Monday, August 19, 2013


New week, new thread.


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grannyblt said...

Whoo Hoo, did I just find today's feather? Thanks Steve for the new thread

grannyblt said...

I went back to old thread, but I don't think there was anyone there to invite over. I guess most of the crew is off to foreign lands and states.
The weatherman says we are to get summer again this week, but I don't know about that. I've actually had on socks a few times this past week.
Wishing everyone well in their travels, new beginnings and teeth cleanings.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Jo for the call over!

Home from tennis - sun has come out. Guess this WILL be a beach day!


Sandi said...

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, glad y9ou have sun...cloudy and rainy here

It will probably clear up tomorrow when I'm not here :-)

Steve rowed out and got the crab pots last least have a dozen

Mema Jo said...

You sure did gal! I did put the New Thread Alert over there.

Thank you Steve for helping us to start out the week with the fresh new thread..

Mema Jo said...

It is still a 'no sun' day here so far. Enjoy the beach, Sandi.
Paula are you going to cook those crabs before you come home?

Mema Jo said...

Shirley checked in on the earlier thread...

stronghunter said...

Good morning from Colorado. Woke up early and tried to make coffee. Can't figure our the coffee maker. We grilled steaks last night. Had dinner with Jim, Shirley, nephew Chris and his girlfriend Megan.
Monday, August 19, 2013 9:10:00 AM

Hoda said...

THANK YOU JO for the call over.

Good on you PAULA. Fresh Crab.

Watered the plants. Listening to the eagle circle above.
There are some fire bombers making their rounds too.
I have not heard about a fire but there must be something going on.

Eating fresh organic raspberries. Picked last evening. Late I know and delicious still.

Mema Jo said...

Children in our county are Back to School this morning. I spoke with my
great granddaughter last evening and could hear the excitement in her voice. She loves to learn and I pray
that feeling never leaves her.

Christine and Patrick are headed to Bethesda for their residence. I think it is Operation Homefront that provides temp housing until a home is found.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What exactly is a sun supposed to look like? Not sure what I am looking for.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have an eagle in our tree!

DanaMo said...

Granny, I have on socks, sweats and a my house!
Not ready for this change of weather. I hope it does warm back up so I can get some more Vitamin D around my pool.

Well it's all over but the crying for me. Tomorrow I head into school for teacher work week. Meetings...what a waste of time.

Mema Jo said...

Christine has many pictures of their new place provided by Operation Homefront and I put them on my page. As I said I am so thankful she found
this organization which provides the necessities for Military Families such as a Home. They gave the girls school supplies including a Kindle and a gift card for books. Can't beat that!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon - I do like your new hair style. I guess you are still determined NOT to have the bangs. lol

Mattie has grown up and her picture is so good.

Thanks for the eagle report! I check a couple times every day and miss them - Judy always takes pics.
They he is - I would bet it is Shep as Belle is larger.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No Jo. I have decided I can wear it either way so the last couple of days has been with bangs.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Is anyone else seeing an eagle in our tree?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Geese just flew by.

Kay said...

Hi Eagle Buds !

Thanks to STEVE for taking good care of us and congrats to LYNNE1 for the new feather in her cap !

SHAR, I guess no one else saw the eagle--now I can't get either cam to work. By the way, I love your sweet, smiling avatar !

SANDI, you may be a able to run and hide from birthdays with relatives and other friends, but this group will never go for that idea !!!! Glad you had a lovely birthday !!!! Good luck as you start the new teaching year--I know there are many challenges, but you CAN DO IT if anyone can !!!

JO, such good news from Christine about the housing and settling in help they received !

Hmmmm fresh crab in Maryland, fresh organic raspberries in Canada, grilled steak in Colorado....I'm gaining weight just reading about these goodies !

DANAMO, read back--I'm hoping for a report on what your young men are up to this Fall. Wishing you a better year with the K kids--last year was a bummer, but surely just an anomaly ???!!!

Fasted and went to Primary Doc for a routine check up this morning. Results of labs in a day or two, but I'm expecting only good things. I'm feeling better than I have in about 2 years now ! Yeah and thanks again for all prayers and support, dear friends !

Love and prayers for all !


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread and Jo for hollerin' at us and congrats to Lynne1 on her feather.

Teeth all shiny bright, well, clean.

So happy Christine and Patrick have a home and, yes, Operation Homefront is an exceptional help for relocating military families. Wish them the best in getting settled.

Feel your pain, DanaMo. I'm right there with you.

Jealous, Paula has fresh crabs and Hoda has fresh raspberries. Yum! Now, if we could just enjoy on Sandi's beach.

Now we know, Shirley is mechanically challenged. Glad she checked in a hope she got some coffee.

Socks would be welcome. Tired of hot and humid weather. Every morning I gaze longingly at my sweaters.

Wishing good medical reports, Kay.

Alright, back to pretending to be productive.

Sandi said...

Hi all - sun didn't stay out. =( Have been bike riding with Madeline and Michael. Will be heading to Grotto's shortly on bikes for a Grotto's Gelato.

Bella's new bike basket and cushion arrived today and I got it mounted on the bike. She seems much happier in this one but she is still wearing a harness that I have "leashed" to the side of the basket, so she couldn't jump out if she wanted to.

Went out to my mailbox today and lo and behold, there was a real live birthday card in there from Margy AND a package from Lynne!! Inside the package was a little angel sitting down with an apple on one foot and a pencil on the other - too cute!! Took a picture of my new little angel and set it as my new avatar.

Kay, so glad to hear you say that you are feeling better than you have in 2 years!

Lori O. said...

Thanks STEVE for the new thread, and JO for getting us over here.

GRANNY, congrats on your feather!

SHARON, how is THELMA? Haven't heard from her in months!

HODA, glad you're having a great day in comfy temps. How was your swim?

SANDI, sorry your sun didn't hold up, but glad you're having a fun day with the kids. Enjoy the gelato!

KAY! Big Hugs! So happy you're feeling GREAT! Sure your medical tests will confirm it.

PAULA, sounds like you're coming home tomorrow, or tonight? Enjoy your crab.

Have a great rest of the afternoon all!


DanaMo said...

Good afternoon everyone!

Kay, nice to "see" you. We took Aric back to Dayton on Saturday and got home late last night. It was a good trip and I'm going to miss him! He is still studying civil engineering and hoping to get a co-op to get out in the field, make some money, and get experience. He still toys with the idea of changing majors, but not sure what he will do. He hasn't made any forward movement in making a change so he may just stay the course rather than make a decision! That's just how he is! Actually, I think they are all that way!
Andrew is trying to finish up his accounting degree (AA) this year at HCC and Adam is going to HCC (oops...that's Hagerstown Community College) to study something with computer/game design. Annemarie will be a sophomore.

I do hope that last year was an anomaly! It really was the only time I have ever had such a disaster of a year!

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOO Home from work and find a new thread

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...

oops for got to check box

JudyEddy said...

.♥EAGLE in attic

DanaMo said...

First time I've had the cam on. So why is the camera above the nest non functional at this time. Just because the season is over? Or because there is an issue?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

We heard an update on Saturday night about our friend Jim who's been ailing. He got to come home from the hospital late Thursday. He is still not nearly 100%, though. They sent him home wearing a vest-type thing that has a heart monitor in it, and if his heart rate gets too low, a defibrillator in the contraption zaps him and gets him jump-started again. His breathing is not what it should be, either. He's on meds for that too. Darlene said he still feels pretty weak, but they have a physical therapist scheduled to come to the home and help him with exercise. We're just grateful to God that he is in good enough shape to be home, and we're still praying about the rest. Thank you all SO much for your prayers! They are MUCH appreciated!

It's hot here again--high of mid-80s with 50% humidity. Emma and I have been parked in front of the big fan.

Glad to hear that our travelers are all save and sound.

Well, Ken will be home soon, so I'd better say so long for now. Will try to get back here after dinner tonight. Have a great evening! I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO critters chewed the wires to the old cam and this is what Steve did for us

JudyEddy said...

I am gonna kill GLO and JO they have me hooked on Pipsqueak now so stinkin cute and I love the noises it makes

JudyEddy said...

both in attic

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have not read back.

We have had an awesome day. We drove into Austin, toured the capitol, toured the Bullock Museum of Texas History, went to the Imax and saw the 3-D Sharks movie. Then we returned to our RV park and had our afternoon swim. About to grill hamburgers.

Tomorrow we go to the Natural Bridge Caverns and then to the boat ride to watch the bats fly out for the night. Taking a boat ride to see that.

DanaMo said...

Cool. I like being able to see them in the tree!

Mema Jo said...

Belle & Shep in their Sycamore Palace

Judy - this is what you get for not watching the panda twins - now your into Ostrich cam.

I just love Pip... When they get her a larger box I hope the view is widen

Lolly said...

Thanks, Judy! Great to see Belle and Shep!

Mema Jo said...

Dana - there was a huge ostrich egg that just hatched a day ago and the little ostrich - well you like newly hatched ducks and this is twice as cute.

Lolly said...

I need to go see the baby O!

Sandi said...

Thanks Judy, for the eagle alert!! How beautiful is that to see both eagles in the tree!? I hope NCTC will just keep this cam running - we can learn a lot about what the eagles do in the fall and early winter by watching.

Mema Jo said...

On FB I have a direct link

JudyEddy said...

GLO are you ready for your noodle beating JO will be in charge LOL

Sandi said...

Jo, not gonna watch, not gonna watch!! Can't make me! =)

JudyEddy said...

I posted the FB link on it chat and on FB page also I put a couple of pic on it also

JudyEddy said...

Don't do it SANDI I got hooked on PIP I just love the little voice trill it makes

JudyEddy said...

I love seing both in the attic so nice they are staying for a bit

JudyEddy said...

I have to leave and I am waiting for the storm to subside I hear rumbling and its in the area I want to go Angies

Lolly said...

Ok, went and took a moments peek at baby O. Love the way he is cuddling up to that stuffed bear or what ever it is.

Time for me to get back to preparing dinner!

JudyEddy said...

PIP has 144 LIKEs now here is the link

PIPS facebook Page LIKE IT no email notification just lIKE IT

JudyEddy said...

OH NO LOLLY your will be hooked once you hear her or see her awake

JudyEddy said...

still in the attic so sweet

Mema Jo said...

FB page is - Pip the Ostrich

JudyEddy said...

thought the top one was gonna poof but didn't

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

BTW - Thinking of our Lady Lynn as Redskins meet the Steelers!

Love ya Lynn ♥

Mema Jo said...

bbl TV at 9 and at 10

Major Crimes and Perception

Hoda said...


Lynne2 said...

well well well....

Lynne2 said...

me thinks you doubt my bear sighting.

DELUSIONAL? Well I never....

Lynne2 said...

So, Lolly is going to see bats flying out of a cave tomorrow. Hmmm. I have so many SASSY remarks to make about this, I just don't know where to start. LOL!

Andy, sorry about your weather. Humidity sucks. Prayers continue for Jim!

Sandi... glad you like it!

KAY...what great news to hear how well you are feeling! Keep doing whatever it is you are doing!

I'm thinking I would really enjoy some STEAK, CRABS and RASPBERRIES! mmmMMMMMMMmmmm!

Lynne2 said...

I must run...there is a unicorn out in the parking lot!

Hoda said...

Well LYNNE I was going to say when you come up here I will share the organic raspberries and see about some way where you can tell the difference between bear and dog!!!


I must run unicorns are running!!!

I think you have ALREADY been up here at Shambhala!!!

OH MY!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Back home from Paradise. Going to work for 1/2 day tomorrow at my monthly job.

Gotta get caught up!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I cooked and stripped the crabs, and we brought them home.

Oh, got to hear the owl last night! He was who who whoing around midnight.

Neighbor seems to be getting along OK.

Good to hear about the temp housing for Christine and Patrick.

Beautiful moon tonight!

Now Lynne is seeing unicorns? How many days has she been at the Shambala festival??

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, got to see the sun on my way home :)

Lots of helicopters around here tonight...

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna head upstairs and finish my book!

SED, love and hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

I am ready for bed and the guys are playing a serious game of Go Fish!

Lolly said...

You have it all wrong, Lynne! We are going to a cavern in the morning. Then in the evening see the bats leave their home under the Congress St. Bridge. We are riding in a boat to see this happen. No smart remarks, please. Lol

Nite all! SED

Janet said...

late good evening to all. tired.

got off work amd had a 2:45 meeting @ olivia's school regarding her testing.

so, found out some information. although, at this time, she does not qualify for receiving an IEP/and special educational services...NEXT JULY they will completley have revamped how they qualify kids for assistance. IF thru this year she still experiences issues, i am to put in another request for testing after july next year so they can re-evaluate her.

they are continuing to monitor her, encourage her to participate, speak up, ask questions. everyone is on board that she has math issues...but the problem, as it was explained to me, is that the testing really focuses on reading. and once you can read, well you can read. they don't have a way to adequately assess math skills...not the way they do reading. soooo, continuing to monitor her, ask for help .... and then maybe reevaluate on this differently.

but i don't feel she is being abandoned...remember this is a charter school and it does things differently from a regular public school.

so with that said, another school year in full swing. woo hoo. 7th grade.

i ordered pizza for dinner....sooooo tired. fell asleep. tom woke me up to go to yoga. i almost didn't go. but i managed and glad i did.

now, bedtime shortly.

hope everyone has a restful night.
watch out for wayward unicorns.....

Lolly said...

UNICORN? And you have comments to make?

Hoda said...


God Bless Us All.

PA Nana said...

Stopping by to say hello and goodnight.

Been enjoying this pleasant weather and now it's back to a/c
Too many posts to respond to tonight. Will catch up later.

God bless each of you and bring you peace and good health.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY posted a beautiful eagle on FB

JO did not say goodnight!!!

Did LYNN'S team win?

stronghunter said...

Testing, testing . . .

stronghunter said...

Glad you could see the eagle, Hoda. I couldn't. This connection isn't too good.

The raptor center is only a couple of miles away. We also visited the place where Chris works. They make giant blades for windmills. Got some pics.

Jim took Hunter and Kathryn to see some prarrie dogs. Hunter got a video.

We rented the SUV, so we'll have space to take everyone to the mountains.

Hard to believe school is starting already.

stronghunter said...


Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends. Blue screen on the cam page.

Paula, no news about the job prospect?

Shirley saw an eagle up close and personal - COOL! Will have to check that out on FB.

Today is Lisa's and the kids' last day - supposed to be sunny so we will hit the beach early. After they leave, I am having dinner with a bunch of my tennis friends.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...


Gray screen on cam this am

PIP is in a new and bigger box

JudyEddy said...


♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everybody!

SHIRLEY, you saw an eagle! How cool. I'll have to find the picture of it. I'm so happy you sound like you're having a great time out there!

JO, must have fallen asleep before she said happens to the best of us.

SANDI, enjoy your last day with a house full, and hope you have a great time at your tennis friends dinner tonight.

KAY, I'm still smiling at what you said about not feeing this good in two years. That's awesome!

PAULA, what is your monthly job?

JANET, so sorry to hear about Olivia's testing outcome....but glad you're okay with it. Big Hugs, you've been through the wringer with this issue!

LOLLY, have a great time on the bat boat ride! LOL The boys will love that.

Lots to do around days are numbered before I head to PA on Sunday or Monday. Need to get a lot of things together, so I'll be busy this week.

Have a great day everyone!


Lori O. said...


Hope it's a very special day for you.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE are you watching the MCTEAR murder trial May go in to mistrial today

grannyblt said...

Good morning all and


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Granny and JudyE!

Janet said...

Good morning and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO STEVE!!!!

Tuesday. Day off. I have a few to do's of course, but as tired as I was yesterday, today is welcomed. After yoga, came home, went back to bed and went back to sleep. Please check the sleepy satchel from the sandman, think he may have over dosed

Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks foggy at the nest this morning. Screen is a pale blue.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, I do the financials for the carpet company.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest just coming into focus.

Catch ya later!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Yes, we saw a bald eagle, three golden eagles, a TV, and two red tail hawks at the raptor center.

stronghunter said...

Takes a very long time for anything to post. I do miss my computer and the Internet connection.

Happy birthday Steve. Belated happy birthday to Candy and Sandi.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to ALL ♥

Lori - you hit it right on the head - My computer was shut down by hubby
last night because my eyes closed and
I was a goner ♥

Andy - great news about Jim - medicine has some very advance procedures - They both must be on pins and needles throughout the day.Also they must have a great Faith.

Lolly - wear a scarf - no bats in the hair! And watch out for Jack's beard lol

Wanda - good day for Soup Kitchen - You should be having one or two of your helpers in mind for taking over the major cooking and clothes closet duties while you and Gene supervise it all. You both have done well ♥

Lori - you are getting the first day school jitters! I bet you never in five years or more thought this was going to happen - I am so proud to have you for my friend - you set the example of New Beginnings. I remember when Andy was starting her new beginning. You have so much support from all of us Love Ya ♥

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Steve

Wishing you a great day and a

Fantastic year ahead

Mema Jo said...

Hi Janet - Glad to hear you feel comfortable with Olivia's school. Don't hesitate throughout this year to have her tutored with her math.
You are such a good parent ♥

Mema Jo said...

PIP now has about 4 Teddy bears to provide company - I just hope their eyes and noses don't get pecked off♥
At time Pip is a little speed demon.
Really adorable!

Shirley - I saw the prairie dog pic.
Sounds like all of you are enjoying
this vacation ♥

Hoda said...


LORI I second what JO said about your example and new beginnings. Way to Go LORI.

Off to experience the day on my bicycle.
Evening Yoga.

Enjoy the day everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I ♥ US!!!!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEVE. ♪♫ Wishing you the best day today and another wonderful year to come. Thank you for supporting us.

Janet, please check out a private licensed testing psychologist, if you haven't already. Specific math deficiencies can be identified and strategies learned. Tutoring can help her learn coping strategies.

Delusional? Shambala is the likely cause. Bears that speak "woof" and Unicorns that "run"?

JudyE, not watching. Will have to look it up as I'm not familiar with the name.

Happy to know that Paula is safely home, Kay is feeling good, Shirley & Co., Lolly & Co., and Hoda are all having fun.

Lori, let me share. Everyone else can skip on. My first day of college, age 37, was my first out-of-body experience. I was so scared that I would not fit in, that I would be shunned, that I would fail. As I moved through the day, it was as if I were standing to the side watching someone who looked like me go to classes and write notes. The final class of the day, the professor stopped that woman on her way out of class. Terror struck the heart of the woman who looked like me. He asked "First day?" She answered yes. He said "You'll be just fine." She was and you will be also. ♥

Brisket going into the oven in a few. Will add a couple of new red potatoes later on.

Syllabus going online. The deal is sealed.


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - Lynn's team did win with a 24 - 13 against the Steelers. BUT
they had some injuries that weren't good

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - do you have an air pump for your bike tires? Just asking..♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Thank you for all you do for us so we can watch the eagles! You are much appreciated! Have a GREAT day!

Lori, here's some study advice from little old me: I found it best to study in a completely quiet room--one with no visual distractions, either. When reading, I retained information better if I read out loud to myself. Flash cards can be helpful, too. I'm sure you will be an excellent student, because you have the necessary motivation!
Besides, with all of us Momsters to encourage you, and our dear Lynn watching over you, how could you possibly fail?!! (((HUGS)))!!!

Lolly & Jack & fellow campers, sounds like SOOO much fun!!! Can't wait to see pictures!

Shirley & Family, sounds like you're having a great time, too!
Would love to see pictures of your adventures, too!

Well, gotta get going and get busy doing chores. Will check back in later.

Didn't mention Margy, but I'm certain that she's having the time of her life in Germany! Hope she's taking pictures, too!

OK, gotta get busy with the dirty laundry, which is calling my name.
Will be back later! HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

NCSuzan said...

Sandi, a truly heartfelt Happy Birthday. I apologize for being late.

Steve, with your heart in conservationism, you deserve the most wonderful day. Happy Birthday!

NCSuzan said...

If I read correctly everyone is doing well or on the mend. That is great news!

And what glorious days we are having. Not too hot, not too cold. They are just right!

May our travelers be safe and use their eyes to see absolutely everything so they will share on their return!

Lori O. said...

You all are the BEST!!!

Thank you so much for you support.

Yes, JUDIE, JO and ANDY, I am scared to death. At 52 I will not be the oldest in the class...there is one woman I can tell is probably in her mid 60's! I am most scared leaving Kate to care for all of this alone. I tell her to think of it like I am on a deployment. Prayers that Kate will be okay, and her stresses lessened would be welcome.

Teachers updated the study, exam and homework sheet online today. Yes, I am working ahead, but I think it's the smart thing to do.

Thanks again. I love you ALL!!!

Lori O. said...

Would be better if I proof-read my posts first. Sorry for know what I mean. :)

JudyEddy said...

Helloooo Home from work to a MT attic I see and twirling circle

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Sure is nice to have summer back!


JudyEddy said...

Well found out that the trail I was talking about went into mistrial because the mother (Jasmine Bedwell) of the baby said something The guy is accused of throwing their baby out the car window And a month before he did threaten her and the baby but the Judge said not relevant and not allowed Well on the stand the mother mentioned it so a mistrial
On I 275 4 years ago is when it happened I Sept they go back to court for a new trail

paula eagleholic said...

Just saw a large flock of ducks or geese on the cam.

JudyEddy said...

Flock of geese just flew from right to left

JudyEddy said...

ME tooo

Mema Jo said...

Lazy afternoon

Time for Jeopardy


JudyEddy said...

.♥EAGLE in attic

Judie said...

Checking in.

JudyE, will check out the trial. Thanks.

Headed to watch tv for a few, a very few. Unusually tired tonight.

Sandperson is loitering outside the hall closet. Claims no knowledge of a possible overdose last night. The Evil Jufie may have been responsible. Sandperson departing at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

hmmm my cam pic was frozen!

JudyEddy said...

mine is ok Paula

JudyEddy said...

they are showing video of PIP while its off air That little bugger looks to have doubled its size I wonder what it weight is now and height ??

JudyEddy said...

gonna go watch my Under The Dome I dvrd last night

Janet said...

good evening to all quick note as we have to watch UNDER THE DOME....

well, miss JUDIE: we need to figure out how to reign that evil JUFIE in......can't be going around dumping sleepy dust on folks when they are unaware!

today's been okay....lazy. went to see my friend Heather's new store that she electronic cigarette store....really nice set up. they have product with only a little up to a lot of nicotine as well as no nicotine flavors. very nice. i hope she does very very well. i think it has great potential.

i ran some errands....since the sun refused to shine til i was about ready to pick olivia up from school.

i got some raw peanuts for my new squirrell feeder....'s on. later gaters. and good night and SED to all!

JudyEddy said...

Hey SIS Isn't that a great show U T D
as I started watching this past week I realized I must have missed the week before so I am watching it first and then the last weeks OK back to it just wanted to pop in and sound off LOL

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...



I finally got a phone call I have been waiting for....

No, it's not about the job!

Michael & Laura are engaged!!!

They are on a Caribbean cruise with her family for her grandparents 60th anniversary. Her grandparents, parents, brother and some aunts and uncles were there...

Her brother and his GF got video and pictures, which I'll get to see next week when they get back.

I've known since May that he was going to propose on this trip...he said he feels so much better! He did ask her Dad for her hand in marraige...and he gave his blessing, but her parents didn't know when it was going to happen.

So, that is very exciting news this week!

Hoda said...

Congratulations PAULA for MICHAEL and LAURA engagement.

Excellent yoga class.
Moving to a new Studio the fourth of September.
I was worried as to schedule but it will work out alright.

So many changes and so much to work with yet here it keeps coming back to me yoga here is about change...
Constant Change and it challenges me yet there is growth.

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations to the Soon To Be Mother of the groom ♥♥

Michael and Laura seem to be a very
good match. I am happy for them and also for you.

Mema Jo said...

I watched 2 TV shows - Both were so-so.

Humidity started up for a while this afternoon. That proves summer is still here and it will be 100 days until Thanksgiving so Fall weather should be here in about 2 months!

I am ready to collect my dust from the Sandperson! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight and God Bless you all

I ♥ US ♥♥

Hoda said...

Good night all

I know gratitud.

God Bless Us All.

Costume Lady said...

I've unwound from the Soup Kitchen and am headed to bed.
We had a good turn out...75 guests and 58 went home with enough food for 2 weeks, including a nice, plump turkey:)

Good Night, love and prayers for all♥

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends! Blue screen on the cam page. Can see the tree just barely and it's MT.

Paula, congrats on Michael's and Laura's engagement! How exciting! How are things going for John and Ajay? Fingers are crossed that you hear about a new job soon!

Lori, I wish I could say something to ease your school anxiety. You've heard lots of good advice but I think the best thing for you will be to just get started. Do you and Kate own the MD house together?

The house is MT this morning - family left last night. There are still about 100 pieces of blue water to put in the 1000 piece puzzle - UGH!!! I promised Madeline I would finish it and send her a picture.

Tennis for me at 8am, then getting a pedicure at noon. Big wedding in Myrtle Beach on Saturday - my BFF Karen's son and his fiance. We will be hitting the road on Friday morning and returning Sunday night - eight and a half hours of driving each way. Kevin will be staying home with the dogs.

Have a good day all!

JudyEddy said...


Congratulations to the Soon To Be Mother in law

WANDA so happy so many got food at the kitchen

SANDI good luck on finishing the puzzle Hey can you take a picture of the picture on the box of the puzzle LOL

HODA the amazing you always amaze me

JudyEddy said...

The attic is MT
looks foggy at the tree

Sandi said...

Good morning Judy! I have been working on the puzzle for 15 minutes and added 2 pieces!! =(

Time to get ready for tennis - later!

Sandi said...

BTW, 2 pieces in 15 minutes = 8 pieces an hour. There are about 150 pieces left to place ... should only take me about 18 hours to finish at this rate!

Janet said...

Gooooood WEDNESDAY morning!

CONGRATS to PAULA and crew!

LORI will not feel better, I do not believe until she is actually in the class seeing for herself that she can do the mean time, deep breathing and some yoga poses could help I am sure HODA the amazing could attest ... and we are continuing to love and support you!!!!!

JUDYE: LOVE LOVE LOVE under the dome. since they did away with fringe...i have been rather lost ...

Hopefully some more sunshine today. I have a 9:30 massage and I need to do a few things aroudn the house. If the weather cooperates, ie, the sun comes out, I will be in the pool for a bit. Livvy needs to practice ice skating....

Went to goodwill last night and found a few thermal shirts, nice ones, for me to wear to the ice rink over my t shirts. hate to carry a coat in august! one rink is very very cold as you sit on the ice.....and on thursdays i take my ice skating kit: ie, blanket, gloves, thermos of hot tea, etc. but for the 45 min practice, i just wanted some heavier shirts. i have a limited amount of sweatshirts....

all right, need to get on with this day, as i am just jabbering on.

hope everyone has a lovely day, fully of love and sunshine. :)

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

SANDI - using her math skills so early in the morning! Good luck with the puzzle. Yes, I put Kate on the house about two years ago, so now we are co=owners. :)

HODA, change is good, but scary sometimes. You seem to be doing very well! You are amazing!

PAULA, congratulations! Best wishes to Michael and Laura. Now, that's a cruise to remember.

WANDA, glad you had such a good SK last night! Thanks to you and Capt. Gene for feeding the hungry.

JO, it's going to be hotter around here today...up to 84 with a 30% chance of scattered showers and thunderstorms.

LOLLY, SHIRLEY, MARGY, I hope you're all having the best time and tons of fun! Remember: Pictures!

JANET, hope you're not so busy today and find some time to catch up on your rest.

DIANN, are you getting enough sleep? How are your knees?

KAY, how goes it for you? Glad Penny is enjoying her only dog status again! Dalai is the same way. Big Hugs!

Have to go to the DMV this morning to release the bank as a lien holder, and hopefully they'll give me the title right there. This has never happened before. Usually you pay off the vehicle and they mail you the title right away. What a pain.

Have a great day everyone!

Love, smiles, light and joy for ALL!

Janet said...

was just in my kitchen, packing olivia's lunch and thinking about our fine feathered family here on the blog....and.... wondering:

if the "EVIL" (aka misunderstood) JUFIE came riding in on a UNICORN accompanied by a bear - dog....

inquiring minds want to know....

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Nest in clear view, but MT.

John and Ajay...the night we sort of got into the tiff...well, he took the kids home that night...and he hasn't really been back! Maybe stayed one or two nights since then! Things are going so far so good! Maybe what happened that night helped :)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and we have talked about that's all good :)

Lori O. said...

PAULA, glad it all worked out for the best...YAY!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥

There went that unicorn - right passed my house. Chasing a bear-dog I think - really couldn't make that out too well.

I think the morning heat has already affected me - AC is on and no outings for me are planned for today.

Everyone here seems up-to-par with your morning comments.

Michael has an EEG this morning - he is doing well except for some head pains at times.

Jenny had dental work done since this is her week off work. She is doing well and is headed to having a partial.

Hoda said...

Oh my oh my OH MY MY MY!!!
Now JO is seeing unicorns!!!
This has been ONE HOT SUMMER!!!

Good morning all.

Cooler this morning.
Very pleasant.
Autumn is in the air.

Yoga and the Market for today.
I have to co-ordinate organizational activities as September now looks busy.
I am considering a drive to New Denver for Garlic Fest.
Meeting notices are already coming through.
Signed up for Autumn Healthy Cooking Classes.
Cross Country Ski Passes are soon going to be on sale. I have to budget for that.
I love fresh fruit from the Market. We have had an excellent crop of cherries, and berries.
Peaches and Apricots are out of this world right now.
The Wednesday Market goes till October. Also Cottonwood Market. This Friday is the last Market Fest however. Days are not as long as in the summer.

Blessed Be

Enjoy the day.

JO may I suggest you stay away from the window and Unicorns? If the condition persists phone your optometrist post haste!!!
Love Love Love Us

Mema Jo said...

It was probably just my cataract messing with me.

1:00 appointment for Mr Marvin at the Vets. Where is Lynne when you
need her advice????????????? ♥

Hoda said...

The moon was spectacular last night.
Bright bright golden sphere.
Blessed Be!

Hoda said...

I think till the Unicorn sightings ease off you should probably NOT be getting any advice from LYNNE JO!!!

Hoda said...

So looking to hear from MISS MARGY when she returns.
What will she say about the moon in Germany?
What will she think of our unicorns???
We had all better straighten up before she gets back!
SHIRLEY sounds like she is having a terrific time.
As for MISS LOLLY she tried to get her Grand Kids arrested
What are we to do??? Anyone know how to contact LAUREL???

Lynne2 said...


Hoda said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
...and then some more LYNNE!!!

Lynne2 said...

JO....send my unicorn home!

Glad Michael is doing so well! Are these occasional head pains to be expected, or are they something of concern?

Mr Marvin going to vet? Oh dear. Let me know what's up.

Lori, how I wish I could ease your school stress. Everyone has such good suggestions, just find what works best for you. Prayers for Kate...I'm sure she will be fine! Perhaps a ride on my unicorn would be of some help? You could travel to all of us in no time at all and get hugs of support! I must warn you though...he likes to play with shiny garland so if in your travels you see it blowing around, make sure to keep him focused. And when you get to Judie, you FIND THAT EVIL JUFIE AND HAVE MY UNICORN VIVISECT HER SORRY SCURBY EVIL SELF AND TOSS HER WITH HIS MIGHTY HORN TO THE SPECIAL PLACE OF NO RETURN AND HAVE HIM STOMP HER WITH HIS MIGHTY HOOVES RIGHT INTO NEVER NEVER LAND.....

oh dear, such violence spewing forth from my fingers....

Lynne2 said...

Uh, Hoda, I think it's really time for you to get your lazy arse off of the chair and find SOMETHING to do with your time....LOL!

Really, you are quite amazing!

Lynne2 said...

Paula, very exciting about Michael and Laura! And good news, hopefully, for John and Ajay! I must admit....when I saw your WOO HOO post on FB, it crossed my mind that ANOTHER couple might have some news.... ;)

KAY...any news yet on your labwork? I'm sure it WILL be all GOOD! So glad you are feeling great these days!

Bob Quinn said...

Good afternoon! We were in Newfoundland last week. Saw some amazing scenery and we took a boat trip out to see the puffin colonies. Photos are here:


Lynne2 said...

Great pictures Bob...such beautiful scenery and wildlife!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

"Happy Belated Birthday to STEVE ! Hope it was a great day of celebration !"

DANAMO, thanks so much for the family update ! So you still have 3 kids at home---great to have not 1, but 3 men around the house. Aric is going to succeed no matter what he decides to do !!!

ANDREA, happy news re:Jim. Prayer works in helping the medicoes work their miracles !

PAULA, congrats on the prospect of a new daugher-in-law ! So happy for Michael and Laura and love the proposal story.

LYNNE2 n' LORI, thanks for concern about my labs---the doc would have called had there been anything immediate to take care of. Therefore, I'm confident I'll receive the report in the mail tomorrow as that is her custom. Yes, I'm tickled pink to be in the pink once again. Wish I had more energy, but guess some of that ebbs with age.

LYNNE2, I agree, HODA is amazing ! I get worn out just reading about her activities.

LORI, you're getting some great study advice from the likes of JUDIE and ANDREA. I predict great success for you !!!!!!

Thanks, as always to JUDYE for all Yahoo updates/eagle pics !!!!!!

I'm on pins and needles as this is college move in day for Seth. Looking forward to Julie's report on the entire procedure.

Love and prayers for all who are traveling, or healing, or in need of a boost.


Kay said...

Oh, Wow, BOB ! What a beautiful travelogue of picturesque Newfoundland ! Thanks for sharing !

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

"Happy Belated Birthday to STEVE ! Hope it was a great day of celebration !"

DANAMO, thanks so much for the family update ! So you still have 3 kids at home---great to have not 1, but 3 men around the house. Aric is going to succeed no matter what he decides to do !!!

ANDREA, happy news re:Jim. Prayer works in helping the medicoes work their miracles !

PAULA, congrats on the prospect of a new daugher-in-law ! So happy for Michael and Laura and love the proposal story.

LYNNE2 n' LORI, thanks for concern about my labs---the doc would have called had there been anything immediate to take care of. Therefore, I'm confident I'll receive the report in the mail tomorrow as that is her custom. Yes, I'm tickled pink to be in the pink once again. Wish I had more energy, but guess some of that ebbs with age.

LYNNE2, I agree, HODA is amazing ! I get worn out just reading about her activities.

LORI, you're getting some great study advice from the likes of JUDIE and ANDREA. I predict great success for you !!!!!!

Thanks, as always to JUDYE for all Yahoo updates/eagle pics !!!!!!

I'm on pins and needles as this is college move in day for Seth. Looking forward to Julie's report on the entire procedure.

Love and prayers for all who are traveling, or healing, or in need of a boost.


Hoda said...

Awesome photos BOB.
Thank you very much.
As the young in BC say, " you nailed 'er old man"!!!
I am sure you heard the endearing terms of old man and maid used when you were on THE ROCK.
No Bake Apple Berries, did you not see any? Like Orange cloud berries ?
Very glad you came to Canada and you are a very talented and insightful photographer. Thank You

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Hoda! Sarah told me when we got back that I should have taken photos of the food and there certainly was plenty of good food. She kept urging me to get a moose burger but the seafood was so good I never did.

Judie said...

Good mid-afternoon.

Paula, sincere congratulations to Michael and his Laura. We will all be waiting for the wedding. Also wishing that John and Ajay can reconcile.

Lynne2, given your level of violence, you would be a welcome guest in my class. Jufie is quivering.

Been busy. Computer is really not feeling well and is a serious interference with my progress.

Hoping Marvelous Marvin and Miracle Michael are okay.


Mema Jo said...

Bob - I have always loved the little Puffins - I know you have camera zooms but looks like you and Sarah were right them with them. Thanks so much for sharing ♥

Mema Jo said...

Michael's EEG does show that he has seizures - it's like a twitching in the jaw area - We won't know until his next sit down appointment as to what extent this is happening and just what does it mean. Seizures are expected - that is why he does take medicine for seizures.

Now, Lynne, Mr Marvin - It is his abscess tooth causing the infection in his head and showing up in his eye. So antibiotics for 10 days and then schedule some tooth/teeth extractions! Wow because we have been advised it could be 5 - 700 dollars :(

Mema Jo said...


Lori O. said...

BOB, gorgeous pictures, as usual. Thanks so much for thinking of us and sharing them.

JO, Glad Mr. Marvin is going to be okay. Keep us posted on Michael's tests. Glad he is on seizure meds.

HODA, sounds like you had a good day and better temps. Watch out for running unicorns!

Started going through things, vitamins, medications and such, and packing them up. Need to call my Mom and see if she is still having a 75th Birthday dinner for my Dad on Sunday...his birthday was the 18th, but they are camping now.


Lynne2 said...

500-700 DOLLARS??????? that is insane!!! We have had cat dentals where every tooth in the mouth had to be extracted and it was no where NEAR that much! right!

Lolly said...

Hi guys, we be home. We return the boys to their rightful owners tomorrow afternoon. Jacob has meet the teacher night, so we are taking them home, taking dinner, meet the teacher and then come home. The boys will be home Friday by themselves but they will be fine. They are good boys. Only thing I worry about is Jacob eating too much.

Our trip was fantastic. Everything went off without a hitch. Last night on the boat was great. The breeze over the water made the temp just great. Bats performed just like they were supposed to.

They enjoyed the cavern the most. Joseph was in awe!! Hard to impress an almost 13 year old.

On my 3rd of 6 loads of wash!

DanaMo said...

Just popping in to say hello. Have to say that I am beat today! I didn't feel it yesterday, but I am for sure today. Maybe the increased temperatures, or 2 days in a row at school. Either way, I think it's snuggle time on the couch with the pups to watch the news. Then I have to work on my training presentation/workshop for SMART notebook that I am giving the teachers tomorrow. Wish me luck!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Luck, DanaMO

Bob, just wonderful pictures. Very pretty area. Loved all the scenery and birds, too. Used to watch the puffin cam in Maine!

Jo, glad Michael is on the meds, too. Hope the next visit with the Dr gives hime some details.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work

BOB the pictures are awesome cute puffin would love to see one in person

we have one big lightening storm off to the west was outside doing video trying for pic and no luck with it

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 need to ask a silly or strange question On the radio yesterday am they said that dog get STD starts with a Brucellosiss not forsure of spelling but I spelled it like it sounded and it can be transmitted to humans via licking Just wanted to ask being it was on the radio

JudyEddy said...

361 lightening strikes in 15 min wow

PA Nana said...

Bob, terrific pics! Is their nesting area called a rookery or something else? Such an attractive bird, after an eagle of course.

On our way home from my meeting with Dracula a hawk flew in front of ou car. Think it was one of the juveniles that lived in our trees at the back of our property. There were 4 young ones causing hysteria with our feeder birds but haven't seen them for a few weeks now.neighbors are also glad they moved on.

Lori, about my knees. The symvisc injections didn't help much. My pcp has allowed me take Aleve,but only for the severe pain in knees and back and not every day.

See that Lynne is seeing things again. Unicorn? Really? I thought I saw a camel asking what day it is.

Kay, nice to see you again and glad your in the pink again.

Paula, good news! Best wishes to Michael & Laura.

A/C is back on but wish we had last weeks temps. Sorry to all sun worshipers.

Lolly, welcome home. So glad Camp Hawkwood was another success.

Okay, time for dinner then a shower. BBL

Lynne2 said...

Brucellosis is an STD in dogs, but in BREEDING dogs, especially in kennel situations, such as one of our clients who breed, raise and train hunting dogs. So people who have a lot of contact with breeding dogs are far more susceptible (yes, humans can get it but I'm not sure what happens if they do). However, most RESPONSIBLE breeders will test both the male and female for the bacteria prior to breeding. There is no cure for it in dogs. Most people however don't come into contact with breeding dogs to worry about it being passed to us.

Lynne2 said...

oh Diann, so sorry about the hawk. I sure wish the Synvisc had worked for you. I hear about a 50/50 split on success rate from people who've had it.

Speaking of knee pain...HODA, JANET, ANYONE...have you heard of or tried Arnica Gel? I need some holistic alternatives to OTC meds for my knee pain.

Hoda said...

Yes on Arnica Gel LYNNE. It is a topical anti inflammatory. Soothes and cools. I have not used it, others who have gave it rave reviews.

Food in Newfoundland especially the fish is delicious.
The Berries are awesome too.
I hope you enjoyed the meals BOB AND MRS BOB.
You will just have to come back for the pictures.
Thank you again.

Lolly said...

Congratulations on the engagement, Paula. Have they set the date? And definite prayers for John and Ajay. It breaks my heart when young couples can not work it out, especially when children are involved.

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to ask



CAMEL asks lol

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

Good luck with your presentation Dana
Didn't you do this once before?

Well, Lynne - Your comment on the price shakes me up..

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, I'm sure it will be a good year or more for Michael and Laura....I'll let ya'll know when I know!

Bob Quinn said...

Nana - Yes, there were nesting colonies of both puffins and murrs on the hillsides. There were thousands of each.

Lynne2 said...

JO, most vets have very large dental prices for some reason. I'm not sure why. Our base cost is $170 for routine cleaning (with anesthesia and monitoring), extractions are between 5 and 10 dollars each. If there are extractions, pain meds are dispensed for the pet for a few days...about 20-40 depending on the size of the pet. If the pet is over 7 years old, we do a pre op blood panel...$80. And fluids which are about $30. Antibiotics are given, and start 5-7 days before procedure and will continue until gone, $20-50 again depending on pet size. So while dental procedures are a bit more costly than a neuter or a spay, our price is certainly below $500!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Hoda, I have read excellent reviews of it online. Now all I have to do is FIND it somewhere! I happened to catch Dr. Oz on TV today with some holistic pain control tips and that was one of the things mentioned.

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are home safetly Lolly! I have enjoyed the pictures on FB

JudyEddy said...

.♥EAGLE in attic

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in the attic, looks like belle.

Lori O. said...

LYNNE2 you can get Arnica Gel at almost any holistic type grocery store, or even CVS. Hope it helps.

LOLLY, glad you're home, sorta, guess you have to stay with the boys tonight - is that meet the teacher thing tonight?

JUDYE, never heard of that dog STD. LYNNE2 thanks for the explanation.

JO, sorry about the vet expense for Marvelous Marvin...but he is marvelous! Maybe you could take him to Lynne's place.

KAY, how did Seth's move in day at college go today?

DANAMO, Good luck tomorrow on your presentation!

I'm exhausted, too. Went to the DMV this AM and got my title. Made flashcards. Read 2 chapters, and took four online homework quizzes.

Just ate a Healthy Choice meal for dinner - easy.

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful night.


See you in the morning.

JudyEddy said...

both eagle and it looked like hp of landed on top of the others

JudyEddy said...

and poof already one is still there

paula eagleholic said...

Ha, they were both there

JudyEddy said...

I got a snip of both of them and put on FB and will in EM album later funny hard to see two on the picture was on top landed on top sort of hard to tell

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is still there maybe she will spend the nigh I was snipping the picture so couldn't tell what was going on Paula could you the snip turned out pretty good wings up but it did look like he was on top of her and then went to the side of her and them poofed a quick visit but nice to see both there

JudyEddy said...

funny on Magic Chef they are using only food that comes from walmart Steaks etc

Hoda said...

Nice YouTube of your parents JUDYE.

Good luck DANA with
Your presentation

Thank for the eagle report
HP in August??? Seriously???

LORI wrote SEC was she predicting eagle HP?


Hoda said...

Never bought food from Walmart JUDYE!!!
Really they sell food?

JudyEddy said...

what was that white flying by BIG several maybe egrets?????

JudyEddy said...

I work in the Grocery dept of the Supercenter and yep we sell lots of food most Div 1 stores also have food

JudyEddy said...

I don't know if it was HP looked like it but he could have just landed next to her I did a snip just to get his pic good thing I did he didn't stay long

JudyEddy said...

Did you see the pic on FB his wings were UP

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Bob, beautiful photos from your trip - thanks for sharing them with us!

Lynne, when Bella had her last 19 teeth removed, I seem to recall the bill from the oral surgeon in Annapolis was about $3000! Sure wish I could take my dogs to Manchester!

Lolly, welcome home - bet you'll need a vacation from camp!

Dana, good luck with your Smart presentation tomorrow!

Kay, I bet Seth is excited to start college - maybe a little nervous but more excited than anything!

Think I'll go stick my nose in my Kindle - goodnight everyone!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...