Went out and watered pots. After that I sorta just slid into doing some yard work,...for a couple of hours. lol I am in now and trying to cool off. Need to get street ready and head to town.
Have seen two eagle fly bys, make that three, no four....lol
Shirley, great that Hunter is invited to go again to Kings Dominion.
Jo, Enjoy the beach. Is the gang going with you?
Lori, condolences to you, Kate and her family. Glad Annie could be laid to rest with her father.
Margy, you sound pretty chipper! Glad you seem to be feeling better!
My interview is tomorrow!
Had a problem with my electric at the beach. The main breaker outside that is attached to the meter tripped 4 times. I called Delmarva Power, and they came and checked it out this morning. They found a birds nest, so he removed it and covered up the hole. The nest was MT. Hopefully that was the problem. If not, I'll have to call an electrician. I left the AC off while I'm not there this week.
Didn't even know about the canyon crossing, so didn't watch it.
Hoda, so sorry about the happenings in Egypt. Praying your family stays safe.
Sure hope Chrissy feels better soon. She must miss the ospreys terribly.
JudyE, sorry about your work woes. The moves by Walmart don't surprise me in regards to Obama care. And they are not the only company to do so.
OH I asked my Asst Mgr today if he was going to fight to keep me since he like my work and he says what are you talking about I told him about what Co Jen said and he made a comment he will handle it not to worry. He also said that he knows who is behind it and I asked if it was Joey for what he said the other day and he said no So I hope all goes ok Remember Co Jen said that she was going to get with Eric today and I saw Eric twice on the sales floor so I don't know if anything was said I also told him that Co Jen said she was only trying to help me So we will just have to wait and see The drama goes on Angie said maybe I should volunteer to take part time if it gets to bad since that maybe what they are trying to go for Will have to just wait OK enough of that and Thanks for the link Sandy Did you all know if you click on the underlined words in the article it takes you to a page where the associates and mgmt was interviewed about empty shelves and less employees OH when we opened our store we had over 800 employees we are about 400 so there is a point there OK enough is enough
I have issues with the cam when I move my cursor the bottom of the cam a grey area comes What a PIA now the nest is lower Will have to keep cursor away hard to do when blogging
I am upset at the way walmart is treating you JUDYE. I do not like that srote at all and try to avoid it at all costs. You are a GREAT employee and you work for a cheap company.
MARGY very good to see you on here and thank you for looking after JO'S Birthday announcements. Glad your hand is not too painful and the bib refrence brought me a smile.
God Rest ANNIE's Soul LORI and may you and KATE know peace...Blessed Be.
Safe travels Jo.
LOLLY it is 64 degrees here. I went out on my bicycle with a coat and had a very good ride. Was glad to have the coat as it rained.
You all won't believe what I did yesterday: I ran errands and decided I wanted a Gelato...so I went to get one. Had two scoops and a waffle cone said thank you very much and walked out of the store visiting with friends and laughing. I only realized I did not pay an hour after I came home. I apologized in a phone call and they said it was OK it was on them...I was horrified. They said they knew me and I go there often it was not a problem!!! I went and paid them today and they were laughing...I can see me now being in my eighties and walking places and forgetting to pay. I made the owner promise to ask me to pay if I forget!!! Is this an early sign of something I wonder??? LOL
As to EGYPT. I do not know what to make of things at all. First Moslems were killing Christians and killing Jews...The Moslem Brotherhood, they are the gov't, were saying nothing and they were doing nothing. Yesterday Moslems were killing Moslems and they were being pretty barbaric, yes, barbaric about it!!! Apparently the president of the republic was in a rally where they said they were expressing their hate against this group of Moslems and he said nothing!!! The Egypt I grew up in was a gentle and civilized place. The 30th of June there is a call for mass demonstrations...it marks the year since the Moslem Brotherhood came to power. The Army says it will rule with a firm hand which means force will be used. The Non-Moslem Brotherhood Egyptians are not backing down. They will go out in protest on the 30th of June. I am tring to tell my sister and her children not to go out and to stay indoors on the day before and day after...avoid the whole thing...I can not get them to promise...they told me if I was there I would be out too. When I was younger I have to admit I was in a few demonstrations against the Army and military rule. So this is what is happening right now...I try very hard to work with meditation and my yoga practices to be accepting of what ever comes. I am not there they are right there.
Yes I know JUDYE!!! I almost did not say anything about the Gelato story as I thought for sure JUDIE will have something to say. I hope she is having a productive day and that the work is done to her satisfaction.
PAULA tomorrow I will light you a candle for your interview. I hope it is a fit that you like and that you can see yourself being there. I hope they are a reputable and well established company and that the job is with the correct income and that it is long term...Putting it all out to the Universe and holding space for it to happen...Blessed Be.
SHAR I am glad to see your post. I was worried about you and I check your FB page so as to know that you are mostly dealing with all the stuff
Adult eagle just flew out and to the right from behind the tree... I say adult because I saw white head and whtie tail...I hope I am not mistaken, seemed like it to me...
Dragon boating yoga fiend absconds with a waffle cone of gelato. Be On The Lookout! The suspect plays a coy game of innocence and insists (after the fact)she be reminded to "pay" for her sweet treats. RCMP have had her on their radar for many super moons. She is a sweet, beguiling, and utterly adorable woman. Approach with caution -- her abundance of energy and good deeds will win you over.
Lori, my sincere sympathy to Kate and her family and to you. Prayers for all and for Annie's peace.
Paula, all the best of success with the interview tomorrow. So hoping the position and the company and the people will be a good fit for you.
Jo, enjoy your beach house time. Check in as you have time.
Margy, so glad to see you making visits. Was thinking you might be awol but not our Margy. Healing is beginning.
The house. The house. Oh, about the house. Have three more windows/screens to clean and one room left for the Lolly treatment.
Cannot understand the expected "visitors." We tried again last night to get some idea of what they want to do/see/visit. Can't even plan grossery shopping because we don't know what they want to breakfast -- fruit, berries, toast, eggs? One of the women wants to visit a shopping mall. A shopping mall? Traveling halfway across the U.S. to the Nation's capitol and a shopping mall? Impression is they mostly want to sit around and drink beer. Why do I think this will be some of the longest four days of my life? Um,thanks for letting me vent. Seriously frustrated and not liking the idea of three total strangers in our home.
Had a long and physically taxing day. So going to say goodnight. Sandperson will depart at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.
I agree with PAULA JUDIE in regards the visitors and food. They should not really expect food and they are getting free rooms for heavens sake...Have the basics like toast and jam and eggs and they can prepare their own...don't you do waiting on them to boot...Send them out each day telling them where you think they should go see in Washington!!! For God's sake they can go to malls in any other city...and who goes to malls on holidays any how???
So glad it is cool here as all I want to eat these days is soup!!! I just made another Quinoa and broccoli and kale soup with ginger and tumerec and onion and thyme and I put a little fennel from the container garden. The kale was from there too...the more I eat the more it grows it seems like. I have not had to buy kale for over a month now!!!
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
If anyone is interested in seeing some of the pix from Tom's b 17 flight, i put them on my blog.....same ones as on facebook.....but i know not everyone is on facebook...
LORI: hugs and condolences....
HODA: not to worry, last December i did the same thing at the doctor's office. i had taken olivia in for something or other and chatted with the desk folk, got the note for her school and walked out and didn't pay. i called them a bit later horrified! they laughed. we have been with them for a while, so they were good with it.
PAULA; holding you close for a great interview tomorrow!
Yoga was wonderful tonight. I feel so good. Heading to bed shortly!
Goodnight MARGY. Sleep well and I hope your hand continues to improve. It was great you checked in today and I hope you can do so tomorrow too. Being odd till JULY 5th is a good thing and do get some rest.
Hoda, Hoda, Hoda.....whatever are we going to do with you?? A gelato? Really? roflmbo
Ok, what am I missing? Judie...a Lolly treatment? I am in a fog!!
Stink bug landed on me while in the yard today. Immediately thought of Lynne. I am glad stink bugs do not make anyone think of me!!!!
Did not go to Jacob's game and what we missed was Jacob making several great hits. Dern! He even hit a triple!! So, we are going to the game tomorrow. They have won 2 games and if they win tomorrow the series is over. Making pizza tomorrow to take up there for dinner.
HEY it looks like the camera moved again you can see the top like yesterday I just compared to a pic I took yesterday and there is no sky above the branch in the middle like there was last night I put pic on facebook last night and just compared it again and its different
Good morning from stormy quad cities. Still no power. Dex and I will head to the shelter mid morning if I don't see any power trucks by then.it's too hot for him to spend the day here
Good morning Judy and all my eagle friends!! Looks like an MT nest!
Judie, having a big house at the beach means LOTS of people call to invite themselves. Most of the time it's great, sometimes awkward! I feel your pain!!
Lolly, try to enjoy the game tonight - hope Jacob's team wins!
Margy, sounds like your recuperation is coming along! Good on you , as Hoda says!
After tennis yesterday(which was much more fun), sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew, and I went to the local blueberry farm. Hot, but the picking was great. We picked for about an hour and filled 4 buckets and almost the 5th. Grand total when they were dumped on the scale was 24.62 pounds! Today the baking begins (my sister, not me). We will have blueberry cobbler, blueberry crisp, blueberry buckle (like a coffee cake), blueberry pie, blueberry muffins, blueberry pancakes, blueberry syrup for our ice cream, and blueberries for our cereal. With 8 of us here now and Brian and Lynnis coming, not one will get frozen and all will be eaten!
Just saw a parent arrive at the nest from the left, followed by the arrival of a juvie from the right - breakfast time!
Speaking of breakfast, need to feed dogs and people. Have agreat day all!
Good morning from stormy quad cities. Still no power. Dex and I will head to the shelter mid morning if I don't see any power trucks by then.it's too hot for him to spend the day here
Forgot to tell my great story from yesterday! While I was eating dinner, I reached up to touch my ear and discovered that one of my diamond studs was MISSING!!!! Keep in mind, this was around 7pm. I had played tennis, picked blueberries, and taken a very long bike ride with Madeline during the day. Didn't think my chances of finding it were too great! But I did!!! It was on the floor of the outside shower! Three other people took outside showers after me and it didn't get washed down between the slats in the decking, never to be seen again!
They ARE insured but this is the first time in the 15 years I've had them that I "lost" one.
Those blueberries looked great. We used to pick them at my Aunt Edna's...the aunt I just visited in MA. Her bushes are way overgrown now and not covered...the birds get them.
Thinking of Paula and wishing her a perfect interview. Interviews are always stressful. Break a leg!
Sandi. Congratulations. You had a fun day and a huge helping of very good luck. Thank you for understanding my vent.
Glo, relieved that you and Dex are okay and yes, a shelter may be a good plan given the circumstances. My thoughts are with you both.
Lolly, lol. The Lolly Treatment is cleaning closets, mopping floors, dusting, and generally cleaning to perfection. Just one more room and three windows to go. Congrats to Jacob and hope his team wins today.
Good grief. Now Janet chimes in about her monetary indiscretion. Do we have secret kleptomaniacs among us? Hmmm, yet another chapter in As The Nest Turns.
Okay, need to hear from Miss Margy this morning. Will check in after my coffee and before beginning the Lolly Treatment.
JUDIE: you made me literally lol! :) closet keptos!
a beautiful day here. i am off today. as i picked up every other Tuesday 8 to 11 @ massage envy followed up by the chair thing, this Tuesday off is really nice!
JUDYE: and i got some great news from the attorney yesterday, the final check from the estate is in the mail! :D we did it. it was a long long journey to close our parents' estate, and it wasn't pretty, but we did it. i don't think i could have done this without her love and support.
so with that being said, for 12 years there is something i have really wanted to today, my friends is the day i go out shopping. i want a pool so after olivia goes to ice camp, i've done my due diligence, i know what i want, today i make it happen! three reasons today: 1. i am off work! 2. i want this installed by July 4th! and 3. just to celebrate that this whole nightmare is done. :) :) :)
hope everyone has a lovely day! light, love, hugs and smiles to all! :D
Go Janet! Go Janet! Go Janet! Enjoy the experience of being free of the nightmare process.
House not so much dirty but was covered in spackle dust and windows had not been cleaned in several years. ♪♫ Now I see clearly since the dirt is gone ♪♫
Hope Mattie is feeling better. Sounds as if Andrew is having lots of birthday fun.
My sister Roanoke Mary is on her way for a day and overnight visit... have a few 2-handed things she can help me with - my house also will not get the Lolly treatment" beforehand but I guess I have an excuse... but I sure wish it could
morning shiffle, yeah that's what it feels like....
lots of riveting and enjoyable posts...
Prayers for all my friends here and families, friends, & pets...
know I missed WV Jerry's initial post last week about his father...but I I'm on it now...
Must get along... Best Wishes for a Very Good Day for all...
Judie...sounds like you might get to be like JO and put your feet up for a wee while soon...
how about some art museums for your guests...maybe just go where YOU like to go and it's up to them to like or not like...but you can enjoy it maybe???
Good morning! Looks like I just missed the adult action. They will be back!
LOL on the Lolly treatment. I have you all fooled. Right now my house needs it. I ignore the house when I have yard work to do!
Have already been outside for a while. Spread some more mulch and hand watered a little. Came in soaked in sweat and eyes burning as it got in my eyes. In for the day, making pizza to take to Denton.
Sandi, so glad you found your earring! I have special backs too, but my hands are always checking my ears. lol I did loose a diamond earring once in Laurel's backyard. Never found it. Also lost my diamond out of my wedding ring. Found it late at night when I was going through the dirt, pet hair and smelly junk in the vacuum cleaner bag. Jack was taking apart the last plumbing under the last sink and I thought, ok I can go through the bag again. My hands were shaking when I found it!!!
Glo, please take care. Glad you have some place to go.
Figured I'd better check in here before you think I fell off the edge of the earth!
Margy, I'm thrilled that your surgery went well, and it's good to see you here, typing 1-handed! (((HUGS))) for you, and healing prayers, too!
Lori, so sorry about Annie. My heartfelt sympathy to Kate and the rest of Annie's family, and to you too, of course. God bless Annie.
I can't remember whether I wished Lolly & Jack a Happy Anniversary. Belated best wishes!!!
Happy Birthday to Christie, too!! Hope it was a good one.
Well, hopefully we have an appointment today at 4:30 with a new vet for Emma. He's a holistic vet who does acupuncture, and all sorts of alternative medicine, as well as traditional veterinary medicine. Emma has been mostly better, but had a lousy day on Sunday. We hope this new guy can figure out the root cause of her problems, and not just push a bunch of pills at us. Please say some prayers that it will all work out, and Emma will be healed.
Gotta go get a late breakfast--Emma's had hers already. Will check back in later when I have a chance. I ♥ us!!! ♥♥Lynn♥♥ ♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
Things are rolling right along here. Just submitted some more apps, and actually got a call back on one I submitted 2 weeks ago. Have a face to face interview next Monday in Salisbury for a Payroll Manager position. I'm already nervous! Haven't had a job interview in over 20 years!
Paula, I am sure you will do fine with an interview. Just be yourself, you will impress. It is also very good that you had your previous job for so long. And, you know our prayers go with you. So, relax!!! :)
Hi-- Back again for a moment. Got a call from the new vet's office, and they were totally booked today. Our appt. is tomorrow at 5 pm. Praying that we like him, and that Emma does, too! By the way, now that all the allergy meds have worn off, I realize that our poor puppy has basically been near-comatose on those durn pills for the last 3 months! She's feeling frisky today! Will try to get back here later. Gotta go throw a tennis ball for someone!
Phone interview went fine, although the gal wanted to know why I wanted the job since it was a step down position....so we shall see. I'd rather have the other job that I have an interview for on Monday.
Paula, I have a feeling that you are going to get more than one actual offer. Nervous is fine. Helps to keep us alert.
Andy, hope the new vet is a good choice for Emma and for you and Ken. We just went back to our original vet with Grace and Audrey. Just feels right.
Appreciate the help with "the visitors" but everything we've suggested has met with zero enthusiasm. They honestly do not seem to be interested in anything except they want their picture taken in front of the White House. How's that for a reason to travel half way across the country! Frank met one of the women about 60 years ago. They have some family issues and my suspicion meter is very active.
Margy, have a super wonderful visit with Roanoke Mary. Visit the nest and just enjoy each other. The Lolly Treatment can wait.
Last of the windows, screens washed. Some other chores finished. Going to play like Jo and put my feet up. Hot and humid even with AC. BBL
Well, I guess a picture in front of the White House it is. That will not be too difficult. Except that it is hot and humid out there. Museums are air-conditioned.
I have lost the vacuum cleaner. Brought it upstairs to vacuum my room, but it disappeared. Going to see if it has made its way to the basement. Has happened before.
We bought a pool! It will be installed Thursday! :) :)
Thanks. It has been lovely since the house sold to NOT have to think about our 'next' move to get it done. Its been just a matter of waiting for the final docs and check. Our attorney had been out of town last week (say on a cruise!) and had no internet. So it was mailed yesterday p.m.
Anyway, went out and got my dream pool! 18 ft 48 " deep salt system. And hopefully maybe by next summer we will be building a deck around a good portion of it!
Just wanted to update you all! SO very excited! Literally, I have beeen wanting a pool for 12 years....wanted one in VA, but we knew we were going to move to TN upon retirement, so it made no sense. We've been here 8 years now....and its finally my time! :)
Cool Beans SIS on the pool and its SALT WATER? from what I read are you having it dug in to the ground also to make it deeper we did that with our pool at the old house years ago but when we took it down had to fill hole back up that was not fun
Ok now you can see the top of the tree again I wonder what is up with our camera being re positioned by itself the nest is slowly sinking out of view soon This am you couldn't see the top of the green top branch now you can and there is sky above it ODD
Have not read back but yep it is strange the nest is cut off for practical purposes or half of it is gone any way...
I will go read back.
I had a wonderful bike ride and I beat the rain. I did errands and had a picnic and rode the Tramway for a fun spin around the park and generally had a wonderful day.
The Eco Society phoned for me to volunteer on Friday and I said yes as it is so important to encourage the young and support them so they could develop their leadership skills. So this week volunteering is twice as I also promised to do an evaluation process with the Grans on Thursday.
I have aphids so decided to evict them off of the Fennel as they do not share...they just stick to every thing. SO I bought lavender and castille soap and sprayed them today with an apology...I hope they get the hint and leave my plants alone.
I will go read back...hope all are well and that MARGY checked in...
Well we are all invited to JANET'S and TOM'S and OLIVIA for a pool party I read...that is great JANET. THANK YOU I am on my way!!! CONGRATULATIONS. Happy for you.
I laughed LOLLY yes it was indeed GELATO!!! Powerful stuff in these here parts!!!
MARGY if I said odd instead of off it has to have been the powerful GELATO...read note to LOLLY!!!Love you. Sorry for my typo...
I keep seeing birds flying right and left and then infront and behind the tree.
OH I SAW AN EAGLE TODAY...CIrcled and came low above me and I felt very happy.
Thank you SHIRLEY it will be what it will be in EGYPT and I appreciate you holding space for the safety of my sister and her children and grand children.
I will go to yoga to stretch those leg muscles that I use to bike...and my spine needs to have a couple of twists so it would adjust...
PAULA I am glad you felt your phone interview went well today. I hope you get the job that meets more of your experience and expertise and provide the financial bracket to live your life. Let us know how JOHN'S interview went. Blessings to this young man.
SANDI so very happy you found your earing...Gracious me what amazing thing that it did not get washed down in the drain with three people taking showers after you. I agree with JUDYE get a lock backing to put on it...glad it is insured.
I saw a couple of posts on FB from JO making comments and so I hope she has her feet up by now and that she had a terrific day.
SAFE TRIP LOLLY and JACK. Let us know about the baseball game.
SHIRLEY what is HUNTER going to do this summer? Any camping ventures planed?
Oh I just had a tall tall tall young man knock at my door. He must be in his early twenties...here to collect money for UNICEF...He must have been almost seven feet tall.He comes from Calgary and his family opened their home to others who got flooded out of their home...
SANDI is your son clear of his trouble with the courts for sliding off the road? I hope it worked out in his favour.
I have to go see JO's page to see what MICHAEL is up to in HAITI today. They were going to have a big day ahead of them moving and painting and trying to make a home for the orphans in the new building.
Just got home from all services and everything for Annie, Kate's sister. Everything was beautiful. Kate did the eulogy and Arlington Nat'l Cemetery is beautiful, but it was a very, very hot day. Kate's 93 year old mom was a real trooper and made it through the entire day which began with a breakfast gathering at 9 this morning.
I've just skimmed through, but see congrats are in order for JANET on her new pool!
Didn't see anything on PAULA's interview, which I am sure went very well!
I'm very tired and in desperate need of a shower! Off I go... will read back and check in in the morning. I love all of you, dearly! Have a fantastic evening!
LORI PAULA's phone interview went very well and they are aware that she is more qualified than what the position calls for. She has another interview next Monday. JOHN had an interview today and we are waiting to hear how that went. Holding space for both of them.
I hate this just got off the phone with Angie she is in the bathroom as we were talking she lost power and is under the gun of a big bad storm a water spout was spotted not to far from her so Pray all will be ok
Lori, so glad all went well for Annie. Yes, Arlington is beautiful and those who conduct services are true professionals. Get some rest and hugs for Kate.
JudyE, thinking of Angie. She will be just fine.
Paula, any word from John about the interview? Hope it was a success.
Uh oh, just received an urgent email from the police who are relaying a message from the RCMP. Seems there is a person of interest who is suspected of mass aphidicide. An undercover agent, known to be very, very, very tall, is on the case. Interpol thinks she may be planning an escape to Nashville pool party. Now, on to the case of the disappear vacuum cleaner.
Congratulations to Janet. Enjoy!
Shirley, whatever happened about Kathryn's car? Is anyone investigating the source of the $100? Sorry Kathryn is still having some gallbladder problems.
She is still in the dark but the worst is over for her We are under the gun for severe winds hail right now for my area this one is bypassing her she is 15 miles south of me and this one came from the East the other came from the south I love storms Our sky was so pink at 930
Thanks for the congrats....PAULA; saltwater system. not digging it out. 48" will be okay. all i want to do is float and have fun anyway. :) and HODA, if you want the pool, in theory, barring any obstacles, it should be ready for a swim by Monday or Tuesday....
and if you do escape to Nashville, I won't tell a soul.... lol..... the RCMP won't get you here!
JUDYE: glad you guys are safe.....I do not like severe weather one bit! Bleech.
Its been a lovely day. We ran to lowes and checked on a few things we need....and got the back yard rearranged, ie moved the trampoline, and the trailer so we can have the sand delivered tomorrow. 4 tons of it! we have a few things to do tomorrow, get the permit, etc.
hope everyone has a safe, sound night sleep without wild weather. SED to all! love and hugs!
Sorry to hear that you're having some bad storms back there! Prayers for everybody's safety! Saying some for our eagles, too.
Paula, glad your interview went well, and hope you get the job you will be most happy with. Forgot to mention--glad Nick has his "jingle" back!
Lori, glad the services for Annie went well, and that you all made it through the heat and humidity OK. Arlington is indeed a beautiful place.
Janet, congratulations on the new pool! Sounds really nice!
Shirley, have you found your vacuum cleaner yet? Sure hope so!
Oh--I forgot to tell you that we got a check from our insurance company reimbursing us for the $500 deductible when a guy backed into Ken's car in a parking garage a few months ago. The guy had been lying and saying that Ken backed into HIM, but I guess when the insurance company sat him down to get his statement and ask him questions, the guy couldn't tell the same story twice, and sounded so confused they could tell he wasn't telling the truth! The check came at just the perfect time for us, too! Thank GOD for small favors!!
Well, gonna go veg in front of the TV for a while. Hope everyone stays safe from the storms.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone. Sleep well, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you! ♥♥Lynn♥♥ ♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥ ♥♥healing prayers for Margy!♥♥ I ♥ us!
JUDYE I am glad storm passed ANGIE and now I wish you would check in so we would know you are alright.
Yes JUDIE glad you are getting out of the house and will take a shopping break.
I laughed JANET...if the sun does not come out here by Monday or Tuesday you might very well see me in Nashville, Tenneses!!! LOL!!! I might have to bring my own Mountie with me for honour guard and all that...LOL!!!
LOLLY congratulations on JACOB'S Team winning. I am glad he is happy with his efforts and the results...Now I must go to FB to understand JUDYE posted note about hanging JOSEPH up...what are you all doing to those children???LOL
we still have rumbling in the distance This is our normal summer time seabreeze meets east coast winds and big boom booms but all is ok now just storms
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Stopping by to say hello and hope all are safe from the storms. We had some wind and rain but nothing serious here.
Looks like Maryland is getting the brunt of storms now. Stay safe all.
Glo, hope you and Dex can be back in your home soon.
Hoda, look out! Judie knows a lot of policemen and their counterparts in Canada. Don't want you to go missing to that place of no return. Sneak to Janet's ASAP. We'll never tell.
Paula, may you and John have great interviews and the companies realize you'll be great assets.
Lori, prayers for Kate's family'sloss. I'm sure they appreciate your support.
Lolly, Jacob looks so cool holding his trophy. He looks very proud and hope his shirt holds his chest in.:-)
Hi Andy &Shirley. I'm running out of steam and battery charge so I'll talk at ya another time. Love you all.
We are home. It was not too bad sitting out there tonight. We started sitting in the shade and there was a nice breeze..not cool but moving! lol We also sat on the far left by 3rd base. Not near the stands and the parents. Then there was controversy and they threw out one of the coaches on the other team. It was the father of Jacob's best friend!! He was coaching at first. Something happened and he asked our player at first if he was okay. He knew the kid as he had coached him on his team during the regular year. They threw him out for talking to the kid. Crazy!!!
Glad you ar ehome LOLLY. Shaking my head for being kicked out of the game for asking if the kid was alright!!! Strange mentality I think. Glad the boys won and that your grandsons seem so happy on FB photos.
Laughing DIANN!!! One never can tell what MISS JUDIE is going to do to stir the pot!!! NO NO NO NO, NOT that kind of pot!!! My I tell you would you all start thinking straight!!! LOL!!!
Hope MARGY is safe and comfortable tonight...missed you MARGY and I hope you sleep well
Laughing at most of the posts this evening,...love you all!
Went with Larry to a fairly local joint, they had a comedy act tonight..laughed till I cried on some of the routine, the guy was great! Had a nice dinner too. Nice change of pace!
Yikes, Lolly, I can't imagine a coach being thrown out of a game for asking if a kid is okay. We have coaches doing that all the time. Same situation as Jacob's--the coaches and kids switch teams every year, so they know each other and are friends.
Good morning my eagle friends! I see 1 juvie up on a branch and no action in the nest (which is barely visible).
Lolly, congrats on Jacob's victory in the "all star world series!" Glad you were there to see the game!!
Hoda, Kevin's trial isn't until 7/29. The court appearance on 6/10 - which I thought was his trial - was just his arraignment, whatever that is exactly! He didn't go to that - his attorney was there to represent him.
Judie, glad your house is ready for your guests, even though you don't sound very ready!
Janet, congrats on the pool! Have heard wonderful things about salt water pools! Hope the maintenance learning curve isn't too complex!
Paula, fingers crossed that you land the perfect job and that John's interview went well!
Lynne2, good to see you on the blog - how are things going at the Soper household?
My sister baked blueberry crisp last night (uses LOTS of blueberries) and also baked blueberry muffins for this morning's breakfast.
No tennis again this morning for me, but I DO play tomorrow, Friday, AND Saturday. Think I will take Mom to the outlets today so she can try out her mobility scooter and see if she likes having one all to herself. We're hoping that, after having one at her convenience for 2 weeks, she'll decide to buy one. It would allow her to do more things, even though she would need Lisa or Mitch to go with her to get it into and out of the car (heaviest piece weighs about 30 pounds and she can't lift more than 10lbs. due to her aneurysm.
Make it a great day all - juvie took off a minute ago from the branch.
my wild and wacky wed is on tap, but my first massage is @ 7:30 a.m. they asked if i could arrive a bit earlier today, so suck down some coffee , get ready adn head out by 6:50.
i like to arrive 10 min early to set up table, etc.
just wanted to check in and wish everyone a lovely day!
MT nest and the cam looks to be almost in the same position the top of the tree is where you can see it the most I wonder if wind could do that to the camera???
Looks like we could be in for more severe thunderstorms around here today, so be careful.
JUDIE, so happy for you that your house has come together so quick! Hope you find the perfect finishing touches at Penney's today.
PAULA, congrats on your phone interview going well - hope it's a job you really want and it pays well!
LOLLY, congrats to Jacob on his All Star victory. Glad you and Jack made it pleasurable by sitting in the shade away from the drama!
SANDI, how is your family visit going? All the blueberry goodies you talked about made me hungry! Nothing better than homemade!
HODA, how is your slower pace going? I hope you're enjoying yourself - well when the sunshine returns, anyway. :)
MARGY, how is the hand doing?
ANDY, congrats on your insurance check and its perfect timing!
KAY, are you home yet?
SHIRLEY, glad you found your vacuum! Hard to live in a house with animals without a vac.
JUDYE, hope things have calmed down some for you at work and that you have a great day today!
JANET, bet you're dreaming of your new pool as you work today! Congrats!
No big plans here today, again. Well, recuperating from yesterday. I had a crown fall off in my mouth on Monday, so I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. They said they would call if they had a cancellation and could get me in today.
Hi Diann. Nice to see you stopped by. And there's Hoda suggesting I'm stirring pot. Do not listen to her.
Hope Glo and Dex have power and are back home now.
Paula, glad you had a nice evening with Larry and that John's interview was positive. Hoping for the best for him.
Sandi, have a fun day with your mom.
Wow, can't believe it's been a year since Kathryn's surgery. Interesting. I always thought one could eat anything after removing the gallbladder. Hope she's feeling okay.
Okay, need to make myself less scary and then head to JCP.
Lori, Hoda slow down? She gets a call to volunteer this Friday and what does she do? Says oh yes, I would be happy to rev up my engine and I'll be there. That's our Hoda.
Speaking of Margy, I hope she had a terrific visit with Roanoke Mary and stops by to tell us all about it.
I do not see any Eagle action right now on this hot breezy day, but the picture is a wee bit pixillated...
Enjoyed my visit with my sister Roanoke Mary...and now she is Southbound to her own roost... I am going to take a shot at backtracking and seeing how YOU FOLKS ARE...
Good morning! Nothing on the agenda today. Think I am going to stay in and get some things done in the house. It has been neglected!
Thanks for all the congrats to Jacob. This has been good for him.
Hadve the cam up but did not realize what I was seeing. There were two juvies in the attic...I thought it leaves. lol One flew and now only one in the attic.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 446 Newer› Newest»Per Jo's request:
and I will move to to the next thread when we get it also:
Margy I will be gone before the split I think - Please copy and Paste the list on new page Thanks...
I will publish the July b-day list upon my return BUT we do have some early ones -
1st Margy
1st Janet Kolb (Nilla)
15th Judy Eddy
16th Judie Vajda
17th Jack Ellis (Lolly's guy)
19th Christie Reed (Lynn's girl)
23rd Diane Flanagan
25th Pamela Haines
30th Vicky Connell
Bev and Tom 4th
Carolyn(Lynn's gal)& Charlie 18th
The nest appears to be empty at this time
Howdy Margy....now do not over do!!!
Went out and watered pots. After that I sorta just slid into doing some yard work,...for a couple of hours. lol I am in now and trying to cool off. Need to get street ready and head to town.
Have seen two eagle fly bys, make that three, no four....lol
Just saw it again. also think there is a juvie in the nest.
It is now up to 91 and climbing.
There it went again...really flying around. Oh, and has now landed in the attic.
That juvie has been having fun soaring and circling, Wish I could fly!!! :)
Time to clean up...juvie still on the y branch.
i shoulda been watchin' Lolly!
glad you saw the eagle action...now I see the juvie...
ain't that somethin' Grand!!
adult? storm trying to gear up
storm gve us the slip...at least for now...
so did the adult eagle...
the clouds these last few days have been so beautiful, varied and interesting!
Listening to Tom and the commercial of the cam waiting for it to come up
Howdy all!
Home from Paradise for a couple of days.
Didn't have any time to watch the nest, just pulled it up. Cannot see any eagles.
Oh my, I drove through one heck of a thunderstorm....dime and nickel sized hail! Traffic just crawled.
Condolences to you and to Annie's family.
She is at peace dear sweet child so sad
I bet LYNNE2 is happy her stinkbugs days seem to be over
MARGY doesn't the bib overall counts and bibs LOL Just kidding
Shirley, great that Hunter is invited to go again to Kings Dominion.
Jo, Enjoy the beach. Is the gang going with you?
Lori, condolences to you, Kate and her family. Glad Annie could be laid to rest with her father.
Margy, you sound pretty chipper! Glad you seem to be feeling better!
My interview is tomorrow!
Had a problem with my electric at the beach. The main breaker outside that is attached to the meter tripped 4 times. I called Delmarva Power, and they came and checked it out this morning. They found a birds nest, so he removed it and covered up the hole. The nest was MT. Hopefully that was the problem. If not, I'll have to call an electrician. I left the AC off while I'm not there this week.
Didn't even know about the canyon crossing, so didn't watch it.
Hoda, so sorry about the happenings in Egypt. Praying your family stays safe.
Sure hope Chrissy feels better soon. She must miss the ospreys terribly.
JudyE, sorry about your work woes. The moves by Walmart don't surprise me in regards to Obama care. And they are not the only company to do so.
Someone was just moving the cam.
Moved maybe a touch to the left. and up a tad.
I have seen that a couple of time also PAULA the cam moving
Beside July 15 being important My BDay The Twinkies will be back on the marked
I don't like them but they are coming out with SugerFree, Gluten Free ones also Lo Sodium, and Crunchy ones
EAGLE in the nest tow of them
snuck in the back door
Looks like a juvie just flew into the nest...
Nest on the very bottom of the screen now.
I want the orange cupcakes back, JudyE.
Cam is too high
OH I asked my Asst Mgr today if he was going to fight to keep me since he like my work and he says what are you talking about I told him about what Co Jen said and he made a comment he will handle it not to worry. He also said that he knows who is behind it and I asked if it was Joey for what he said the other day and he said no So I hope all goes ok Remember Co Jen said that she was going to get with Eric today and I saw Eric twice on the sales floor so I don't know if anything was said I also told him that Co Jen said she was only trying to help me So we will just have to wait and see The drama goes on Angie said maybe I should volunteer to take part time if it gets to bad since that maybe what they are trying to go for Will have to just wait OK enough of that and Thanks for the link Sandy Did you all know if you click on the underlined words in the article it takes you to a page where the associates and mgmt was interviewed about empty shelves and less employees OH when we opened our store we had over 800 employees we are about 400 so there is a point there OK enough is enough
I have issues with the cam when I move my cursor the bottom of the cam a grey area comes What a PIA now the nest is lower Will have to keep cursor away hard to do when blogging
They are going to make them all again PAULA they said and adding more varieties
I wonder if they are working on the camera or were working on it I should say
I still see movement in the nest Its harder to see now I think anyway
someone may have left can't see where they would go down from the left but I thought I saw movement in that area
I still see some movement in the nest
headin to the rocker LM LM
Juvie on the Y branch
Flew in from the right.
got up to say Juvie in attic
oops see I am late in reporting Paula I will leave you to report neck says back to rocker
and flew in to the nest went in front of cam and in to nest not for sure if same eagle
Juvie on Y branch flew off and into nest because parent just arrived in nest. Assume food delivery.
I think it is a adult and looks like a poof out the side of the nest on the right
I am upset at the way walmart is treating you JUDYE. I do not like that srote at all and try to avoid it at all costs.
You are a GREAT employee and you work for a cheap company.
MARGY very good to see you on here and thank you for looking after JO'S Birthday announcements.
Glad your hand is not too painful and the bib refrence brought me a smile.
God Rest ANNIE's Soul LORI and may you and KATE know peace...Blessed Be.
Safe travels Jo.
LOLLY it is 64 degrees here. I went out on my bicycle with a coat and had a very good ride. Was glad to have the coat as it rained.
You all won't believe what I did yesterday: I ran errands and decided I wanted a Gelato...so I went to get one. Had two scoops and a waffle cone said thank you very much and walked out of the store visiting with friends and laughing. I only realized I did not pay an hour after I came home. I apologized in a phone call and they said it was OK it was on them...I was horrified. They said they knew me and I go there often it was not a problem!!! I went and paid them today and they were laughing...I can see me now being in my eighties and walking places and forgetting to pay. I made the owner promise to ask me to pay if I forget!!! Is this an early sign of something I wonder???
EAGLE in from the left
you got distracted HODA we all do I know as well as the owner it was not intentional
Can still see a juvie in the nest.
HODA most all companys in the US are doing the same thing Its all about their bottom line
LOL, that's a funny story, Hoda.
I can't wait to hear what JUDIE has to say about your story HODA
OK LM again
As to EGYPT. I do not know what to make of things at all. First Moslems were killing Christians and killing Jews...The Moslem Brotherhood, they are the gov't, were saying nothing and they were doing nothing. Yesterday Moslems were killing Moslems and they were being pretty barbaric, yes, barbaric about it!!! Apparently the president of the republic was in a rally where they said they were expressing their hate against this group of Moslems and he said nothing!!!
The Egypt I grew up in was a gentle and civilized place.
The 30th of June there is a call for mass demonstrations...it marks the year since the Moslem Brotherhood came to power. The Army says it will rule with a firm hand which means force will be used. The Non-Moslem Brotherhood Egyptians are not backing down. They will go out in protest on the 30th of June. I am tring to tell my sister and her children not to go out and to stay indoors on the day before and day after...avoid the whole thing...I can not get them to promise...they told me if I was there I would be out too. When I was younger I have to admit I was in a few demonstrations against the Army and military rule.
So this is what is happening right now...I try very hard to work with meditation and my yoga practices to be accepting of what ever comes. I am not there they are right there.
Yes I know JUDYE!!! I almost did not say anything about the Gelato story as I thought for sure JUDIE will have something to say.
I hope she is having a productive day and that the work is done to her satisfaction.
PAULA tomorrow I will light you a candle for your interview. I hope it is a fit that you like and that you can see yourself being there. I hope they are a reputable and well established company and that the job is with the correct income and that it is long term...Putting it all out to the Universe and holding space for it to happen...Blessed Be.
JUDYE what walmart says is their bottom line and what is actually their bottom line is a gap worth BILLIONS of dollars in gov't subsidies
SHAR I am glad to see your post. I was worried about you and I check your FB page so as to know that you are mostly dealing with all the stuff
Adult eagle just flew out and to the right from behind the tree... I say adult because I saw white head and whtie tail...I hope I am not mistaken, seemed like it to me...
Circling in the sky very top of the tree right to left and back to right and back to left...four times is what I counted
Dragon boating yoga fiend absconds with a waffle cone of gelato. Be On The Lookout! The suspect plays a coy game of innocence and insists (after the fact)she be reminded to "pay" for her sweet treats. RCMP have had her on their radar for many super moons. She is a sweet, beguiling, and utterly adorable woman. Approach with caution -- her abundance of energy and good deeds will win you over.
Pretty pink hue to the sky
I am laughing and how are things in your house and when do you see this will end?
I have missed much today.
Lori, my sincere sympathy to Kate and her family and to you. Prayers for all and for Annie's peace.
Paula, all the best of success with the interview tomorrow. So hoping the position and the company and the people will be a good fit for you.
Jo, enjoy your beach house time. Check in as you have time.
Margy, so glad to see you making visits. Was thinking you might be awol but not our Margy. Healing is beginning.
The house. The house. Oh, about the house. Have three more windows/screens to clean and one room left for the Lolly treatment.
Cannot understand the expected "visitors." We tried again last night to get some idea of what they want to do/see/visit. Can't even plan grossery shopping because we don't know what they want to breakfast -- fruit, berries, toast, eggs? One of the women wants to visit a shopping mall. A shopping mall? Traveling halfway across the U.S. to the Nation's capitol and a shopping mall? Impression is they mostly want to sit around and drink beer. Why do I think this will be some of the longest four days of my life? Um,thanks for letting me vent. Seriously frustrated and not liking the idea of three total strangers in our home.
Had a long and physically taxing day. So going to say goodnight. Sandperson will depart at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.
Judie, fix what you want...if they don't like it, they can buy something else or eat somewhere else! Hope the visit isn't too terrible!
Oh and Judie, had to type at your "one armed typing momster" LOL
I agree with PAULA JUDIE in regards the visitors and food. They should not really expect food and they are getting free rooms for heavens sake...Have the basics like toast and jam and eggs and they can prepare their own...don't you do waiting on them to boot...Send them out each day telling them where you think they should go see in Washington!!! For God's sake they can go to malls in any other city...and who goes to malls on holidays any how???
So glad it is cool here as all I want to eat these days is soup!!! I just made another Quinoa and broccoli and kale soup with ginger and tumerec and onion and thyme and I put a little fennel from the container garden. The kale was from there too...the more I eat the more it grows it seems like. I have not had to buy kale for over a month now!!!
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
good evening to all:
If anyone is interested in seeing some of the pix from Tom's b 17 flight, i put them on my blog.....same ones as on facebook.....but i know not everyone is on facebook...
LORI: hugs and condolences....
HODA: not to worry, last December i did the same thing at the doctor's office. i had taken olivia in for something or other and chatted with the desk folk, got the note for her school and walked out and didn't pay. i called them a bit later horrified! they laughed. we have been with them for a while, so they were good with it.
PAULA; holding you close for a great interview tomorrow!
Yoga was wonderful tonight. I feel so good. Heading to bed shortly!
SED, light and love to all!
I remember that story JANET!!! People are really good about things are they not?
Glad you enjoyed yoga!
Goodnight JUDYE and JANET
Good Night, Precious Pals...
God Bless Us,
Every One,
Every One
((HUGS ))
Goodnight MARGY. Sleep well and I hope your hand continues to improve. It was great you checked in today and I hope you can do so tomorrow too. Being odd till JULY 5th is a good thing and do get some rest.
Goodnight JO too I hope you made a safe journey.
Have been reading again this evening.
Hoda, Hoda, Hoda.....whatever are we going to do with you?? A gelato? Really? roflmbo
Ok, what am I missing? Judie...a Lolly treatment? I am in a fog!!
Stink bug landed on me while in the yard today. Immediately thought of Lynne. I am glad stink bugs do not make anyone think of me!!!!
Did not go to Jacob's game and what we missed was Jacob making several great hits. Dern! He even hit a triple!! So, we are going to the game tomorrow. They have won 2 games and if they win tomorrow the series is over. Making pizza tomorrow to take up there for dinner.
Night all! SED!!!
LOOK like a MT nest
HEY it looks like the camera moved again you can see the top like yesterday I just compared to a pic I took yesterday and there is no sky above the branch in the middle like there was last night I put pic on facebook last night and just compared it again and its different
Good morning from stormy quad cities. Still no power. Dex and I will head to the shelter mid morning if I don't see any power trucks by then.it's too hot for him to spend the day here
Good morning Judy and all my eagle friends!! Looks like an MT nest!
Judie, having a big house at the beach means LOTS of people call to invite themselves. Most of the time it's great, sometimes awkward! I feel your pain!!
Lolly, try to enjoy the game tonight - hope Jacob's team wins!
Margy, sounds like your recuperation is coming along! Good on you , as Hoda says!
After tennis yesterday(which was much more fun), sister, brother-in-law, niece, nephew, and I went to the local blueberry farm. Hot, but the picking was great. We picked for about an hour and filled 4 buckets and almost the 5th. Grand total when they were dumped on the scale was 24.62 pounds! Today the baking begins (my sister, not me). We will have blueberry cobbler, blueberry crisp, blueberry buckle (like a coffee cake), blueberry pie, blueberry muffins, blueberry pancakes, blueberry syrup for our ice cream, and blueberries for our cereal. With 8 of us here now and Brian and Lynnis coming, not one will get frozen and all will be eaten!
Just saw a parent arrive at the nest from the left, followed by the arrival of a juvie from the right - breakfast time!
Speaking of breakfast, need to feed dogs and people. Have agreat day all!
Good morning Glo! Glad you and Dex are safe - hope you get your power back quickly! A shelter doesn't sound like my idea of a good time!
Good morning from stormy quad cities. Still no power. Dex and I will head to the shelter mid morning if I don't see any power trucks by then.it's too hot for him to spend the day here
Forgot to tell my great story from yesterday! While I was eating dinner, I reached up to touch my ear and discovered that one of my diamond studs was MISSING!!!! Keep in mind, this was around 7pm. I had played tennis, picked blueberries, and taken a very long bike ride with Madeline during the day. Didn't think my chances of finding it were too great! But I did!!! It was on the floor of the outside shower! Three other people took outside showers after me and it didn't get washed down between the slats in the decking, never to be seen again!
They ARE insured but this is the first time in the 15 years I've had them that I "lost" one.
Oh Sandi, so glad you found your earring. Mine have the screw on backs....
Those blueberries looked great. We used to pick them at my Aunt Edna's...the aunt I just visited in MA. Her bushes are way overgrown now and not covered...the birds get them.
Eagle fly by!
Waiting on my coffee...John has a face to face interview today. Keeping fingers crossed.
Good morning,
Wow, Sandi. Glad you found the earrng.
Just saw a large bird fly by on the cam. Probably one of the royal family. Beautiful blue sky there this morning.
Adult in the nest from the right.
Juvie in the nest from the right...probably claiming breakfast.
Yep could see mantling....would love to hear the juvie voice along with it.
Good morning.
Tree and sky look lovely this morning. Tree MT.
Thinking of Paula and wishing her a perfect interview. Interviews are always stressful. Break a leg!
Sandi. Congratulations. You had a fun day and a huge helping of very good luck. Thank you for understanding my vent.
Glo, relieved that you and Dex are okay and yes, a shelter may be a good plan given the circumstances. My thoughts are with you both.
Lolly, lol. The Lolly Treatment is cleaning closets, mopping floors, dusting, and generally cleaning to perfection. Just one more room and three windows to go. Congrats to Jacob and hope his team wins today.
Good grief. Now Janet chimes in about her monetary indiscretion. Do we have secret kleptomaniacs among us? Hmmm, yet another chapter in As The Nest Turns.
Okay, need to hear from Miss Margy this morning. Will check in after my coffee and before beginning the Lolly Treatment.
Oh, Hoda, I do hope that peace prevails in Egypt, or at least that your family stays safe.
Enjoying my coffee here, too, Paula.
I have an idea where the nest is, but don't think I could see mantling in there. You have a good eye, Paula.
Kathryn said the osprey nests at the "Rivah House" now have babies. Lots of osprey activity there.
Judie, I am sure your house is cleaned to perfection. I do hope you are pleasantly surprised when your guests visit.
Maybe Margy is sleeping in this morning. She deserves to be able to.
good morning ya'll.
JUDIE: you made me literally lol! :) closet keptos!
a beautiful day here. i am off today. as i picked up every other Tuesday 8 to 11 @ massage envy followed up by the chair thing, this Tuesday off is really nice!
JUDYE: and i got some great news from the attorney yesterday, the final check from the estate is in the mail! :D we did it. it was a long long journey to close our parents' estate, and it wasn't pretty, but we did it. i don't think i could have done this without her love and support.
so with that being said, for 12 years there is something i have really wanted to today, my friends is the day i go out shopping. i want a pool so after olivia goes to ice camp, i've done my due diligence, i know what i want, today i make it happen! three reasons today: 1. i am off work! 2. i want this installed by July 4th! and 3. just to celebrate that this whole nightmare is done. :) :) :)
hope everyone has a lovely day! light, love, hugs and smiles to all! :D
Janet, you go girl!
Go Janet! Go Janet! Go Janet! Enjoy the experience of being free of the nightmare process.
House not so much dirty but was covered in spackle dust and windows had not been cleaned in several years. ♪♫ Now I see clearly since the dirt is gone ♪♫
Hope Mattie is feeling better. Sounds as if Andrew is having lots of birthday fun.
Good Morning, Eagle
Oh Glo, sorry to hear of still no
power...you and Dex go get
sheltered and stay cool....
didn't really sleep in...
the morning shiffle tskes twice as long with one less hand to do it...
lol - Hoda -
Yes "being odd" til July 5 is
a good thing...though I KNOW you
My sister Roanoke Mary is on her way for a day and overnight visit...
have a few 2-handed things she can help me with -
my house also will not get the
Lolly treatment" beforehand but I guess I have an excuse...
but I sure wish it could
Paula, for you and
John both
BEST WISHES on your interviews
Hallelujah Janet and JudyE for finalization on the sale and details...
send directions...I'll try to hitchhike there before the blueberries are all gobbled up
morning shiffle, yeah that's what it feels like....
lots of riveting and enjoyable posts...
Prayers for all my friends here
and families, friends, & pets...
know I missed WV Jerry's
initial post last week about his father...but I
I'm on it now...
Must get along...
Best Wishes for a Very Good Day for all...
Judie...sounds like you might get to be like
JO and put your feet up
for a wee while soon...
how about some art museums
for your guests...maybe just go where YOU like to go and it's up to them to like or not like...but you can enjoy it maybe???
xoxo, all
Beautiful fly in from adult to Y branch
Margy, your one handed momster typing is fantastic. Glad Mary is coming for a visit!
Looks like Belle.
OH, adult on the branch !
my sister is here, I can show her !
thanks Paula I missed the fly in...my sisters had just arrived
Cool that you can show them the nest, Margy. Enjoy the visit!
Adult just departed to the right.
Good morning! Looks like I just missed the adult action. They will be back!
LOL on the Lolly treatment. I have you all fooled. Right now my house needs it. I ignore the house when I have yard work to do!
Have already been outside for a while. Spread some more mulch and hand watered a little. Came in soaked in sweat and eyes burning as it got in my eyes. In for the day, making pizza to take to Denton.
Sandi, so glad you found your earring! I have special backs too, but my hands are always checking my ears. lol I did loose a diamond earring once in Laurel's backyard. Never found it. Also lost my diamond out of my wedding ring. Found it late at night when I was going through the dirt, pet hair and smelly junk in the vacuum cleaner bag. Jack was taking apart the last plumbing under the last sink and I thought, ok I can go through the bag again. My hands were shaking when I found it!!!
Glo, please take care. Glad you have some place to go.
Judie, sounds like Margy has a good idea about what to do with your guests. They might just want you to pick some places to visit.
And maybe they just want to visit and get to know you. You and Darth are worth getting to know.
Hi, Everyone,
Figured I'd better check in here before you think I fell off the edge of the earth!
Margy, I'm thrilled that your surgery went well, and it's good to see you here, typing 1-handed!
(((HUGS))) for you, and healing prayers, too!
Lori, so sorry about Annie. My heartfelt sympathy to Kate and the rest of Annie's family, and to you too, of course. God bless Annie.
I can't remember whether I wished Lolly & Jack a Happy Anniversary.
Belated best wishes!!!
Happy Birthday to Christie, too!! Hope it was a good one.
Well, hopefully we have an appointment today at 4:30 with a new vet for Emma. He's a holistic
vet who does acupuncture, and all sorts of alternative medicine, as well as traditional veterinary medicine. Emma has been mostly better, but had a lousy day on Sunday. We hope this new guy can figure out the root cause of her problems, and not just push a bunch of pills at us. Please say some prayers that it will all work out, and Emma will be healed.
Gotta go get a late breakfast--Emma's had hers already. Will check back in later when I have a chance. I ♥ us!!!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
Things are rolling right along here. Just submitted some more apps, and actually got a call back on one I submitted 2 weeks ago. Have a face to face interview next Monday in Salisbury for a Payroll Manager position. I'm already nervous! Haven't had a job interview in over 20 years!
Paula, I am sure you will do fine with an interview. Just be yourself, you will impress. It is also very good that you had your previous job for so long. And, you know our prayers go with you. So, relax!!! :)
Two pizzas in the oven. Will only partially bake them and then finish the baking at Laurel's.
Back again for a moment. Got a call from the new vet's office, and they were totally booked today. Our appt. is tomorrow at 5 pm. Praying that we like him, and that Emma does, too! By the way, now that all the allergy meds have worn off, I realize that our poor puppy has basically been near-comatose on those durn pills for the last 3 months! She's feeling frisky today! Will try to get back here later. Gotta go throw a tennis ball for someone!
Phone interview went fine, although the gal wanted to know why I wanted the job since it was a step down position....so we shall see. I'd rather have the other job that I have an interview for on Monday.
We are heading out shortly. Dread the traffic in Fort Worth. Maybe we will miss the worst of it!
Think of me melting in the heat at the game. We will be home late. Hope they win again as it would then be the last game.
Later Gaters!
Just saw a picture on fb of two bobcats lounging on someone's patio in Bastrop. Loweeeeeda!! Yikes!!
Large flock of birds flitting about the nest...couple just landed in the tree.
And yes, Hoda, flitting is a word too :)
Juvie on the Y branch, flew in from the right.
Safe drive Lolly. Hope the team wins.
Paula, I have a feeling that you are going to get more than one actual offer. Nervous is fine. Helps to keep us alert.
Andy, hope the new vet is a good choice for Emma and for you and Ken. We just went back to our original vet with Grace and Audrey. Just feels right.
Appreciate the help with "the visitors" but everything we've suggested has met with zero enthusiasm. They honestly do not seem to be interested in anything except they want their picture taken in front of the White House. How's that for a reason to travel half way across the country! Frank met one of the women about 60 years ago. They have some family issues and my suspicion meter is very active.
Margy, have a super wonderful visit with Roanoke Mary. Visit the nest and just enjoy each other. The Lolly Treatment can wait.
Last of the windows, screens washed. Some other chores finished. Going to play like Jo and put my feet up. Hot and humid even with AC.
Juvie gone from the Y branch
Well, I guess a picture in front of the White House it is. That will not be too difficult. Except that it is hot and humid out there. Museums are air-conditioned.
I have lost the vacuum cleaner. Brought it upstairs to vacuum my room, but it disappeared. Going to see if it has made its way to the basement. Has happened before.
I do not see eagles now. Breezy at the Sycamore Palace.
Maybe they are down by the river. It would be cooler.
Bought a turkey breast for tonight. Hope the oven does not heat up the kitchen too much.
Turkey because Kathryn has been having issues with fats since she had her gall bladder removed. Hoping turkey will make a good dinner for her.
Hey all!
We bought a pool! It will be installed Thursday! :) :)
Thanks. It has been lovely since the house sold to NOT have to think about our 'next' move to get it done. Its been just a matter of waiting for the final docs and check. Our attorney had been out of town last week (say on a cruise!) and had no internet. So it was mailed yesterday p.m.
Anyway, went out and got my dream pool! 18 ft 48 " deep salt system. And hopefully maybe by next summer we will be building a deck around a good portion of it!
Just wanted to update you all! SO very excited! Literally, I have beeen wanting a pool for 12 years....wanted one in VA, but we knew we were going to move to TN upon retirement, so it made no sense. We've been here 8 years now....and its finally my time! :)
Hugs! Later gaters!
Congratulations, Janet!
Congrats, Janet. So is it a salt water pool or a fresh water pool?
YEAH SANDI on the find of the earring
I have the lock back on mine they are a PIA getting off but worth it
DID anyone tell Steve the cam has shifted or does he know The nest in now at the bottom of the screen
Cool Beans SIS on the pool and its SALT WATER? from what I read
are you having it dug in to the ground also to make it deeper we did that with our pool at the old house years ago but when we took it down had to fill hole back up that was not fun
Ok now you can see the top of the tree again I wonder what is up with our camera being re positioned by itself the nest is slowly sinking out of view soon This am you couldn't see the top of the green top branch now you can and there is sky above it ODD
Have not read back but yep it is strange the nest is cut off for practical purposes or half of it is gone any way...
I will go read back.
I had a wonderful bike ride and I beat the rain. I did errands and had a picnic and rode the Tramway for a fun spin around the park and generally had a wonderful day.
The Eco Society phoned for me to volunteer on Friday and I said yes as it is so important to encourage the young and support them so they could develop their leadership skills.
So this week volunteering is twice as I also promised to do an evaluation process with the Grans on Thursday.
I have aphids so decided to evict them off of the Fennel as they do not share...they just stick to every thing. SO I bought lavender and castille soap and sprayed them today with an apology...I hope they get the hint and leave my plants alone.
I will go read back...hope all are well and that MARGY checked in...
Check out GOOGLE today
JudyE, the view doesn't appear to have changed to me since they changed it slightly yesterday.
Well we are all invited to JANET'S and TOM'S and OLIVIA for a pool party I read...that is great JANET. THANK YOU I am on my way!!!
I laughed LOLLY yes it was indeed GELATO!!!
Powerful stuff in these here parts!!!
MARGY if I said odd instead of off it has to have been the powerful GELATO...read note to LOLLY!!!Love you. Sorry for my typo...
I keep seeing birds flying right and left and then infront and behind the tree.
OH I SAW AN EAGLE TODAY...CIrcled and came low above me and I felt very happy.
Thank you SHIRLEY it will be what it will be in EGYPT and I appreciate you holding space for the safety of my sister and her children and grand children.
I will go to yoga to stretch those leg muscles that I use to bike...and my spine needs to have a couple of twists so it would adjust...
Paula I posted two pic on FB this am the top of the branch was different that now it shows on the pic or maybe it just my old eyes LOL
PAULA I am glad you felt your phone interview went well today. I hope you get the job that meets more of your experience and expertise and provide the financial bracket to live your life.
Let us know how JOHN'S interview went. Blessings to this young man.
SANDI so very happy you found your earing...Gracious me what amazing thing that it did not get washed down in the drain with three people taking showers after you. I agree with JUDYE get a lock backing to put on it...glad it is insured.
I saw a couple of posts on FB from JO making comments and so I hope she has her feet up by now and that she had a terrific day.
SAFE TRIP LOLLY and JACK. Let us know about the baseball game.
SHIRLEY what is HUNTER going to do this summer? Any camping ventures planed?
Oh I just had a tall tall tall young man knock at my door. He must be in his early twenties...here to collect money for UNICEF...He must have been almost seven feet tall.He comes from Calgary and his family opened their home to others who got flooded out of their home...
I now wonder if in my next life time I will come back as an aphid since I sprayed to drown so many of them this afternoon...oh my!!!
EAGLE on limb u
and poof
SANDI is your son clear of his trouble with the courts for sliding off the road? I hope it worked out in his favour.
I have to go see JO's page to see what MICHAEL is up to in HAITI today. They were going to have a big day ahead of them moving and painting and trying to make a home for the orphans in the new building.
Oh I missed that JUDYE about the eagle...typing and chatting too much and not watching the cam enough...
It looks asif it is going to get stormy at the nest! Anyone else experiencing a storm?
Good Afternoon or is it evening already?
Just got home from all services and everything for Annie, Kate's sister. Everything was beautiful. Kate did the eulogy and Arlington Nat'l Cemetery is beautiful, but it was a very, very hot day. Kate's 93 year old mom was a real trooper and made it through the entire day which began with a breakfast gathering at 9 this morning.
I've just skimmed through, but see congrats are in order for JANET on her new pool!
Didn't see anything on PAULA's interview, which I am sure went very well!
I'm very tired and in desperate need of a shower! Off I go... will read back and check in in the morning. I love all of you, dearly! Have a fantastic evening!
LORI PAULA's phone interview went very well and they are aware that she is more qualified than what the position calls for. She has another interview next Monday.
JOHN had an interview today and we are waiting to hear how that went. Holding space for both of them.
Glad you checked in LORI and may she Rest in Peace and I am glad MOM held well. Sorry about the heat.
I am off to yoga and will be back around 10:30 your time.
Most will be asleep by then so I wish you a good night's sleep.
our cam has tilted again some the top of the tree is hidden again somewhat
I took another snip of it We have a mystery on our hands LOL
off to TV land LM
I hate this just got off the phone with Angie she is in the bathroom as we were talking she lost power and is under the gun of a big bad storm a water spout was spotted not to far from her so Pray all will be ok
her cell phone is lo on power and she was afraid to be on phone I told her I think a land line is ok as long as it cordless anyone know for sure
we are out of the tornado warning and watch only severe storms lots of rain
So busy, havent' caught up for a few days, hope all is well.
Wanted to alert you to the cam....LIGHTNING SHOW! Bad storms are coming, stay safe...
Lori, so glad all went well for Annie. Yes, Arlington is beautiful and those who conduct services are true professionals. Get some rest and hugs for Kate.
JudyE, thinking of Angie. She will be just fine.
Paula, any word from John about the interview? Hope it was a success.
Uh oh, just received an urgent email from the police who are relaying a message from the RCMP. Seems there is a person of interest who is suspected of mass aphidicide. An undercover agent, known to be very, very, very tall, is on the case. Interpol thinks she may be planning an escape to Nashville pool party. Now, on to the case of the disappear vacuum cleaner.
Congratulations to Janet. Enjoy!
Shirley, whatever happened about Kathryn's car? Is anyone investigating the source of the $100? Sorry Kathryn is still having some gallbladder problems.
Tomorrow I plan to escape at least for a couple of hours. Want to visit Penny's to look at towels and lamp shades. Need to get out for a little while.
Tired as usual. Planning to dent the pillows in a few.
Sandperson is busily packing sleepy dust and will depart at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.
OMG, I can't watch....it's looking really bad there.
Shutting down...love to all, stay safe!
oh BTW....
She is still in the dark but the worst is over for her We are under the gun for severe winds hail right now for my area this one is bypassing her she is 15 miles south of me and this one came from the East the other came from the south I love storms Our sky was so pink at 930
BAD BAD LYNNE2 you said a bad word LOL go wash your mouth out LOL
LOLLY posted a cool pic "We hung Joseph in celebration" from a 6ft fence LOL funny stuff
the nest is having the same storm we are having
Thanks for the congrats....PAULA; saltwater system. not digging it out. 48" will be okay. all i want to do is float and have fun anyway. :) and HODA, if you want the pool, in theory, barring any obstacles, it should be ready for a swim by Monday or Tuesday....
and if you do escape to Nashville, I won't tell a soul.... lol..... the RCMP won't get you here!
JUDYE: glad you guys are safe.....I do not like severe weather one bit! Bleech.
Its been a lovely day. We ran to lowes and checked on a few things we need....and got the back yard rearranged, ie moved the trampoline, and the trailer so we can have the sand delivered tomorrow. 4 tons of it! we have a few things to do tomorrow, get the permit, etc.
hope everyone has a safe, sound night sleep without wild weather. SED to all! love and hugs!
On our way home! Jacob's team won! He is very proud! It was a learning experience! Not exactly good just we learned a lot!
Hi, Everyone,
Sorry to hear that you're having some bad storms back there! Prayers for everybody's safety!
Saying some for our eagles, too.
Paula, glad your interview went well, and hope you get the job you will be most happy with. Forgot to mention--glad Nick has his "jingle" back!
Lori, glad the services for Annie went well, and that you all made it through the heat and humidity OK. Arlington is indeed a beautiful place.
Janet, congratulations on the new pool! Sounds really nice!
Shirley, have you found your vacuum cleaner yet? Sure hope so!
Oh--I forgot to tell you that we got a check from our insurance company reimbursing us for the $500
deductible when a guy backed into Ken's car in a parking garage a few months ago. The guy had been lying and saying that Ken backed into HIM, but I guess when the insurance company sat him down to get his statement and ask him questions, the guy couldn't tell the same story twice, and sounded so confused they could tell he wasn't telling the truth! The check came at just the perfect time for us, too! Thank GOD for small favors!!
Well, gonna go veg in front of the TV for a while. Hope everyone stays safe from the storms.
The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone. Sleep well, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
♥♥healing prayers for Margy!♥♥
I ♥ us!
Glad the insurance came through ANDY...
JUDYE I am glad storm passed ANGIE and now I wish you would check in so we would know you are alright.
Yes JUDIE glad you are getting out of the house and will take a shopping break.
I laughed JANET...if the sun does not come out here by Monday or Tuesday you might very well see me in Nashville, Tenneses!!! LOL!!! I might have to bring my own Mountie with me for honour guard and all that...LOL!!!
LOLLY congratulations on JACOB'S Team winning. I am glad he is happy with his efforts and the results...Now I must go to FB to understand JUDYE posted note about hanging JOSEPH up...what are you all doing to those children???LOL
we still have rumbling in the distance This is our normal summer time seabreeze meets east coast winds and big boom booms but all is ok now just storms
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Thank you JUDYE for checking in. Sleep well.
Saw the pictures LOLLY the boys look so very proud and happy. Blessed Be.
So sad to report the cam is down. I guess the stormy weather was too much for it. I hope the eagles are fine
still cam is down too
I think I need a cup of tea...energy is way too high...
Stopping by to say hello and hope all are safe from the storms. We had some wind and rain but nothing serious here.
Looks like Maryland is getting the brunt of storms now. Stay safe all.
Glo, hope you and Dex can be back in your home soon.
Hoda, look out! Judie knows a lot of policemen and their counterparts in Canada. Don't want you to go missing to that place of no return. Sneak to Janet's ASAP. We'll never tell.
Paula, may you and John have great interviews and the companies realize you'll be great assets.
Lori, prayers for Kate's family'sloss. I'm sure they appreciate your support.
Lolly, Jacob looks so cool holding his trophy. He looks very proud and hope his shirt holds his chest in.:-)
Hi Andy &Shirley. I'm running out of steam and battery charge so I'll talk at ya another time. Love you all.
God bless all who visit here. Goodnight
We are home. It was not too bad sitting out there tonight. We started sitting in the shade and there was a nice breeze..not cool but moving! lol We also sat on the far left by 3rd base. Not near the stands and the parents. Then there was controversy and they threw out one of the coaches on the other team. It was the father of Jacob's best friend!! He was coaching at first. Something happened and he asked our player at first if he was okay. He knew the kid as he had coached him on his team during the regular year. They threw him out for talking to the kid. Crazy!!!
Jacob was really proud. He did get a hit and he did get a run in, but he did not have the huge hits he had the night we did not go.
I doubt he will ever play on an ALL Star team again. We do not deal with pressure on kids, not 8 year olds anyway.
Lori, have been thinking of you. Know that it has been a hard time. I have an uncle at the Natl. Cemetery. Have visited his site two times.
Time to close it down. Nite all!
Glad you ar ehome LOLLY.
Shaking my head for being kicked out of the game for asking if the kid was alright!!! Strange mentality I think.
Glad the boys won and that your grandsons seem so happy on FB photos.
Laughing DIANN!!! One never can tell what MISS JUDIE is going to do to stir the pot!!! NO NO NO NO, NOT that kind of pot!!! My I tell you would you all start thinking straight!!! LOL!!!
Hope MARGY is safe and comfortable tonight...missed you MARGY and I hope you sleep well
Prayers ♥
Evening, all.
Laughing at most of the posts this evening,...love you all!
Went with Larry to a fairly local joint, they had a comedy act tonight..laughed till I cried on some of the routine, the guy was great! Had a nice dinner too. Nice change of pace!
Good evening--
--found the vacuum in Kathryn's room.
__Kathryn has been looking at some summer activities for Hunter, but has not signed him up for anything else yet.
__Kathryn's gall bladder problems are caused by the lack of a gall bladder. It was removed about a year ago.
Oh, John's interview went pretty well! He had another phone interview this afternoon.
Heading to bed...working on paperwork tomorrow and maybe lawn mowing.
Getting my do done on Thursday morning, shopping then picking up Bro Steve and heading to the beach.
SED, Love and Hugs for all ♥
Yikes, Lolly, I can't imagine a coach being thrown out of a game for asking if a kid is okay. We have coaches doing that all the time. Same situation as Jacob's--the coaches and kids switch teams every year, so they know each other and are friends.
Hope the cam can be fixed tomorrow.
Must stop and go to sleep now. SED, everyone.
Good morning my eagle friends! I see 1 juvie up on a branch and no action in the nest (which is barely visible).
Lolly, congrats on Jacob's victory in the "all star world series!" Glad you were there to see the game!!
Hoda, Kevin's trial isn't until 7/29. The court appearance on 6/10 - which I thought was his trial - was just his arraignment, whatever that is exactly! He didn't go to that - his attorney was there to represent him.
Judie, glad your house is ready for your guests, even though you don't sound very ready!
Janet, congrats on the pool! Have heard wonderful things about salt water pools! Hope the maintenance learning curve isn't too complex!
Paula, fingers crossed that you land the perfect job and that John's interview went well!
Lynne2, good to see you on the blog - how are things going at the Soper household?
My sister baked blueberry crisp last night (uses LOTS of blueberries) and also baked blueberry muffins for this morning's breakfast.
No tennis again this morning for me, but I DO play tomorrow, Friday, AND Saturday. Think I will take Mom to the outlets today so she can try out her mobility scooter and see if she likes having one all to herself. We're hoping that, after having one at her convenience for 2 weeks, she'll decide to buy one. It would allow her to do more things, even though she would need Lisa or Mitch to go with her to get it into and out of the car (heaviest piece weighs about 30 pounds and she can't lift more than 10lbs. due to her aneurysm.
Make it a great day all - juvie took off a minute ago from the branch.
good mornign!
LOLLY: congrats to Jacob!
my wild and wacky wed is on tap, but my first massage is @ 7:30 a.m. they asked if i could arrive a bit earlier today, so suck down some coffee , get ready adn head out by 6:50.
i like to arrive 10 min early to set up table, etc.
just wanted to check in and wish everyone a lovely day!
light, love, hugs and smiles!
GOOD Morning Eagle buds
MT nest and the cam looks to be almost in the same position the top of the tree is where you can see it the most I wonder if wind could do that to the camera???
Check this video out was just on my Fox news
Snake and squirrel get in to a fight police was called to break it up LOL
Good morning!
Happy to see the cam back.
Hoping that Paula and Larry find their dream jobs.
Don't know anything about salt water pools, but it sounds interesting.
Morning, all.
Someone mentioned about the still cam being down....I haven't gotten it up yet with the new view...
Nest appears to be MT
Good Morning everyone!!!
Looks like we could be in for more severe thunderstorms around here today, so be careful.
JUDIE, so happy for you that your house has come together so quick! Hope you find the perfect finishing touches at Penney's today.
PAULA, congrats on your phone interview going well - hope it's a job you really want and it pays well!
LOLLY, congrats to Jacob on his All Star victory. Glad you and Jack made it pleasurable by sitting in the shade away from the drama!
SANDI, how is your family visit going? All the blueberry goodies you talked about made me hungry! Nothing better than homemade!
HODA, how is your slower pace going? I hope you're enjoying yourself - well when the sunshine returns, anyway. :)
MARGY, how is the hand doing?
ANDY, congrats on your insurance check and its perfect timing!
KAY, are you home yet?
SHIRLEY, glad you found your vacuum! Hard to live in a house with animals without a vac.
JUDYE, hope things have calmed down some for you at work and that you have a great day today!
JANET, bet you're dreaming of your new pool as you work today! Congrats!
No big plans here today, again. Well, recuperating from yesterday.
I had a crown fall off in my mouth on Monday, so I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. They said they would call if they had a cancellation and could get me in today.
Love you ALL!!!
Good morning.
Congratulations to Jacob and his team.
Hi Diann. Nice to see you stopped by. And there's Hoda suggesting I'm stirring pot. Do not listen to her.
Hope Glo and Dex have power and are back home now.
Paula, glad you had a nice evening with Larry and that John's interview was positive. Hoping for the best for him.
Sandi, have a fun day with your mom.
Wow, can't believe it's been a year since Kathryn's surgery. Interesting. I always thought one could eat anything after removing the gallbladder. Hope she's feeling okay.
Okay, need to make myself less scary and then head to JCP.
Doing a Margy.
Lori, Hoda slow down? She gets a call to volunteer this Friday and what does she do? Says oh yes, I would be happy to rev up my engine and I'll be there. That's our Hoda.
Speaking of Margy, I hope she had a terrific visit with Roanoke Mary and stops by to tell us all about it.
Howdy Hey, Eagle Pals....
We're about to S P L I T
in a few posts...
I do not see any Eagle action right now on this hot breezy day, but the picture is a wee bit
Enjoyed my visit with my sister Roanoke Mary...and now she is Southbound to her own roost...
I am going to take a shot at backtracking and seeing how YOU FOLKS ARE...
Good morning! Nothing on the agenda today. Think I am going to stay in and get some things done in the house. It has been neglected!
Thanks for all the congrats to Jacob. This has been good for him.
Hadve the cam up but did not realize what I was seeing. There were two juvies in the attic...I thought it leaves. lol One flew and now only one in the attic.
We are about to split! Might as well take the ride...............
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