Saturday, June 22, 2013


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday morning to All

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread

I see our adult up at the "Y" branch at the Sycamore Palace ♥

I'll call the others over

Janet said...

Congrats Mema Jo on your feathers and THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD!

I am alive and kicking....just been busy with work this week and this cold has kicked my tail. There was something to do or take care of every evening adn last night we ended up sitting outside with the neighbors. They were enjoying watching Scout and Seven play as we do. With the full moon and cooler temps it was very nice.

I will catch up with everyone later on...hope everyone is well. LIght, love hugs and smiles to all!

Jewels said...

Good morning~!! Busy morning here, I will be in and out for the day. Already had a morning from somewhere hot!!! LOL

glo said...

Good morning everyone. So glad our Magpie is doing well. I hope today goes well for her also. No numb hand anymore though. This could be one of the tough ones BUT my guess is she is a Tough old Bird too and will soar on through her recovery. Nice weather. Car works, Tree removal and roof reair are all things of the past. Wishing all of you a great weekend.

Jewels said...

Margy, hope all is well and your not in any pain!! Mema Jo, how awesome is it that Michael is going back to Haiti!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Great morning to be in the air - it is for Michael for sure. Should arrive in Port de Prince around 1:00pm and will return on the 29th.
He was more then excited I'd say.

lol he packed his passport a day ago and yesterday didn't remember where he packed it and of course he declared it to be lost. I was helping in the search in his room - I said a couple prayers to St Anthony. When I asked to look through what was already packed of course I was told that he had already looked. Well I was not enthused to be driving to DC for a duplicate. So I just said well I'm looking anyhow! A side compartment on the overnight kit bag proved to be the safe hiding place. He was on the phone with DC when I yelled that I had found it - NOW I am the overly loved MOM. ♥

magpie said...

and for the NEW THREAD , Steve!!

and helloo adult eagle on branch

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you Jewels
Hope your beach trip was fantastic
I bet you are ready to go again! ♥

magpie said...



magpie said...

some pain today but i think it is normal....
and thx again, pals...
i wish i could say more and in time I will be Magpie-ing again....
at least I can READ
and.. I have
cares and prayers and hurrays...sighs and waaaaaahs extended to us, as they apply....

Mema Jo said...

Wowser! I am headed to TacoBells to meet up with my Merry Marylanders

Heading out! BBILW

Take care Margy Love ya

CarolAnne said...

Good Hot or Wet or Sunny or Beachy or Visitors or Recuperating Saturday to all.

Loving the view.

Off to gather up snacks for tomorrow morning. Adult children & spouses are in Edge of Ledge race, we & grandchildren will be watching & cheering.

Enjoy your day.

Sandi said...

Back from tennis to find a new thread. Thanks Steve, and thanks Jo for the call over.

Tennis was not good. I really don't care if i win or lose but I care if I play with people who are nice. Today, I had to be on the court almost the entire 2 hours with 2 very not-nice people! Just wanted to come home at 9:30!

Too cool for the beach. I think we'll take the kids and sister's dog, Daisy, to James Farm, which is on the Indian River Bay. Should be warmer there and maybe we'll catch some osprey action.

I see an adult on the branch high in the tree. I also see that Margy has been on the blog this morning! Margy, hope your hand is doing OK!

I'm off - later!!

Lori O. said...

WOW, lots going on today.

First, thank you STEVE for the new thread.

JO, congrats on your feather!!!

Safe Travels to Michael who I believe is already in Haiti! So happy for him! And, glad you found the passport, JO!

SANDI, sorry you didn't get to enjoy your tennis this morning. Meanies are just not fun! Enjoy your side trip to the bay.

Just finished mowing the yard and taking a shower. Now, it's lunch time for chips and cheese!

Mema Jo said...

Back from lunch - was great being with Christine and Patrick and Sammy and Izzy. The girls are full of laughter and I am so happy they are here in MD until they know where they was to relocate.

They had the girls to the Lowe's workshop and they made the Monster University treasure boxes - lid and all. I think they also attend Home Depot workshop for kids.

Feet going up until time for Mass

Yes, Michael should now be in Haiti

Hoda said...

Safe landing to MICHAEL in HAITI.

MARGY so so so good to see you on here. I am sorry there is some pain. As you say it is expected, take it easy and know that we love love love you and prayers are ongong.

I loved the story of you finding the passport JO. Awesome simply awesome. Could it have been possible to get a replacement on such short notice???I do not think that could have happened here!!! Glad you did not have to find out...

The Palace is empty. Glad to read that there was some activity earlier today.

Hoda said...

Had a terrific paddle on the lake is very cold however! ANY TIME now who ever knows how to turn on the furnace would be a good all can leave the door open so some of it can get here...I am wearing a jacket and when I go for my bike ride socks for sure are called for.!!! I had my wet shoes on for paddling so my feet were relatively warm.

SHIRLEY Canada Day celebrations might not happen the 1st in July in Calgary. The Stampede Grounds the water is as high as the 14th row of seats!!! That is where the events were to be held. Canada Day is like our 4th of July...Chris Hadfield was going to be there...Flooding still happening and yet there is no rain here today. Southern Alberta has rain however :( .

Hoda said...

Is that the true colour fo the sky in Shepherdstown? It amazes me so very azure like...very pretty. I like the colour of the sky in Maine too...I so much enjoyed seeing that and being back east last year.

Hoda said...

Juvie arrives to Y branch

Hoda said...

A bit breezy at the nest.

At Royal Ascot Races, a horse had a heart attack and died shortly after it won the race.

Hoda said...

Juvie arrives to the nest and lands for a short while only to take to wing and leave again. It arrived from the left side of the screen went across and angled in to the nest...took off from behind the nest to circle and go the other way

Juvie flies up to Ybranch where the other Juvie was and it takes off and leaves the branch to the new arrival. On take off it goes to the left of the screen infron to the tree and then takes a curve to the right...

Hoda said...

Large bird I presume a juvie flies behind the tree headed to the right same level as the nest.

The Juvie on the Y Branch takes off and heads right and then left and there are two jucies flying about. One lands in the nest and the other just returned to the Y Branch.

There is a large bird flying above the Y branch I presume an eagle.

Hoda said...

Both juvies accounted for in nest the other on the Y Branch.

Hoda said...

A bird flits up to the left side of the screen...not sure if that is a word...flits up!!! It was so fast and then it went to the right. Am not sure if it was the juvie in the nest but I rather think not. Did not seem large enough...

Hoda said...

Yes indeed flit is a word according to google...

Hoda said...

No change in the Sycamour Palace. One Juvie in the Y Branch and I have not seen any movement from the juvie that was in the nest so maye it did flit away around an hour ago...

JudyEddy said...

Home from work to find a fresh thread


JudyEddy said...

It is 91 stinkin HOT degrees out and that isn't the heat factor either and we had rain earlier so its a sauna out now Thanks goodness for AC

JudyEddy said...

We seen to have a MT nest and tree at the present time so I will go watch of listen to the news while watching the tree

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in attic

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ADULT still in attic

Lolly said...

We are home and I see an eagle!

What a day! Do not think we are going back to a baseball game. First off they are now tied with each team having a win. We won today. However, the coaches are too intense, some parents too intense, and I do not like watching Jacob play catcher. It is so very hard for him to get into the catchers stance. Joey left the game today...he could not watch and listen. Our coach is bad, but the other coach is worse. He complains at every call! Parents are yelling negative yells. Yep, not going back.

JudyEddy said...

POOF off to the left

JudyEddy said...

I thought I saw something go in the nest but I see nothing in it maybe went behind the tree

JudyEddy said...

FLY IN to the NEST

JudyEddy said...

I think its a juvie

JudyEddy said...

I hope its not cloudy to see the
SUPER MOON tonight


JudyEddy said...

I was away from the puter so I don't know if or when the juvie left I don't see any movement

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

NOW not Know in the attic and its a juvie

Mema Jo said...

Returned from Mass - Thanks for all the nest watchers' comments. This camera certainly has been a blessing or at least a nerve releaser! Love the view ♥

Off to catch some news

Lolly - If it is that awfully bad - isn't Laurel tempted to keep Joseph
off the team? He is so young to put under such pressure.

JudyEddy said...

preening going ow now I can see some white on the tail but the head is dark

Mema Jo said...

I just watched Jeopardy! I knew a couple answers
There is a movie coming on and I'll take a look/see.


JudyEddy said...

WOW JUVIE is still there I went out side to spray weed killer and came back and is still there I wish I would have checked radar as I was finishing up I hear thunder OH hope its just in the distance This stuff once it dries it starts working

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

EAGLE IN its a juvie again in from the right

JudyEddy said...

and in the attic

JudyEddy said...

FLY IN in to the nest Both ADULTS

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

One of my shows starts tonight 666 Park Ave at 9

JudyEddy said...

Large bird just flew above and across the top of the screen

JudyEddy said...

I think someone may have snuck out the back door I thought I saw something maybe or maybe not

JudyEddy said...

Big bird just flew in back of the tree across the middle of the screen

JudyEddy said...

I wish I could snip but by the time you see them fly its too late to do a snip pic

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

back to rocker

Mema Jo said...

Movie is just a waste of time - really dumb.

Watching the Royal Palace
Judy - you on this blog
and Deb over on the Outdoor are reporting the same sightings.

Janet said...

good evening to all!

its been a productive day.

i went out and purchased a collar for seven so that she is now learning her yard, via the invisible fence. she is 11.8 pounds @ 11 weeks old and full of beans! :)

the vet asked me yesterday how it was going....and i told her i had remembered all the challenges of puppies, but had forgotten all the truly has been nice.

i know people think we are nuts, 3 dogs and getting a pup...but she has been great for scout. they are quite the pair bond!

i did some yard work. with tom's shoulder still healing, the push mower and the weed eater are not things he can work. he runs the lawn tractor, but i do the other things. i enjoy doing those things, so its fine with me. i worked in my flower bed as well.

seem to have a nice crop of figs coming along. tomorrow we will put a net over them so the squirrels and birds will be forced to share with me!

MAGPIE; sounds like you had your surgery and i hope your hand heals completely!

HODA; i wish i could send you some heat. when i came in after workign in the yard from about 10:45 to about 12:15 i was beet red in the face and terribly hot. i had to stick my head under the waterhose and then drink some gatorades and water to rehydrate! tooooo hot for me

i hope everyone else is doing well and having a great weekend. SED to all!

Lolly said...

Jo, Laurel is considering pulling Jacob. Yes, way too young for that kind of nonsense. However, he still says he is enjoying the game and does not want to be pulled. She would have left today with him in the middle of the game. It is best out of 5 games, two more to go and since the 1 game was cancelled, it may or may not go into a 5th game.

Lolly said...

Hoda, have been looking at more pictures of the flooding. Just so devastating!!! One day in Canmore we took a little hike along the river. We were looking at animal tracks in the mud, also found what we thought might be a den. Also in that area beautiful homes along the water.

Hoda said...

Don't like the sound of the baseball reports LOLLY. I think you all are on the right track in regards to coaches. negativity and aggressive behaviour from coaches is not sportsman like and it teaches the kids bad lessons. Praying for JACOB and LAUREL and JOEY as they make their decision...
Keep your cool and somehow JACOB will come through it all. He does not need to prove himself in such an environment.

I took a nap and feel much better.

I hope MARGY is doing well and that she has little or no pain.
I can not wait to see the moon and it is clearing here so I will be able to see it. OFCOURSE I WILL THINK OF MARGY AND ALL THE COOL INFORMATION SHE SHARES ON THE BLOG. LOVE YOU MARGY

I am having soup for supper...kale and miso and vegetable soup with herbs. The herbs and the kale are from my container garden and they are great.

Hoda said...

I remember your photos LOLLY and the hike that you took and how you came upon the den and decided it is better to get out of there. Yes the damage is extensive. The good news out of this is that ALL the animals at the open range Calgary zoo are accounted for and have been moved to higher grounds. News of three deaths and the wild animals I am sure will suffer a great deal...

JudyEddy said...

I took some pic of the moon we have some clouds but it peeked and I got it

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds! Hope everyone had a good day, despite the heat, except for chilly Hoda. Saw the link about the floods last night. Unbelievable!! Prayers for all those people and Colorado and Arizona are having fires. Wish some of that water could run down there.Hoda, keep wearing your socks!! ☺
See Margy was on earlier. Hope things are OK and not too painful~~Prayers for you!
TY, Ms. Jo for announcing last night that I had finally put the other pics in the Nook. Enjoy. It's getting hard to see many things out, now that juvie eagles are out of the nest and lots of leaf cover. Now I'm waiting to see some fawns!
I spent most of the day outside playing with plants! Was 90° and not very comfortable. Was mostly working with pots under the umbrella.
How exciting about Michael's trip and good ol' Mom to the rescue!
Lolly, that baseball coach business doesn't sound very civil. If GS doesn't want to leave, maybe it will be over soon after this set of games. Wish them good luck.
Time to get off here before the Sandman comes! I'm pooped. Maybe I sweated off a couple pounds!!! Was always trying to gain weight most of my life and now it's gone overboard! Must be metabolism, not ice cream!! LOL
Good Health Prayers for All and Plasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Saying Good Night and God Bless

Time to call it a day

Prayers for all! ♥

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Jacob has two friends that are on the other team. Laurel has talked with their mothers and they are wishing they were not on their team. Lesson learned....say no to being on the All Star team. We will see what happens, only a few games to go. As long as Jacob wants to play he will. Laurel just may sit far up and away, not with the parents yelling.

Time to get ready for some shut eye.

See you all tomorrow.

Thinking of you, Margy!!!!

Night all! SED!!!

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle friends! Looks kinda gray in Shepherdstown. Cloudy here as well. Yesterday stayed in the 70s but today it starts heating up.

Jo, I know you will keep us posted as you hear about Michael's adventures. Glad you were able to find the passport!!

Janet, happy to hear that Tom is healing slowly but surely. I wonder how Bev's Tom is feeling - read on FB that his back is bothering him again and the injection only lasted for about 8 days.

Shar, how are your leg and foot doing? Prayers continue for you!

Margy, prayers continue for you as well that your hand feels a little better each day. I know several people who have had that surgery and all have been very pleased with the results.

Lolly, sorry that the all star league is such a pressure cooker for the kids and parents. Good for Jacob for saying he wants to stick with it - I think there is value in finishing what you start.

I see no eagles at the top of the tree or in the nest area this morning. Today will be a beach day here - hoping Mom can make it.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

there is a JUVIE in the attic

JudyEddy said...

and POOF a fly away to the right

Judie said...

Good morning.

Just saw what I think were our juvies fly off together. Looks like clear weather at the nest. Pouring rain here.

BB after I catch up.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Raining here, too, Judie. But the sky looks blue at the Sycamore Palace.

stronghunter said...

Nice to read about the found passport, Jo.

Saw a news story about the Calgary Stampede, Hoda. They say they are still hopeful. What a lot of water.

The moon was supposed to be spectacular this morning, but I don't think people could have seen it hereabouts.

Judie said...

So much in so little time.

Hoping Lori defeated the poison ivy without making contact and that Hoda is warm and snuggly. Sure do admire Lowreeda being able to work outside in humidity. Older I get the less tolerate I become of humid weather. Need to check the Nook.

I must have the wrong race in mind. I thought the Queen's horse won the Ascot race. Regardless, sad ending to a winning effort.

So relieved the Calgary zoo animals are safe. Don't know about insurance in Canada but do hope the people have some financial support for recovery.

Congratulations to Miracle Michael. Can just see him right now with a hammer in his hand. Glad Jo's hunting expedition was successful.

Soapbox: I do wish that parents and coaches would focus more on integrity. Children who internalize winning over sportsmanship and integrity are those who will cheat their way through life. Life shouldn't always be about winning but more about living with integrity. Off my soapbox.

Janet, hope Tom's shoulder continues to heal and very happy Seven and Scout are best friends.

Good morning, Sandi.

Now, to have Margy walk through the door. Do hope she had a comfortable night of restful sleep.

Off for coffee. BBL

Judie said...

Doing a Margy.

Hi Shirley. I did see the spectacular moon. Went to sleep about 6pm and woke up about 1am. Yard was bathed in bright light from the moon. Went back to sleep until 8:15am. Was I exhausted? Yes, I think so.

Yes, sky looks lovely at the nest.

Okay, bye.

glo said...

Good morning all. I missed when Michael leaves for Haiti BUT am sure glad they found the passport. What an awesome life Journey Michael is having. Wishing you all a Blessed Sabbath.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Happy Sunday Wishes to All....See parent Eagle in the perch...

lol I started to type with 2 hands...
really not quite ready for that :)
ready, but not able that is...


magpie said...

I cherish that I can read but bemoan thst I can't say more...

I am thinking that tonight will also be goodcSUPER MOON watvhing as it rises 1st time after officiall going full early this a.m.

guess we will know after sunset tonight if skies are clear

magpie said...

I am sorry about the tragic and incomparable flooding in Canada

and the terrible wildfires out West....

and also sorry to read of the unpleasantness with youth BB games... these things happen here too and it is such a shame...sounds like Jacob has a good support system and Stellar role models with his parents & grandparents...

magpie said...

I am glad that some ailments are improving & hope & pray that they all will,...same as with things of the heart ... xo

I know that I must treat my wrist & hand like precious commodities &
I appreciate all the positive prayers, wishes, & encouragements...
Also I have to be real careful not to overwork the other hand which has problems also

magpie said...

on a happy Sunday garden is doing pretty well AND my MEGAN FLOWERS are blooming: Snapdragon, Foxy Lady Foxglove, Nicotiana
& Stella D'Oro...

I have several little green tomatoes and a few other things thriving....

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All

Margy check out the ISS schedule - I think that Helen had awesome view of the International space Station flying over the backyard last night! Not sure when it is due again.

You all enjoy your rain down south of me. I will need to water my plants and fill my birdbath if it doesn't come up this far.

NO WORD yet from Michael - usually there was a FB page with a daily report. I'll let you know if I find one. He would be home the 29th.

magpie said...

I have many more things I would like to say...easier to say than TYPE however.....

will be checking in later...

Lori O. said...

Good morning eagle fans!

We're getting rain here this morning. It wasn't in yesterday's forecast, so I was quite surprised.

LOLLY, so sorry about the attitudes of youth sports parents and coaches. It just sets a bad example. YAY for Jacob for staying with it.

JANET, glad to hear your busy week is over and you're feeling a little better. Go away cold and sniffles!

MARGY, seems you're doing excellent being able to type with two hands already, but don't overdo it.

PAULA, hope you have good weather in Paradise today and don't get this rain we're having here.

SANDI, enjoy your time on the beach. Hope your Mom makes it to be with all of you. :)

HODA, prayers for all the people impacted by the flooding and mud slides. Sending heat & love your way!

Hope KAY is having a grand time on her last graduation trip.

Hoping SHARON checks in today and lets up know how she's doing.

Love you all!!!

magpie said...

will do JO....
love that ISS!
....and I can see it well from here
I'll be watching for the Michael reports & also Welcome back to the now Merry Marylanders !

Mema Jo said...

Any of you who have FB there is another Eagle Cam page set up with excellent pictures capturing the Eagle family. However they do call our Shep, Ben.

Also on the Outdoor forum, Deb is still placing videos including fly ins and fly outs.

I'm viewing all I can as this season is about to end. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Expecting this afternoon to have a granddaughter visit Hope the rain in VA doesn't keep her from coming up!

BBL to check in.......

magpie said...

righto JO...
Hi Morning GLori
no, not to worry..1-hand it is...
sometimes I almost use txt words
like 2nite but I'll refrain.....

follow-up appt is July 5th unless I have a problem...

ttfn xo to the googleplex to all

WVJerry said...

Good morning everyone. Just want to check in...I zoomed on the Cam and almost able to see what I think is the nest. Also want to thank one and all for the prayers and well wishes for my father. He's still in appetite, heart OK, some minor draining from chest tube but can't go home until he gets some strength back. Was wanting to go to Delaware today but my sister wanted to go to the beach and my Mom needed a break from things... so maybe next week. Hope everybody and everything has been good. Margy - I'm guessing your surgery went well. Talk later and take care all.

Lolly said...

Time for a quick good morning and then off to church. Lovely sight to see an adult in the attic!

Thanks for the comments concerning Jacob and his coaches. Hopefully, we can counsel correctly through this experience!!!

Jacob is a wise little boy and hopefully learn through this.

Gotta and then a meeting immediately after church.

Later.....have a great Sunday!

Janet said...

good late morning to all. i've become the sleep queen...yikes.

taking it a little easy today, another busy week ahead.

tom has scheduled a flight on a B-17, which is WWII plane; aka the flying fortress this afternoon. I don't know a lot about it, but he loves planes, worked on F-18's for the better part of 20 years. that is going on this afternoon and i know he's excited about it. livvy and i will tag along to take pix and stuff.

WVAJERRY: hope your dad continues to heal.

HODA: missed the commentary on the landslides/mudslides. that is an awful thing! light and love....

MAGPIE; in no time you will be back chattering away! :) you are doing well as it is! healing and love to you....

well, its a quiet morning here, but i can hear the laundry chanting to me that it needs tending....hmmmmm. need to tell it to hush! lol.

will check in later folks! (((hugs))))

Lolly said...

Just brought up the cam and checking the blog. Whoa....nothing on the cam and nothing much on the blog. Janet is the only one after my last comment. S L O W Hoping everyone is have a great family Sunday.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home from work Seems everyone is having a wonderful and busy day away from the blog Margy don't you wish you had a puter that was voice activated HMMM I wonder do they make them I know they have phones that do that talk and it types the message Hang in there gal you will be back before you know it Take time to heal

Fly by the camera just now

JudyEddy said...

I went out this am to look at the moon like they said and we had no moon at 732 the height to the super moon didn't look cloudy either
Right now we got storm a brewing lots of noise

JudyEddy said...

JUVIE just flew in attic

JudyEddy said...

Walmart is doing there same ole stuff Several people have been fired for stupid stuff but they have been brought back to the store or other stores I heard the goal was to have no full timers by Aug when the Obama care goes in to effect
Probably true also and yep they are starting to mess with me also
Tracey got fired yesterday for being over 40 clicks which is almost a half a hour I told her to go to HR officer and the Market Manager she said she is gonna fight to get her job back, one gal was fired for access absents but the Store mgr gave her a good referral for another store just opening up but part time HMMM Walmart is so deceitful and I hear ifs happening all over not just my store I forgot who said that their daughter worked for Walmart
I hope they aren't doing them the same way
Randy the Dept mgr of Elec got fired because of the shrink in his dept Like he did it but got brought back in as a unloader of trucks and again with a pay but NOT RIGHT I just had to vent

JudyEddy said...

Here comes the RAIN big time May have to power down if the lighten keeps it up

JudyEddy said...

from radar it looks like its gonna be short lived

JudyEddy said...

JUVIE Poofed

JudyEddy said...

someone is in the nest

JudyEddy said...

POOF a fly out by someone

JudyEddy said...

I do see some white in the nest

JudyEddy said...

eagle in

Lolly said...

Taking a peek in and a juvie just now flew up and in the attic.

JudyEddy said...

storm and rain ended and we got just a hair over a inch again

JudyEddy said...

Juvie still in attic

JudyEddy said...

eagle still in attic

NatureNut said...

Dear Friends, A couple weeks ago, I sent an email to Chrissy, our outstanding friend across the pond!
She is ailing and doesn't get on computer much. Her blogmates for one of Isla's (osprey) sites phone her of the current events.She had some comments to convey to everyone here, so I'll try a copy & paste. She's such a Trooper!!
Chrissy Letter 6-23-13
“Will you please give everyone my love and loads of hugs please, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you all you know, my wonderful visit that I had here with the lovely Iris was a joy that I think of all the time.
We have had some shocking weather here pet,, from burning heat, to rain so hard that the River Severn has over flowed again, we have a lot to thank Global Warming for don’t we Loretta, laughing!
I’ve nothing to send you pet,, no photos, only my love and prayers sent to everyone and I hope that all who are ill or low will soon feel better.”

Much love and many hugs

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE is still in attic

JudyEddy said...

I think that may be a adult The head at times looks lighter or is it my eyes

stronghunter said...


Thanks for posting the letter from Chrissy, Loretta. I do hope she is feeling better already.

JudyEddy said...

when the eagle is looking to the right It looks like a adult I posted a pic on fb

Judie said...

Lowreeda, many thanks for the update from Chrissy. I have sent an email or two in recent months but admit I have been less than attentive. Will send along a card tomorrow. She is a sweetheart.

JudyE, so sorry about the Walmart decisions about employees. Will continue to send positive thoughts that you will be safe because you are a good and loyal employee.

Eagle in the attic. Looks to be a juvie. Pretty against the evening sky.

Was so very happy to see Margy made a visit. I have heard of one-armed bandits but now we have a one-handed typing momster. Hope today was as comfortable as possible.

Really feeling tired again tonight. More sleep is in order. Do want to get the house in order before next Monday and feeling some stress because the expected visitors don't seem to have a clue what they want to do/see and seem to either want to do nothing or have us plan an agenda for them.

Anyway, Darth is at a park concert doing his thing so dinner will be another hour or so.


stronghunter said...

Getting ready to watch the tightwire walk over the Grand Canyon. I remember that an number of us watched the walk over Niagara Falls.

JudyEddy said...

YEP that is when he went to visit HODA LOL

JudyEddy said...

What channel I will go surf for it

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Discovery Channel

JudyEddy said...

I found it discovery channel

JudyEddy said...

Thanks Shirley I didn't see your post till I posted mine Gonna watch it too

Mema Jo said...

We are heading down to DE house tomorrow and will come home Friday -
you well remember that I have dial up
computer connection and you don't need any silver alarm if I don't make it on!

The FB page of Life is Hope announced that the WV - MD group was there and doing well. They had a very short video of the group on the bus going to the orphanage but I didn't spot Michael but I really thought I heard his voice amongst the noise and loud singing of happy campers! My girlfriend spotted her daughter and she is very happy about seeing her.

God is good all the time ♥

JudyEddy said...

did you hear that go to
uninterrupted coverage while the do commercials

stronghunter said...

Judy, really sorry about the mess at Walmart.

Will's employer is limiting the number of hours for many of the workers. He's an assistant manager, so he gets to work full time and has insurance, but others have to work part time--I think it is less than 28 hours.

They are hiring lots of people and having lots of turnover. Will is very frustrated with the whole thing. And this employer is the state of Virginia.

stronghunter said...

Found, too, Judy.

JudyEddy said...

My Co Mgr said she is trying to help me I hope she is telling me the truth I have know her for almost as long as I have been there I knew her when she was just like me a peeon I just need to hang on till I am 66 and the house will be paid off then I even hinted to that the other day at work I told her and two other mgr in the office that I was counting down till I retire 2yr and 2mth

I will have to just play it by ear for now I will find out more tomorrow when I go to work I asked if I can still do what I am doing because I think doing the softline thing will be much on my neck that is a lot of arm usage repetitious also So keep fingers crossed and I probably will get my hours messed with again I hope that my AM mgr can fight for me He loves me and my work But my old Zone Mgr wants me in softlines she just left grocery side to go there and ask me if I would come over to her area said she would protect me I just don't know who to trust

OH and remember last week when I was getting sick well I didn't continue taking the Oscillococcinum and now its coming back I have a stuffy nose and I am back on it to keep it away so far going ok

JudyEddy said...

you can also join in on chat on discovery also

JudyEddy said...

wing stretch

JudyEddy said...

and the head does look white to me anyone else

JudyEddy said...

poop shoot

JudyEddy said...

that is a adult

JudyEddy said...

pink clouds

JudyEddy said...

poof and I got a good snip to put on fb and album in a pit with the pink clouds also

JudyEddy said...

I love all the different camera views also on that site here is the link if anyone want it

Skywire discovery Nick walk across the Grand Canyon

Hoda said...

Good to read MARGY was on today.

Sorry CHRISSY from across the pond is ailing but very happy to read her note. Thank you.

I too agree that it waa an adulty eagle on the Y branch and I almost thought it was Belle herself was my thinking.

Good day here. Things are drying up. Thank you all for your good wishes in regards the floods and mud slides.

TRAVEL SAFELY and IN THE LIGHT JO...thank you for letting us know.

Someone is circiling around the Sycamour Palace went from right to left and came back again left to right...

JUDIE good to read your posts also. Am always pleased when you check it.

The events of the world are preplexing me today. So I focus my prayers and energies to Nelson Mandela's transition...Bless his soul, I think he is ready to go...

I shake my head over Egypt and felt very distraught earlier the day...I had to do some serious meditiation to let go of that one...sad so very sad. There is NOTHING of the country of my birth that is left there...shocking and disturbing...

Hoda said...

Yes SHIRLEY HER MAJESTY'S horse won the second day at the races. The third day's winner dropped dead after the race...heart failure they said.

JudyEddy said...

they have a camera on his feet so you can look down I love that site they go mute when the tv goes live from commercials

JudyEddy said...

HODA are you gonna watch NICK do his walk

JudyEddy said...

the link is above just only has sound when they go to commercial

JudyEddy said...

Looks like Camera 4 is his FOOT camera not online yet the other cameras are breath taking

Hoda said...

I will give Nick a miss JUDYE...I am trying to stay focused on balance and do only what is necessary to do...too much is happening around this time of year and I am working on slowing down... NO NICK FOR ME...

NatureNut said...

Said I was not gonna watch Nik, but went to read email, and there was a big pic and link!!!!

JudyEddy said...

WOW that was heart stopping but he made it

stronghunter said...

It was heart-stopping, Judy.

NatureNut said...


stronghunter said...

He ran the last few steps.

JudyEddy said...

I think when he ran he was above the ledge just below I was watching the website

JudyEddy said...

I wonder will that be his last There was some breath taking views the cam on his body was cool to watch I had that on the puter while watching TV

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I was a whimp and afraid to watch! Thanks for the comments!

Moon just broke through the clouds
It sure is big and bright and breathtaking to say the least

Mema Jo said...

Judy - strong thoughts and prayers that WalMart will be fair to you & that your future with them is secure for at least 2 yrs and 2 mos longer.

Paula - phone interview tomorrow???
Give it all you've got which I know would be more then enough for a very good impression!

Mema Jo said...

I had watched my 9:00 TV show and now I am winding down and starting to get serious about leaving tomorrow after lunch. Much to do..

Closing down shop - Be back in the morning light.

Goodnight and God Bless
I ♥ Us

Judie said...

Very happy to read that the Wallenda person is safe.

Paula, if tomorrow is the interview I know you will be most impressive. Break a leg!

Jo, so happy the Haiti group is all together and happy. Safe travels and enjoy the week.

Hoda, so sad for you and the events in Egypt. Your inner strength will help you through.

JudyE, take your meds. Take all of your meds.

Well, it is time for me to turn the sandperson loose to make rounds. Restful sleep for all.

Goodnight Shep. Goodnight Belle. Goodnight Hedgie. Goodnight Shamrock. Goodnight mom and dad. Goodnight children. Goodnight eagle family.

NCSuzan said...

JudyE, this is an article from Forbes magazine that may shed a little more light on the situation at WalMart.

NCSuzan said...

Sorry for the copy and paste method.

Hoda said...

I am glad Nick made it safely.

Thank you LYNNE. Blessings and (((((LOVE))))) you back.

Good luck tomorrow PAULA.

Thank you JUDIE.

Safe travels JO See you on here late Friday or early Saturday.

MARGY I hope you are comfortable.

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Have had my nose in a good book tonight.

Did not watch the walk across the canyon. Heights are not my thing. Decided I did not want the stress. Glad he made it!

Thanks for the report on Chrissy. I, too, will get a card in the snail mail tomorrow. Have missed talking with her and hearing reports.

Heading to the pillows.

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends!

There is a juvie perched high in the tree this morning.

Judy, so sorry for your problems with Walmart! Read the article that Suzan posted - makes me want to find another place to shop!!

Jo, glad to hear that Michael is in Haiti! Have a safe trip to the beach. It's supposed to heat up this week. Not a good week to get together for dinner with you and Ed b/c family is here but let me know if you try that Old Southwest BBQ place on Rt. 20. I have heard good things about the food, but they only have seating outdoors. Maybe pick the food up and take it home to eat in the AC?

Judie, hope the house is getting back in order. I know how exhausting a job it is!

Paula, good luck with the interview - fingers crossed that it's the right job for you!

Margy, how's the hand pain this morning??

Tennis at 8am for me, then off to pick blueberries.

Have a great day all!

Sandi said...

2nd juvie just flew in from the right and landed in the nest. I only see a movement once in a while b/c of the leaves but s/he is def. in there. Must be waiting for a breakfast delivery.

Sandi said...

Parent flew into the nest and then back out quickly. One kid still in the nest and the other still in the tree above.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kathryn and Hunter got in from the River House and baseball party yesterday afternoon. It seems that another trip to Kings Dominion is in the plans for Hunter today. I will deliver him to his friend's house again. They have season passes.

Juvie on the Y branch and I think it was the other one that just flew near the cam.

stronghunter said...

Yuck--earwig in my coffee maker. It was alive and swimming in the water I had just put there. I decided to run the water through to cleanse everything.

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

good morning to all!

JUDYE: holding you close in my heart sis for a good outcome.....

not a lot going on.

Tom enjoyed his ride in the B17 yesterday. If you have seen the movie Memphis Belle, that was the plane.

hope everyone has a lovely day. see you this afternoon!

light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Both kids just took off. Nest and tree are MT!

Time for me to take off as well - good morning Judy, Janet, and Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Interesting article about Walmart.Thanks for sharing, Suzan.

Juvie has vacated the attic.

JudyEddy said...

HEY I need one of you to do me a GREAT BIG FAVOR If you wouldn't mind posting that Forbes article on my facebook wall I have several of my mgrs on my facebook and I don't want to post it myself but if a friend does it I think that would be a great idea What do you think??

JudyEddy said...

FLY in to the nest from the back door

Sandi said...

Judy, put the article on your FB!

JudyEddy said...

THANKS SANDI Now hope they see it

Lori O. said...

Good Monday morning eagle buds!!!

Lots going on today!

JUDYE, I wish you strength in going through this process with WalMart. Sorry it's such a tough time for everyone there. Suzan's article was very informative. Who knew?

PAULA, GREAT luck on your interview today! I know you will be a super star!

JUDIE, are you getting your house back together? What a big job, but it will look so great when you are done.

HODA, I hope you're successful at keeping your slower pace this week. Sorry about all the things that were worrying you yesterday. Big Hugs!

JANET, Did you get pics of Tom yesterday with the plane? I bet that was fun!

JO, safe travels and I hope you get to get together with SANDI!

SANDI, hope tennis was better today and you have a great time picking blueberries.

MARGY, are you off all this week for your hand?

LOLLY, gonna be super hot, 91 here today. Hope it's cooler where you are!

No big plans here today, just getting things ready to go to Kate's sister Annie's funeral service and burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Annie was cremated and her urn will be buried right on top of her fathers gravesite. She gets this honor because she had Downs Syndrome and is a dependent child. Bless her heart.

Wishing you all a great day with love, light, smiles and joy!


stronghunter said...

Condolences to you and to Annie's family, Lori.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to deliver Hunter to his friend Ryan's house.

Adult and juvie just flew into the nest. Loved watching that!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Presently 81 and headed up! Has been in the 90's everyday and will continue. Upper 90's and triple digits are in our near future. Ugh! Maintaining the lawn and gardens around the house but the yard down front under the pecan trees will seldom be watered and will soon be brown. Double UGH!

A new week and no plans for this week since we have opted out of baseball games. Not fun to drive and hour there, be miserable watching and listening to the coaches in the heat, and then driving home an hour.

I water pots today and then will stay in and clean house a wee bit!

See nada on the cam!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

Happy BEACH Trails to Jo and Ed
and Yay to know Michael and the group have arrived in Haiti...
bet it's pretty warm there !

magpie said...

best wishes to Paula on the interview...if the interviewers get a little touch of Paula's trademark chuckle,
It's a Sure thing....along with all her other Stellar Attributes

magpie said...

happy change of plans week...hope it's a nice one

thinking of Kate and the family and you as you lay dear Annie to rest, very special Annie's ashes can be buried with their father at Arlington

magpie said...

AAAAAARGH!!! they are here, I am
very disgusted with them...they pop up just about everywhere inside...and also in my garden

magpie said...

wrist doing ok....I am trying to be really careful.
one-handing certain things is...interesting. But I am not starving, but
I should wear a bib. :)

Thank you, friends for all your encouragement and good wishes...

magpie said...

thinking of Judie in the next stage of As the World Turns...
I hope some interesting things can be planned for the visitors, but first that Judie can enjoy her new upgrades for a few days first

magpie said...

Lori... i am off until at least July 5...that is when I have a follow-up app't and get sutures removed...
I could get used to retirement !

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all

Getting things ready to take off to DE - Sandi we'll make it another time
before you start your school year.
Thanks for reminding me about RT 20
Good idea to take out instead of eating out

Margy I see more comments from you and so I assume you are becoming a right handed typist or that you are taking it easy on the lefty.

Hot in Haiti I'm sure but it is just as hot in Middletown I think ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judie - hope you get tons of energy in getting the house back together and to make your cuz'n itinerary.
(Can't believe I spelled that right)
With this heat wave maybe they won't want to go into DC......
Take care and I'll be in touch whenever I can these next few days.

magpie said...

I wish everyone well..
I can only manage to type a little at a time...and then mostly on the recent posts

But I Am Watching You'uns'
ttfn xoxoxox

magpie said...

Sayonara Jo...
Y'all Enjoy Yourselves !!!
and we will miss you....

magpie said...


Mema Jo said...

I will publish the July b-day list upon my return BUT we do have some early ones -

1st Margy
1st Janet Kolb (Nilla)
15th Judy Eddy
16th Judie Vajda
17th Jack Ellis (Lolly's guy)
19th Christie Reed (Lynn's girl)
23rd Diane Flanagan
25th Pamela Haines
30th Vicky Connell

Bev and Tom 4th
Carolyn(Lynn's gal)& Charlie 18th

Mema Jo said...

Margy I wiol be gone before the split I think - Please copy and Paste the list on new page Thanks

magpie said...

10-4 Jo!
and Thanks !!!!

Mema Jo said...

I'm not sure that you can open this IF you don't have FB. It will be a daily journal of Michael's group in Haiti.
You can reach it from my home page.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I figured I had better check in.

Mattie, her friend Hannah, and I have been at Andrew's since Friday night. Saturday was Andrew's birthday. Kelsey was conducting in the concert from a weeklong conducting workshop by a Russian conductor. She did a wonderful job on her piece. Andrew was part of the orchestra. Love watching them. Andrew had to work the rest of the day of his birthday and all day yesterday. We finally went to eat at Fat Patty's for his birthday last night.

Today, he had to go to Fredericksburg, VA for a symposium with Staples. He will be back late tomorrow night. Wednesday we are going to a wave pool because Andrew is off and then we will have another birthday celebration for him with friends that couldn't be there last night.

Mattie and Hannah came up for a softball camp this week. However, Mattie was getting sick on our way up here. Had to take her to the doctor on Saturday and she has a bad sinus infection and ear infection. They put her on medicine and this morning she was still too sick to go so the softball camp is out.

My leg is still pretty painful and I am still on crutches. I am going to try to put on waterproof bandages on Wednesday so I can go to the pool. The pool is sloped to just walk into so I wouldn't have to do steps or a ladder. It is still pretty painful. I am needing it to get better quicker. :)

Anyway, that is all the news fit to print from here. I miss you guys and hope all is well with everyone.

I LOVE US!!!!!!!!!

magpie said...

Busy Busy Busy Sharon...
great family goins;,
sorry Mattie is sick, hope you DO indeed
start feeling "more better" very soon, today for instance &
everyday thereafter in fact....
Thanks for checking in :)

magpie said...

waiting a thunderstorm...
SPLIT is coming up in one post

magpie said...

I am going to put on the bib and eat now...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 446   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED