Wednesday, June 05, 2013


I just got the prognosis for the latest problem, and it is not good.  The cable used to power the  wireless transmitter from the tree to the server has been chewed partially through in multiple places by some sort of small critter/rodent.  The transmitter is located about 15-20 feet up the tree, and there is a ton of poison ivy surrounding it and the chewed cable. 

We're going to have to take care of the poison ivy, and then see what we can do to get the wireless back, with a new cable.  This replacement may not be possible right now, so we could be looking at a problem that ends the season.  I'm not going there yet, but we'll need to stand by and see what can be done.  We are discussing a few alternatives.

More info when I get it.

New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon and thank you Steve for all the information!

I'll alert the others.

Mema Jo said...

Steve - please keep us posted on any observations you or others at NCTC may see from the ground. Thx.

Lori O. said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread and for the cam update. Praying you have good news on the update for us. Any ground observations, as JO suggested, would be greatly appreciated.

MARGY, thanks for the call over.

stronghunter said...

Guess there are plenty of cable-chewing critters out there, that are ones not worried about poison ivy.

Thanks for the information, Steve. I hope this problem can be solved.

Janet said...

Ugh, not good news, but updated none the less. Good luck to Steve and the crew on getting this fixed. Not a job that I envy!!!! THANK YOU STEVE for the new thread and all the info!

Janet said...


I've been productive today: got that papers notarized and off in the mail....have been doing some reorganizing of the spare room which doubles as my office space. I've also been rearranging the downstairs spare/storage room that I claim!

Went to big lots today and came out with some deals! I love that place! I got a large stock pot for cooking up my branches etc to make baskets and I also got a hamper to store them in . I got a new wrapping paper holder, half price....! wooo hooo!

Yes, I got out of the hosue today for about an hour. Olivia was here with Tom and both have phones and at most I was five min down the street.

Tom's been snoozing; the pain meds are making him sleepy, but that's fine. As I told him, rest, its not like you have a hot date or major plans. Your current job is to heal. Period.

Hope everyone is doing okay. I'm just taking abreak. Its hot and muggy outside today. :P bleech.

Later ya'll.

Mema Jo said...

Forgot to mention that I did have blood work done today - He ordered the whole kit & kaboodle but mainly checking on the A1C. That should be ok since I have been off prednisone for some time.

Mema Jo said...

Just got off the phone from Christine
She has been call and calling daily Transportation for their moving date as Patrick leaves the Army. Today Guess What - she got a call from Transportation lady and is told that she thinks she lost Patrick's orders.
Duhhhhhhhh.... They will never get out of there...

Here's the request for Christine and Patrick and the girls - under a certain program called Operation Homefront the kids placed their request on a home in Bethlehem, PA and one in Smyrna, DE. Christine ask for prayers that one of those homes would become those - I told her I knew of a powerful prayer group! Guess who!!
Let's give it all we got
I love us♥

stronghunter said...

Prayers and good wishes for Christine and Patrick, Jo.

Lynne2 said...

SO disappointing about the cam! What bad luck this year.

Sorry for my absence. Things are, unsettled for almost any reason you can think of right now. I've been pretty busy.

CarolAnne said...

Sending my prayers to be united wth the prayers of others for Christine & Patrick.

CarolAnne said...

Though cam future is unsettled for now, I 'm thankful for the wonderful season we 've had thus far.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends! Glad to be on the downhill side of this last full school week. It is just about impossible to get these 8th graders to be serious about doing any work! Dana, final day with kids isn't til next Thursday.

Today was nail day - got them painted to match my dress for the 8th grade dance on Friday, which I am chaperoning.

Sure don't like the news about the cam. Same thing happened last year just as the juvies were starting to fly which put an early end to last nesting season. There's not much motivation to spend money to fix the cam when folks will be seeing an MT nest in the very near future. Will be excited if it gets fixed but am also preparing myself for eagle withdrawal!

Lynne1, glad to hear that your son is doing better. Prayers continue.

Janet, ditto for Tom doing well and congrats on getting the paperwork from the sale of your parents' estate. Judy, you too - I know how happy you must be to finally get some closure.

OK, lots of paperwork to do - getting special ed. files in order to ship to the high school. Deadline is this Friday.


glo said...

Prayers for Christine. Prayers that someone at NCTC will forward news to us as often as possible re our eaglets. It is what it is. sigh

Lynne2 said...

Of course I've been reading up....

prayers for Lynne1's son, Dana's dad, Bev's Tom and Janet's Tom, Christine and Patrick, and for good blood test results for Jo. And especially to the parents and teachers dealing with the end of year hyper crazy children! And of course for the kids!

Glad to read that Glo is feeling better, Judy and Janet's issues with the property are all but over, that Jo and Mits and Maggie had a visit, that Lori's dad is doing well, of the birth of Lolly's grand-niece and Jacob's math award, that Hoda's eyes are no worse for the wear, and that Paula's remolding is moving right along!

I've probably forgotten something, but as I read, I say my prayers and you are all always in my thoughts!

stronghunter said...

Tropical Storm Andrea has formed in the Gulf of Mexico. Likely to head toward the Florida panhandle. Not likely to become a hurricane. Look out Judy!

stronghunter said...

Sorry things are so unsettled for you, Lynne2.

stronghunter said...

Glad that Tom is recovering, Janet.

stronghunter said...

So happy that you saw Mits and Maggie, Jo! I feel that I have known Mits for a long time, though I have never met her.

paula eagleholic said...

UGH :(

Just read Steve's message.

paula eagleholic said...

So it's a tropical storm now, huh? Guess it will be a rainy drive to the beach on Friday. No complaints, get it over with before the weekend starts!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I also saw Ben and Molly - just not up close like I did Maggie.

Mema Jo said...

Judy I advise you to get that hole in the roof fixed ASAP...... It's June - One of the Hurricanes'most favorite months of the year - at least for starters!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, Lynne, Lynne, it's about time you showed up!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynne - so glad to see you and to know you are right there with us all
Prayers for you to have life events settled down for you!
Love your Lost Dog announcements on FB. I hope most of them are found and back with their owners.

Mema Jo said...

Off to watch Jeopardy


JudyEddy said...


When it rain it pours HUH :-(

NatureNut said...

Good Grief and Little Rodents!!!
Be nice to get a miraculous fix before fledging. If not, those two Peaglets have been a joy!
Speaking of rodents, a lady called the Park TU AM to ask if we could help remove groundhogs from her yard!!!!!I told her we can't really do that but our Park Rangers can deal with animals on Park Property. She had called DNR and they told her to call us!!??DUH!! We should have kept an album of goofy calls over the years!
I got on here because I just saw the weather and it looks like Tampa area is going to get socked w/trop. storm.Gotta check on JudyE. Guess I'll read back.

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from work and ran down to watch Jordyn do dance ballet Have to go get caught up

DID YOU see the winner came forward she is 84 years old

JudyEddy said...

ROOF still has hole in it I just went and put more stuff over it with this darn depression coming Angie is calling so many roofers and off course with this storm coming there are houses with bigger holes than mine Well at least it not over the house part It is over the EVE that is over the side walk and I hope it will be fine keeping fingers legs and eyes crossed LOL

NatureNut said...

ESP? Thx for checking in, JudyE~~~~would chewing lots of bubblegum help your roof? LOL I drove a brand new car home w/gum on a crack in the manifold. It kept croaking,overheating, so at one gas station they saw crack and that the freeze plug had blown out. The dealer forgot to put in WATER & it overheated big time. The station man stuffed a rag in the hole.Dealer wanted to tow it back and repair it. We said NO WAY!!Got another new car!

Among all of our prayer list, I'm surely adding Christine and Patrick and family.

NatureNut said...


forgive my tardiness---tired braincells ☺

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA start chewing fast LOL

Lori O. said...

THELMA, I hope you've had a wonderful birthday!!!

Mema Jo said...

If you have FB - look at Wanda's pictures

stronghunter said...

Need to put sheets on my bed. It is time to head upstairs. SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Will check Wanda's pictures first, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

My sheets are on my bed and I've already seen Wanda's pictures so Shirley - I am going to beat you in signing off tonight!

(Once you get the pillowcase on)

Prayers for all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping Christine and her family in your prayers. Funny thing is that they noticed a house in Hedgesville - they were too late to get their names in on that one! ♥

Hoda said...


Glad many reported in today including our MIA LYNNE. Sorry that things are rough for you and am glad that you are here with us.


Healing prayers continue to all who need it.

We have actually had a very good season at the nest. Thank you STEVE and crew for all you do. Thank you for the update. As JO asked keep an eye up to the skies and report on any fledging events please.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, glad the winner finally came forward. Hope she takes the cash!

Hoda said...

At 84 I expect she will take the cash!!!

Good night


Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Needless to say...very disappointed that we will probably not see the eaglets fledge. After such a great season it is sad to have this problem develop.

Lynne, Lynne, Lynne!! Glad you shared a few choice words with us! We miss you and will keep you and Steve in our prayers.

Dinner out tonight was delish!!! Came home and collapsed in my chair.

Tomorrow I get the do done!

Nite all! God bless! SED!!

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING eagle buds
today is my first full day with Jordyn all day again and I wanted to go see Winter the Dolphin But its nasty out drizzling now Just hope it doesn't get bad

JudyEddy said...

Just went out and check the rain gauge and I have already 1 1/2 inch so far so it must have been a band come in and i didn't hear it

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Wish I was watching our cam :(

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle buds.

T-Bird said...

Thank you all again for my birthday wishes.

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle friends!!!

SANDI, you must have rushed out the door this morning! Hope you have a great day.

As many of you have said, I echo, how sad it is that we may not get to say goodbye to these sweet eaglets. They've been such a good pair. Praying the cam gets fixed, along with prayers for DanaMO's Dad, and Granny's son.

JUDYE, have a great day with Jordyn.

Looks like we are in for some rain too -- through Saturday. The eaglets may want to fly somewhere it will be dry! Hope not.

THELMA, how was your birthday?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, SHARON!

How's your back and PT coming along?

JudyEddy said...

It is raining cats and dogs and lots of rain We have a big band on top of us now

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Baseball game tonight and another one tomorrow night. We have pictures tonight, too. Going to check the weather forecast . . .

Hunter is supposed to provide drinks tonight, as I recall. I have a case of little drinks on hand already, so we should be fine.

stronghunter said...

Got the sheets and pillowcases on, Jo, and fortunately pulled the spread up before coming down this morning, as George has already made a mess on the bed. At least I should only have to wash the spread. Pet messes keep me busy.

stronghunter said...

Yikes, Judy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think my right leg pain is getting better but the groin pain is still pretty much there. They started me on a machine this week called NuStep that I do for 5 minutes. I really want to be able to walk again. I always loved that and I know that it will help lose some of this weight when I start.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Lori for asking.

Magpie, just wanted you to know that T-Bird's card arrived yesterday, right on time.

JudyEddy said...

Angie is calling it a day and headin my house We have so many hook formations of tornado

stronghunter said...

I think we can forget about any baseball games tonight, and tomorrow night is not looking so good either.

JudyEddy said...

the band has moved over us for now YEAH and another coming so we are good for a while

Lori O. said...

Yes, the weather seems to be a bad one for Momsters, today. Stay safe, JUDYE...and enjoy your evenings off, Shirley. I'm sure they'll have a picture make-up day.

Mema Jo said...

Our weather is very unsettled - looks like rain any time now. Judy and Shirley I sure hope this system moves out quickly.


My highlight so far this am is that the doe that hides somewhere nearby in the brush came into the yard! My heart stopped beating for a moment - she is beautiful and I suspect there may be some spotted fawns near by. I surely hope she brings them into my yard of clover!

Mema Jo said...

I have no plans for the day. However, Jenny is on her way with Panera soup for lunch and a visit! I am very happy about that!


stronghunter said...

Yes, Lori, I am sure there will be make-ups. I think the uniform is ready to go, but will make sure. Just in case.

Hunter Story:

On our car journeys together, Hunter had been listening to his iPod. Recently, he has not plugged in. And yesterday, we actually discussed A Midsummer Night's Dream. He was amused when I said that a women had fallen in live with an ass. . . He asked, "Do you mean a donkey?" . . . "Yes" . . . More giggles. . . Then he proceeded to tell me about funny movie plots that he had enjoyed. Nice to have an enjoyable conversation with my grandson . . good kid. Maybe I will sell Shakespeare to him yet.

stronghunter said...

I hear thunder.

stronghunter said...

I meant "love," not "live." :)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Very sad to not have the cam. Do hope Steve makes posts about from the ground observations. God's blessing Hedgie and Shammie!

Going shortly to get my do done. The humidity has really been messing with the do!

At about 4:40 this morn we were blessed with a thunder storm. Happy to report just over a half inch of rain. We got up, turned on the backyard light, and sat on the patio and watched the beautiful rain fall....and it fell all over my yard!! lol

This morning we found a birds nest that fell from an oak in front. No sign of eggs or babies, just the nest. It was well constructed and heavy and it still had green leaves in it. Have put it on my front porch with my other collection of nests that have fallen.

Judy, just barrel up the rain and send it this way. You are going to get too much!!

paula eagleholic said...

Getting some light sprinkles here...going to continue mowing anyway!

glo said...

Stopping in to say Hi to everyone. Alcoa nest hatched the same weekend as NCTC. 2 Theirs are branching a lot now and getting good air. My guess is activities at both nests are pretty similar. I know its not Hedgie and Shamrock but well I can pretend atleast I have a clue of the happenings in the sycamore palace. HAGD all. They lost their big cam about 6 weeks or so ago ina bad storm. They have a temp cam set up from that tiem on as they chose to not approach the nest tree at that time. Now that they branch its actually an awesome view. Anyone tuned in has missed lots of the little ones things BUT the fledge will be an awesome sight.

Mema Jo said...

Jenny and I had early lunch - She is anxious to get home with Blizzard's new cat toys.

I turned on the Alcoa cam - you are right Glo that they are the same size as our two juvies. Maybe this cam will give me my 'eagle fix'

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the nest information, Glo. Nice to have an alternative.

Maybe not thunder here, just the trash truck. But we could get thunder at any moment.

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater Refuge
Nest Update 06/03/13:

As for our eaglets, both Talon and Soar are now flying, although they're still visiting the nest for meals.

**They are in the nest now and guess what - their nest looks as messy as ours!

Mema Jo said...

Anyone remember if Margy had plans for the day - I haven't seen any comments from her yet. Hope all is well and also that Lorraine is ok.

grannyblt said...

Just saw on Weather Channel that the roof of an animal shelter has collapsed in Pinellas Park FL. Isn't that where our Judy lives--- not in the shelter but the town?? Rainy day here too in western PA

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, that's where our Judy lives.

Finally done with the lawn.

Gotta get some food!

glo said...

I am glad a couple of you are watching Alcoa. It really does help. Doesn't take much imagination at all as they are pretty much exactly the same age. Both are out on a limb flapping their wings. If the river were not out of its banks I would head that way for live video. I will do that eventually but not for a couple more days. River has crested here and should start to fall tomorrow thru Sat I hope .

Mema Jo said...

Ft Bragg NC announced: As we're sure most of you are aware of, Tropical Storm Andrea is heading our way. Batten down the hatches!
Stay safe Ft Bragg Bunch ♥

magpie said...

Been watching those reports,

Sure hoping and praying it's a smooth pass through of the storm...

Been keeping the Bragg Bunch in the prayers.....they have given so much to others, I hope they are on the good receiving end
xoxo (( Hugs )) ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Good grief, why did they have to name that tropical storm after me?!
Well, as Ken always says, "Everything is always YOUR fault!" Thank God, he's usually just kidding! Prayers for those in her path!

I've been taking the old machete to the checking account and paying a few bills online. Tomorrow's payday for Ken! Phew!

I'm glad we have Alcoa to watch. It's rough that the cam is down at our nest, but at least we'll have something to get an eagle fix from!
(Thank God the cam didn't get permanently messed up earlier in the season!)

Well, gotta go get some more laundry done. Hope everyone stays safe and has a good day! Will check back in later. I ♥ us!

magpie said...

almost getting a "shot" at a place
in Hedgesville, how way cool would that have been !!

magpie said...

Thanks for the
Snail Mail arrival report...
I am really amazed, thought about
sending myself something
from Martinsburg...and
seeing how fast it gets

Hello Eagle Pals

funny Andy: I was thinking that same thing when I learned the name of this tropical storm... ☺

magpie said...

a favorite roadside "weedy" wildflower
is out....Chicory!! Cool thing is once it blooms, it seems to be
out forever

magpie said...

Prayers for Wellness, and
Positive Thoughts for all good games,
trips, lounging around,
time with family...all that jazz

time to return to my work
stuff..xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margy - happy to see you on here. Missed you earlier.

I'm due for a break


magpie said...

Thanks Jo...
As much as I am sad about the
cams being down....
at least it is a nature event...
rodents/critters and poison ivy...
rather than...something else more of man's doing...
sure appreciate Steve's thorough and timely report....that must have been difficult comment/update for him to have to deliver!

Lynne2 said...


<a href=">Pinellas Park HS roof collapse<a/>

Lynne2 said...

oh poop where did I go wrong.

Lynne2 said...

anyway roof collapsed at the HS where our Judy lives.

Lolly said...

Pinellas Park HS roof collapse

Lolly said...

Hee hee, Lynne. I found the error of your ways!

Lolly said...

Having a very pleasant day here 76 and sun comin and goin

Sandi said...

Hi all! 4 days down and 1 to go in this God-awful week!

In addition to all of the "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" kids that I have this year, have I said that my principal is an ass??? That's far sadder than the kids b/c they will all move on to high school in 5 more days, but my principal will be back next year! Oh well, it is what it is!

Judy, stay safe and dry!

Jo, you're coming to the beach this weekend??? Bring lots of reading material - and a BIG umbrella! The weather is NOT lookin' good! Eighth grade dance tomorrow night may be postponed til next week unless the forecast changes.

Got all of my special ed. folders in order - still have to do final IEP updates for the year and add them to the folders before shipping them off to the high school. I can really see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

Kay said...

Good afternoon Eagle Buds !

Andrea, the hurricane, sounds like a bad one--too bad about the PP H.S. ! I hope Judy and her home are AOK--this was all she needed after suffering a leaky roof earlier in the week !

On the other hand, our ANDREA, is the Good Twin and in no way responsible for anything but good will !

It is a disappointment that we'll not see our eaglets anymore, but that's life in the wild and, as HODA, pointed out, we had a very good year with them and their beautiful parents !

SHAR, you know our prayers are with you !

SHIRLEY, nice Hunter story ! He's going to have such great memories of times with you and the things like Shakespeare he found through you !

JO, hard to believe the kids are still trying to get moved. Government wheels move very slowly !

LYNNE1, so happy to hear there is improvement for your son !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Good afternoon Eagle Buds !

Andrea, the hurricane, sounds like a bad one--too bad about the PP H.S. ! I hope Judy and her home are AOK--this was all she needed after suffering a leaky roof earlier in the week !

On the other hand, our ANDREA, is the Good Twin and in no way responsible for anything but good will !

It is a disappointment that we'll not see our eaglets anymore, but that's life in the wild and, as HODA, pointed out, we had a very good year with them and their beautiful parents !

SHAR, you know our prayers are with you !

SHIRLEY, nice Hunter story ! He's going to have such great memories of times with you and the things like Shakespeare he found through you !

JO, hard to believe the kids are still trying to get moved. Government wheels move very slowly !

LYNNE1, so happy to hear there is improvement for your son !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

HELLO Just woke up from a nap and we are safe and all three of us Angie , Jordyn and I were sleeping LOL and I can't believe we all slept gonna head to Angie for dinner

stronghunter said...

Glad you were able to get a nap in the midst of the storm, Judy. We will get the winds and rain tomorrow. But we also are supposed to get rain this evening. I think it is from a different source, though. Not the tropical storm. We have a flash flood watch for now.

magpie said...

Sounds like no baseball game or pictures tonight, Shirley ?

JudyE -
glad you are OK...!
I have relatives in Ft Myers Beach and Naples on the West Coast and Hypoluxo on the East Coast...figure they are getting waterlogged also.

magpie said...

One more day, you can make it!
And I hope the Summer will feel like it lasts forever.
June is definitely the Best Part of School Being Over !!

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, and Joyful evening....

signing off for now...
have a number of things to attend to...

(( Hugs ♥ ))

Mema Jo said...

Pinellas Park HS roof collapse

From Lynne

Sandi said...

Margy, I wish tomorrow was the last day of school for the summer. There are still 4 days with kids next week and then 1 day with just teachers. But there are lots of "fun" things planned for next week so it will go by a lot faster than this week.

Goodnight all! See you in the AM!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!We didn't get raindrops until after 3PM, so I was putzing around outdoors 'til then.We're going to have lots of rain and Andrea isn't even here yet! I'm going to have to remind myself to stop digging holes in clay! Need to join Shar on the PT machine & take some Aleve! ☺
JudyE, hope all the hatches are battened down. Shame about the Humane Society roof. Glad nothing was injured.
Andrea, been meaning to tell you that we do NOT blame the storm on you!
Have a coupl stories to tell~~~last night I went outside after dark w/my coffee. All of a sudden, spotlight came on! I stood up and looked at corner of house and Mr/Ms raccoon was staring up at me! It left quickly.Where's the camera when you need it?
I've mentioned our wren house & put some pics on blog showing nestorations. For awhile after that we didn't see Ms. Wren. Finally she was back and staying in the house alot.Now the food frenzy for both has begun, so we have a hatch! Today I finally heard tiny cheeps!
We had Dad and baby Downy woodpeckers at suet,too and Fubby said it's like watching TV!!!
Jo, I hope you get fawns in your yard!!Film at 11 !!!!☺

Mema Jo said...

Sandi it is Paula who is going to the beach this weekend - not my turn yet...

Mema Jo said...

Perhaps it is all this rain that has dampened my spirits and made me feel ready to call it a day. Sure pray our juvies are making it through without our eyes on them! lol

Good night everyone
God Bless you and yours
Prayers for you and yours

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Margy, they canceled the pictures, but the county wanted to finish the game schedule, so we went over to the park in the pouring rain. The earlier games were being played, but our coaches decided they wanted to call the game. Someone said that baseball games can be finished in rain, but not started in rain. I do not know, but it would have been miserable.

Coach said it is dangerous for the kids to play in the rain. They might get hurt.

Some people had brought tarps and tent-type things. It was quite the scene.

Tonight was a make-up for another game canceled because of a thunderstorm. There is supposed to be another game tomorrow night. I do not expect it will be played either. We may have flooding by then.

Lolly said...

Hi all! What a wonderful day we had. The thunderstorm that came through during the night brought a cool front. We even have the AC off and the house open. Presently 74 and loving it.

We go get Jacob tomorrow afternoon. Shirley, he is going to be on the All Star Team. We have to get him to two practices next week. It is an hour's drive there, sit there for the practice and then an hour drive home. We have not figured out when we will eat. lol I do know I am taking him Monday and Jack is taking him Thursday. Coach has our email and cell phone in case of any cancelations or changes to the schedule.

SANDI, I do not remember if you had ever said anything about your principal or not. Yes, it is really bad when you have such. I had one from hell one year. OMG, it was so bad. Can tell tales about her! Also, it was because of her principal that Laurel changed schools two years ago. Having a poor principal can make life miserable!!! Hang in there!

magpie said...

Night-night to Jo....and the rest of us heading that way pretty soon...

Shirley, sounds like a good call
by the coach....playing isn't everything when it could lead to injury

Happy schedule-and eating-juggling, Lolly, Enjoy this time coming up

RED FRIDAY right around the corner,
God Bless Our Military....those serving now, and all our Veterans

magpie said...

Yay on the wren family report, Loretta....
the mockingbird here that sings ALL nights includes a lot of
Wren calls in its song....
I love it !!

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
And Safety too!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Jo, I was wondering where you post was about the beach! I didn't think about me.

Actually, I'll be at the beach until Monday, then I am heading to Rehobeth to Larry's beach house. Then I will head back to my beach house on Friday, as my brother is coming back down to help with the bathroom, and hopefully get in a little fishing and boating time :)

As of tomorrow, Larry is no longer Mr Lowes...he quit! The schedule really sucked, and he is missing the beach.

So tomorrow, I will be loading the car between the raindrops!

Got the yard and house all taken care of today, so no worries while I'm gone.

Hoda said...

Well Dirty weather your way as they say in Quebec. Don't worry it is great west of you as in really far west of you so it is bound to get there within a week or so.

We have an ASS OF A PRINCIPLE and SHIRLEY is teaching her Grandson about being way too cool with Shakespear.
Good Show.

There is a beach bum amongst us...We all have to say we saw it coming...then she announces her partner is missing the beach too so that makes two beach bums amongst us.

Glad Jacob is coming to stay with you LOLLY.

Very good day here and the weather is grand simply grand. I can not stay inside and it is terrific to feel the sun on my face and my I love and miss the sun when it disappears from our valley.

Had a wonderful visit with friends at their beach today and there is a terrific experience of the growth over the spring...they have awesome yard and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Dogwood Trees. They are apparently BC official tree...pretty pink...takes my breath away.

Lolly said...

Paula, sounds like a great week ahead. Hope Larry finds a better job or is he close enough to retirement?

Lolly said...

Howdy Hoda! I tried to post a pic of our entrees last night but it did not load.???? Then later on I discovered it but it was too late then.

Hoda said...

Does anyone know of an over the counter anti pollen tablets to take. Wow yesterday did I have an attack...lots of white and yellow stuff floating about and I had a hard time breathing and I became swollen like a baloon!! Yikes...we need some rain to clear up the air, but I love ths sun so much...
So if you know one let me know...something that would not put me to sleep...thank you...eyes and ears are itchy too...the doctor says I am fine and to use the inhaler but I do not want to keep using it for pollen I would be on it for several weeks running and that is not good.
Thank you all...

Hoda said...

I had images of a wonderful entree LOLLY as your apéritif looked incredibly good and healthy too I might add. I do not even eat meat but the cold cuts did not look like what you get in a regular grocery store...was there garlic butter on any of it...what did you choose for an entrée? and Jack?

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy. I am ready to snuggle between the covers and dream--not yet midsummer, but I can still dream of magical things.

Would like to dream away some of this rain and send it to my good friend Lolly.

Rest well, everyone. SED.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn takes Benadryl at night, Hoda. She also uses a Neti Pot for congestion. I will have to ask her what she takes during the day. I've forgotten. She is having a lot of trouble with grass pollen right now.

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY...Doctor also mentioned Benadryl...for day time would also be good. I do not have the reaction when I come calms within a couple of hours most...even eyes and I can see better!!!

grannyblt said...

Honda, Benadryl might make you sleepy my mom took it at bedtime as per Drs orders to get to sleep. I take a generic antihistamine-- non drowsy fouls for my seasonal allergies.

Hoda said...

Thank you GRANNYBLT...I will look for an antihistamine

Lolly said...

Hoda, I had an involtini, a pasta stuffed with ham in a béchamel sauce. Jack had chunks of tenderloin marinated in wine with a side of the involtini. The pasta is so tender and just melts in your mouth.

I take Zyrtec or the generic for allergies. Needed it in Canada last Fall, could not find it, the pharmacist told me what was equal too it in Canada. He was very helpful! It does not affect me at all,

Time for bed. Bought new pjs today, need to see how well they sleep. lol

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Thank you LOLLY...
Supper sounds delicious...
Blessed Be.



Sandi said...

Good rainy morning my eagle friends! Just light rain now but the deluge is coming! Some sites are predicting 6 inches of rain! Of course, after last October, we are a little edgy when we hear the word flooding!

It's the final Friday of the school year - at least the final Friday with kids! Next Friday will be room clean up day and just teachers. I am S) happy!! My principal is a nice guy - he's just an incompetent administrator. I've worked for several who were mean, nasty people and that's even worse. But even this combination creates bad morale among teachers. I keep hoping the district will get wind of his incompetence and replace him. Oh well, enough!

Lolly, hope the pjs worked nicely and you are well-rested for your Jacob visit! Bet he's looking forward to it as much as you are!

Paula, safe trip to the beach!! Hope you don't get washed away! Lots of summer jobs at the beach for Larry - has he considered that???

Dana, hope you got your room packed up and your paperwork finished so you can start relaxing - you deserve it after the year you've had!!

Judy, hope all is well where you are!

Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning, Eagle Pals...
God Bless Our Military...Every Day!

Sandi: I see that you DO have just the one last week and today remaining, guess I was trying to celebrate a little early for you ☺

magpie said...

Yep, you will be dodging raindrops today I think....Happy Trails to the Paradise in Md and the Other Paradise in Delaware next week...
Best Wishes for Larry in whatever endeavors he has going on.....
his Lowe's customers will miss him for sure !

magpie said...

And I have to finish getting ready for work...will see my pal
Jewels in just a wee while

Happy Anniversary Wishes to
Judie and Frank....Take the day and Enjoy some Special Time...if you can forget about paint and carpet for a few hours ☺♥☺♥

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Very Good Day,
to Every One
xoxox (( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Hoping and Praying that all our East Coastline
friends will be OK through this rain and storminess.....
and any troublesome weather
in all our Eagle Corners...

you included, Sandi....
hope the rainfalls will be less
than predicted

magpie said...

Thinking of JudyE, NC Suzan, Candy...and a whole lot of folks up and down the coast and in Florida....
Whew, lots of water, wind and severe weather warnings

CarolAnne said...

Happy Anniversary Wishes to Judie and Frank - hope it's a special day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Today is my Jussy boy's graduation day. So hard to believe. He said he was nervous about walking across stage and I told him that his DoaDoa (Donna) would be walking right with him. I know she is beaming. She always said she wanted to live long enough to see that baby graduate.

JudyEddy said...


Its nice a sunny this am Yeah andDRY

OH BTW I got 5" of rain over the two day span

Angie is still trying to find someone to look at my hole in roof thankful its not over the house but over the sidewalk in the overhang part

JudyEddy said...

probably will go see Winter the Dolphin being it nice out

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, congrats to Justin! It's an accomplishment for sure!

Larry was retired for about 3 years before he got the Lowes job. He may look for a part time job at the beach. I am looking for work at the beach and here at home.

Up early, so guess I'll get there early. Going to stop and look at bathroom vanites along the way.

JudyEddy said...

HAPPY National Donuts day

magpie said...

Congratulations to your precious nephew Justin, Sharon ♥
Take lots of hankies, I have a feeling the joyful tears are
going to be a'flowing!

magpie said...

I SAW that today was National Donut Day, JudyE...I hope someone at the office remembers it and
brings us some ☺
Yesterday was Yo-Yo and
Garden Exercising Day ☺
That's a fun list, my sister
sent it to me for the month of June

Sounds like some good plans, Paula....

happy shopping along the way....

paula eagleholic said...

National Donut Day! My kind of day! :)

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!!!

Finally a Friday, a RED Friday, and we're supposed to get 1 - 2 inches from rain today. Guess I'll be doing indoor chores...of course, I'll have to take the dogs out to do their business, and that will be a challenge. RoRo hates grass, and hates wet grass even more! Dalai is not too bad.

SHAR, congrats on Justin's graduation! Give him a hug from me.

PAULA, have a great time at the beach. Hope you find a job cool to live and work there. Sure Nick would love it, too!

LOLLY, when do Jacob and Luke arrive?

HODA, I've heard good things about Zyrtek (sp?) for your allergies. Same as Lolly said. Hope you get a little rain to wash all that pollen away.

JUDYE, enjoy your day off!


MARGY, make it a good day - your weekend is coming up, too!

JO, any special plans today?

SANDI, you made it to the weekend. Congrats on winding down your school year! Hope DanaMo gets all her work done, too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sis and Tom just left the neurosurgeon. No surgery. He has to go back on Monday to have an epidural steroid injection. He goes back to the doctor in 3 weeks and they will take it from there. He is not to work until after that.

grannyblt said...

New thread for us

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...