Wednesday, February 26, 2025

2/26/25 PM 🐟

 12:30 p.m. Scout comes to the nest with a big load of bedding he picks up the bedding and spreads it around he has some of it and his Talons as he takes it and spreads it while he walks over to seven position starts picking at the crib rails waiting for her to get up

12:31 p.m. Bella gets up off the triplets they can be seen on this Nest this time she exits from there and he goes on to incubate the triplets no escorting her out this time 

154 p.m. Bella comes to the nest for shift change Changing of the Guard he leaves immediately toward the camera cheese

 🐟2:47 PM scout comes o to the nest. She is squealing, does he have something? He has a nice fish. Is she saying stay away from my fish? He responds back to her. I love their interaction. 248 p m he exits the nest from the lop base He 2:51 PM mail is done back to incubating.

519 pm A change on the fly, Bella flies out and Scout flies in. Switch to Scout. Scout rolls the eggs as he settles into incubation duty.

615 pm Bella lands in the nest. She moves over closer to Scout. Scout gets up off the eggs and there is a switch to Bella. Bella gives the eggs a bit of a tuck then settles into incubation duty. She will be on the nest for the night shift. Scout exits the nest and he flies over to the BST (babysitting tree) where he will likely perch for

1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/9/25 AM/PM CAM 1

  751am  Changing of the Guard shift change eggroll and 921 COG he comes in and places a stick on her back three times pictures below with v...