Thursday, December 14, 2006


The cam is now live, but they are still working on the static problem. This all has to do with the microwave link.

On a brighter note, the live cam is now online full time. Once we get the static fixed we'll be happy.


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Anonymous said...

Hello Steve

Happy Nesters We Will Be!

Anonymous said...

My live cam came up without any problem (except the statoc lines which are going to disappear per Steve)
My eagle came 30 sec refresh has the correct date & time & through the lines I can see the MT nest.

YEPPER! We're getting there

BlackWater's cam looks a little better also.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve! Hello Jo!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve! Hello Jo!

Anonymous said...

Both cams looking pretty fuzzy/lines to me right now at 5:25 pm.

Anonymous said...

Help..I'm stuttering, and my wreath is missing! blogger grinch at it again!

Anonymous said...

Help..I'm stuttering, and my wreath is missing! blogger grinch at it again!

Anonymous said...

Oh Megan! Vicky lost her tree for awhile last night. I just know your wreath will return & that your stuttering will cease to be. Cold boot may do it BUT since you are in I would stay even if I did stutter.

For me, both cams have static lines, Paula. That's what they will be working on & once they disappear - then we'll be happy.

Anonymous said...

Can you make out anything at all, Jo? I can't, static lines are too colored.

Anonymous said...

TTUL...heading home...

Anonymous said...

On the 30 sec cam I could see the outline of the nest & tree when I put it up at 5:00 - but not anymore can I see it. Just the lines. Both of them are just static colored lines.

Anonymous said...

Remember that Buta Buta get's
her official name tomorrow 10 am

She took her first steps today during her exam. Panda Cam site has a very short video but 's home page has on the left side a link for their longer video.

Anonymous said...

Girls, there's a cyber thief in this place!

Anonymous said...

It's the GRINCH!!!

Anonymous said...

Get that Grinch Floralgirl, wrap a wreath around his neck!

Anonymous said...

It's the GRINCH!!!

MITS said...

Well, I'm glad I'm back and I have Glo's wet noodle and I'm in the mood to smack the Grinch cross the side of the head.....

MITS said...

I was all excited to read the new info, then I went to the cams and, well, what can I say?????

Anonymous said...

Let's "smack the grinch" like we do that penquin!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mits! Everything ok with you?

MITS said...

I love watching the penquin get smacked, so far, so good Vicky.

Anonymous said...

I am not saying that over and over...knock it off GRINCH!!! that is not funny!

Anonymous said...

Yes smacking the penquin is great stress relief! BUT ADDICTING!

Anonymous said...

I'm back. Megan, you are not stuttering anymore! lol

I was doing some online banking - I am so high tech.... I'm also afraid I'll make a mistake and overdraw my account...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry - didn't mean to keep this from all of you!

I am a very proud Army Grandma

Both of my grandsons have received their Sergeant stripes! I am very happy to have such dedicated soldiers.

Funny story on Ryan's: Hearing review you could score 150 - Ryan got 149. I asked his mom what it was and she said he was so excited at passing the review that he forgot to salute before leaving.

Anonymous said...

Evening my eagle friends.

Sorry late getting in here.

Wow you got to see the cam "live"....neat-o..

Things are improving slowly, step by step.

Got it Mema Jo you got a rider.

Floralgirl Sorry that mean old grinch stole your wreath. He only keeps things for awhile then gives the finally at some point back. Right Vicky?

Anonymous said...

Oh Mema Jo, please express to your Army Grandsons how proud I am of them also!! Absolutely something to be VERY proud of! AND thank them for being willing to serve our nation!

Anonymous said...

Yes I think I hold the record for the times he has stole my trees!

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo add me in there also with what Vicky said.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Dana, good to see you in here, hope you are feeling better as you have a big wing ding to attend this Saturday! Did you tell Ed, "sycamore tree by day, Christmas lights at night"?

Anonymous said...

Well Congrats grandmas Mema Jo That is a great story about Ryan LOL too.

The wet noodle Go for it Mits...
What a pain int he katushka LOL...I can't spell it but I got a pain there for sure. Gr-r-r-r-r

Anonymous said...

Jim continuies to be stable...we are 2 days post Op...I think that could be good news the hopefully they did get all the infection. has some bone and muscle stuff to heal, and that stomach biopsy report still is not back, but I think there is a sense of encouragement coming over us atleast about the infection side of all of this.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Going to do my homework for tomorrow...BBL.

Anonymous said...

Hi Glo! Keep the faith!
Mits, I don't think I've gotten use to you being a student!! Well sort of anyways --

Anonymous said...

That does sound like encouraging news concerning Jim, Glo. Prayers will keep coming for the family.

Anonymous said...

Blogger just kicked me out when I tried to publish the last comment. I just hit the 'back arrow' from the error page, cut my comment just in case I needed to repeat it, Sign out & sign right back in, check the last comment & there it is MINE! But I didn't stutter. I never click on TRY AGAIN on the error page.

Anonymous said...

Blogger just kicked me out twice when I tried to publish the last comment. I just hit the 'back arrow' from the error page, cut my comment just in case I needed to repeat it, Sign out & sign right back in, check the last comment & there it is MINE! But I didn't stutter. I never click on TRY AGAIN on the error page.

Anonymous said...

This blog either steals or stutters....I think it has a "mind of it's own" .... scarey thought.

Anonymous said...

First he got a wreath, now he's got a tree. What will the Grinch steal next? LOL

Anonymous said...

You're a mean one, MR. Grinch...

Anonymous said...

I burned my arm on Monday remember when I had to fix my computer. One of the plugs pulled out of the back and I couldn't type. Well get down to work on it I didn't do so well. Use a small light bulb in small lamp 45 watt. Well I turned the pc and ounch my arm touched the bulb.
When I finally got up I put Neosperma on it. It started itching around it on next day. When I went to dr. for other reasons today he seen it. Off the cream he gave me "silver sulfadiazine cream". If it gets worse (redder, itches more, or gets warm) I have to see him right away he said. Mainly because of being a diabetic.
It is itching like crazy. lol remember us seeing Lun Lun itching well that's me only I can't scratch or rub around it.
I wish I was a bear I'd rub against a tree hee hee

Anonymous said...

OK Get the wet noodle & start swinging at the blog that just made me out a story teller about not stuttering. lol

Anonymous said...

Awwww, the Grinch may have a heart after all....he gave Megan back her wreath!!!

Anonymous said...

The grinch stole Mema Jo's voice she is stuttering.

Anonymous said...

And now Mema Jo's tree is missing!

Anonymous said...

Can you believe the length this Grinch will go to around here??? I do think he prefers "trees!"

Anonymous said...

I thought you meant Vicky's tree the Grinch stole the other day!!!



watch this not post
I am probably out of her for the evening unless I cold boot and my tree is returned.

Anonymous said...

YEs the sycamore tree is missing!

Anonymous said...

maybe bbl

Anonymous said...

oooooooooo I got 50 lbs of wax!

Anonymous said...

Dana, that sounds painfull!!!

Anonymous said...

It certainly was when I did it.
It's just driving me crazy itching. I told the nurse I thought it was healing because you know how things itch when healing. I learn't something new today, Nurse said itching doesn't always mean healing in this case it doesn't. Wow learn't something new.

Anonymous said...

I think the grinch has a thing for "woodise things" sycamore tree, wreath made with pine, and vicky's pine christmas tree. hummmm

We need Sherlock Holmes !

Anonymous said...

Wow, something for me to remember too Dana! Sure hope you get relief from that real quick!!

DANA -- did you get through to Ed about when to take a drive?

MITS said...

Ok, now I'm finally off the phone and off to do my homework and watch CSI, since Greys' is a repeat. The Grich is a meanie, bettter keep his grubby hands off my Maggie.

Anonymous said...

Yes we do need help from Super Man or Spider Man OR Wonder Woman!

Anonymous said...

Tony Tony
turn around
Tell me if my tree is found

Anonymous said...

So far humans are not in demand by the grinch!

Anonymous said...

NOPE Mema Jo, no tree

Anonymous said...

Don't get all in a tizzy trying to get it back Mema Jo, just wait your turn it will come back!

Anonymous said...

Yes Vicky he is going to take me and I usually take my Mom. Get her out to see the Christmas lights.

He was just messing with me.

Anonymous said...

Well "just messing" with you is NOT allowed!

Anonymous said...

Ok legs are jumping got to lay down on bed. Can't be on puter now maybe I can get back later. Not going out though. Grinch probably won't let me back in.

Anonymous said...

Now is it my turn?

Anonymous said...

NOPE Mema Jo, no tree

Anonymous said...

Really frustrating isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I can sing to myself since no one is around to hear me!

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, please find Mema Jo's branches!

Anonymous said...

Ok Now you all have me scared to post anything. This BLOG is downright mean tonight. What is going on in? Well hoping the grinch doesn't get Elia confused with Elm or something. Weird stuff happens right here!

Anonymous said...

As said before, so far cyber grinch does not take humans!

Anonymous said...

I have not been able to post my comments in the normal way all evening. I always get that #$%## error page and close down the blog & then when I turn it on - WOW! There's my comment that wouldn't post.

Therefore; I am going to call it an evening...frustrating one at that.
Tomorrow is another day & the old sycamore might come back where it belongs & where everyone can see it!!

Good Night All
Pleasant Peaceful Dreams
Prayers for all my friends needs

Last one out say good morning to Suzanne

Anonymous said...

No that would be blogger cop! With as little as we are posting right now, I guess we aren't too much in danger of that...maybe that is why the grinch has shown up, blogger cop is not happy with us Humans so he sent the grinch after our trees.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a theory to believe in Glo!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, he threw me out of the house and made me sign back in! The nerve of this grinch tonight!!

Anonymous said...

I would say these are kind of tough times on the bLOG...That's OK This BLOG has Spunk! and more!!!! WE can handle it LOL

MITS said...

Ok, so I still have not done my homework, now I know where son got that from, I'm going to get up early and read the stuff, just wish we didn't have to present it. My first presentation is on the sloth bears and I'm doing it with a retired gov. engineer, who has nothing but time on his hands and uses words, you need a dictionary to look them up, but right now my brain is mush and will probably just go to bed and get up early tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Yes we have spunk -- and a whole lot more, we will get through this!

Anonymous said...

Poor Mits, bet the cyber grinch messed her brain up tonight!

Anonymous said...

One last good night
just to see if the sycamore
has been returned.

Anonymous said...


I over powered the Grinch

Super Momster Mema Jo

Anonymous said...

Hail Hail the sycamore tree is here! See Mema Jo, patience!

MITS said...

Yes, Vicky, brain is mush, was out travling in all the fog up I95 today, used up all my concentrations cells on that...BTW, while I am saying GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE...JO SAYS GOOD NIGHT ALSO, AND, IF YOU HAPPEN TO SEE THE OLD SYCAMORE TREE, PUT IT BACK IN ITS RIGHTFUL PLACE! GOOD MORNING SUZANNE.

MITS said...

I can't believe you made it in after I wished everyone a good night for you:):):)!

Anonymous said...

You did just as you were told Mits! And a great job well done!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody. Hope all is well with everybody today!

Here goes -- When I was in the hospital last month, they found a mass in my liver. I have had to have several different scans and blood tests trying to find out what it is. Today, I had an appointment at Charlottesville this morning with a surgeon. He believes it is a benign adenoma and will have to be removed. It is the size of a softball and takes up about 1/3 of my liver. He said the surgery is going to be a pretty big one because the tumor is so big. God has been working overtime with me, keeping my faith strong and my attitude very positive. I didn't mean to leave everybody out of the loop but didn't want to say anything until I knew more about what it is. Don't want to worry anybody needlessly. It is causing a significant amount of pain in my side and my right shoulder because it is rubbing against things it shouldn't be. Well that is all the news that is fit to print for now. I so appreciate all the love, concern and prayers that have been going my way! All I can say is it has been awesome! Love you, my eagle buddies!

NillaWafer said...

Man oh days i see the grinch has been in stealing Jo's tree and Megans wreath.. All of a sudden the grinch song is running thru my What abusy day i have had down home. Went shopping with sister and fixed dinner also gave a perm which turned out really nice. Just a nice day off work... My dad is so funny i swear he is getting senile and shrinking, he is shorter than me and i am only 5-3' lol Great news about the live cam, i watched the video of Buta Buta earlier today right after her exam and just want to swoop her up, but relizing she is still a wild animal... Mits i seen your first out going mingling with the zoo visitors is January 10th... hehehe big ol grin from ear to ear, but you dont know why yet...LMAO

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you Sharon! Prayers and prayers and more going up for you! I've missed you, you ole Wax Queen!

Anonymous said...

And here's Nilla! Hi!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We sure do love you too &
our prayers are with you always


NillaWafer said...

(((((((( SHARON))))))) So glad your home safe , the news isnt the best, do you know when the surgry will be after Christmas ??? You know we are all thinking of you and praying... Hugs, Nilla

MITS said...


MITS said...

Nilla, are you coming to see me?????

NillaWafer said...

Oh Jo are we going out to the nest before lunch or what??? I hope Steven let sthe guard know we are coming then i wont need to flirt so Mitsipoo hahaha Jan10th aint that atuesday? Hmmmm All i can say i hope the weather stays warm.... teeee heeee

Anonymous said...

Yep, MITS. Your thoughts are the same as mine with what Nilla said.

NILLA Are you going to the ZOO on January 10th? lol

NillaWafer said...

Ok who is Tony???

NillaWafer said...

Well Jo i already told my neice and we made our rating cards so i suppose thats a yessss you gona go along Jo???

Anonymous said...

Nilla IF you decide to go to the ZOO on 1/10/07 to evaluate Mit's presentation
There will be a snow storm with 6 feet of the white stuff

Aren't you going to be in sunny
FLORIDA checking on that eagle's nest about that time, Mts?

NillaWafer said...

so we shall see really depends on weather Mits so dont get all

Anonymous said...



NillaWafer said...

Oh i have not mentioned it for awhile but my sons girlfriends Jenny has not miscarried and things are looking real good she will carry this baby unlike last time... So i am sorta letting myself get xcited but still alittle anxious because of what we went thru last time...

MITS said...

Jan 10th is a Wednesday......Tony is St. Anthony...Sharon has to pray to him all the time, because her sister forgets where she puts things.....Dear St. Anthony, please come down, there is something that is lost and cannot be found. Amen and Good Night!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure this has been a difficult and trying time for you, your son and your family, especially as the holiday season approaches.
The diagnosis and prognosis your doctor has given you is very encouraging and I hope has put your mind somewhat at ease. The thought of undergoing surgery is never a comforting one, but I know you have researched the condition and doctor and know you are in good hands.
Do you know when you are going to have the surgery?
All my thoughts and prayers are with you Sharon.


NillaWafer said...

Opps well i was justa typing and not watching that Jo, heck i dont want the wax...Pitchin it to Sharon..

MITS said...

Out of town from the 3rd thru the 9th and the 11th thru the 16th.

NillaWafer said...

Well Good Lord i am in need of Tony myself at times

NillaWafer said...

Thelma i have no doubt you will be great at helping people with questions ans such and getting them to touch the panda poo poo Just kiddin about coming down, but i did mention it to Carrie.

Anonymous said...

We'll I think you're going to get some friendly faces by the sloth bears cage.

NillaWafer said...

Thelma did Maggie have her MRI today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry, I forgot to put the date on there. Surgery is Monday, January 8. I will be going to Charlottesville on January 7. Thanks everybody for your support.


MITS said...

I really am beginng to like all the animals on the asia trail....even the giant salamander has a soft spot in my heart:):):)

Anonymous said...

Hugs and prayers for you ((((Sharon))))

NillaWafer said...

Oh those sloth bears arent to pretty to look at, and they have huge claws, i read all about them on the zoo page. Carrie and i sat right by them leaving the zoo that evening and the moma bear try scratching on the window to get my little neices backpack which looked like a giraffe' then Carrie made a face like she was kissin it and i swear it rolled its lip up as if it was kissin CARRIE WE LAUGHED...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah, I went to the Bluefield Beaver Band's Christmas concert as soon as I got back into town this evening. My baby was the little drummer boy. Played the drum through the entire song. Mr. Saunders said it was Little Drummer Boy but the problem was that his drummer boy was kind of big! Of course, he did a superb job. I was grateful I got back in time to see. Butt is really dragging right now so I am going to bed and snuggle up to Mattie.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the hugs. There is nothing like a good hug! Hug all the time!

NillaWafer said...

HEY Just thought about something TODAY IS 4 MONTHS I HAVE NOT HAD A CIGARETTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

(((Hugs))) and prayers to you, Sharon.

Good night all!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!

G'nite again!

Anonymous said...

Really proud of you, Nilla.

Good Night again for real..

((((((( HUGS TO ALL )))))))))

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Yeahhhhhhh Sharonnnnn, aint gona lie i still have the want and taste for one.. oh yeahhhhh, so when your draggin on one say to yourself this is for my bud Niters everyone gona set the clock to be up in the am for Buta Buta's naming but in our hearts she is always Buta Buta no matter what name they give her!!! Nighty Nite

NillaWafer said...

Dana read about your arm that'ill teach ya, you better be careful like doc says and keep an eye on it with you being diabetic. Oh my yawnnnn... Wonder what they have picked for Buta Buta's name???? Few hours n we will know, aint she afur ball at 12 lbs now... will make Tai a good

NillaWafer said...

Speaking of Tai it 12:45am and he is romping on Mei trying to roll her over wanting to nurse. Oh she gave up and rolled over they are layng face to face pawlin each other under the light in the room.

MITS said...

Now if you could get the Maine cam, eagle was just there for a few minutes, Suzanne GOOD MORNING EVERYONE no fog this a.m. Going to do my homework, finally

MITS said...

Suz, the BW cam looks lines.

MITS said...

Eagle in and out at maine..Fla cam does not seem to be working.

MITS said...

There was just a squirrel in the Maine nest, sounded like an eagle near by and bam, he was out of there pronto.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. My guess is Steve is as frustrated as we are with the cam this am Seeing its Fri, I hop eit is something small leftover, so we can have it for the weekend. I am off for coffee and dog treats. Buta Buta gets that other name today. To be honest I think I will be out eagle watching, and catch a video when I get home, as I don't get Animal Planet. My neighbor gets CNN they may pull it in over there and we could watch it together. Not sure. Hope all have a Great Day

Mauley said...

Good morning all you dear wonderful eagle friends of mine. I am trying to keep all the grandkids happy by spending some time with each, and so sorry I have neglected posting on the blog. I do well to get to read it. But I just wanted you ALL to know that every entry in this blog is a treasure to my heart and that I love you all. God Bless You all and may He hold you to His heart this blessed season. I treasure each of you as you have become so close to me. love donna

Anonymous said...

Kingfish he pretty sitting in Conn.

all one line in case you removed the link it is where the osprey was.

He is gone but will return I sure.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Mauley and a good day to you too.

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Eagle in Maine

Anonymous said...

Eagle in Maine is eating

Wow Mits I seen the Kingfish but my "Oscar" the seagull is back well well hee hee ty

Anonymous said...

Sound is working at DC Zoo Mei and Tai are outside on the concrete walkway.

Anonymous said...

Yep there is Oscar he is majestic for a "seagull" lol

MITS said...

Off to the zoo, TTUL!

MITS said...

OOOO, sound is still really weird at zoo.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Mits you can do it...

Anonymous said...

Eagle in Maine gone for now.

Oscar the seagull in CT gone for now.

Anonymous said...

CNN just said at 10AM they are showing the celebration of Buta Buta's naming.

Anonymous said...

Mei is eating something (don't know if she took it away from Tai). HE is doing every trick he can do to get it from her.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Tai is happy his struggles paid off. He got a piece of what Mei had. Happy Happy cub now....

Anonymous said...

Tai is after Mei again for more of the sweet stuff she is eating. He is all over her. They are on a slight hill and he rolled Mei has moved away. Tai stayed back where she was cleaning up all the goodies. Oh my Mei has found another piece of whatever that is. Wait till Tai finds out. Mei is up by the windows eating it.

Tai go see what Mommy has lol

Anonymous said...

Morning Norma enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Mits is that you at the window looking out at Mei.??????

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Eagle Buddies
Well, I have TV station CNN on and am hoping that in a few minutes the ceremony will begin & that it will be televised! Haven't checked any cams yet except ours - Come on NCTC IT staff - Were rooting for you!

Suzanne E6 review - that is too funny. Nerves can do strange things to the mind

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo I've been watching CNN they said they are going to show the celebration of Buta Buta. So I'm watching too.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne they showed her moving of course I have her up and she is sleeping. lol But YES they are going to show her being named. It is coming up when soon.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Buta Buta will be there. It is being held at another place in the zoo. She is still on the cam live in the nest bed for now.

Anonymous said...

Showing on CNN right now Presidential Medal of Freedom at the White House.

Anonymous said...

CNN taking a break grrrrrr lol
they said 10AM don't they know it is past 10am

Anonymous said...

Suz, the CNN online only plays for 3 minutes then they want you to subscribe....

Anonymous said...

Suz, the CNN online only plays for 3 minutes then they want you to subscribe....

Anonymous said...

I think the coverage will come 'after the fact'. I also have up for any announcement.

Anonymous said...

They are just showing her now and will be announcing name soon.

Anonymous said...

I went on the and on the page about the singers in the celebration. There was a place to comment and I did plus I included our Liberty and Belle and the site.

Anonymous said...

I think Buta Buta will be present after the naming ceremony..Right now in nest bed.
Atlanta's new panda gets a moniker today in a ceremony following the Chinese custom of naming the baby at 100 days old.

Anonymous said...

B.B.King is getting his Medial of Freedom award.

Anonymous said...

CNN break everybody needs a commerical NOT

Anonymous said...

Suzanne if the gate at NCTC isn't open call me tomorrow on my cell and I will direct you to the turn in the road to set and see them.

Anonymous said...

CNN sure knows how to get the suspense level up.

Anonymous said...

They are showing the man from China at a podem standing and talking. They didn't let us hear what he is saying. They will get back to it at the moment I'm sure when the name comes up.

Anonymous said...

Uh-OH, Grinch better watch out with my eagle!!!

Anonymous said...

Uh-OH, Grinch better watch out with my eagle!!!

Anonymous said...

Name is Mei Lan means Atlanta Beauty

Anonymous said...

MEI LAN Atlanta beauty

Anonymous said...

May Lawn

Anonymous said...

That Grinch better watch out with my eagle!!!

Anonymous said...

That Grinch better watch out with my eagle!!!

Anonymous said...

That Grinch better watch out with my eagle!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't vote for that one either because I didn't want another Mei also. lol

Anonymous said...

Paula you are stuttering

Anonymous said...

Grinch you better watch out. Paula has an eraser and she can wipe you out !!!

Anonymous said... has the news on it now

Anonymous said...

Glo you lurker've been
I seen your comment on the named panda cub page lol...yep "Buta Buta pet name".

Anonymous said...

I wanted the Atlanta Peach, but so long as it has Atlanta in it, that's ok.

Anonymous said...

I wanted the Atlanta Peach, but so long as it has Atlanta in it, that's ok.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think it was the "little peach", wanted Atlanta Peach but they didn't have that one.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think it was the "little peach", wanted Atlanta Peach but they didn't have that one.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think it was the "little peach", wanted Atlanta Peach but they didn't have that one.

Anonymous said...

Some comments didn't think she should have a name with Atlanta in it because she won't stay in Atlanta. Doesn't matter now she has her China name.

Anonymous said...

Actually I think it was the "little peach", wanted Atlanta Peach but they didn't have that one.

Anonymous said...

Hey just thinking of it. I can hear Tai's plug-in when he meets Buta Buta. "Wow your cute like my Mom is and you even have her first name. We really need to get aquainted Mei Lan". lol We all know that boy will have a line lmbo

Anonymous said...

The Grinch is sure making his rounds.. Paula now..........


Anonymous said...

Give Buta Buta a week or so and she is going to climb right out of that nest bed and follow LunLun into the play room. She is up on all fours now and wide awake.

Anonymous said...

Off to Eagle watch. Don't let the grinch steal the whole BLOG while I'm gone. I will check on you just as soon as I get back.

Anonymous said...

OOpppps picture flashing on Buta Buta's nest as she sleeps.

Anonymous said...

Glad Mom had just done a wash job on her. lol

Anonymous said...

Ok, I grabbed the Grinch and am holding him hostage here so he can't steal anything else!!

Anonymous said...

See, I got him now!!! He tried escaping, but I caught him.

Anonymous said...


I was scrolling quickly when the
Grinch went by and I couldn't believe my eyes! Fantastic work!! Now he is where we can see him.

Anonymous said...

Wow Paula must have been in Western Rodeo's doing rope twirling to catch the grinch. Way to go Paula.....double wrap and double knot his butt.

Anonymous said...

Well I have lots to do and with Buta Buta's excitement over and our cam not being up - seems like a good time to
get started.




You would need to drive a very short distance past the main entrance and pull over along the road into the grassy area by the fence.

Suzanne-safe trip home this Friday.See you at lunch.Not certain when I will go over to the tree. I am picking up Sandra on my way to the Clairon.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne just call me when you get near NCTC on my cell phone and I will talk you through it. okie dokie That way you will get to the nest. Take your Binc.

Anonymous said...


You can see through the lines

Anonymous said...

I would say from her size - Belle is in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Live feed real player is not up.

Sometimes when you hit F5 to refresh before the 30 secs it helps the picture but other times it distorts it with more colorful lines.
Oh Well, I can see that white bald eagle head.

Anonymous said...

The cam is really back to "too many static lines" to take time looking at it. But Belle is still there up at the 12:00 position looking out of the nest.
BlackWater's eagle cam is looking good & clear today. My Kent & FL cams were nothing but black screen with a few lights about an hour ago. Haven't checked them anymore recently.

Anonymous said...

Just hit refresh (I am a die hard)

Both our eagles are in our nest

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...