jo, hump day! Full 5 day week this time, and after 2 short weeks, it's a long week now already! Quite warm out, locusts were making noise at home when I left at 2, and it was 78°. Locusts making noise here too, and it's 79° already! Geesh, not even 5 yet. Gonna be a scorcher. Had to water everything last night, didn't get a drop of rain. Thought we were supposed to get some, but God had other ideas, I guess.
Ok, got my marching orders from Jo, will go check video in my mail. Only have 1 cam up so far, and it's raining yet again in Finland! Geesh, I'm beginning to think they get even more rain than Germany, and I didn't think that was possible!!!! Sure hope our one wet chick stays healthy through all these storms! Also wish they would share some of that rain!
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

A parent has joined our very wet Finland chick. it's also raining in Germany (no surprise there!), the 3 storks are standing around in the rain.
There was a falcon standing on the nest box in PA, but cam has changed views now, so don't know. BW osprey MT, MrsSswallow on her feathery nest, Benicia owls are still out hunting and feeding, and pretty much dark everywhere else.

Suzanne said...

Just went outside to warm up, because as usual, it's 20 below zero in here. Still nice out. Storks are still standing around, parent in nest with chick in Finland, and they look a little dryer, maybe it stopped raining. Mrs Swallow on her eggs, but everything else is either dark or MT. Bummer. We have more sod balls in the osprey nest, though. It's going to be a very green nest this fall and winter! Seems they also have a ball of what looks like twigs or something. Hum, they must really like to play ball when we're not looking!

Suzanne said...

Both osprey parents in nest with chick in Finland!

Suzanne said...

Appears to have stopped raining in Finland, but it's sure pouring in Germany! PA falcon is gone, Mrs. Swallow still there, but other nests still dark or MT.

Suzanne said...

Mom osprey is feeding the Fin chick.

Suzanne said...

Mom is feeding the chick, Dad is standing guard. (Finland, I mean.)

Suzanne said...

Poof, and Dad is gone. Just Mom and Chick now, so meal time must be over. Don't see any leftovers!

Suzanne said...

Gonna go outside and down the hall before Wanda joins me for coffee!

Also want to say Welcome to SILVERWOLF! So glad you joined us! I'm catching up on the blogs I've missed, and Silverwolf is Robyn's mom. So welcome!!

An osprey has arrived in BW. Just sitting on side of nest all fluffy!
Think our Fin chick wants to take a nap, now that tummy's full. Mom is on guard!


Suzanne said...

It's raining again in Finland, and Mom is covering the rear of the chick, but she's soaked. Osprey still hanging out in BW, Mrs Swallow still on her feathery eggs. Still raining in Germany, but think 1 stork is flying around, and 1 is laying down, other just standing in the rain. Benicia still MT, the owls must still be hunting and eating. Other nests MT or dark.

Good morning, Wanda when you arrive. Tell Gene I said hi!

Costume Lady said...

Wow, I really slept in! That is a good thing for me, cause I never sleep more than 5 0r 6 hours.
Now that the Nesting season is almost over, I've been wondering what the Momsters do when there are no eggs and chicks to entertain us. Especially in the Winter months?

Suzanne said...

Wow, just looked at the clock! Everybody is really sleeping in today.
Feeding time for the Finland chick again...huge yellow fish! He's gonna be so fat he won't be able to fledge!
BW osprey still fluffing and on edge of nest where he has been for the last hour or so.
Mrs Swallow on eggs, storks are standing around in the rain, and Benicia owls still out.

Suzanne said...

Oh, good morning, Wanda! The Falcons are just now arriving back in Australia, so they will have eggs and babies. And the guys usually watch the cams in Africa, wild animals and such. They'res always something to watch. Season is winding down here, but not in the rest of the world. Think somebody put a comment on here few days ago from Brisbane that the falcons have arrived and the pigeon population was getting ready to take a beating! Guess at the end of the season they don't have many feral pigeons anymore!
Fin chick is getting fed a huge fish.

Costume Lady said...

I'll tell Gene Hi when he gets up. He is sleeping in also. We did a lot of Yard and Garden work yesterday. We fell a large pine tree and it had to be sawed up and readied for our fireplace this Winter. It was too hot for that kind of work, but Gene was afraid it might crash in on the Eagle Express during a storm (which we were supposed to get-but didn't)

Suzanne said...

Oh, forgot. BW leaves the osprey cam up year around...it's a dining table for the eagles and other birds that remain in BW during the winter months.

Suzanne said...

Both Benicia owls are back in the nest box.

Suzanne said...

Wow, no wonder you slept in! I'd be sleeping in too, and also probably very sore from using muscles I forgot I had! Don't want anything to happen to the Eagle Express!!!
We didn't get a drop of rain yesterday either. I was so disappointed! But really soaked my plants yesterday, they were just so dry! Every night on the weather they say it's gonna rain and storm, but every night so far it has totally gone around us!

Suzanne said...

Oh, osprey left BW. He was there a while.
No...back already! Think he has something in his talons but can't really tell.
Hum, waited for refresh and still can't tell.

Suzanne said...

Gone again. Nothing in talons. Fin chick getting fed a couple bites, then he turns around and flaps wings! Then Mom takes a bite or two.

Costume Lady said...

Well, Suz, that is good to know about the Winter Watch. I thought we would have to disband until Spring! How silly of me not to realize there are Nesting birds in other parts of the world. Hope the cam operators can speak English. Ha Ha!

Suzanne said...

Hum, that I don't know. But there is always something to watch here.

Suzanne said...

Wow, check out that chick in Finland! He's really flapping!!

Costume Lady said...

I think we Momsters should have performed a Rain Dance Saturday. We all need it.
We have lots of garden and flower bed to water and our well will give us only so much clear water and then it turns muddy. We have to be very carefull. Maybe I will borrow Megan's Water Carrier.

Suzanne said...

Aren't you afraid the well will go dry? That would be my biggest fear during droughts like this!

Costume Lady said...

I think the chick is having a tantrum cause Mom is not feeding it fast enough.

Suzanne said...

LOL, he's been eating for a while, little piggy! Mom just left, and now poor thing is all alone. Wow, did you see that? Incoming parent, awesome!

Costume Lady said...

Don't think it will go dry--we have been here for 45 years and it hasn't happened yet. When we get muddy water from using too much of it we don't use any for a couple of hours and then it clears up. It really makes a mess if we let that happen. Have mud in all the water lines, commodes and hot water heater. SO WE ARE VERY CAREFUL!

Costume Lady said...

I have never seen Mrs. Fin to that before. She must be reinforcing the nest for the next time.

Costume Lady said...

Going to read my email.

Suzanne said...

Oh, ok. We had a well when I lived at home, but that was about a hundred years ago, so don't really know anything about them.
What did Mrs Fin do? I missed it. After she flew back in, I wasn't watching too closely.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN EAGLE BUDDIES!!---TAKE a "peek" at the "LITTLE PRINCE"--sitting with his back to his adoring fans----just eating his bamboo----He is such a little "show-off"---He knows they are there---ho!---GIVE HIM MY LOVE MITS!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SUZANNE & WANDA---I didn't mean to "snub" you all---ho!----Rushing to get dressed---study group today & I'm always late----But I hate to miss "yaking" with my favorite friends!!!---ho!---I think it's about time to start watching the BEAUTIFUL "PINK" FALCON from down-under!!!!---You will enjoy that WANDA!!---w/try to get back before I leave----

Costume Lady said...

Hurry back.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Normabyrd! Hope you have a good study group today!
Can't get DC cam, so I watch the San Diego zoo cam. Only thing is, they're so far behind us, and it's still dark.
That's right, zoo day for Mits! Have fun, Mits! Our love to the Pandas and Sloth bears.

Suzanne said...

Einstein is climbing up the tree, and he turns around and looks at Albert. You can almost hear him say "Come on, you can do it."
Bw osprey back on edge of nest, MRs Swallow on eggs, 1 stork still flying around in the rain, other 2 still hanging out in nest. I did see Eggbert's feet this morning, very bottom right of cam, but he's gone now. Not on his branch, either. Both owls in Benicia, probably in for their night now.

Costume Lady said...

Hubby just got up. Said he dreamed that all the sawdust from the tree we cut down was like "seeds" and they grew into huge trees and didn't know what to do with them, so he got with Jimmy Carter and they built Houses for the needy and called their business "Cartwright". He has the weirdest dreams.

Suzanne said...

LOL, well at least he's doing a lot of good in his dreams!!

Costume Lady said...

Coffee is cold--time for juice.

Suzanne said...

Oh, WildWatch burrowing owl cam has been turned on, and there is an owl in the Owl Hotel, think Jo calls it.

Suzanne said...

Have to go across the parking lot to subway, I'm starving! Lunch time for me. BBL

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Yes, zoo day today, and heading to the beach after my shift, watch tonight it will rain, while I am traveling. WANDA it is never a dull moment on this blog, you will love BW when the osprey migrate south, and the eagles and ewiees take over the platform.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! Hope you don't get caught in the rain while driving. But do have fun at the zoo.

Suzanne said...

Einstein is on parents' branch, but I think he climbed up there. Albert still on his little mound. That's as high as he wants to go at the moment.

movin said...

Not too many of the nests I look at in mornings contain young this morning...

Guess that's good for the future...


carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE, WANDA. NORMA AND MITS. I can't believe that I have finally gotten on this blog! It has taken me awhile to read all the blogs, emails and get my pics posted while I could get to the computer. Yesterday, my friend from Richmond is down and called me just as I was getting on to go to the pool at the harbor, so.............I was off and running. She has been up on Richmond for the last 6 weeks, tending to her daughter that broke her arm. I had peace and quiet for awhile. :) She is a good friend tho as she gets me moving and out of the house.

floralgirl said...

Hello to all here this morning! Cloudy here, with of course no rain. Just a general thought on wells, mine went dry last March after being in use for 45 years, it can happen when you least expect it. Now I use a lot more water than the average homeowner I would guess. But I also buy water for a tank which holds 2000 gallons which I also use for my gardens. Because I remember all too well what it's like to go for almost 3 wks. with no water. Just remember there is only so much water in the ground and we are all using it. JMHO - I have been farming for only around 11 years, last year was bad, this is by far the worst season I've experienced. Only about 4 inches of rain here since Feb. scary. Sorry to be all doom and gloom, I'm just worn out from trying to keep everytning alive and producing. Back to the garden, where the plants don't mind if I'm grumpy:)

carolinabeachmom said...

My one pic in the album should be called Where is Belle, after the Where is Waldo stories. :) I could see Belle if I enlarged the pic, but it didn't seem to stay there. Sorry there were no pics of the dinner as I forgot the camera in the car.

Robyn said...

Morning Suzanne, Wanda and Jim...

Heading to Houston Saturday, I guess this is when the daily posts will reach 300 plus so it makes it difficult for me to catch up after being on the road 10 hrs a day saturday and sunday...

Go easy on me PLEASE lol

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim and Candy! Yeah, Jim, lots of MT nests and soon to be MT nests.

Candy, welcome back! Glad you made it home safely! It was a pleasure to meet you!

Einstein still on branch, Albert watching. Mrs Finland next to chick, but it looks like it may have stopped raining. Still raining in Germany, though. Barn owl in WildWatch nestbox, burrowing owls coming out for the day, and FINALLY...Eggbert is eating in the nest. Wow, something huge.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robyn! Have a safe trip! Can't go too easy, don't want you to miss anything!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING FLORALGIRL. I so much wanted to get to the market on Sunday to get some of your flowers to take back home, but my foot was still hurting really bad from when I twisted it at lunch. It was my driving foot, and I just wanted to get back to Josh's. You should be proud of what you do from the few boquets that I have seen. You grow some truly beautiful flowers.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Candy, glad you made the trip, it was a fun time for all. I love what I do, but it's hard work and becomes more difficult and frustrating when it never rains.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan! Maybe today is the day we'll finally get some rain! Let's hope, anyway.
Candy, I didn't know you hurt your foot at lunch. Are you alright?

Suzanne said...

Mits, you still here? Osprey in that nest now!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING ROBYN AND JIM. Missed you getting on while I was writing, I guess. From reading the past few days, everyone was still as excited about the gathering on Saturday as I was. It was great meeting all you wonderful people and SEEING BELLE. You are really a very special group of people.

Robyn said...

Morning Candy and Megan

Suzanne I will be away for 3 weeks so I fear I will be very behind guess mom will need to keep my posted as I drive.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 215   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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