SHIRLEY, sounds like you easily spent the kind of money mentioned in the MarketPlace report. It adds up fast, but the outlay is scattered over an entire year. I doubt most teachers realize just how great the cost is til' they stop to think about it. You are a dedicated lot and I appreciate all you educators do for our future leaders and good citizens !
Thanks for the call-over, Kay. I was blabbing away when I realized you had come over here.
Copied my posts:
Blogger stronghunter said... Then there were books that I used as teaching tools. I could not walk through a teacher supply store without picking up all kinds of things.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 4:44:00 PM Blogger stronghunter said... Will has returned with the part for the AC, but it is not what he expected to get. We are going to have to wait for Charlie to fix the AC. Do not know when that will be. I think I might freeze that chicken. Nobody is going to want to eat piping hot food in a piping hot kitchen.
Time to order something.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 5:01:00 PM
I did appreciate the tax credit I got for school expenses, but that was just $200. Still, it was nice.
JO Haven't read all but read your question I am able to get on the momster email and calendar but when I tried to email you all it comes up with a untitled page but my regular eamil page comes up Also when I copy paste the link for the calendar The calendar is Blank the only way I can see the info is by clicking on the PURPLE band in the email that says calendar OK to finish reading now You may have resolved this but I have 69 message to read
Ah, money spent on educating students. I use videos, DVDs for my crime class. Cost varies from ~$30 to ~$170. Then, there are the professional books and journals. Over the years, cost was huge dollars of my own money.
Shirley, sure hope that AC gets to working soon. Humid in our part of the country today. Still rainy here. Maybe put the chicken and potatoes on the grill?
Lolly, will be sending good thoughts your way.
Kay, enjoy your evening with Julie. New word - must look up Arribiata.
Lori, please do not be upset. Some possibilities: new teacher and unsure how to handle advance submission of assignments; online teaching is challenging and out-of-sequence events can be confusing; she may be intimidated. Regardless,your job is to do the assignments, do them to the best of your ability, and do not take this personally. This is just a tiny little stub of your tiny little toe as you start down the path to a new career.
Love it when Judie goes to the scullery. I hope hers is air-conditioned. Will talked to Charlie. Charlie thinks Will can do the fix. Hunter has been drafted as an assistant.
Good suggestion, Judie, but I already ordered food. Do not wish to distract Will from AC-repair tasks. He has a complicated grill that I can not use. AND it is raining. We will enjoy the food from Primo Pizza. :)
A recent survey taken of Britons revealed that nearly two thirds of them think that "arrabiata" is a sexually transmitted disease of some kind, which probably makes going out for an Italian restaurant for dinner a rather unique experience. Arrabiata, as fans of Italian food will know, is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is a spicy Italian pasta sauce. Characterized by the use of simple, but fresh, ingredients, the sauce always features tomatoes and hot chili peppers, either fresh of dried.
OK did everyone do my instruction Did they work I emailed the momster mail but I will repeat here When I use JO link in her email I Get a BLANK calendar also BUT when I click on the word Calender in the monster email page just above the purple band the calender has my dates on it as well as JO and Paula the hatch dates and egg date and HP dates BUT ALSO remember to check the box on the calendar page that say SUBSCRIBE eaglemomster just above it is your name under the Calender word should be checked also I hope you all can get it Hey I can make a video of it if it will help let me know OK DOKEY Off to watch the 6 News now I am caught up with the blog
NO word for SIS on the tube surgery Jordyn had tubes at 18 months also We were talking to the Dr and she said that when a infant is born that should be check out same as circumcision LOL and in Germany they ask if you want your girl ear pierced after birth
LORI I think the online teacher is simply overwhelmed. She needs to set up a way to store assignments till she is ready to look at them. Breathe and keep on your working ahead. Keep a copy of every assignment sent in and make sure it has a trail. Set up a file for the ones she returns and keep a track of the ones she has not. Ask her about them if they are missing.
Thanks all you teachers for your help today! HODA, SHIRLEY, JUDIE, LOLLY, I really appreciate it. Hope I didn't forget anyone. I love you all for the help and encouragement.
Getting ready for an early turn in tonight, so I can get up fresh and early. Hope I can sleep tonight.
Hoping the Sandman makes his rounds to everyone who needs him and that the evil Jufie won't delay him.
I taught French KAY. I used to be given $1000 a year for supplies and enhancing the class room experience.
When budget cuts happened they stopped after a few years of cuts.
On average I spent 800 of my own dollars for the last ten years to try to do the same thing the 1000 dollars used to do.
I stopped when a parent criticized the presence of said supplies to the school board. They explained it was my money and a committee had to be set up so I could have my purchases approved. For my protection. I thanked them for their consideration let them set up the committee and never spent a red penny for the last three years.
Oh well Public School Systems need a total revamping.
Yes, looked up Arrabiata. Cannot describe my relief that it is not a sexually transmitted disease. Recipe looks yummy. Plan to try it next cool evening. Thank you Shirley. Bet the sammiches were good.
LORI, listen to Hoda. Her advice about retaining, tracking, having separate files is priceless.
LORI, Sandman is headed your way. Sleep will arrive. You will be fine tomorrow. Remember, everyone else is nervous also - including the teachers. Oh, and if a teacher does give you a PIA - The Evil Jufie is to be feared.
Off to skim the newspaper. Never got to it earlier today.
Hi all, just stopping by to check the box so comments come to my email inbox. I am BEAT, but I got my classroom set up in time for open house!
Lori, breathe!! Things will be fine!
Judy, I still cannot see anything on the calendar page and I don't get to it via the link Jo sent in her email. I have the site bookmarked and get to it that way. I can't figure out what you mean by checking the subscribe box - I don't see anything that says subscribe. Also, I never got any snip from you - did you email it to me? I will wait until the weekend and see if Paula's changes make a difference in my being able to see events on the calendar.
I can't see anything on the calendar only when I click on the word that is on the email page above the purple band there with your contacts and other Good luck I can make a video to show if you think it will help
I posted the picture of the snip I did of the calendar for Sandi so go to the blog and see it one and all and the boxes on the right I talked about subscribe and use the tabs above the purple line
First: Lorelei is fine...I made it to the hospital by 10....I stayed with Chelsea and Lorelei and we sent Chris to the waiting room to nap as he had quite literally worked all night. They took Lorelei back right about 11 and 15 min later it was over.
We went to Panera bread as soon as she was released adn that baby ate an entire bowl of mac n cheese and a squeezy tube of yogurt.
When Chels wasn't feeding her ast enough, she stood up (in the seat between Chels and Chris) and started to feed herself. It was soooo cute.
Ms LORI: breathe! all our light and love will be with you .... i think you will be outstanding! i am sure the teacher was just overwhelmed! just puta smile on that beautiful face of yours and remember, like JUDIE said: the evil JUFIE Is to be feared..... :) ((((HUGS))))
Its beena hot day and the heat has made me grumpy. To top it off, took Olivia to ice skating practice tongiht (she really didn't want to go wanted to play in the pool) and she looks at me at the ice rink and says oh mom, i only brought 1 sock? i was ticked and said skate anyway.
i made her practice for 20 min sans socks.
told her it is her responsiblity to pack her bag...and i am not paying for lessons/classes and she not practice.
when we got home i sent her out to the pool so i could chill out. i filed paperwork and worked on laundry....
can't decided if she did that accidentally or accidentally on purpose.?????
anyway, am tired so logging out for the night. sed to all!!!! (((hugs))))
Sandi got it to work she didn't check the box for calendar so just make sure you check it that is your personnel calendar I emailed her the snip that is on the blog make sure both are checked
As for the socks--They do seem to have been an issue the past couple of days. I happen to have an extra pair of green football socks. Perhaps they would work for ice skating as well.
Finally posted to the calendar. Even let me post it with a little gift box. So cute. It will be much easier for those who have yahoo as their email as it is embedded with that program.
JudyE did you post your bday? I did not see it but saw Paula's and Jo's.
I would be happy to post for anyone who is having difficulty. Or whatever. I think I know what I am doing. Just let me know.
Good to hear sis that the surgery was a breeze Jordyn was miserable after hers cried all the way home as angie held her in the back seat NO seat belt wasn't happy about that but its over now---- so happy that Lorelei wanted to eat and is feeling good Good you stuck to your guns with the ice skating and another sock issue HMMM So happy Hunter ate the sandwich when you are hungry u will eat anything like it or not huh ok back to tv land
I also offered and did Lori and Sandi but we need them to be able to see the calendar Sandi said she didn't have the box checked for the calendar so hers is working now
Hoda, I am sitting here still astonished at the $1,000 from the school board and the reaction of the parent when you spent your own money. Good grief!!
I think we got something like $50 sometimes. We got a catalog to use to place orders. Once I had a bit of money left. Could not decide what to buy and decided some paper clips would be nice, so I finished up my order. When my stuff came in, I got a fairly small but very heavy box. I had a lifetime supply of paper clips. Might still be some in my car somewhere.
the school Jordyn goes to Has lots of ways to raise money for the school you can adopt a class and they have a wish list of things that they would like for the class and when a person volunteer they sign in on the computer and the state gives $ for the school I prefer to donate things like wipes tissue paper etc than $ don't know why but do
because I will change it tomorrow to something else I am sure don't want goodnight on it all the time on that note I will say good night my neck says step away from the puter
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Boxes of tissues are usually a good bet, Judy. We did ask for them from homeroom kids. Sometimes got them, sometimes not. Once I had a kid bring in one of those little purse packs of tissues. Kid said mom had said that it was all I was getting. Of course, they were for the kids. Sometimes I bought lots of them.
SHIRLEY. Canada wanted to encourage bilingualism in the 70,80,early 90's. There was money to create a French culture and French language. I taught French from 9-12 it was money well used.
This is the same school board and superintendent who wanted me to justify taking students out of District classes do we could have two travelling days on either side of my ten days off for Spring break!!! I was giving up my days off to travel with students. I was paying my own ticket so student prices could be lower!
"Are you serious" slipped out before I said I have nothing to say.
Favorite Quotes from today in my class..."Do we get to read OUR books today?" Answer: EVERYDAY!! "Can we read some more when we are done?" Answer: YES!! (spoken from student to student all on their own) "Well in the beginning of the book..." I LOVE book whispering!!! I love my job!
LORI, Sandperson is nearing the PA border. Best jump into bed and dent your pillow. Sleepy dust will soon arrive.
Shirley, so glad the AC is working. Think of it, no need to prepare lunch -- sandwiches already done. Yippee!
Janet, happy to know that Lorelei survived unscathed. As for Olivia and the socks - well, socks seem to be an issue right now.
Tomorrow is day two. One week down and fourteen to go. Headed to my own pillow. Sandperson is headed first to PA. The Evil Jufie has been sedated and stuffed into a closet.
Loving' You Eagle Pals...through whatever trials and travails are on your agendas....
for understanding teachers, working air conditioning systems interested and interesting students AND teachers good health and wellness on like that xoxo
Time to shut it down...yawning and eyes watering. Time to get comfy. Watching the news and the weather is just too depressing. Several days way above 100 coming.
Think I am going to get outside early in the morn. Want to do some cleaning up in the yard and early is the only time,
Sandperson gave up on me tonight. I have been posting pictures on FB. Will work on moving them over here tomorrow.
Kathryn said Hunter may have football practice tomorrow, and the coaches want him to come early so they can catch him up on some of the signals and plays. He missed some info when we were gone, and that might be some of the problem he had at the game.
I am going to say good night. It will be so nice not to sweat all night.
My dear friends, I have been such a bad Momster!! I am here. trying to read back but its so hard. I have been working and working. End of my work week is friday morning at 6am and I will have worked 54 hrs. since Saturday at midnight. I am whooped. Jenn is into her second week of school. So far so good, but getting worse at the getting up on time part. JEssica is working part time at the five below store making min wage. ALSo babysits at the neighbors m-f from 6am to about 3:30pm. The grandma is a friend of ours, the son is a single dad and not very old, maybe 21 yrs old and she won't charge what she should. She is only charging them $40.00 for the week. Crazy huh??!!!! Makes me angry cause if she weren't doing it, they would have to pay upwards of $300 a week!!! Charlie is well. hanging in there, since his dr cut his meds way back. I can't wait to see Margy. I am stuck on this awful schedule of 1800-0600 so two more months of not getting to see Margy. Am not happy about t he shift of pple I have at all. Hope all is well with EVERYONE!!!! I miss you all and love all of you!
Just came across this, dear Jewels. And you are a Jewel to us. We have been missing you on the blog, but understand when you have such a busy schedule with work and family.
Do not forget to take care of yourself and drop in to visit with us whenever you can. We are here to support you with your words, prayers, and good thoughts.
JEWELS, so nice to hear from you. I'm sorry you're working so much. It sounds exhausting. Get some rest and the world will seem like a better place. :)
I didn't sleep well last night. Nerves, I'm sure. I'm sorry I wasn't clear about the teacher. She's not an online teacher - we just have to submit our homework to her online & she gives us tests to take online, as well, but she is a teacher I will probably see everyday at school and clinicals. I will breathe, and smile at her today...thanks for all your great advice. I love you all sooooo much!
I can't believe this day is here already.
JANET, glad the baby is fine and it was such a quick procedure.
JUDYE, happy day off!
KAY, so happy that you'll get to see Seth this weekend! Hope you had a nice dinner with Julie.
HODA, how busy are you today, or are you not concentrating on taking it easy anymore?
JO & PAULA, thanks for all the work on the website birthdays plan. It really is appreciated.
SHIRLEY, hope you were able to get some sleep.
SANDI, have a great day at school. Hope things calm down for you and you get some real time to take care of your classroom. Good Morning, since I know you'll be checking in soon.
Off now to get ready...I'll check in when I get home.
Wishing everyone a wonderful day full of love, light, joy and smiles.
Re money spent on students ... when I taught in Balto. County, the PTA always gave us some money to buy things, maybe $100, not a lot, but a gesture. Not true here in DE. I just buy what I need and take the $250 deduction on my income taxes. If I can keep a kid focused with the bribe of a lollipop, it's worth whatever I have to spend!
Make it a great day all! I think we have most of the day in our rooms today, and the team has a parent meeting at 1:30. We have a young man with autism on our team and he could not handle the chaos of open house night. He is coming in today with his mom to meet his teachers and familiarize himself with his schedule.
Good Morning Eaglebuds! Did one of those Panda Nap things after work yesterday & woke up at 4AM! DUH! Finally got my Home critter pics on blog. One more to go. (JudyE, I will send you the yucky critter as soon as it's out of the camera!) Margy, love your picture!! Hope your wrists cooperate. Best Wishes for Lori's classes! Good day for everyone. Have an appt. @ 11 am, so not sure if I'll just stay up and nap later or nap now! I don't do AMs!!
Woke up thinking of our LORI and the challenge she'll face today---hope she's doing those deep breathing exercises. You teachers have given her excellent advice and I know she'll take it to ♥ !
Interesting exchanges on teachers $ outlay on behalf of their students and on Arribiata ! The latter was not my own creation, but that of Trader Joe. Twas' good but no better than Barilla's version. Instead of ground beef I used Boca Bits and we couldn't tell the difference. Hopefully my waistline will ! I've gained back a lot of the weight lost during the surgery/recovery era. That in spite of walking dog(s) multiple times a day. Bah Humbug !
So wonderful to get your post JEWELS ! Thanks for the overview on how things are for Charlie, the girls and YOU ! Hope you get to see our MARGY soon !
MARGY, the avatar is priceless ! What a lucky little nephew to have a "fun" Auntie like you !
Nice to see you LORETTA ! Panda naps are good for you, keep up the good work. I'm going to take a look at your pics as soon as I finish this post.
SHIRLEY, hope Hunter gets his signals straight and gets back on track with his talent for the game !
There is also a little box to check for type of on Birthday or anniversary...birthdays show up with a little present...anniversaries have a different icon
Wow, LORETTA, what gorgeous flutterbys, woodpeckers, and an array of smaller birds n' one lone squirrel ! You are a talented camerawoman ! Thanks for sharing.
And, thank you, PAULA ! I'm going to the calendar now that you've worked your magic !
PAULA, I did something different and don't know how to edit it. My BD shows up on Jan. 24, as "New Event" rather than with my name as I see you, Lynne2 and Jo were able to do ???? It's okay I guess, but doesn't conform to the others.
Kay, it now has TWO new events on that day! Go to it, RIGHT CLICK, Edit, and up a the top in blue where it says new event, just type in your info there!
Nope, my edit doesn't take even though I hit "save". Kay Moffett shows up on the 25th of Jan. at that time. However, when I go back in, the title is still "New Event" ?????
Suzan, I never did answer your question. I don't have a pressure pot. My mother used one all of the time, especially for canning. It would have come in handy for cooking that chicken.
Shirley, we use a pressure pot around here a lot. My daughter has become quite the chef with it. That and a crock pot can come in handy in a busy household.
Lori, can't wait to hear about your day. Know it will all be good.
I am on hold hold hold I went to IRS and there would be a 3-4 hours wait now I have been on hold on the phone for over 30 min I hate elevator music they are playing the same thing over and over a instrumental number LOL But its my fault for making a typo on my return just be procrastinating doing this
Oh gosh, Judy. I hope you do not have to wait much longer. I had thought of fling an amended return to add some changes I want to make. Sounds like it will be hard to get help, though.
I thought that they would see that it was a typo and send me my refund but I was wrong probably sitting on someone desk When I called they said it would be a 30 min wait Well its now 40 min Maybe I should have stayed at the IRS office I still could go back since they did give me a # They said a better day may be Tue of Wed but I work those days But I only work 8-12 on Wed. I will continue to hold until my batteries dye LOL I do have two phones I put the one back on the charger and got the bedroom phone
ok he has taken all my info name etc and now put me on hold I explained that I made a typo from line 15 to line 21 When he asked how I filed and I said I mailed it He wanted to know why I mailed it and not did a electronically return I told him I didn't like using the computer for things like that since I had a issue with my credit card issue a while back ODD how I file is my choice I would think
BAD WORD INSERTED HERE LOOKS like I have a identity theft case here he says discussing with his colleagues YIKES two returns were filed I guess back on hold
I know last year in Tampa Fl there was a run on tax fraud Don't know if you remember that on the news that they busted a ring in a hotel room the maid had gone in to the room and found lots of credit cards and Id
I know last year in Tampa Fl there was a run on tax fraud Don't know if you remember that on the news that they busted a ring in a hotel room the maid had gone in to the room and found lots of credit cards and Id
I guess within the same week as I file with my address for years someone else filed with a different address That sent up a red flag for them and they stopped both filing and figured out that I was the correct person and May 22 refiled my correct one and 180 days which will be Nov 18 I will get my $$$ I have to get in contact with the States Attorney and the SSN office and the credit bureaus to report this I have to send in a form to Austin TX where my file was sent just as a back up saying I am aware of it I wonder why they didn't get in contact with me in regards to this I will go to SSN office instead online or phone call maybe be better he rattled off so much info I sure wish I would have waited there but I still would be there 4 hr wait
called credit report Equifax and now on hold with state attorney angie printed copy of form 4535 fraud from I have to send to TX where I filed as a back up
Shirley - I can't see it yet Go back and be sure you clicked on save. Right above SAVE in you info block is the word TYPE Go there and click on Birthday then save
It is all more than I can do with Yahoo. I don't like them and people get hacked there all the time. Sorry Please fo not put my personal information there. Sorry
Strangest bit of news out of Canada today! The Winning Province is Quebec! Ready for this? The Quebec Government intends to introduce a new French language protection bill. Henceforth ALL Quebec Dogs have to be able to follow commands in both French and English!!!
I swear I am not making this up!!! CBC radio, our national broadcaster, just announced it!!!
I noticed that on the calendar also JO but if you notice its the correct date just flows over to the next month I think I got it correct now and what happened to Debs picture I also noticed it not there Yahoo did changes since last time I was on it a while back
Breathe easy Hoda - I never had your b-day recorded - we must have talked before........ You will just need to announce to all of us on your special day! ♥
Boy this tax stuff is stressing me out I need a drink or a brownie LOL and I file on Feb 23 not March duh I wrote Made out 23 and mailed 24 on the tax book and miss read it slopping handwriting looked like March I guess HElp I am loosing my mind LOL It will all work out I am sure
I am picking up Jordyn today Angie want to put boxes in my truck today and tomorrow we will just take to the new house The owner Linda told Angie to bring stuff over Now they many not close till Wed The appraiser didn't get all his ducks in a row for signing Fri so its cool that she is allowing Angie to bring some stuff over ahead
Did you notice on the video, towards the end when they shook hands with the flag bearers, that the Delta Pilots extended their hands to the USA flag bearer and of course he could not shake hands as he was still at attention. The military people ahead of them saluted the flag. The Delta pilots did not know that!!! Still an awesome video.
must be issues I keep getting message when I go to the photo album Sorry an error occurred while loading and I get a blank page wanted to put a pic in the album will try later out the door I go
OH FYI I did test print one month of the bday and it did work so if everyone put their days on it we can print it also I tried import and export but would rather print OK BYE
Jo and Paula, I deleted my "event" when I saw that I had omitted my name. Why it is still showing up is a mystery.
I think the time has come to decide if announcing our special days is important to all. If we do not care enough as adults and friends to keep up with it is it enough for a few to deal with the headache of it all?
Thank you again, PAULA ! I tried to delete the 2nd entry over and over again---it would then show only once, but when I went out and back in again there were two of them. Thanks for the fix---it's bad enough to grow older once a year ! Twice a year and on the same day was a bummer---I'd be 115 years old before we knew it !!!!
JUDY, speaking of bummers, you are in the middle of a nightmare currently. Hope it resolves soon ! Surely there is local source for Brownies Extraordinaire`!
SHIRLEY, I'm a non-FB person and I was able to see MARGY's video--thanks ! We knew she flew to Germany, but didn't realize she had "Samantha's Wiggle the Nose" powers in order to do so !
Yeah, me too. Ok, I will make the offer to do the monthly announcement. I would prefer to only make it here on the blog. I have many lists in my Momster file so I "think" I have every month. Let me know your decision.
Funny thing--I did not say anything about Margy. I said it is a "magpie video" because that is what it is. A magpie bird in Colorado.
I kept thinking about that bird last night because I did not know what it was at first. Then it came to me that it was most likely a magpie. I did not know they lived in Colorado, so I turned on the computer and verified my hunch.
It was behind the restaurant where we had lunch, and I had to hurry along to catch up with everyone else, one reason I kept moving the camera. I was surprised it did not fly away, but then Margy would not fly away from me...except to go to Germany.
Just went to the calendar and entered my name. Looks like it is progressing. I still would not mind making a monthly announcement of events especially for those like Hoda who do not want to mess with Yahoo.
I side with Paula. Whatever you decide I will do. We are a team.
Good grief JUDYE...soooo sorry sis that all this garbage hashappened to you. b reathe breathe breathe! I hope it is corrected in a timely fashion!
But, hip hip hurrah for Angie's new house...pix soon?
Your momster calender sounds like a nightmare...I was considering going on to it...but have changed my mind since reading all these posts!!! Thank you, I shall simply announce my special days....
Not a big yahoo fan anyway.
Busy day. Was really sllleeeepppy this to work, dragging booty, and .... (I promised I heard winged beings singing) I spied a COFFEE POT in the breakroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was delighted. I ran over, bought coffee stuff and made a pot and drank two cups!!!! So pleased! I hope we can keep it!
Complaints in the past have been from clients and therapits about the smell of coffee...... It would just be so nice to have a cup now and again! And as cold as the front desk gets, I would htink they would want some.
Anyway, so that brightened my WHOLE day!
Now, home. Its 95 and I"m having my afternoon coffee. Had a couple of oatmeal-cranberry cookies as well. Dinner is late on Thursdays due to ice skating. Need a pick me up.
Anxious to hear from Lori and Lolly....
hope everyone else has had a good day. TOmorrow is friday!!! :) :) :)
The doctor's office called. It is a benign nodule on the skull, normally inherited from a parent. Hmmmm???? Do not know if a parent had a lump on their skull. Jack had more questions after I hung up. I will ask more questions when I go back in 3 months. In the more worrying! Thanks for all the prayers... God is so good!!
I just got home from school and picking up my uniforms.
It went very well, and time just flew by. They made no bones about it that it will be a stressful and busy year!
I got a nice email today from the teacher who I had the ordeal with yesterday. It was very nice and I feel totally comfortable about it now. She said she just wanted to be sure that I was reading the chapters, not just doing homework tests, and wanted to see that I "was on the right track." Very nice. So relieved.
My carpooling partner, Cindy, is very nice --- except she used the N word on our way home!!!!!! Dang, it's so boonies out here! I gasped and she promised to not say it again.
And would you believe, on a form that we had to fill out listing our personal info, that -- and I swear -- more than half the class put that fishing and hunting was their hobby/hobbies! No offense, LYNNE2 and PAULA -- but I don't think you two hunt. I know you like to fish.
In class we heard about many incidents where people lost their jobs for writing online about events that happened in hospitals, etc, because it violates HIPPA rules. Interesting. So you won't hear any stories from me! :)
HODA, I was ROTFLMBO about the dogs having to learn French and English. Too funny, and a bit insane.
PAULA, Best wishes, good luck and all wonderful things as you begin this new chapter in your life. Big Hugs. First, enjoy your holiday weekend.
LOLLY, you overdid it today --94 is way too hot to be outside working for so long a time.
Must admit, I started reading the blog and thought I was on some techie blog by mistake! Not really, but couldn't believe all the problems. JUDYE, is mine okay? I forgot how to get in there - passwords, URGH!
JUDYE, enjoy your time with Jordyn today. And, I am soooo very sorry about all the crap you've had to go through just to get your refund. I won't believe it's over until it's in your hand in November.
1 – 200 of 678 Newer› Newest»Thank you so much, STEVE !
Aha, I think I just got my first feather ! Yeah !
I've put out the call !
Teachers, go back to the old thread and read the last dozen or so messages ! Lori needs your input !
SHIRLEY, sounds like you easily spent the kind of money mentioned in the MarketPlace report. It adds up fast, but the outlay is scattered over an entire year. I doubt most teachers realize just how great the cost is til' they stop to think about it. You are a dedicated lot and I appreciate all you educators do for our future leaders and good citizens !
KAY! Congratulations on your new feather.
STEVE, thank you so much for the new thread. We really appreciate all you do.
Thanks for your help with this -- all of you. I just don't want to get off to a bad start with this teacher.
Thanks for the call-over, Kay. I was blabbing away when I realized you had come over here.
Copied my posts:
Blogger stronghunter said...
Then there were books that I used as teaching tools. I could not walk through a teacher supply store without picking up all kinds of things.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 4:44:00 PM
Blogger stronghunter said...
Will has returned with the part for the AC, but it is not what he expected to get. We are going to have to wait for Charlie to fix the AC. Do not know when that will be. I think I might freeze that chicken. Nobody is going to want to eat piping hot food in a piping hot kitchen.
Time to order something.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 5:01:00 PM
I did appreciate the tax credit I got for school expenses, but that was just $200. Still, it was nice.
I think it will be okay, Lori.
Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and for the call-over, Kay.
Home from work and find a new thread
now to go read my email comments and this one
Lator Gator
Dinner should be good-- just ordered $52.91 in sandwiches and stuff. But no cooking. Sweat drops off my face when I stand over the stove in this heat.
JO Haven't read all but read your question I am able to get on the momster email and calendar but when I tried to email you all it comes up with a untitled page but my regular eamil page comes up
Also when I copy paste the link for the calendar The calendar is Blank the only way I can see the info is by clicking on the PURPLE band in the email that says calendar OK to finish reading now You may have resolved this but I have 69 message to read
Thank you Steve and congratulations Kay.
Ah, money spent on educating students. I use videos, DVDs for my crime class. Cost varies from ~$30 to ~$170. Then, there are the professional books and journals. Over the years, cost was huge dollars of my own money.
Shirley, sure hope that AC gets to working soon. Humid in our part of the country today. Still rainy here. Maybe put the chicken and potatoes on the grill?
Lolly, will be sending good thoughts your way.
Kay, enjoy your evening with Julie. New word - must look up Arribiata.
Lori, please do not be upset. Some possibilities: new teacher and unsure how to handle advance submission of assignments; online teaching is challenging and out-of-sequence events can be confusing; she may be intimidated. Regardless,your job is to do the assignments, do them to the best of your ability, and do not take this personally. This is just a tiny little stub of your tiny little toe as you start down the path to a new career.
Now to the scullery...
Love it when Judie goes to the scullery. I hope hers is air-conditioned. Will talked to Charlie. Charlie thinks Will can do the fix. Hunter has been drafted as an assistant.
Good suggestion, Judie, but I already ordered food. Do not wish to distract Will from AC-repair tasks. He has a complicated grill that I can not use. AND it is raining. We will enjoy the food from Primo Pizza. :)
A recent survey taken of Britons revealed that nearly two thirds of them think that "arrabiata" is a sexually transmitted disease of some kind, which probably makes going out for an Italian restaurant for dinner a rather unique experience. Arrabiata, as fans of Italian food will know, is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is a spicy Italian pasta sauce. Characterized by the use of simple, but fresh, ingredients, the sauce always features tomatoes and hot chili peppers, either fresh of dried.
Read more:
Words above were copied and pasted. They are not my own. They might save Judie from having to conduct further research, though.
OK did everyone do my instruction Did they work I emailed the momster mail but I will repeat here
When I use JO link in her email I Get a BLANK calendar also BUT when I click on the word Calender in the monster email page just above the purple band the calender has my dates on it as well as JO and Paula the hatch dates and egg date and HP dates BUT ALSO remember to check the box on the calendar page that say SUBSCRIBE eaglemomster just above it is your name under the Calender word should be checked also I hope you all can get it Hey I can make a video of it if it will help let me know OK DOKEY Off to watch the 6 News now I am caught up with the blog
NO word for SIS on the tube surgery Jordyn had tubes at 18 months also
We were talking to the Dr and she said that when a infant is born that should be check out same as circumcision LOL and in Germany they ask if you want your girl ear pierced after birth
Disney has a new movie that will be coming out you gotta watch the preview on Bears
Trailer for new Disney movie into the world of Bears
Check out google today
LORI I think the online teacher is simply overwhelmed.
She needs to set up a way to store assignments till she is ready to look at them.
Breathe and keep on your working ahead.
Keep a copy of every assignment sent in and make sure it has a trail.
Set up a file for the ones she returns and keep a track of the ones she has not.
Ask her about them if they are missing.
Thanks all you teachers for your help today! HODA, SHIRLEY, JUDIE, LOLLY, I really appreciate it. Hope I didn't forget anyone. I love you all for the help and encouragement.
Getting ready for an early turn in tonight, so I can get up fresh and early. Hope I can sleep tonight.
Hoping the Sandman makes his rounds to everyone who needs him and that the evil Jufie won't delay him.
See you in the morning.
I taught French KAY.
I used to be given $1000 a year for supplies and enhancing the class room experience.
When budget cuts happened they stopped after a few years of cuts.
On average I spent 800 of my own dollars for the last ten years to try to do the same thing the 1000 dollars used to do.
I stopped when a parent criticized the presence of said supplies to the school board. They explained it was my money and a committee had to be set up so I could have my purchases approved. For my protection. I thanked them for their consideration let them set up the committee and never spent a red penny for the last three years.
Oh well Public School Systems need a total revamping.
LOLLY prayers continue as we await your test results.
Hoping to hear from JANET soon on Loreili
Beautiful day here today. Also cool.
Been to the scullery and back.
Yes, looked up Arrabiata. Cannot describe my relief that it is not a sexually transmitted disease. Recipe looks yummy. Plan to try it next cool evening. Thank you Shirley. Bet the sammiches were good.
LORI, listen to Hoda. Her advice about retaining, tracking, having separate files is priceless.
LORI, Sandman is headed your way. Sleep will arrive. You will be fine tomorrow. Remember, everyone else is nervous also - including the teachers. Oh, and if a teacher does give you a PIA - The Evil Jufie is to be feared.
Off to skim the newspaper. Never got to it earlier today.
Shirley, do you have a pressure pot? it cooks very fast and there is not really much heat to deal with at all.
Hi all, just stopping by to check the box so comments come to my email inbox. I am BEAT, but I got my classroom set up in time for open house!
Lori, breathe!! Things will be fine!
Judy, I still cannot see anything on the calendar page and I don't get to it via the link Jo sent in her email. I have the site bookmarked and get to it that way. I can't figure out what you mean by checking the subscribe box - I don't see anything that says subscribe. Also, I never got any snip from you - did you email it to me? I will wait until the weekend and see if Paula's changes make a difference in my being able to see events on the calendar.
Goodnight everyone!
I just emailed you the snip SANDI
I can't see anything on the calendar only when I click on the word that is on the email page above the purple band there with your contacts and other Good luck I can make a video to show if you think it will help
I posted the picture of the snip I did of the calendar for Sandi so go to the blog and see it one and all and the boxes on the right I talked about subscribe and use the tabs above the purple line
I hope this helps
AC is working!!
Kathryn and I enjoyed the sandwiches. Hunter and Will declined. Oh, well. Steak and cheese with lettuce and tomato not their thing.
I am laying low and waiting until the calendar thing is simple. Then I will try.
Hoda's advice is excellent. I did tell students that they really should keep copies of their important papers.
Good evening all. it has been a crazy busy day.
First: Lorelei is fine...I made it to the hospital by 10....I stayed with Chelsea and Lorelei and we sent Chris to the waiting room to nap as he had quite literally worked all night. They took Lorelei back right about 11 and 15 min later it was over.
We went to Panera bread as soon as she was released adn that baby ate an entire bowl of mac n cheese and a squeezy tube of yogurt.
When Chels wasn't feeding her ast enough, she stood up (in the seat between Chels and Chris) and started to feed herself. It was soooo cute.
Ms LORI: breathe! all our light and love will be with you .... i think you will be outstanding! i am sure the teacher was just overwhelmed! just puta smile on that beautiful face of yours and remember, like JUDIE said: the evil JUFIE Is to be feared..... :) ((((HUGS))))
Its beena hot day and the heat has made me grumpy. To top it off, took Olivia to ice skating practice tongiht (she really didn't want to go wanted to play in the pool) and she looks at me at the ice rink and says oh mom, i only brought 1 sock? i was ticked and said skate anyway.
i made her practice for 20 min sans socks.
told her it is her responsiblity to pack her bag...and i am not paying for lessons/classes and she not practice.
when we got home i sent her out to the pool so i could chill out. i filed paperwork and worked on laundry....
can't decided if she did that accidentally or accidentally on purpose.?????
anyway, am tired so logging out for the night. sed to all!!!! (((hugs))))
Sandi got it to work she didn't check the box for calendar so just make sure you check it that is your personnel calendar I emailed her the snip that is on the blog make sure both are checked
Happy to see the good report on Lorelei, Janet.
As for the socks--They do seem to have been an issue the past couple of days. I happen to have an extra pair of green football socks. Perhaps they would work for ice skating as well.
Finally posted to the calendar. Even let me post it with a little gift box. So cute. It will be much easier for those who have yahoo as their email as it is embedded with that program.
JudyE did you post your bday? I did not see it but saw Paula's and Jo's.
I would be happy to post for anyone who is having difficulty. Or whatever. I think I know what I am doing. Just let me know.
It is very entertaining to live in your household SHIRLEY.
Yes indeed socks seem to be an issue south of the border!!!
Towards the middle of Sept they will be an issue here!!!
Kathryn had figured on having the sandwich Hunter refused for lunch tomorrow. But there is still Will's.
Good to hear sis that the surgery was a breeze Jordyn was miserable after hers cried all the way home as angie held her in the back seat NO seat belt wasn't happy about that but its over now---- so happy that Lorelei wanted to eat and is feeling good
Good you stuck to your guns with the ice skating and another sock issue HMMM So happy Hunter ate the sandwich when you are hungry u will eat anything like it or not huh ok back to tv land
Yes mine is July 15
I also offered and did Lori and Sandi but we need them to be able to see the calendar Sandi said she didn't have the box checked for the calendar so hers is working now
did u also see the HP and the egg laying and hatch date I love that
pulling a Margy here so bye again
Hoda, I am sitting here still astonished at the $1,000 from the school board and the reaction of the parent when you spent your own money. Good grief!!
I think we got something like $50 sometimes. We got a catalog to use to place orders. Once I had a bit of money left. Could not decide what to buy and decided some paper clips would be nice, so I finished up my order. When my stuff came in, I got a fairly small but very heavy box. I had a lifetime supply of paper clips. Might still be some in my car somewhere.
OK, maybe I spoke too soon. Thought I had it figured out but obviously I am deluded.
the school Jordyn goes to Has lots of ways to raise money for the school you can adopt a class and they have a wish list of things that they would like for the class and when a person volunteer they sign in on the computer and the state gives $ for the school I prefer to donate things like wipes tissue paper etc than $ don't know why but do
What us SUZ what happened to bring you down on it
I was playing with the goodnight pictures as u can see I made one for facebook and one for the blog LOL OK I need a life LOL
I put this picture on the blog also on the misc picture one with the calendar also to see bigger
Judy, I do not see you listed. I see the egg hatches, Paula's day and Jo's. But nothing else.
because I will change it tomorrow to something else I am sure don't want goodnight on it all the time on that note I will say good night my neck says step away from the puter
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
I agree. Tomorrow is another day.
Have a good evening everyone.
Boxes of tissues are usually a good bet, Judy. We did ask for them from homeroom kids. Sometimes got them, sometimes not. Once I had a kid bring in one of those little purse packs of tissues. Kid said mom had said that it was all I was getting. Of course, they were for the kids. Sometimes I bought lots of them.
SHIRLEY. Canada wanted to encourage bilingualism in the 70,80,early 90's.
There was money to create a French culture and French language.
I taught French from 9-12 it was money well used.
This is the same school board and superintendent who wanted me to justify taking students out of District classes do we could have two travelling days on either side of my ten days off for Spring break!!! I was giving up my days off to travel with students. I was paying my own ticket so student prices could be lower!
"Are you serious" slipped out before I said I have nothing to say.
I left the board meeting.
Two days later they gave us the days to travel.
My blood pressure still riles at such incidents.
Sometimes I managed to get a roll of toilet paper from the school's supply.
Wow, Hoda.
We were headed to France.
Paris, Cote d'Azure
French classes travelling!!!
Did you take the students to France?
Oh, I see you answered that already.
Crab cakes with green onion sauce devoured. Went out for a while but sweat was soon pouring off of me.
Oh, yes!!! Teachers spend the money!! Can not even begin to list what I spent it on. Kinder has a lot of hands on materials.
Have not gone to the calendar yet. Will get to it sometime! :)
House is feeling much more comfortable now.
Several times I took students to France SHIRLEY.
I also took them to Quebec
Over summer holidays I took an extended trip to Europe where we went to the United Kingdom and then crossed the channel into France...
Other boards and Superintendents were not as narrow as the one I wrote about.
Thank God it is all over and I do not have to do that again!!!
hmmm. I've never had arrabiata. Or any STDs either...
evening all.
Glad to hear that Lorelei's surgery went well and she is feeling hungry!
Well, just popped in to say hello, off to get settled to watch Duck Dynasty. Good night and prayers for all!
Laurel posted this on fb....
Laurel Ellis Fritz
Favorite Quotes from today in my class..."Do we get to read OUR books today?" Answer: EVERYDAY!! "Can we read some more when we are done?" Answer: YES!! (spoken from student to student all on their own) "Well in the beginning of the book..." I LOVE book whispering!!! I love my job!
Proud of her!
LORI, Sandperson is nearing the PA border. Best jump into bed and dent your pillow. Sleepy dust will soon arrive.
Shirley, so glad the AC is working. Think of it, no need to prepare lunch -- sandwiches already done. Yippee!
Janet, happy to know that Lorelei survived unscathed. As for Olivia and the socks - well, socks seem to be an issue right now.
Tomorrow is day two. One week down and fourteen to go. Headed to my own pillow. Sandperson is headed first to PA. The Evil Jufie has been sedated and stuffed into a closet.
Restful sleep for all.
Just uploaded all of the pictures from Kathryn's camera onto my computer. Yay!! Uploaded? Downloaded? Anyway, they are now in the computer.
Loving' You Eagle Pals...through whatever trials and travails are on your agendas....
for understanding teachers,
working air conditioning systems
interested and interesting students AND teachers
good health and wellness on like that
I really know there is a lot of Eagle Pal news that I cannot stay on top of right now....
please know that
I Care !!
MARGY how is your wrist?
In the meantime,
here on my avatar is one picture from Germany...
my nephew and I having a Giggle
Fest at one of the commissaries ...
I just "happened" to find an abandoned wheelchair in one of the aisles of this store we were in....
and then the fun really began ☺
and then I just happened to find
that crazy hat....
but I could not bring it home..
and now not wanting to be me me me-ing it....
let me say
Prayers for Wellness, Serenity
and Good Things on our Paths...
sometimes they can be tricky to find !
Lovins' to all...
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥
Hoda, my wrist is well!
Now the other hand presents its
challenges but I am plodding along
pretty well,
Thank You !!
♥ ☺
sorry I can't make the picture bigger, will work on that...
it was total entertainment,
take my word for it ! ☺
Good late evening to all ♥
I am still battling the "Calendar"
Give it a day or two before you attempt to record your dates.
I have my info entered but I still cannot see the dates for anyone else
Waiting to see if Paula did the trick.
Going to close down
Still getting some rain but boy is it stuffy out there
Goodnight to all ♥
It better be just entertainment, Margy!!
Time to shut it down...yawning and eyes watering. Time to get comfy. Watching the news and the weather is just too depressing. Several days way above 100 coming.
Think I am going to get outside early in the morn. Want to do some cleaning up in the yard and early is the only time,
Night all! SED!!
Sandperson gave up on me tonight. I have been posting pictures on FB. Will work on moving them over here tomorrow.
Kathryn said Hunter may have football practice tomorrow, and the coaches want him to come early so they can catch him up on some of the signals and plays. He missed some info when we were gone, and that might be some of the problem he had at the game.
I am going to say good night. It will be so nice not to sweat all night.
Love that picture, Margy! So happy that your wrist is doing well.
My dear friends, I have been such a bad Momster!! I am here. trying to read back but its so hard. I have been working and working. End of my work week is friday morning at 6am and I will have worked 54 hrs. since Saturday at midnight. I am whooped. Jenn is into her second week of school. So far so good, but getting worse at the getting up on time part. JEssica is working part time at the five below store making min wage. ALSo babysits at the neighbors m-f from 6am to about 3:30pm. The grandma is a friend of ours, the son is a single dad and not very old, maybe 21 yrs old and she won't charge what she should. She is only charging them $40.00 for the week. Crazy huh??!!!! Makes me angry cause if she weren't doing it, they would have to pay upwards of $300 a week!!!
Charlie is well. hanging in there, since his dr cut his meds way back.
I can't wait to see Margy. I am stuck on this awful schedule of 1800-0600 so two more months of not getting to see Margy. Am not happy about t he shift of pple I have at all.
Hope all is well with EVERYONE!!!! I miss you all and love all of you!
Just came across this, dear Jewels. And you are a Jewel to us. We have been missing you on the blog, but understand when you have such a busy schedule with work and family.
Do not forget to take care of yourself and drop in to visit with us whenever you can. We are here to support you with your words, prayers, and good thoughts.
Hope you get to see Margy soon.
Good Thursday Morning everyone!
JEWELS, so nice to hear from you. I'm sorry you're working so much. It sounds exhausting. Get some rest and the world will seem like a better place. :)
I didn't sleep well last night. Nerves, I'm sure. I'm sorry I wasn't clear about the teacher. She's not an online teacher - we just have to submit our homework to her online & she gives us tests to take online, as well, but she is a teacher I will probably see everyday at school and clinicals. I will breathe, and smile at her today...thanks for all your great advice. I love you all sooooo much!
I can't believe this day is here already.
JANET, glad the baby is fine and it was such a quick procedure.
JUDYE, happy day off!
KAY, so happy that you'll get to see Seth this weekend! Hope you had a nice dinner with Julie.
HODA, how busy are you today, or are you not concentrating on taking it easy anymore?
JO & PAULA, thanks for all the work on the website birthdays plan. It really is appreciated.
SHIRLEY, hope you were able to get some sleep.
SANDI, have a great day at school. Hope things calm down for you and you get some real time to take care of your classroom. Good Morning, since I know you'll be checking in soon.
Off now to get ready...I'll check in when I get home.
Wishing everyone a wonderful day full of love, light, joy and smiles.
Good morning my eagle friends!
Lori, and so it begins! Have a WONDERFUL first day of nursing school!
Re money spent on students ... when I taught in Balto. County, the PTA always gave us some money to buy things, maybe $100, not a lot, but a gesture. Not true here in DE. I just buy what I need and take the $250 deduction on my income taxes. If I can keep a kid focused with the bribe of a lollipop, it's worth whatever I have to spend!
Make it a great day all! I think we have most of the day in our rooms today, and the team has a parent meeting at 1:30. We have a young man with autism on our team and he could not handle the chaos of open house night. He is coming in today with his mom to meet his teachers and familiarize himself with his schedule.
Thursday. and good morning. went to bed early, but still a bit sleepy.
magpie: loved the pix and glad your wrist is doing better.
lori: (((hugs)))) go get em!
hope everyone has a great day!
Have a great first day LORI
Great Picture MARGY
JEWELS awesome to see you.
I second what SHIRLEY said
Good Morning Eaglebuds! Did one of those Panda Nap things after work yesterday & woke up at 4AM! DUH!
Finally got my Home critter pics on blog. One more to go.
(JudyE, I will send you the yucky critter as soon as it's out of the camera!)
Margy, love your picture!! Hope your wrists cooperate.
Best Wishes for Lori's classes!
Good day for everyone.
Have an appt. @ 11 am, so not sure if I'll just stay up and nap later or nap now! I don't do AMs!!
Good Morning Eagle Buds !
Woke up thinking of our LORI and the challenge she'll face today---hope she's doing those deep breathing exercises. You teachers have given her excellent advice and I know she'll take it to ♥ !
Interesting exchanges on teachers $ outlay on behalf of their students and on Arribiata ! The latter was not my own creation, but that of Trader Joe. Twas' good but no better than Barilla's version. Instead of ground beef I used Boca Bits and we couldn't tell the difference. Hopefully my waistline will ! I've gained back a lot of the weight lost during the surgery/recovery era. That in spite of walking dog(s) multiple times a day. Bah Humbug !
So wonderful to get your post JEWELS ! Thanks for the overview on how things are for Charlie, the girls and YOU ! Hope you get to see our MARGY soon !
MARGY, the avatar is priceless ! What a lucky little nephew to have a "fun" Auntie like you !
Nice to see you LORETTA ! Panda naps are good for you, keep up the good work. I'm going to take a look at your pics as soon as I finish this post.
SHIRLEY, hope Hunter gets his signals straight and gets back on track with his talent for the game !
Love and prayers for all !
Morning, all.
In regards to the calender...
You have to go to the calendar on the EagletMomster group on yahoo to enter your info....
the Calendar link is on the left hand side of the group page...down at the bottom.
I see that someone entered something on Nov need to edit it to add your name, so we know who's birthday it is!
There is also a little box to check for type of on Birthday or anniversary...birthdays show up with a little present...anniversaries have a different icon
Wow, LORETTA, what gorgeous flutterbys, woodpeckers, and an array of smaller birds n' one lone squirrel ! You are a talented camerawoman ! Thanks for sharing.
And, thank you, PAULA ! I'm going to the calendar now that you've worked your magic !
Kay, let me know how it goes, please.
PAULA, I did something different and don't know how to edit it. My BD shows up on Jan. 24, as "New Event" rather than with my name as I see you, Lynne2 and Jo were able to do ???? It's okay I guess, but doesn't conform to the others.
Oops, big fingers. Jan. 25th is my date.
Kay, you can go in and edit it....or delete it and start over.
Kinda get a kick out of it selecting 10:30 to 11 a.m. for "the event". I was born at 11am !
Okay, I'm going back to delete and start all over.....
Voila`, I think I dood it ! PAULA, please take a look and see if it appears for all to see. Jan. 25th.
Kay, it now has TWO new events on that day! Go to it, RIGHT CLICK, Edit, and up a the top in blue where it says new event, just type in your info there!
It took me a while to figure it out, but I finally got it!
Nope, my edit doesn't take even though I hit "save". Kay Moffett shows up on the 25th of Jan. at that time. However, when I go back in, the title is still "New Event" ?????
Kay, I deleted the new event one...the other one shows up fine...must take a couple of minutes for the change to be effective.
Suzan, I never did answer your question. I don't have a pressure pot. My mother used one all of the time, especially for canning. It would have come in handy for cooking that chicken.
Thanks loads, PAULA and LYNNE2 !
Magpie Video
This is a link to the Magpie Video I posted on FB. I hope the non-Facebook people can see it. I have not been able to post it on my blog.
Lolly, have you all been to the Chautauqua in Boulder? It has a very interesting connection to Texas.
I put my name and my birth year in for December 8. Not sure if I did it right.
Good Morning!
Paula, the event in Nov. was me. I deleted it.
Shirley, we use a pressure pot around here a lot. My daughter has become quite the chef with it. That and a crock pot can come in handy in a busy household.
Lori, can't wait to hear about your day. Know it will all be good.
Hello eagle buds and a fine Thurs am to one and all and who is the person that but the count down to Christmas LOL
I am on hold hold hold I went to IRS and there would be a 3-4 hours wait now I have been on hold on the phone for over 30 min I hate elevator music they are playing the same thing over and over a instrumental number LOL But its my fault for making a typo on my return just be procrastinating doing this
Oh gosh, Judy. I hope you do not have to wait much longer. I had thought of fling an amended return to add some changes I want to make. Sounds like it will be hard to get help, though.
I thought that they would see that it was a typo and send me my refund but I was wrong probably sitting on someone desk
When I called they said it would be a 30 min wait Well its now 40 min Maybe I should have stayed at the IRS office I still could go back since they did give me a # They said a better day may be Tue of Wed but I work those days But I only work 8-12 on Wed. I will continue to hold until my batteries dye LOL I do have two phones I put the one back on the charger and got the bedroom phone
i have someone yeah
ok he has taken all my info name etc and now put me on hold
I explained that I made a typo from line 15 to line 21 When he asked how I filed and I said I mailed it
He wanted to know why I mailed it and not did a electronically return I told him I didn't like using the computer for things like that since I had a issue with my credit card issue a while back ODD how I file is my choice I would think
BAD WORD INSERTED HERE LOOKS like I have a identity theft case here he says discussing with his colleagues YIKES two returns were filed I guess back on hold
figured I will change my avatar while I am on hold
I know last year in Tampa Fl there was a run on tax fraud Don't know if you remember that on the news that they busted a ring in a hotel room the maid had gone in to the room and found lots of credit cards and Id
I know last year in Tampa Fl there was a run on tax fraud Don't know if you remember that on the news that they busted a ring in a hotel room the maid had gone in to the room and found lots of credit cards and Id
I guess within the same week as I file with my address for years someone else filed with a different address
That sent up a red flag for them and they stopped both filing and figured out that I was the correct person and May 22 refiled my correct one and 180 days which will be Nov 18 I will get my $$$ I have to get in contact with the States Attorney and the SSN office and the credit bureaus to report this I have to send in a form to Austin TX where my file was sent just as a back up saying I am aware of it I wonder why they didn't get in contact with me in regards to this I will go to SSN office instead online or phone call maybe be better he rattled off so much info I sure wish I would have waited there but I still would be there 4 hr wait
Yikes, Judy. Good luck on getting it straightened out.
Sandi, I had an amazingly bright student with Asperger’s. I remember worrying about him when we had a pep rally.
I hope he is doing well. I wrote a college recommendation letter for him.
Good luck with your autistic student.
Good Early Afternoon to all ♥
Yahoo what have you done!?????
I have the calendar from your url Paula and I have entered my b-day and anniversary BUT
Where is our old HOME PAGE ????????
I have a whole new format....
MT attic.
I did delete the NOV New Event...
Whoever is Nov 12th needs to input your info again.
FUNNY - I can't see any of Judy's
dates......... what happen...
I see Paula, Lynne and twice for Kay
Jo, mine is the same. I suggest just getting in how you normally go.
I think JudyE put it on her personal calender in Yahoo...
I put mine in, Jo, but I don't think I did it right because I did not see a present icon. Mine is Dec. 8. I also put in the year: 1941.
called credit report Equifax
and now on hold with state attorney
angie printed copy of form 4535 fraud from I have to send to TX where I filed as a back up
I probably did the thing Judy did. I saw my personal e-mail there.
Jo, I just got rid of the second one for Kay...
I found the page - just no eagle picture from Deb
Then I click on EVENTS & calendar comes up
Other items on menu bar ok
Yes, you have to do it on the Eaglet Momster Yahoo Group site...
I can't see your SHIRLEY I see Steve and LYNNE2 on it DEC 28 anniversary
Jo, I think it would be easier if I just went back and gathered up all your emails and entered everthing....
JudyE, glad you called the IRS, but what a PIA
Shirley - I can't see it yet
Go back and be sure you clicked on save.
Right above SAVE in you info block is the word TYPE
Go there and click on Birthday then save
Paula I agree..............
Or else I'll just keep publishing the list until a faithful Momster agrees to take it over......
It just upsets me that not many refer to the list once it is published...... and that is a fact.
I will start with the calendar
Everyone that wants they birth year will need to edit when I finish..
Nice little project - I'll at least keep one month ahead.
Important question is: will most of you check it.
There is also a chance there are bloggers who are not Momsters...
It is all more than I can do with Yahoo.
I don't like them and people get hacked there all the time.
Please fo not put my personal information there.
Upset about JUDYE identity theft.
An autumn like day here.
Thinking of LORI
Thank you PAULA &JO for undertaking this project.
Please DO NOT put me on there.
When I have something to celebrate I will come here and let you know.
I will take my clues from the posts when it is someone else's special day.
Blessed Be
Suzan - you must type in your name on Nov 12 - Let me iknow if I can help to edit
OK Hoda - will not do
What date was it so I can be sure to mark it as a NO ....
On The Calendar if you do this yourself
Reminder - check Yearly
Sept is finished -
Paula - on the Sept calendar ACTIONS
Can you see a way to Export that as an email to
No Jo, I don't
But, you could take a picture of it and send it that way...with the snipping tool....
Nov 17 JO
Thanks Paula I don't either
The monthly view - takes the old month into the new month if your event is on or within the last week
Check out Bill's b-day on Sept 28 and then jump to OCT - it shows on both Weird I thought I had entered
twice or more........ lol
Just put this video on FB
Hope you can get it up
About Delta Airlines.
Strangest bit of news out of Canada today!
The Winning Province is Quebec!
Ready for this?
The Quebec Government intends to introduce a new French language protection bill.
Henceforth ALL Quebec Dogs have to be able to follow commands in both French and English!!!
I swear I am not making this up!!!
CBC radio, our national broadcaster, just announced it!!!
So none of us would be breaking the law woof woof is henceforth to be said as Ouaf Ouaf
Oui oui bonjour comment ca va?
Comment Allez-vous?
I noticed that on the calendar also JO but if you notice its the correct date just flows over to the next month
I think I got it correct now and what happened to Debs picture I also noticed it not there Yahoo did changes since last time I was on it a while back
Breathe easy Hoda - I never had your b-day recorded - we must have talked before........ You will just need to announce to all of us on your special day! ♥
LORI does the same thing is the 29 of May but shows up in the June page as May 29)
Finally Judy I see your name on your date.
Yes indeed JO
Boy this tax stuff is stressing me out I need a drink or a brownie LOL and I file on Feb 23 not March duh I wrote Made out 23 and mailed 24 on the tax book and miss read it slopping handwriting looked like March I guess HElp I am loosing my mind LOL It will all work out I am sure
I would send you a BROWNIE JUDYE if I did not think it would get us both in trouble at the border. LOL
I loved the video and I shared it Tear while watching and listening that song always puts me in tears
I am picking up Jordyn today Angie want to put boxes in my truck today and tomorrow we will just take to the new house The owner Linda told Angie to bring stuff over Now they many not close till Wed The appraiser didn't get all his ducks in a row for signing Fri so its cool that she is allowing Angie to bring some stuff over ahead
Enjoy your afternoon Judy
TTUL Hoda! Beautiful day for you to get on that bike and ride.
I'm taking a break BBL
Did you notice on the video, towards the end when they shook hands with the flag bearers, that the Delta Pilots extended their hands to the USA flag bearer and of course he could not shake hands as he was still at attention.
The military people ahead of them saluted the flag. The Delta pilots did not know that!!!
Still an awesome video.
must be issues I keep getting message when I go to the photo album Sorry an error occurred while loading and I get a blank page wanted to put a pic in the album will try later out the door I go
OH FYI I did test print one month of the bday and it did work so if everyone put their days on it we can print it also I tried import and export but would rather print OK BYE
Hoda, Je suis très bien, merci. Alors, vous allez me dire «talon» à votre chien tous les deux jours.
The picture is still on the group homepage for me...
Jo and Paula, I deleted my "event" when I saw that I had omitted my name. Why it is still showing up is a mystery.
I think the time has come to decide if announcing our special days is important to all. If we do not care enough as adults and friends to keep up with it is it enough for a few to deal with the headache of it all?
MMme. Shirley, tres bien.
Oh, I know we care, and I always appreciate the greetings.
Sorry I do not have the keyboard set up for foreign thingys!
Thank you again, PAULA ! I tried to delete the 2nd entry over and over again---it would then show only once, but when I went out and back in again there were two of them. Thanks for the fix---it's bad enough to grow older once a year ! Twice a year and on the same day was a bummer---I'd be 115 years old before we knew it !!!!
JUDY, speaking of bummers, you are in the middle of a nightmare currently. Hope it resolves soon ! Surely there is local source for Brownies Extraordinaire`!
SHIRLEY, I'm a non-FB person and I was able to see MARGY's video--thanks ! We knew she flew to Germany, but didn't realize she had "Samantha's Wiggle the Nose" powers in order to do so !
Yeah, me too. Ok, I will make the offer to do the monthly announcement. I would prefer to only make it here on the blog. I have many lists in my Momster file so I "think" I have every month. Let me know your decision.
Glad that you could see it, Kay.
Funny thing--I did not say anything about Margy. I said it is a "magpie video" because that is what it is. A magpie bird in Colorado.
I kept thinking about that bird last night because I did not know what it was at first. Then it came to me that it was most likely a magpie. I did not know they lived in Colorado, so I turned on the computer and verified my hunch.
It was behind the restaurant where we had lunch, and I had to hurry along to catch up with everyone else, one reason I kept moving the camera. I was surprised it did not fly away, but then Margy would not fly away from me...except to go to Germany.
Getting ready to hit the road.
Whatever ya'll decide on birthdays is fine by me.
I had a big smile
Hi! Worked in the yard too long. Have sat down and may never get up!94 and hope that is our high!
Have not gone to the calendar and may not. Goodness....the problems everyone is having!!!
Safe travels PAULA and good luck with estimates, new job, and the start of relocating...
Just went to the calendar and entered my name. Looks like it is progressing. I still would not mind making a monthly announcement of events especially for those like Hoda who do not want to mess with Yahoo.
I side with Paula. Whatever you decide I will do. We are a team.
I just entered my January birthday and June anniversary and see others. Can you see mine? Did I do it right? Help! LOL
Good afternoon all!
Good grief JUDYE...soooo sorry sis that all this garbage hashappened to you. b reathe breathe breathe! I hope it is corrected in a timely fashion!
But, hip hip hurrah for Angie's new house...pix soon?
Your momster calender sounds like a nightmare...I was considering going on to it...but have changed my mind since reading all these posts!!! Thank you, I shall simply announce my special days....
Not a big yahoo fan anyway.
Busy day. Was really sllleeeepppy this to work, dragging booty, and .... (I promised I heard winged beings singing) I spied a COFFEE POT in the breakroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was delighted. I ran over, bought coffee stuff and made a pot and drank two cups!!!! So pleased! I hope we can keep it!
Complaints in the past have been from clients and therapits about the smell of coffee...... It would just be so nice to have a cup now and again! And as cold as the front desk gets, I would htink they would want some.
Anyway, so that brightened my WHOLE day!
Now, home. Its 95 and I"m having my afternoon coffee. Had a couple of oatmeal-cranberry cookies as well. Dinner is late on Thursdays due to ice skating. Need a pick me up.
Anxious to hear from Lori and Lolly....
hope everyone else has had a good day. TOmorrow is friday!!! :) :) :)
Light,love, hugs and smiles to all!!!!
Went back, did a little better and played a little! LOL
I was afraid to go too, but it is really simple. I will add for folks if you just give me your info.
Have not heard from the doctor. Will call in the morning if I have not heard back. They are not in the office Friday afternoon.
Sit: Assis
Down: Couché
Stay: Attend
Come: Viens or Ici
Heel: Au pied
Just in case anyone is planning a trip to Quebec Canada with their pooch!
I think the evil Jufie has been messing with Judy's taxes.
LOL Just read your comment, Kay about growing older twice in a day, Too funny!
And maybe Jufie got to the nursing teacher at Lori's school. Lori will need to banish that evil Jufie.
I can not wait to hear from LORI.
How did it go LORI?
It is all good
There are no sides on the calendar thing
Hoda Ghamrawy November 17 Birthday.
Thank you.
No sides.
We are one family.
Will do, Hoda!
The doctor's office called. It is a benign nodule on the skull, normally inherited from a parent. Hmmmm???? Do not know if a parent had a lump on their skull. Jack had more questions after I hung up. I will ask more questions when I go back in 3 months. In the more worrying! Thanks for all the prayers... God is so good!!
Hellooooooo everyone!
I just got home from school and picking up my uniforms.
It went very well, and time just flew by. They made no bones about it that it will be a stressful and busy year!
I got a nice email today from the teacher who I had the ordeal with yesterday. It was very nice and I feel totally comfortable about it now. She said she just wanted to be sure that I was reading the chapters, not just doing homework tests, and wanted to see that I "was on the right track." Very nice. So relieved.
My carpooling partner, Cindy, is very nice --- except she used the N word on our way home!!!!!! Dang, it's so boonies out here! I gasped and she promised to not say it again.
And would you believe, on a form that we had to fill out listing our personal info, that -- and I swear -- more than half the class put that fishing and hunting was their hobby/hobbies! No offense, LYNNE2 and PAULA -- but I don't think you two hunt. I know you like to fish.
In class we heard about many incidents where people lost their jobs for writing online about events that happened in hospitals, etc, because it violates HIPPA rules. Interesting. So you won't hear any stories from me! :)
HODA, I was ROTFLMBO about the dogs having to learn French and English. Too funny, and a bit insane.
PAULA, Best wishes, good luck and all wonderful things as you begin this new chapter in your life. Big Hugs. First, enjoy your holiday weekend.
LOLLY, you overdid it today --94 is way too hot to be outside working for so long a time.
Must admit, I started reading the blog and thought I was on some techie blog by mistake! Not really, but couldn't believe all the problems. JUDYE, is mine okay?
I forgot how to get in there - passwords, URGH!
JUDYE, enjoy your time with Jordyn today. And, I am soooo very sorry about all the crap you've had to go through just to get your refund. I won't believe it's over until it's in your hand in November.
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