Friday, January 24, 2020

1/24/20 529/535 She lands starts picking at the bedding material moving back and forth  He arrives a tad over min later  Some love pecking occurs naturally when he seems to want to help   She goes in cup to try out He goes to the stump and sits and listens to the children at play at the campus LOL . She leaves from side door He goes a picks for a few min at cribrails then stands for a bit before leaving  out the side door also but right at the edge of it .  Nice almost 6 min visit  

1102 Shep arrives with a small minnow fishie for his love  A apology for turning her down maybe! LOL! What a nice fly in it is also! She comes in screaming her head off What gratitude for his fishing LOL  .  He works on the crib rail and has a nice fight with some sticks then moves to the bowl area and works while she is munching on that tiny fish! Don't ya just love how you can hear her tearing at the fish Love that camera we have to pick it up!  She makes fast work of that fish and helps him in the bowl area digging that cup deeper! Nice beaking goes on you can hear the beaks tap at times.  HE pushes her at times standing up to her it seems . Chest bumping going on and more beaking. Love seeing him stand up to her at time LOL   She goes to outlook post and leaves at 1112.  While he picks on some of the crib rail at the post area then he leaves continued on the tiny video  Since I ended to soon  OOPSIE 
I ended by accident so here is poofing
only 10 seconds  Love a good take off from that area  

  She at 1220:54 ask him again for HP and he doesn't respond  
25 seconds and she is shot down LOL 

1213  She arrives he is already in nest 1214 She goes to the bowl and settles in plays with a corn stalk.  He watches she goes to the other side of the nest has her back to him Like ignoring him LOL  JK  Just standing there either working ... She seems to be contemplating something LOL!.. What could the royal Highness be thinking of looking over her domain OH I know EGGS 1220:54 She starts announcing and saunters over to him and politely ask no nipping or kicking LOL There was no sparks flying at this encounter!  She head to the bowl and picks of the bedding back and forth like a windshield wiper for a few min. He just stands at the stump While she spends her time 
picking at the nest floor then to the bowl wher she snuggles down  I love that when they do that . Video ends  he flies out 1225 she remains in bowl  HMM NO HP No eggs some ome needs to talk to that boy LOL .

1154-1202  Floppy landing again    He goes to the cup and picks on corn husk He heads to the stump area and works on the rail there She arrives at 1156 goes to the bowl and they both do nestoration. She reaches out to him as to beak him  1157 and he is doing his own thing then. They both go to opposite sides of the nest She works on the crib rail and 1158 With a hop skip and jump  he goes to the bowl  Like its mine she isn't going to bother me she is busy on the rails LOL! He digs in the bowl cup area . She is having a good time with that stick on the rail. What is it each year with the corn husk Is it a play toy  LOL just funny how he tosses it and doesn't place it.  1202 She jumps to the out look post stump and leaves from there    

1232-1233 Big sticks and placed the other followed in didn't see anything in talons. Another flop in the nest for both of them. One leaves from out look post

Will add evening visit if they show later

See the tiny minnow in his talons?

She came in announcing her arrival screaming like a banshee LOL  Sirens blaring 
 Just love the take off from this position in the nest  makes awesome snips 


1227 looks like each to your own corner time out



657 arrival                                      702 asking for HP again 


I will try to keep all video to the top of the page for  enjoyment pleasure then you can scroll the pictures if you want Using blog as a way to record pic and videos  We have them on FB but those are groups you must join  This is for all public to see We previously used this as a communication blog  but no longer since our Matriarch Jo died. JO you  are missed. This blog was started because of her in 2006  She loved it so!   I am sure JO  will approve of the blog being used like this  Well at least I hope so!
“Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battles"


JudyEddy said...

Fri is Granddaughter day

If the show yup later I will post a video

William Annie said...
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JudyEddy said...

I will report abuse if you continue to spam this blog there is a report abuse option remember that

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...