Sunday, February 23, 2025


616 am Scout arrives. Both eagles calling out. Bella gets up and leaves nest and of course Scout follows her out. You're such a gentleman following her out .I wonder if there's other nest that do that. He does return at 617 am and starts incubating

739732 733 am Scout is vocalizing while he’s incubating. He must see Bella around.

739 Bella circles the nest, Scout follows her flight pattern into the nest w 739 Bella circles the nest, Scout follows her flight pattern into the nest w 

850 A Raven , fly over in right corner however, very close to Bella, he has a lengthy message for her. Bella can be heard just slightly squeaking when the crow flies over at 951 25 seen in the top of the screen

948, he's got a major itch this morning from his left to his right talons a scratching

.I think that is so cute how they do that.He preans his back for a little bit while he's on the lop in the wind

951 Scout Does a shuggle and then flies off toward the field. He comes back with some nesting materials 

9:55 AM Scott returns with the load of bedding 

956 Bella gets up off. The cup flaps her wings up on the railing. And takes off from the 5 position beautiful, take off. It almost looked like he was going to escort her off when he changed his mind at the last second Switch to Scou

The last nine pictures are of scout doing his egg roll and rolling rolling keep them eggs are rolling

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3/9/25 AM/PM CAM 1

  751am  Changing of the Guard shift change eggroll and 921 COG he comes in and places a stick on her back three times pictures below with v...