Monday, February 24, 2025

2/24/25 AM fish??hetookit

628 am Scout arrives at nest. Both calling out. Bella gets up and takes off and Scout follows but comes right back. Rolls eggs and settles in.

727 am - Bella arrives with a stick. Shift change. He seems reluctant to get up cause it's taken him over 2 minutes. He Exits to the right, which they very seldom go.

740 Scout arrives with a fish - .Wait a minute, Bella is whining for her fish saying get away from my fish. No, you brought it for me. wait for it.He looks from left to right then back. Well, he he has a false start. Thinking maybe change this mind nope.He takes off for sure this time with the fish in tow What do you think Bella is thinking of him this time?I am very disappointed with him this time. I was hoping for some change

801 Scout circles the nest, Bella follwos his flight into the nest with bedding. Scout moves a couple of sticks around, and flies to the LOP at 803. Bella is giving him the silent treatment for taking the fish back! He stays on the lap and she winds at him at 8:28.

829 Scout exits the nest and Bella begins some work in the egg bowl, loosens the bedding and rolls her eggs. 831 Bella shimmies in to incubate.8:28. Maybe he maybe he gets the hint and goes and gets another one.

1033 scout returns to the nest to relieve Bella of her duties. He comes back empty talent if she's still ignoring him. He does have a load of betting in his talents. She does not take it from me like she normally does.

 Not not a peep between them scattered the bedding around. 1035, he still has his backdrop to her.He turns around slowly looks at her.I don't think he's forgiven yet.   1036 he looks at her She does get up stretches her wings. I thought he was going to leave. You flap, your Wings stands on the edge of the nest at 6 and takes off from that position, not a peep between them.

 He does escort her out and returns immediately to incubate but still no peep between them


1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment any advertisement will be deleted thank you for viewing the blog and thanks Stephen Chase for allowing me to do the blog but in a different manner than he intended it as a conversation place it is now a place for videos and pictures and blogging

3/9/25 AM/PM CAM 1

  751am  Changing of the Guard shift change eggroll and 921 COG he comes in and places a stick on her back three times pictures below with v...