Wednesday, February 01, 2017


New thread.  Been having a heck of a time keeping the live stream up.  Hopefully it stabilzes soon.  Kudos to Outdoor Channel and Clayton for their efforts.


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and the update on the live cam.

Judy, although I haven't been posting much lately, I do read everyone's comments, since they come to my inbox. Facebook has changed life as we knew it on the blog. Between the private FB group chat and the posts of others on the Eagle Cam and Bald Eagles 101, I don't feel the need to post here every day as I used to. Plus, as I have said before, the blog just isn't the same for me without Jo. I know it makes you sad and I'm sorry.

Maybe once we have eggs in the nest things will pick up some but I don't think the blog will ever again be what it was - just my opinion.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi. Thank you for the New Thread. Just wanted to check in here. Sorry it's been a while. I echo Sandi's comments and thoughts about the Blog here. I have been working 6 days a week pretty much since mid- October. I wasa hoping to retire this year and work part-time but am not sure about that happening right now. Also we had a mini-scare with Rhonda's health. She was having more led swelling and fluid gain. Doctor thought it was a kidney issue. Turns out to be related to he thyroid condition. We're hoping new medicine adjustments will help. Also want to thank Judy for posting photos. Also a big thanks to Lolly for adding me to the Facebook Blog thing. And lastly, I can watch Live Cam on my new re-furbished computer. Not going to make any promises about more frequent visits but please know I appreciate being a member here. Although I have met very few and very briefly with them I feel blessed to be a small part of the Momster group. I miss Jo as does Sandi and everyone here. I also have a favor to ask of anyone that has direct conversations with Jennifer(Jo's daughter). I feel so bad. When I recently upgraded my phone and was able to install Facebook Messenger I noticed a message from her dated September6, 2016. It thanked me for a donation in Memory of Jo. I sent a very late reply. Could someone apologize to her or tell me a good way to do so myself. Thank you and take care all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Lolly said...

Good morning!

Had a fantastic night celebrating Zach's birthday with family. Zach was so excited and so happy.

Just checked the cam, no eagles and very windy!

Hope this blog continues as we can add new watchers, but I really like the fb blog as it is private and it is so easy to add pictures! Instantly!

I also like to be notified when there is an 🦅 in the nest!

Now we start planning our trip next week. We leave Tuesday to be gone a week, headed to far south Texas!

Have a great day!

glo said...

Good afternoon. Hoping things here are doing well enough. Saw where Steve is still struggling to keep the cam streaming online at times. Grateful for the effort it takes. I know it surely is not as easy as pushing a button.

Yesterday was a big birthday for me. I did hear from several of you on facebook. Thank you so very much. I spent the morning at a 4 1/2 hour hospice orientation. Patches and I are 1 of 2 therapy dog teams invited to come to their center. They have not had therapy dogs there for 10 years. I did have to search my heart about whether or not I can do this. I decided I will never know if I don't try. My heart certainly wants to. Lost some dear friends here and also of course my hubby and 3 other relatives to cancer. I did indeed think of our MeMa Jo as I sat there listening etc. She only spent a few hours there BUT I know for a fact her Ed and her cherished family were surrounded by wonderful staff who did everything they could to help both MeMa Jo and them. For me it was a fitting way to spend a good part of my birthday. I so want to give back. Patches is indeed up to it.

Went out with the eagles and seaguls this morning. Only been out a handful of times this year. Schedule is busy but today was worth it. I loved my time out there and had to drag myself away.

Take Care everyone. Will stop by as I can.

Hoda said...

Well said Sandi. I feel the same.
Very cold icy day here.
Went for a two hour walk instead of skiing. More in control this way...sticking sticks to the bottom of my feet when it is this icy, is not my idea of fun.
A very pleasant walk...
Thank you for the new thread Steven...
I must read back for the update Sandi mentioned.
Thank you Shar for heads up on Eagle in...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle in, Shep in with huge fish, Belle snagged it, mantled it and now eating it.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Thank you Shar.
Good sign.

Hoda said...

Shep just flew out.
Belle still chowing.
Not much left of that fish!

Hoda said...

Still chowing.
There is plenty fish still.
Is she staying in after her meal?
I hope she does not leave food lying around.
I think what an attractant it is to intruders.

Hoda said...

Off she goes.
Looked at the cup for a while. Considered it. Hopped up the tree???
Not sure where she landed.

Barbara said...

I'd like to see the birds more -- but it is good that Shep is letting Belle take the fish he brings. After all, hopefully she has some eggs in the oven!

Hoda said...

Where I ski today there was a bear!
Colder than it has been for years and bear is awake!
I do not understand this!
I did not see it. I am very surprised though!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning to all Belle and Shep eagle watchers out there. Just checking in the blog to see how things are going for everyone. It is Saturday and no eagles were in the nest when I just got on. Must be out scouting for limbs for nest. Should be some eggs pretty soon. Didn't know if I could get in or not. If this posts, I am ok. You all have a great day!

Hoda said...

Major winter storm.
Chose not to go on highway.
Staying at friends.
Speaks of a weather advisory all weekend long.
Hope everyone is well.

Hoda said...

Eagles in. Live feed up.

Hoda said...

Belle in a very windy nest.
Will she stay the night.
It is 4:45 your time, yet it is daylight on the cam.
I wonder.
Better go check sunset in shepherdstown.

Hoda said...

Sunset is 5:36 PM
Will see.

Hoda said...

MT nest tonight...

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday To Sandy Aosborne.
Have a terrific year.

When was our first egg laid last year?

Lolly said...

Good morning! While some are having winter weather we are having very warm weather. Slept with window wide open last night. Presently 69 and going up. My big problem is packing to head to the Rio Grande Valley this week. Temps in the upper 80's and even 90! Had to dig out the capris and sandals as well as short sleeve tops!

Nest is looking ready, rails are up! I predict some time next week!

We leave in the morning and return next Tuesday!

Have a great day!

Hoda said...

Crazy dump of snow!
Never saw anything like it in this town.
All schools are closed in the area.
55 Cm reported in the town of Sparwood.
I can not find my car.
I am house sitting in town
Friends are supposed to come home tonight!
I do not see how!
We'll see.

Hoda said...

Safe travels tomorrow Lolly and Jack.

Hoda said...

Both Eagles in.

Sandi said...

Hoda, thanks for the heads up. Only 1 there now.

As for egg laying dates, last spring I went through all of the blog posts to find the egg laying and hatch dates for 2015 and 2016, since the Yahoo page doesn't have that information listed. I passed the info on to Jo & Paula, since I am not an administrator for the page and can't make changes to it. Paula replied to my email that she would update the page, but she never did and I no longer have those dates.

Back to 2 in the nest.

Hoda said...

Thank you Sandi,
I remember your search.
I remember Jo was happy to have the info.
I think JudyE kept a book.
I think she said she is off here, so she might not get to answer.
Lolly is guessing next week.
That makes sense to me.
Stay well everyone...

glo said...

There has been an egg on Sandra Osbourn birthday before which is today. Any time now is egg time. Since we know they have mated I say any time within a week.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eagle nest updates

Good morning eagle momlets.

This is the link for the eagle nest updates from NCTC. Our first egg last year was laid 2/8, so any day now.

Things have been a little crazy around here. Been making repairs to my house and I feel like a hamster on a wheel. Tom is building a new ramp and deck out front so as soon as he is finished and we get some of Aunt Glenna's furniture moved in, I will be ready for her to move in.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Eaglemomsters and Dadsters. There were two eagles in the nest fixing it up and trying out the egg cup. Now one flew off while one is still there. MT nest now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good to see you looking in Sharon. I am doing the same thing so far. It should be getting close to egg laying. Hope you get your Aunt moved in soon so you all can relax a little.

carolinabeachmom said...

One eagle back on nest working on the railings; getting them ready to keep those little bobble heads contained.

carolinabeachmom said...

Left for a minute and has now brought back some more branches for the crib rails.

carolinabeachmom said...

Both eagles are back with branches and doing nestorations. <3

carolinabeachmom said...

Egg cut is getting another fixing cleaning and fixing.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Respect to you Shar
Helping others is precious.

Sandi said...

Thanks for the first egg of 2016 date, Shar. God bless you for taking your Aunt Glenna in. I hope she will adjust easily to her new home.

We have 2 eagles in a windy nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is an eagle in the nest and it is surely windy.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Sharon. Nice to see someone is watching the nest today. I see from your post that the eagle has been there for awhile swinging in the wind. Wonder if she stayed overnight? Hoping for a snowless hatching this year. I didn't think where the eagle is now was the egg cup. Time will tell.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hear geese flying over. Sure hope they are headed South.

Hoda said...

No eagle in nest overnight. I checked several times. Last check was two AM your time back east.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Hoda. Thanks for the info. They do seem to be staying around the nest more, tho.

DanaMo said...

Windy, windy. We have the cam on in the classroom. I just wish she would give us an egg!
I was hoping that today would be the day, but the nest is now empty.

How is everyone doing? Just popping in to say hello and that I am watching the nest.
I will be ordering my duck eggs at the end of the month.

Some of you may know that I lost 2 of my beloved dogs in the past year and a half. Monte seems pretty willing to look at getting a friend for Boomer though. We are looking at a puppy this weekend. We also have an application in for a rescue. We will see which one works out.

Miss you guys! Have a great day!

DanaMo said...

I spoke to soon. We have an eagle in the nest.

DanaMo said...

*too soon. LOL!
But gone again anyway.

Hoda said...

Well I finally made it back to my place.
Left Saturday for the day.
Due to road conditions was only able to come back today.
My road got ploughed today and yet the sand truck did not come in...
Hairy trip home!
Keep your wheel wells clear of ice and snow. It took me over an hour today to try and clear them enough to drive safely!
My but it has been a challenging winter!
We had 44.4CM of snow on Monday. We are still digging out.
Tonight we will have another 25CM
Then Thursday and Friday we will have rain!
Not driving for the next few days I do not think!!!

Hoda said...

Dana good to see you.
I enjoyed watching the Eagles when I was away.
I hear in Pennsylvania there is an eagle whose leg got caught in a trap with a chain.
Someone took pictures. A male. His mate was seen in the nest!
God I thought of Liberty.
I hope they locate him and rescue him.
BBC carried the story.

Hoda said...

Oh Dana!
I am so so so very sorry.
You lost two of your beloved dogs!
What happened?
My heart is sad.
Let us know if you adopt this weekend.
What a rough year you have had.

Hoda said...

They were both in.
Hung around,
Live stream is down
Still cam showed them both.
Less than a minut ago they pooled.
my nest.

DanaMo said...

WOW is that wind just howling at the nest!!! Geez, I hate to go driving in it today. I tutor up the road twice a week in Hancock which is about a half hour west. I'm sure my car will be all over the place.

Thanks Hoda for your kind words. I enjoyed our conversation yesterday on messenger. I appreciate the words of encouragement with all that I have going on in my life/family.

Where is everyone??? LOL!

Hoda said...

Eagle in!
Eagle in cup!
Good Lord!
Not a good day to lay an egg!

Hoda said...

That is better!
Eagle gone!

Hoda said...




come on over...

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...