Friday, April 25, 2014


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

I just may have to go online and watch the first one before I see tonights I also watch another show at 8 Once Upon a Time

JudyEddy said...

feeding time

JudyEddy said...

there is a bendy stick that Belle will try to bite and move and it just wiggle s

Mema Jo said...

I have The Good Wife and then I've been watching The Bletchley Circle -
it's a MPT channel 22

Hubby and I ate out this early evening at the Longhorn Steak House.
SO - I won't need to snack tonight.

Going to get some small things done
before going in to the TV

Shirley - 6 games of practice!
You are going to be so ready!

Mema Jo said...

BTW - Celebrating my daughter's 54th today. This is my 2nd daughter -
the one in Catonsville. She had a
really good day!

JudyEddy said...

adult poof

JudyEddy said...

cam shakes

Mema Jo said...

Whoo HOo! Finally
Just saw Capt's Poop Shoot... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Whoo HOo! Finally
Just saw Capt's Poop Shoot... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Can you tell I got excited

Double post and all ♥

JudyEddy said...

JO I snipped the beginning of teh poop shoot Its on the FB page now I have so many pic I need to put in album EM

JudyEddy said...

gonna watch TV

magpie said...

Well, Happy 54th Birthday Wishes..for your
Daughter, Jo...

Shirley, I bet you ARE TIRED
after bowling six games !!

Good Evening, Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Regarding Wildflowers:
I think I also saw some James Rockets aka Dames Rockets, today...
early for them, so I am not sure

And the Redbuds !! About as beautiful as they can be...where the bluebells carpet the ground, the
Redbuds light up the areas higher up....
not sure I have ever seen them so beautiful as this year.
Dogwoods, the pale yellow and the pink ones, are coming along nicely here also

magpie said...

Sunday night.....end of the week-end for some, and makes not so much of a difference for others

Either Way: Enjoy YOURS in whatever ways you can...keep you eyes on the Prize

JudyE, hope you saw ISS fly over...I don't keep track as well as I used to regarding that, time to get back on track with it, I love to see it sail across the sky

Prayers for Wellness, All Around...

G'Night, kind of early...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

Awesome flower count MARGY!
Way to go.
Here we have had 10-15 cm of snow in the Mountains. Highways are closed near the passes. It is cold. Windy enough to cause high white caps on the lake and I went dunking with the Dragon Boat Team!!! Crazy I know!!! At least we were in the pool...chilly when I rushed from there to time to spare.
My 10 dollar new to me/second hand life jacket worked very well.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeee! We are home, all is quiet, back to normal. Had a great time in Dallas, but came home exhausted!

Like I said, back to normal. Yea! That means I get to work in the yard. Yea!!!! Also, get to work all day as we have three meals leftover. No cooking!! Yea!

Predicted storms missed us, but looks like a bunch of bad weather east of us!

Judie said...

Good almost time to dent the pillows.

Agree, Paula, I like the avatar.

Jo, I keep missing the Bletchley Circle. Drat!

Hoda, if you catch a cold, you may need extra warmth and care - Jufie has volunteered. Please keep warm and dry.

Margy, we have many parks in this area as you know. I must investigate which one might have the best wild flowers.

Shirley, that was a lot of practice. No doubt it will pay off. #1 team is on your menu.

Jo, happy birthday to daughter #2. So happy she had a good birthday.

Judie said...

Sandperson has packed a satchel of sleepy dust and is almost ready to depart.

I'm headed to the pillows.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

It is all good JUDYE.
JUFIE not required in these here parts!!!

I am sleepy and it is only 8:00 PM

Good night
God Bless Us All

Mema Jo said...

Off now to watch Signed, Sealed and delivered, Judy

Goodnight to all
Prayers for all ♥

stronghunter said...

Can't read too much. My eyes are aching.

Sad news on TV. Tornadoes in Arkansas.

SED, everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

SED love and hugs for all<3

Lolly said...

Night all! SED!!

Prayers for those hit with the bad storms.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It's Monday and back to work day for me.

Prayers for all, especially Larry. Have a good day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

SANDI, Wahoo ! 31 days to go ! Yep, you really can do it !

Had a great Mexican lunch with Julie and Hugh yesterday. Then she and I went on to the art museum. Local florists outdid themselves with their interpretations of many paintings. A great concept ! Afterward we went to Kroger--so by the time I got home and took Penny for a walk I was too pooped to pop ! Revived myself with a nap, dinner and managed to stay up for Good Wife and The Mentalist before crashing again.

Will be calling the Vet today as Penny has had a couple of "seizures" this past week and that makes 5 in the last year. It's time to talk about an anti-seizure med. I no longer panic as they assure me they aren't life threatening, but they are scary. They last about 10 minutes and once over she jumps up, perky as ever and ready for action. No recoup time needed. The doc told me they are fairly common in older doxies.

JO, sounds like you're completely back in the swing of things ! Great ! Also happy to hear that your daughter had a really good birthday !

JUDIE, thanks for the Momster Hugs for Seth--can't wait to hear how yesterday's training went. Such things are big milestones for him !

Kay said...

Prayers for all, with hopes you'll all have a lovely day ! BBL

Janet said...

good morning.

here we go....rocking and rolling with spring time weather. yuck.

I have seen what is south west of us and don't look forward to this.

belated happy bday to Jo's second daughter!

it was a good but busy weekend.

sounds like everyone has had the same.

loving the description of your spring! its like reliving the one here. it was as if the colors were extra bright this year,everything just popped!

my only sadness regarding that was that my tulips didn't bloom. I think I "lost" the "old" ones....none of them came up. don't know if my friendly neighborhood squirrels found them or mr. winter and his bone chilling temps got them. either way. no tulips. the new ones, the ones I planted 4 months ago, are up, but no blooms. so, maybe next year.

I have a ton of moon plant babies up. mine didn't do well last year, so I am very excited about that. the clematis is blooming like crazy.

I put the hummingbird feeders out although I never really see them til the end of may /june.

I have been watching the wrens raising their babies in the bird house out back. about wed last week we heard a very week peeping, indicating new babies. it has gotten stronger over the past days and mom and dad are busy flying in and out feeding, feeding, feeding. :) they are so sweet.

they are regular tenants in that bird house.

all right, enough jabber. just my Monday morning thoughts. everyone have a safe and good day! light, love, healing and smiles to all

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

the sound seems to be back I hear chrips of the babes

JudyEddy said...

Both chiclets are in the egg cup side by side one is facing forward and the other backwards but they are together
the nest temp is 49∙

SIS my weather man said you all will probably get flooded in Nashville slo moving storm will do it I hope not

JudyEddy said...

PREZ is soooo dark now and Capt as not one dark feather on him

Costume Lady said...

Glad to hear that Capt. had a poop shoot...nothing worse than a constipated eaglet. Takes it out on everyone around him ;)

MARGY, my J-I-Pulpits are blooming now...such an interesting plant. My Spiderwort is near blooming, also. They are so pretty, wish they bloomed all Summer. Trout lilies are up but, seldom bloom...don't know why?!

JO, glad you aren't having any issues with your surgery!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

Enjoying all the Flora and Fauna reports amongst us

A Wren family and baby Wrens, Janet...
Great! Noisy little rascals for as small as they are
sounds like your garden is flowering out nicely also
sorry about the dud bulbs...maybe they will come to life next Spring

Very sad for the tornado and bad storm victims....and it's not even nearly over yet

magpie said...

Oh Wanda....
Yay on the Jacks in the Pulpit at your place....
I think I found one baby plant...
and will re-check that area, but it is not at Swinging Bridge

Lolly: Enjoy your busy busy garden day!

magpie said...

Well, it's time to say,
Best Wishes to Everyone for a Very
Good Day

One last day to my days off, got
lots to do....but it won't be
all Work!

For any travelers...happy trails and safe travels...

Eat well, smile, and laugh when you can, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness, All the Time

xoxo ttfn xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Prayers for Penny, Kay
Prayers for those affected by this storm ♥ I was hoping for a comment from GLO on FB but not yet.

My eye is still hazy but it is to be expected.

Mema Jo said...

I think our Prez is a female and our Capt is a male due to their size.
Once both of them have their dark feathers I think we will still be able to tell them apart.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Seems it is a good beginning to the day.

Kay, former neighbors had a Lab with seizures. Medication worked quite well. Dog lived for many years. Thinking of Penny. Glad you had a good day with Julie and Hugh.

Hoda, Sandperson is sulking and weeping in his closet. Says you don't need him. Devastated.

Oh, the Dirt Devil works very nicely. I'm happy.

Time to get moving. Places to be and people to see.

Wishing everyone a terrific day.

Mema Jo said...

Gloria Vincent Keeslar
We are good this morning. Lots of rain during the night and more storms in the forecast. Have my weather radio and eyes to the skies. Going to run some quick errands now so I am home well before this afternoon. ty MeMa Jo

Mema Jo said...

This is not a secret- this is a Shout Out For All Momsters/Dadsters

Marvelous Monday Lunch Meeting by the Tri State Delegation:

VA - Judie
MD - Jo
WV - Wanda, Margy,Carolyn,Christie

We promised Wanda's daughters that we Momsters would take care of her. We are keeping true to our promise. I feel that Each and Everyone of you will be there in Spirit. I wish we could physically gather and give Wanda and Lynn's daughters the love and support that they cherish.

You will be sure to get a full report! Love to all

Lolly said...

Good morning and hooray for the Marvelous Monday Lunch Meeting!! So jealous but so very happy for all of you!

I am about to head outside and have a glorious day digging in the dirt. Also need to take a picture of my front fence. It is in full glory or red roses.

JudyEddy said...

on lunch at McD and I see CAPT at the launch pad Hope someone told him he is to young

JudyEddy said...

DITTO what LOLLY said Jealous wish I could be there also for the lunch

JudyEddy said...

the NMBound nest looks miserable raining she is hunkered down

JudyEddy said...

at first I thought was snow there looked like flakes but seems to be rain

Kay said...

I'll had my ditto to LOLLY's jealousy sentiment re: Marvelous Monday Lunch Meeting by the Tri State Delegation ! However, thrilled to pieces for each and every one of you ! Looking forward to that report !

MARGY, "it won't be all work" indeed, you cagey girl, you !

The Vet's receptionist took all the info on Penny and I'm to expect a call back from one of the doctors. Since we've been tracking the seizures for a full year she may just prescribe something without an office call. As I understand it there isn't a blood test or any kind of feasible test for these things. The chances of a doc actually seeing a dog in the middle of one are slim. Will keep you posted.

Kay said...

Make that "add my ditto" ! ☺

Hoda said...

Well good afternoon.
I had 12 hours of sleep. Feel rested and am having a quiet morning.

All is good here and it is still cold.
Wind has died down a bit.

Awesome that there are MOMSTERS gathered today for Lunch. Awaiting a report and maybe some pictures. I hope they remember pictures so we can all see them gathered.

PAULA I do like your avatar.

LOLLY amazing pictures of your roses on FB!!! Fantastic.

Janet said...

hey all. mid afternoon check in.

Chelsea and kids are en route. weather is calm, for the moment.

JUDYE: we are on BIG hill, so we will not flood...others below us? Well we are close o the Cumberland river, very close in fact, so yes, they may flood.

the Harpeth River was over its banks already this morning.

not looking forward to this weather. several counties called school 2+ hrs early. I picked Olivia up just after 2. Not gonna fight the crazies and the storms.

My spider worts are starting to bloom as well. They are so pretty.

I love my little wren family. Yes, they are noisy, almost as noisy as the nuthatch that gets on my deck and scolds us thru the glass door. silly guy!

Just hanging out for now. I'm sure all will be well, just be glad when it calms down again! (((hugs))) to all

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets plotzed by the launch pad

paula eagleholic said...

I can hear the wind today on the cam

paula eagleholic said...

Wow yea...lots of pin feathers on Prez

paula eagleholic said...

Capt just starting to get some

Mema Jo said...

The lunch crowd should all be arriving to their homes. Food at Dutch's was exceptional as always.
Everyone except Wanda splurged by
ordering desserts. Wanda had coffee and just one bite of Jo's Peanut Butter pie. It was such a good get together and as Wanda said it's been too long coming. Wanda has all the pictures and I'm sure she will post soon on her blog.
I am now going to put my feet up for a few. Thanks for sending so many Great Spirits that joined us!
I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Is Prez trying self feeding?Is it too early for that?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in with a fish....clunk on cam...chicks peeping :)

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds very nice Jo. If I was still living up there I would have loved to have joined ya'll.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent has the fish in the NHZ...chicks must be pretty full...they aren't clamoring for bites just yet...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL...they must have heard me...there they go towards the food.

paula eagleholic said...

Sitting nicely side by side in the middle of the nest :)

Eatin' time!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding over...looks like parent going to provide some shelter from the storm....thought I don't see any rain at the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm, parent is tucked in! Eaglets snuggled under her as best they can.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I think it is too early for self-feeding. Someone else?

magpie said...

Good Afternoon, from one well-fed
and fellowship-filled Magpie....
We also had the wonderful company of Grandma to be in December, Jenny...
No empty seats at our table...
and we had the room we were in all to ourselves....Nice!
Thanks for getting our Reservation,

It was pretty tricky getting a day
that "we" could all be there...
it's nice to know so many are together in Spirit....all the time


magpie said...

We have had some pretty good, light showers so far, Paula....including in Jefferson County, no to sure
it is still raining right now, though

Prayers for Safety for all
in Storms' paths across the country an in all our Eagle Corners

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I am jealous. Would have loved to have been with you. Maybe someday. Grandma responsibilities keep me near home for awhile yet.

stronghunter said...

Interesting watching our eaglet trying to get underneath parent.

Hoda said...

Sounds Fantastic MARGY and JO.
Looking forward to WANDA'S pictures.
I think so too SHIRLEY, too early for self feeding...I thought I saw Prez imitating the action...
Freezing cold here! Honestly enough already!!!
Thinking of you all south east as the storm from Oklahoma and Arkansas
heads your way. Stay Safe.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work

came home just saw adult walking back to the NHZ in the still cam all the other live feeds were frozen

OH YES the wind turning down speakers this am I heard them peep peep that is when I noticed the sound was back but not like this with wind

JudyEddy said...

YEAH so happy you all had a private room to eat in You know them bird people how they can get in public LOL

Judie said...

VA delegate checking in.

Such a lovely lunch. Got to be with special friends and to meet Jo's daughter Jennifer. Remembering past gatherings, nest visits, jokes and teasing over the years. How I wish we could all once again have a nest visit weekend. I think Jo is going to try to bribe Steve.

Rain began as I went through Buckeystown area. Sill raining here at home. I didn't get lost this time - going or coming back.

I hope to stay awake for the Blacklist tonight. BBL

JudyEddy said...

adult still in nhz just saw tail featers at 3

JudyEddy said...

both eagle in the nest

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I'm starting to get some rain drops here in my valley. Glad you're home
safely Judy - you had the longest mileage.

There is a video of Capt trying to feed himself & one of both trying to nibble. I'll try to find link for you over on FB...
Cutest thing you ever will see...


JudyEddy said...

looks like Capt is full he is laying down and Prez is eating over him and it doesn't seem to bother Capt that he is being used as a placemat LOL

stronghunter said...

No problem getting that, Jo. They are both self-feeding. Interesting. I am sure the parents will be feeding them as well for awhile yet.

JudyEddy said...

dinner is over and now she is picking at flugg and sitting down next to them sweet

Judie said...

Thank you Jo for the self-feeding links. Opened both. Fun to watch.

JudyE, you are correct. As I arrived, there was Margy waving her arms about as if SHE were an eagle about to take flight. Very funny to see.


JudyEddy said...

wind has died down can hear peeps every now and then
heard a clunk on cam just now also

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I close my eyes and I can see Margy doing just that Smiling ear to ear thinking of it

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

and of course are headed for some rainy weather. Hope they cover up with the flugg.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Got a lot done in the yard today. We enlarged an island area in our backyard. Lost so much grass this winter and that area is also very shaded. It is now going to have ivy and flower pots.

Jack prepared a grave for Bosco. He will go get him in the morning. Sad!

Watching the news and the devastation in Arkansas. Just can not imagine.

JudyEddy said...

must be rain drops on cam housing I am hearing

JudyEddy said...

Capt just picked at Prez wing who is trying to sleep I am shocked LOL

JudyEddy said...

Adult just flew over and landed in the NEZ

JudyEddy said...

eaglebrella in motion cool snip

JudyEddy said...

Prez is peaking out from under wing

Mema Jo said...

Jeopardy time


***** Judie I sent you an email with a TV show's time

magpie said...

Thinking of you and the family
Lolly...regarding Bosco...glad he is returning to Hawkwood Gardens for burial though, that is a happy thought
(( HUGS ))

magpie said...

The dining room we were in was that no one else was in there, therefore nice and private for us...but there were many other tables....
maybe the Staff had an inkling how Us Bird People Can Be :)

magpie said...

It's a snuggle fest at the nest it seems....nice big half-eaten fish for snacks later I see

magpie said...

I like to think that ALL OF YOU were in those "empty seats" with us


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

The other table were kept empty because that is where our spirits were We were all there in heart

JudyEddy said...

my delete I thought I oopsed but I didn't

magpie said...

Righto, JudyE....your post
matches mine!

Bedtime looms because workweek it's Good Night, Precious Pals time for me

Thinking of Every One...I know I am
skimpy on comments to so many about so much...and I apologize about that

Prayers for Wellness....
and for Safety in Bad Weather

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Judie said...

Good night, Margy. Sleep well.

Jo, got the email. Big decisions with Midsomer, Bletchely, and Blacklist. Biggest decision is to stay awake.

Lolly, comforting that Bosco will still be nearby. Bet the new area will look beauteous after the Lolly treatment.

Very sad for those who have been so devastated by the weather. Prayers for all of them.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, so sorry about Bosco :(

Hoda said...

Well the energy in town continues to be crazy!!! RCMP in busiest intersection of town, with Search and Rescue and the Fire Dept...
Do not know what is going on but they were not amused. Flashing lights all over the place. Unsettling. I asked a Fireman if everyone was alright he said we were all safe and to move on. So when the light turned green I moved on.

LOLLY how are the Grands...I am sorry about Bosco and I hope the Grand kids are alright.

Still do not see any photos from WANDA.

Very good yoga class.

Judie said...

RCMP not amused? Hmmmmm, I was out today so cannot account for Jufie's whereabouts.

Sandperson is on the way with a satchel. I am headed to the pillows.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Should hear from the surgeons office tomorrow concerning Jacob.

The Fritz family will all be in tears tomorrow, especially in the morning when Laurel and the boys leave for school as they will be telling Bosco good bye. Can't think about it! Joey is staying home with him and the vet is coming to the house.

I have been exhausted tonight. Gotta learn to pace myself but I get out, enjoy the work, and then don't stop when I should.

Denton had a Jazz Festival this weekend. Each boy bought a string puppet. Joseph's is a Panda and Jacob's a black and white cat. They have been making videos with them and sending them to me via the phone. Hilarious!

Time for the pillows!

Night all! SED!!

stronghunter said...

Came in to say good night.

Sad about all of the tornadoes.

Very cool and rainy here.

God bless and good night.

SED, everyone.

Janet said...

good evening all.

LOLLY: ((((hugs)))) so sad.

So glad many of you were able to gather and visit!!!

Its been a busy evening here. Weather wise, lots of rain, some thunder, some lightening, but we are okay. South East of here, Lincoln Co. had a really big tornado earlier this evening. Looks as if it was pretty bad. I am sure we will know by morning.

Things are quieting down here. We had one "minor emergency"...lost the pacifier! and at bed time none the less. But we found it and now even miss Lorelei is settling down.

Going to bed in a bit. Waiting for the rain to abate so I can take the dogs out one last time. They are far too delicate you know to tinkle in the rain.

SED all

stronghunter said...

Asking special blessings for the Fritz family and Bosco, Lolly.

Good night.

Hoda said...

Bomb scare!!! The are that had the commotion in Nelson today was due to a bomb scare!!! Court House had to be evacuated also City Hall, The Credit Union that was robbed three days ago, and the Insurance Building where I do business. The officers are still there now!!!
The two young people who were captured for robbery were due to appear in court today. They and their friends are not endearing themselves to the Nelsonites I am afraid. We have all had quite enough!!!

Hoda said...

Good night.
God Bless Us All.

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning my eagle friends. Rain started here around 6pm last night and it isn't supposed to stop until Thursday. No svere storms are predicted but possible flooding. Some forecasts are calling for 5" of rain - good grief!

Sounds like a wonderful, happy get together for lunch yesterday! I can just picture all the hugs and the laughter!

Lolly, I will be thinking of your family today saying goodbye to Bosco.

Have a good day all.

Hoda said...

Good morning SANDI or should I say goodorming!?

Woke up with a dream!

Energies here so out of line it seems.

The couple who were captured have such a sad story.
She has two young children. She is 28 years old. A girl and a boy.
He is 36 and very athletic looking. The content if his FB page have been taken down hers are still up.
She so wanted family...they are engaged.

Thinking if Bosco, and the boys.
Sending love and Light.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I see both eaglets in the cup area

I woke up cams were froze and now I can't get the live feed up

Janet said...

good morning. a soggy morning as we had just shy of 5" of rain and one more round expected later today.

very very sleepy.

Chelsea and the kids stayed til chris got off of work. I was glad as I didn't want her to try to move 3 kids, drive across town, etc in the wee hours. I felt better when Chris came to get them. I went to bed @ 1 a.m. I stayed up with her, and she chattered enough to keep me awake. But barely.

I had a couple of appointments this morning, but have canceled and will go back to bed when Olivia is in school.

good grief.

I just don't do well with less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

HODA: I think energies are not right in many places. I have my theories as to maybe why? But just theories. I shake my head often, so sad. Right now there has been a shooting in a FEDEX office in Kennessaw, GA. Doesn't matter the theories, I suppose.
It is just upsetting.

All around yesterday, schools closed 1 to 2 hours early. Metro did not. I did get Olivia early. They had been on a field trip and were only going to watch movies she didn't miss anything.

Thinking of each of you as you progress thru your day, offering light, love, healing, comfort and hugs as your needs dictate. Holding you close. Thankful for each of you!

Mema Jo said...

New Thread

New Thread

New Thread

Brighten your day and come on over

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...