Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sunday 31 December

Back from CT thread.


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Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Thanks for the new thread Steve. Hope you had a nice vacation.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to a wonderful New Year and nesting season in 2007!

NillaWafer said...

Hold the door open here i come Well i changed Mits picture for her hope she likes it... Now Thumper is giving me aheadache need something for new years...

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Welcome home Steve & Family

NillaWafer said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Steve for the New Year Thread....Steve and family may Best Wishes come with 2007 for you and your family.

Having Yahoo mail problems...oh well it will fix its self has before.

No thumper Nilla....ok what's next?

Mits cute girl and rocking horse ( :

Anonymous said...

Nilla alert Nilla alert your jeep is ON FIRE !!!

Anonymous said...

lol click on pic and enlarge hee hee has a sign flying out the back Happy New Year lol

Anonymous said...

eeeekkks my pink kitten is gone


NillaWafer said...

hahaha No it isnt Dana but its to small and i am working on somethign

Anonymous said...

Ok Nilla! You'll never believe that my grandson now has a fire engine RED jeep!
So where is the Grim Reeper - you know Old Man Time

Anonymous said...

There he is! Out and about! Need to see him at midnight then you can have that New Years Baby on again!

Sycamore still stands tall

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.
I think it got too loud on here for Pink Kitty.

NillaWafer said...

LOL as you can tell i am at work and not busy with alot of time on my

NillaWafer said...

Jo did you see Mits new picture i put up for her???

Anonymous said...

Yes, I had just gone back & looked. Looks like Little Maggie Rocking In The New Year! lol

How late are you at the store?
I have no "party" plans unless some of the family comes over.

Anonymous said...

Hi Iris I think you have the right idea about our beautiful praying lady. How's the weather down there?

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Iris I think you have the right idea about our beautiful praying lady. How's the weather down there?

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Dana Did you find the pink kitty?

Blog just made me Stutter - Sorry.

NillaWafer said...

Jo just spoke with Dana and she sounded alil better but still under the weather... No she gave up finding the kitten and is playing a game.... Hi Iris happy new years .... I dont have any plans right now neither but that can change in a second with my

NillaWafer said...

Glad you liked Mits new picture i thought the same thing Jo when i picked it out... Hope Sharon is getting better n better... Yes we need good health for this new years... and new babies in the nest ...

NillaWafer said...

Well didnt i tell ya plans change minute to tminute around here... yup going down to Hagerstown to my brother in laws fire co he is with for a party.. Who knows might find me a good looking fireman n run off...LMAO

movin said...


All signs are looking positive for a really great year in 2007. May you all enjoy them.

Shall we wish for 4 young ones for Liberty and Belle this year? Or only 2, perhaps? I'm sure they will handle it just as well either way.

Has anyone reported seeing the three from this year lately?

Everybody stay warm and well, and let's really do the Happy New Year thing.....


NillaWafer said...

HAPPY NEW YEARS JIM... yes just spoke with Mema Jo and we said we want good health for everyone in this blog in 2007... Hope yours is filled with good friends family and lots of hugs Jim.. gota love big hugssss i know i sure do (and Jo to N Dana heck all the monsters love hugs i have

NillaWafer said...

Those little Golden Lion Tamarin monkeys sure are cute... 2 lil babies to

NillaWafer said...

HO HO HO Norma HAPPY NEW YEARSSSS... I checked Tai and the cam was stuck on some trees Aint he a lil devil... man i love him

movin said...

Yeah, Nilla,
Hugs are definitely on the "good things" list... Many of them back on you and on the other eagle buddies. Hahahaha.


NillaWafer said...

There he is he found something to eat...Mei is circling hope she doesnt take it... Isnt he adorable setting on his romp like that... Oh talked to Sharon and she sounds wonderful!!!!!!! Ut Oh Tai took off running something scared him... look he is acting like wow what was that??? Poor baby

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Jim you need to save your pennies n come here to see the nest and visit us Momsters, your really the only dad who has stuck in there...

movin said...

Not counting Steve and the guys at the site, Nilla.


NillaWafer said...

Oh my Steven and the guys at NCTC yesss especially those nice guards at the gate i flirt

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

Phew - taking a break.... trying to get my clothes straightened out - I need that 'What Not To Wear' show - give me money and make me throw all my old stuff away then help me buy new stuff...

I really do need to figure out how to change my picture - everyone is putting up such festive and pretty things - my spring pic looks way out of place...

belle_wv said...

Where Paula???

belle_wv said...

Ohhhh in OUR nest - so beautiful - first time this season I've gotten to see one live and 'in person' so GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Liberty to me

belle_wv said...

and gone so fast

Anonymous said...

Rats, gone!

belle_wv said...

the live camera doesn't work for us on the weekends either does it?

Anonymous said...

What kinda pic you want, Belle?

A new year's pic?

belle_wv said...

I have to figure out how to keep the camera pic in another window now that I have the newer 'tab' version of ie

belle_wv said...

Something peaceful and new year's like too - LOL how's that for a tall order?

belle_wv said...

Oh and CONGRATULATIONS on the fiance development! That's so wonderful :)

Anonymous said...

No, It hasn't been on on weekends, BRB

belle_wv said...

Well I have two new windows now, but can't figure out how to get the pic itself alone without the whole webpage 'behind' it... must be different kind of link this season?

belle_wv said...

Paula - thanks also for the awesome aerial images of the nest tree and the NCTC campus - don't know how you put those kewl yellolw labels on everything, but it was just what I needed to be able to see where the river was in relation to everything - love the birds eye view!

Anonymous said...

That's the way it comes up now...

Anonymous said...

Now they just have to figure out when the "big day" will be...

Doing anything special tonight?

belle_wv said...

what is up at 12 o'clock in the nest? Looks fuzzy and warm, like fur?

belle_wv said...

No just a quiet evening - play some games with the kids and ring in the new year here at home... no parties or anything this year.

Keep us posted on the wedding plans :) Do you think they'll go for a 'big' wedding?

belle_wv said...

What have you got planned for the evening? Did you get all your 'undecorating' done? We still have our tree up and lights outside - I think I'll keep the lights outside at least until after it snows - I always like to see them with the snow on the ground

Chrissy Beahan said...

HI GIRLS !!!!!

Just a quickie from over the pond to wish each and everyone of you and the boys too,


Hope all is well with everyone, and great news about Sharon, how are you fairing Janet pet please.

Well it's party time here so can't stay and chat to long or the bubbly will go flat, and we can't have that can we !!!!

I hope 2007 is better for you all than 2006 has been.

(((((( HUGS )))))))

to all and have loads of fun tonight
Speak to you next year.
Chrissy and all the girls over here

Anonymous said...

They're looking at around 100 we'll see.

Looks like they have been tearing up or bringing in more grass...seems to be the center of activity lately.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to our girls in the UK!!!

Enjoy the bubbly!

Staying home tonight, watching grandson. Got about half of putting away done...gotta run now and get a shower before they get here...TTUL!!

belle_wv said...

Hi Chrissy! Happy New Year - let us know how it starts out, so we can decide if we want to join in the new year or stick with the old one :) Have a wonderful party!

belle_wv said...

100 - sounds like a good size - lots of fun in the planning :)

belle_wv said...

the fuzzing up of the nest is a good good sign... can't wait until there are little eggs in there! 2 will be plenty for me - not sure if my heart can take worrying about three, but I know they can handle three for sure, so whatever they provide, we'll pray and worry over :) When is the most likely time for eggs? Feb, correct?

belle_wv said...

Have fun Paula :) Granson watching sounds like a wonderful evening to me!

Geula said...

Another 42 minutes till the New Year...I'll be awake this time! YAY!

NillaWafer said...

HAAPY NEW YEARS TO OUR GALS ACROSS THE POND.... WE ALL MISS YA AND LOVE YA... HAVE AWONDERFUL NEW YEAR WITH LOTS OF LOVIN HUGGIN N KISSIN...LOL Oh right now i am feelin good Chrissy... Like to have man to wrap my legs around Oooops i mean arms....lolllllll

belle_wv said...

Happy New Year Geula! Less than an hour to go - I hope 2007 is much more peaceful for you than the 2006 turned out to be! {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}

belle_wv said...

Nilla, you just might get your wishes - be careful LOL You have a party to go to this evening! Firemen - whoo hooo -what time are you off work?

NillaWafer said...

Oh what ashow Tai &Mei are putting on for zoo visitors... She is in his favorite corner spot and he is ridng her Good God look at that lil boo boo

belle_wv said...

Eagle in our nest - so beautiful - must be Belle, but short tail so maybe Liberty - oh heck who cares - just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

OK Off from work and getting ready to head out to dunner and then a Movie. Wishing all of you a fun and safe new years eve and a Happy healthy New Year.

NillaWafer said...

Happy New Years Belle i hope she doesnt push him off the wall on to the floor... I am closing maybe at 5 pm instead of 6 pm Belle... I better behave my partner Thelma might be

NillaWafer said...

Happy New Years GloBug.... Belle closing at 5pm daughter just called said close at 5pm...

NillaWafer said...

Poor Mei... Tai is really really giving her a fit... like to smack his bottie as the UK gals say....

belle_wv said...

Two in the nest now!!! Oh my oh my!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Oh there he goes he is gona falllll.... We need to start prayin that the zoo is gona keep this lil devil around and not send him back because i dont think i could stand (or any of us) not seeing him and not knowing he was ok... They are right in front of the windows for people to see playing what a wonderful sight

belle_wv said...

Hi Glo! Happy New Year! You sure are working a lot - what are you doing? Thought you 'retired'?

Two eagles are so beautiful - looks like they're working on the bedding for the nest! When will we have eggs? I read there was a nest somewhere with eggs soon to hatch?

belle_wv said...

5 is good for closing - if folks wanted anything - they should've been there before now to get it :)

belle_wv said...

What'cha gonna wear tonight Nillabean?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Belle, you are good luck today...2 eagles in the nest again!

belle_wv said...

I'm tryin to save lots of pics for y'all

belle_wv said...

Your grandson arrive yet?

belle_wv said...

What's that black hanging doqnin the nest? Almost looks like black snake? Hope it isn't wiring for the cam?

Anonymous said...

Working on the center again

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about on the big trunk at 10 oclock

Anonymous said...

Cam cable runs up the trunk at 6 can see it on the trunk

belle_wv said...

Yes - you can see it clearly against the white trunk but there is more hanging looped over just to the right of it

Anonymous said...

No 45 min or so he'll be here

belle_wv said...

Didn't they place a second cam? I remember some talk about that possibly?

belle_wv said...

How old is your grandson? I'm sure you have said, but I can't remember - sorry

Anonymous said...

I don't see what you see, Belle.

belle_wv said...

One left the nest - maybe she sent him shopping for some more bedding :)

NillaWafer said...

Ok i am out of here Hugs to ALL SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

belle_wv said...

it almost looks like a black belt hanging off a branch just above camera range - part is against the white trunk at 10 o'clock and the rest is in front of that - maybe it is just a branch looking funny in the light

belle_wv said...

Have fun Nillabean!! Be careful! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Anonymous said...

I do see the black on the one at 10...I kinda thought it was dark inbetween the 2 branches there...have to take a look in better light again...

Anonymous said...

One left in the nest...have fun Nilla!

Geula said...

The New Year is 11 minutes old here!


belle_wv said...

Starting to get dark out there in nest world

belle_wv said...

Wonder if Liberty will return

belle_wv said...


belle_wv said...

And some eagles to watch for the start of your 2007 - not a bad start I'd guess :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Geula

belle_wv said...

Who wants Wax? Sharon are you lurking to grab it ??? I'm counting 10 before sending to give you a chance at it P)

belle_wv said...

LOL it was vicky lurking for it - more for that wax highway! Whoo hoo

Anonymous said...

You watching the eagle Vicky?

Anonymous said...

Wow looking right at the cam!

belle_wv said...

Awwww she left but now she's back

Anonymous said...

Eagle was just at BW eagle nest, but gone now...only got one pic

belle_wv said...

Or maybe they traded off work/guard positions?

Anonymous said...

Eagle still there, thought she was gonna take off a minute ago

Anonymous said...

Yeppers I'm watching the eagle!

Anonymous said...

They are both there now

Anonymous said...

So she did leave for a minute?

belle_wv said...

both are back :)

belle_wv said...

getting dark though so hard to see looks like spidey has been decorating the camera lens again

Anonymous said...

Looks like only one now

Anonymous said...

MT nest

Anonymous said...

Gotta go...BBL when grandson is asleep!

Anonymous said...

Eagle back again!!!

belle_wv said...

I think htey were both gone for a second, we're gettign different refresh frames so hard to be sure - with the dark she might've just had her head and tail feathers 'hidden'

belle_wv said...

just lost the light - can't tell if the blob is an eagle or just the light reflectiing on the eagle spirits

Anonymous said...

My guess is the lens is getting frosty...

belle_wv said...

Have fun Paula :)

belle_wv said...

Ohhhh frost - didn't think of that - brrrr I bet you're right fogging up and frosting -how cold is it this evening? It has been drizzling here all day - hope the roads don't turn into black ice for folks traveling to and from festivities! Be careful out there Paula's son and fiance!

Anonymous said...

Well, no snow in Commode Town IL, just warm rain and sunshine now and then and 61 degrees! Now this is the kind of winter I like!

belle_wv said...

and Nilla and anyone else going out and about tonight!

belle_wv said...

Sounds warm Vicky - I'm ready for some snow, here,though - just want it to feel like winter, but birds and trees are confused here - geese are still about and birds chirping like spring and it looks like the apple trees are starting to 'stretch'

Anonymous said...

Yes Belle, it is confusing for humans and animal/bird life to have it so warm and no snow!

belle_wv said...

Colorado is getting lots of winter, at least. Have you had any snow yet? We got a 'dusting' a month ago, and that was it

Anonymous said...

We've gotten a dusting once also, now where Glo lives its a different story!

Anonymous said...

Guess the rest of the gang are out partying already!

belle_wv said...

Has she been getting snow? She's off the lake, so that might make for more snow, right?

Anonymous said...

For those of you that remember my cat Bobo, well he went to Kitty Heaven yesterday. He was my buddy for over 20 some years -- needless to say I'm not in a party mood today!

belle_wv said...

Yepper - parties or family... still haven't fixed dinner here yet, got busy watching liberty and belle - this is the first time I've gotten to see them 'live' for myself this season!

Anonymous said...

Glo was in the path of that first big storm that hit, she's more northwest of me.

belle_wv said...

I'm missing updates on Buta! She's so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hi There! I just returned from an early dinner out with hubby & son. Most of my children are staying home this evening - They will all call when the ball drops! It never fails - I love it.
The blog has been visited by sooooo many this last evening of 2006. Guela is already into 2007! When it comes to technology that helps communicate all over the world I think it is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Vicky I know you're going to be missing BoBo - I have one that is seventeen yrs old & love her so much.
My thoughts are with you.

Belle Have you been reading the Panda updates on ButaButa? Over on her site you can also see the exam videos. They said there will not be anymore videos of any exams as they will try to do them in the den...

Anonymous said...

I will BBL Off for an evening cup of coffee.

belle_wv said...

Hi again everyone :)

Yes Jo, I read the updates on Buta every day - go thru withdrawls on the weekends now that I can't see her and they don't do updates, I hope they have the cam up tomorrow... she's going to be walkin all over soon! Hope you're enjoying your coffee, we're having something a bit stronger :) Either way is nice to bring in 2007. I'm glad your family is not out - I worry about people driving when they shouldn't and the dark and the rain... not a safe combination - and it is usually the well behaved folks that are out driving that wind up paying the price for those that aren't...

Norma - HAPPY 2007!! How are you ringing in the new and sweeping out the old? I will spend tomorrow tacklinig a mountain of laundry! My great-grandma always said what you do on New Year's you'll do all year, so it may as well be laundry, since there's no getting out of doing it anyway!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! 2006 is winding down... Here's to 2007, hope it's a great year for all!

belle_wv said...

Floral!!!!!!!! Happy '07!! How've you been?

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Belle! been ok, how about you? Did you have a good holiday? Glad to see I'm not the only one who stays home on New Year's eve.

belle_wv said...

Mits! Hi.. how're you feeling? I hope the bug is letting go of you, so you can start of 2007 feeling well :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mits, hello! Sorry you are still feeling bad.

belle_wv said...

Yes floral - we had a nice low-key holiday all around. Same with tonight - I am enjoying it a lot more than being in a noisy crowd. How was your Christmas? Are you working now that the wreath 'season' is over?

belle_wv said...

Mits did you two see the Dr. I thought you mentioned something about going? Might need a little something to help you get over the flu without winding up with bronchitis or pneumonia

belle_wv said...

We're really 'hooping' it up here - kids are playing video games, hubby is writing stuff for a web page and I'm here and playing Animal Crossing... whoooo wheeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw giggles

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well I am not really a crowd loving person, low key is always better for me. Never been a big new year party fan, like to let the old year creep out quietly... Not working now, trying to find something to make a little income. Jan- March are always a tight time of the year for us, the lean months we call them. How's school going? well into the school year now.

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I wanna play Animal Crossing, love that game! My daughter got the new Nintendo system for Christmas, it is really cool, very different way of playing the games.

belle_wv said...

Yeah we got that for the kids - we've been having fun doing the Wii sports tournaments - we're in the middle of one right now and surprisingly I'm in the lead, but we haven't done the baseball or boxing - not crazy about the boxing idea, but it came with the system and it isn't too 'nasty'... kids are playing the zelda game - we've played all the zelda games so far - they're pretty kewl. I have animal crossing for the ds - so I can play when they're on the 'tv' system :)
If I'm not doing that I'm playing sudoku... no wonder my house is a mess LOL

belle_wv said...

School is going well, very busy, one more semester of taking classes and working full time, then I am done and just working full time and being a mom should be much easier then!

belle_wv said...

You want to travel to the far end of Berkeley and clean my house for me - will take you 'til March at least!!! LOL

belle_wv said...

I used to keep my house pretty nicely when I was 'just' a mom - but with everything else, the house gets last time slice and it isn't enough. I'm hoping to get someone to come keep it down to a dull roar until I can give it attention again once my class is done... I have 'hinted' about hiring a maid service, but so far no luck

Anonymous said...

Oh we love the sports game that came with Wii. We have been playing the bowling and tennis a lot. And yes, I did have to try boxing and knocked poor hubby out. You really get a workout playing those games. Daughter is playing Zelda now, she loves all those Zelda games also.

belle_wv said...

There's Norma again! You keep bouncing in and leaving msgs but don't stick and chat - are you hosting a big party with you know who as the guest of honor? If so give him a hug from me :)

belle_wv said...

yes on the work out :) I am much better on the video game version of bowling than the 'real' thing... it is a lot of fun - and the tennis is really good - I can do ok if I don't serve LOL kinda like the real thing

Anonymous said...

Oh, pleeease... housekeeping is not one of my greatest skills, I think houses should have a lived in look. Ours is pretty cluttered but clean. I'm better at keeping a neat garden than a neat house.

belle_wv said...

Ughh there's a stink bug in here - ewwie- the cat thinks it is interesting though - hubby to the rescue - oh the drama!

Anonymous said...

Hello Norma!! Don't worry, takes a lot to hurt my feelings! Happy new year!

belle_wv said...

I'd rather keep a neat stable than a neat house - I am with you - sanitary yes, martha stewart - not in a million years!

Anonymous said...

If I could only figure out how to win the lottery tomorrow..I would win all year long!!

belle_wv said...

Sounds like a plan Norma - I can still root for the 'eers - though I'm fed up with the university - just tired of jumping through their ever changing hoops to get finished with this whole process... guess that isn't the football team's fault. I would definitely watch if they show the field show at half time

belle_wv said...

LOL floral - now there's an awesome idea... but if you lose instead... then will you be a year long loser?
Nah you could never be that :)

belle_wv said...

I'm trying to build a snowman - I rolled the last snowball too hard and it hit a tree and turned to powder though...

Anonymous said...

Oh I always loved watching the bands during halftime at the games, then the talking heads decided people would rather watch them yak, yak, yak ..wrong! show us the bands. GO WVU!!!

belle_wv said...

Sounds good Norma - does that count if the kids aren't so young anymore?

Anonymous said...

Well, I always ended up smashing the snowbals into trees...

belle_wv said...

I made a lopsided one - he wasn't too pleased with me... lol

belle_wv said...

ohhh caught a red snapper :) LOL I love this game :)

Anonymous said...

You mean he didn't give you a present?

Anonymous said...

Oh to be 30 something again & know what I've learned. Belle & Megan you listen up to what Norma just said about what comes first! She is a voice of experience and I am the confirming voice of experience.
It is so heartwarming hearing Megan & Belle.
I hate those stink bugs
but my cat thinks they're a toy

belle_wv said...

My cat is still a bit put out with my hubby because he tossed the 'toy' outside... I am glad he was able to do it without it 'stinking' - ewww what a nasty smell... not sure where they come from but it seems like there's one in the house every other night at least lately

belle_wv said...

I was going to get up and work on finding a place for all these clothes, but the cat decided to curl up on me, so I best not disturb him.... maybe hubby will fix me another cosmo instead... then I won't care about the clothes at all LOL

belle_wv said...

I was just wondering with all those sports channels they have now - espn fox, and how many others - maybe we could get ONE of them to air the halftime shows on the field instead of the commentary just on one channel??? I bet they'd have so many folks watching that instead of listening to all the 'sports brains' blather on....

belle_wv said...

Oh Vicky! I didn't see that you'd lost a sweet BoBo kitty - I'm so sorry! {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} I still miss every cat I've lost terribly - they're so special, I am sure you have many wonderful memories with BoBo and I hope they will help comfort you as you remember and greive

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't see that, sorry, Vicky. Always hard to lose a pet, such a beloved member of the family. I'm with Norma, Belle, save the work for tomorrow. Just did my last load of laundry for the night.

belle_wv said...

Ok Ok twist my arm - owww owww OK I won't work any more tonight LOL - but I will have to clean things up to a point that we can find the bed under the closet full of stuff I have laying on top of it...

Anonymous said...

You know, I'd like to be 30 again too!!

Anonymous said...

ffggccddbbn htgy 222225243323lllkkkkk


Anonymous said...

25888888888888888888888 01 455552251,p,ko8jiuhgffry6ny78ik kjkjl;mkljujujiojk

Anonymous said...

20howdy! :0)

Anonymous said...

OK, Paula, do I need to have a drink to crack that code??!!

Anonymous said...

Grandson done typing his message...did ya'll get that?

Hey Floral! Hapyy new year!

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula's grandson - How're you? You're not sleeping....

Anonymous said...

p opWQ3Asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssz

LOL good one floral

belle_wv said...

How's it going Paula? What's your grandson's name/age? I can't remember - starts with a C?

Anonymous said...

Let's face it - we are where we are & there's no going back - Just going forward into the New Year! And that's not too far away.
Norma, I'm quite content with my life - Glad you are too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula!! Thanks for posting those maps, they were really interesting. Hubby and I got on the google site and were seeing how far our house was from the nest, took us a while to find our house.

belle_wv said...

OK time for the lurker who wants wax to jump in... will it be vicky or sharon or mits perhaps?

belle_wv said...

Floral got the wax :) Whooo hooo
Yepper I loved those maps!! So neat to be able to put it into their perspective :)

Anonymous said...

OH No, I don't want any wax!!

Anonymous said...

lol Hi There Little Guy!
You are doing great! I thought you and your granny were taking a nap

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening all my eagle buddies. I am at my sister's house. We are going to watch a movie and bring the New Year in together. Andrew and Balei are here too so it is all good. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody. Lots of love to all.

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lovely message from your grandson, Paula. Tell him we say "bakatcha". :):):)

Anonymous said...

Megan - take the wax. You're in your down time now - be creative with it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

How are you, Megan?

belle_wv said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to ring in the new year Sharon, I am glad you're feeling up to it :) {{{{hugs}}} (without too much squeeze in case your middle is still ouchy)... enjoy the movie and know we're thinking of you as the new year chimes in

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Sharon loLove

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sandra. Happy New Year to You

Anonymous said...

I'm good, Sharon, are you feeling a little better? What is tonite's movie? Feeling like I'm having a creative block, Jo- no use for that wax.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too, Sandra!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 262   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...