Saturday, June 22, 2013


New thread.


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Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Paula, glad you had a great evening. Hope you are relaxing and not stressing over the upcoming interview. Enjoy Paradise!

They are predicting we will reach 100 today or tomorrow. Luckily we always stay a wee bit cooler with our trees and being out away from the city.

Lolly said...

I do not think they gave the coach a chance to explain himself. Because of the earlier conflicts they did not want anything said. Jacobs coach was really hard on him. Really picked on him at one practice. He was aware that Laurel was not happy. Yesterday he hugged Jacob after the game, but was looking straight at us saying "see!" Eight year olds are not ready for such hard coaching. When you have them breaking down in tears, you know it is too hard.

Lolly said...

Juvie still in the attic!

Time to get started with my day. Have reached my limit on comments. :) Have a great day!

magpie said...

Hi Lolly Bye Lolly...I see juvie but picture is rough...


Lolly said...

My picture is clear!

Lolly said...

Are you looking at the live cam?

Hoda said...

Good morning all:

From JO on FB. She answered my goodnight post.

thank you Hoda for the information - I have limited access - let all know that I can read our blog but my comments are blocked. May be home Thursday and will figure out the problem. Love and hugs to all.12 minutes ago ·

magpie said...

Hi Lol...small pic not so bad, full size is blurry...

magpie said...

thanks for the JO news Hoda...
spent that $500 yet ?

magpie said...

Lovin your new avatar PAULA
and thanks for your interview & job prospects news

Jacob's team LOLLY

Prayers for Andrea's Emma today....

magpie said...

touching report from LORI ON ANNIE'S Services...
(( HUGS ))

magpie said...

I'm at about my limit with old one-finger pokey typing...for now...
I'm up on the posts....

BLANKET Of Well-wishes & congratulations on all the victories and accomplishments amongst us & our families !

and our plans in the days to come

xo ttfn and more xo's !!

Hoda said...

So glad to read the cam is back up and you are seeing the nest. I must go bring it up.

SANDI keeping KEVIN in prayers for end of JULY.

LORI and JUDIE it is all good and I laughed. So I did not volunteer three days out of five this week and that is good. Tomorrow and Friday I volunteer. I am so lucky.

LORI I am enjoying the rain too now as it is not a down pour and I ride my bicycle in between rain and make it a game to try to not get caught in the rain and laugh when I do get caught...

PAULA so glad you had such a good evening last evening. Sounds like a good day today too and into the weekend. Glad JOHN is keeping himself out there and doing interviews.
PRAYERS something turns up that is a good fit for him too.

Hoda said...

500$$???MARGY did I have 500$$$ to spend?
Now I will spend it in my dreams and see what I come up with...LOL.
Good to read your post and thank you for the one finger typing...
Hope no pain in your hand and that the healing is going well...

Hoda said...

Yes indeed the cam is up and I see a juvie at the Y branch

Hoda said...

I have empathy with KATHRYN'S gall bladder problems after surgery...I have the same thing...the surgeon told me this might happen. I have to stay away from foods that irritate it and in my case it is grease and sweets...hard on the sweets part because I have such a sweet tooth.

Hoda said...

Must go get some tea...I have taken to eating goat cheese in the morning and it tastes best with tea...

Hoda said...

While kettle was boiling I checked the kale leaves...caterpillar evicted!!! I so much liked the white butterfly that was hovering about earlier now I am sorry to say I evicted its deposits as it was eating my kale faster than I could eat it myself.It was not sharing at all...Feel sad about doing so but would like for the plant to survive. It feels like such a luxury to have such concerns really...

magpie said...

oh my, Hoda...that was my READO for the day, the first of many probably...

I see it was ANDREA and KEN!!!
for the $500 on insurance..
justice & truth prevail!!

whooops...thanks for steering me straight :)

Hoda said...

Juvie flies above perched juvie headed to the right...

Hoda said...

OH NO!!! ANDREA and KEN I already spent your 500 $$$ several times this morning!!! LOL!!! Thank you MARGY for the shopping trip!!! LOL!!! Glad ANDREA and KEN have it though...

Hoda said...

Don't you worry MARGY you just keep on typing and what joy it is to have you on here inspite of the surgery...I was worried that you might be off for a while and that was not sitting well with me...LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

Have called our old vet's office and asked them to fax Emma's records over to the new vet ASAP.
Our appt. with the new vet is at
5 pm tonight. Prayers, please?
Hoping the new vet can catch something the old vet(s) have missed, and the whole thing will somehow be solved.

I'm hoping that Emma won't stress herself to pieces driving to the new vet. She used to be pretty good in the car, but now she's a basket case. The new vet is farther away, and we'll have to take the freeway at rush hour to get there. Prayers for a calmer Emma, please!

I need to get back to our girl and see what she's up to--probably a nap. Will check back in later today.

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for EMMA ANDY. Keep us posted.I also pray that you also stay calm and handle the anxiety well...

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Margy!

Sooo good to see you here, typing with 1 hand! Hope you're mending well, with no pain! Gotta run right now, but will be back to chat later! I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

My youngest American sister is flying on her way to Minneapolis from Connecticut to be with number two American Sister who is having her esophogus removed tomorrow. I ask for prayers please that her Doctors be guided and that healing takes place. Also the courage for all of us to accept what ever the outcome is...they will reconstruct a tube to serve as her esophogus using tissue from her stomach. Blessed Be.

magpie said...

Prayers - Check!
For Emma, and
for your American Sister

and the health care teams for
both ...

and a whole bunch of prayers
completed -

Now I'll go walk and finish them
up....xo ttfn

Thanks, Everybody....your
positive thoughts and prayers
are helping the healing...

Hoda said...

Getting ready to head off to yoga...

Enjoy the day everyone...


paula eagleholic said...

That is truly amazing surgery, Hoda. Hoping she comes through with flying colors :)

paula eagleholic said...

That is truly amazing surgery, Hoda. Hoping she comes through with flying colors :)

paula eagleholic said...

Hot and sticky here, taking a quick break for a drink while mowing.

Lolly said...

Well, I was going to clean house today but instead have been out hand watering some plants. Jack made a mistake and the sprinkler system did not run. We can only water 2 days a week before 10 AM and after 6PM. Today was our day and we missed it this morn. Will water this evening but had to get out and save a lot...really wilted!

Lolly said...

See we have a juvie still in the attic.

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie in the attic

Judie said...

Back from my outing. Not much success. Some things must wait.

Hi Margy. Glad you had a good visit. Safe travels for Roanoke Mary.

Hoda, will certainly keep your American sister in my thoughts and prayers. I feel certain she will be just fine. Now, about this serial killing... Well, thank you for the Jo update.

I see Paula has the

Andy, thinking of Emma and do hope the new vet can resolve the problem. Hoping she will travel without too much stress. Congrats on the insurance money.

Horrid heat and humidity here today. Going to play Jo and put my feet up and turn the ceiling fan on.


paula eagleholic said...

LOL Judie, apparently I did! Glad they are gone now :)

stronghunter said...

Strong thunderstorms here now.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judie, Kathryn's gall bladder surgery was right after our visit to the Sycamore Palace. I didn't make it to Lynn's funeral because I needed to stay here with Kathryn at that time.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your American sister, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn had back pain, and went to the doctor because we'd just been rear-ended when we were at Virginia Beach over the weekend, and she thought she might have an injury. It turned out that it was most likely pain from the gall bladder.

They told her that she might have difficulty digesting fats, and that is the problem. She has to be careful.

stronghunter said...

They found the gall bladder problem when they did an x-ray of her back.

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie must have left the Y branch...just now returned.

Lolly said...

Have spent the last half hour doing our 2 mile "walk". Watched the juvie just sit there. Oh, did see one poop shoot. lol A small bird also landed on the end of that small lone branch beside the favored Y branch. Very brave and very small bird.

PA Nana said...

There's a new thread. Come on over.

Hoda said...

JUDIE!!! You had me rush to reread my posts in worry over what I might have said that would lead you to think serial killer!!! LOL!!! You are keeping me on my toes!!! LOL!!! I just checked with the Mounties and they said that the Criminal Code of Canada does not I repeat DOES NOT cover aphids and caterpillars!!! So there I am safe.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...