the more I look at the picture I think he just landed next to her can't see her at all so she is besides him Ok I was just wishful thinking with the HP saw the wings and assumed LOL My BAD I think sure wish we had sound we would have heard it
OK heading to TV land and apparently the Chef loved the taste of the TBone steaks from walmart Now to go watch UTD that I didn't see last night Lator Gator
Thanks HODA on the CD that is one that SIS Janet had made on CD I made on as a movie but can't find it just now but don't think I will be able to transfer to YT because its a movie not a CD
I sure wish I lived up there I would go see her I keep going by the cell phone tower everyday hoping to see Belle or Liberty here but so far no luck I wonder if they show up later than 5 when I go by will check that out tomorrow since I won't have Jordyn :-( sad about that but it can't be helped
We have a Walmart here but it is not a super centre. When you said food before JUDYE I thought like packaged stuff, did not think groceries and meat Dept.
Hoda, the Super Walmarts are a full line grocery store, produce, deli, meats, dairy, frozen section. They have good prices, but the selection is not as vast as some of the grocery stores around here.
Thank you PAULA. I do not shop much in Walmart but I have been there maybe five times since I moved to town. It is the only town I have lived in that has had a Walmart. I shop Local and I do not see them as local!!!
Thanks to those of you who wished Seth a good college move in day. Julie reports great success--1st impression of the roommate is good and the room is roomy with lots of storage. They are right across the hall from the RA and that pleases me !☺ The kick off entertainment for Freshman orientation was to be a comedian--probably happening as I write. Hope he's having fun !
No surprise that Camp Hawkwood gets a five star rating this year, as always. Those boys are mighty lucky to have you n' JACK, LOLLY !
Has JUDIE sent the Sandman packing ? I sure feel like he's closing in on my place....zzzzzzz
Prayers first though, for all who are traveling and all in need of any kind !
Hoda I put the pic on you FB page for you Odd you can't see on phone Hope you can see them on it being on your page Odd that they did post to the fan page the past couple of days have but not todays when I use @ in front of the name it usually post Odd but as we all know FB acts up once in a while You can delete pic if you want also I did put in the EM album also As always
LYNNE2: have never used that gel, but use biofreeze on occasion. when i had inflammation and pain i resorted to making ginger fire water :
6 cups water 1 ginger root cut into slices handful of gogi berries
bring to boil and boil down to about 2 or 3 cups.
warning, although it works, it is INTENSE....
cherries are also a good anti-inflam food....have had clients have success with pure cherry juice/extract taken daily.
let me look aroudn and see what else i can come up with.
been a good day:
had most of the day off....i did a bit of housework and laundry....spent some time in the pool....threw some horseshoes with my son (and won a game).....took a class online for work...just a nice relaxing day...i even read in my book some!
JUDIE I got a call from Jufie last night are you sure she is locked and secure this time don't want to be woke up with her calling again and that darn unicorn with the bear riding on it back is in the front yard I yelled at it but leave so I turned off the porch light I think that is what attracted it LOL
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Boy, 11:14PM, I think that's the earliest this group has ever gone to sleep! I think we were all exhausted yesterday.
Went to bed at 10:00 - got up at 3:30 and here I am!
KAY, so glad to hear that SETH got into his room and onto campus and all went well.
SANDI, $3,0000 is a high vet bill. I've paid that much for tests, hospitalization and surgery...geez.
JANET, so happy to hear you had a nice, relaxing day yesterday...hope you get another one soon. :)
HODA, love, love, love that you shop only local! We were at WalMart the other day and couldn't find a dog toy that wasn't made in China...sorry for ragging on WW, JudyE. We ended up not buying any. Do like that a lot of their food now is supposed to be local.
JO, too hot for you today. Supposed to be going up to 89, so stay cool!
LOLLY, have fun at meet the teacher night! Or are you just having dinner with Laurel and family?
Time to get in the shower and get this show on the road. Have lots to do today, and I can help Kate do some of the morning chores...first up, feed the cats!
Thursday!~ which means it is Friday GOOD MORNING!
Hope everyone has a delightful day!
I am thinking the sandman must have departed early and dosed everyone pretty well last night as everyone signed off fairly early.... hmmmmm.....maybe he was escaping JUFIE??????
Good Thursday morning Lori, Janet, and all my eagle friends! MT tree in Shep'town.
Thundering and raining here - tennis for this morning isn't looking good but, if it stops raining, I'm playing on clay courts and they drain much faster so we'll see. I'm not playing til 9 this am.
Kay, glad that Seth has a good first impression of his roommate - hope that continues! Is it an all freshman dorm - I like that idea!
Janet, have been meaning to say that it sounds like Livvy's school will be keeping a close eye on her. But, like Judie, I disagree with their statement that math can't be assessed for weaknesses, that testing only focuses on reading. I have had students with IEPs for just math calculation and/or math reasoning who only get my support in that class.
I found Bella's bill for her final tooth extractions - $2800 for everything. Her surgery was 4 hours at $450 an hour so that was $1800 of the bill. It was very expensive but she has been so much healthier and happier since having those rotten teeth removed that I don't regret the decision.
Oh my, the skies just opened! Boy is it ever pouring! Looks nice in West Virginia - blue sky!
SANDI, I'm not sure if Seth's dorm is all Freshman or not. It is coed by floor---not sure of the entire make up as the building has 3 floors I believe. It's ideally located across the street from the Student Union and directly behind an impressive Library--both of which Seth will frequent.
JANET, I have to agree with JUDIE and SANDI on the math issue. Seth was an IEP student in math only, excelling in all other subjects. His math teacher did a wonderful job with him and presented the right paperwork to the University enabling him to opt out of math courses--the math center of his brain does not function well at all. In lieu of math he must take a couple of Science courses and there are some of those that are light in math problems. Best of luck to Livy as she proceeds through school--a huge key is the kind of parental concern and help you provide !
Yikes ! I hope Penny continues to have good dental health for a very long time !
Oh, I meant to apologize for those occasional double postings. I have no idea how they are generated and by the time I see them there is no trash can for deleting. Boo-hiss.
Cool morning here. Very pleasant. Windows are open and am breathing easily. A very very pleasant 50 degrees. It , however, is expected to go up to 90 today!
I will ride my bicycle to meet a friend for Berries Smoothie this afternoon. Reading, writing, meditation and maybe a swim this morning.
It brings me a smile to think Seth is in a university dorm. The next we will here WANDA will be posting JAEDAN is headed off to university as a Freshman!!! Yes indeed those few years will pass by very quickly!!!
I think I know why the pictures didn't go to the fan page last night I had the setting as friends and not public I just put two pic as public and they went on I tried to change setting of last nights and didn;t help to put it there Will have to remember to do PUBLIC
puter wants to do some updates so I must let it It is the boss of me LOL Need to go get out of the house feeling down in the dumps of sorts Odd dreams didn't help with it either see ya later
CONGRATULATIONS PAULA! Does this mean a move to Paradise?
Have had a busy morning. First breakfast for the boys, then watered the pots. Did two more loads of wash...that's a total of 8 loads since yesterday! Then remade the bed in the trailer, scrubbed the refrigerator in the trailer, then vacuumed and scrubbed the inside of the trailer. Jack and the boys scrubbed the outside.
Now time to do some mending of some bunny bears for Jacob. That boy loves his bunny bears to pieces.
Good afternoon to all ♥ I have had my nose in the newspaper, in FB and then Lunch and phone calls. Sorry I am so late getting here to greet all my friends.
Last Night Hoda - sorry I typed Hodie lol ♥
I agree with Sandi, Janet that Math skills can be assessed just like reading skills.
Lori - you are too too early for me today. Feeding the cats first thing is what I have to do also. How is RoRo - new home yet?
Glad Margy is away enjoying herself - News in Martinsburg just 2 doors down is a murder. FB had the article. Man killed wife thing. He was incarcerated without incident. When I was young with my family the upstairs guy killed his wife - not in the house but still scarey as the devil.
Now thinking of Tom Sweetie and the sick neighbour lady that MARGY was so concerned about. This news of a murder must have them both upset... Sorry to hear about it JO.
WOW JO sad news I wonder if Margy can get internet connection there ODD the comment didn't come in my email When I read what HODA said I went to the blog and saw the comment I got the comment in email where you talked about Paula but not the second comment ODD HUH Gonna head you to the mall No retail therapy but want to go the the restaurant to have the best Chef Salad in the world use to eat there daily when I worked at Zayres Hope to see some old friend that works there also
FYI we now sell the Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits at work Was told taste like the real thing Will have to check it out one day Me who hardly cooks LOL
JUDYE I am concerned that you are not feeling up today. Sorry about that. Stay active and focus on gratitude. Yes dreams can be upsetting especially if they stir the mind.
Putting you in PRAYER.
I wished PAULA would check in soon too. What will it be like to live in PARADISE the winter???
Judy - let me know about the Cheddar Biscuits We do shop groceries at WaLmart & also get some things from Giant Eagle. Wallmart does saves us $$
Judy while Margy is on her trip I would hope that she wouldn't hear about the local news back home. Unless an earthquake or something like that. Especially when there is nothing she can do about it & she may not even know the people.
HOOOOR for PAULA! I'm so proud of you and a hearty congratulations, too! You were very patient in getting the word you got it! So great for you!!!
JO, Kate has said that she will keep RoRo here until the 8 weeks for his healing from his surgery are up.
JUDYE, retail therapy? What's up?
HODA, did you get your yoga, swim and everything else, bike ride, in this morning? It's barely noon there.
Something is up with my iPad - I downloaded the new iTunes and now can't get it to sync the iTouch or the iPad....URGH....tried everything I know, but apparently it's a common complaint about this update.
Well there goes the safety if eating Pacific Salmon or any other Pacific fish for that matter!!! 300 ton if highly radio active water has leaked from Fukushima nuclear power plant a few months ago. It continued to leak and they called it an anomaly!!! Well Wednesday they said it was extremely serious!!! No kiddin'!!! They have no idea where it leaked from so the danger continues!!! Debris from their tsunami washed out on California and BC coasts. I presume this contaminated water is on its way here too.
Hip, hip hooray PAULA ! Like the ol' A Team adage--"I love it when a plan comes together ?"
HODA, I heard "an expert" on NPR say that the nuclear waste is diluted by water and that it will not reach our shores. Like you, I'm a skeptic when it comes to eating fish and I love Salmon and Tuna especially. We'll have to be sure we're getting the Atlantic variety.
JO, sad news for MARGY's neighborhood---she's such loving person and she'll feel bad for the family whether she knows them or not--glad the news will wait til' she gets home !
Happy news for me. My Eileen called and will drive down from her Michigan home tomorrow, staying til' Sunday after lunch. She craves some one on one Mama time and I'm thrilled !
Seth texted his dad revealing some anxiety, but overall good feelings about his first night of dorm life. Lots going on for the Freshman class all week so I hope he's having fun while learning the ropes ! My son just called to tell me all is well with his son's start at Warren Wilson College in Ashville, NC. Big Freshman week for him, too. Cooper has been away from home a lot at camps, etc. and we don't have the same concerns about his adjustment.
Forgive me running on and on about my "boys", but it's hard for me to concentrate on anything else right now !
Just got home from Tellys I guess being my puter battery was dying is why the tree went bye bye for me
SAD news the restaurant has been open for 35 years is closing I have been going there for 25 plus years Use to go daily when I worked at Zayres for 8 yrs Did get to see my friend Terry she isn't for sure what she is going to do but she does need to get a job to survive Had a inch of rain while I was gone and still storming out
HODA and LORI and all I am in the slump because I think not getting to see Jordyn You see for over 5 years I have had her every Thur and Fri and its just tearing me apart that I will only get a couple of hours with her on Fri I will have to adjust but it will take time I am grateful for all that ti
The dream was about that her getting estranged from because of the limited time with her and I don't want that to happen and IT WILL NOT happen I will make sure if it Funny how a dream can tear you apart and screw up your whole day
and JO only on the blog our avatars don't change I love it I wish FACEBOOK was like that
I stopped at one Walmart looking for Jordyn a simple white cotton blouse with collar for school to wear under her jumper I bought her one at my store and Angie loves it Cool under the hot jumper she wears as a uniform no luck at the Largo store I want to check out the Tyrone store but will wait till storms move on through if they move LOL more coming in from Tampa
HELLOOO HOME from the second Walmart and NOPE couldn't find any cotton collar blouses for Jordyn DRAT I got a couple of skorts for her being the others shrunk in the was Will take them back but picked up some just in cast my store doesn't have them don't want to risk it Thanks HODA you got me smiling with tears on you comment and I hope tomorrow is a better day since I will be able to spend a couple of hours with her before she crashes for sleep I didn't tell you but since she hasn't been getting naps she is out like a light by 730 Carl has dinner ready for them when they get home a little after 5 and then she crashes and yep she sleeps the whole night She just loves her naps and shows she needs the sleep being she is out by 730 I have to remember to go to Angies work tomorrow before I pick Jordyn up at 310 other wise I won't be able to get her I have to get the sheet of paper that shows I am authorized to get her Even Angie has to have it Good security in place there
JUDYE, I'm glad you got out of the house, and bummed you forgot the ice cream splurge! Pretend I'm sharing mine with you - virtual ice cream. Big Hugs for you, JUDY. Tomorrow will be a much better day when you get to see Jordyn. Less than 20 hours! The countdown is on. :)
Lordy, I do hope, given the typos, that Paula passes her drug test. lol CONGRATULATIONS LADY. Your blog family is so very happy for you. Congratulations.
Trying to get caught up. Margy will not be happy about the homicide and I do wish, with all my being, that she could move elsewhere.
JudyE, you will adjust but can understand how difficult it is to let go just a little. Jordyn will still love and need you. Think ice-cream sharing (:
Jo, headed to the t.v. while I can keep my eyes open. Have First 48 on but will check out ch. 64. Ah for those faint of heart -- do not venture forth into my classroom.
Kay, have a world of fun with Eileen and don't worry, Seth will be fine.
Okay, need to see if I can join Jo in the world of homicide. BBL
Aw, Judy, you are not alone. Our Grammies at work are suffering grandchild withdrawal as school starts next Monday. I know it must suck, but Jordyn will miss you, too. Time together will be even more special!
PAULA! Congrats on getting the job you wanted! Looking forward to details!
OK, just curious....has anyone heard of, use/used a Squatty Potty?
Oh it is like the old hole in the ground bathrooms. It works because the knees are higher than the hips. It allows the colon to empty. A stool under feet would do the trick!!!
make sure you watch it till it rains on the google I love it how they do that If Margy was her she would have told us about it and the Waning Gibbous moon to cloudy here to see the moon
I am watching I survived a serial killer - its on 14 here not for sure if that what you are watching but pretty cool
regarding olivia's testing and what the school psychologist said and what i know...
apparently each state has different tests/standards by which they assess students for learning disabilities. i know this because i have 2 friends in VA who are both special ed teachers.
the psychologist was saying that THIS is the standardized testing for TN....and they only use this format....but her encouragement for me to have her retested after next July tells me that she, as i, feel that there is something there, but at this time, she can not qualify her due to the only type of testing that TN uses.
they use a daily tracker for school...and as a part of her tracker, she has an additional sheet now that each teacher must sign off on...that she is participating in class, asking questions, raising her hand to participate, etc. we are trying to encourage her to be responsible for her own education...not disrgarding our part as adults, but that she ahs to do her part as well.
yes, they are keeping a close eye on her. this school is great about this...their motto is whatever it takes and they do live up to it.
PAULA! congrats on the job!!!! wooo hoo and way to go!
JUDYE: i am chiming in late, but agree with everyone...jordyn adores you as much as you adore her and nothing will ever change that! there will be breaks from school and maybe during those times you can have her some extra...over nights perhaps?????
squatty potty? oh dear...don't like the sounds of that...\
my friends its been a very busy day and so i am closing it out. gonna browse the old face book and then off to sleep.....
Just walked in the door 15 minutes Nick fed, went to the bathroom, and I am grabbing a bite to eat. Just got Hoda's text. I am in Emmitsburg.
Kay, it's good they have all those activities to keep the freshman busy. They will all get the blues at some time or another. Give Seth some time to adjust! It's a big change for sure.
I saw about the Martinsburg murder, but didn't read the details. Scary to have that happen close to home for sure.
I have been a bad girl LOL I posted the Ostrich link and pictures on the fb page The Great Back yard Bird Count Well I guess that is a BIG NO NO I got a email in my others mail of fb and was told it was deleted and not to post again ONLY post wild things I am a bad girl I guess I don't see what the issue is but I must obey LOL Didn't realize it was wrong but I do now
EAGLE Chatter posted a short youtube video of a eagle crashing at a performance so sad I ask how she or he was they said they are looking in to it and will let me know So sad I hope the eagle is fine
Judy - Sorta funny but I guess an ostrich is not considered a back yard bird... Thanks for letting us know.
Paula - did Hoda track you down?
Hoda - I have no idea how close it was to Margy's dwelling - I was only going by her house number being close to the others. I have never been to Margy's and really in the apt. complexes you never get to know your neighbors unless you pass them in the parking lot.
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
So here's the rest of the story...(I loved listening to Paul Harvey)
At the beach on Monday, I got a call to come in to the place that I interviewed. I went there Monday afternoon, and my boss reviewed my qualifications one more time on several points...and she offered me the job. Said she would send out the offer via email at first by Wednesday, then she said Monday.
So I didn't get the offer until Wednesday morning....this is why I hadn't mentioned anything yet. She had been in meetings 2 days. Meanwhile, I was scheduled for my physical and drug test for today. She called me on Wednesday...and when I got the offer, it was lower than what I expected. I told her what I wanted, and she said she didn't think she could do that, but she would talk with the CEO. She said she wouldn't be able to talk to me until late in the day.
So, no word last night!
I decided I was going to take the job anyhow...without knowing what the offer was. So I called the HR gal this morning and told her I hadn't received the offer yet. I told I wanted to see it before I got there.
So, on my way down, they called me with the offer, and it was what I asked for!!
I got my physical and drug test done today, all my forms filled out, my insurance info (which starts Sept 1...that's terrific), name badge, etc etc is all taken care of.
So, my new employer is with the Hospital in Crisfield! The McCready Foundation runs the hospital, out patient clinic, nursing home and Retirement/Assisted Living Facility (Judie, are you reading this?)
The hospital sits right on the water in Crisfield! Here's a picture of the nursing home.
It sits right behind the admin building where I'll work...the one with the big columns(it's the original hospital)...the newer hosptial portion sits behind the admin building.
Judy - I agree with what you said was the reason for your depression - You have granddaughter withdrawal symptoms. In other words you were the one spoiled by her sweetness. So with your free time you must find something special to do with YOU. Like do yoga, go bowling, play cards or get a good man! I love you dearly and care for the well being of your mind ♥ We just can't watch Pip for the whole day lol ♥
So, Nick acted like I was at work all day! He greeted me when I got home, then ran upstairs and jumped on the bed...cause when I would get home from work, I would always go up and pet him, and then change clothes.
Wonder what will be going through his mind when I start leaving him alone at the beach house for 8 hours a day??
Oh, and yes, I'm moving to Paradise! I took some clothes down today.
Jo, we don't get channel 64 - grrrrr! So, okay, watched First 48. Good, as always.
JudyE, not sure what you are talking about but hope you didn't do anything seriously wrong. Remember, I have no law enforcement connections in your
Sandperson is packing a satchel of sleepy dust. Also packing visions of $$$ for Paula. Has added a quick visit to Lun Lun and her babes for tonight. Restful sleep for all.
JUDIE are you saying you can't get me out of Jail If I go from posting stuff on FB bird page that isn't wild I bet JUFIE would help LOL JUst kidding WOW in Russia today a Navy ship crashed on a crowded beach but no one was hurt just on the news Oh and they said it was planed LOL Cover up I say Was wild to see on the news
Oh wow, I just read back some and see the details from Paula. How amazing. Yes, I read every word and will re-read in morning. My prediction: Paula and Nick and Larry Studmuffin are headed for a rip-roaring good life at the beach. Could not possibly be happier for all three.
Okay, sandperson is huffing and puffing down the hallway and Jufie is having a slam banging hissie fit.
LOL LYNNE2 Have dated to many men and no good ones are left LOL and not interested for some reason To set in my ways I guess
I changed my profile of Belle I love the white head Hard to get pic like that only in the am it seems
OK now I am saying GN again and mean it this time my neck is killing me don't know if weather has anything to do with it but been worse the past couple of days
I wondered the same thing about NICK PAULA! Awesome that you asked for the financial package that you wanted and followed up on it and got it!!' Good on you !!! Congratulations.
Thank you JO about MARGY answer. I hope Tom Sweetie and Lauren(????) not sure of her name,are well.
KAY the NPR does not have the story on Fukushima right! University of Hawaii ran a study and ocean waters will not dilute the radiation! The count will be lower closer to the site in two years and concentrations of the radiation will be high as they hit the west coast in 8 to 10 tears...something to do with currents and speed and God knows what else!!! We are very concerned in Canada!
Had a great evening! Said good bye to my boys! What a great time we had! Laurel is exhausted! In service has been rough! I go back Monday just to pick up Jacob after school and to prepare dinner! Met Jacob's teacher. Hoping for a great year!!!
Paula, congratulations! The grounds look beautiful too. Hope you and Nick will be content there for a long time. Do you have any other major improvements on your Paradise home to make before winter? And when do you start your job?
Just realized that I can send your posts to my e-mail and keep up more easily--already knew I could get them that way, but when I try to pick them up on Safari, they eventually disappear. That's what the "testing" was about.
Have been very busy driving around and visiting today.
Although 2 of my clients have moved to Saturday mornings.... its that or losse them. He is a college professor and his schedule changes each year and she is teaching a children's music class on Wed. Rather than make 2 trips, I will make an early Sat mornign trip out there and keep my good clients....
Not too much going on .... might take the boat out on Sunday. That's the though right now. August has found us again...90's and HUMID. Its okay because I will just get in the pool!!!! And it is the end of August, so it won't last forever.
JUDYE: i wish you a better day. i love you sis....everyone here loves you...and most of all JORDYN loves you
PAULA: keep riding high on that great news! sooo happy for you!!!
Everyone: have a lovely day. Light, love, smiles and healing thoughts for all in need!
Good Friday morning Janet and all my eagle friends! MT tree in Shep'town.
Paula, what incredible news for you - congrats!! How far is Crisfield from Rumbley?
Kay, enjoy your Mom/daughter time. Seth will be fine!
Judy, I'm sorry that you're missing Jordyn so much. Change is hard. Jo's advice is excellent - you need to find something for YOU other than work and the blog!
Lolly, next week I will feel Laurel's pain - UGH!!!
We are leaving for Myrtle Beach this morning. The son of one of my BFF's is getting married there tomorrow. Not looking forward to 8.5 hours of driving down and 8.5 hours of driving back on Sunday, but we are VERY much looking forward to being with Dan and Leslie and their families for the happy event! And Brian and Lynnis will be there so I will get to spend some time with my boy! =) Dogs are staying home with Kevin. I will check in when I can from my phone and/or Kindle.
Late this morning because I've been updating my iPad and was successful this time. It was the USB cord that was bad. All is well now!
PAULA, congratulations on the job. And, the place is beautiful. Hope it's not a long drive for you. So happy for you that you get to live in Paradise! Will Larry move there, too, or is he still selling his house?
JANET, nice of you to be so considerate of your good clients and work on Saturday.
JUDYE, wishing you a better day today, and maybe some ice cream for you and Jordyn.
SANDI, have a nice trip and a good time at the wedding. Sounds fun.
KAY, tell Eileen hello and you two have a great time together! She will love Penny.
I've got a lot to do here today. Lots of clothes to pack up and things I might need. Leaving Sunday to go back to PA, for Dad's 75 birthday dinner, then school starts on Thursday. AH! Less than a week.
Thanks for all the encouragement re:Seth ! He's been a very brave and determined special needs kid and I know he'll come through as an adult in college ! Helps to hear it from so many of you, however !
PAULA, I'm jumping for joy over your good fortune ! What a wonderful place to work and live ! Congratulations !
JUDYE, you're going through the first of the grandchild transition periods ! You'll be fine and so will Jordyn---your influence and love will continue to serve as an important guide forever. Seems only yesterday we were stressing over how Seth would fare in Kindergarten and now look at him ! ☺
LORI, give my birthday wishes to your "young" dad and enjoy the festivities. I'll be thinking of you as you become our star pupil next Thursday. Good luck ! Yes, Eileen loves Penny, calls her Penny Lou. They've been together twice before, once when I took Pen to MI in the Spring and again when Eileen came down for Seth's H.S. graduation. Penny will pee with delight upon seeing her. I have to take her outdoors to meet and greet, along with a paper towel !
Wow, SANDI, what a glorious weekend you have ahead. Travel safely and enjoy the wedding and important guests !
Good morning. Well, late morning. Was really tired last night.
Looking at Paula's pictures of her new source of income, I noticed some lovely buildings. One appears to be a glassed in room which, if it has a water view, will be Paula's new office. Oh, and I am thinking Nick could be a "helper" at the nursing home so Paula can take him to work. Congratulations again, Miss Paula.
Good morning! Or should I say "food morning"? lol I think Shirley has given us another momster word!! It's a good one!
I slept 9 1/2 hours last night! Wow! Thinking of the boys at home alone. They will be fine but there will be some disagreements!! They are brothers!
NOTHING on my agenda today. More laundry!!! Need to do the boys sheets and towels then I am through! Jack is doing a document review, so he is at his desk working. Love consultant pay!
I did well with the boys here...weight wise. Yea! Up just a couple of pounds. Eating out lunch every day during our trip is what did it. We think this was one of the best camps ever. I have suggested San Antonio next year. The boys would enjoy visitng the Alamo and the SA riverwalk and boat ride on the river, Sea World is also there.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 347 of 347I think it was an awkward landing, JudyE
the more I look at the picture I think he just landed next to her can't see her at all so she is besides him Ok I was just wishful thinking with the HP saw the wings and assumed LOL My BAD I think sure wish we had sound we would have heard it
I agree Paula after I made the picture larger that is one thing bad about doing snips you miss some of the action
she is still in the attic but it is so hard to see the tree now
Yep, she's still there.
OK heading to TV land and apparently the Chef loved the taste of the TBone steaks from walmart Now to go watch UTD that I didn't see last night Lator Gator
Thanks HODA on the CD that is one that SIS Janet had made on CD I made on as a movie but can't find it just now but don't think I will be able to transfer to YT because its a movie not a CD
I sure wish I lived up there I would go see her I keep going by the cell phone tower everyday hoping to see Belle or Liberty here but so far no luck I wonder if they show up later than 5 when I go by will check that out tomorrow since I won't have Jordyn :-( sad about that but it can't be helped
We have a Walmart here but it is not a super centre.
When you said food before JUDYE I thought like packaged stuff, did not think groceries and meat Dept.
Will go check out the pictures now.
Went to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam page no picture on your FB page either JUDYE. Where did you put it?
Hoda, the Super Walmarts are a full line grocery store, produce, deli, meats, dairy, frozen section. They have good prices, but the selection is not as vast as some of the grocery stores around here.
The pic is on her FB page, Hoda.
I have bought steaks from Walmart, they are good.
Thank you PAULA. I do not shop much in Walmart but I have been there maybe five times since I moved to town. It is the only town I have lived in that has had a Walmart.
I shop Local and I do not see them as local!!!
I will go to JUDYE page again PAULA
It does not show on my iPhone PAULA. Not on JUDYE 'S
page. Odd!
Yes, need a vacation after Camp Hawkwood. Come Friday I will collapse!!
Meet the teacher is tomorrow night, so we take them home tomorrow afternoon.
Good Late Evening Eagle Buds !
Thanks to those of you who wished Seth a good college move in day. Julie reports great success--1st impression of the roommate is good and the room is roomy with lots of storage. They are right across the hall from the RA and that pleases me !☺ The kick off entertainment for Freshman orientation was to be a comedian--probably happening as I write. Hope he's having fun !
No surprise that Camp Hawkwood gets a five star rating this year, as always. Those boys are mighty lucky to have you n' JACK, LOLLY !
Has JUDIE sent the Sandman packing ? I sure feel like he's closing in on my place....zzzzzzz
Prayers first though, for all who are traveling and all in need of any kind !
Hoda I put the pic on you FB page for you Odd you can't see on phone Hope you can see them on it being on your page Odd that they did post to the fan page the past couple of days have but not todays when I use @ in front of the name it usually post Odd but as we all know FB acts up once in a while
You can delete pic if you want also
I did put in the EM album also As always
good evening to all...
LYNNE2: have never used that gel, but use biofreeze on occasion. when i had inflammation and pain i resorted to making ginger fire water :
6 cups water
1 ginger root cut into slices
handful of gogi berries
bring to boil and boil down to about 2 or 3 cups.
warning, although it works, it is INTENSE....
cherries are also a good anti-inflam food....have had clients have success with pure cherry juice/extract taken daily.
let me look aroudn and see what else i can come up with.
been a good day:
had most of the day off....i did a bit of housework and laundry....spent some time in the pool....threw some horseshoes with my son (and won a game).....took a class online for work...just a nice relaxing day...i even read in my book some!
hope everyone has a pleasant evening....
Great news KAY on Seth ? what is a RA ??
btw: JUDY: thank you for posting the link to mom and dad's pix....i will look at it, just don't want to get all mushy right now.
had a banana split last night, and cannot eat one wthout thinking about mom....
Hi everyone.
Storms here with some thunder boomers and lightning. Computer still acting stupid. Need to shut down.
Seems you all are doing fine, well, except for the dental expense for Marvelous Mr. Marvin.
Sandperson is frantically packing a satchel to try to beat the stormiest of the storm. Restful sleep for all. Oh, Jufie is locked up.
JUDIE I got a call from Jufie last night are you sure she is locked and secure this time don't want to be woke up with her calling again and that darn unicorn with the bear riding on it back is in the front yard I yelled at it but leave so I turned off the porch light I think that is what attracted it LOL
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
JudyE, RA is the Resident Assistant I think...lives in the dorm and keeps an eye on the kids :) Supposed to be in charge.
Hodie - I didn't see Sandi talking about dental bills. I may have3 missed it but
I was talking about my cat's upcoming dental bill.
We have had some lightning and thunder but not much rain.
I am ready to say...
Goodnight to All
God Bless All of you
I ♥ Us
JO SANDI wrote that she had a 3000$ dental bill for her dog!!!
Yours sounds high to me too.
Best Wishes to SETH
God Bless Us All.
Boy, 11:14PM, I think that's the earliest this group has ever gone to sleep! I think we were all exhausted yesterday.
Went to bed at 10:00 - got up at 3:30 and here I am!
KAY, so glad to hear that SETH got into his room and onto campus and all went well.
SANDI, $3,0000 is a high vet bill. I've paid that much for tests, hospitalization and surgery...geez.
JANET, so happy to hear you had a nice, relaxing day yesterday...hope you get another one soon. :)
HODA, love, love, love that you shop only local! We were at WalMart the other day and couldn't find a dog toy that wasn't made in China...sorry for ragging on WW, JudyE. We ended up not buying any.
Do like that a lot of their food now is supposed to be local.
JO, too hot for you today. Supposed to be going up to 89, so stay cool!
LOLLY, have fun at meet the teacher night! Or are you just having dinner with Laurel and family?
Time to get in the shower and get this show on the road. Have lots to do today, and I can help Kate do some of the morning chores...first up, feed the cats!
Thursday!~ which means it is Friday GOOD MORNING!
Hope everyone has a delightful day!
I am thinking the sandman must have departed early and dosed everyone pretty well last night as everyone signed off fairly early.... hmmmmm.....maybe he was escaping JUFIE??????
Good Thursday morning Lori, Janet, and all my eagle friends! MT tree in Shep'town.
Thundering and raining here - tennis for this morning isn't looking good but, if it stops raining, I'm playing on clay courts and they drain much faster so we'll see. I'm not playing til 9 this am.
Kay, glad that Seth has a good first impression of his roommate - hope that continues! Is it an all freshman dorm - I like that idea!
Janet, have been meaning to say that it sounds like Livvy's school will be keeping a close eye on her. But, like Judie, I disagree with their statement that math can't be assessed for weaknesses, that testing only focuses on reading. I have had students with IEPs for just math calculation and/or math reasoning who only get my support in that class.
I found Bella's bill for her final tooth extractions - $2800 for everything. Her surgery was 4 hours at $450 an hour so that was $1800 of the bill. It was very expensive but she has been so much healthier and happier since having those rotten teeth removed that I don't regret the decision.
Oh my, the skies just opened! Boy is it ever pouring! Looks nice in West Virginia - blue sky!
Have a great day all!
Good Morning Eagle Buds !
JUDYE, PAULA is exactly right re:RA.
SANDI, I'm not sure if Seth's dorm is all Freshman or not. It is coed by floor---not sure of the entire make up as the building has 3 floors I believe. It's ideally located across the street from the Student Union and directly behind an impressive Library--both of which Seth will frequent.
JANET, I have to agree with JUDIE and SANDI on the math issue. Seth was an IEP student in math only, excelling in all other subjects. His math teacher did a wonderful job with him and presented the right paperwork to the University enabling him to opt out of math courses--the math center of his brain does not function well at all. In lieu of math he must take a couple of Science courses and there are some of those that are light in math problems. Best of luck to Livy as she proceeds through school--a huge key is the kind of parental concern and help you provide !
Yikes ! I hope Penny continues to have good dental health for a very long time !
Love and prayers for all !
Oh, I meant to apologize for those occasional double postings. I have no idea how they are generated and by the time I see them there is no trash can for deleting. Boo-hiss.
Good morning!
Just want to say hi. Off to return a couple of blouses that are unacceptable and then to get my "do" did for next week.
Wishing everyone a lovely morning.
Good morning all
Cool morning here. Very pleasant. Windows are open and am breathing easily.
A very very pleasant 50 degrees.
It , however, is expected to go up to 90 today!
I will ride my bicycle to meet a friend for Berries Smoothie this afternoon.
Reading, writing, meditation and maybe a swim this morning.
Have a terrific day everyone.
It brings me a smile to think Seth is in a university dorm.
The next we will here WANDA will be posting JAEDAN is headed off to university as a Freshman!!!
Yes indeed those few years will pass by very quickly!!!
Prayers for ALL of our wellness.
BELLE IS still in the attic
I think I know why the pictures didn't go to the fan page last night I had the setting as friends and not public I just put two pic as public and they went on I tried to change setting of last nights and didn;t help to put it there Will have to remember to do PUBLIC
and POOF and I got a good snip of it tooo
Howdy all!
Drumroll please..................
I got the job at the beach !!
I am oln my way there now to domy drug test and physical. I stopped for lunch.
Be back later ton.ight.
Thanks for all your polsitikve thoughts and prayers... I really wanted this job. Details at 11, LOL !
.♥ ♥ P A U L A ♥♥.
I am also very proud of you PAULA.
You deserve the very very very BEST.
puter wants to do some updates so I must let it It is the boss of me LOL Need to go get out of the house feeling down in the dumps of sorts Odd dreams didn't help with it either see ya later
Thanks Hoda for the heads up!
CONGRATULATIONS PAULA! Does this mean a move to Paradise?
Have had a busy morning. First breakfast for the boys, then watered the pots. Did two more loads of wash...that's a total of 8 loads since yesterday! Then remade the bed in the trailer, scrubbed the refrigerator in the trailer, then vacuumed and scrubbed the inside of the trailer. Jack and the boys scrubbed the outside.
Now time to do some mending of some bunny bears for Jacob. That boy loves his bunny bears to pieces.
Good afternoon to all ♥
I have had my nose in the newspaper, in FB and then Lunch and phone calls. Sorry I am so late getting here to greet all my friends.
Last Night Hoda - sorry I typed Hodie lol ♥
I agree with Sandi, Janet that Math skills can be assessed just like reading skills.
Lori - you are too too early for me today. Feeding the cats first thing is what I have to do also.
How is RoRo - new home yet?
Whoo Hoo and Wowser for Paula
Waiting for the details later today.
Can't beat a residential beach bum ♥
Glad Margy is away enjoying herself - News in Martinsburg just 2 doors down is a murder. FB had the article. Man killed wife thing.
He was incarcerated without incident. When I was young with my family the upstairs guy killed his wife - not in the house but still scarey as the devil.
This is Howdie Hodie JO!!
No problem!!!
Now thinking of Tom Sweetie and the sick neighbour lady that MARGY was so concerned about. This news of a murder must have them both upset...
Sorry to hear about it JO.
WOW JO sad news I wonder if Margy can get internet connection there
ODD the comment didn't come in my email When I read what HODA said I went to the blog and saw the comment I got the comment in email where you talked about Paula but not the second comment ODD HUH Gonna head you to the mall No retail therapy but want to go the the restaurant to have the best Chef Salad in the world use to eat there daily when I worked at Zayres Hope to see some old friend that works there also
FYI we now sell the Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits at work Was told taste like the real thing Will have to check it out one day Me who hardly cooks LOL
JUDYE I am concerned that you are not feeling up today.
Sorry about that.
Stay active and focus on gratitude.
Yes dreams can be upsetting especially if they stir the mind.
Putting you in PRAYER.
I wished PAULA would check in soon too.
What will it be like to live in PARADISE the winter???
Judy - let me know about the Cheddar Biscuits
We do shop groceries at WaLmart & also get some things from Giant Eagle. Wallmart does saves us $$
Judy while Margy is on her trip I would hope that she wouldn't hear about the local news back home. Unless an earthquake or something like that. Especially when there is nothing she can do about it & she may not even know the people.
EAGLE is back I brouht lap top with me now back to eating lol hard tyuping on laptop GRRRRR
Judy you changed your avatar but none of the older comments changed. Maybe it is just on FB that when you change your avatar all of them change.
I lost the cam and can't get it Maybe its my lap top battery getting lo will have to see when I get home drat
Good Afternoon Eagle friends!!!
HOOOOR for PAULA! I'm so proud of you and a hearty congratulations, too! You were very patient in getting the word you got it! So great for you!!!
JO, Kate has said that she will keep RoRo here until the 8 weeks for his healing from his surgery are up.
JUDYE, retail therapy? What's up?
HODA, did you get your yoga, swim and everything else, bike ride, in this morning? It's barely noon there.
Something is up with my iPad - I downloaded the new iTunes and now can't get it to sync the iTouch or the iPad....URGH....tried everything I know, but apparently it's a common complaint about this update.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
I swear that said HOOOOORAY for PAULA! Anyway, I'm so happy for you.
Well there goes the safety if eating Pacific Salmon or any other Pacific fish for that matter!!!
300 ton if highly radio active water has leaked from Fukushima nuclear power plant a few months ago. It continued to leak and they called it an anomaly!!!
Well Wednesday they said it was extremely serious!!!
No kiddin'!!!
They have no idea where it leaked from so the danger continues!!!
Debris from their tsunami washed out on California and BC coasts.
I presume this contaminated water is on its way here too.
Very upsetting!!!
Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !
Hip, hip hooray PAULA ! Like the ol' A Team adage--"I love it when a plan comes together ?"
HODA, I heard "an expert" on NPR say that the nuclear waste is diluted by water and that it will not reach our shores. Like you, I'm a skeptic when it comes to eating fish and I love Salmon and Tuna especially. We'll have to be sure we're getting the Atlantic variety.
JO, sad news for MARGY's neighborhood---she's such loving person and she'll feel bad for the family whether she knows them or not--glad the news will wait til' she gets home !
Happy news for me. My Eileen called and will drive down from her Michigan home tomorrow, staying til' Sunday after lunch. She craves some one on one Mama time and I'm thrilled !
Seth texted his dad revealing some anxiety, but overall good feelings about his first night of dorm life. Lots going on for the Freshman class all week so I hope he's having fun while learning the ropes ! My son just called to tell me all is well with his son's start at Warren Wilson College in Ashville, NC. Big Freshman week for him, too. Cooper has been away from home a lot at camps, etc. and we don't have the same concerns about his adjustment.
Forgive me running on and on about my "boys", but it's hard for me to concentrate on anything else right now !
Love and prayers for all in need !
Judy it's 5:20 and my cam is up/running
MT attic
Good for Kate to keep RORo for the 8 wks of healing.
Kay - enjoy your mother/daughter time
I have had my eyes on Pip most of the day off and on. S/HE tires me out.
Time to get dinner - BBL
Just got home from Tellys I guess being my puter battery was dying is why the tree went bye bye for me
SAD news the restaurant has been open for 35 years is closing I have been going there for 25 plus years Use to go daily when I worked at Zayres for 8 yrs Did get to see my friend Terry she isn't for sure what she is going to do but she does need to get a job to survive Had a inch of rain while I was gone and still storming out
HODA and LORI and all I am in the slump because I think not getting to see Jordyn You see for over 5 years I have had her every Thur and Fri and its just tearing me apart that I will only get a couple of hours with her on Fri I will have to adjust but it will take time I am grateful for all that ti
The dream was about that her getting estranged from because of the limited time with her and I don't want that to happen and IT WILL NOT happen I will make sure if it Funny how a dream can tear you apart and screw up your whole day
and JO only on the blog our avatars don't change I love it I wish FACEBOOK was like that
MT attic
our temp was 94° when I left and now 74° nice cooling thunderstorms
I stopped at one Walmart looking for Jordyn a simple white cotton blouse with collar for school to wear under her jumper I bought her one at my store and Angie loves it Cool under the hot jumper she wears as a uniform no luck at the Largo store I want to check out the Tyrone store but will wait till storms move on through if they move LOL more coming in from Tampa
KAY, very proud of your boys! You have every right to be. Glad that Eileen is coming to visit. Big hugs.
JUDYE, I hate when that happens, too. When a dream influences your whole day. You are a great OMA and she will always love you. Big hugs for you, too!
Three Cheers to a wonderful kind and generous hearted OMA!
We all Love you. No worries Grandma!
Dream go away!!!
Judie The First 48 9pm
Judie - I found another good one
Chn 64 9pm NEW
I survived a serial killer
Waiting for Kate to come home with Dairy Queen!
AND, waiting for PAULA to get back so we can hear the details of her new job! YAY!
LOLLY, hope you're relaxing now. You're probably slam wore out.
JO, Serial Killer movie??? I can't watch shows like that before I go to bed...or anytime. :) JUDYE, hope you enjoy the show, too.
I mowed the yard this evening. It always looks so nice when it's freshly cut.
Starting to get a little blue about leaving. That's why I got out of the house and mowed.
HELLOOO HOME from the second Walmart and NOPE couldn't find any cotton collar blouses for Jordyn DRAT I got a couple of skorts for her being the others shrunk in the was Will take them back but picked up some just in cast my store doesn't have them don't want to risk it
Thanks HODA you got me smiling with tears on you comment and I hope tomorrow is a better day since I will be able to spend a couple of hours with her before she crashes for sleep
I didn't tell you but since she hasn't been getting naps she is out like a light by 730 Carl has dinner ready for them when they get home a little after 5 and then she crashes and yep she sleeps the whole night She just loves her naps and shows she needs the sleep being she is out by 730
I have to remember to go to Angies work tomorrow before I pick Jordyn up at 310 other wise I won't be able to get her I have to get the sheet of paper that shows I am authorized to get her Even Angie has to have it Good security in place there
LORI getting Icecream OH why didn't I stop on the way home I want icecream tooo
LORI I feel blue today also I hate that feeling that is why I tried to stay out of the house all day
JUDYE, I'm glad you got out of the house, and bummed you forgot the ice cream splurge! Pretend I'm sharing mine with you - virtual ice cream. Big Hugs for you, JUDY. Tomorrow will be a much better day when you get to see Jordyn. Less than 20 hours! The countdown is on. :)
Hi everyone.
Lordy, I do hope, given the typos, that Paula passes her drug test. lol CONGRATULATIONS LADY. Your blog family is so very happy for you. Congratulations.
Trying to get caught up. Margy will not be happy about the homicide and I do wish, with all my being, that she could move elsewhere.
JudyE, you will adjust but can understand how difficult it is to let go just a little. Jordyn will still love and need you. Think ice-cream sharing (:
Jo, headed to the t.v. while I can keep my eyes open. Have First 48 on but will check out ch. 64. Ah for those faint of heart -- do not venture forth into my classroom.
Kay, have a world of fun with Eileen and don't worry, Seth will be fine.
Okay, need to see if I can join Jo in the world of homicide. BBL
evening all...
Aw, Judy, you are not alone. Our Grammies at work are suffering grandchild withdrawal as school starts next Monday. I know it must suck, but Jordyn will miss you, too. Time together will be even more special!
PAULA! Congrats on getting the job you wanted! Looking forward to details!
OK, just curious....has anyone heard of, use/used a Squatty Potty?
No on the Squaty Potty LYNNE.
Oh it is like the old hole in the ground bathrooms.
It works because the knees are higher than the hips.
It allows the colon to empty.
A stool under feet would do the trick!!!
My oh my!!!
Some Californian that bought John Lennon's molar wants scientists to clone the Beatle!!
Rather gross that the molar was sold to begin with!!!
Pretty cool
Au Claire De La Lune!
Claude Debussy
Here is a video on it LYNNE2
Squatty Potty Commercial Squatty Potty there are several video out there on it
JO was the murder two doors in the same building as MARGY or was it two houses away maybe on another block?
make sure you watch it till it rains on the google I love it how they do that If Margy was her she would have told us about it and the Waning Gibbous moon to cloudy here to see the moon
I am watching I survived a serial killer - its on 14 here not for sure if that what you are watching but pretty cool
good evening to all.
regarding olivia's testing and what the school psychologist said and what i know...
apparently each state has different tests/standards by which they assess students for learning disabilities. i know this because i have 2 friends in VA who are both special ed teachers.
the psychologist was saying that THIS is the standardized testing for TN....and they only use this format....but her encouragement for me to have her retested after next July tells me that she, as i, feel that there is something there, but at this time, she can not qualify her due to the only type of testing that TN uses.
they use a daily tracker for school...and as a part of her tracker, she has an additional sheet now that each teacher must sign off on...that she is participating in class, asking questions, raising her hand to participate, etc. we are trying to encourage her to be responsible for her own education...not disrgarding our part as adults, but that she ahs to do her part as well.
yes, they are keeping a close eye on her. this school is great about this...their motto is whatever it takes and they do live up to it.
PAULA! congrats on the job!!!! wooo hoo and way to go!
JUDYE: i am chiming in late, but agree with everyone...jordyn adores you as much as you adore her and nothing will ever change that! there will be breaks from school and maybe during those times you can have her some extra...over nights perhaps?????
squatty potty? oh dear...don't like the sounds of that...\
my friends its been a very busy day and so i am closing it out. gonna browse the old face book and then off to sleep.....
SED to all!
Evening, all!
Just walked in the door 15 minutes Nick fed, went to the bathroom, and I am grabbing a bite to eat. Just got Hoda's text. I am in Emmitsburg.
Will post in a few minutes.
Thank you PAULA for checking in. Glad you made a safe journey.
JudyE, you are a great OMA!!
Kay, it's good they have all those activities to keep the freshman busy. They will all get the blues at some time or another. Give Seth some time to adjust! It's a big change for sure.
I saw about the Martinsburg murder, but didn't read the details. Scary to have that happen close to home for sure.
That's as far as I read back for now.
I have been a bad girl LOL
I posted the Ostrich link and pictures on the fb page The Great Back yard Bird Count Well I guess that is a BIG NO NO I got a email in my others mail of fb and was told it was deleted and not to post again ONLY post wild things I am a bad girl I guess I don't see what the issue is but I must obey LOL Didn't realize it was wrong but I do now
EAGLE Chatter posted a short youtube video of a eagle crashing at a performance so sad I ask how she or he was they said they are looking in to it and will let me know So sad I hope the eagle is fine
ORU Chapel eagle crashes during performance
Testing, testing . . .
OMG I hope hi is OK...
well Squatty Potty has some really positive reviews! In fact, most are great reviews!
Judy - Sorta funny but I guess an
ostrich is not considered a back yard bird... Thanks for letting us know.
Paula - did Hoda track you down?
Hoda - I have no idea how close it was to Margy's dwelling - I was only going by her house number being close to the others. I have never been to Margy's and really in the apt. complexes you never get to know your neighbors unless you pass them in the parking lot.
hey Shirley!
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
So here's the rest of the story...(I loved listening to Paul Harvey)
At the beach on Monday, I got a call to come in to the place that I interviewed. I went there Monday afternoon, and my boss reviewed my qualifications one more time on several points...and she offered me the job. Said she would send out the offer via email at first by Wednesday, then she said Monday.
So I didn't get the offer until Wednesday morning....this is why I hadn't mentioned anything yet. She had been in meetings 2 days. Meanwhile, I was scheduled for my physical and drug test for today. She called me on Wednesday...and when I got the offer, it was lower than what I expected. I told her what I wanted, and she said she didn't think she could do that, but she would talk with the CEO. She said she wouldn't be able to talk to me until late in the day.
So, no word last night!
I decided I was going to take the job anyhow...without knowing what the offer was. So I called the HR gal this morning and told her I hadn't received the offer yet. I told I wanted to see it before I got there.
So, on my way down, they called me with the offer, and it was what I asked for!!
I got my physical and drug test done today, all my forms filled out, my insurance info (which starts Sept 1...that's terrific), name badge, etc etc is all taken care of.
So, my new employer is with the Hospital in Crisfield! The McCready Foundation runs the hospital, out patient clinic, nursing home and Retirement/Assisted Living Facility (Judie, are you reading this?)
The hospital sits right on the water in Crisfield! Here's a picture of the nursing home.
Nursing Home/Assisted Living
It sits right behind the admin building where I'll work...the one with the big columns(it's the original hospital)...the newer hosptial portion sits behind the admin building.
Admin Buildings
And yes, Judie, that post was full of typos! LOL, looked like I was on drugs !
My delete OOPS repeated it somehow and on that page people post pics of turtles, butterflies, aligators, fish and all sort of stuff not just birds
Judy - I agree with what you said was the reason for your depression - You have granddaughter withdrawal symptoms. In other words you were the one spoiled by her sweetness.
So with your free time you must find something special to do with YOU.
Like do yoga, go bowling, play cards or get a good man! I love you dearly
and care for the well being of your mind ♥ We just can't watch Pip for the whole day lol ♥
Tomorrow I am hoping that we will receive a fresh new thread for the weekend....
PAULA what will you be doing there In the office OK I pulled a Margy
So, Nick acted like I was at work all day! He greeted me when I got home, then ran upstairs and jumped on the bed...cause when I would get home from work, I would always go up and pet him, and then change clothes.
Wonder what will be going through his mind when I start leaving him alone at the beach house for 8 hours a day??
Oh, and yes, I'm moving to Paradise! I took some clothes down today.
LOL, JudyE, I forgot that part! I am the Senior Staff Accountant!
Pretty much, the only Accountant!
Well, returning for a quick visit.
Jo, we don't get channel 64 - grrrrr! So, okay, watched First 48. Good, as always.
JudyE, not sure what you are talking about but hope you didn't do anything seriously wrong. Remember, I have no law enforcement connections in your
Sandperson is packing a satchel of sleepy dust. Also packing visions of $$$ for Paula. Has added a quick visit to Lun Lun and her babes for tonight. Restful sleep for all.
Paula that is GREAT! Very happy for you!
Paula - checked out the pic - beautiful landscape ♥
I am so very happy for you. This is quite a lot of changes and they are all GOOD ♥
JUDIE are you saying you can't get me out of Jail If I go from posting stuff on FB bird page that isn't wild I bet JUFIE would help LOL JUst kidding
WOW in Russia today a Navy ship crashed on a crowded beach but no one was hurt just on the news Oh and they said it was planed LOL Cover up I say Was wild to see on the news
Oh, now Judy, that is good advice from Jo. Yoga and a good man! WOO HOO!
Oh wow, I just read back some and see the details from Paula. How amazing. Yes, I read every word and will re-read in morning. My prediction: Paula and Nick and Larry Studmuffin are headed for a rip-roaring good life at the beach. Could not possibly be happier for all three.
Okay, sandperson is huffing and puffing down the hallway and Jufie is having a slam banging hissie fit.
Restful sleep for all.
LOL LYNNE2 Have dated to many men and no good ones are left LOL and not interested for some reason To set in my ways I guess
I changed my profile of Belle I love the white head Hard to get pic like that only in the am it seems
OK now I am saying GN again and mean it this time my neck is killing me don't know if weather has anything to do with it but been worse the past couple of days
I wondered the same thing about NICK PAULA!
Awesome that you asked for the financial package that you wanted and followed up on it and got it!!'
Good on you !!!
Thank you JO about MARGY answer. I hope Tom Sweetie and Lauren(????) not sure of her name,are well.
LOLLY has not checked in. Safe travels LOLLY.
KAY the NPR does not have the story on Fukushima right!
University of Hawaii ran a study and ocean waters will not dilute the radiation! The count will be lower closer to the site in two years and concentrations of the radiation will be high as they hit the west coast in 8 to 10 tears...something to do with currents and speed and God knows what else!!!
We are very concerned in Canada!
Margy's friend upstairs is were close, Hoda!
Years not tears even though I am shedding a lot if tears over this one!!!
Come on Sandperson - I am ready ♥
God Bless you all
Prayers for all our needs
Praises for all the good things
Goodnight my friends ♥
Sleep deep and good dreams tonight ♥
I am ready too! Long and exciting day!
Had a great evening! Said good bye to my boys! What a great time we had! Laurel is exhausted! In service has been rough! I go back Monday just to pick up Jacob after school and to prepare dinner! Met Jacob's teacher. Hoping for a great year!!!
Paula, the job sounds fantastic!!!
Good night
God Bless Us All.
Paula, congratulations! The grounds look beautiful too. Hope you and Nick will be content there for a long time. Do you have any other major improvements on your Paradise home to make before winter? And when do you start your job?
I thought Margy's friend, Lorraine, lived across the street. Hmmmmmm........
Goodnight all.
Heading to bed!
I start the day after Labor Day! I need to get a new heating/cooling system at the beach, and some new windows. Then I will be snug as a bug in a rug!
SED, love and hugs to all ♥
Congratulations, Paula! Anew job at Paradise is in the making. When is the celebration party?
Hi to the others that I'm too pooped to respond to your comments.
Wishing everyone a peaceful &healthful sleep,
God bless us all. Goodnight
Just realized that I can send your posts to my e-mail and keep up more easily--already knew I could get them that way, but when I try to pick them up on Safari, they eventually disappear. That's what the "testing" was about.
Have been very busy driving around and visiting today.
Trying to keep up. Just did a lot of reading.
School starting for teachers and students.
Testing concerns.
A murder in Martinsburg.
A new job and a move for Paula. And an engagement for Michael.
Going to say food night--some connection problems. AT and T connection poor. Sometimes not there.
Good RED Friday morning and TGIF!!!
Although 2 of my clients have moved to Saturday mornings.... its that or losse them. He is a college professor and his schedule changes each year and she is teaching a children's music class on Wed. Rather than make 2 trips, I will make an early Sat mornign trip out there and keep my good clients....
Not too much going on .... might take the boat out on Sunday. That's the though right now. August has found us again...90's and HUMID. Its okay because I will just get in the pool!!!! And it is the end of August, so it won't last forever.
JUDYE: i wish you a better day. i love you sis....everyone here loves you...and most of all JORDYN loves you
PAULA: keep riding high on that great news! sooo happy for you!!!
Everyone: have a lovely day. Light, love, smiles and healing thoughts for all in need!
Good Friday morning Janet and all my eagle friends! MT tree in Shep'town.
Paula, what incredible news for you - congrats!! How far is Crisfield from Rumbley?
Kay, enjoy your Mom/daughter time. Seth will be fine!
Judy, I'm sorry that you're missing Jordyn so much. Change is hard. Jo's advice is excellent - you need to find something for YOU other than work and the blog!
Lolly, next week I will feel Laurel's pain - UGH!!!
We are leaving for Myrtle Beach this morning. The son of one of my BFF's is getting married there tomorrow. Not looking forward to 8.5 hours of driving down and 8.5 hours of driving back on Sunday, but we are VERY much looking forward to being with Dan and Leslie and their families for the happy event! And Brian and Lynnis will be there so I will get to spend some time with my boy! =) Dogs are staying home with Kevin. I will check in when I can from my phone and/or Kindle.
Have a great day and weekend everyone!
Congratulations Paula on the job in Paradise!
Good Morning everyone! It's Friday!
Late this morning because I've been updating my iPad and was successful this time. It was the USB cord that was bad. All is well now!
PAULA, congratulations on the job. And, the place is beautiful. Hope it's not a long drive for you. So happy for you that you get to live in Paradise! Will Larry move there, too, or is he still selling his house?
JANET, nice of you to be so considerate of your good clients and work on Saturday.
JUDYE, wishing you a better day today, and maybe some ice cream for you and Jordyn.
SANDI, have a nice trip and a good time at the wedding. Sounds fun.
KAY, tell Eileen hello and you two have a great time together! She will love Penny.
I've got a lot to do here today. Lots of clothes to pack up and things I might need. Leaving Sunday to go back to PA, for Dad's 75 birthday dinner, then school starts on Thursday. AH! Less than a week.
Well thank you Mr Sandman. Slept well and long! Just getting my coffee now.
Crisfield is about 25 minutes from Paradise...just like everything else, LOL. It will be a nice drive into work each day.
Hello good mid morning eagle buds just got out of the shower gonna have lunch with Angie have to go pick up my PASS so I can pick up Jordyn today
Good Morning Eagle Buds !
Thanks for all the encouragement re:Seth ! He's been a very brave and determined special needs kid and I know he'll come through as an adult in college ! Helps to hear it from so many of you, however !
PAULA, I'm jumping for joy over your good fortune ! What a wonderful place to work and live ! Congratulations !
JUDYE, you're going through the first of the grandchild transition periods ! You'll be fine and so will Jordyn---your influence and love will continue to serve as an important guide forever. Seems only yesterday we were stressing over how Seth would fare in Kindergarten and now look at him ! ☺
LORI, give my birthday wishes to your "young" dad and enjoy the festivities. I'll be thinking of you as you become our star pupil next Thursday. Good luck ! Yes, Eileen loves Penny, calls her Penny Lou. They've been together twice before, once when I took Pen to MI in the Spring and again when Eileen came down for Seth's H.S. graduation. Penny will pee with delight upon seeing her. I have to take her outdoors to meet and greet, along with a paper towel !
Wow, SANDI, what a glorious weekend you have ahead. Travel safely and enjoy the wedding and important guests !
Love and prayers for all !
Good morning. Well, late morning. Was really tired last night.
Looking at Paula's pictures of her new source of income, I noticed some lovely buildings. One appears to be a glassed in room which, if it has a water view, will be Paula's new office. Oh, and I am thinking Nick could be a "helper" at the nursing home so Paula can take him to work. Congratulations again, Miss Paula.
Going to get coffee. Back in a few...
Looks like a miserable raining gloomy day at the nest tree
I got da feather
Good morning! Or should I say "food morning"? lol I think Shirley has given us another momster word!! It's a good one!
I slept 9 1/2 hours last night! Wow! Thinking of the boys at home alone. They will be fine but there will be some disagreements!! They are brothers!
NOTHING on my agenda today. More laundry!!! Need to do the boys sheets and towels then I am through! Jack is doing a document review, so he is at his desk working. Love consultant pay!
I did well with the boys here...weight wise. Yea! Up just a couple of pounds. Eating out lunch every day during our trip is what did it. We think this was one of the best camps ever. I have suggested San Antonio next year. The boys would enjoy visitng the Alamo and the SA riverwalk and boat ride on the river, Sea World is also there.
Whoops see that there is a new thread!
Good morning,
Going to Boulder today.
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