Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Cold day thread.


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Kay said...

Thank you, STEVE !!! I'll put out the call in yon olde thread !!!

grannyblt said...

Thank you for the new thread.

Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Tuesday thread and Kay for the call-over.

Kay gets the feather! Wonder if she has enough to make a mini-headdress for Penny?

Sandi, hope the meeting goes better than expected and sorry about the dental work to be done.

Sunshine, cold and windy this morning. Seems odd to have no snow in Alaska. Cannot imagine being without a jacket when a heavy winter coast is my choice. A very few leaves swirling and skipping along.

Laura the Laundress (aka Judie) will be here this morning.

Darth and Judie will be heading to Occoquan this afternoon to finalize placement on the wait-list.

Off to begin laundry duty. BBL

Kay said...

A new feather just in time to further adorn my headdress for the holiday!

JUDIE, yes, more snow to fall here tomorrow. The snow received yesterday was very heavy, downing big limbs, cutting power in a neighborhood south of me about 4 miles for over 8 hours. Our condo assc. has a new snow removal co. this winter and they were out here pronto. No doubt trying to prove their worth and I hope the good service will be their hallmark. It is, at present, 13° and headed for a whopping 20°--then the temps rise each day for the next 10. Getting into the 50's again during T'Day week. NJ temps looking pretty good for that week, too, with some rain now and then. That suits me just fine!

LORETTA, happiness is adding to the family with a delightful orange n' white cat! Congrats!

Love and Prayers for All !!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

But, I'll be checking for more Momster news as the day goes on. Penny and I will not be venturing far from our door today......Brrrr, this is far too cold, far too early. Winter does not begin til' Dec. 21st, right?

Kay said...

Oh, hey, JUDIE and LYNNE1 !!!

JUDIE, I've almost collected enough feathers for my own headdress and then I'll take your suggestion with a "mini" for Penny!

Good luck with the med adjustment. Sounds like you're in good hands.

And, so happy to hear that you and Darth are heading for Occoquan for that important step!

Mema Jo said...


Vote for the photo of the

Blizzard Bear

taken by Glo



Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Kay

Don't get mistaken with your headdress for a TURKEY

Thank you Steve for the fresh new

Congratulations Judie and Darth on your trip for your future in Occoquan

Mema Jo said...

Holler if your vote goes through
I wasn't sure if you had to be on FB or not - I hope NOT.... Scroll down until you find Glo's picture.

Kay said...

I'm hollering because my vote did not go through, JO. The vote is for FB folks only. BooHiss, but at least most of you are members and can load Blizzard Bear up with votes!

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats Judie & Darth! Glad he finally made a decision!

Mema Jo said...

Kay - that is what I was afraid of -
have to be a FB'r . I'll work on it.
If I get a new link I'll post it.
Thanks for trying Kay ♥

Judie said...

I'm hollering along with Kay. Cannot vote for Glo but wishes are on the way.

Damp clothes tossed into the dryer. Dryer is not happy and has refused to start its motor. I am not pleased. Darth is even less pleased.


Lolly said...

Good morning! Was really cold, low 20's but sun shiny and up to 47! Today we start getting ready for our trip! Gotta buy some groceries. Want to make hot chocolate mix as well as "trash" snack mix! Also, Laurel's birthday is the week we return so going to make rolled flank steak this week and freeze it! Laurel wants it for her birthday.

Had a great time at Joseph's basketball game! Looks like they may have a good team, at least, they won. Joseph did well. Back at home he said how much fun it was to be playing basketball again! I am all for his dropping football!

Most of the pecans are harvested! All the harvested ones are locked up! So sorry, Jufie, no pecans for you to munch on!

Wish all of you lived closer as I would give you pecans for holiday baking!

Just a trace of snow was still on the ground, in the shade of the house at Laurel's. 10 day forecast looks good for our trip. I worry if there is a chance of the roads being bad. Time to get busy!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch to find a COLD DAY THREAD

YEP we are cold her in sunny fl 39 tonight

stronghunter said...


Oh my goodness, Judie. That is your new dryer, isn't it?

Just got back from Walgreen's. I purchased a cane. I was trying to use an old crutch. Not at all satisfactory. Wouldn't have been able to get myself into the store yesterday, so I am better. Just hoping to be able to play bridge tomorrow.

Happy for you Judie. Enjoy the trip down to Occoquan.

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. It was the washer that died during Snowmaggon. Had the new washer died, you would have heard Darth explode all the way to your house. Dryer was purchased with the washer 40+ years ago.

For Cheetah watchers, today is the last day.

Lolly, you are just too funny. Do you really think a lock can deter Jufie? lol Found a "how to transform into a key" magazine in the guest room.

Going to make myself less scary. BBL

Judie said...

Okay, headed South toward Shirley's territory.

In appreciation for a large sum of money, we are being treated to dinner.

Hope everyone has a nice evening. BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread, and thanks to Kay for the call over.

We still have mild winds here today, but they are dimishing. Should be gone by late this evening.

Ken and I have to pick Sis-in-law up at the Anaheim train station at 1:00 today. She works for the gas company, Sempra Utilities, and had to drive a CNG Honda Civic up to the Tower in L.A. for her presentation this morning. Once she turns that car in, the only way back home is the Metrolink train. Since Bro-in-law is working late tonight, I think SIL is taking us out to dinner somewhere in downtown Brea tonight. (Think it's a place that specializes in crepes.) Will report back later. Right now I need to feed Emma a quick lunch. She gets fed 3x/day per our vet.
She's doing very well lately. Will be back tonight to say howdy.
Have a super day, everyone! I ♥ us!!

NCSuzan said...

Hi everyone.

Judie, yes I have spent my computer time today watching the cheetahs. They have grown so much in such a short time and are beautiful. Will miss watching them play and climb and learn.

Also, sorry to hear about your dryer. It is almost always something, isn't it?

Shirley, please be careful. Hope the cane helps balance you and give you the oomph you need.

Take care all.

Mema Jo said...

I missed the visit this evening - I was at the dinner table :(
They cam in around 5:15pm for a short visit.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Somehow I thought you replaced both washer and dryer recently, Judie.

Funny, my Scrabble friend Jeff was confused when I posted "BBL" on our chat.

JudyEddy said...

posted on the old thread silly me

""Hello just got home from gym and saw the brief visit got a couple of snips I just put on FB and gonna do the Yahoo in a few min ""

and now all the pic are on Yahoo being that post was a while back

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I just noticed that you aren't a member on facebook of the Eagle Momster Do you want me to add you to it That is where we put pic on fb of the nest visit and other stuff I posted a link to eagle talon gloves that they say can be used a garden gloves and I noticed when I tagged you with @ it said you weren't a member Let me know or just join here is the link Eagle momster SECRET GROUP no one but members can see it

JudyEddy said...

I wonder being its secret if you click on it will you see it let me know and I will add you if you wish and can't see the page being its a secret shhh don't tell LOL

JudyEddy said...

temp is 50° no real winds now but this afternoon it was windy and brutal 39° tonight or lower BRRR I hope the cats use my porch the forts I set up I walked out there yesterday and got the crap scared out of me a Siamese cat was on it under the wheel barrel not using the forts I know the one cat gets in it see her in it and cat hair on the blankets is a tell all

JudyEddy said...

Hawk is asked to leave the Fl NE nest

Janet said...

good evening all.

I am sure getting good at panda naps....my 9 a.m. client called me just before 8 to tell me she woke with a nasty case of shingles. I said please, stay home! feel better! my 8 a.m. came in, then I went home and I slept from about 10 .m. til about 1:30.

this evening went to our grandson's 2nd grade performance. kids are so cute.

and home again. I am sleepy, so I see an early bedtime.....

hope everyone is well. good night and SED.

Sandi said...

Good evening all, just popping in to check the box.

Hope everyone stayed warm today - brrr!

Judy, I left the Eagle Momster group but am still on the blog on FB - that's enough for me, thank you. I can rejoin the group anytime I wish - don't need someone to do it for me. But thanks for thinking of me.

Judie, congrats on being officially wait-listed! Sorry about the dryer but, if it's 40 years old, I really don't think it owes you anything!

Meeting today didn't go so well. We (the school district) did not cave in and give the student services she doesn't qualify for, which was the right decision. But Mom was very unhappy and her attorneys will now be taking the district to court. Oh well, I'm not paying the bill - just hope that, by the time the case actually makes it into a court room, the student is in 9th grade and I won't be called in to testify.

Tomorrow at 8am is the rescheduled meeting with Racist Johnny and his racist mother - should be good early morning entertainment.

Headed to bed - goodnight all. I'll see you in the early AM.

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

So, the deed is done. We are on a wait-list and have indicated we would be ready to consider a move this time next year. We enjoyed a nice dinner. Saw some folks we had already met. Pleasant.

Came home. Went to a presentation by a civil war expert at the community association meeting. Interesting.

Shirley, you have mail. Also very sorry about the need for a cane but stability is a priority. Remember the rule: no falling! Oh, and this might be a nice time to let others prepare a turkey day feast while you put your feets up.

Tired. Must wake up early tomorrow. Another busy day

Sandperson is packing a satchel. Jufie is reading a pecan shaped book about keys. I am headed to the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I feel more stable with the cane, Judie. Hoping to feel well enough to go play bridge tomorrow night. Val from the bowling team called to give me a report on today's activities at the lanes. We won 2 and lost 2.

Going to check my e-mail.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥

Just coming in to let you know that the TV kept my interest this evening

No appointments tomorrow or really
none any this week. I get a free

Goodnight to all my friends... ♥

stronghunter said...

I've been thinking about the Thanksgiving Day preparations, Judie. My family does like my dressing, but I would be willing to sit aside and let them try to improve on it. Both of my sons are into cooking, and Kathryn is no slouch either. I do not know if Susan will be here. She is my wandering one and might be climbing some mountain somewhere.

stronghunter said...

Wow, some kind of snow in Buffalo. FEET of snow.

Time for me to head upstairs. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Thank you for the Eagle reports and for your reports.

My day went well.

I feel very pleased with a sens of gratitude for the warmth of the sun and the joy of friendship.

Blessed Be...
God Bless Us All


Lolly said...

Have read comments and now ready to say good night!

Jack has prepared traps for Jufie! He also has poison for gophers. Beware Jufie!!!

Ran some errands and did some grocery shopping. That is an adventure! Our store is remodeling and food has been moved around. It is a real adventure to find what you want! I am patient with it as it is going tobe so nice!!

Shirley, so sorry about your knee and the need of a cane.

Tomorrow going to mow and mulch leaves. It will be nice to get outside. Now, as I am ready to go get ready for the pillows, skippi decides to come sit with

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's hump day!

20 degrees here - it was 65 degrees on Monday. My body is struggling to adjust to this huge change. I was cold all day yesterday.

Got an email 2 days ago that Freyja's sled was shipping. Got one yesterday that said it was postponed. Tracked the package and the sled is being shipped from Buffalo! :) It may be a while before planes are leaving from there - good thing Christmas is still over a month away!

Shirley, hope the knee is a little better today. Sorry you missed bowling.

Have agreat day all - stay warm.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Up and at em' early today. Scaitic nerve pain is an unwelcome alarm clock. 13° here right now, brrrr! SANDI, I'm chilled to the bone, too. It would help if I never had to go outdoors, but little Penny has her needs.

Good luck with the Racist Johnny and mom meeting today. Can't wait to hear about it!

SHIRLEY, I think gremlins are fooling with your mail again. Unless you advise that you're sending something via that medium I'll be deleting without opening mail with your name attached. So sorry about your knee and yes, do let the kids take care of next weeks feast. You can oversee the stuffing prep from your armchair! I'm in charge of that dish at Lee's house, but the rest is up to him and Beth. He does about 80 percent of the household cooking and serves up delicious fare! I'm so glad the men in our family all love to cook!

JUDIE, great to hear that the retirement village die is cast. So nice that you enjoyed a meal with new friends and that you'll already have ties when you move in next year!

Will check in later, but in the meantime, Love and Prayers for all!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

I don't want to go outside I am Judy and I am a admitted WHIMP for the cold feels like 34° gonna be wind chill advisory all day 61 will be the hi but lots of winds

JudyEddy said...

there are area with FREEZE watch poor strawberry and oranges

JudyEddy said...

eagle in the nest

Judie said...

Good early morning.

Shirley, hope you feel able to play bridge tonight. Yes, you and George should plan to sit back, relax, and let other do the cooking. You've deserve it. Stuffing? Give directions and taste test frequently. lol

Sandi, sorry the meeting did not go well. Hope the outcome with racist mom and son is better. Have to laugh at not being able to ship a snow sled from snowed in Buffalo. My laugh for the day.

Kay, I wish it were not so cold for you and, having experienced sciatic nerve pain (surgery 2007) you have my sincere empathy. As I reminded Shirley, we have a no falling rule.

Well, will do a bit more laundry and then off to find a laundromat with dryers.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning. Stay in and/or stay warm.

Judie said...

If anyone is interested in watching a man try to herd Cheetahs, take a look. The move is beginning.

Judie said...

Well, maybe the man gave up for a time. Cubs are playing under the tree. Mom Meg?

Janet said...

morning all. mid week. 9 am client canceled early; went back to sleep. work 11 to 2. nothing much going on. cold buy sunny here. have a great day!

Hoda said...

6:30 my time and a good morning to you all...
I am on my third load of laundry and a slow cooker is cooking beans for me and life seems to be rather wonderful.
Cold here too but not as it was earlier the week...boots and marino wool weather two layers and not yet the third or fourth layers so all is still good.
Gaining on increased day light...31 days to go! WE GOT THIS NO PROBLEM!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

A late breakfast and a cup of coffee here. Doctor's appointment later.

Cold. But Hunter's jacket still lies on the sofa.

stronghunter said...

Gracious sakes, six feet of snow in Buffalo and more to come.

Mema Jo said...

Good COLD morning to all ♥

Shirley good results from your dr visit ! Hope you can play cards later
Did you drive Hunter to school with your knee hurting so much or did he
ride the bus - He had to be cold!
My heat is on but I still slept with my socks on! lol

I just turned on the Cheetah cam - Not sure if the move has been accomplished. Now there is the tree
and the cubs are climbing out on the limb. BUT I'm not sure if this could still be the old yard. What do you think Judie?

Judie said...

Hi Jo. I think the move was not completed. Watched a man with a pole who tried to coax Meg into a far area of the enclosure. She was very cautious, watched the cubs, cubs were skittish, stayed near mom. Woman usually feeds them. So, maybe that was an attempt? Now I'm not sure. I may have misinterpreted.

Also wishing Shirley a good dr. visit and will be able to play bridge tonight.

Will be headed to the laundromat later. Great inconvenience but must be grateful.


Lolly said...

Good morning! We are beginning to warm up! 54 right now and going up! Warmer tomorrow and then rain predicted Friday and Saturday!

We head out Friday. Jack has a doctors appointment at 9 and. Then we hit the road. Prayers are needed as he had lab work done last week. This is concerning his pc. Prayers numbers will be way down.

Today some yard work, some errands, and some cooking. That is if I ever get a move on!

Have a great day!

Hoda said...

Prayers On for JACK LOLLY...
Safe travels you two Friday.

Continues to be beautiful here...

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch have 150 is my reminder to punch

Kay said...

LOLLY, prayers for JACK? You betcha'!

JUDIE, hope you and Darth can shop for a dryer soon---I so so hate laundromats. Like most I've deposited a fair amount of quarters in some of them over the years and they do come in handy when needed, but I hate the idea now!

JUDY, your post of 12:50, has me flummoxed. It is code for what??

JO, keep those socks on! I'm doing the same. Usually go around the house stocking feet, but must don my slippers these days. No carpeting, hardwood and tile floors which I love, but still...

SHIRLEY, Hunter is a hardy lad! It probably bugs him to have a jacket to either haul around all day or lockered. Prayers that the doc is helpful with the knee!

JudyEddy said...

KAY LOL it was a reminder for me that I have to punch at 1:50 Getting older being I punch different times on different days sometimes its hard to remember when I punch I usually get on the blog when I first go to lunch and just figure a hour

stronghunter said...

Back from doctor. He says I am not near knee-replacement surgery yet. Got a different prescription. Physical therapy so I can learn some exercises, then I am to pick a gym or the Y and do those exercises.

If I still have problems, he will order an MRI.

Actually got to see the real doctor this time.

Told him about how I practiced bowling on Sunday and he said, "That was stupid." It seems bowling is not good for the knees, but I can bowl as long as I do not overdo.

I will be playing bridge tonight. :)

Yes, I picked Hunter up this afternoon. I think he must be getting cold, but he's not ready for a jacket, it seems. He is wearing long pants.

A cold rain might make him rethink.

JudyEddy said...

just trying to keep you on your toes KAY LOL

gotta go to Angie to watch Jordyn by 545
they are going out to dinner with a client expensive place I guess

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Prayers for Jack's results to be good! Your trip should really
be enjoyable~!

I'm trying to watch the nest for
an evening visit...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

It's been a rather busy day today. Ken & I walked the mall a bit earlier than usual this morning, then went to IHOP for breakfast. Oh--I need to update.
Last night we went to dinner at a sidewalk cafe that specializes in crepes. They also make a dynamite French onion soup. Yummy!
We (Ken, Sis-in-law, and I) then walked across the street to Starbucks and got some yummy lattes. SIL remembered to bring my Birthday gift along--it's a really neat wallet with a long, detachable strap on it. Has a pocket that fits my cell phone, and has a coin purse, place for bills, and credit cards/ID. Great for when we walk the mall, or when I don't want to have to carry an 80 pound purse.

After we got back home this morning we got on the phone with Apple to try to figure out how to delete all the info in Ken's old cell phone, so we can mail it back to Verizon. Somehow iTunes put all MY notes, pics, contacts, etc. into KEN's old phone. Now it's disabled, so we can't get into it to delete everything, and I'm not mailing it back until it's completely erased. We've spent probably 4+ hours on the phone with 5 different people trying to resolve this! When you call the Apple Store at the mall, they won't make an appt. for you, but refer you to their website. The website runs you around in circles! We're going to the mall later than usual tomorrow so we can snag a person when the store opens at 10 am. Hope they can make an appt. for us!!! Yikes! Thanks for letting me vent a bit.

Need to go spend some time with Emma. She's great company when other stuff goes wrong. Ken's gone to the grocery store and hasn't returned yet. We will be having left-over crepes for dinner tonight. They were folded into quarters, and covered an entire dinner plate! Huge, and SO good! Couldn't eat the whole thing, though. Well, have a good evening! Will try to check back in later tonight. I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...


Use this link - it's shorter to cut paste


Then click on VOTE
Find Blizzard Bear and Vote....

Hoda said...

It gave me a tough time to vote! Would not take my vote! Opened in a new browser and had to go searching for Blizzard!!!
Up to sixty votes now.
The FB link did not work for me JO!!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Hoda -


If you voted for Glo's
Blizzard Bear photo - you can vote again.
MY MESSAGE: You voted for this photo - you will be able to vote again in 9 hours ***

Let's make Glo a winner! So far she has the highest votes 56.

Hoda says she is up to 60 votes


Copy and paste - Click on VOTE after you like the page

Hoda said...

Woooo Hooooo!
Up to 66 for Glo's Blizzard Bear.

Sandi said...

Evening all - I voted for Glo's photo again.

Meeting today started like this:
Johnny's mom: I wanted to meet with the team to revise Johnny's IEP after he was given a 3-day out of school suspension because his IEP wasn't followed.
Me: Mrs. Smith, Johnny got a 3-day out of school suspension because he called his math teacher a dumb bitch.
Johnny's mom: But he only called her that because he has a disability that affects his frustration management skills and she wouldn't let him use his hot pass to go to the guidance counselor's office to cool down like his IEP says, and he knew that, by calling her a dumb bitch, he would get sent to the principal's office, which is what he wanted so he could go to see the guidance counselor.

Now, flash forward 10 years:
Judge: Mr. Smith, you are being charged with murder because you shot your girlfiend in the head.
Johnny: But I only did that because I have frustration management issues and my girlfriend had the TV remote and wouldn't give it to me, and I knew if I shot her, I could get the remote, which is what I wanted.
Judge: Mr. Smith, you are guilty as charged. There are no IEPs in life or prison.

Anyway, the meeting is over and Johnny's IEP has been revised. Later in the day, Johnny was kicked out of Language Arts by the sub (my BFF must have needed a mental health day today b/c she didn't show up this morning) and then he was kicked out of Health class at the end of the day. I'm sure it wasn't Johnny's fault though!

Almost time for Survivor and then Criminal Minds. Goodnight all - I'll see you in the early AM.

glo said...

Still coming down from the most unforgettable trip of my life. Sharing a link to some photos on Flickr for those not on FB. Hope it works. Polar Bears Day 1

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥
Glo I am really enjoying all your photos!

Sandi - I think your day in school was probably just as exciting as
Survivor or Criminal Minds. I would seriously frisked Johnny and walk him to his locker to check it out EVERY DAY.He needs the Alternative School. Really really scary!

Mema Jo said...

I had watched 2 TV shows. Eye lids are closing! Time to close down and
try to catch our Royal Couple in the morning.

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

About time for the news and then to bed!!

Just voted, now up to 70! Glo's pictures are breath taking for sure!

Yard done...check
Shopping done....check
food prep done....check

Tomorrow....pack!! Also take Miss Skippita to vet. sob sob

Wolf Creek Pass has a cam. Maybe you can see us sledding. lol Going to be very cold and a couple days of snow possibly. But, just being all together at the lodge will be so much fun! They have a stack of jig saw puzzles! sit in front of the fire, sip wine or hot cocoa and work a puzzle or two or three! Sounds like heaven to me!

Sandi, you have it spot on for this boys future. Actually, you can usually figure out the future in kindergarten. Had one boy...oh my the problems he had. His mother tried, but she knew he had a problem and did not make excuses. His sister who I had later was a sweetie. Ran into her a few years ago as she was a cashier at Lowes. Asked about her brother. He was in prison. Did not ask why!!!

Good night! Thanks for any and all prayers for Jack.SED!!

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds or should I say good night eagle buds Got home at 11:11 Got pic from this evening visit and posted just a second ago on FB and in the Yahoo album

JudyEddy said...

I voted again also and while I was at Angie I voted from her computer also

JudyEddy said...

GLO Loved all the pictures on the link you gave so pretty

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Good evening.

JudyEddy said...

just saw on FB

Congrads! SW FL Eagles
Nov.19th 2014 207 pm Harriet laid her 1st egg today.
She was in labor I believe over overnight I was up with her
and she was on the nest all night leaving a few times for I am assuming
for short breaks...she called Oz a few times ..He showed up on the nest around 530am checked on her and flew back off, and she soon flew off too. So I got some rest.
200pm I saw her start having contractions and showed her new egg to us at around 207 pm.
pic below was taken about 200pm of her having contractions her back
feathers were raising up on her lower back during this time with each contraction.

stronghunter said...

72 votes for Glo!

Bridge was eventful tonight.I arrived at about 7:00. After I parked, I realized I'd dropped one of my gloves, so I went back to look for it, when I saw someone fall near the street. Glenda, one of the ladies, had fallen into the ditch and hit her head.

She was confused and covered with blood. At first, I tried to get her to use my cane to get herself out, but that didn't work. We eventually got her up and through the dark yard and onto the porch. I opened the door, but I couldn't get her to go in, so I just started calling for help, which did bring the others rushing.

She had a nasty gash on her forehead and possibly a broken nose. We called her husband to come take her to the hospital. One of the ladies rode to the hospital with them.

Report from the hospital was that she would need stitches on the gash and was in mild shock. She might need to stay overnight at the hospital. There was blood all over my cane and a trail of blood through the yard.

After things settled down, we recruited a husband and played some bridge.

Just hoping Glenda is doing better now.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless
See you on the morning...

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

I used to love being among the Early Birds at the "Cafe", listening to LORI on the radio while watching for our Eagles. I've gotten out of the habit and am disgusted with the increase in Sciatic pain that is interfering with my sleep!

JUDIE, I'm so glad your spinal surgery took care of such pain for you. Mine did away with right side pain, but the left is now really giving me fits. I found some new stretching exercises on line and am giving them a try. Lee's house with it's three floors will be a challenge. The bedrooms are all upstairs and the TV/Game and laundry rooms are all in the basement. That should stretch the hamstrings, etc.!

SHIRLEY, so glad you dropped your glove and I'm sure Glenda is, too. Hope she's doing okay and will achieve full recovery.

JUDY, ah so, punch as in clock in and out! But, but of course. ☺

SANDI, there are so many warning signs in the Johnny saga and yet it seems "we" are powerless til' someone does something to physically harm another. Very sad and rather frightening. I'll be so glad when this year ends and you can move into a different area of education! With two kids and a DIL who are professors and a third kid who is a clinical psychologist I have to guard against worrying myself to death. Every day there is a news story citing some kind of violence in a school or medical setting. And now I am praying for your safety, too.

Okay, so I'm ranting. Sorry!

Tylenol and Gabepentin taking hold. Will try a return to bed....

Love and Prayers for all!!!


Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay and all my eagle friends.

Kay, I hope you are back to sleep - so sorry that pain is not allowing you to get a good night's sleep.

Lolly, prayers for good news for Jack today. I sure wish I lived close enough that I could watch Skippi for you while you're gone. She would give my 2 old girls a run for their money! Will Laurel and Joey board their dogs?

Jo, prayers continue for you that the radiation is still doing it's thing to those cancer cells. Keep the faith (I know you will).

Have agreat day all - today is a normal day - I hope. Personnel has never responded to my email about the logistics of putting my exit strategy in place for next year. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I sent the email. Will probably wait til after Thanksgiving to send a follow up.

Janet said...

good morning to all.

I am feeling more like myself. I am pretty sensitive to medications....and usually they work pretty quickly. I seem to be feeling the effects of the larger dose. I hope this continues. don't like how I was feeling and nothing was shaking it.

STRONGHUNTER: hope your friend is doing okay!

huh, must prove I am not a robot today. do not feel like a robot. okay here goes...

heading out to work in a bit. light and love to all!

grannyblt said...

Good morning all

My goodness Shirley, good thing you dropped your glove. I hope your friend will recover quickly.

I remember a couple of "Johnny" like situations from my years at an elementary school. We all knew they would be in the news some day. Sure enough, one of the worst died while committing a felony. Sad.

I think the still cam is stuck again.

Judie said...

Good morning.

I see the Sandperson sacked me before I could send out an alert. Sleep was needed.

The link to Glo's pictures is so very much appreciated. Beautiful bears. Can only imagine the thrill of seeing them up close and personal. Thank you.

Sandi, hope your day is without unpleasantness.

Congratulations to Eagle Harriet.

Shirley, how amazing you realized you dropped a glove and returned for it. An angel for Glenda. I hope she is headed home and healing.

Making my grocery list. Will prepare food for the police and for us (our turkey day will be Sunday).

Darth's assignment is the dryer.

Headed out to get my "do" did this afternoon.

Cheetahs are still online. Message now says they will be moved sometime this week.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Sorry about the pain KAY.
SANDI I feel upset at the collusion to enable Racist Johnny. Regardless of any disability, boundaries are good to have.

SHIRLEY your friend has good karma. Glad you were able to help. Blessings.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I crawled back into my warm bed after taking Hunter to school. Having a very late breakfast and a cup of coffee.

Hoping that you will soon hear from those in power, Sandi.

I'm thinking that Darth will not like the notion of going to the Laundromat for a year, Judie. AND all of those coins you put into the machine count up.

stronghunter said...

Since I did not replace my dryer when I replaced the washer, I am likely to be in the same position at some point.

stronghunter said...

And another thing, a laundry basket full of wet clothes can be pretty heavy.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sandi, wish you lived closer, too! Would love to let Skippi stay with someone! Yes, Cosmo will be boarded. However, Luke will be staying with the family who gave him to Laurel. Luke's story.....He was purchased and given to the parent of this family. When that parent died Luke was taken back by this family. However, they had a couple of dogs. Laurel and Joey would occasionally dogsit him when they went on trips. They fell in love with him. After one of their dogsitting days they were asked if they wanted to keep him. Yes!! So, on trips he goes back to this family. Also, sometimes they just want him for a sleep over. LOL

Have a PC story.(Laurel's cat) PC is on a special diet as some food makes his skin itch and he licks till his tummy becomes bald. With special food he stopped this. However, the past few months he has started licking again as well as gaining weight.
With the cold spell he has been staying in the house. Well, guess what! He has stopped licking. Laurel thinks someone has been feeding him. Thus the itching and weight gain. LOL He does not wear a collar. He has lost two! She needs to try to get him to wear one again. He definitely does enjoy the outdoors and adventures when the weather is warm!

Time to get busy.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
No problems here - just running late.

Shirley - that glove saved Glenda! So very thankful for her to be ok and home.

Sandi - Here's to an uneventful day
(if that is possible - let it happen)

Kay - I pray for your comfort and well being!! Don't like pain being the reason to make you an early bird!

Lolly - I bet Cosmos and Luke will miss each other.

Where is JudyE this morning?

Judie - hopefully Darth will make it easy and get you a dryer that matches your washer.

I checked the still cam and it is on the right day and time. It very well could have been frozen and the reset without our asking

Mema Jo said...


Vote again today for Glo's


Mema Jo said...

Lunch time!

JudyEddy said...

Howdy eagle buds

thought I commented this morning but must have been a dream LOL

Mema Jo said...

It was a nightmare wondering where you were and what were you doing and how did you ever forget your morning Hello's....... We missed you

Mema Jo said...

If you are working and at lunch is

1:35 your check out time......?

Don't want you over extending your lunch break!

JudyEddy said...

So sorry didn't want to cause any nightmare I know how horrible they can be JO LOL

not working today. I just got up late and before I headed out the door I could of swore I made a comment Guess the mind is the first thing to go
My comment I thought I wrote is I may have missed the visit this am I keep rolling over looked at the cam saw black screen several times and fell back in a deep sleep so I may have missed the visit but at the time of sunset I saw black screen

Its 64° out now our cold front is on the way out the door also

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn school had Dads All pro breakfast with daddy Angie posted pic on FB she looks so proud to be taking Carl to school

Her gym class is today

Will be back later this evening about 10 ish

JudyEddy said...

There is a shooting at the FSU shooting at a college campus earlier today 3 kids hurt

JudyEddy said...

breaking news on the tv as I am trying to go out the door


stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Glenda did not have to stay at the hospital last night. She does have 2 black eyes today. She fell hard. I heard her hit the ground.

stronghunter said...

Very sad about the shooting, Judy.

glo said...

Thanks for all the votes folks. I will surely let you know as I find out how long the contest lasts etc. Season is winding down and bears have headed out onto the ice. Here is a VERY SHORT video for those not on facebook of what happened the day after I signed the indemnity waiver that I could encounter and be injured or even killed by a wild animal in a remote area where there is no human intervention near by. Rascal the Bear yes we named this one

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Wowser, Glo. Sure happy you were not the person who encountered Rascal. Scary!

Got my "do" did. Home now. Darth has a meeting so no scullery duty tonight.

Shirley, so glad Glenda was not seriously injured but bet she sure looks a sight. Well wishes.

Headed to point my toes toward the ceiling for a few. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


I ♥ US!

glo said...

Well Judie I did make that video. Rascal actually ate the insulation off the antifreeze line while we were out there. He did not get antifreeze all is well for Rascal but we overheated and sat there for quite a while. He pushed on the grate underneath us and actually was able to move the buggy slightly. Most likely a 3 to 4 year old bear dealing with his first winter without the benefit of Mom to help nourish.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wow, Shirley, I'm sure glad your friend is going to be OK! Prayers for her rapid recovery!

Kay, praying that your back will quit hurting you so much! That's a bummer!

Glo, thank you for the link to those awesome polar bear pics! They are amazing!

Happy to report that Ken & I went to the Apple Store today, and his old phone is wiped clean now, and ready to mail back. Phew!

I'm making split pea soup for dinner tonight, and it smells so good we're going crazy! Really good soup weather here today.

Don't know how all of you back east are managing! Stay bundled up, please! Hoda, did you forget, and leave the freezer door open?! How cold is it in Nelson??

Well, I need to go check on our dryer. Today has been designated laundry day. Will try to get back here after dinner tonight. Miss Emma has been making like a 45-pound paper weight in the evening, so that she has a warm lap to occupy. LOL Hope you're all having a super duper evening!
I ♥ us!!

Mema Jo said...

Glo: Rascal's video made me jump back when I first saw it and I still jump out of his way.

Hubby and I went to dept store where
he had found draperies the size we need for our very large front room window. I went to pick out the materials and color. I found what we wanted and then had to wait 5 or more minutes before a clerk was free.
Just our luck they didn't have as many panels as we needed. Clerk called their warehouse and they are being shipped to our home - no shipping cost. I so hope they come early part of next week so that we can put them up for our company on Thanksgiving day.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Judie - I still don't have enough reason to go get a new 'do'. lol

Hi Andy - It is soup and chilli and anything to warm our inners here on the east coast Just wish you would not have sent us your wind.......lol

I have 2 programs on TV this evening that I'll catch. I will BBL

Janet said...

good evening to all!

i'm feeling more and more like my old, normal self as the days go by and the meds kick in. it feels GRRRRRREEEAAAATTTT!!!

work was good. kind of chilly outside..

not a lot going on. just relaxing for the moment, got the tv on, kids are cleaning the kitchen, giving me the night off. easy night though. shake n bake chops, green beans and sweet taters.

I had washed the prep dishes already, so there's not much.

all righty, everyone, have a great night.

Lolly said...

Well, Jo, with no do, I do Hpe you are keeping the non do warm! Love and hugs!

Well , gang, we are ready to head out in the morning! The car is loaded to the gills! I hate packing! Love my trailer and wish we were taking it! No porta potty behind the car this trip!

I will not. Be getting on in the morning but will say a quick good morn while on the road!

Have a Laurel story! Her classroom is in the basement! She has been hearing occasional loud notices I her ceiling. She is next to a room that has the heater and she actually thoughit was coming from there! Well, today another teacher heard it. They decided it was an animal. Animal control came out and set rat traps. She explained that is was a large animal, that the ceiling moved! They ignored her and set the traps. Well, late afternoon she hears the trap go off and loud squeals from an animal. She heard it running and clanking the trap. Two other teachers heard it in their rooms, too. Assistant principal came to her room and, sure enough, trap is gone! Probably a poor raccoon up there with a trap on his foot! Life is an adventure!

Hope to be in Sante Fe, NM tomorrow and then Pagosa, springs CO Sat afternoon. Just in case you. Do not hear from me, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I miss my kitty!

Night all! SED!

Lolly said...

Please excuse typos! iPad and I do not mix well!😫

Judie said...

Time to prepare for the Sandperson.

Safe travels and enjoy your trip Lolly.

Jo, hope all the curtains arrive in time but I strongly suspect The Family Lennox members will enjoy turkey day even without. "Do" or no "do" you are beateous Jo.

Andy, glad the winds have subsided. We are in a deep freeze and suspect Hoda left her freezer door open again.

Did receive an email indicating Audrey and Grace are doing okay in their new foster home. Apparently Audrey is adjust faster than Grace which surprises us. Still, the important issue is that they are adjusting and eating and doing okay.

Sandperson is packing a satchel and will be on the way in just a few minutes. Night light is on.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

HOWDY eagle buds just got home from kids house

JUDIE so happy they they are adjusting

JudyEddy said...

tried posting from Angie house silly me couldn't get my password correct so couldn't I vote with Angie fb for Glo pic again and will do also tomorrow while I am there
was at 83 when I voted there

Mema Jo said...

Yes, I watched TV and the Pres' 15 min speech make me later then usual.

Goodnight to all ♥


** very happy the kits are adjusting and I know that makes you and Darth feel relieved and happy for them.

JudyEddy said...

Sandman is running late I wonder if he is stuck in the snow somewhere

JudyEddy said...

I went to both cell phone tower and got to see 4 eagles this evening before Jordyn gym class and off course I got some pics

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

See you all later today!
Crisis with the Dragon Boaters.
Two days of melt down and disagreement.
I find my self mediating.
I do not like it!!!
All over a Christmas Gathering!!!

Went to a great concert.
Went to a fantastic yoga class

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - 28 degrees this AM. It's Friday!! :)

Lolly, safe travels. I'm sure being with your boys will keep you occupied enough that you don't miss Skippi too much. She will miss you more. Funny Laurel story but I feel sorry for the poor animal up there.

Hoda, at first read, I thought you typed meditating rather than mediating. Meditating through the drama would be better for your blood pressure, yes?

We had a girl fight on the other 8th grade hallway yesterday. Never a dull moment at our school lately.

Have agreat day all - stay warm!

Janet said...

good morning to all. Happy RED Friday! work today, then thoughts turn to getting ready for Thanksgiving.

Hard to believe it is in less than a week.

hope everyone has a great day. hugs and love to all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandperson is emailing The Cochran Firm with plans to sue several communities for having gotten trapped in snow banks. Sandperson apologizes for delays. lol

Hoda, I am sorry about the Dragon Boaters having a disagreement. Holidays sometimes are just way too stressful and emotions run high. Agree with Sandi - meditate.

I am headed back to bed. Woke up with a nasty cold. Throat feels as if it has razor blades in it, headache, and achy.


Mema Jo said...

Good 'Red Friday' morning to all ♥

Sandi - I really totally hate Girl
Fights - so un-lady-like

Hoping everyone is staying warm and
doesn't need to do any snow shoveling. Our neighbors up north really have more then they can handle.

This morning I witnessed the Food Chain when the hawk swooped down and got one of my adorable squirrels running in the yard. That was the very first time I saw
that happen. The strange part was that one little squirrel up here on the deck must have seen it and he didn't more for the longest time and kept looking into the yard.

I will BBL - stay warm the heat wave is coming next week.. lol

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JO, we know there are plenty of squirrels to go around and that birds of prey need food, but it always startles a bit when we rescue such things.

HODA, wishing you well as you both meditate and mediate---I can't imagine a more caring peacemaker than you'll be. Sounds like the group needs to skip holiday doings and tend to folks and events in their lives that cannot be deferred. JMHO

JUDIE, so sorry you're headed into the holiday week with a nasty cold! I'm knocking on wood here because in the last 10 days I've been around family members who've had or were coming down with colds. Last thing I need!

SANDI, I hate fights, period! Middle School years are filled with emotional outbursts it seems.

Penny knows all the "mom is about to travel and leave me behind" signs and she's pouting. She watched carefully as I put the suitcase on the daybed and began to place items for packing around it. Then, when I put her food/treats, etc. in a tote, washed her comforter and swabbed her crate, she was clearly disgusted! She will have a grand time at Julie's, so I'm only amused by her emotional display☺.

Prayers for LOLLY n' JACK and the kids as they head north toward beautiful CO. May they have a blessed Thanksgiving there.

Time now to check in with the airline, get my seating arranged etc. as it's just 24 hours til' lift off!

Love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

Tragedy reported on the news:

Louisiana State Police
Yesterday at 11:38am ·
November 20, 2014

Five Family Members Killed in Crash Enroute to Disney World

MONROE - On November 19, 2014, at 10:46 p.m., Troopers assigned to Louisiana State Police Troop F in Monroe responded to a single vehicle crash on Interstate Highway 20 just west of Calhoun that claimed the lives of five family members from Texas. The family was traveling from Texas to Walt Disney World in Florida for a family vacation.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets, on this beautiful blue sky, sunshiny day.

11 days to surgery. My sponsor said for me to focus on the faith, not the fears and that really helps a lot (still wig out sometimes though).

Really sad news about the family dying. We just never know.


Mema Jo said...

Kay - happy to know Penny will be with Malcolm - You will be happy also - Safe journey and enjoy your
trip ! Happy Thanksgiving ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! We are on the road. Presently passing through Wichita Falls. 66 and cloudy, good traveling weather. Enjoying good milage ad not pulling our trailer.

Good report at doctors. Numbers are down. He does not go back for 6 months.

Jo, had a hawk get a squirrel and it flew low over my head as I worked in the yard. Squirrel screamed!

Yesterday packing Skippi was hyper! She does not know what the suitcase means, but it was different and fun !

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

92 votes for Glo now.

Lolly said...

I should have closed the suitcase with Skiippi in it and professed innocence!

Judie, so very sorry about the cold and yuckiness! Not fun!

paula eagleholic said...

Have a wonderful trip and Happy Thanksgiving Kay and Lolly!!

Judie, glad Audrey and Grace are adjusting to the foster home.

We had a Thanksgiving dinner here yesterday for our office..sure was tasty!

I baked the turkey for it. Finished carving the turkey and put the bones in the trash bag...which was sitting on the kitchen floor. 5 minutes later, I heard doggie whining. There stood Nick with a turkey leg bone in his mouth...he wanted to take it outside to bury it. I busted out laughing! Wish I had gotten a picture. He let me take it out of his mouth. He was very sad to see it put back in the trash bag!

paula eagleholic said...

I need to change my picture...crab season has pretty much ended! Hoping to catch some rockfish/stripers this weekend up at Larry's.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon...think of the pain that will eventually be gone and the freedom to move around as you choose!

Jo, how ya feeling?

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi...I would venture to guess that Johnny never got a fanny whacking or a time out or a sent to room with no TV...

paula eagleholic said...

Back to work...catch ya'll over the weekend!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Looks like a turtle shell between 5 and 6 in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am pretty sure the turtle is getting worked on.

magpie said...

I SEE those handsome/beautiful Eagles, Shar and I SEE YOU!

I saw the turtle shell too, thought it looked like a little egg at first !

xoxo Good RED Friday, Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

and I see/notice you are
ouble E-S again, Sharon...guess I've been away from her too long !

magpie said...

Love Paula's new avatar!

Happy to read that Judie and Darth's Audrey and Grace are doing OK in their new foster home...

magpie said...

One eagle has left..
might be "up above"

magpie said...

and back again ! LOL

magpie said...

ouble = Double, Shar ☺

not exactly caught up on everyone's doins', will be trying to read backwards....

Best Wishes to all "in the meantime"

Judie said...

Been asleep most of today. Really feel awful.

Have set an alarm clock outside Sandperson's closet. Should depart at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Hi everyone,

Got a call a little while ago from my bowling friend Val. She fell and broke her arm while walking her dog and has had to give up bowling for the rest of the season. She sounded very sad. We're planning for her to come watch and then still go out for dinner after the game. That will begin after her surgery on Wednesday.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Sorry. Don't know how I posted three times.

stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, Judie. I hope you feel better very soon.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

getting ready to feed everyone shortly; think Dax believes he is starving. He certainly enjoys his food!

good day over all. went and purchased the food for the thanksgiving meal. I figured i'd get it out of the way before everyone else gets out and about.

JO: that would have been difficult for me to see/hear....a squirrel knowing its about to be a meal. nature is not always nice.....and there are plenty of squirrels, yes, but when you are the squirrel in the talons.....

JUDIE: feel better quickly!

HODA: sorry your friends are having a disagreement! difficult place to be; in the middle.

hope everyone else is doing well. need to feed the furry ones. I think we are going out for Mexican food tonight.

later ya'll...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wishing safe and happy travels to Lolly & Jack. Glad his numbers are down!!

Judie, hoping and praying that you feel MUCH better VERY soon!
Glad to hear that Audrey & Grace are adjusting well to their foster home.

Jo, so sorry about your squirrel!
Every once in a while one of our resident Cooper's Hawks will snag a bird, and although I know they must eat too, it makes my heart sink.

Hoda, sorry you've gotten caught in the middle of a disagreement!
Hope it can be resolved amicably.

Shirley, so sorry about your friend Val's injury! Prayers for a speedy recovery for her! Oh--has Hunter started wearing a jacket yet?

Having a perfect fall day here. High of 72 with a few clouds, and the mild breeze has a crispness to it.

Well, need to check the dryer. Judie, how's your dryer situation doing? Will try to be back later tonight. Have a good evening, everyone. I ♥ us!!

Sandi said...

Good evening all! It's the weekend - can you say hallelujah!?

Judie, so sorry you are feeling puny. Hope you feel better fast.

Paula, great to see you popping onto the blog! You're really going out fishing this weekend? BRRRR!!

Glo, your photos on Facebook are absolutely gorgeous - I can't even choose a favorite! What magnificent creatures those polar bears are!

Shirley, how's the knee feeling?

Freyja's sled arrived in WV today. I think the LL Bean folks just took it out of the box, aimed it south, and gave it a shove to get it from Buffalo to its destination. Now they just need some snow to try it out.

Just got home from the grocery store - pizza for dinner tonight. I will see everyone in the early AM - goodnight!

grannyblt said...

Watched a nest visit a couple of hours ago.

Judie, sorry you are feeling punk.

Shirley, for heavens sake be careful. That is two falling accidents from your circle of friends.

Busy this week with club activities in a frigid garage, then a manual Dr. Visit, then today a bone density test and mammo. And shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. I will be cooking for myself and a neighbor who claims to not even boil water.

SED to all along with safe travels.

grannyblt said...

Just reread my post--that would be an ANNUAL Dr. visit.

magpie said...

Dear me....hope our Judie kicks the punies, pronto!

grannyblt, you gave me a laugh, with the Manual Dr. Visit...and I see your correction on that!

Shirley, sorry to hear and how disappointing for your friend...well,she and Bono [with the band U2]...both facing BIG setbacks...with arm injuries

magpie said...

Sandi: how exciting, the sled has arrived ! Maybe a White Christmas to go with it !!

Time for early bedtime for me...with a book, which will probably help with some shuteye..

Good To SEE You, Friends, near and far ☺

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Sleep Sweetly

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...


Nope. No jacket for Hunter yet. And the temperature has been in the high 20s.

Knee is still bothering me. I won't be practicing bowling for awhile.

Getting sleepy already, so I am going to say SED. See you tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds

Had a nice afternoon with Jordyn we went Thrift store looking and yep that kid got some more shoes Some real cute little pumps red patent leather shoes and black one also sandals with the zippers up the back of the heal Found her a couple of leotards and a fancy red dress really different one

JudyEddy said...

Hope you get to feeling better JUDIE

SHIRLEY hope the knee thingy passes quickly so you can go bowling

MARGY also nice having you on the blog

Gonna have to see if I can find a dr that does manual visit LOL LYNNE1

Lolly said...

We have stopped for the night in Santa Fe! Just went out for New Mexican food at the Blue Corn Cafe and Brewery. It was yummy! Just about 160 miles to go, so plenty of time for grocery shopping tomorrow. Also need to go to bakery to order pies and rolls. I will cook dinner but not baking!

Laurel is packing tomorrow and they will head this way in the wee hours Sunday. They drive straight through. If we had departed really early we could have done it, too.

Saw cotton fields white with cotton. Defoliated and ready to be picked. Also saw snow on th ground.

Judie, hope you are feeling better tomorrow. Sleep away and drink a lot of water.

Gee, Shirley, all your friends are falling. Watch out!

Good to see Paula on here!

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

JUDIE I hope you are better by now.

Careful SHIRLEY too many people around you are falling!

The Melt down with the Dragon Boater seat mate was over the organization of our Christmas party!!!
Linda has overcome Cancer twice. She had an aneurism and a fall down the mountain, she recovered then Har doctor found a brain tumour. They removed most, but not all oh it.
She sometimes comes across as paranoid!
This time she thinks there is a conspiracy to take over her social convened post!!!
Not true! Simply not true.

Thank you for your thoughts

With you SHAR.
Bon Voyage KAY.

Good night and God Bless

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening before I retire ♥

Judie - does your puny feeling have
anything to do with any new med or is it the seasonal head cold?

Shirley - No falls allowed !
Sure hope Val can still come - she may need a ride to get to the alley.

Hoda - I hope you Dragon Ladies have a very joyful Christmas party.

Lolly - loved the pic of the cotton field!

Sandi - I can't imagine how the sled got out of Buffalo. Must have been magic.

Lynne - I loved your typo!

Mema Jo said...

Well, Michael is in VA at his daughter's until next Wed. They are all coming up to Frederick for Thanksgiving. He was so excited to see the new home & his granddaughters of course. Tomorrow is his daughter, Christine's b-day.
He is happy to be with her and her family. They have quite a few trees on the property. So far she and Patrick have filled 52 bags of leaves

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

I ♥ Us

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...
Daylight is approaching, and is just now creeping onto the nest!

I see grannyblt posted watching an evening visit yesterday...I SAW that also, they were beauteous in the fading sunlight...into dusk....

magpie said...

Good Morning, JudyE !

I was backtracking to the first post on this thread...so much news between then and now...

magpie said...

Happy Week-end to all...though some DO work on the week-ends...JudyE, are you working today ??

I am not....not until Thanksgiving day in fact....using vacation days and enjoying it to the Max !!!

JudyEddy said...

yep MARGIE I word today days off always Thr and Fri

JudyEddy said...

work not word today LOL

magpie said...

whew, Shirley, first Glenda and then Val....so sorry about this, and hope that your knee improves with the medicines and the physical therapy....

and for Judie: wow, sounds miserable, the scratchy razor-blade-y throat....sure hope to read that you are feeling better...and a broken dryer to boot! but Hey, an Appliance to send on to never-never land with fancy sparkly garland....to join up with so many others from the past !!

magpie said...

"cop that" JudyeE - so this is our Monday :(

Hope the store is not TOO wild and crazy !! and that everyone is just perfectly nice today !

magpie said...

Sounds like Lolly is having a Blast! Hurray on Jack's "good numbers" !

magpie said...

Lots to catch up on and comment upon....
I'm workin' on it!

Jo, sounds wonderful, Michael's visiting Christine and family in Virginia....with a return to Maryland by Thanksgiving....wonderful time of year it is....

magpie said...

"copy that" not "cop that" JudyE -
doesn't take long to get some typos in place!

magpie said...

I do have this vision of Paula's Nick with that turkey bone! Glad to see Paula is headed to Larry's, but wow, fishing, really ?? I would have to be dressed as an Eskimo to do that !

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy, Margy, and all my eagle friends. 19 degrees here in Bethany - Paula, are you SURE you want to go fishing??

Judie, hope you're feeling a little better today.

Jo, does Michael have any projects in mind for Christine and Patrick's house??

Tennis for me at 9am, then I need to do my Neighborhood Watch house checks for frozen pipes. I know 1 house with a bike out back and an unlocked shed that I won't be checking on!

Have agreat Saturday all.

magpie said...

Well have a great Saturday, Sandi!
and make it better, take a gander at the Nest


two on the nest now

magpie said...

Basking in the first light of the morning !!!

magpie said...

My goodness, they disappeared!
but might come back !

magpie said...

About cats:
I am checking in on a friend's male cat Jake, from now until Thursday.....friend is going to southern WV for deer season...
Jake takes care of himself, as most cats do! But I add to his day with a little canned food and some dry "Friskies" treats...it's a nice assignment !

Orange and White he is !! Like Loretta's new furbaby !!

magpie said...

On to the day....with occasional peeks at The Nest!

Best wishes to all for a Healthy and Happy Day

Happy Trails, Jack and Lolly !!


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Sorry you got caught in the middle of a dispute on the rowing team, Hoda.

So very nice to see Paula and Margy posting. We have been missing you two.

Kathryn is working this morning. She took Hunter along. She will drop Hunter off at his dad's after work.

stronghunter said...

Val will be able to get a ride to the bowling alley with Julie, Jo. They live in the same neighborhood. Julie is the retired Secret Service agent. The two of them often go places together. Val's husband travels extensively. I think he is in California.

Janet said...

good Saturday morning! a moderate morning, in the 40's. busy day ahead: gonna cover the rv and hopefully put up some holiday decore outside....won't light for a few days......weather supposed to be wet and get chilly again!!! imagine that! November!

have a great day to all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

The stuffed head, clogged sinuses, razor blade throat remain with ferocity. It has been a very long time since I was this sick. Headed back to bed with a mug of hot tea.

Have read through quickly.

Darth is searching for a motor for the dryer. Hopefully, when he finds one it WILL have enough energy to get it to the secret place where things go never to be seen again.

Jo, so nice Michael is with Christine and family to enjoy their new home. Glad they will be with you for Thanksgiving.

Hoda, hope the dispute will be settled peacefully and quickly.

Shirley, very sorry about Val. You ladies need to exchange non-skid booties for Christmas.

Very nice to see Margy and Paula stopped by.

Judie, glad Jordyn was able to find so many treasures at the thrift store.

I know there is so much more but I need to return to bed.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

Judie said...

Oh, Cheetahs have been moved.

Lolly said...

On the road again! Sing along with me! :). Goodorning! Lol. Did that by accident!

30 and sunny and see snow on the mt peaks! Beautiful day and made better by RAIN at home! Wahoo!

Judie, I feel for you! So very sorry!

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday morning to all ♥

Good news about Blizzard Bear is that
Glo's picture of him has 96 votes.
Please go ahead and VOTE so we get
him over the 100 count. ALSO they also post the pic of the day from all the photos sent in - Guess who
had their photo chosen? You know it
Whoo Hoo Glo! You have Pic of the Day with Blizzard Bear
Frontiers North Adventures at Churchill, MB

A polar bear in a blizzard. Today's Pic of the Day comes from Gloria Keeslar who submitted this photo for our Arctic Adventurer Photo Contest.

Mema Jo said...

Checked out Blackwater's nest and news
Nest Update 11/02/14:
We updated our Eagle Cam Gallery with photos showing our eagle adults visiting the nest. If this nesting season proceeds as normal, we would expect to see eggs around mid January.


magpie said...

bout to head out, was 12-degrees here this morning, Yikes! Now it is a toasty 38 or something like that. Takes so much longer to get dressed for this weather...

Judie..; that is ONE POWERFUL MUG OF TEA !! then keep having them !

Take Care, Watch, we have a Split coming along pretty soon....I think....

xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

i.e. HOPE THAT IS ONE POWERFUL CUP OF TEA...for Judie....not sure how my letters disappeared...

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch and the code for the day is 141 LOL

JudyEddy said...

99 votes now I just sent Angie the link on her FB page being I am not there to do so but i think she is out for the evening Hot date with fubby

JudyEddy said...

wow no one has been on the blog since I check at lunch

JudyEddy said...

does anyone know what Glo wins

JudyEddy said...

What is the sort of oblong round thing at 6 ish a turtle shell maybe or a nut for the holidays LOL

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 264   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...