Thursday, February 27, 2025

2/27/25 PM fh.NN?🐟

12:40 PM Bella is incubating. Still Scout comes in and lands in the nest. She does cry out Small peeps when she sees him coming in. He comes in with a small load of bedding with the stick. Bella seems to stretch her neck like she wanted the stick that he brought in.He places the stick on the nest floor.

He walks around her Picks at a stick up the nest floor she seems to be ignoring him he looks like he has a full crop, so he's been eating off the nest. 12:43 PM he exits the nest to the left corner. She rears back her head like are you leaving LOL she watches him as he flies away. 

1:12 PM corn fused scout.Go to the new nest with food He on occasion looked up at the Nest upstairs.Maybe thinking she would come down.I have no idea.He waited for a while but he did leave the honk a meet in the new nest

1:57 PM Bella is incubating the eggs and start all big time. Takes a few seconds ore minute for scout to show up at 1:58 PM. Definitely alerting till he gets there. He arrives, they both are alerting. Sounds like they hear a third bird he's back there looking around in the sky. Seeing thinking they may be after that. Nothing down there definitely not definitely not happy or couple.  159 both stopped. He shakes and stumbles up on lop so windy. She's still sitting up high  on the eggs. One of them squeals, he does a real big shuggle She keeps looking. From left to right now. My almost gets blown off the lop 1 59 40. He has a itch. I love it. When did you do that So it keeps losing balance on with the wind. 2 PM still on the lop wind surfing. She goes wiggle, wiggle wiggle down and the cup all is quiet once again. 2:02 PM he exits the lop to the left. She remains incubating.

352 scouts start calling for a break. Not unless he sees her coming in. She immediately comes in and lands on the lop. , they have a conversation between them and he comes down from the lop and lands Very windy has Bella gets out of the cup. She flaps her wings. That actually bump into each other before. She leaves and heads to the left. All 3 eggs are exposed. Very nice view of them. 3:54 PM. He does watch her as she flies out. .  Back to the task of incubating wiggle, wiggle wiggle down .

5:16 PM COG and Bella.
 goes to the N.N end eats the meal 5:23 PM. He is finished the meal. Can't see if he got it done or not. But he's spreading bedding around in the area. As he covered it up like they used to up on the top nest and noble past years. 5:24 PM. She is done with her mail. I believe it was buried off. She goes to upstairs as she leaves. She has a Talon with betting going about with her out of the nest.

 516 Pm ON Bella comes floating in on the wind from the road area. She lands in the nest. They have conversation. I believe he tells her to go downstairs. That's exactly where she went to finish the meal that was . She eats the meal and at 5:24. She comes up to the top nest to where he has been incubating like good eagle daddy.

 I don't believe she finished the meal downstairs. She seemed to cover something up. As she was leaving. 5:25 PM he gets up there exchange. They do so closely to protect their eggs.

614 Bella calls out from the nest for just a few seconds. Nobody returns. I'm not for sure if he's in the babysitting tree. Are the day care center tree he has to be in the actual Nest tree as close as it sounds I think anyway

I thought this was hilarious how about you

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3/9/25 AM/PM CAM 1

  751am  Changing of the Guard shift change eggroll and 921 COG he comes in and places a stick on her back three times pictures below with v...