Monday, June 06, 2016


Fresh thread.


Unknown said...

Thank you steve for the new thread! I'll gather the tribe!

Unknown said...

Good morning.

Monday morning. I hope all is well with everyone on the blog.

Busy weekend...worked Saturday. Busy day. I was tired when I got home and so it was a quiet evening. It rained off and on, so it was a perfect evening to relax.

Sunday the kids (Michael, niki and Olivia) drove up to Holiday World in Indiana. Tom and I slept in! We went to brunch at O Charleys and then to Lowes where we spent a "romantic" (ha ha) afternoon picking out linoleum for the bathroom and the supplies to go with said flooring.

I have been working on the painting of the walls and ceiling and now that that is complete, new flooring going in today!

I just completed our 9th grade year of school. Attendance and grades have been reported, printed and assembled in the file. done done done for a few weeks.

Now on to 10th grade. But not til August!

I hope everyone has a lovely day! Stay safe and be well!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Thanks Steve for the new thread.

I have some not so good news from a very long term Momster who has made the trek from IL to WV a few times to enjoy the nest and those who love the birds that nest there. Vicky Connel's; son had a massive stroke on Sat morning. He is essentially on life support at this time waiting for results from 48 hour brain scan. She did text Dr has not been in yet, but she sees signs this am that he is trying to wake up. Your prayers are requested. She has given me permission to share here anything she shares with me. I will do my best to keep you informed. Today is a major day for decision making is what I am being told.

JudyEddy said...


Thanks for the new thread STEVE and the call over JANET and congrats on the feather

sitting here waiting on COLIN I said I wasn't going out in this
Angie wanted me to do tattoos at Jordyn school for field day today
rain bands coming in slowly now we are on the dirty side of
Colin bein we are on the coast line

JudyEddy said...

they are thinking 2 we should get the worst of it with the full moon and high tide will be the highest SO happpy I don't like on the beach

JudyEddy said...

LIVE not LIKE near the beach

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sorry, Judy, the storm is headed your way but thankful it is not hitting Houston. They are already swamped in floods.

Out to mow shortly. Can only do part of our yard as we still have standing water. Lawn is so high that we will have to mow in highest setting. We will mow again at the end of the week.

Laurel and Jacob arrived safely in Colorado for a fun week. They are already off for rafting today. Laurels's at the lodge by herself. Will bake cookies today and prepare dinner for 22 people. She has it down pat, no problem. She is in hog heaven being at the lodge by herself! When not in the kitchen, she will sit on the deck and read! 40 there is morn, but up to 55.

We saw 62 this morn. Presently 77 and low humidity! Yea! beautiful weather!!M

Watching our Eagles. the question!!!

Have a great week!

Hoda said...

Prayers for Vicky's son. Thank you Glo for being messenger.
Praying for the best possible outcome...

Sandi Congratulations! Yay! You made it. You will love being retired.

All good here.

Hoda said...

Glad Laurel and Jacob arrived safely.
Wished she would take pictures of the huge meals she prepares!!!

JudyEddy said...

3" of rain and I now have a leak coming in from over back door porch roof The area where the metal was put to replace screen over head

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread and Add that beautiful feather to your headdress

Prayers for our Vicky and her family as we await word for her son's condition.

Deck of flowers is on Fb and I'll try to send email to a few non-FB users.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy -

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Thanks Steve for the fresh new week thread and thanks Janet for the call over.

Hoda, I still have to work 5 hours on Wednesday before I can say I am DONE.

Janet, my son Kevin is headed your way - do you plan to go to the Country Music Festival that's coming up on Thursday through Sunday? Congrats to you and Olivia for finishing 9th grade!

Jo, your flowers on the deck are beautiful!

Judy, sorry about the leak! Surely your new roof is still under warranty?

The sky in Shepherdstown is a beautiful blue and it's pretty breezy there. Hmmm, perfect weather for a first flight? Neither of our eaglets seems very anxious to move beyond that stump.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, THELMA! Hope your day was really special, and that the new year will be an especially good one!!

Prayers for Vicky's son. Hoping that he does improve, for a best possible outcome.

Mighty relieved that the weather today has been cooler. We've had a couple of days of temps in the 90s again. It was quite overcast this morning, which really helped.

Having a rough time adjusting to the time change after being in Texas for 10 days. Just seem to be sleepy all the time! Guess we'll eventually get it worked out.

Has anyone heard from Judie lately? Hope all is well with her and Darth.
Also missing Margy and wondering how she is.

Well, need to go check on Miss Emma. She's been fussing a bit, since Ken left to go grossery shopping, thus leaving her lapless until I return to the living room! Will try to get back here after we've had our dinner. Hope everyone has a good evening! I ♥ us!

glo said...

Evening update from Vicky "He has opened his eyes on command sedated and sedation backed off briefly! He squeezes my hand, he wiggles his toes he knows his son is there. He tries to tell me something but can't with the ventilator etc but he takes my hand and seems to be pointing his finger trying to let me know something".

JudyEddy said...

ANDY the last heard from JUDIE she was taking a break
Sitting in my truck waiting for power to come back on
755 went out. I see truck working next block over so hope not to much longer

JudyEddy said...

The roof isn't leaking
porch roof wasn't done and that is what is leaking at back door caulking hope will work

JudyEddy said...

My rain gauge was overflowing
Not raining at present

Unknown said...

Good evening to one and all.

Keeping Vicky’s son in heart and thought…highest and greatest good for all involved….
MEMA JO: yes, my headdress is filling in nicely now! Lol! A new feather is always welcome!

JUDYE: stay dry sis! You might need a boat ….. I do NOT miss hurricanes, tropical storms, etc.
SANDI: I will not be heading downtown. TOO many folks for me. There was a time many many moons ago before I ever thought of moving to Nashville that I used to watch it on TV and think oh I want to go to that….now, 20+ years later, uh, no and thank you.
But it does bring in lots of tourism for the city and that is a plus!
And the weather forecast is supposed to be top notch this week!

What a busy day. I worked in our bedroom and the guest room. It was the day to take out the dust bunnies…oh the horror! I emptied all but one drawer in the guest room and made sure there was plenty of room under the bed to stow suit cases etc. Linens are washed and back on bed and all extraneous stuff is out of the room. Nancy andChris will be here late Thursday/early Friday and will be here for about a month.

And while I was at it, I did a spring clean to our room as well! For the moment, dustbunny families are a thing of the past!
In the mean time, Tom prepped the bathroom floor and put in the new linoleum . The quarter round still needs to go in, and, I need to put a couple things back up, but all in all, its 98% done and it looks wonderful! We had the water off for 9+ hours while things were being prepped….the toilet sat on the back deck. I said well don’t WE just look redneck today! Lol
Thankfully I am off tomorrow. Olivia needs her allergy shot and I have a couple of errands to run. I’d like to do a little more cleaning and the pool needs to be vacuumed.

I feel so productive ! 
Good night to one and all. Stay well and stay safe….peaceful and restful sleep to all!

Hoda said...

Hoping to read that Tori is called up to the hospital for her set of lungs.
Prayers of gratitude to the donor and blessing prayers for Tori for her healing. Also for her medical team.
Hoping to hear that Vicky's son has come through it all and his chances of healing are high.
Grateful to Jo for her postings and her healing. Thank you for the pictures.
Thinking of Judie and hoping she is enjoying her time away in good health.
On the count down Sandi! Kudos you got'er done lady! Bravo.
Lolly any news from Laurel and the Grands.
I loved that you were understanding of the loud Grad party next door. I hope your yard was not too soaked and she was still able to get her Grad photos.
Good night all.
Eaglets still here. I agree with Sandi from their size we have two of the same gender. I also think they are males. I hope they survive after they fledge.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Hoda. I see Shamrock and Clover are awake and looking around. Have a great day. Take care all.

Barbara said...

Somebody is ready to fledge -- the smaller juvie is on the stump at 2 and the larger one FLEW up to the crotched stump at 10! Lots of flapping. Maybe today is the day for a fledge!!!

Sandi said...

Gooodorming my eagle friends. Both kids are still in the nest but, like Barbara said, they have both found perching places above the nest. Any day now they may take off.

Trying to decide what to get into. Have a greyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

10 inches so far or a tad more. Rain gauge was over flowing both times I emptied it.
NO power still 755 last night
At MCD hanging for a bit

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all !

Still cam up & running thanks too Rob at NCTC - I had sent email yesterday

Looks like a beautiful day out there for us and

Judy prayers are with you - thank goodness for MCD.

IS THIS THE DAY? You may have called it Barbara! xoxoxoxoxo

Lori O. said...

Okay, what is MCD?

Jo, your flower pots are beautiful. Good job, Megan!!

Kay, hope you got to spend time with Seth over the weekend.

We got a new foster bulldog on Friday. Pulled him from Prince
William County Shelter. What a sweetie but what a mess he is.
Tiny boy, needs to be neutered, has allergies, needs his nares opened
because he can't even breathe through his can hear his
nostrils whistling from across the room. He also has cherry eyes,
but he came out of the shelter with some nasal congestion so he's on antibiotics
and we have to finish those before he can have anything done.

The house! What a mess. We're not even sure we're moving now.
The appraisal came in $35k UNDER the price, so the sellers are appealing
it and having another done.
I don't think we'll be closing on the 17th now.

Bless these eaglets as they prepare to start their new lives.
Safe soaring babies. May the world be your river with lots of fish.
We will miss you!

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Vicky's son to recover!! perhaps he could write a message since he is prevented from speaking. I've often wondered if stroke victims could communicate that way.
Hoda you mentioned Tori and I also am keeping her and a donor in my prayers.

Today is Judie and "Darth"'s anniversary - I sent her an email to be sure she sees it.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another beautiful day! Sorry, Judy about all the rain and the leak. Hang on!

Worked I. The yard all day yesterday. It was wonderful! Going to head out again today. Today I am tackling the herb garden. The parsley has gone will and taken over the garden. Need to lean it up and plant basil. Think it is warm enough now!

Have been watching our Eagles. Saw one on the stump on the righ, other on trunk to the left. Won't be long! very sorry about the house. Hope it works out!

Today is Laurel and Joey's 19th anniversary. How can that be!!!!

Hoda, yesterday Laurel cooked three dishes of lasagna. She also took care of a sick camper. She said the little girl was better today. Thankfully the girl's dad is one of the adults there, though he was with the kids who went rafting! They are back on the river today. More fun!

I am not dieting anymore but maintaining and I am now down another pound. That makes 31 pounds down! Wahooo! Need to shop for shorts as all of mine are very loose!

Time to get moving! Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Once again did not check for typos and auto corrects! Good luck reading and hope you can understand what I was trying to say. Lol

JudyEddy said...

McDonalds LORI WAITNG getting Jordyn with Angie

JudyEddy said...

Been at her house till now gonna drive by house just to check
they are suppose to text me but so far no text

JudyEddy said...

Just checked website
6pm they are saying by them power will be restored

grannyblt said...

Good evening all

Judy, I guess as long as you have no water in the house all is good. Unless of course the food in the refrigerator may be a little iffy after 24 hours.good thing you had somewhere to go to cool off.

My daughter and family are also in CO this week. They were in Az and UT last week loving the parks and natural beauty. They are with friends who have business in Colorado Springs, so will hang out around there for a few days. She is going to look up my old home that was brand new trac house when my parents bought it in '62.

I did some cooking today, a big pot of dried beans, and a pot roast. I tasted so many times I don't need another meal today. Most of it is for the freezer. Want to have a few meals ready to go when company comes. The beans are for me.

I think we are finished with the rain for a few days., and the warm weather went also. It is to be in the 40's tonight.

I've rambled enough. Hope all are well. Hoping for good outcomes for all in need. Off to check the kids...

Mema Jo said...

How high is the water, Judy? I hope it passes very soon. We have had about 3 or 4 storms go over - lots of heavy rain but the showers didn't last very long - enough for me not to have to water all the planters!

The little hummer comes buy most evenings around 5pm - he doesn't stay long and always hits the red flowers!

Lori - sad news about the house but you know what they say - It is what it is ♥ I do wish the best for you to have a new home. That little one you are fostering will be 100% ok by the time you and Kate give him all your love!

Enjoy your evening xoxoxoxoxo

JudyEddy said...

Home power co. Said 6 and they were 15 min early
Home now.
I got 12 inches total
Found out why I am leaking over door, I have always had to keep the gutters cleaned every years or so but being my roof and gutter done recently I haven't checked. When I got home I looked. Guess what only ONE GUTTER NOT TWO HE didn't put up the one that goes over the porch where screen use to be, hence now all rain from the back side is pouring on the corner on the porch roof near the back door. He will be back to put up that gutter I will see to it.
Many areas flooded but not us never had issues here or at Angie she is in a no evacuation zone also
I Haven Jordyn for the nest 3 days till summer camp starts

JudyEddy said...

Next not nest LOL

Sandi said...

Judy, I hope your power is back on by now and you didn't lose a lot of food in your refrigerator or freezer. 10" of rain - if we had that much rain, the inside of my house would be wet for sure!

Lori, sorry about the house. A lot of people's houses aren't worth what they were worth 10 years ago. But you would have thought the realtor would have steered her clients toward a realistic sale price that would more closely match what the house would appraise for. I hope you and Kate can negotiate a happy ending for yourselves. Congrats on the new foster!

Jo, prayers continue for strength and healing for you.

Took the kayak out for a few hours this afternoon. Boy, was it ever nice!

I will see everyone in the early AM. Goodnight all.

JudyEddy said...

ANDY I chuckled with your comment about being full
Reminded me of my mom.
The worst part of not having power and staying home in Fl is no flushing
Pumps at pump stations don't work either most people are clueless to that.
Angie was a tad upset this am when I didn't come over last nite. But she forgives me didn't want to wake them.
And the house wasn't to bad after I fell asleep.

glo said...

Tonight's update from Vicky Update #, I have no idea I've lost track of time. It was another day of sitting and watching the miracle before my eyes. My son can give "thumbs up" raise up his head, and the ultimate of all things, pulled out his ventilator! So now his hands are secured so as to NOT do that again. With the way things are going, another MRI tomorrow and see if the ventilator can be taken off. So far commands to wiggle toes on left and right, and both hands as well. His son has him doing a "thumb up", so so much progress of baby steps. Thank you EACH and every one of you for your prayers and support. Not over by a long shot but God has been so good and faithful. To God be the glory!

JudyEddy said...

GLO such fantastic news

Lori O. said...

Just wanted to let everyone know it'll only be a high of 70 degrees at the nest tomorrow (Wed) and windy so not sure if that will be good or bad for fledging.

From NOAA: " . . . Breezy, with a northwest wind 11 to 21 mph, with gusts as high as 31 mph..."

Great news tonight with Vicky's son. That's pretty common with pt's pulling out vents.

Lolly said...

That time of day....getting on to say good night!

Eagles were very entertaining while walking today.

Worked in my herb garden today. Italian Parsley had gone wild and was everywhere! Had to get in there and pull and cut back the parsley. Also, planted basil.

Mosquitos were considering me for a meal. Awful!

Night all! See you tomorrow!

WVJerry said...

Good morning Lolly. I see Shamrock and Clover watching the world going by this morning. Lori - sorry about house. Hope you can work out something. Take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. As Jerry stated, both kids are still in the nest. One on the stump and one at the Y of the tree trunk at the noon position. Perfect places to catch some air and take off. Maybe today??

Off to my very last day of work EVER! I took my last quarter of a day of sick time too, so I'll be leaving school at 1:15 to join the land of the retired!

Have a greyt day all - I know I will!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Waiting for Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

SANDI you are probably soooo excited
Hope today flies for you
I know my last day drugged by

So happy for u

Unknown said...

good morning to all.
LORI: so sorry sweetie about the house. but good foryou, making that sweet bulldog's life so much better!

JUDYE: glad that power is on again. have fun with JORDYN.

SANDI: you did it! you did it! congrats!!!!!!! celebrate!!!!

LOLLY: congrats! good job on the weight loss. mine is much once at a time!

holding all close in heart and light, love.

its been a busy few days. we have the bathroom almost finished. it was quite a chore to prep the floor and get the new flooring down and then the toilet back just looks so wonderful now. tom went last night and purchased the quarter round and last bit of items that we need.

I have the house clean, laundry done I even hung my solar lights on the deck around the hot tub. they looked so pretty last night.

Amelia was here Monday and Tuesday. Monday I felt badly, I had so much going on I really couldn't spend much time with her, plus the water was off all day. so yesterday was run errands in the a.m. in the p.m. we played in the pool, played badminton, played some board she is en route to Washington dc for a 3 day whirl wind tour of the city! she was so excited yesterday!!!!!

nancy and chris will be heading this way tomorrow afternoon and then a month or thereabouts of company will ensure.

today I plan to work.....then some pool time for me. I have a few more things to do, but nothing too major...unless you look at my yard...yeah I have a lot to do out there. but the weed whacker is still down.....i'll have my work cut out for me when we get that done. but one thing at a time.

hugs and love to all. enjoy your day!

Lolly said...

Just. Got on! One eagle in the nest and other NOT in sight.

We have probably had further branching.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all !


Happy Dance for this Wednesday Morning!

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Sandi on all those years of teaching
You have a new life beginning - Enjoy

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Yep, one eagle has wandered to some point out of view. The other will soon get up the courage to do the same. They have been such a joy to watch!

LORI, good on you for tending to the newest bully. Here's hoping the housing situation turns around--perhaps there is a far better home waiting for you and Kate.

GLO, yesterdays news from Vicky was sooo good, may her son progress well. Assure her our prayers continue, please.

Oh, SANDI, this is The Day you've been waiting for. I'm so happy for you!

Cooler and very pleasant here today--not an A/C day. I'll head for the pool at about 2pm--it's indoor and kept at hot tub temp. Feels wonderful when you're in it and I hope the walking and exercise done will amount to something---so far it just wears me out and makes me hungry!

JO, praying for you non-stop. We love you so very much!

Prayers too for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Deb Stecyk · Owner at Self-Employed

Fledge Accidential - 11 Weeks Old - Hey Wait for Me - NCTC Eagles - June 8 2016

OOPS! Be sure to watch this video !

Hoda said...

That does not look good to me!
It was more of a controlled drop than a lift off and fly.
Not good by the way I saw it on Deb's recording!

Congratulations Sandi.
Loved the Kayak photos

Lolly said...

Good morning! (Did not say that when I first commented!). Just watched the video. I laughed but wonder where he is. Could he be on the ground? Yes, that was an accidental fledge, for sure!

🎉🎉🎉Congratulations, Sandi!!🎉🎉🎉. Enjoy the good life! Wahoooooooo!

Going shopping today. Need shorts. All of my shorts are too big.😀

We have a trip coming up next week. Just a short trip to central Texas for a family reunion. This is on my maternal side, the Sargeant family. Grandma and Grandpa Sargeant came from Indiana to south Texas with 5 children. They came on the train. All their belongings in a box car, including their car. Not sure of the year but about 95 years ago. Those 5 kids had 15 children. I am one of those 15 cousins. We were raised living close together.we have multiplied!! But, most still live in Texas but scattered all over. My cousin Norm, who I have asked for prayer for, will be there. Getting excited about seeing every one! Anyway.....need shorts or capri's for this warmer weather.

Think someone from NCTC should check on our Eagle!😬

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Steve said they were aware of this and are keeping an eye on things to see what happens

Lolly said...

Yea! I do believe the eagle in the nest is spending a lot of time looking down!

I am off. Hope to see an eagle in the nest when I return!

Mema Jo said...

Steve has made updates over on FB

NCTC Steve Chase is aware of this and said : thanks, saw it. We have someone out there. Waiting to see what the deal is..

The farmer saw it happen and said our juvie did then fly up on adjacent tree

They have their eye on this!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

stronghunter said...

Read Steve's post and saw the video. Goodness. That can happen when you wingersize on a windy day. I remember when Hidey disappeared from the nest one night. None of us were watching and didn't know what had happened until someone (as I recall, he was in England) got on the blog to explain that Hidey was wingeriszing in the wind when he/she was blown out of the tree. Hidey landed triumphantly in the nest some time later.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy the clothes shopping, Lolly. It is fun when it's smaller sizes you are buying.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all. It's me, your recently retired friend! My colleagues took up a collection and presented me with a verrry nice gift card to the place where I get all of my manicures, pedicures, and massages! Perfect gift!

I see one eaglet i8n the nest, hunkered down so s/he doesn't get blown away. Watching the video, I agree that was an accidental fledge. But I feel very comfortable that there are enough people nearby who can keep eyes on the one that fledged that there is no need to worry about him/her.

Very windy and cool here too. But I am headed to the beach for a happy hour with friends. Later!

stronghunter said...

Have fun, Sandi.

Lolly said...

Home from shopping! Found shorts I like a size smaller and fit loose. Afraid to go two sizes down!

See we still have one eagle. Will be happy when we see the other. Maybe parents could lure eagle to nest with a big ol' fish!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY to Judie and Darth! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Glad to hear that Vicky's son is improving! Hope the trend continues! Prayers continue from this roost!

Prayers also for Tori. Hoping that she gets new lungs very soon.

Jo, you seem to be feeling better. Prayers continue for you, as always. Love your flowers from Megan--they're beautiful!

I need to go and water our patio plants. Everything outside is so dry! Wish this drought were over. Also need to vacuum up dog hair dust bunnies again. It's been hot, so Emma's shedding.

Oboy! Guess there was an accidental fledge at our nest! Guess they're keeping an eye out for the adventurer, but hope the rascal is doing okay!

Well, guess I'd better go get busy, before I get any sleepier. I need more coffee! Have a good evening, everyone. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

I think clover is gonna go off stump also

JudyEddy said...

This update will be posted on the Outdoor Channel cam page:
This morning--June 8, the older eaglet, while perched on the cut limb on the right side of the nest, was seemingly blown off his perch. The bird did a semi-controlled descent and was observed to land on the ground and then fly up into some adjacent trees. Our land manager subsequently searched the area under and around the tree and could not find the bird. We hope the bird is ok and that the adult birds are aware of its location.
The bird had been branching (a developmental stage when the chicks work their wings and explore surrounding limbs) for several days, so it may be flying very soon. Once it is flying, we expect it would return to the nest for food. Time will tell what the status of this bird is.
A video was captured of the moment and you can view it here:
Please note that we observe wild nature through this cam. We do not interfere with the natural activities and mishaps of these birds.
That said, if the bird was found on the ground injured, we would have intervened and brought it in for veterinary treatment, to be hopefully released at a later date.

JudyEddy said...

Steve posted the above on Bald eagle 101

JudyEddy said...

Ihad nice day with Jordyn we were at We Rock the Spectrum Kid gym
A friend opened the first one in ypthe area
I sure wish someone would get off the stump
Sure wish I lived in the area I would be at the bend with binocular

grannyblt said...

Clover is hanging onto the stump and trying to take off-- sure making me nervous.

grannyblt said...

At least he's quit that jumping and flapping--for now

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening to all ♥

Just not sure how or when Clover will get his "air time"
I am hoping that an adult leads Shamrock back to the nest before he leaves for good

I had daughters with me most of today- I handed over a few dresser drawers which needed sorting and clearing out. They were a big help!

Have a good evening ♥

grannyblt said...

Feel, Clover just left...exit stage right. Didn't really take off with flapping.

JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

That is supposed to say, well, Clover just left.

Hope Deb or someone got it on tape.

JudyEddy said...

Not back yet mt nest 😥😬😱

JudyEddy said...

I see we both saw at same time I was bolding the comment

grannyblt said...

I think he's still around, I hear squealing. My connection keeps freezing.

JudyEddy said...

I also herd squealing sure wish we had a manned can to zoom like they do at the NE Fl and SW nest here
I alos have buffering not a good take off the buffering made it look bad

JudyEddy said...

I get this buffereing every night bad like this

Lolly said...

I think Clover has just branched out of sight. He did it earlier and then came back to the nest. Did not see him leave. Hope it was not another whoops!

Lolly said...

Wow! Moving cam around! Searching for eagle. No eagle in tree! But, I just heard it!

JudyEddy said...

they are zooming

JudyEddy said...

make me feel good they are looking

JudyEddy said...

i like that view stilllooking has a good zoom range

Lolly said...

Now is not the time for us to keep losing the cam. Keep hearing the eagle and not a happy chirping!

Lolly said...

I ear a dog barking and voices.

JudyEddy said...

Choose File
Steven Chase
Steven Chase The eaglet is in the tree, on a limb about 10 feet below the nest, just got the word. So things could be worse.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 min

JudyEddy said...

there must been people there I also hear

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Not tube, tu

JudyEddy said...

LOST LIVE FEED AND CANT GET IT TO Stay up as per nightly norn would love to be aBLE TO HEAR big hands keeps hitting cap key

Lolly said...

Hoda said...

Any one able to view the second video of the second accidental fledge?
Lynne Doolan said there was a link on camera page. I can not see it. If you see it would you bring it here please?
Losing two in one day is a bit much for me!!!
I do not think they are strong enough to lift back up to the nest. Night time is nota friendly time for Eagles who were not ready to fledge and fell out of the nest...yes I am worried...

JudyEddy said...

got it back

Hoda said...

Thank you Lynne. Deb thinks Eagle lost its footing. It is not what I saw. It drifted out of sight and there was rustling.
Not good.
The only way we will know anything is from on sight ground reports.
I feel it is a sad day for our nest!

Hoda said...

On site with sight ground report is what we need now. It is night time and I am very sad.
It was a good season!!! Sorry it had to end this way!

glo said...

Nature and both parents are in charge of our juvies. They really were close to fledge even if neither was intentional. I think both can fly well enough to NOT stay on the ground unless of course there is an injury.

Vicky Update Update: Nothing really new to report. Going to be a long long wait to see what each new day brings and waiting for the neurologist to present his prognosis. I came home for the night and will return sometime tomorrow afternoon. I need to regroup myself and see if I can find my sanity to pack in my bag to take with me. One thing I know, PRAYERS are carrying me through this as my strength is gone, and PRAYERS are being answered for Dean. Thank you friends and family.

Lori O. said...

Happy retirement, SANDI!!!! Well deserved!

When I posted last night about the wind I had no idea it would literally blow them out of the nest! Can't bear to watch the video yet. Glad NCTC people are looking out for them.

Can't see anything on either cam and there's no sound on the live cam.

Mema Jo said...

Quite a day for our nest
Hopefully tomorrow will bring back our eaglets to their nest


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. MT nest but I can hear one eaglet calling out nearby.

Although our eaglets didn't plan to fly yesterday, I agree with those who said they will be back. First, they are close enough to fledge age that their first flights were imminent. The one that went all the way to the ground was able to fly into a nearby tree, which will keep him/her safe from ground predators. The other is still in the nest tree - again safe.

I have watched many bird parents continuing to care for their young after they leave the nest. Our eagle adults are experienced parents. They know where their babies are and will get food to them.

And we have seen from past years that, even after they fledge, the juvies return to the nest for some time. As they practice flying now, which they have no choice about, their wings will get stronger and their flights will get longer, and they'll be able to get back to the nest.

Finally, although the NCTC staff is not inclined to interfere in what happens in and around the nest, there are eyes watching what's happening and those eyes belong to people who care about our juvies as much as we do.

I am getting my fingers and toes done this morning. Then the rest of my day is wide open. The weather forecast sounds wonderful for being outside. Maybe I'll take the dogs into Bethany for some ice cream.

Have a greyt day all. Keep an eye on the nest - we may not see the kids today, but I bet we WILL see both of them again.

Unknown said...

good morning to one and all. its a gorgeous morning here in middle tn as CMA fest and Bonnaroo both really get kicked off. I think i'll just stay on my side of town and let those folks enjoy!

my gal pals will be heading this way this afternoon. :)

personal thoughts on the babes who may have fledged accidentally: I tend to side with the positive folk: belle and shep are good eagle parents.....the babes are strong enough to fly back into a tree and instinct will direct them to do so....NCTC folk are concerned as well and have things under control. breathe folks, will be what it is.....and hopefully they will pop up in the next or on the tree once more just to say hi before they are off into the wild blue yonder, being beautiful free eagles...

have a lovely day to all! hugs

JudyEddy said...

Good morning. I see mt sent still. Bummer

Waktin on Jordyn then breakfast and Weeki Wachee

JudyEddy said...

Check out Google

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi, Janet and Judy. I see I missed the excitement yesterday. I will also be on the positive side of things. Sandi - enjoy your retirement. As far as eaglets, etc. I do not know what to expect...this is my first full season watching the process. First year I came in late and the next ones until now were interrupted by circumstances here and there. I do think it is good that the nest is located on the grounds of the NCTC. I will keep checking for updates. Have a great day and take care. Jo - glad you are feeling better and able to visit the Blog.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Was hoping to see an eaglet this morn. Maybe later today! I think they will show up!

Off to a brunch this morning! New milestone reached this morn.....32 pounds! Maintaining is going well.

Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Both adults in nest with food.

stronghunter said...

Poof one.

Kay said...

Good Late Morning, Eagle Buds!!!

Sorry I missed seeing Belle n' Shep in the nest earlier. Perhaps they'll be able to encourage their fledglings to join them there. I suspect they're keeping a close eye on Clover and Shamrock. Positive and optimistic must be our bywords!!

SANDI, so very happy about the gift the co-workers came up with and so hopeful that you'll enjoy retirement the same way many of we Momsters do!

Glorious Spring day here and I wish the same for all of you!

Prayers for those in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥

This is such a waiting game! I do believe we will see them again! Just don't know when!

Nothing on the agenda today - Tomorrow one of my girls will be visiting for a few hours.
Beautiful day out there with some sun and the breeze! Not sure it is "deck" temp yet - probably a little chilly

Sandi said...

Both parents in the nest. No food was brought in with them. Such a sad sight.

Lolly said...

Just walked into room. Adult was I nest. Flew away with food in mouth. They are trying to lure them back!

glo said...

Unless there is an injury I honestly believe both juvies are fine and parents know where they are even if we do not. If their is an injury well it's a whole new ballgame and totally out of our control. I choose to think all is well. I too think parents are trying to lure them back to the nest but thats pretty tricky for new young fliers especially with an unplanned early fledge.

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening to all ♥

Server just ate my comment!!!!

I was adding prayers for Vicky's son and for Tori to receive her date soon.

Our Beautiful day is still lingering - I didn't venture out :(

Enjoy your evening - rest well tonight
Perhaps our eaglets will come home for breakfast! ♥ xoxoxoxo

grannyblt said...

Eaglet back in nest for supper. Lots of squealing.

stronghunter said...

Yay! Saw news on FB messenger.

grannyblt said...

I had the live cam on, but with the buffering first there was a parent, then suddenly the eaglet too. About 24 hours out of the nest. Eaglet alone now and looks to be hunkered down. Maybe enough adventure for now. Hope the other one is all right. Maybe tomorrow we'll see it.
SED to all.

stronghunter said...

I do not know which one this is.

Lolly said...

Are we all doing a "Habby Dance?!!!" Poor baby is tired! Wish the first to fall would return!

stronghunter said...

Wonder if anyone got a video.

Lolly said...

Can not tell them apart, Shirley. I am assuming this is the one that landed in the tree below the nest.

stronghunter said...

So this is the second one, Lolly? Clover?

stronghunter said...

Oh, I see you answered my question.

Lolly said...

Going to read now.

Night all! SED!

Unknown said...

good evening to one and all. just checking in....its been a busy day.
have to share a story about a co worker of mine. her name is Tammy. Tammy is slightly younger than I am, slightly overweight and an unassuming person. She and her husband were at Walmart this past Saturday. her husband has some health issues and was feeling tired so she told him go wait in the car, i'll be along in a few min.

so she's walking thru Walmart with her few items and felt someone brush up against her left arm. at first she thought nothing of it, until he starting to grab her purse.

Tammy reared back and punched him hard with her right hand (giving him a black eye!) and then he kept fighting with her and she took her left elbow and cracked him in t he jaw.

Security caught him and he was prosecuted (several charges). I was so impressed! She is quite a lady!

The guy is now in jail and he wanted to press charges against her (*she cracked his jaw and they had to take him to the hospital). the judge said, uh,no.

So folks, the moral of the story is, don't be meek and mild.....kick, scream and make a scene !

good night to one and all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It looks sunny and still at the nest in Shepherdstown. There is one juvie standing on a fish, picking at it - what a nice sight! Saying a little prayer that the other is somewhere safe and is being fed.

Speaking of saying a prayer, Jo I am saying lots of prayers for you, today and every day.

Lori, what's the latest on the new house?

It turns out that one tennis court is open for play this morning, so I will be on it from 8-10am. Then I have bathrooms to clean before Lucy (a friend's greyhound) shows up for an afternoon play date.

Hoping that juvie #2 returns home today. Have a greyt day all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I have been following the nest happenings over the past couple of days. First time in 10 years this has happened and of course, they both were an accidental fledge on the same day. I see one has made it back. Sure wish we could hear visual report from NCTC to let us know if they see the other one.

My life has gotten so busy, I just told Thelma I need to schedule making a phone call 2 days in advance. No time for anything. Working 10-12 hours a day, going to meetings, taking care of my aunt's needs and being blessed with Hayden for at least a few hours a week.

I am going to make an effort to check in to the blog more because I love us.

Barbara said...

The Prodigal Juvie is sitting on the stump, but it is good to see there is not heavy winds. I'm sure the other one is fine -- even though we haven't heard, FWS said they have had eyes on, and would consider veterinary care if a baby were injured. Also, both parents were in the nest when this baby returned, so they obviously know where their kids are even if we don't! That's not to say we won't all be relieved when WE can see both of them...

Lolly said...



Come on over!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...