Tuesday, September 16, 2014


New thread.


Janet said...

thanks steve! I shall get the others!!!!

Janet said...

good morning to all. a day off. sun is out. I see a walk this morning, then, homeschool, and outside work! woo hoo! great day ahead! I wish a fabulous day to all!!!!

grannyblt said...

Thanks for the new thread. And to you Janet another feather in your cap.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread.

Janet - those feathers are going to look great on your drum.

Hi There Lynne!

I'll be right back after coffee and newspaper and reading the older thread. ♥

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and congratulations to Janet on her feather. Enjoy the day off.

Hoda, that thief is a cop's dream come true. They love stupid criminals. Maybe too many brownies at the festival? Hope you got some more sleep.

Sandi, what a dreadful day. So sorry. Wishing you a better day today both academically and electronically.

Hi Lynne.

Hi Jo.

Lovely sunshine and blue sky today. Doing some catch-up laundry and trying to finish a library book.


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and congrats to JUDY for the lovely call over feather. Love your pics of our beloved eagles, JUDY!

SANDI, you DID have a grueling day and I hope this one is much, much better! The exterior changes both you and JUDIE are making sound beauteous!

LOLLY, positive thoughts wafting toward your dear cat. Hope JACK can bag that armadillo before it does too much damage!

I had a rather grueling day yesterday, too. Spent about 5 hours in the ER upon advice of my Primary Physician. CTScan showed no blockage or reason for the digestive problems I've been experiencing. Guess the July episode changed the way my guts react to some foods and I'll have to learn to live with it. At least I had all the usual labs and confirmation that I'm actually in pretty good health!

Now time to barrel into prep for my son's visit Thur.-Sun.. Yeah!!!

Anyone else enjoying the PBS Ken Burns documentary on Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt? 19 years in the White House between them and quite a family saga.

Love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

Well Sandi - you sure had an eventful evening not that any of it was pleasant~! Hoping Hopefully all will go well today and you can start on those IEPs.

Hoda - what the 'would be get away burglar on crutches' was thinking - one will never know but I think you have him pegged right as not being in line for the passing out of brains or even common sense.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Lolly - Shirley
Bring on those crab cakes! I'll never be able to match my grandmother
making them - When eating out I always prefer mine Broiled. I also can't tolerate any filler in them.

Mema Jo said...

Andy - hoping that humidity and your heat doesn't get to uncomfortable today. I have been shivering here on the east coast with the chilly nip in the air. Seems like fall weather but I bet as usual in October we will have our Indian Summer.

Mema Jo said...

Kay - very sorry to hear about your day yesterday in the ER. I am glad though you went on in to get checked
over. I would rather do that then play a guessing game and just hoping it will go away. You have a visitor coming that will make you happy happy happy. Enjoy!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly is there any more damage from Mr. Armadillo? I hope Jack gets him soon. There are too many hours involved in your Hawkwood Garden to have one critter destroy the beauty.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jack went out "hunting" several times before bed and again around 4 AM, No luck and only one hold dug. I filled in an armadillo home yesterday. He apparently was not in that hole/home but he visited it. His tail left a trail in the freshly raked dirt. Jack will probably "hunt" again tonight.

Jack is out cutting down a tree. Need to eat and get out and haul limbs!


Janet said...

good afternoon all. sheesh! the best laid plans!!!! and all that stuff!
HODA"S out chasing dumb criminals! SANDI: fighting with technology and dumb people! KAY: glad the tests showed you are A-Okay, but good grief!!! and LOLLY is out armadillo hunting...thinking secretly making plans for roasted armadillo, !

Now, where ever those crab cakes are...yum yum yum.........

Livvy and I walked 2.18 miles this morning (much to her dismay!) and we have studied the brain. (mine is currently fried and overloaded, taking a lunch break)....

Next up, math, typing, and spelling, then outside if possible.

The sun has hidden himself behind the clouds.....

later ya'll

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Laundry caught up. Sauce made for pasghetti tonight.

Kay, Jo is correct. Better to get the checkup. Happy there is nothing obviously a problem. Have you been checked for gallstones? Just curious.

Janet, a busy day off so far. Hope the afternoon is pleasant.

Now, for those of you who are interested: Gertie's Crab Cakes from John Shields in Chesapeake Bay Cooking. Gertie was his grandmother.

1 egg
2 Tbs mayonaise
1 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp Old Bay seasoning
1 tsp Worchestershire sauce
Dash of Tobasco sauce
1/3 cup saltine cracker crumbs
1 lb lump crabmeant (or Backfin)

Mix all ingredients up to Tobasco sauce till frothy.

Add crab meat

Add cracker crumbs

Form into patties (ice cream scoop makes it easy).

Sautee in butter (I bake at 375ยบ for ten-15 minutes.

I also usually have to add a bit more cracker crumbs.

Serve with Tartar sauce or Lolly's Green Sauce or your favorite.

Okay, headed to put my feet up and read some.


JudyEddy said...



congrats on the additional feather SIS

JudyEddy said...

KKAY so happy nothing showed on the test

sucks getting older our bodies do protest I believe LOL

SIS good job with getting the youngun out for exercise mind and body

LOLLY I think you ought to make a basket out of your armadillo I use to have one when I lived in OHIO don't know what ever happened to it I don't remember where I got it just remember having one Was quite a conversation piece when peeps came over

JudyEddy said...

gonna go play with Jordyn books

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets.

Asking for prayer. Andrew is just not feeling this math teacher position. On Thursday, he goes for an interview in the same school system but teaching band to middle schoolers. I pray it is God's will that he gets this. His passion is definitely in music. He hasn't complained a lot but I just can feel that he is not happy with it. His interview is at 11:15 on Thursday. I am already nervous for him. :)

Mema Jo said...

Keep the Faith, Sharon. I'm sure that music position is there at this time for a very good reason...
Best of everything and wishing Andrew gets it.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is Horace Mann Middle School and guess what their mascot is?? EAGLES!!!

Kay said...

Thanks for the support gals! I did leave the hospital feeling a little embarrassed for having put the family, a neighbor and a BFF through some angst over my meaningless pain. However, they all took the stance you have "better safe than sorry". The nurses and docs I saw all said it is always wise to tend to what could be early warning signs of trouble. The main doc explained scar tissue makeup/behavior and told me, "you may be back here in 3 days or 3 months or never again, there is no way to predict what that stuff will do". I'm going to have to get over thinking every little pain means there is a blockage. I do so appreciate the concern and prayer on behalf of your senior most Momster! Hope I don't scare y'all where the aging process is concerned. It beats the alternative by a long shot!♥♥♥

Oh, JUDIE, I do love crabcakes and will save your yummy sounding recipe! SIL is highly allergic to fish, but can eat and loves shellfish. This could make a great company dinner!

Yes, JUDIE, in the course of having that horrible kidney abscess a couple of years ago and again with the blockage in July, they saw and reported that my gallbladder, appendix, pancreas and spleen all appear normal and trouble free. The report in July said, "the patient has a fatty liver". I must remember to ask my Primary what that means to me. I haven't eaten fatty things--red meat, pork, fried food in eons! Maybe nurse LORI can tell me something about that.

Kay said...

SHAR, what good omens for Andrew--an opening in his chosen field at a school named for THE most famous education reformer ever and with Eagles as their mascot--if they don't snap him up for that position we will have descend on them with our Eagle Canes! Prayers being said and fingers crossed!!!

Kay said...

JANET, Olivia is one lucky girl! A teacher who will exercise right along with her! Educating her is going to benefit you in untold ways. Kudos!!!!

JUDY, so cute that your typed KKay. Several peeps along the way have called me Kay-Kay. A neighbor who is Julie's age, Jon, calls me Kay Girl and a host of young people from my working days call me Mama Kay. All showing affection and I, of course, love it!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Sounds like a wonderful opportunity for Andrew, Sharon. Hope it all works out for him.

Thanks for the recipe, Judie. I am printing it as I type.

A question--I was telling a bowling friend about my hummingbird feeders and she said that you are not supposed to give hummingbirds sugar water. Anyone know anything about that?

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

SHIRLEY, I don't know where your friend got that idea about sugar for hummers. The experts say simple table sugar most closely resembles the sugar they get from flowers. I've never seen a nectar recipe that didn't call for sugar. Honey is taboo, but sugar is Aok!

stronghunter said...

Bowling was very exciting for our team today. We won all of our games. My first two games were ordinary, then in the third one I got a spare followed by four consecutive strikes! I scored a 160 that game! I feel very good. Just hope I can continue to do well. I think the team will remain in first place for another week. :)

We may be feeling more of a challenge from here on out because the "true average" will now apply, so that means we will lose some handicap points.

Kay said...

Well, I've monopolized enough today---am observing my doc's admonition to "work 20 minutes, then rest 20 minutes". I think I've gone over 20, so back to work.

stronghunter said...

She said she went to a hummingbird sanctuary or someplace like that. I believe it was in South America.

I have done some research on hummingbirds, and I have not seen anything about not giving them sugar. No red dye, but just plain sugar water is fine.

Judie said...

Back for a quick visit.

Sharon, wishing the best outcome for Andrew. Teaching music would be a good fit for him.

Kay, just a thought I had. Great that you are doing well overall. Try the recipe for your SIL. Darth brought shrimp home today. Now need to think of a plan to have shrimp and pasghetti. Maybe saute with garlic and add to the pasta? Hmm, bet Lolly would know what to do. Oh, I know - pasghetti with shrimp in armadillo sauce. lol

Shirley, congratulations to you and to the team. First place is always good isn't it?


stronghunter said...

Yes, we are enjoying first place. Not sure how long it will last. We will see.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I am sure you will find an excellent use for those shrimp. Shrimp can be fit into almost any menu. I have a pork roast I need to get going.

stronghunter said...

Glad the problem wasn't more serious, Kay. Always better to go to the ER and find out you don't need to than to stay away when you should've gone.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes! Have two special shrimp recipes. Now I am hungry!!

Green Onion Sauce
1/4 cup butter
6 green onions minced
3/4 cup white wine
3/4 cup chicken broth
3/4 cup cream
2 tsp. lemon juice
salt and pepper

*Melt 1 T. butter over low heat
*Mix in green onions, cook, stirring for 10 min
*Pour in wine, broth, and cream
*Bring to a boil, hard boil for 10 to 12 min until reduced by 1/3
*Remove from heat, into a food processor or blender, puree sauce until smooth
*Pour sauce back into sauce pan, over low heat whip remaining butter into sauce 1 T. at a time
*Add lemon juice and salt and pepper

This is yummy with crab cakes and salmon croquettes.

Lolly said...

Kay, please take care of yourself and that includes trips to the ER. Always better safe than sorry!! Want you feeling chipper!!

Sharon, prayers for Andrew. First off....the first year is awful. Bad enough for one to question what they are doing. So, please let him know that in case he does not get the band job. Hopefully, he will get it.

JudyEddy said...

silly me didn't get on the new thread when I came home

Congrats on the won games SHIRLEY

as we know you are extraordinary

It is nice out today 75° out now not 90° has been overcasty all day so far only drizzles

JudyEddy said...

couldn't work on the book during lunch today Bummer don't know if it the wifi or the puter but my flash player would let me do it and listen to the radio and watch Buddy all at the same time so only did Buddy and the radio Will work on it at home I guess Thought would be cool to pass time at work doing it

JudyEddy said...

I kept getting the spinning blue circle and Not responding message and the flash player couldn't load or failed

heading to watch the news Right now talking about Prez Obama is flying in to Tampa that is what they are talking about now I could care less about that but some interesting news just may come on after that

Mema Jo said...

Today was a Chatty Day ♥

Sandi - your new stones in your drive are very attractive and they compliment your home. Good choice.

Cyclone Shirley is having a good year! I guess you had a 4-Bagger
(4 consecutive strikes) I bet they put you as the Anchor player - you really did good!

Mema Jo said...

If you are looking for TV entertainment tonight it is going to have to be political - The Roosevelts

Is should be getting down to 59° tonight. Close those windows...

Janet - I'm hoping you got some down time for yourself today.

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from school.

Kay, after what you just went through in the hospital, I don't blame you one bit for being overly worried about a repeat performance!! Glad you went to the ER and got yourself checked out.

Shar, fingers crossed for Andrew. I agree with Lolly that the first year of teaching is awful, but especially so for someone who didn't even have the opportunity to do student teaching. The band job would be so much nicer - working with kids who WANT to be in the class as opposed to kids who are stuck learning something they are "never going to use" - their words, not mine.

Time to fix food for people and pets and then get started on IEPs!!

See ya in the AM!

Mema Jo said...

Going to keep an eye on our cam for awhile - there could be an evening visit. I'll holler if I see our Royal Couple.

Janet said...

good evening all! I copied and pasted BOTH recipies!!! they sound sooooooo yummmmmyyyyy..

steak and shrimp here tonight.

JUDYE: you gave me your armadillo basket. now, what I did with it eons ago is in question. but I remember it and I loved it. I often see armadillos on the side of the road here, but wouldn't know how to make a basket, and not sure I want to either. might be a tad messy and smelly.

Ya'll don't even begin to know how much brain work this is for me! (being Olivia's teacher). lol. I can now remember how to add mixed numerals with like and unlike denominators!!!

Its fun, most of the time. This morning, the 2 + mile walk, well not her favorite, but we did it anyway. Once we were out there, she had no choice but to continue or stay put on the side of the road (not an option).

I have been outside this afternoon. I've trimmed plants, pulled dead tomato plants, pulled weeds...had Livvy help for n hour or so as well. I planted more tulip bulbs and generally spruced thigns up.

I might plant some pansies and maybe some cabbage and peas or maybe lettuce tomorrow.

Well best get to working on dinner. :)

JudyEddy said...

SIS I am so glad you said that I gave it to you I didn't remember where it went to
LOLLY if you shoot the critter let us know and we can make a basket for my sister LOL since she loved the one I gave her and forgot with old age LOL

JudyEddy said...

Its a little early for our royal couple to show up so LM and news for now Not working on book just yet - later maybe just don't want to have to buy it just yet Its Christmas presents
I wish I knew that they only gave 14 days to buy without reediting to continue to save it I would have waited to do the book if I only knew
But now I have added more pics and have maxed the pics and the pages 500 pics 250 pages

JudyEddy said...

bug on screen got pic grab lol

Mema Jo said...

LOL I had just come back to the cam from watching some news - That bug had me fooled for a while! I thought it may have been a feather... lol

Mema Jo said...

Headed in for an early shower - I bet I miss our Royal Couple...

I have Chemo in the morning - then
again on Thur and Fri...


Mema Jo said...

I'm back and I guess I lost my own bet about missing our Royal Couple.
Almost too dark to see...
But I will watch a while longer

Mema Jo said...

Jeopardy is calling my name!

Judie said...

My goodness. Chatty indeed!

PBS is calling for me to head across the hall to the upstairs t.v. - Roosevelts.

Now we have stoned armadillo baskets presumably to contain green onion sauce which will be ladled over shrimp. lol

Janet is almost as busy as Hoda. Congratulations on getting Olivia out and about. Um, what are mixed numbers? Anything like a mixed drink? lol

Okay, PBS is not just calling but is screeching for me. BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, everyone!

Well, we've survived the day so far! I think it was 100 here today. Sis-in-law lives in Yorba Linda, and it was 105 there. We checked, and Death Valley was "only" 99 today! This should be the worst day of the week, or at least that's what the weatherman is saying. Predicting 93 tomorrow, 87 on Thurs., 82 on Friday.

Kay, I'm glad you went and got checked out at the ER, too. Better safe than sorry! Hoping that your troubles will not return.

Shar, will be praying big-time for Andrew. He would be perfect for the job!

Judie and Lolly, I copied & pasted your recipes, and will try them very soon. They sound just wonderful! Lolly, hope Skippi is doing well.

Shirley, I've never heard about sugar water being a problem for hummers, but I'm sure that red food coloring is not recommended. How is Luna doing?

Well, think I'd better look for some (make that a LOT of) inspiration for dinner tonight. Don't dare cook anything. It was 92 degrees in our kitchen at 10:30 last night! YUCK!! Hmmm...maybe egg salad. we have a lot of hard-boiled eggs. Will try to check in later tonight. It just depends on how sleepy I am after dinner. Have a nice evening, everyone. I ♥ us!!!
P.S.--Prayers continue, of course, for Jo and for Sable, Luna and Skippi.

stronghunter said...

Mixed number: 1 1/3. It's a whole number and a fraction.

Learned a couple of things having a math-teacher momma.

stronghunter said...

Luna is fine. Very happy to be free of the cone.

stronghunter said...

Looked on the Cornell site and they even said you can increase the amount of sugar at certain times.

Lolly said...

Just copied down the recipe Judie gave us....it is now called Judie's Crab Cakes. LOL Have a recipe from Laurel, she calls them something else I call it Laurel's Beans. Have two crab cake recipes, this ne is different and will try it next.

Janet said...

lol. to be honest, when I first SAW the mixed numbers, I WANTED a mixed drink! he he he he

time for me. time for me. oh, I had that yesterday, JO. I had a massage.

we canceled tom's massage envy membership that I bought for him several years ago and he had 11 hours of massage to use before the end of the month...or loose them. so I took 5 and he took 6. I have used up my 5 (gave one to Michael) and still have one on my account as I earned points towards massage every time I pick up a weekend shift.

so yes, do make time for me. doing yard work is for me as well.

and I've been doing cross stitch in the evening.

well, time to call it a night. I have a splinter in my finger I have to get tom to dig out. :P then, cross stitch, and hit the hay!

good night to all!

Mema Jo said...

Fell asleep watching ballgame on TV

Headed in to the pillows

Goodnight and God Bless


Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I'm so asleep that I stuttered ♥

JudyEddy said...

JO is stuttering in her sleep
is that like sleep walking I wonder

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Well, Jo stuttering in her sleep could be because she has enjoyed a few mixed numbers this evening. lol

Andy, hope the weather cools down a bunch for you. Fires in your part of the world are really horrible. Stay cool.

Now for those of us on the East Coast, we can anticipate a battle of the beltways based on the results of tonight's baseball games. Balmer vs Washington.

Be back in the morning. Tomorrow is "do" day.

Sandperson is on the way. Has a very large satchel of sleepy dust. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Too tired to do anything except say goodnight.
God Bless

Hoda said...

KAY glad you are well

JO praying extra hard from Wed- Fr

SHAR I hope ANDREW gets the music job.

Love and Light to all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Still no land line - waited til 7:20 and then called. I was told that a tech would be at the house within 20 minutes. Waited til 8:10 and called again. Then I was told that a tech was never assigned to our job and no one was scheduled to come at all. Good thing the lady I was talking to was in Paloma, CA not standing in my living room!

Janet - adding and subtracting mixed numbers will seem like a piece of cake when you get to y = mx + b. Wait til you have to explain to Livvy when she will need to use that concept in her real life!

Need to schedule a meeting with my new principal to discuss meaningless paperwork he has assigned to special ed. teachers. He has issued a tomorrow deadline for it and I haven't done it. Hoping I can convince him to see the situation through my lens, not his - wish me luck.

Jo, prayers for you that the chemo goes smoothly and does it's thing on those cancer cells. I love you!

Shirley, congrats on the 160 game!!!

Have a great day all.

Hoda said...

Good luck with the Principal SANDI.
Let us know.

Good morning all.

Too exhausted to sleep. It used to happen when I was young.
Still tying down Festival.
Cash/ cheque bank deposits done.
Credit Card Charges processing.
Dealing with lost and found...
Most of that is done.
Buildings were cleared and keys returned.

Paying bills underway.
Debriefing meeting scheduled for Monday.
Sorting out paper work...

Assets assembled I have to find a place to store them.

PRAYING for you JO my dear Friend. Praying that you handle the next three days with self care and be gentle with your energy.

May ANDREW get his music assignment.

I love us.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

our royal pair was in the nest this am pic on fb from eagle cam at 637

JudyEddy said...

637 to 647 according to the still cam time frame

JudyEddy said...

Boy am I happy that I don't work or live in Tampa With the Prez in town they have closed the lower half of Tampa roads around the hotel and to the base where he is having pow wow later today They are thinking Boots on the Ground will be discussed

Janet said...

good morning to all.

SANDI: here's the thing, I tell Olivia flat out, I don't know everything, nor do I pretend to. She might use this and she might not, but either way, its something she has to learn so let's just get 'er done. And, I have an older daughter who is a flat whiz at math and always has been. When it finally gets to a point where I can not longer figure it out, we have a plan for me to take her over there and I'll take Lorelei for a bit while Chelsea teaches a math lesson. And, Chelsea can coach me as well when necessary.

Olivia is so far behind in math as opposed to where "they say" a typical 8th grader should be, that I should pretty well get thru this year. As you notice we have done a lot of basic stuff, multiplication, division, least common multiple, greatest common factors, etc. Now we are working with fractions. The two things I find are 1. she freaks out mentally when the numbers get "larger" than what she is comfortable with and 2. she doesn't want to do the steps. she wants to short cut. when you are a math whiz, you can. the rest of us, do the steps!

I am learning so much about my own kid. impressed with much of it!

Wild fires scare me. We had an incident of them in Florida back in the late 90's and it terrified me. I cannot imagine living anywhere inclined to such a phenomenon on a regular basis! light and love to our West Coasters!

Not a lot else today. My buddy Chris gets her second round of Chemo today. Mixed feeling still She sounded good when I spoke with her a couple days ago. But I also know she put up a good front. Always talk to Nancy to confirm.

I slept better last night than I have in a bit. Thank you Sand person for whatever you did!

Today: give massages @ 9 and 9:30....come home, home school, then outside again. Back to work tomorrow.

Light, love, hugs, smiles and armadillo free days to all my friends! :)

Judie said...

Good morning.

Janet, fractions and mixed numbers are helpful with cooking. Maybe that concept will help. You're a brave person to home teach. Olivia will be grateful (later on).

Sandi, I'm not in CA but glad I was not in your living room. Hope all is repaired asap. Do hope the principal will listen to you.

Hoda, soon all will be completed and you can return to tootling around Nelson in your woolen socks and sandals.

Thinking of Jo. Wishing her as best a day as possible.♥

Off to get my "do" did. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

This is a quickie - very glad to hear from all the early birds.
Thanks Judy for the alert about the
AM nest visit.

I'll return late afternoon today
Thanks for your prayers..

Love you all ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Just missed you, JO, but remembering you in prayer!

SANDI, bummer x infinity and no mixed numbers about it. What a lousy way to start the day---hope the gal in CA put your job at the top of the list. I'm banking on your ability to persuade and direct the principal effectively. Your years of experience should weigh heavily in that direction.

HODA, do hope you can get some restorative sleep tonight!

JUDIE, thanks for the "do" reminder. Monday a.m. I canceled the appt. I had for Tuesday once I learned I'd be heading for ER. Hope to get in Tuesday of next week--no time to bother with son coming in from NJ tomorrow.

Adrenaline has kicked in and I'm feeling up to the tasks at hand. SIL is out of town on business, so Julie, Lee and I will have Thurs. evening for catching up on those things only immediate family members really care about.

JUDY, glad you caught wind of our Eagles when they checked in!

Love and prayers for all !!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Jack did not hunt last night and looking out the window, I see I need to go make armadillo repairs. I have to wash the dirt back into the holes and attempt to replant the grass. Grrrr!

After that I do believe I am going shopping, not my first choice of things to do. However, have a wedding to go to in a few weeks and thinking a new pants outfit is in order. The wedding is at the Fort Worth zoo and pants will be appropriate.

Thinking of you, Jo, and keeping you in prayer.

Hoda said...

My flat needs some serious LOLLYPALOUZING!!!
Small steps towards that!
Last time I did laundry was 4th of September!!!
Did two loads this morning!
Surface cleaned the kitchen but my God lots more to do.
I have to tend to my plants. One is flowering and I did not notice it till this morning.

Praying JO is well with the treatment this morning.
Love you JO.
As SHAR says, " when I grow up I want to be exactly like you."

Headed out for Festival errands. Hoping to reclaim 500$ deposit cheque today...
Kristin is leaving Sunday so we will have lunch today.
She never did settle in. Plans now to move to Vermont!!! I wish her well and I am sad at the same time.

stronghunter said...


Hope you will be able to persuade the principal, Sandi.

Best of luck to Kristin, Hoda.

Happy shopping, Lolly.

Mixed numbers and fractions do help with cooking, especially when you need to change a recipe and have to figure out the new measurements.

stronghunter said...

Doctor's appointment for me this afternoon. Hoping that all is okay.

stronghunter said...

Didn't realize that the President was in Florida, Judy. Haven't kept up with the news too well recently.

A Presidential visit to Fredericksburg put the whole place in lockdown back a number of years ago. Reagan? Bush? I think it was one of the Bushes.

JudyEddy said...

On lunch and it seems all is doing ok Thinking of our JO hoping all goes smooth as it has in the past with the treatments only a couple of more to go OUT DAMN SPOT

JudyEddy said...

The prez is talking about foreign matters Boots on ground may send troops in although he said in previous speech not to Fort McDill isa in Tampa

JudyEddy said...

headin to FB

Mema Jo said...

I am home now
All is well - Back again tomorrow at Noon for 2nd of three. Flu shot can be during 3rd week after a chemo
session. I will need to wait until mid Oct.

Time for feet up a bit or supper time. There is always a choice and always a decision to be made!!!!


Lolly said...

Great, Jo! Know that just getting to these appointments is tiring...mentally and physically! Just know we are lifting you in prayer.

Know how when you go shopping and you just can not find anything or nothing fits. Well, everything I tried on today fit and I liked everything. Whoops! Went to one store and bought an outfit and two blouses all on big sale. Then drove to Fort Worth to my favorite store and ended up with two more outfits and one extra blouse to make a third. Got all with coupons but that store starts out more expensive. Whoops! I think I am set for the wedding and for Fall. However, now I have the problem of what to wear!

JudyEddy said...


over night I got 2 1?2 inches of the wet stuff don't want to say the R word

and now coming home we had a deluge of wet stuff at work and got another 2 1/2 in the gauge again and more coming blurb

the retention pond at work almost went over in the parking lot but the rain did stop and it has drained down some but if it continues it will go over the edge They are asking cars not to park near it but you know how some people are Don't listen

Lolly said...

You can not fool me! I know what you are referring too. My memory is fading but I think I remember free water falling from the sky.

Just went out and worked for 30 minutes in the yard, cutting back some perennials. However, it is 90 and humidity is up and it is miserable. Back inside to cool off!

Lolly said...

Nephew, Blaine, the chiropractor and nurse practitioner made a post on fb and all the comments are hilarious. He treated a patient, went back into the treatment room to get his pen after the patient left. There on the floor was a bag of marijuana. He has flushed it but the comments are hilarious. One comment was "Eat only one brownie at the Hendrick's next party."

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I didn't think you knew what I was referring to since you haven't see it in a long time Sure wish I could send this to you We are getting tooooo much liquid gold

Janet said...

good early evening folks. coming to you from my kitchen as dinner cooks. breaded pork chops w/ mushroom gravey, mac n cheese and applesauce.

finished my front yard today. at least all that i'm doing for the moment. yard is spruced up, pansies are in, and am still considering putting in some cooler weather veggies, but not today

livvy and I worked o staining the deck some more. we did the INSIDE of it over the summer, now that the temps have abated a bit, time to do the OUTSIDE of the deck. yikes.

that's been my day.

get ready for work tomorrow.

:) Later ya'll.

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening to all ♥
I took an hr nap - but it was really a sound sleep. Felt great!

Happy so many of you had productive days.

I am getting geared up to attend on Saturday a baby shower over at the Train Station in Shepherdstown for my upcoming 13th great grandchild. Jenny, the grandmother to be, along with a best friend of the mother to be are the Hostesses.
Showers are fun and I love seeing all the gifts of the little boy outfits. Baby due end Nov or first part of Dec. ♥

Mema Jo said...

TV next week will be all of the new season's premiers. Tonight I turned on the O's baseball game. Later I may switch to The Roosevelts: An Intimate History if the game score is right!


JudyEddy said...

Looks like we got stood up I am sure they are up in the attic Oh if we only had last years camera set up we would know

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

JudyEddy said...

I put 3 pics from this evening after dark visit both were in the nest and poof pic in album and on FB momster page and on the eagle cam page

JudyEddy said...

off to tvland

JudyEddy said...

a gal from work is in the hospital She is a diabetic and I think it is what made this all happen She left work yesterday disoriented ended up having a head on collision and is in the hospital on life support She was found in Manatee County south of here hours away
This happened yesterday after work

Hoda said...

JO very happy to read your posts.
Thank you. Prayers and blessings continue.

JUDYE thank you for eagle alert and pictures.
So sorry about your coworker not good.

Well we did not get our five hundred dollars back!
The statue was damaged from the store, we have no pictures, she is adamant that we damaged it. I feel sick to my stomach as it is not right!!!
Someone else will have to deal with her.

I put up my outdoor plants and am ready for autumn.
The trees are changing colour.
It is autumn.

Lolly said...

Seeing a change in the weather, too, but does not feel like Fall. Rain is missing us again tonight.

Tomorrow night is another football game. Also, another long drive. Joseph is worth it though!

Night all! SED

Mema Jo said...

I better hurry up and say

Goodnight to all ♥

Before I need to say

Good Morning to all ♥

grannyblt said...

Eagles in nest for an early morning visit!

grannyblt said...

Poof, gone now. This seems to be the routine, this week anyway.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Played bridge last night and actually won $4.00.

Nice to know our eagles are visiting the nest.

Hunter is home today--a sad situation. Yesterday on the way to the bus, he and his good friend Anthony were playing around. Hunter was chasing Anthony. He grabbed Anthony's bookbag and they both fell with Hunter on top of Anthony. Hunter heard Anthony's leg break. Anthony screamed, and Hunter ran to Anthony's house to get Anthony's mother. It is a very bad break that requires surgeries. Hunter is devastated.

Things were very confusing at first. The school called Kathryn, saying that it was Hunter who was hurt. Kathryn called me, and at first we thought it happened at school rather than at the bus stop right down the street. I would have been at the bus stop much sooner if I had known.

Anthony's surgery is this afternoon, I think. They took him to Richmond yesterday.

Prayers will be much appreciated.

grannyblt said...

Shirley, I am sure that Hunter feels terrible. What a tough life lesson for him. Not sure what the life lesson is other than actions can sometimes bring unexpected consequences. Prayers for successful surgery.

grannyblt said...

Prayers also for our Jo who heads to another chemo today.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Okay, which one of you bribed the Sandperson to sack me before I could turn the night light on? Here it is morning.

Shirley, so sorry for Anthony's leg and the surgery. I feel worse for Hunter feeling responsible. You and Kathryn will help him understand it was an accident.

Congratulations on your shopping success, Lolly.

Thank you JudyE for the pictures of Belle an Shep visiting the nest. Hope they decide the tree and nest are okay for another year. Wishing the best outcome for your co-worker.

Jo, glad you were able to nap after treatment yesterday. Jufie will be there again today watching over you. Saturday will be great fun.


stronghunter said...


Poor Anthony was quite upset when they cut off his precious Levis. Kathryn and I agree that we'll be taking care of that.

Yeah, it was a four-bagger, wasn't it, Jo? I haven't heard that term used at bowling, but I had learned it doing some on-line bowling.

I think it will be quite awhile before I'm wanted for the anchor position. That lady had a 195 game.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Jo today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

New thread alert. Come on over!

3/12/25 PM ๐ŸŸ

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...