Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thursday December 28

New Thread.


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Anonymous said...


Thank you Steve

Anonymous said...

Thank you Steve for the New Thread probably from CT.

Mema Jo I'm wasn't under the covers lol.

I was here but:
hee hee Jo I got back to computer and all of a sudden felt like I was going to pass out. No headache warning like usual. Made it to bed took sugar 48 eeekk yelled for Ed to bring orange juice and peanut butter crackers.. layed down again.
All fixed now just a little feel bad but ok sugar back up to 87.

Sure surprised me I'm ok me is tough..from west virginia made of tough stuff. lol

Anonymous said...

Dana You better take care of yourself and not let that sneak up on you again! Anyway, I told Nilla that "Thelma" aka Mits was under the covers! I am glad you are getting your eyes checked tomorrow at the Dr
lol......... I know your one tough cookie!

Anonymous said...

Only 15 more minutes to view our
Buta Buta!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see her come out of that nest. She is really moving about. lol love that cutie pie

Mema Jo it usually gives me a warning "headache". Yep me is a tough cookie. hee hee

Anonymous said...

I loved the praying picture on the other blog. Didn't get a chance to tell I think it was Iris. We certainly need it and also I say "Praise the Lord" for Sharon having drain remove and they believe antibotics will take care of it. God is good!! ( :

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta has her head over

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta has her head over

Anonymous said...

Now a paw is over

Anonymous said...

Aww she fell back into nest box. Head over again and her left paw out again. Trying to pull herself...go go go Buta Buta

Anonymous said...

That's All Folkes

Anonymous said...

1 minute left to view Buta Buta and I don't think she has the engery left. She is flat out on her back and done in I think.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo did you think it looked like she might make it sometimes when she was trying?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dana, you find yourself straining for her! I did see her do it once & I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She is a little die hard for sure. I just hope you get to see her do it once.

We are fixing dinner for a son & family. I will need to leave for awhile. I will be back. I'm glad we came to the new blog - it is so much faster. I am going to copy/paste the message concerning Sharon's trip on this thread. BBL

Anonymous said...

Oh Mema Jo that will be so so cute to see. There's a movie out or coming out called Happy Feet. hee hee that is what Buta Buta's feet will be when she crawls around "Happy Feet". lol

Anonymous said...

Dana, someone should get some jazzy music and set it to a video of her squirming around in the nest bed. That would be fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Call came in - They pulled the drain on her! lol She sounds so good! There is still an abscess and it will be treated with antibiotics. At first she thought they were going to put in another drain as there was a pocket under the one that had drained so well. But they decided that meds may clear it up. The mystery still to be solved is 'Where did it come from in the first place'. It has become smaller. She will be heading home shortly.
p.s.-Andrew & John did get to go to the Red Lobster last night for dinner.
Praise be to God for his healing powers!

Thursday, December 28, 2006 11:26:45 AM

Anonymous said...

BBL this evening

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mema Jo for keeping us up-to-date on Sharon. "Praise the Lord for all he has done and will do for Sharon". Prayers still will be going up for Sharon.

Praise for Mauley's little girl.

Of course there are prayers for others in here also. Mits, Mits husband, Aalehia, Nilla and family, I also keep Birdgirl in prayers and others.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got the video from today. I had to walk out of the office when they were at the nest, and when I came back, the live feed was down...and you know what that means - you are sol on going back to get it!

Anonymous said...

ALERT one in our nest

Anonymous said...

Eagle alert, one in the nest!

Anonymous said...

Has she/he got something to eat?

Anonymous said...

Flew off

Anonymous said...

Eagle just left

movin said...

Happy getting-ready-for-a-Happy-New-Year DAY!!

Certainly glad to read that our Dana is back amongst the "Real." I haven't had that experience myself, but close family and friends have... doesn't sound too wonderful. Take care of yourself, Dana.

I see the video cam is up again, but it did not seem to be changing when I looked at it...beautiful still pic of a leafless Sycamore and an eagles' nest.

Well, we're progressing into the 2007 nesting season, but now I don't see many eagles on the nests..??

I'm trying to vacation this week and clean up this mess I've made in my apartment... Picked up my new eyeglasses yesterday, and one pair, the one for computer and close work is fine, but the normal range pair made me feel like each of my two eyes had no relationship to the other eye. I'm still making major bends in the frames on that pair to change the angle they sit on my nose, and it is in the ball park now...just a little more fine tuning.

My old prescription, according to the optometrist, dates back to 1999, and I wear them to work, have dropped them quite a few times, so there are dings and scratches all over the lenses! Need new ones, and I'm glad I'm getting them tweaked to my real world needs.

No birds in the nest at Kent or Maine or Shepherdstown, but the male eagle was on the Osprey platflorm at BW.

Really have a wonderful New Year, Everyone...


Anonymous said...

Good hearing from your end of the world Jim. Hope your glasses do well. I got trifocal this time so it would be good for computer. They say they are hard to get use to. Took to them like a duck takes to water lol.

I will take care Jim. It is nice for the time I can be back in the "real world" as you say. Thanks

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone - home from family travels. Prayers for Aeleiha (spelling?) and Nilla's tonsilitis ridden family. I hope they all are swallowing pain free and happy soon. Prayers for Sharon - hopefully taking the drain out is the best thing and the meds will take care of the rest of the mystery fluid. Looking forward to having you home and being our eagle eyes again, soon, Sharon! Prayers for Mits and her hubby to be over the nasty sounding flu they've managed to share. I hope Maggie and other family don't wind up with it as well. And Dana - prayers that you don't have another drop in sugar like that again - gotta watch yourself gal! Anyone else out there needing prayers - you got em, too. Hoping everyone gets settled and that all this is just the way to get bad stuff out of our systems so we can have an AWESOME 2007!!!!

I'm looking forward to watching the cam and still pics tomorrow of our eagles, and also seeing our little Mei Lan... she will be up and running soon!

Howdy to everyone and thanks for the updates on here and the momster site - I'm sure I've missed a lot, but the updates help me feel like I'm still 'in the loop' at least partially!

{{{{hugs}}}} to all

Anonymous said...

Wow, this new thread was needed! THANKS Steve!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Belle was so great hearing from you gal. Have missed you.
I'll be ok don't worry. I really watch my sugar that was a crazy one. Dr. is very proud of what I keep my sugar at. So this was a really unusual happening. Too many EMT's in this family and fire dept. guys and gals. Don't need them on my butt lol.
Hope you and your family had a great christmas. Time to spend with them.

NillaWafer said...

Hello, Down here at daughters to check on Samuel, he is feeling better some what... Word on Aalehia is she could be home tomarrow but with a Picc line... but that changes from day to day with her. Oh and the dog Patches of my parents is in the hospitol with Diabetes... All this sickness.... Ok Dawn sounds terrible with a sore throat also now (daughter).... My partner Telma is on my mind .. love you... Sharon xoxoxo Dana xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Nilla your around all that sickness my prayers are with you too gal. Thank you I'm checking in with dr. again tomorrow. Don't want to be a dummy want to play this safe. YOu take care. I'm praying for alot of people in here.

Sorry about the doggie I feel and know with mine just be diagnoised with Cushing disease. My dentist older dog has diabetics and they are able to do alot for dogs with that.

Anonymous said...

Oh forgot to tell you I enlarged your picture and oh my is it great. Love that scene. Really is even better when you click on it then enlarge. Nice...

Anonymous said...

Our dinner is over and dishes are done! Nice family affair.My two cats don't care for company but I love it, especially when it includes a great grandchild.
Remember that Glo has new video:


Anonymous said...

ssosbourn! That sounds serious

Anonymous said...

Sanda, I read about Tai's spikey hairdo! Seems they are giving more frequent updates (ever since Helen told them it would be nice if they did one of the days she was at the zoo in training)...

I will gladly keep Lucille in prayers for a successful operation.
We here on the blog really need to start a prayer line. There are so many in need of better health.

Anonymous said...

If you remember the one article about the hands of pandas and how they hold bamboo - if you look at the DC Panda Cam 2 - you get an eyewitness account.

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo I have always kept a special calander. That is where I put prayer request. Such as Sandra's friend Lucille on tomorrows date for surgery. That way I can pray for peoples needs.

I have done this for years in different games sites I've been in. So when I came into NCTC I started my calander for here.

Anonymous said...

So to me we do have a prayer chain right in this blog. Even lurkers that read I believe with all my heart that they too are sending up prayers. As we found with Mauley after she came in.

Anonymous said...

That is a very good idea - the calendar. Thanks, Dana, because I was afraid I was forgetting some.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Anybody Home??

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula,
I just stopped in, not sure if anyone else is here...

Anonymous said...

I just now came on... DIdn't know if anyone was around
HELLO Paula & Belle

I called MITS and her Hubby said she was still feeling pretty badly - in bed. His lasted for a week & he says he is just now starting to feel better.

belle_wv said...

Jo - sounds like you've been having lots of wonderful family time! That's awesome... Nilla, I think they need to call in the CDC and quarantine y'all - then give you lots of good medicine until everyone is feeling better. I hope your niece can come home tomorrow and be comfortable and get better surrounded by her family!

Dana yepper you better get to Dr. tomorrow, sounds like the meds are messing with your sugar levels while they are hopefully helping you get over the infection.

Prayers for Sandra's friend for a successful, minimally painful and safe procedure tomorrow...

Paula, how is it having a full house? Your kids are home, right? When do they have to head back for classes again?

What was that about panda's hands and spikey hair? I am going to go see if I can find out what you're talking about... lol

belle_wv said...

Glad you were able to get an update on Mits - we'll keep sending her mental chicken noodle soup and comfortable pillows and and and...

What's the latest on Sharon - is she coming home or does she have to stay in the hospital for the antibiotics?

Anonymous said...

Sharon was headed home this afternoon. Probably there by now. Her computer has a virus so we may not hear from her until she gets it cleaned up. Her DR at home I feel is up-to-date with her DR in Charlottesville.

Tai's spiked hair was on the DC panda cam updates above the cams. Sandra had mentioned it. Before that article was the one concerning the Panda's hands. I mentioned it due to a good shot of Mei holding the bamboo earlier this evening.

Belle - are your children having a good holiday? And how about you?

Anonymous said...

Paula BW OSPREY cam has an updated gallery now (mostly eagles of course) and some special shots over in the text.

Anonymous said...

Howdy Jo &'s your holiday, Belle?

College kid has been here on and tonight, doing laundry and ate dinner at home....

I'm very proud of him...3.5 GPA so far, but still need one grade...

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jo, I'll have to check it out....saw the eagle gallery...gotta make sure I send in my pics...I sent some in...

Anonymous said...

Probably check it out running slow,,,trying a new movie program and it eats up all my memory.

Anonymous said...

BW - I see Paula, Dana, Suzanne H. on some of the pics on the Osprey site.

Mauley said...

Dana, you better take care of yourself girl. You really gave me a fright. Calendar idea is best one I have heard in a long time. I will get right on it. I believe with all my heart that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. God does answer prayers and He is in the healing business. I thank God that He uses me to pray for those who need His touch. If you ever think that there is nothing you can do, there IS. We can all pray for each other. I know God hears our prayers. God bless you all and I continue to pray daily for Sharon, our little Maggie,Nilla and her little neice, Mits who is under the weather,and Lucille. Dana, please take care of yourself.
I still love the pink Kitty. donna

Anonymous said...

Don't know about the Pink Kitty with the fireplace - The Red Cardinals are back in my yard!
How about that, Dana?

belle_wv said...

Hi Jo,

Glad to hear Sharon is home or at least on her way. Home is good! Thanks for asking, yes, we're all enjoying a much needed relaxing holiday. Very low key. We had a progressive dinner with several neighbors on Christmas eve, then a very calm, quiet Christmas day with my Mom and Aunt coming over for dinner after we wandered over there for a post-lunch 'opening' (I stayed in my PJs the WHOLE day!!). We just got back this afternoon from a trip to North Western PA to visit with hubby's mom and sister and brother in law. No big plans for anything else, just a little shopping tomorrow and then the weekend cleaning my bedroom! Yikes!

I hope you got to spend lots of time with your family especially that great grandchild! How awesome is that! I'm looking forward to the 'grandma' years - but no rush just yet, for my kids' sake anyway - they aren't ready to be parents for a LONG time, so I will have to wait :)

Anonymous said...

Mauley - About Iraq Tours. I guess I will be praying the same thing for Ryan come summer concerning 2nd tour.

Anonymous said...

Yes Belle, our Christmas was wonderful family time. On Christmas eve the house was filled to the doors & everyone loved every minute. All but one granddaughter & her family made it. I'll get to see them right after the new year.

Anonymous said...

Paula, glad the 'kid' is home for some of the time at least - 3.5 is awesome :) Keep up the good work!

Movie program? As in putting pics together to make movies, etc? I think it is amazing what you all do with the pictures and video stuff - I look in at the things whe

Mauley said...

Hi Belle and Mema Jo, I don't think my heart could take CJ being in Iraq for another year. I thought I would die when he got hit by that roadside bomb. He emailed pictures of the fragments that hit his arm, NOT his arm. He is so young, he thinks that nothing will happen to him. My sister, his mother, isn't half as torn up as I am. She has remarried and has a 5 year old, and it seems that he consumes so much of her time. He is an envitro baby. CJ is 15 years older than his little brother. I think the older we get the more we know that could happen. I appreciate your help in praying that he doesn't have to go back. donna

belle_wv said...

Hmm tried to post and blogger put me in as anonymous... but they don't allow that - so I guess noone sees my 'anonymous' comment... which was:

Paula, glad the 'kid' is home for some of the time at least - 3.5 is awesome :) Keep up the good work!

Movie program? As in putting pics together to make movies, etc? I think it is amazing what you all do with the pictures and video stuff - I look in at the things whenever I can

Mauley said...

Paula, 3.5 WOW. You should be so proud. I am, how wonderful. donna

Anonymous said...

You're pretty tricky, Belle! I was wondering how it happened & emailed Paula to ask her not knowing it was you. lol I thought we were invaded!

Anonymous said...

No, Belle, your comment is there...thought it was my computer. Lol. I am trying to put together video clips from yesterday...after over an hour it is at 91% done...I do have a program that puts pictures together too into a movie...there is one on the eagletmomsters blog...check it out when you have a couple of minutes...I am trying to put the videos and such there.

it is

Anonymous said...

Cool, movie is finally done...will try to get it on the blog now.

belle_wv said...

No idea how I did it Jo - just couldn't seem to get the page to 'go' when I hit send...

Anonymous said...

Time for me to say

Good Night All

Happy Homecoming, Sharon

Prayers going up for all

Good Morning Suzanne
New pics on BW Osprey site - Some are yours

Anonymous said...

Cool, Dec 27 video is on

NillaWafer said...

Dana i am really so sorry i didnt get you called back tonight... After everything today and evening i was exhausted laid down on the couch to watch tv and here it is going on 12 am i just woke up... The word i have on Aalehia is tomarrow doctors putting a PICC LINE in her, and later in the day coming home, so thats the plan unless it changes. Dana diabetes is 1 thing but Patches has many other things wrong with her sadly.... Mits my buddy... my friend... my partner... hoping and wishing you a speedy recovery i sure do miss you gal... love , Nilla..... Sharon hope is tucked away safe in her own bed.. glad your home also gal love ya... Dana Dana Danaaaa take care gal the eagles are waiting for auntie Dana so be careful and stay well.... Lord above please raise your healing hands and touch those in need of your warm touch and healing love.. Keep each one in this blog family safe in the coming New Year 2007 and their families out of harms way for those who serve over seas in Iraq and other countries defending Freedom... Lord Bless "OUR" eagle family Liberty & Belle as another season of raising a family is upon them, make them strong as last years family ... And lastly Bless the people at NCTC who has brought us this blog page where we have truely become a loving family and strong providers of prayer for those in need.. All this we asked in Gods name... Amen.. Amen.. Amen

NillaWafer said...

It is so late now going on 12:30am and i was over at Glo's video's looking at them and reading her messages... As i watched each Chrstmas picture she took the more i smiled with tears what aprecious little girl and how lucky she has been to have 2 loving parents and family God gave them all... Of course i had to watch the vid of Mits n me at the zoo... Happy Hapy Memories as is all the get togethers have been with each... I am just really tired now and heading to bed yet so emotional my mind runs in a thousand different directions... Good Night everyone hope i did not offend anyone being so open with feelings... Hugs, Nilla

NillaWafer said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

ALERT OUR NEST someone flew in a while ago I wasn't signed in to let you know. Now I believe the other eagle flew into the tree and is on a limb.

Anonymous said...

Not exactly sure yet who came in first. They did have a small amount of food they finished quickly. L or B has been looking overhead. Then that was when I seen wings around the 7 o'clock area but high up barely seen them. Which ever one is in the nest looked up at the incoming. He or she wasn't upset so I am sure it was their partner.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Hi Suzanne sweetie

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne 11:15 this morning. I just couldn't wait to see if anyone was in the nest. So I do feel somewhat better because I am getting some sleep the last 2 nights.

So that is Belle in the nest?

Anonymous said...

She is just setting there as if ahhh it's a good morning and this sun feels so good on me. (smiles)

Anonymous said...

For those that only have the refresh screen. She did when she flew in after she ate something (which was very small). Go over and look at that white thing in the nest. She picking it up. I don't know what it is. You couldn't see her do that on the refresh screen and I know your wondering what is it? Well she didn't eat it. Does look smaller since she picked it up though.

As she sits there she is turning her head all around looking. So she just isn't frozen still like the refresh shows. She moves her head alot looking around this way and that way.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne sure is alot of sand left in the BW osprey area from all the water.

Anonymous said...

Belle is now walking to 6 o'clock area and flew off from there.

Anonymous said...

Yes I saw that yesterday. There was much more water. Where the some of the water is gone is alot of sand now. Although there is still water there. I thought they would be ducks or geese.

Anonymous said...

BW has some green growing in the osprey nest doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone. This si gonna be a good day all around for everyone. Yep keep looking up or as Suz would say "Eyes to the skies" and whisper a little prayer int hat direction too while you are at it.
Nilla I am glad you went back to watch that video again, especially now with your little niece sick. I left it on there as I just kind of thought lots of us will go back and enjoy our "Momsters" out and about enjoying life together in various places etc. More prayers for that little one....she is gonna be oK.

Well off to coffee and dog treats. I think the neighbors and I are also gonna do Christmas over lunchtime. I will be in and out. Get to work the overnight tonight. Will Blog off and on as I can.

so good to see belle in here last night too. She knows something about anonymous the rest of us haven't figured out that is for sure. I thought we had been invaded too mema Jo LOL

Anonymous said...

Morning Glo so you too have friends or family like you have to do Christmas with. Me too. Didn't want to give Mom this stuff. So we haven't done Christmas exchanging with dear Mom yet. I have spoke to her on phone. I laugh she says, "don't buy me anything". Well Mom yours was the first present brought. I just can't get by cause don't want to give you this stuff. In May she will be 81 better health than me. I take after my Dad in that area. She's something else..((hugs Mom)) ( :

Anonymous said...

I see Belle was in last night. Reading it I thought; where was I.
Looked at time still early. Then remembered left computer on and thought I'd just lay on bed for a while. That awhile really lasted.

Belle sounds like nice family Christmas. So glad to hear from you gal.

Wow looked at the gallery on BW....sure was a convention on there. There are always some great pics on there. Lisa does a wonderful job. Like our Globug ( :

Anonymous said...

Suzanne you still around gal?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Suzanne the old goat got you and wouldn't let you back in. I thought something was wrong. Then just told myself you was working.

You didn't miss any eagles so that's a good thing.

Glad your back not sure you should go anywhere if he is after you today.

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dana and Suz

Beautiful eagle at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

Make that 2 !!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the live cam up!

Anonymous said...

Suz, do you remember ever seeing that much water around the Osprey cam when we were there? I don't. Seems to have come up higher during the colder months.

Anonymous said...

And those sure are some nice pics at the BW gallery. Good job Dana & Suz!

Anonymous said...

And those sure are some nice pics at the BW gallery. Good job Dana & Suz!

Anonymous said...

Mate left at BW

Anonymous said...

And voila! Just like magic, mate reappears!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it was chasing another bird away?

Anonymous said...

Must be really is at water level though...just haven't seen it go down at all.

Anonymous said...

Nice close up shot

Anonymous said...

Morning Paula I was fixing my hair and came in and wam eagle then eagles at BW wow...

Gallery is awesome Lisa did.

Is that sand Suzanne and Paula that shows where the water receeded? Or is it just the way the land is down there?

Anonymous said...

Quick meal, both eagles gone

Anonymous said...

No Dana, just a brown field around the cam.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all my lovely eagle buddies. Just checking in for a minute. Computer still has ugly virus and I am going to attempt to clean it today. More will be revealed.

It feels good to be back home and the drain is gone. When they said they were going to put another drain in yesterday, all I could do was cry. Don't know if I could withstand that procedure again but I am sure I could if they have to. God is soooo good!! They want to do a colonoscopy to see if they can find the source of the abscess. They say they have to come from somewhere, don't just appear out of the blue so more will be revealed on that.

I am so grateful to everybody for their love and support through this.

I hope everybody has a wonderful day. I am going to try to bring up a camera or 2.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sharon sniffle sniffle gal it is so good to see you here!!! ( : (: ( :

I still keeping you in prayer and keeping angels around you.

Your pic and words brightened up my day.

Hope you aren't too uncomfortable now that the drain is out. I am glad God has you in good hands.

((((((((((((((hugs Sharon))))))))))

Can do that on here and you won't get my cold. hee hee

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you, Sharon. Hope you are feeling better, day by day. Yup, that's it. Bring up a cam or two and watch and rest and get better!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All So thankful to see a full house - Just need to get Mits back to good health soon.

((((((((HUGS SHARON)))))))))

Read the comments & did my emails - Daughter just called and is headed my way. Guess I best get out of my morning leisure wear.
Glad you early birds had such an Eagle Filled Morning!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok Feels so good to see a "Good Morning greeting from Sharon " behave yourself and don't be overdoing today though young lady!!! Hope you get some good cam viewing in though while you are resting etc.

Anonymous said...

Guess I best get out of my morning leisure wear.

(I think she means PJ's) :):)

Anonymous said...

Awww, love those Polar Bears Sandra.

Anonymous said...

2 Eagles at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

I saw that too on the polar bears. Thank Goodness!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, Norma!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say howdy and run...but have to do the bank rounds and get some lunch...BBIALW

Anonymous said...

I found some really neat aerial maps of our Sycamore tree. View them at

I also posted them on the Yahoo eagletmomsters group, under the album "A Map of the Sycamore"

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert!!!!

Anonymous said...

Moving some sticks around, one eagle right now

Anonymous said...

AT the 6 o'clock Spunky spot by the tree branch...hard to see

Anonymous said...

Still there at 6 o'clock

Anonymous said...

May have been beak

Anonymous said...

Just sitting there, looking to the left

Anonymous said...

In the middle of the nest now...looking out past noon, playing with a few sticks.

Anonymous said...

sitting at noon

Anonymous said...

You can tell how high and how deep the nest is when she is sitting there.....tail goes straight down and doesn't appear to touch the bottom of the nest

Anonymous said...

Still there...just picking at the middle of the nest now

Anonymous said...

all gone, been gone about 10-15 min

Anonymous said...

Well my appointment was 11:15 this morning. Finally back lol and it was here in town. Poor doc had emergency at hospital. Didn't get to office till really late. So many people in waiting room. Told secretary I would set in car with Ed call me on cell and we'll come in.

I've got to tell you this. Ed and I are sitting there. Now mind you he is reading a book. Me just looking around an relaxing. Picture this: he looks up from his book and says "we are spending time together". Of course I cracked up told the doc about it he loves Ed and me told him in the car waiting on him to get to the office we were spending "quality time together". lol

Yep got more meds.

Sugar great that was just a time I napped and forgot to eat lunch. Doc says he's proud of me. Sugar good been 5 years for a cold. I told him he just missed seeing me as often as he used too. lol

Anonymous said...

That is so sad about the polar bears. Glad they put them on the endangered species list. Maybe they can find a way to help more this way. I had been watching that warming for a long time. Them showing the glarcier melting. Sad state of affairs. Not going there.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you didn't check the blog Norma to see that Belle was in the nest. Flew in with a stick, then mostly just hung around, did a little rearranging here and there, and then flew off.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good visit, Dana. Hope the meds help! Quality time! Men, gotta love 'em.

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is starting to feel better!

Anonymous said...

I just got back from Toys R Us. I was with oldest daughter - Had to check out some Dora (on sale) items.B-days in Jan for one of the littlest ones.
Then we met son, NY gals and were walking along Creekside down in Frederick-even went into the Library(had to visit the Loo).So I have had my exercise for the day. Dinner for family again this evening. Takes me a couple of different nights to have them here separately.
Dana looks like it's ButaButa time!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Dana LunLun has her - I think it is feeding time.

Anonymous said...

Buta Buta is moving around Jo maybe today is the day she comes out of the nest box.????

Anonymous said...

Good to hear Mits fever is dropping that's a good sign.

Anonymous said...

Aww God love her heart she is on her back with feet flying...just flipped herself back over. She is moving towards the bars at window.

Jo go down there a pull up that 2x4!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on Buta Buta!
You can do it!

Anonymous said...

She was almost there!!

Anonymous said...

Jo I sure thought she was too..

Anonymous said...

I'm chuckling here Jo .... where did the "tail" go hee hee

Anonymous said...

Mei is eating Bamboo & Tai is sleeping in his corner.

Buta Buta is flopped over on her back

Anonymous said...

She is all done in much work for such a little gal.

Well Ed's hungry so need to fix dinner. I'll check in later.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Mits if your still here ( :

Feeling any better?

Anonymous said...

Good evening everyone. Hope your day has gone really well. Mine has been fun and very busy. i am off to work the overnight here in a couple of hours, but wanted to stop in and see who is here, etc. Glad to see Mits stopped by and saw an eagle at the same time.
Interesting Map of our Tree paula

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone --

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi sos! So glad to hear your friend's surgery went ok!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated! Sure boosts our faith!

Anonymous said...

That 200 lbs of wax is going towards our "IL gals wax turnpike to the tree" in the spring!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky I see you are still working hard on our wax turnpike. LOL I htought the Guiness book was a Great idea too, not sure how we are gonna prove exactly how much wax we have though hmmm.

Anonymous said...

ok, scared everyone off I guess, I can take a hint!

Anonymous said...

Its Glo, Hi Glo!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you missing little kisses and grins??

Anonymous said...

Bet you had pretend tea parties!!

Anonymous said...

Yes we had pretend tea parties. Think I sent you an invite to the FilmLoop. Just click on my name and go to Elias Journey to go home...there is a tea party LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh I saw the film loop already! I thought I saw a tea party happening!

Anonymous said...

Howdy Vicky & Glo. So nice to hear that all the momsters got to spend the holidays with their grandkids!

Anonymous said...

Yep Paula, that means we had Christmas because of those precious kiddos in our lives!

Anonymous said...

Well its off to work for me in about half an hour. Time for a snack and qquick dog walks. Will bLOG at you tomorrow. Hope everyone has a restful night and nice healthy day heading into tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Be safe Glo and careful if you're going to be going to work tonight!

Anonymous said...

Quiet nite...hope everyone is resting and getting better.

G'nite all!

Geula said...

Good Morning ALL!

Ya know what I really like? it's seeing the nest come up through the "mist" of the night. Like every time the picture refreshes you see more and more...A nnew eagle day!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Live feed is down

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

eagles at BW

Anonymous said...


The nest looks so cool in the fog!

Anonymous said...

How did you see them thru that fog, Dana?

One eagle at BW Osprey nest

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures on the momsters group, Dana!

Anonymous said...

Checked in on FL cam, it is up. Mom in the nest. We could see chicks there 2 weeks from today! Sat Jan 13 would be 35-36 days.

Anonymous said...

Hi Morning Paula ! ( :

I used a camera from the military that see through fog. lol just kidding. Believe it or not it wasn't that foggie then. Sure has poured in now though.

I was just getting ready for a nap..L and B wore me out...all that action. hee hee

Nice to see a smiling face here this morning. Now you can take over standing the watch lol

Anonymous said...

I'd like to poke a small whole in those sticks so we could see the eaglets...we won't get to see them for a while.

Anonymous said...

Their site says 33-35 days. I wonder if they don't take quite as long as up here because of the overall warmer temperature?

Our eggs last year took 36-38 days to hatch.

Anonymous said...

Reporting in and on duty till 5pm today! :) My pleasure!

Anonymous said...

That could be Paula sooner to lay and faster to hatch.

Anonymous said...

Ok if I can been so excited between our nest and BW..

I'll try a nap

Thanks for the take over hee hee wink

Anonymous said...

Then don't finish reading this sentence, LOL, 2 eagles at BW now.

Anonymous said...

MT nest, fog is lifting.

2 eagles still at BW

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all. Home from work and off to bed. Will check in later. Hope everyone has a great day.

Anonymous said...

G'nite Glo! Get some good sleep!

Anonymous said...

Eagle Alert!! 2 in the nest

Anonymous said...

One just left, maybe to get another stick

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Both eagle at BW are gone...

Anonymous said...

Feeling any better, Mits?

Anonymous said...

1 eagle still in the nest...sitting at the noon position

Anonymous said...

2 back in the nest

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One took off

Anonymous said...

1 still in nest w/ back to launch pad

Anonymous said...

2 back in nest

Anonymous said...

One left a couple min ago, now both are gone...nest is MT once more

Anonymous said...

Good Eagle Watching Morning to you all! Busy birds this am hour.
Special Hi! to you Geula Mits Paula I missed Dana and Glo.
Well, I'm off to errands now that the nest is MT. Couldn't go sooner -didn't want to miss the show.

Is the BW cam down now for all of you?
There is one beautiful eagle up in the Maine nest

Anonymous said...

Wow, one back again!

Anonymous said...

Oh My! Should not have looked back at our nest. Back again!

Mauley said...

Morning all of Eagle land. Mauley has all grandkids today and last night. That is 8 under 9 years old. Two 4 month olds and two 3 year olds, a 9 year old, an 8 year old, a 5 year old and an 18 month old.Do you think they will try to kill me? I probably won't be able to check back in until Sunday after church. You guys and gals pray for me. lobe donna

Anonymous said...

Gone again!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mauley...hope you took your vitamins this morning :):)

Anonymous said...

BW cams seem to be up and down today. Lisa has another couple pics and info about the flying squirrel.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...