Wednesday, August 07, 2013


Fresh thread.


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stronghunter said...

Good morning, Steve. I will call the others. Thanks for the new thread.

stronghunter said...

Well, I am over here all alone holding onto my feather.

stronghunter said...

No eagles in the attic now. Several birds flying around.

Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the fresh, new thread.

Congrats SHIRLEY on the feather, and thank you for the call over.

Are you bowling today, SHIRLEY?

Wishing everyone a great day with lots of smiles and joy in your heart!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Thanks Shirley and congrats on the feather - aren't they beautiful ♥

Hi Lori - I bet you are still reading all those books.

Thanks Steve for a fresh new thread

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jack did not have a good night. He is not feeling the feverish ache but not good. Meds take a while.

SHIRLEY, meant to tell you that Joseph's football this week is in shorts and t-shirts, not full gear. Also, it is just this week and then when school starts his practice is in the mornings before school.

Going to purchase t-shirts and tie dye kit today. Yesterday I made the Camp Hawkwood 2013 to iron on the shirts.

Oh, and during the night Joey figured out they had a breaker throw on the AC. The fan was blowing but apparently the compressor is on another breaker. So around 2AM it started cooling. Thank goodness!!

stronghunter said...

Got knocked off the blog somehow and had trouble re-connecting. Hope I can post this.

Sandi said...

Hi all, just checking in and I see we have a new thread. Thanks Steve, and thanks to Shirley for the call over.

Working on stuff for this saturday's tennis clinic that I am organizing, then I'll head to the grocery store. Another gray day - it has been an unusual summer weather-wise - not great for folks who pay to come here for only 1 week.


stronghunter said...

Glad they got the AC back on, Lolly. AC is essential when it is so hot.

Hunter's practices are at 5:50 PM. It would be tough to get him up early enough to go practice before school, but it would be cooler then. Makes sense as long as you can get adults who can be available then.

stronghunter said...

They do have practice on Saturday mornings.

Hoda said...

Good morning.


Sorry to hear JACK is not feeling well LOLLY.
Sorry it needs to be asked: is this in any way connected to the prostrate high count? Again I think go to the doctor please.

SHIRLEY how much longer before Colorado?

Happy Studying LORI.

It is HOT here already . Rained all night. 57 now going up to 91!!! Sun is strong at 8:30 in the morning.

Market day and yoga today.

JANET enjoy Michigan

SK sounds amazing WANDA. KUDOS

JUDIE the recipe sounds intriguing with the sauce. Maybe I could make homemade catsup and grape jelly and see how to use it on rice and vegetables.

Ten more days MARGY. Make sure we have your flight numbers and places you will visit. Also leave your passport number with JO or PAULA. Don't put your iteninary on the blog but leaving it with JO OR PAULA is a safety measure.

Today is the last day of Ramadan. Feast starts tomorrow. God keep us all safe.

Janet said...

good mid morning and THANK YOU STEVE for the new mid week thread.

Let's see: JUDIE: tell mr sandman to please bring extra sleepy dust and a mallet to smack me over the head

LORI: enjoy that studying!!!

HODA: (and all others) am planning on enjoying the trip. an adventure for me!!!!

soooo, its raining, thundering off and on. nothing severe, but the good part is i am cleaning the inside of the house. i went thru livvy's you have to do periodically when you have kids. thing is, she "cleans" her room every saturday...but when i clean i do it with a garbage bag and a what can i get rid of? box....

in six months will do it again.

tom should be home from physical therapy any time, then we are going out to lunch. i'm thinking mexican sounds good.

hope everyone has a lovely rest of the morning. will check in this afternoon! love and hugs

Sandi said...

Just got another phone call from the "Technical Department @ Windows," explaining that my computer was infected (my poor computer). "Private Caller" was all that came up on my Caller ID. This time, I asked the young man with an obvious Indian accent for his name and a phone number and explained that I wanted to call him to verify that he was actually calling from that number. I hung up, called the number, and sure enough, there was "Ron Nelson" (sure sounds like an Indian name to me) on the other end of the line! I proceeded to read a portion of an article to him that I had found online about scammers calling people claiming to be from Windows Technical Support and asked him to take my number off of his calling list. Then, just to make sure he can't call me again, I put the number he gave me into my phone's list of blocked calls. Just an approach to take if you ever get one of those calls.

Hoda said...

Good on you SANDI and thank you for Shari g what to do.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Good advice, SANDI ! I screen most calls, hoping to avoid the Ron Nelson's of this world. The most frequent robo caller of late has been the "First Alert" scammer, claiming someone has purchased one for me and "we need to talk about it" ! Arrrrrgggghhhhhh !

Yes, thanks for the new thread, STEVE and congrats on the feather in your cap, SHIRLEY !

LORI, you're going to ace all those courses/tests---I feel it in my bones which are connected pretty much the way JUDIE describes !

HODA, "in the raw", The Full Monte", in the buff or one's birthday suit---go ahead n' eat those raw foods wearing anything you want to, or nuttin' at all ! ☺

♫♪ Happy Birthday♪♫ to PAULA's hunk, a hunk of burning love, Larry !

Prayers and love for all with special emphasis on Christine, Shar and Lolly's Jubby ! Hope those 3 are improving with every passing day !


Lori O. said...

Good afternoon, KAY! Any good Malcolm and Penny stories?

Big Hugs to everyone!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work now to do some catching up to do

Mema Jo said...

Watching Lun Lun - she is holding one of the cubs in her left arm but you can see him wiggle a little every now and then.

JudyEddy said...

thanks for the new thread, STEVE WHERE ARE MY MANNERS

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Larry
Enjoy your shopping and your
dinner with your fishing mate

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY sure do hope that JACK is feeling better soon

LORI keep up the reading


JUDIE is giving us a good laugh as always LOVE IT

KAY give both doggies a scratch behind the ear from all of us

SANDI so sorry about the rain

we had rain when I was at work Which is typical afternoon thunderboomers only a half inch in my gauge but I know more at work I want to buy a gauge for there Being we are right on the bay always get more rain

JudyEddy said...

♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Lolly, sounds like the Hippie Camp Hawkwood Project will be great fun! Looking forward to pictures. Sorry Jack isn't feeling well again. And glad Joey figured out the breaker for the AC...looks like no relief in sight anytime soon for y'all.

Lori if you are reading this....GET BACK TO STUDYING!!! LOL!

Lynne2 said...


paula eagleholic said...

Thank you for all the birthday wishes for Larry.

Bad news is the buyers pulled out of the house sale. Great day to find out. Still trying. To salvage the deal. Wish us luck!

JudyEddy said...


PAULA I hope that they can pull something off

stronghunter said...

A couple of small birds in the attic.

stronghunter said...

Oh, goodness, Paula. I hope things can be worked out.

JudyEddy said...





JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

So nice to see Belle!

JudyEddy said...



Lori O. said...

Darn, I missed Belle.

Hoping everyone had a great day...that Jack and Christine were feeling better.

SHIRLEY, is there an update on Pat?

LYNNE2, I did get back to studying until 8, then jumped in the shower to wrap it up.

I've put down the books for the night, but nothing good on TV...I'm not a big fan of America's Got Talent. Waiting until 9 for the season opener of Million Dollar Listing L-A, on Bravo. Really like the NY version of the show.

WANDA, I hope you've recovered from your busy night last night... you, too, JUDIE!

Sweet dreams ---AOYP everyone.

Lori O. said...

Forgive me,

PAULA, I hope you and Larry have a great dinner tonight and that you salvage the house deal. Good Luck!

JudyEddy said...


DANAMO Did not realize that we have a new camera set up on the tree I posted pic of Belle on fb as always and she made a comment about it I told her to start watching and that is what happens when she stopped dropping in she lost touch told her that they still show up

paula eagleholic said...

Good idea sandi

Hope jack feels better soon

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Paula, hope the sale of Larry's abode can be salvaged. If not, another better offer will come along. Just hope the day/evening have been enjoyable.

Janet, safe travels tomorrow.

Hoping everyone had as good a day as possible.

Sandperson is here and rummaging in the hall closet. Departure at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Sandperson here: Extra sleepy dust? A mallet? Late arrival?

It is not an easy task to satisfy the needs of 20+ women every night.

Lolly said...

Jack's problem is not related to his prostate problem. This is a urinary track infection. He is on antibiotics for it as well as feel better meds. He has been in touch with the nurse in the urologists office. Same doctor he goes to for the prostate. His next biopsy has been postponed. Ever since he was very young he has had this problem. He sees a doctor regularly for this and has a standing script to get meds. (The sooner the better!) He is still not feeling great and it taking longer than usual.

Had a meeting at church tonight and have another tomorrow.

Today was our 8th or 9th day above 100. Groan....

Sandi, loved how you took care of that spam caller. So annoying! We have had several calls from the shipping department about "our" alert system. I think NOT!!!

JudyEddy said...

get to sleep in tomorrow and Fri won't be picking up Jordyn till 3
Her teacher asked if she could attend the two days for parties etc

Next week will be the last week I have her all day cause school starts the 19th She wants to go back to Winter again the last time we talked she could always change her mind Typical girl thing

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Thank you LOLLY . Keeping JACK in healing prayer.
Did the camera show any bunny activity?

Lolly said...

Funny it did not!! Also, have not seen Bunny today.

Lolly said...

Our sprinkler system ran last night and there are sprayers in the herb garden. He might not have liked the water. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Bunny is camera shy! Hoping for a better day tomorrow for Jack.

Sorry about the house deal for Larry but a better offer may be headed his way.

Tomorrow is CT day for Christine - I'm praying that the abscess has disappeared........

Thundering outside and rain is coming down....
Goodnight to all ♥
I ♥ US

Hoda said...

Goodnight all

God Bless Us All

stronghunter said...

Did not get an update on Pat today. Yesterday was not good. I have not heard about any test results since the latest ones were done.

Thanks for asking, Lori.

Sadly, Joe is in bad shape, too. Very unfortunate for the family.

stronghunter said...

I have to call it quits for the evening. Yawning.

I will see you tomorrow.


magpie said...

Good Night, Eagle Pals...

Sure praying for wellness and comfort,
safe travels....

Wishing Larry a Happy Birthday, with at least 30 minutes to go!
Hope the house sale deal comes back around as a "GO."

Best Wishes for Sweeeeet Sleep

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Wanted to get on to say good night, but my laptop would not cooperate! grrrr! So, I am on my iPad. So there, Laptop! LOL

Jack is watching baseball, but I am caving!

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends!

No picture on the live cam right now - just a gray screen.

Shirley, prayers for Pat and her husband.

Jo, prayers for Christine that she gets good news today and is feeling better.

Paula, sorry the house deal fell through for Larry - how disappointing.

Hoping to play some tennis at 9 this morning - skies are gray again! I would not have wanted to pay money to rent a place for my one week of vacation at the beach this week!

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Good Thursday morning to all!

We had about 4" (yes inches) of rain overnight. Flash flooding...yikes.

We did have a break in the rain to go outside int he evening and play with the heelers.

JO: hope there is good news from the CT for Christine...

JUDIE: thank Mr. SANDMAN for the extra sleepy dust and mallet whack. i slept hard. :)


SANDI: you are clever. I typically ignore unknown numbers for such reasons. I figure if they want to talk to me, they will leave a message.

PAULA: hoping that house sells!!!!

okay .... drum roll..... house is clean. (or as clean as it can be with all the furbabies). laundry: done. sable's breakfast preapcked for tom to give to her...okay, get the kid off to school and get myself ready, and i think I'll board a plane later today and head to michigan. sooo exicted for the adventure.

will have my laptop with will check in.

everyone have a lovely day...light and love, healing and smiles for all....have a wonderful day!

Sandi said...

Janet, have a WONDERFUL time in Michigan!! =)

Sandi said...

I can see the tree now on the cam and it looks like Miss Belle is sitting there where she normally is!

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday Morning everyone!

JANET, have a wonderful time on your trip. Very happy for you! Bet you're glad to be leaving all that rain.

SANDI, hope your court is dry and you get to play tennis this morning. We had rain all night.

JO, keep us posted on Christine's CT scan today. Prayers for healing for her, and for SHIRLEY's friends Pat and her husband, Joe, I think.

LOLLY, Dang on the no bunny pics! Hoping your weather cools down so you can play outside.

JUDYE, enjoy your time with Jordyn and sleeping in!

PAULA, hoping Larry's house will get another buyer pronto! Tell us about your dinner last night. :)

SHIRLEY, sorry the news has not been good about Pat.

The vet comes today to check out RoRo's leg which he's been holding up as he hops around on three legs. I can feel an expensive surgery around the corner. Whatever it takes.

Love you ALL!!! Big Hugs for a great day and big smiles.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
It is NOT hot for now.
It woke me up!!!
Blessed Be.
Will go up to 91 later on but for now it is 50.
How nice!

Hope RORO does not have to have surgery LORI.

Praying for CHRISTINE JO. Keep us posted.

Energy in town seems more balanced. The Shambhala crowd already headed out to the ranch and will be there till Monday/Tuesday. Some will hang around for a week or do longer.

Yesterday I saw plates from Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, New York , Maryland, yes you all too can come it is possible to drive all the way out here, and Illinois.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Janet, safe travels and lots and lots of fun in Michigan.

Lori, hope RoRo's leg will be treatable and not a bank-breaker.

Jo, looking for an excellent CT report for Christine. Hugs for the Family Lennox.

Margy, is Tom Sweetie still around? How's Lorraine doing?

Shirley, only nine days till Colorado day!

Isla has begun her migration. Her babe is successfully fledged and on her way. Wishing them both safe travels and Isla's return for a 30th year.

Lun Lun has a wiggly cub this morning.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

Hoda said...

Also Alaska

Hoda said...

Judie when they fledge do they make the long migratory trip right away? Is Isla travelling with her young or alone... All the way to Africa??? Wow!!! It is to Africa, right?

Judie said...

Mornin' Hoda,

Isla is thought to have begun migration yesterday. Her destination, if I am correct, is Africa where the weather is warmer over the winter. There are "rest stops" along the way with one somewhere in Spain. Her fledgling has a transmitter so, hopefully, her migration pattern will be tracked.

Okay, need to attack my closet this morning to sort and decide before school begins.


Hoda said...

Thank you JUDIE!!!
That is an awful long way to go!
Admirable on 29 amazing on 30!!!
I hope she makes it!

How long do they live? Anyone know?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yet another hot day and my water bill mounts. Just trying to keep shrubs and trees alive. However, my redbuds are dropping leaves fast. :(

Have fun in Michigan, Janet. Love Michigan. Have family there and have traveled the state.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Safe Journey Janet! I can imagine your excitement.

Thanks to all for your concern about Christine. CT today and then appointment in Baltimore tomorrow.

On FB Dana is at her school today. I am sure she is preparing her classroom.

I will have a hair cut today along with Izzy and Sammy getting their school haircuts. FUN ♥

Dinner tonight will be for both families of Michael's children.
Sloppy Joes ♥

Hoda said...

Well I will join The Walking Meditation group today.
Her Majesty Megan Webber has declared war on rabbits all because if some eucalyptus!!!
I tried to protect them and she said off with your head!!! Or was it off with their heads??? Not sure same difference!!! Someone is about to lose their head!!!
I am off to walking meditation seems safer to me than talking to Megan right now!!!

JudyEddy said...

BOY did I sleep in

Been up for just a bit

I want to go back to bed LOL

JANET have a great trip and a safe on


Judie said...

Baby Sumatran tigers born at the National Zoo four days ago. Just announced. Two cute little babies. On display at 16 weeks if all goes well.

JudyEddy said...

91° now YUK

JudyEddy said...

feels like 101°

Costume Lady said...

SANDI, I too have had calls from the Technical Dept. associated with WINDOWS. It started after a phone call I made trying to get my computer straightened out...with no luck, but no money was put up front. Anyway, when I started getting these calls, I thought they were follow-ups from my previous HELP call. The caller was so 'PEGGY' that I couldn't understand anything but "technician for Windows". I kept telling him to put someone on the line who could speak ENGLISH. He never did, but others kept calling with the same message, so I then realized it wasn't a 'helpful' phone call, just a phony, wannabe technician:)

Yes, LORI...35-40 people at the SK used to be a LOT!
These days, our average is 60-75 with 103 being the most. WOW! What a night that was...I don't think we ran out of food, but I have prepared a box that we keep in the pantry, for emergencies such as that. All food that can be prepared in the microwave (we have 2) in about 5 minutes. We have used some of these back-up foods once or twice and no one seemed to mind.
JUDIE, I have rested up...didn't do much yesterday...Gene and I sat out on the deck for hours, just chatting and enjoying Mother Nature. I think I was so tired because I spent a LOT of time putting clothes in the Closet on Monday...two big days in a row, does me in these days:)

Hoda said...

GG, better known in Canada as the Queen's Representative, Governor General, has unveiled a .25 cent coin commemorating the birth of Prince George of Cambridge. It has a British Pram in the centre with two maple leafs and two rings saying William and Catherine.
It is a collector edition.

OUR GG is my favourite however and far more enduring and delightful stories of her and about her continue to be a GEM. Thank you GG and WANDA.

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Dinner is finished and families have gone home to get little ones ready for bed.

I am heading in for Jeopardy -
And then there really isn't much of anything good on TV. I need that good book.

BBL towards 11:00

Lori O. said...

It's a slow day on this here blog.

Hope that means everyone is out having a great time doing whatever it is you love to do! Well, I doubt LOLLY is still out in the garden at this hour...then again it may still be daylight in Texas.

Hope you all had a great day.

I'm way ahead of the Sandman tonight. I'm going to bed to watch a little TV and off to lala land.

SED! God Bless all of us!

stronghunter said...


Back from football practice.

Got a message from one of my bridge friends with very good news about Pat. The hospital has figured out what is wrong. She did not have a stroke.

She has had internal bleeding for several years and has been hospitalized before for this. They found a benign polyp on the base of her stomach. The polyp has been removed.

My friend said that the ammonia in her blood caused a bad chemical imbalance which caused the problems.

She is having slight problems with her hand and will need rehab for this.

No, I do not understand all of this either, but it sounds like she is healing now.

JudyEddy said...

Great news SHIRLEY on Pat

I agree certainly a quite night on the blog
Janet should be at her destination Michigan now Wishing you luck sis

popping in nice evening with kids

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. I've been watching from the sideline and have remembered, in prayers, all those needed.

Now I come to the best prayer group I know for prayers for my brother in law, Charlie. He was taken to Hershey Medical yesterday with difficulty breathing and a very low hemogloblin and blood pressure. More tests are needed but they suspect internal bleeding somewhere and his asthma, which he had since very young, has gotten worse. He is also on a antibiotic for an infection from his numerous hip surgeries. My sister, Judy, has been through *ell with his medical problems and they are losing their house through foreclosure. It's been tough for her.
Please prayer for them. Thank you.

God bless.

Judie said...

Time to say goodnight.

Shirley, truly hoping the source of Pat's problem has been removed and she will soon make a rapid recovery.

Jo, there were two new (to me) 48 Hours tonight. Glad you had some great family time.

Does anyone else have a sneaky suspicion that Lori's early to bed nights are only going to increase? Wonder about RoRo?

Nice video of the Atlanta cubs posted on the web site.

Okay, sandperson has gone down the hallway and into the closet to pack sleepy dust. Will be on the way soon.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Charlie and for his whole family.

stronghunter said...

Lori is going to be very busy. But it will pay off, I am sure.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!

It seemed a little cooler here today, so I was busy getting housework caught up. Broiled some chicken thighs so we'll have them to either warm up or eat cold as the weekend weather dictates. Got a couple of washloads of laundry done, too.

Lolly, saying lots of healing prayers for Jack. Hope he's feeling better!

Diann, I've added Charlie and Judy to my prayer list, and also praying for his medical team. Hope they can find the source of his problems.

Shirley, glad to hear that Pat seems to be getting better now. Prayers continue for her and for her husband.

Hope Christine is feeling better.
Anxious to hear a good report about her! Prayers continue.

Wishing those who are traveling a safe journey.

Lori, I hope RoRo's leg can be fixed with a hopefully not too expensive surgery! Prayers for the little guy! Want to wish you all the very BEST in your studies!
I know you can do this! (If I could, you should have no problem!)
I'm sure that our dear Lynn will be watching over you, too. You go, girl!

Well, I'm going to go veg in TV Land for a bit, then call it a day.
Don't forget to wear red tomorrow!
Hope everyone has a fantastic Red Friday!

The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. SED, everyone! God bless, and goodnight.
I ♥ us!!!
♥♥Thinking of you, Lynn!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥

Hoda said...

Well prayers for CHARLIE PA NANA.

Blessed Be SHIRLEY for PAT. It is often that I miss LYNN but situations like this would have been very well explained by her. God Rest Her Soul.

LORI will be a great nurse. Yes I too would have liked to hear about RORO JUDIE.
48 hours program makes me very nervous. I watched 20 minutes once on the Internet and became very afraid of people!!! Mistrustful!!! I can not imagine watching two episodes back to back!!!

I had a very frustrating yoga practice with the same young teacher. I am pleased to report my yoga and my spiritual practice became what I worked with to go beyond being resentful. God Bless her but I do remember late twenties where I struggled so much to put forth the idea I knew what I was doing and in reality I did not!!! That image came on so strongly and I could not be resentful. God Bless Her. We are all just walking each other home.

Hoda said...

Missing LOLLY and hope her day was good. Also missing PAULA and wondering about LARRY'S house. Some good pictures on FB from her regarding a fishing boat and a HUGE FISH!

Swam in the morning after I did my walking meditation.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Diann, prayers for Charley and Judy.

Hoping Christine will get a good report on her MRI tomorrow!

Glad to hear good news for Pat,, what a roller coaster.

Mema Jo said...

I' a night owl tonight ♥
Goodnight to all ♥

Prayers for Charlie and for Judy
Prayers for Pat and also a prayer
for Christine

Prayers for all our needs


Lolly said...

I'm here! Had a meeting at church tonight. Great to get out and be with the ladies, long time friends!! We know each other so well, raised our kids together!

Now I am heading to bed. We are getting up early to do the yard. Jack says he can do it. We shall see. He slept well last night and has seemed better today.

Prayers for Charlie, more prayers for Pat. Great news about her! I collapsed once with a bleeding ulcer. Lost a lot of blood but never passed out. Had Jack and Michael right there with me. We had no idea what was pain, but I lost a LOT of blood which showed up later. So, I can understand if she passed out.

Heading to bed. Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...


God Bless Us All.

Hoda said...

For sure your sandman has gone to Shambhala JUDIE!
His satchel must have had more than dust in it!!!
I hear they are grooving it up some out there and it is getting Wild!
So I will warm up some coconut milk and get my book and see if that does the trick! I have two books on the go! I hope I do not finish both...
The good news is the east coast people will soon be up and I will have someone to chat with!!!
1/2 an hour to go...
Wake up people!!!
There is jogging to do and tennis to play and meteors to watch and breakfast to prepare and a west coast friend to talk to...ok not really west coast but you know what I mean...better than saying a Nor'wester friend!!! You all might think I was stormin'. OK coconut milk is ready

Hoda said...

Maybe I have not told you???
The Music Festival that is happening on a ranch in this here parts is called Shambhala Music Festival!!!

I meditate with the Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre. Different organization though...

Hoda said...

These here parts!!!
Not this!!!

Oh goodie!
The New York Times just arrived.
The Times of London too!!!


I will go see if the rest of the world is still alive!!!

Any bets?

Oh I forgot you all are asleep!!!

Tip toeing out of here...

Lori O. said...

GOOD MORNING HODA. Goodness you're up late, or super early!

Hoda said...


Stomp Stomp Stomp


Loud Music!


Hoda said...

Anyone awake yet???



Hoda said...

How is RORO?

Sandman is having a wild party at Shambhala and has not been here yet LORI!!!

Lori O. said...

Should have started reading the blog at the end and I would have seen you, HODA. I hope the sandman got you and you're sleeping now.

SHIRLEY, great news about Pat!!!

DIANN, prayers for Charley and Judy. Can't imagine the stress of a foreclosure on top of his health problems now.

So sorry I forgot RoRo's report yesterday. He has a torn right hind cruciate ligament, or ACL, and is scheduled with a specialist - probably surgery too, on Tuesday.

Went to bed at ten last night and got up this morning at 4:30 and decided I may as well stay up.

Hope MARGY is okay.

LOLLY have fun in your yard this morning.

Hope everyone has a great RED Friday! TGIF!

Hoda said...

Sorry to hear that LORI about RORO!
I was hoping no surgery.

What are your plans for this morning LORI?

Hoda said...

I just yawned!!!
Coconut milk is working

Try again

Lori O. said...

I hope you're sleeping now, HODA.
WOW - you're going to be tired today....wait...knowing you, you won't be!

Sorry, I left you. Wanted to feed the cats and dogs before Kate got up so she wouldn't have to do it.

It's so humid here. The windows are all steamed up on the outside. Think we had more rain last night.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and Hoda, if you're still awake!

MT tree in Shepherdstown and more gray skies here. Yesterday started cloudy like this but cleared up and turned into a great day for tennis and for beaching.

Sandi said...

Lori, sorry to hear that RoRo needs surgery. How did he tear his ACL?? He's so young!

Diann, prayers for Charlie and Judy - health problems and money problems are an ugly combination.

Jo, any news on Christine?

Lolly, hope Jack's meds kick in and he starts perking up.

Shirley, great news about Pat that doctor's found the source of her problem and that she didn't have a stroke!

Hoda, isn't there another yoga teacher you could go to since you don't seem to like the methods this young teacher uses? Yoga is supposed to be about relaxing and getting rid of stress. It just seems like you have to work so hard to be OK with this teacher that it's counterproductive to being a stress relieving activity.

Janet, good luck with your class today!

I got a sub for tennis today - don't want to overdo it with my calf. But I played 3 full sets yesterday - a total of 32 games of tennis - and felt great on the court and afterward. Tomorrow, I am running a clinic with another member of the club I belong to who used to be a tennis pro. The focus will be on doubles strategy. Hoping to pick up some pointers even though I won't be one of the 16 people on the courts.

Have a great day all!

Lori O. said...

SANDI, we're not exactly sure how RoRo tore his ACL, but think it was during a scuffle with Dalai.

Good luck with your tennis clinic tomorrow!

Janet said...

Good morning from the mitten known as Michigan!

My trip up here was an adventure....planes not ready...but itss all okay because we are all doing the best that we can. With that attitude, I took it all in stride and kept on a going.

The drive from Flint was beautiful....the gps conked out about 30 min from my destination....which was okay because I had directions but by then it was also DARK...but i made it okay.

Sunshiney here!!!!! Been over a week since I had seen the sun. Cool too.

I am holding each of you in my heart and thoughts as I go thru this day....

Time for a facebook check in, a shower and then off to meet my long time friend whom I have never met! Later gaters! Light, love, hugs, and smiles to all

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hoda, sorry the sandperson missed you. May have been overcome with fumes from the festival. Looks a bit "hung over" this morning.

Lori, sorry about RoRo needing surgery. I'm sure he'll be better but it is worrisome when pets are injured.

Diann, wishing the best possible outcome for Judy and Charlie. Very stressful time for them.

Janet, glad you arrived to find sunshine waiting for you and that you had a safe trip. Enjoy and keep us posted.

Off to find some more coffee and the newspaper.

Have a lovely morning.

JudyEddy said...



Mema Jo said...

Wow! This night owl isn't any Early bird!
Good Afternoon to all ♥

Lori, sorry about RoRo needing surgery. I'm sure he'll be better

Janet, glad you had a safe trip

Diann, Prayers for the best possible outcome for Judy and Charlie.

Sandi - Good luck with your tennis clinic tomorrow and I am hoping for no rain and lots of sunshine.

Shirley - praying for Pat's recovery

Hoda said...

I hear the wind.

I am well with it.

Such a joy.

SANDI thank you for your comments on yoga teacher.

Praying we all have a terrific day.

Off to yoga and then swimming.

Trying to decide if I will go to The Garlic Festival to help the Eco Society in September.

Volunteered for RedFish/Kokanee Salmon spawning Festival in the park the end of August. I like the park out there.

Last Market Fest with the Eco Society we took in 4000 dollars. I knew we passed the 3000 mark an hour before my shift ended. People were literally throwing money at us / donation cans. I kept emptying them so there would never be more than a few dollars in there and then it would start again!!! Good trick.keep the cans sparse.

Mema Jo said...

Christine is leaving her dr appointment at UMMC with this comment

Christine Thompson
Abscess is empty, drain tube removed. Leaving the hospital now. Hopefully this is the end! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
Amen - Thank you my friends for thinking of her all this time... Means so very much to me ♥

stronghunter said...

:) Happy to see the good news about Christine, Jo.

Hoda said...

God Bless the Lennox family and our MEMA JO

JudyEddy said...

WOW the weather at the nest looks terrible

JudyEddy said...

Off to go get Jordyn

Mema Jo said...

Megan should have Happy Feet
Beautiful downpour and it is lasting

magpie said...

Wonderful news about Christine, Jo...

Hope the Healing and Feeling Better Accelerates Pronto!

Prayers offered for Pa Nana's
brother....with serious illness....and the troubles that go with it....
(( Healing Hugs ))

magpie said...

And what good news about Shirley's Bridge Pal Pat!! Now that's the good kind of turnaround news we like to see ♥

magpie said...

Happy times in Michigan wishes for
Janet... !

magpie said...

Well, we surely have gotten
some wet weather the last few days...
rainy then steamy then rainy
and muggy.
Sounds like August to me !

back to work now, here at the
dough factory

Judie: By the Way:
Tom Sweetie's still around and still cooking and still looking for a real house.
Lorraine is doing well...she actually rented a car and made a trip to Falls Church last week-end to celebrate her 85th birthday with a long-time pal...

magpie said...

Oh, each time I go to Physical Therapy...I am coming home with another hour's worth of exercises...but they are good
exercises and I'm trying to keep up

Lolly said...

Helloooooo! Yard work done!! Up at 7 and out by 8 mowing. We finished up in 1 1/2 hours, a record, I think. Since we have not had any rain the grass is not growing. Sad! So, then at 9;30 we headed to church to water the garden there. Home my 10:30, we watered pots here and dry flowers. Have not seen Bunny in two days. ????

I think some fumes or maybe some brownies got a hold of Hoda last night, or should I say this morning. Hoda, you are a hoot!

Our nickname for Laurel is WoWo. I think of that every time I read RoRo. LOL Sorry about the surgery, not fun!

Lolly said...

Washed my hair after working in the yard. Trying to get it dry so I can head to the store. Always need grossssseries! :)

Hoda said...

The RCMP just reported a death at the Shambhala Music Festival. Not drug related they assured us. The woman was there with her husband. They are from Alberta. RIP

PA Nana said...

Good evening. No news on Charlie today, but no news is good news. Thanks for all the prayers.

Hoda, you are a hoot! Wish I checked the blog earl, early this am to talk with you. Had trouble falling asleep and we could have had a party of two.

Jo, glad to hear good news about Christine. May she have continued good health.

The weather news is terrible. Floods and fires. Hope all monsters/dadsters are safe.

Lori, study, study, study. Know you will ace the courses. Sorry to hear about RoRo.

Shirley, hope your friend continues to improve.

Lolly, hope the rainmaker soon sends you some relief. Are you still shaking that stick?

Margy, hi and one 'n two. Stretch those fingers.

Almost time for Jeopardy so will close for now.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes! Shaking the rain stick!! It is part of my den décor! LOL

Jack and I went and bought a few grossssseries. Also, got gas...for $3.19!!

Bought steaks to take to Laurel's tomorrow. How about steaks, baked pots and corn on the cob? Guess you do not get it there but Colorado Olath corn is available here. Best corn on the cob ever!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home from kids and I see a eagle in the attic

JudyEddy said...

YEP there is a eagle in the attic
hard to see but is there

Mema Jo said...

Signing off for the day. I have 2 little gals spending the night and I need to be attentive! ♥

God Bless you all through the night!


Hoda said...

Goodnight JO.

Enjoy the little ones.

Hoda said...

Good night

God Bless Us All.

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy. Cannot think well enough to respond to posts tonight.

Have been running about town as usual. Ordered subs for dinner and enjoyed mine.

Did try to read back, and am thinking of everyone. SED.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

Oh! A Kids Sleepover in Lennoxville....sounds like a LOT of fun

Hope everyone amongst us can catch their breath and get some good rest as needed

Prayers for Wellness ALL AROUND

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

Janet said...

good evening my eagle has been an absolutely delightful day!

pix are posted on my blog site as well as face book. my friend leisa posted some pix of me on facebook as well.

the weather was perfect, LLLLOOOWWWW humidity, low 80's and sunny! we toured all round, mostly nature places whick Leisa and I both to see downtown which is beautiful small town USA....nice shops....

went to the fish market, got some salmon, lobster tails for dinner and i bought some smoked whitefish for me to snack on! yummmo!

sooo pretty here. but am tired...

JO: glad Christine is doing better and heading home.

HODA: stop inhaling the fumes!!! someone, get her some oxygen, lol.

Tired and cannot remember the rest of the comments...

heading to bed. teaching in the a.m.

light, lvoe, hugs amiles, and healing to all in need...SED!

PA Nana said...

Watching a bit of tv until the sandman drops some dust on me.
Have a good night and God bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in quickly to say goodnight. Glad to hear good news about Christine! Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Prayers continue for Judy and Charlie too.

Lori, sorry that RoRo will need surgery, but sure he will feel much better afterward. Please give him and Dalai belly rubs for me!
Emma says, "Woof! woof!"

Shirley, so glad your friend has done such a marvelous turn-around!
Prayers for her and her husband.

Shar, hope you're doing well! Healing prayers for you, too!

Lolly, hope Jack is feeling better.
Don't let him overdo! Have the meds kicked in yet? Also, how's Annie doing? Hope she's still eating better.

Well, think I'll call it a day. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Wishing for SED for everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥♥♥ us!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--pulling a Margy here, to say that it's good to see you on here, Margy! Hope you can keep up with the physical therapy exercises, and will be back to 100% before you know it! Prayers for a speedy recovery for you!
OK--better go now. Almost did a face plant!
Goodnight all!

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning my eagle friends! No image on the eagle cam right now - just a gray screen.

Gotta get hopping and get to the tennis courts to start drying them off before folks show up for the first clinic at 8:30.

Prayers for Christine, Jack, Shirley's friend Pat and her husband, and Diann's brother-in-law Charlie and his wife.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...

the tree is sort of visible now but just barely through the grey screen
I can see that the attic is MT

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all. It is another perfect morning here .... I sat out and had my coffee by the AuSable River...watching the geese...the seagull...the skies...just everything...perfect sunshine and a breeze. so much to be thankful for on this day!

I have my Reiki classes today and am very excited about that. :) :)

We went to this fish market yesterday and bought some fish. They had smoked fish, a treat I don't get very often . I tired some smoked whitefish, and it tasted liked the smoked herring my mom used to eat. So I bought myself a big piece of it and that is what I just enjoyed for breakfast! Pure yummmy protein!

Everyone have a lovely day....light, love and smiles to each of you!

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday Morning Everyone!!!

JANET, so happy you're having a great time on your trip. It sounds lovely. I'll have to check out your pictures. Enjoy your class today.

HODA & LOLLY, hope your weather is not too hot today. Supposed to be 81 here.

JO, bet you had a fun little slumber party last night with your two little guests! So sweet.

SANDI, good luck with your tennis clinic today!

DIANN, as always, great to see you on here. How is Charley?

I have so much to do today it was hard to fall asleep last night. I didn't get as much reading done yesterday as I wanted to because I got caught up on trying to update all the drivers on my computer. So, today I'm organizing and studying...with breaks for WWF, of course!

Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

Hoda said...

59 right now headed to 90!
Thunder storms expected in afternoon evening.
Dragon Boating in the AM
Regatta volunteering for sculling club afterwards.
The Dragon Boating team is assisting.
Feeling good with my sleep.
Missing a night of sleep upsets my cycles.

Prayers for all
Everyone enjoy what ever comes today.

see you all when I return
enjoying my freshly vacuumed flat.
did that yesterday.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all.

Arrived in Paradise yesterday...had to mow. Larry is here too. Got a job interview in Crisfield on Monday...have to go buy an outfit. Did't bring an interview outfit withme. Next door neighbor...the 82 yo man...his wife passed Wednesday. Other neighbor (sue ellen) and I are goiing to the service this afternoon.

Gotta go get caUght up

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all.

Arrived in Paradise yesterday...had to mow. Larry is here too. Got a job interview in Crisfield on Monday...have to go buy an outfit. Did't bring an interview outfit withme. Next door neighbor...the 82 yo man...his wife passed Wednesday. Other neighbor (sue ellen) and I are goiing to the service this afternoon.

Gotta go get caUght up

paula eagleholic said...

No news on Larry's house...think the deal is dead.

Sorry about roro's leg.

Good news on Pat and Christine.

Hoda said...

Thank you for checking in PAULA.
Glad you and LARRY are in Paradise.
Enjoy the process of job interview and the new outfit.
Sorry about the death of a neighbour.
May the celebration of her life be one of LIGHT and joy.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hi Andy and Sandi.

Hoda, it is really difficult to imagine how any one person can be so lazy. Have you considered doing some volunteer work to help pass the time? lol Have lots and lots of fun today.

Paula, glad you and Studmuffin are together and will wish you success on Monday. Very sorry about your neighbor's wife. Am sure your neighbor appreciates your support.

Slow day today. Overcast. Kind of day that begs for a mid-morning nap. Afternoon, may stop by the public library and then forage for cat food. Audrey and Grace do not take kindly to hunger.

Have a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Fell asleep in my chair and then went to bed and forgot to say good night and forgot to shut down the laptop. Shame on me.

Wish I was in Paradise! 82 here and heading up to high 90's. Our break in the weather. lol Chance of rain, but so slight that we are not holding our breaths. Laurel called last night and they had a sprinkle! She was enjoying the smell. She said it was actually sprinkling but instantly dried on hitting the ground.

Annie is eating but very little at a time. We give her a spoonful at a time as she likes it fresh. Also, we carry her to her dish to remind her to eat. And, we have put her dish in the bathroom by the closet door where she likes to sleep. That also reminds her to eat. Had her dishes in the utility room but that did not remind her to eat. Poor kitty!

Lolly said...

Going to Denton this afternoon. Going to bake some banana nut bread this morning. Best ever recipe I use makes two loaves. Plan to take one to the boys. They love it!

Lolly said...

Yes, Judie, I agree with you. Hoda is one lazy person. I worry about her. She needs to get out, meet people...maybe volunteer like you suggested.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥
Sleepover is going very well - youngsters are a delight...
Christine and hubby are in DC at a meeting - later this week they will have apartment residency in Bethesda until a home can be found. So far transition seems to be going well.

Michael and family are headed for the beach house for a couple days - hope the sun starts shinning tomorrow.

Sandi - how do you dry out the tennis courts? If they don't dry do you use the courts inside?

magpie said...

Good Almost Afternoon, Eagle Pals...

Paula...condolences on the loss of your neighbor lady...and prayers for the is very
good that you are there for your neighbor

magpie said...

sounds fun, Jo....when I grow up
I want to be one of your great grandchildren at a young age ☺

magpie said...

things are sounding on the Up and Up, Jo for the Merry Marylanders

magpie said...

I'm at the dough factory and typing my fingers off....
anyone want any biscuits ?

Thinking of you all and
hoping very good things for all of us
on our respective activities, work, study, classes, and all those things !!

(( Hugs ))

magpie said...


Cardinal Flowers, a beauteous WV Wildflower, is along the creek bank at Swinging Bridge, somehow I will try to get some pictures posted....

ALSO: Perseid Meteor Showers coming up on the mornings of
Aug 11, 12 and 13...."pre-dawn"

these are typically good ones,
but sometimes the skies are summer-hazy

magpie said...

I love Banana Bread, and it has
been quite some time since I made any, or ate any

"See Ya' in Denton ☺ "

magpie said...

by the way,
I was in nursing school once...
back in 1986
I did not do very well...
sounds like YOU are going to
do VERY WELL based on your
enthusiasm, your desire, and your
obvious Work Ethic !

magpie said...

When things settle down hereabouts, I want to investigate
finding some Yoga instruction....

Judie said...

Hi Margy. I would love to be Jo's ggkid at ANY age. You and I could have a sleep-over.

Have fun Lolly. Wish you could get some of the rain in CO. Hope Shirley's brother is not close to the flooding.


Mema Jo said...

Margy - Go over to Shepherdstown to Mellow Moods. Yogi studio second floor by Christa Joyce - Mastrangelo's sister. She is great!

Mema Jo said...

Paula...condolences on the loss of your neighbor lady. Good of you to be there and attend the service.
I just know it will be fun finding a new outfit for the Crisfield Interview. Best of luck

Margy - thanks for the update on Lorraine =- can't believe her - that lady has gumption.
Tom is still cooking those meals. Hope you are staying well fed.

Lolly said...

Banana nut bread is in the oven. Glaze is ready to put on it when it comes out. Needed powdered sugar, but yikes, no p. sugar. So, put one cup of reg sugar in food processor. Did not really work, still grainy but very fine. Will use it anyway. This recipe has cream cheese in it with a streusel topping and then a glaze of p. sugar and orange juice, It is so yummy.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I love banana bread and zucchini bread - I love all kinds of breads.

magpie said...

Good darn thing we don't have a smell-o-rama cam right now !!
That sounds like a Seriously Good Banana Bread !!!

Thanks for the Yogi info, Jo ....something to be checked out for sure!

Judie, yup I agree...
grand or great grand at ANY long as we would be part of the Family Lennox !!


magpie said...

the Mighty Sycamore is Jonesin'
for an Eagle Visit...
as am I !!

okay, more biscuits to make

ttfn xoxox

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha JUDIE and LOLLY you two are very funnnnnnnnny!!!

It was a good paddle and a good Regatta. Some races were pretty close.

Lake was calm and weather held off.

I feel blessed.

Do you all dust first or vacuum first?
It seems to me I do it backwards. I vacuum and see it needs dusting and think I am doing it all wrong!!!

Hoda said...

Is it correct to say : I am "jonesin" for dome banana cake as made by LOLLY?
Is it correct usage of jonesin???
It sounds delicious LOLLY. Do you ship to Canada?

I think I will go dust?
Which essential oil is the question...
Water/vinegar/ rose essential oil.

magpie said...

Yes, Hoda,
that IS the correct way I know to say
Jonesin' ☺

kind of like "having a hankering"

okay ttfn, I am vacating the dough factory for a couple of days

xoxox "See Ya' later"

magpie said...

dusting first or vacuuming first,
I am a lousy one to answer THAT question...

but, usually I dust Last....

okay 'bye

magpie said...

there might BE or there WAS an eagle in the tree !!

magpie said...

Yes, confirmed there IS......

can't say if a juvenile or adult,
looks like a juvenile

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work
and I didn't get Tom commercial I got a silly BLACK RACK????

MT attic and tree

JudyEddy said...

92° at 530 FEELS LIKE IS 105°
the storms should start up soon seabreeze and land breeze meet each other and go boom

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

oops I just read that MARGY already mentioned the showers I just heard on the news

JudyEddy said...

that is why maybe I should read all first huh oh well

JudyEddy said...

PAULA So sorry for the loss of a good neighbor Sweet you are going

JudyEddy said...

the cam looks odd like heat waves Maybe it is heat waves

JudyEddy said...

93° NOW make it stop LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am hearing thunder Checked radar in the bay is a storm hope it heads this way to cool things off

JudyEddy said...

POOF to the left

Lori O. said...

Yay for PAULA, another job interview. I'm sure you'll find the perfect outfit.
Sorry to hear about your neighbor lady...very nice of you to go to the service and be there for the family. Bummer about Larry's house, too.

HODA, sounds like you had a great day! How fun! I think vacuuming is supposed to be first, but I'm no expert either. The essential Rose oil sounds like a great polish!

LOLLY, speaking of things that smell great, that banana bread sounds awesome! Hope you get a break in the heat soon.

JUDIE, hope you had your mid morning nap and a restful day.

JO, you going to mass and dinner tonight?

JUDYE, thanks for the eagle report. I'm so happy to know they're still around. Hope your storm isn't too bad.

MARGY, what happened that you didn't finish nursing school? I'm scared to death. There's so much work to do already and school hasn't even started!

I just finished printing off 278 pages of Power Point presentations that I'll be needing for class -- that's 12 different lectures/chapters.

Well I have bad news about RoRo. Kate has pretty much decided (the right thing) to let him go to another family that wanted him. We'll have his leg fixed first, but Dalai hates him and attacks him every chance she can sneak around and get him. Kate thinks it'll make RoRo mean and it just isn't fair to him. I agree. Dalai just got used to and loved being the only dog. She is an Alpha dog for sure.

Hoda said...

Severe thunder storm warnings for Nelson.
What will they do in Shambhala???
Same like they did at Woodstock I suppose... Party On!!!

Going Kayaking tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Hard decision on RORO LORI and it comes from the heart.
I wish him well and Dalai too... I love that name...
I say DALAI LAMA every time!!!

JudyEddy said...

STORM petered out LORI

for the next couple of days we are going to be drier and for this time of the year that is odd for us this is our rainy season and daily storms

there is drier air in the Atlantic ocean from Africa on the other coast the Sahara desert red dust Only 20-30% chance of rain for the next couple of days but there are a couple of small depressions coming off Africa now but to early to see if will develop in to anything

JudyEddy said...

I also agree LORI with RORO

JudyEddy said...

WOW on news showing the floods in Colorado

JudyEddy said...

Temp is down to 89° from the rain south of us but we didn't get any

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Tennis clinic went great this morning!!

DUST, then VACUUM - any clean fanatic knows that! And you dust from high to low. B/c, when you dust, any dust that doesn't stay on the dust cloth, swiffer, whatever, falls toward the floor, then you vacuum it all up.

Paula, good luck with the interview on Monday!

Lori, bet you used a lot of ink printing all those ppts! Sorry things haven't worked out with Dalai and RoRo but it sounds like you're making the right decision for him.

Time to fix food for people and pets! Later!

Hoda said...

From top to bottom?
Dust and THEN vacuum???!!!

Maybe I will remember for next time.
Doubt it!!!
It is a mystery like which set of Wisdom teeth have been removed in my mouth!!!
They tell me. I write it down do I can remember. I forget and I can not find where I wrote it down

I phone and I can hear them rolling their eyes!!!
They tell me...
Well you know the rest of the story...


JudyEddy said...

soo happy you got your tennis fix SANDI

JudyEddy said...

HODA I am like that every year with my dr appt when they want you to fill in the forms with surgerys and dates etc I usually put a ? by the date I write how can I remember all they years for surgerys and they have it already in their file from past filling out forms LOL My mom had a little card in her wallet with info like that

Lynne2 said...

people people people....

You DUST first. Starting with the highest and working down. oh, sorry, if you have pets, you must brush pets first, then dust. THEN you vacuum.

Lori O. said...

HUH, and I always thought I was a neat freak...I'll have to remember dust then vac. Thanks Sandi and Lynne2!

SANDI, so glad to hear your tennis clinic went great. Did you get the pointers you were hoping for?

Hoda said...

Too too too much!!!
if I was rolling on the floor shouldn't I be laughing my head off???
Laughing my but off would be rude and...
oh stop it hoda...get on with the dusting...

Oh I can not now!!!
Will have to wait till I can adopt a dog.
It has to be a little dog
A golden spaniel I would rather think.

Then I should brush it.
Then I should dust from top to bottom
Oh does any one know what Feng Shui says about right or left???

Then I am to vacuum.

Doing all the above might take a while!!!

No dusting for at least a few months and by then it will be winter, windows closed and too cold to dust!!

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

I would like you all to know LYNNE is being down right unfriendly on FB boasting a COLD FRONT passing through and posting pictures!!!
UNFRIENDLY to the max considering we were 91 in what used to be known as Canada The Frozen North!!!

Hoda said...

So sad!
In New Brunswick two brothers slept over night at a friend's house. A python escaped its enclosure from a downstairs exotic pets store.
It founds its way in the brothers, 4 and 6 years of age, and strangled both of them!!!
They had their memorial service today and the Mom chose to put them both in the same casket.

All over the news here.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...