Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Cold day thread.


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JudyEddy said...


gonna go ahead and make the leap since I am all alone LOL

Here goes

Janet said...


wow everyone must be out and about today. quiet here.

we've been busy and I've enjoyed a day outside.

got up early (for me lately anyway) and the day has seemed LONG.

we ran a couple of quick errands first thing this morning, then got to working around here.

the cover is on the rv thanks to my sweetie and it wasn't awful to put it on. I think it will protect it from the winter elements.

then we got the bins down out of the barn and put up the outside decorations for the holidays. 60 degree day, sunny...like we were back in florida! lol.

I enjoyed a lot of time just being out in the sun. I trimmed the dogs' nails, we played....etc.

grilling steak and shrimp for dinner tonight. yummmmm

not a lot else going on. hope everyone has a great evening!

Lolly said...

We have safely arrived at our cabin/lodge! We ordered pies and rolls from the bakery. We unloaded the car. We went and bought grosssseries! And, now we are enjoying a roaring fire! It is cold but sunny and snow on the ground only in the shade. The Fritz family drives here tomorrow. I will have a pot of stew waiting! Let the festivities begin!

JudyEddy said...

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JudyEddy said...

and poof that fast but I got two pic

JudyEddy said...

"Ozzie and Harriet" have delivered a second egg ! Scroll for details and the link to SWFL

JudyEddy said...

4 eggs in Fl so far
I shall return

Mema Jo said...

I came on too late to check out the nest - darkness is here.

Judy - I'm not sure which class Glo
entered - I think Professional...
Amateur - Bushnell Binoculars
Professional - Lowepro Gift Card

One more vote for 100 .Remember you can viote every 9 hrs, If you voted early early this morning - do it again Thx

Our Royal Couple is getting serious
now about refurbishing the nest. It
is looking good and I really like the view we are going to have.

Mema Jo said...

Going to check out TV for tonight

Mema Jo said...

Blizzard Bear has

102 votes

Thank you

Judie said...

Good evening.

Just checking in before returning to bed.

Glo has accumulated so many well-deserved votes. I do hope she wins.

Did make myself shower, clean jammies, ate a bit of dinner. Still feel dreadful but at least it is a clean dreadful.

Sandperson is packing. Jufie is, well, somewhere.

Wishing everyone a restful night.

Mema Jo said...

Judie I hope you are resting well and are able to sleep through the night and feel refreshed in the morning.

I am closing early - I didn't find one TV show that I wanted to see this evening. Then I played my computer games for a while.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Restful sleep and pleasant dreams


Happy for the Ellis crew and that fantastic cabin they have!

stronghunter said...

Hey Judie,

Last time I had a cold, I took Zicam and it did wonders for my sore throat. Not sure it helped anything else, but it got rid of the sore throat.

Yawning here. Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Good day here.
Glad LOLLY and JACK arrived safely. Glad also of the good medical report for JACK.
So sad you are still sick JUDIE. Prayers.
PAULA let us know if you actually went out on the boat! Courageous lady. Smiled at NICK story with bones...MOM!!!

Talk to you all tomorrow.
Yoga workshop.
I think I will stand on my hands...I did a stand on my hands today with some support from the wall. It was fun and I laughed.

Good night and God Bless.

JudyEddy said...


108 on the votes now i just voted again

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends!

Lolly, glad you have made it to your destination. Let the family fun begin!

Kay, I hope you have made it safely to your destination as well (can someone remind me where Kay said she was flying) and are enjoying your time with family.

Judy, I'm so glad you have Fridays off so you won't have to work on Black Friday. I can't imagine a more horrible place to be than a Walmart on Black Friday!

The forecast here is for clouds and a warm-up for a couple of days. But I have read forecasts about possible snow in Baltimore on Wednesday - really??!! Maybe WV will get some snow and Freyja can try out her new sled! Lynnis posted 2 photos of Freyja on my FB timeline - she's sitting in her sled in the living room.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Oops, forgot to say:

Judie, I sure hope you feel a little better today.

Jo, prayers continue for healing for you. Did Ed (or someone in the family) get to Fenwick to winterize the house? Neighborhood Watch walkers here in South Bethany have already reported 3 cases of frozen pipes. If you need us to do anything, just give a holler (and send a key).

Our nest is MT.


Janet said...

morning all. settled in with a cup of coffee watching the liquid sunshine fall from the skies....

feeling a bit tired this morning. might venture back for a nap later.

I agree with SANDI: I can't imagine a worse place to work than WALMART on black Friday. the thought of it makes me shudder!

nothing on the agenda, really to dday. there is stuff to do. I shall see what I end up doing. right now, drinking coffee and contemplating the weather is about the height of my goals...

later yall

stronghunter said...

Marion Barry has died at 78.

stronghunter said...

Walmart on Black Friday--Yikes!

I know I have told this story before, but maybe some haven't read it...

Susan's first job was at Target. The first Black Friday she had to work, she was sick. She told her supervisor that she needed to go home. She was told that she couldn't. Period. She would lose her job. So she stayed until she barfed in the aisle at the store. At that point, she called me to come get her, so Will and I headed out to the store.

We got there and Will barfed in another part of the store. (I had no idea he was sick too.) We did not make it home without pulling over to the side of the road for more illness.

Susan kept her job and was told that she would be believed next time she claimed she was ill.

I really think Target is a good place to work. They really gave her a good start, but they goofed that day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
It is a bit warmer today.

Jenny is visiting

I see our cam froze at 8:18:33am
Judy is going to be very UPSET at lunch.
Email is being sent but won't be seen until tomorrow. :(

BBILW - after I prove I'm not a ROBOT. Is it SOS or 505 lol

Mema Jo said...

I guess it was SOS


Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley. I'll have Darth check on getting some Zicam.

Would like to comment on posts but just too much in need of going back to bed with another cup of hot lemon/honey. Does ease my sore throat. Now sound much like a gravelly dragon. No energy. No motivation. All things Thanksgiving are on hold.

Will visit later. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Cold but the sun has come out! Had a light dusting of snow over night! Had a yummy breakfast in front of the fire!

Laurel and family left at 4:20 this morn. They will get here late this afternoon. Putting on a big pot of stew later on. Other than that nothing on the agenda. May do a little dusting around the lodge. Also, found a curtain hung upside down. The rod is through the hem! Roflmbo. Do you think a man hung it? Sorry, no offense to Dadsters! Pointed it out to Jack and he spotted what was wrong, but did have to point it out.

Mema Jo said...

I just voted for Blizzard Bear 110

Mema Jo said...

Judie - perhaps a dr appointment is in the making, I hope. Wouldn't want this to be more then just a 'cold'.
Please let a dr take care of you ♥

stronghunter said...

Couldn't find the Blizzard Bear voting opportunity this morning. Will check again.

stronghunter said...

Voted. Now at 111 votes for Glo.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, sounds like Judie might need to see a doctor.

Hunter has a cold, too. I think Kathryn is going to take him to the doctor today. He was at his dad's, and Tom contacted her with a request to pick him up and take him to a doctor.

JudyEddy said...

JO I have the cam up and really didn't notice it was froze until I read your comment BUMMER 118 punching time

stronghunter said...

Hunter is back from the doctor and has been diagnosed with bronchitis.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judy - I always check the time as soon as I sign on. ONLY because it freezes up so often. Getting to be a pain and a disappointment to many!

Hi Shirley - thankful Hunter did go
to Dr. Question: couldn't dad have
taken him?

Thanks you two for the votes. I still don't have any idea about closing. None others are even near to Glo's count.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby just went out to mulch leaves in the yard - he was going to pick them up with the mower BUT #1)mulching is good for the ground/grass and #2) much less energy to be used.
Mon & Tues sounds like good weather and warm days but Wed looks like snow
showers and then rest of week lower temps.

Mema Jo said...

One of the gals on FB said that yesterday they were able to get out
of the house - went right to a local restaurant and had a fantastic meal.
Their roof is doing well :)


stronghunter said...

Jo, we discussed that--the fact that Hunter's dad could have taken him to the doctor. However, I know Kathryn would really prefer to take him. That way she knows better what is going on.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I don't think anyone else has more than 10 votes.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - a very good reason for Kathryn to take Hunter to doctor's herself. I thought perhaps dad
didn't have Hunter's insurance card.

I'm just scrolling thru FB
Now I'm going to play Solitaire for
a while.


Hoda said...

Yep it is on the ground.
Very pretty.
Have an awesome winter wonderland type of a day.

JUDIE Dr suggestion is good.
Love you all.
Yoga workshop
Artisan Christmas Crafts Fair
Supper with friends
More yoga.

stronghunter said...

Will and Stephanie went to do some grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Will wants to make a truducken--stuffing the turkey with a duck and a chicken. I told him to go right ahead. He also wants to make a cranberry salad. I have not usually done that because I am the only one who seems to eat cranberries, but, again, go right ahead. I am quite happy for him to do these things.

stronghunter said...

Yikes! Snow. I am not ready for that, Hoda.

JudyEddy said...

I voted at 6 ish this am and the 9 houurs are gone but the vote button is green the word vote is not there I will check later

JudyEddy said...

votes are at 111 she has it made in the shade as the expression goes I wonder when it ends??

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Been sleeping mostly and watching turkey day cooking shows while awake.

Shirley, great attitude. Let the others take care of food for which you can then give extra thanks.

Oh, yes Shirley. Much early morning coverage of Barry's life.

Hunter has bronchitis - wonder if a jacket or coat will be added to his dress code? lol

A cold for me follows a predictable pattern. Throat tickle > nose > chest. Don't know what a doctor can do about a cold - only time is the cure. Will seek care if I worsen. Many thanks for the concerns.

Still cam is still (frozen).


JudyEddy said...

Challanger with a go pro camera pretty cool

Mema Jo said...

I was watching some of the football game Washington 13 and San Francisco 17. It got brutal at times towards the end. I think I like Soccer and basketball the best.

Dr appointment tomorrow afternoon.
Blood work and check out my Power
Port. Then a sit down with my
cancer doctor.


Hoda said...

With you in prayers with the Dr Appointment tomorrow JO.
Love and Light.
I took a picture with Lisa and her pottery.
Will post on your FB page.

stronghunter said...

Judie, Hunter told Kathryn that he will be wearing a jacket from now on. However, it is supposed to get up to 77 degrees tomorrow.

Judie said...

Evenin' all.

Darth provided sustenance tonight in the form of Popeyes Chicken. Didn't eat a whole lot but it did taste good.

Yes, I think Hunter is on to a good idea - a jacket in cold weather. lol

Thank you JudyE for the challenger video. I love watching that eagle.

Jo, hope all goes smoothly with the dr tomorrow. Jufie will be hovering nearby to make sure all goes well.

Am headed back to bed. Will watch some tv. Hope to sleep.

Sandperson is departing early at 10pm.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Well, goodness, we are supposed to have snow on Wednesday night. About an inch.

stronghunter said...

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, Jo.

stronghunter said...

We had Popeye's chicken on Thursday night, Judie. It did taste good.

JudyEddy said...

Well its been over 9 hours and it won't let me vote again so I guess I will try tomorrow after 24yrs

I am watching AMA American Music Awards

Mema Jo said...

I am getting a little rain...
Anyone else in this area..?

Hoda - thank you for the picture of you and Lisa and all that beautiful
pottery. Did you notice any of her
butter dishes.

Shirley - really going to be funny seeing Hunter grab his coat with the temps going up! He is something
else. I love following his life through his grandmother's eyes.

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully by the time I get up in the morning the still cam will be up/running and we will have a fresh new thread.

Going to watch The Good Wife

Tell Sandperson to bring the


paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

So..we didn't go fishing cause the fish weren't biting. ..whew! Cause it was cold out there yesterday.

Judie...hope tomorrow finds you more on the mend !

Jo..always praying for you.

Margy. .. good to see you were here :)

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥

We are getting a steady rain now but
it is around 50°

Going to close down for the day
Good to hear from you Paula and sorry the fish weren't biting but I'm sure you enjoyed your weekend.

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

74° here now

but a cold front will be here in time for TDay

Hoping JUDIE get rest and feels better

Will be thinking of you JO tomorrow

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

FYI I just went to Blizzard Bear and when I put my cursor over vote area it says I have 3 hours before I can vote so it will be tomorrow HMM

Hoda said...

Oh yes JO!
Not many butter dishes were left, but some pretty good ones were there too. Great colours and great design.

Went to a relaxation yoga class tonight.

Full day tomorrow.
Looking forward to it.
Now walking with trekking poles a must.
Up to three layers of clothes today.

Good night all.
Healing Prayers to all.
Candle lit for you JO.

Hoda said...

Wide awake!
You said he left at ten! What is this?
Where is he?
I hope the rest of you are sleeping.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. 60 degrees here - temps may go up to 70 today - what a roller coaster with this weather. Maybe snow on Wednesday crazy!

Jo, extra special prayers for you today lady, as you sit down to talk with your oncologist.

Two day work week for me - I can do this. Got an email from the vice principal that another student on our team was suspended for bringing an e-cigarette to school and trying to sell it at the dance on Friday! Good grief - I think it's time to suspend the dances!

Judie, hope you're feeling a little better each day - about 7 days for a cold is my normal.

Lolly, hail hail, the gang's all here (or there) - enjoy your family time. Please do not houseclean the cabin!!

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

HI SANDI we are on the same rollercoaster we are 78° now where as last week we were in the 40"s and we have another rollercoaster for Wed and Thur rain for the nest two days with the cold front and then cold again silly weather
I didn't buy a ticket for the ride did you ? LOL

grannyblt said...

New Thread

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...