Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wednesday August 9

A bright wednesday morning new thread.


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movin said...

I may be the first! Good morning, Everyone....

Check the "Forum" on the Frodocam in Brisbane. Greg answered some interesting questions, including mine.

"Good Dye,"

NillaWafer said...

Morning Jim yes i was just over on the site and read the questions and answers. Love watching her on the nest but wish they move cam back just a little.. Hope your day is good, beautiful here in WV

NillaWafer said...

The tips of the feathers at the end of the wings are tapered so that when the eagle fully extends its wings, the tips are widely separated. Vicky is that what you saw yesterday also?

Mema Jo said...

Good morning all my Eagle Buddies
It is so beautiful outside - I need to go over to read previous thread to see what all went on this morning.
Late yesterday the Brisbane cam was focused on the ledge - couldn't see Frieda whatsoever. Emailed their falcon expert & then later we all noticed it was back on Frieda. Not sure if email really was read since there was no response to it - but we couldn't understand why we would look at the ledge for 33 days until the eggs hatched. I need to check whether the fourth egg has been laid.
Nilla - did anything follow you to work this morning? I just get so excited for you when I think of what you saw!!! They loves ya!

NillaWafer said...

Morning Jo, No wasnt carried off by the birds.. Hey if i get carried off by anything i hope he has 2 legs and a hairy Oppps Not alot going on any wheres this morning on cams .. Panda cam isnt working elephants did have a late bath.. Eagle nest MT.. Just been surfin and reading forums here and there.. Daughter just called and she passed grandson outside of Frederick heading home as she is going to Baltimore this morning.. So he is almost home... Jo you see what that Thelma typed about my puppies? Tell her the bushes needed trimming and i was trying to get you in

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone check out the CT Osprey cam lately?

Papa smurf looks like he is about to be kicked out of the nest

NillaWafer said...

Oh there is an eagle in the BC nest eating.. wowwwww

belle_wv said...

Good Morning everyone, beautiful low humidity day here.

NillaWafer said...

NillaWafer said...

Morning Belle, eagle in nest at BC THE NEST IS FALLING APRT ON ONE SIDE ALSO

belle_wv said...

Oh so nice to see an eagle in a nest!! it's been a long time

belle_wv said...

Jim thanks for the note on the update of the forum - read the comments - saw yours - kewl and Sharon also posted a note :) We're international folk for sure :)

NillaWafer said...

It is resting.. Either it is Lil or what was the others name? cant remember but it is one of kids from the nest

belle_wv said...

Wow Nilla grandson wasn't in OC long - long drive for a short vacation... spent more in gas than he did there probably Hope he had a good time and didn't spend ALL of gramma's funds

NillaWafer said...

Isnt it great to see it sok and looks like even getting own food

belle_wv said...

That is one big eaglet in the nest

NillaWafer said...

yeah well his girlfriend was down there with her grandpparents and he just had to gooo.. I am sure when he arrives home it will be a good shower n then BED..LOL

NillaWafer said...

Yeah this is the nest that has the funny talking cam video's on You Tube of the kids

NillaWafer said...

Sharon did you see where most of the resturants are closed due to a gas problem?? Happened yesterday

Mema Jo said...

All you cam surfers - Good thing we are so knowledgeable about all these sites to watch.
Suzanne I am usually so late that I never get to touch base with you the early bird! Glad you didn't sideswipe that deer. That must have been one scarey happening for you. I remember the one that almost hit me!
Mits should be back on here tonight after her company leaves. TeeHee
I will be back in a few hours - off to an appointment and running late as usual..........

NillaWafer said...

Ok Jo hope you seen the eagle in the nest in BC its resting now so comfortable looks like.. Be careful n hurry back

NillaWafer said...

I was just going down list of bird cams on beakspeak and checking and saw the eagle in nest..

NillaWafer said...

I am rackin my brain here tring to remember the kids I know parents were Sidney & Victoria and one kid was called Lil Help gang

paula eagleholic said...

Give me your email and I will forward the wax thing to ya.

NillaWafer said...

Oh it is vocal and calling out.. This has sound!!

NillaWafer said... watch this and listen to him singing this song.. i got gooosie bumpssssss .. wowwwwwww

NillaWafer said...

LET THE MIGHTY EAGLE SOAR!!! It is called ..

NillaWafer said...

Its Att General of USA singing it John Ashcroft..

NillaWafer said...

Still in nest but to the left of cam by tree leaves. i been watching almost an hour now..

belle_wv said...

Nilla what restraunts closed due to gas problem? Gas as in natural gas or gas as in fuel for cars/trucks? They're saying gas prices could go over 4 bucks a gallon - that will definitely be a problem!

belle_wv said...

Paula remember to type that email address correclty - wouldn't want that email falling into the wrong hands {wink}

NillaWafer said...

Belle many are closed in the area since yesterday. Was on news last night and i know Sheila's is closed and the seafood place on Winchester Avenue at the light.

NillaWafer said...

Suz your gona roll ok when you read it!!! Best of the beat when it comes to laughs...

NillaWafer said...

NillaWafer said...

this 1 its still there

NillaWafer said...

it moved on back and just see alittle og it but i saw it moving so its resting there

NillaWafer said...

Looks like its getting restless be sure to turn up sound

NillaWafer said...

Bigggggggggg eagle walking around now

belle_wv said...

Is there two there - one in the back on the right side in line with the horizontal branch? Thought I saw a beak over there

belle_wv said...

Nope I guess just one - she's layin back down - must feel so nice to be in the shade and have the breeze blowin

NillaWafer said...

I been watching for over an hour Belle and have only seen 1.. Now its laying down was up walking around and pecking at the food..

NillaWafer said...

Did any of you go listen to the song?? I am going to try and get those words just beautiful.. might ake me 500 times of listening to write them down thou..lollll

belle_wv said...

Uh oh Paula maybe you didn't get the address copied correclty? LOL Who will it be going to now

Geula said...

Hello to EAGLELAND! How are y'all? I'm doing so far. Miss those eagles something fierce but I'm not willing to commit my soul to another cam (just the Pandas and Orangs in the Think Tank)

NillaWafer said...

Hiiiii Ms G we are watching 1 eagle in nest at BC so glad to hear your doing ok.. Check back for link to eagle cam..

NillaWafer said...

I will go send it also Suz prolley get it afew times

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Nilla wings straight out; theirs don't dip down and the tips.
This morning heading South Interstate 81 they weren't at the King Street area. Thought well maybe they went home to the nest. No they didn't near Tablers Station exit which is South of you. All three were flying around and slowly heading South.

NillaWafer said...

Ok u should have mail Suz

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

YUP YUP YUP.. They have moved to this area wowowowow cant believe our luck!!!!

NillaWafer said...

I knew i wasnt crazy yesterday seeing them!!! WOW so xcited now i will watch the skies all the

NillaWafer said...

Hardly a cloud in the sky today and will be esy to spot them.. jumpin for joy.. thinkin for aminute there i needed to check into City Hospitol Phyic ward..LMAO

NillaWafer said...

Could be they are headin towards the mountains up at Gtown and down towards Inwood..

Just Vicky said...

Man oh Man, that BC eaglet is sure at home and giving us a GOOD fix this morning!

Just Vicky said...
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Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
NillaWafer said...

Eagle is nest is up and eating again

NillaWafer said...

Yessssssss its a good fix but walking out and seeing our kids again here soaring would be even more awsome!!!!!! Good Morning Vicky IL.. Isnt this wonderful.. Suz remember to

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you got it Suz! Thanks, Nilla! for sending it

NillaWafer said...

It moved back behind tree limbs n leaves ya'll see it?

Just Vicky said...

Oh Nilla,I am SSSOOOOOO jealous of your getting to see them again I could drive straight thru without stopping and never bat an eye getting there!

NillaWafer said...

I can hear it being vocal but its very low

NillaWafer said...

Vicky read NOT only did i see them over Martinsburg but Vicky WV has also... I almost fainted and could hardly dial Jo's number thank God its on speed

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Geula good to hear from you and that you are safe. When eagle cam starts back up I guess and hope you will be here.

Just Vicky said...

I've actually been looking into the eagle festival in Alaska, Nov.8-12, sure would love to see that sight! Over 3000 or more line the shoreline!

belle_wv said...

Geula -so glad to hear from you! Hope everyone is safe and sound there... so stressful for you I would imagine! Come visit us in the states...

Eaglet is fluffin up her wings - looks so relaxed

NillaWafer said...

NP Paula now if only i could get someone here to help me get the picture on I can not for the life of me do it.. i even sent the directions to notebook at home and i certainly know how to send files n pictures and things but i dont get that blog foramt that shows in the Hurry Belle your only out in Hedgesville cmere n help..

Just Vicky said...

So now, Suzannewould you like a can of wax????? Trying to give mine away !!

wvgal_dana said...

2 in nest Sidney/Victoria British Columbia

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla what site are you on that is playing a "song"?

NillaWafer said...

Vicky .. Vicky WV also said her and her husband saw then yesterday to and this morninggggggggggggg .. Awsome!!!!! So they are in this area for sure and i am not

NillaWafer said...

Vicky WV no only 1 i been watching for going on hour 1/2 now just looks like 2 with 1 hiding but only 1..

wvgal_dana said...

No not NUTS seem them when we were going to Winchester and when we were coming back...

NillaWafer said... here ya go listen to it

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla are you at the Sidney British Columbia site??

belle_wv said...

Sure Nilla, soon as I get my project finished I'll come over and help ya - do I get any free rentals ROFL

NillaWafer said...

Must be a spider web on or near the lens just saw it glistening alittle I think every live cam has a

NillaWafer said... yes

NillaWafer said...

LOL sure Belle we dont rent only sell but for you free take home for few

NillaWafer said...

That poor baby is lonely and tired.. It needs company.. where is Jo??? That tree doesnt look as

NillaWafer said...

WOW its really stretched out there now ...

NillaWafer said...

BRB going out front for cig n look up to

NillaWafer said...

Up eating again.. i been watching for 1 hour and 52 sec soon be 2 hours...

Just Vicky said...

Well Suzanne, I guess I'll have to put my cans up on Ebay!

Just Vicky said...

Just can't get over this show the eaglet is giving us in BC! Just makes my day!

Just Vicky said...

I see everyone is staying away, afraid they will win a can of wax!

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla are you hitting the back botton or what? How are you getting back and forth to the site?

Just Vicky said...

Ok, I'll send your can of wax!

Just Vicky said...

And the place went silent!

Just Vicky said...

That little eaglet is hiding again!

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky IL You are #100 lol

wvgal_dana said...

Who started that "hairy thing" around anyone know???

NillaWafer said...

He sure was moving around n cleaning nest.. eating once again from the size of her/him not going

belle_wv said...

Vicky you got it -
is eaglet up eating AGAIN or pickin at twigs tryin to fix up the nest?

NillaWafer said...

Wellllllllll Jo sent it to me i sent it to others and the ball started

floralgirl said...

Oh,come on ladies,afraid of a little wax??

NillaWafer said...

As much as its eating should be having 1 big poop shoot soon..LMAO

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - she's saving the poop shoot til Jo is here

Listen to the canada geese in the background

belle_wv said...

LOL Nilla - she's saving the poop shoot til Jo is here

Listen to the canada geese in the background

NillaWafer said...

LOL floral i like alittle pain but butt spankin Oooops Hey did ya'll just hear abunch of geese going over the nest?? The kids just looked around

NillaWafer said...

Yes listen to the geese

NillaWafer said...

Dont think it wants to tangle with those for

NillaWafer said...

LMAO... yeah saving it for Jo

NillaWafer said...

Hey when it back up and lifts tail i am moving out the way...LMAO

belle_wv said...

Watch for her to assume the ps position - could happen any time now -Jo better get home - don't have any fraps going on here I don't think

NillaWafer said...


belle_wv said...

Awww she's up on the branch now

belle_wv said...

might miss seeing the poop shoot of she stays back there - but won't hit the camera either LOL

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Being very vocal you hear it?

belle_wv said...

Oh what a lovely sound to hear her calling - think a parent is nearby or her sibling?

Just Vicky said...

Away she goes!

NillaWafer said...

Did it fly away? UPS man came and i had to sign for the boxes DARNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

NillaWafer said...

WOW i had over 2 hours of watching it... awsomeee dont know but i know its not

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Alittle off key but none the less beautiful about eagles soaring

belle_wv said...

AWww I missed the fly off bummer

NillaWafer said...

Mei Xiang and Dingaling is out side eating..

Just Vicky said...

I got to see the fly off!

floralgirl said...

Nilla,if you go to it has the lyrics to that song.Apparently John Ashcroft wrote it-now I think he is a horse's a**, but since you like the song I will overlook that.he is no longer the attorney general

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Floral well that saves me from listening to it 500 times to write words Oh my i dont keep up with those politian

belle_wv said...

Just heard a small plane flying over the BC nest - that gives me an idea - would love to have a video of the area around the sycamore from the air - so we could see what the eagles see when they take off from the nest - wouldn't that be AWESOME?

NillaWafer said...

LOL sure we can rent aplane with a pilot out at airport and fly over n take pictures.. They do take you up for

NillaWafer said...

Customer just say the big gas problem was over at Arbys and gas trucks were every where in town

NillaWafer said...

Lyrics to song written and sung by John Ashcroft:

"Let the eagle soar,

Like she’s never soared before.

From rocky coast to golden shore,

Let the mighty eagle soar.

Soar with healing in her wings,

As the land beneath her sings:

'Only god, no other kings.'

This country’s far too young to die.

We’ve still got a lot of climbing to do,

And we can make it if we try.

Built by toils and struggles

God has led us through."

NillaWafer said...

Jo will be so proud of me i have been so good this morning... I hope Thelma git here soon miss her alot. Tai is strolling around outside..

NillaWafer said...

And those 2 lovely ladies from UK want to hear about the birthday party for sure..

NillaWafer said...

And those 2 lovely ladies from UK want to hear about the birthday party for sure..

wvgal_dana said...

Grrrrrr not so easy to change picture !!
Best for me to take a nap.

glo said...

Well I'm back from my little jont to work for a few hours. I have a headache, "before i actually went in though' anyway. I am going to ake a nap..I'll check back in later.

I miss the eagles!!! "our eagles!". I wish they were soaring in my area..please send them northwest as they enlarge their soaring space ok. Thanks

NillaWafer said...

Penguin time out in Monterey Bay live cam..

NillaWafer said...

Have anice nap looked like they were heading south Glo but who knows keep an eye out in the sky..

NillaWafer said...

belle_wv said...

I should've gone to the hot air balloon thing and hijacked one to head over to Shepherdstown for a bit LOL

belle_wv said...

what's the last part of that penguin url please Nilla? I love penguins lots

NillaWafer said...

just asp sharon

NillaWafer said...

Did you read the journal about what people said about the show?? In Journal Junction? They said it was terrible and was only for the politians who attended.. Many didnt like it at all

belle_wv said...

No I didn't hear about that - what a shame - leave it to the goons to turn it into a political event instead of something fun for families

NillaWafer said...

Guess it is just you an me Belle.. Everyone else is napping or lurking i

NillaWafer said...

I am here til 5 pm and cant wait have another headache up back of neck again today.. So glad i havent been really busy and just setting here surfin... They are cleaning the penguin site

NillaWafer said...

Click view other sites takes you to other cams there

belle_wv said...

Thanks Nilla - hope your headache eases up - If I was there I'd give you a shoulder and neck massage - I'm pretty good at those.

I checked out the outer bay cam - does the penguin cam ever show them swimmin? I love to watch them in the water - they're so sleek and graceful

NillaWafer said...

Oh boy ill give ya 10 minutes to git here.. I have never seen the cam move from where it at Belle.. But arent they cute,, There is beautiful music with the shark cam and OuterBay.. You can hear the seals n birds at Monterey BAY Cam..

NillaWafer said...

Went down to Dollar Store and got Excedrin Migrain Headache pills only thing that helps.. Hopefully i hate these headaches every since i had those TIA's scares me alittle.. Closin eyes...

NillaWafer said...

The cubs will make their public debut on September 2 at 10 a.m. This when the Tiger cubs will go outside at the National Zoo... On cam live now the mom is laying at the cam beautiful she is..

Mema Jo said...

So how many 'poop shoots' did I miss?

Nilla - Catoctin Zoo has 3 white tiger cubs. Right up around Thurmont. You can read about them on their site - Catoctin Mountain Zoo.
Sure hope that headache goes away-

Belle - tomorrow is Thursday!! You finished it? Then you will be a free bird! Get any calls yet from camp?

Mema Jo said...

Nilla - Did you vote for the names of the tiger cubs on FONZ ?

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jo yup i voted i think for teakwood male ... rose and jasmin i think it was heck i voted several Boy you missed it this morning girl BC eagle was in the nest for hours!!! Yeah its eased up since taking Excedrin.. I know about the 3 over at Thurmont Zoo this was suppose to be born today but then again maybe they didnt know what they was talking

NillaWafer said...

Did not miss any but let me tell ya the eagle at BC would have lifted those tail feathers and backed up i was moving It sure did eat!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Wouldnt it be something to be there and see those 3 lil darlin touch grass and the outside for the first time Jo...

NillaWafer said...

Tai is up a tree outside Moms inside eating bamboo..

NillaWafer said...

Oh look she is nursing the cubs right in front of camera

NillaWafer said...

Jo i voted Jati for male meaning teakwood....Mawar meaning rose....Melati meaning jasmine whatcha vote for?

NillaWafer said...

Was reading the diary about the cubs and seems 1 has a bad leg. They seem to think from playing and the mother is very watchful of it.. Wonder if its one the she is laying with right now.. Said they really play rough and she is protecting it..

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL------May I AMEN your statement to Nilla-----AMEN---AMEN--AMEN-----on the YOUTUBE singer!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Well i certainly have enjoyed talking to myself here today, hopefully something i blogged will be of interest. Tonight is Mexican food down in Winchester at Golden Corral.. Yum Yum

NillaWafer said...

Normaaaaaaaaaa well what can i Just liked the song.. How is your day going?

Just Vicky said...

I see Norma is back! WELCOME BACK NORMA!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Hmmmm i set here for hours and blogged alone and someone else blogs and low and behold the lurkers come out... C ya

Mema Jo said...

Nilla, you won't believe the names I voted for the cubs: Jati for male meaning teakwood....Mawar meaning rose....Melati meaning jasmine. Sound familiar? I was going by the meanings cause I couldn't pronouce the real name!

Hi Norma What did you do yesterday to keep you busy and away from this blog. I went to Shepherdstown & I didn't run into you...

Just Vicky said...

Just been busy Nilla, not ignoring you my Eagle Buddie!

Mema Jo said...

Nilla - no way am I going to the DC zoo on 9/2/06 to see the cubs. Mits is also going to be busy becoming a grannie on 9/2/06 - remember that?!

I am glad we have a preview of them on the cam. Cams are GREAT !

Mema Jo said...

Treat time for the panda. When I see Tai all by himself sitting down, I sometimes think it is momma cause he is getting so big.

floralgirl said...

Hey everyone- in from mowing the grass-what a beautiful day!!And the weather chick says it may rain tomorrow-claims we will need umbrellas-want to believe her,but can't until I actually feel the rain on my head.Hi Norma-missed you on here-glad you feel the same,not trying to misbehave, shouldn't talk politics here-but occassionally can't contain my comments about some of these idiot politicians.Ooops-

Mema Jo said...

Hi Floral Girl. Like you said - this day has some very beautiful weather.
How did your school shopping turn out?
What age young lady were you shopping with?

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo- School shopping was ok-some success.My daughter is 12 yrs. old.She was not too excited cause she's not ready to go back to school.Got all supplies,still need more clothes and the dreaded bras. Going to be in 8th grade this year,last year of middle school.

Just Vicky said...

This place seems to have gone A.W.O.L.!

Just Vicky said...

OR it is nap time???

Just Vicky said...

I feel like Nilla earlier today -- "talking to myself"! Guess that's what this page is for! Therapy

Anonymous said...

Or is it wax time??

Just Vicky said...

Oh my, they could be "held up!" or is that "stuck up?"

glo said...

Hi all getting close to a dnagerous time to be posting. I have a sick migraine going on here today. Not feeling like doing much computing at all, or reading the past blogs..hope I'm not missing anythng real important.

Just Vicky said...

Hi GLo, sorry you're not feeling up to par today! Of course all that went on yesterday hasn't helped I'm sure!!! Take care of yourself!

Just Vicky said...

Is this "dancing" night for you???

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone -Jo, yep I'm FINISHED - FINISHED! Master's is 'in the bag' just have a year of 'practicum' stuff to do to be certified. I know, I know - you thought I already was certifiable! LOL

No news from my daughter yet...
I think we're heading out to Lowe's to do some shopping and a 'nothing too fancy' celebratory dinner.

Nilla, glad your headache has eased up. Glo, hope yours fades quickly, too.

Norma - glad to see you!

Floral Girl - I remember those days - it gets worse when they WANT to go back to school shopping - very hard on the wallet when they pull out a lot of stuff and want it and it all looks good on them... bras their a pain in the... well chest I guess. My daughter is 14 going on 15 and we still have a very hard time findiing anything that fits...

glo said...

No dancing for me tonight. And yes I amsure yesterday has a lot to do with today!!!

Mema Jo said...

Back from dinner. Nothing special-we grilled on the deck. But I did eat some dessert.
Congrats Belle It's great you're going to celebrate your accomplishment. Very proud of you!
GLO Take care of that headache-thanks for letting us know how you are - relax if you can.
I didn't realize we heard from GEULA today while I was gone. Oh My, I feel so much better knowing she is still safe! Still need to pray that it continues that way for her.

Mema Jo said...

Be away from here for a few hours. Maybe Sharon will come in for a visit.

glo said...

Ok it is safe to post...there has been a recall on wax...I am off to bed though will BLOG tomorrow

.Glad to know we heard from Geaula

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Glo hope nap helps your headache.
Nilla glad yours is alittle go to Golden Corral Winchester too huh?
Floralgirl hope is does a nice rain.
Jo grilling out on deck is good what did you have?
Vicky Il you never talk to self; somone is always listening just might not comment they might not.
Belle you live Hedgesville?

wvgal_dana said...

Glad that wax got recalled or I was just going to lurk lol

wvgal_dana said...

ok Now I am talking to myself on here

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Jo Geula was in today was very good to hear from her.

Just Vicky said...

No, I'm here, just can't get this computer to cooperate tonight!

wvgal_dana said...

Is anyone a "nurse" in here?

wvgal_dana said...

Use a 12 lb hammer on it

Just Vicky said...

seems it thinks it wants to do updates and all it is doing is messing around with the job

Just Vicky said...

kill it

Just Vicky said...

These man made gizzmos!

Just Vicky said...

now see who is talking to themself

wvgal_dana said...

What men?
Course Nilla would want a hairy chest one.

wvgal_dana said...

Contrgs. Belle I know you and family sure are glad that part is finished. YOU DID IT !!!

wvgal_dana said...

Now I talking to myself again

wvgal_dana said...

If Lil Smurf isn't carefully he is going to loose his Papa Smurf stuffed blue toy.

Just Vicky said...

nope, still fighting with a computer

Just Vicky said...

seems the weather channel desktop is trying to do an update now

wvgal_dana said...

Once Upon A Time Story:
There was this not so little and not so young but not so old lady.
She set along the roadside many different times on a curve. Sitting in car with binoculars watching a tree that stood off in a distance. Flying around and in and out of that tree. Was a family of eagles and their babies; which is called eaglets.
Now this pretty young old lady couldn't get out a walk around alot. So she just sat in that car peering out the window for along time. She enjoy several trips to see her friends. Which to her now seem to have become like part of her family.
Then you will never believe what happened.
She found a webcam that actually showed her special tree and the family of eagles.
Now she could watch from home and enjoy them. She didn't get to see them like this flying in the sky and soaring around.
Then you will never never ever believe what happened next.
She found that this site had what they call a "forum". In case you who are reading this don't know what that is, it is a place to make comments. Back and forth to each other. Yet for some reason this pretty young old lady found that there was alot of talking going on. So she would read and catch up on all the comments. Then she would start commenting.
You'll never ever never ever believe what happened to that pretty young old lady.
Hardly no one would comment back to her.
Can you believe that story?
moral to the story:
Just keep talking to yourself !!!

Just Vicky said...

I'm still with you

Just Vicky said...

removing unwanted programs from my computer

wvgal_dana said...

Well back there contgrs you got 200 and NO CAN OF WAX.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 285   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED