Thursday, December 14, 2006


The cam is now live, but they are still working on the static problem. This all has to do with the microwave link.

On a brighter note, the live cam is now online full time. Once we get the static fixed we'll be happy.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cam is looking better right now.
Perfect picture of a perfect pair !!

Sign on in & view the show

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Grinch! Glad you joined me...

Anonymous said...

I got some also through the lines.
But they are clear enough to see them.

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Click away....

You think they would be arranging all those lose sticks but they just seem to be still and keep watch....

Anonymous said...

Hey There Nilla

Aren't they just beautiful
(when you can see them through the lines that is)

Anonymous said...

Off to lunch, got a couple of good shots, already put in the momsters album.

Anonymous said...

Checked out your photos on Momsters and mine would just be dups, I won't add them since the PHOTO section is getting short on space.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well Got back from my little trip. have some work to do. Did manage to see Liberty and Belle at the nest though. cam still really kind of sick mostly...they must be working hard on it. Thanks for not giving up whoever is doing the cam work today!!!

Anonymous said...

I did send you some half decent
photos, Glo. Glad you got to see them even though you had to look between the lines. Loved your comment over on Panda site! Suzanne & I also left a comment for them. We all referred to Buta Buta

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo who is suppose to rearrange the pics in the album 2006-2007 Season???

Anonymous said...

LOL Mema Jo That is the first time I have ever commented over there. Spotted forum and thought hey I'll let them know that the name is Beautiful, but there is another forum who already gave her a name LOL Too funny. They will know with 3 of us that she does in fact already have a "pet" name by which some will always know her!.

Anonymous said...

warning you all might want to see how much it costs to charter a bus this way soon LOL

Ok maybe not But wait til I upload a couple of videos. takes about an hour to get this done, so its gonna be a while But it was wonderful!!!!

Anonymous said...

Our little prince is out on the limb Sorta looks like small limbs for as large as he is getting.

Anonymous said...

Ok Glo - I will bet that you saw hundreds if not thousands of eagles
all in ONE TREE. I remember that first video of yours that I watched last year when you introduced us all to your site.

Anonymous said...

Well No Jo Not that many YET that will be another month or so...but You will enjoy what I did see and hear and capture for all of you!!!

Anonymous said...

Dana - There are 66 pics in the "New Season" album and about 18 or so should be up in the other album which has 56 pics. I also see that you are noticing that the New Season album has a few from Suzanne to start the album & then the pics really do run from the newest date to the oldest date. I usually do Slideshow when I look at them & I can see the dates.. I think I don't want to tackle any rearranging of those 2 albums AND hope that the new system set forth of daily entry in the current week will give us good viewing. Let me know what you think.

Anonymous said...

2:25pm MT Nest

Anonymous said...

I have moved your pictures the the Dec 10-16 Album. I am doing weekly albums. So put your pictures through tomorrow in the Dec 10-16 Album.

Anonymous said...

Check your momster mail, I sent out a notice about the albums last night. If you didn't get it, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the Grinch is smiling?!?! I think he likes it here!

Anonymous said...

Jo you going to be at the tree or the Tavern 12-12:30?

NillaWafer said...

Did anyone else see Mei leave her scent on the big tree laying in the yard.. then TAI CAME RIGHT ALONG AFTER HER AND MARKED HIS AND ROLLED AROUND.. FUNNY....wonder if Mits is there right now ? It looks like abeautiful day and lots of visitors.. Was watching Buta earlier i an thought for sure she was coming out over the esge of the nest box sure was trying hard..Must be treat time for the pandas.. Cannt wait to hear Mits full report of her day at the zoo.

Anonymous said...

I got it duh me Paula...I did read it for some reason thought that was just for you that album. Sorry I do better next has sunk in lol

Anonymous said...

Paula That isn't a smile -
It is a sneaky grin!

You keep your eye on him - Hope you have him locked in there real tight.

NillaWafer said...

My daughter said to me mom why dont you volunteer at the zoo, i said are you nuts way to far, but at the time she thought Mits lived close by and i could ride with

Anonymous said...

They just put Tai and Mei in a different yard.

Anonymous said...

Both eating on bamboo...that boy is certainly got the taste for bamboo now.

Anonymous said...

Dana The Tavern
What time are you shooting for? Did you get my email about Jennifer being ill & unable to come?

Nilla What is your timing for tomorrow?

I have the Rumsey Tavern menu up right now selecting what I am going to order. YUMMY All crab!

Anonymous said...

Paula that is a smirk on his face. Cause he is planning his escape....recheck those knots !!

Anonymous said...

Yes Jo got it I'm just leaving count as is.

Menu looks good.....making me hungry....think I need more money lol

Anonymous said...

When you get to the Clairton can you see the Tavern? Is there parking right there at the Tavern?
Sounds like going to get drunk (tavern)lol

NillaWafer said...

Man i hope Mits mentions that the microphone is making weird noises to someone today.. sounds like outer space noises they listen for at those plantiariums (SP) Both eating bamboo right now...

Anonymous said...

This chick-a-dee is going to lay down and see if her eyes closes.


4:20 was too early to be up

NillaWafer said...

Dana just park and go into main entrance and right back after you go around the stair case i think.. Jo spoke with Dana awhile ago on the phone about something and will speak with you tomarrow at the lunch... Oh crab Jo.. off to look at menu and off to go to Cracker Barrel for their fish fry before heading to work at 4pm... C u later...

Anonymous said...

I tightened the knots as hard as I could, gals!

Anonymous said...

Nilla - you have an email to open.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Nilla isn't going to get to eat very much if she is due to work at 4:00 and it is already after 3:00.

Anonymous said...

Ok Todays Videos are posted on the
soaring with the eagles or trying to Just click on my name and follow or go here:


Anonymous said...

Time for me to get off this computer & get some things done. Seems like I said this before and then checked our cam and I am still here. I'll only be back if I check the cam and see any action.


Anonymous said...

Well I am back because GLO said something before I left. Here I go to Glo's videos.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Videos
Don't forget to leave GLO a 'comment' after your viewing.


Anonymous said...

New thread up!

Anonymous said...

Vicky you have mail.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...