Thursday, February 27, 2025

2/27/25 AM

 6:18 AM scout comes to the nest. Bella greets him as normal. Every now and then you hear a small peep. 619, he is now picking at bedding around.

620 he goes up and picks at her pulling on.

 Pulling on her tail featheis that-a-way get up darlin? 621 still standing at the base of her tail and on occasion. Picking at her picking up sticks. She does not want to get up. 622 another minute clicks by. He is now on her side and you can hear squealing. She is finally getting up. 622 out the door she goes and he escorts her as he normally does in the mornings. And he is promptly back before the 623 click by. He saunters just over to the nest cup. Does a small little roll a wiggle? Wiggle and back down he

7:55 AM. Bella returns to relieve scout of his daddy duties. It sounds to be raining at the nest. 756 at the door to the right toward the River 

9:12 AM scout returns to the nest to relieve Bella and he brings in a nice stick. There is a stick underneath Bella's tale. He is trying to pick up that stick. It keeps picking up her tail feathers. You continue to take the stick and move it towards not under feathers funny. 3 separate times before. He finally removes this on the third time. It was making her's tail stick straight up. She let's out a few peeps like I'm not ready to give up eggs yet.9:15 AM he gives up an exits toward the

1136 scout is incubating and he calls out For relief within a few seconds. Bella arise and lands on the rail. At the 6 position in front of him they have, if he words he gets up and off. He goes to the left COG to  Bella.


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/9/25 AM/PM CAM 1

  751am  Changing of the Guard shift change eggroll and 921 COG he comes in and places a stick on her back three times pictures below with v...