Thursday, April 18, 2013


Fresh thread.


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Lynne2 said...


Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the fresh thread.

I'll go call the others over here.

YAY a feather!!!!

Lori O. said...

Sorry Lynne2, it's your feather. Happened again. Enjoy! Hope you're having a great day.

Lynne2 said...

It's my very first one!!

magpie said...

Well Happy BirthFeatherDay to you, Lynne2

Thakn you Steve!

Hi Lori !

Lynne2 said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve!

Busy here today...

magpie said...

busy here and getting ready to sign off

beauteous sunshine on the nest and 3/4 of the
Royal Family ☺☺☺

Take care, Eagle Pals...

Lynne2: understand your post about Ft St Vrain...
no adult in the nest right now
but I do see one parent perched in tree off to the left background

kestrel won't give me a view when I could take the time to peek in


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve!
Congrats Lynne - Don't give up Lori!

Really bright outside after such a dreary drizzly morning.

I did take a nap - just didn't sleep well last night - I must remember that an evening cup of coffee does not induce sleep.

Mema Jo said...

I was on FB - Dana will bring her news over here I am sure but no ducklings this year. Sad for Dana and for the kids.

Mema Jo said...

Shep is in the nest pulling and yanking the rails over at the 3:00 position!

Crazy guy!

Mema Jo said...

FBI just released videos of the suspected bombers.

Mema Jo said...

I think the one eaglet is feeding itself........

magpie said...

hear a bluebird at the nest, close ♪ ♫
missed the eaglet feeding itself,

magpie said...

That's a "handsome" little white feather on Shep's back

magpie said...

for now, BWE is all blue
Osprey nest is okay,
with TWO in it

Good Evening Eagle Pals xo

magpie said...

looks like a little more re-inforcement to the
7-8 o'clock spot on the nest

Shirley, the parents
have finally paid attention
to your comments on that !

magpie said...

hearing the R-S hawks now once in
awhile there also, at NCTC
in the distance, though

stronghunter said...


Glad to know that, Margy.

stronghunter said...

I see that loose feather!

magpie said...

Good to see you, Shirley...
hope all things are well with you
and the family

magpie said...

Mom Kestrel is "heaving" and maybe she is working on Egg #5

magpie said...

deer running around on the Snowman Cam

magpie said...

I'm sorry to learn of no ducklings for Dana and her
students, thanks for the notice, Jo

magpie said...

My Goodness, Mother Belle brought in a nice fish!
Guess she does not have to
mantle her own!
She moved it closer to the chicks,
guess they will chow down soon !

magpie said...

And Shep disappeared rather quickly !

magpie said...

But Belle is having some first!

JudyEddy said...

At Angies and see a new thread while Jordyn is taking a shower I thought I would read some

magpie said...

I guess that is Hedgie getting some bites, cannot really see the other chicklet too well to compare

magpie said...

Oh Stringy!
That's the good stuff !

JudyEddy said...

At Angies and see a new thread while Jordyn is taking a shower I thought I would read some

magpie said...

Hey There JudyE
Happy Week-end to you....
half over almost now

paula eagleholic said...

I see 2 plotzed eaglets and one adult must be full....oh Shamrock took a bite..laying down with leg out, LOL

magpie said...

Belle is having a Feast!
Scarfing it down, she is

Hi Paula !

magpie said...

Lisa posted about the cam problem at BWE...
two O's still on the platform

paula eagleholic said...

Shep in with a big it's between the 2 chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Now he's having some of Belle's fish! Don'[t know if she is still in the nest or not....stick still laying between the chicks.

paula eagleholic said...

Chick at Ft st Vrain all alone :(

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in...she moved the stick, LOL.

magpie said...

that's nice Shep is eating....he had a good stretch of babysitting
Belle seems to be OK with it ☺♥

saw the adult eagle at Ft St Vrain
a little while ago, Paula.......just standing
in the nest :(

magpie said...

Oh I think Shep is sharing ☺

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Wow, Margy is so correct. Deets are really busy at Snowman Cam. One was just real up close and personal with the camera.

Babes are fed and looks like Mom is having a snack.

I'm also sorry that Dana's students won't have any ducklings. I'm sure the kids are disappointed.

Mom Kestrel seemed to be resting so if egg #5 arrived it was some minutes ago. She seems calm now.

Judie said...

Life is so interesting. Ready to say farewell to one gig and another possibility comes along. Just someone putting out a possibility. Life is so interesting.

Headed for some mindless tv time. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Belle back.

paula eagleholic said...

Heard the Ft St Vrain chick was fed this morning....parent on nest now

paula eagleholic said...

Nite Lite on.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks trying to snuggle under Belle...

Sandi said...

Evening all! You won't believe my school story today. Another one of my students and a friend (a 7th grader) mixed parsley, oregano, and something else together at home, put it in baggies, and tried to sell it to other kids at the bus stop as pot. A kid told a 7th grade teacher and both boys have now been arrested and charged with felonies!! All I can do is shake my head - will the insanity ever end???

So sorry to hear that Dana's ducklings didn't hatch - how disappointing for the kids.

Long day at school and then stayed for the track meet - didn't get home til after 6. Gonna hit the bed early Goodnight all - see you in the AM!

magpie said...

Good Night Sandi...
that is a crazy and senseless
pot plot....
Thank Goodness tomorrow is

Judie....well, nothing like
a cliffhanger...
hope the new possibility is
very pleasing to you...

bbl myself, getting lunch and snacks ready for Friday,
and din-din for tonight...

Thanks Paula for the feeding info
regarding Ft St Vrain this morning...I hope that one chick
makes it !

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Shamrock gets the Belle tent tonight

paula eagleholic said...

See parent with food at St Vrain, not sure if chick got some...was watching something else. Then saw the parent offer food, chick had a bite or two.

paula eagleholic said...

St Vrain chick was just chirping away..and did a PS...good sign that it has eaten.

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from Angies and looks like I didn't click the email box the whole purpose of me making a comment was to get the email silly me

magpie said...

finally....see four eggs but not
five at Kestrel cam...

Yah, good sign, Paula

JudyEddy said...

The wind is just a HOWLING big time at the nest that is

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is up

JudyEddy said...

Here is a good video of the StV chick being feed
Fort St.Vrain, little Survivor sqeeeeing when being fed,love it,4/18/13

JudyEddy said...

Hey I got a email from Blogger I guess to combine google and blogger
Don't think I am gonna do it Just want to see if anyone else got this email in their junk mail today or in the past
Bringing Google+ Comments to Blogger

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Happy Blogging,
The Blogger Team

Lynne2 said...

I don't like suspense Judie. Out with it already!

Evening all.

Glad to see the FSV chick is feeding.

Mema Jo said...

Just finished a mystery TV show
Love those English stories

Judie, I hear you - don't pass up any good offers. Lots of challenges out there still to be met.

Finally Belle has her head tucked - I hope for the rest of the night. She has two little wiggle worms by her.

Lynne2 said...

Thinking of and praying hard for everyone affected by the terrible explosion in West, Tx. Up to 35 dead, many first responders, and the numbers are expected to rise, much of the town is decimated, several people are still missing. Very sad.

The major news stations don't seem too interested in doing much reporting on this story...

JudyEddy said...

Hey facebookers there is a new function on the comment you can use the smiley icon click on it and there are different things you can post like feeling, reading, eating etc I just noticed it tonights has I was posting picture

glo said...

Calling it a day. Still water in basement. Sump is running and dehumidifier. Dex and I atleast could get in and out easier today. I am going to bed. Its just been a sad week in so very many places. Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Judy I found that yesterday - there are 3 other things you can use also - I have not done anything with any of them yet. Happy face looks ok but not really interested in those others.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to close down for the day
Prayers for everyone and your needs

Good night ♥

Lynne2 said...

finally some coverage on CNN. It looks like a war zone, or like a huge tornado went through. They are reporting that the fire captain is one of the casualties.

Lynne2 said...

Glo, hope there has been no damage to property in the basement. Glad the rain looks to be moving out.

WE on the other hand may be in for some severe weather tomorrow....

WEATHERLYNNE will be on the watch...this is my nickname at work. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Looks like Janet, maybe Kay, under the gun tonight...

Judie said...

PLEASE: Not for publication or
comment outside this blog -- no other social media or emails, please. Not a cliff hanger. Just a possible meeting with someone interested in exploring my credentials to teach for a forensic psychology graduate program. Odds are against this happening. Irony is that it is a forensic psychology program at GDub. Just interesting how doors close and doors open.

DC eagles are making the news here. Cannot help but remember the time when Lynn and I and others worked so hard to keep the nest tree and surrounding habitat from destruction. So, Miss Lynn Hedgie, the eagles survive as does your spirit.

Lynne2 said...

Going to bed. Good night and prayers for all.

Judie said...

And now it is time to send the sandperson to visit all of you. The night light is on should anyone need to arise in the darkness.

Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Good evening everyone!
Some already a good night.

PRAYERS to TEXAS on going and yes LOLLY I hope they too got some rain.

JO I saw the video that the FBI released. I have not head a full breath since the bombing Monday. One of the two suspects looks Middle Eastern and I did not get a good enough look of the other. Now I say please God do not make him be from Egypt!!! Crazy eh?

JUDIE am excited about the opportunities that present themselves when we end one thing another opens. Blessings and keep us posted.

LORI PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING for your exam and good results. SHAR spoke wisely, study do your best and it is all in God's hands...

One eaglette is self feeding JO reports...time passes too too fast!
The tree did not come down today either...

Meetings go well, life is even and balanced...I have a touch of the flu...working on healing. We launch the boat Saturday. LIFE it is ALL LIFE is what I have to remember so I do not get my self in a too anxious of a state. The FBI is doing a terrific job I just wished we would find out sooner than later as to who these chaps are!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Judie I had forgotten about that with that eagles nest

Lolly said...

Very interesting, Judie. It will also be fascinating to see how this developes. Keep us posted. You are about to retire so they shoukd really make it attractive!!

Watched AI and have sort of vegged tonight.

Lolly said...

Mid 80's yesterday and down into the 30's tonight. Will winter ever give up?

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I didn't think either one looked middle eastern.

Judie, keep us posted. Would be neat if it pans out.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!

Have been watching a lot of the news coverage on TV. So very sad about the explosion and fire in West, TX. Seems as if there is so much death and destruction out there lately. Prayers are nonstop for those situations.

Have some work to get done for the doctor tonight, so will just say a quick good night. Wishing all of you a restful night's sleep, with SED. Have said prayers for everyone. God bless! I love all of you!
♥♥Thinking of Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

I see one eaglet who is very restless this evening. And scratching. Itchy.

The sandperson has arrived, and I am very sleepy. Will see you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

Judie--a graduate program. That sounds very nice indeed.

DC eagles--I remember that well. I am glad they have survived. I had wondered about them, but was not sure quite what happened.

stronghunter said...

Almost two feet of snow in Fort Collins. My brother was happy to see some snow. He said they need the moisture, but now he is saying it's enough.

He had to use the snowblower to help his wife get into the driveway.

Hoda said...

I ♥ ♥ ♥ US

Just sayin'

Lolly said...

Hoda, I do not like that you are not well. Please take care of yourself!!

Heading to bed. I was up too late last night.

Night all! SED!!!

You know what I think....I think we need a night when everyone is on to really get silly. We all need a good belly laugh...and feel the love. Do not like we are all feeling down with all that is going on.

Hoda said...

The white capped one PAULA!
I hopoe you are right.
I continue to pray.I pray more for the ones who have been maimed that they find a path to healing. I pray also for the families of those who died the two Americans and the Chinese woman. Such potential lost to us all.

God Bless.

Hoda said...

Thank you LOLLY...

A goofy silly night is good.What about Saturday night?

I will bring a vegetable plate and dry red wine...

Lolly said...

Forget the veggies....bring two bottles of wine. I think I need the fruit! LOL

Night, Hoda! Love you!

Hoda said...

I like your fruit intake!!! OK 2 bottles of wine sounds good.
Maison De Rothschild to start the evening.

NO NO NO!!! Not enough time to bake the famous NELSON BRAND BROWNIES!!!

We are good company on our own and we do not need such enticement to have a terrific time.

PAULA are you going to Paradise this weekend? When is LARRY coming home from Florida?

If a weekday would work better so PAULA could be with us let me know...

How PROUD PROUD PROUD I am of JUDIE!!! I also agree with LOLLY you were about to retire so make sure the REALLY sweeten the offer!

Hoda said...

Officer down in MIT
God Bless BOSTON!

Hoda said...

I can not stand it so many reports it is crazy making.

God Bless The USA.


God Bless

Hoda said...

God Almighty and God Bless Boston God Bless the USA
One Boston Marathon suspect dead after being taken into custody. Shit in a firefight. Another suspect is still on the loose!
Incredible work by the authorities. Way to go!
Officer down died of his wounds!

Hoda said...

Beg your pardon! Shot not sh*t!!!

Hoda said...

The first suspect is dead. The chap with the dark hat. The white hat chap is still on the loose. The hunt is on.

Hoda said...

I can not sleep!
A Transit person has also been shot. Critical.
Twitter and Boston Police scanner are extensively covering this. Far more effective then the media I must say!

Hoda said...

I wished someone was up here!
Early Morning group?

Hoda said...

It is a fluid situation Mass Police says for people to stay in doors and lock homes. To only open for an iD police officer. Suspect is in a grey hoodie

Hoda said...

Buses arriving to evacuate people. To only leave with a police escort.

Hoda said...

I have to sleep! It is past two thirty in the morning.
God Bless us all

Sandi said...

Good morning Hoda and all my eagle friends! IT'S FRIDAY!!!!

Hoda, thanks for the news update on the bombers, now GO TO SLEEP!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Sandi: I SEE You and am ever so
HAPPY it is YOUR Friday...hope
you have nice plans for your
evening and Week-end...

xo ♥

magpie said...

RED FRIDAY it is...
God Bless Our Military,
Every Day ♥

magpie said...

so much happening

So sad about the loss of life
and destruction in West, Texas...
special thoughts regarding the First Responders, Fire Fighters lost, and everyone, really
with that situation

magpie said...

can't see much on the Royal Nest, yet, but some big orange feeties!

Momster Mum's the word on
Judie's possible forensic future....
sounds like a great prospect
for our Professor

Hoda, sorry you might be
under the weather, hope Wellness Swells immediately...
and Best Wishes on the Dragon Boat Launch on Saturday !

magpie said...

Incredible investigative
work on the Boston Bombers....
see the updates here, will punch
in the news here very soon....

so sorry for loss of Policeman's life....

magpie said...

and time to shuffle here...

Best Wishes for a Good Day....
in whatever is going on amongst us,
All the Time

((Friday Hugs )) ♥

ttfn xo

magpie said...

Wow Pink on the Nest

Morning is Breaking

Janet said...

good morning. chilly here...45...after days in the 70's and 80's it feels kinda chilly!

i slept thru the night, heard the thunder, but apparently nothing bad. my phone never rang to let me know there was a warning. ( i have a service from the local tv station called weather call).

i see one of of the bombers is dead....and something else big is going on....

tomorrow is the day. mom and dad's estate will be auctioned. leaving for kentucky tonight. just ask that you hold me close in your thoughts.....i don't dread the auction so much. it will be hard in a way, for sure, but a relief in another way. more of a relief, truly.

hope everyone has a good day. i am thinking of each of you, keeping you close in my heart and thoughts. light, love, smiles and warm hugs to all.....

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, ALL!

I didn't sleep at all last night - felt hot inside, and numbers and definitions running through my head.

HODA, I hope you're feeling well today and not getting sick.

Sorry about DANA's ducklings. Very sad for the kids.


Make it a good day! Best wishes for smiles and joy in your heart!

Lori O. said...

JANET, I will be thinking of you for safe travels tonight and during the auction tomorrow. Love and Big HUGS.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

My goodness, saw Sharon's post on FB, and started checking the news. So much going on in the Boston area.

Lori O. said...

JUDIE, congrats on the possible job! Very exciting for you.

paula eagleholic said...

Many developments overnight. Heard about MIT before I went to bed, but had no idea it was connected to the bombers. They are from Chechnya (sp?)

paula eagleholic said...

Breezy today, with rain likely. Kids in the nest, scratching. Adult at the top.

paula eagleholic said...

View on the nest is really clear this morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, don't think I told ya'll that we are completely out of our old store. The owner has another business, a carpet store, and I am working out of there. Have been making lots of progress this week. Anyhow, I saw a black squirrel behind the store, up in the woods. Really cute!

paula eagleholic said...

And no Paradise this weekend, Gianni turned 3 on the 17th, so her birthday party is this weekend. Larry comes back on Saturday.

Lynne2 said...




You want silly? I'LL get silly RIGHT NOW!

Lynne2 said...

In all seriousness....

prayers for a quick end to the events in MA. with no more death.

stronghunter said...

Something major is happening in Boston now. On CNN.

stronghunter said...

Police moving CNN back.

stronghunter said...

Oh, good morning, Thelma.

stronghunter said...

Okay, CNN is in Watertown. Know that is very near Boston.

Lynne2 said...

not able to watch live on my computer at work...please keep us posted!

stronghunter said...

Interviewing the uncle of the two bombers now. Sad.

grannyblt said...

GM all.

Ihave an internet friend who lives in Waltham MA, but she posted on FB this am, so I am relieved that she is safe. Hope they get the other bomber soon, and alive, so we can find out the motive, etc.

What a week this has been.

Lynne2 said...

glad your friend is OK Lynne

glo said...

Back from neighbors. Prayers for all today. I just am out of words but wish you all well today.

Judie said...

Oooooh - Hoda did say a bad word. roflmbo.

Beautiful view of the nest and did see both Shep and Belle together with the babes for a couple of minutes. Belle is feeding.

Great up close on the RTH this morning. Believe it is the female, Big Red.

Isla is sitting quietly. Looks to be an unusually sunshiny morning without gale force winds.

movin said...


GooD MorninG,
EveryOnE !!


Too much news back East
this week, but it looks to
be coming to a resolution.

Have you noted that both "Finney" nests are on the web this season?? The southern one has a man-made starter nest wired together on it this year.

I found out though that their video was interfering with the news videos I wanted to watch this morning. So you might want to limit time watched for now.

Have a great weekend. God bless you all,

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

and the Eagle at St Vrain is feeding the little one

Good Morning from work Eagle Pals.....

xo ♥ (( Hugs ))

Judie said...

So sorry for the residents of Watertown having to endure yet more fear.

One down and one to go. I do admire the law enforcement agencies' skills and use of technology.

Judie said...

Happy to know Lynn's friend is okay as is mine. Good news!

Janet, safe travel and hope everything goes smoothly and without drama.

Hoda, do NOT be sick. Sip some of your "fruit juice" and eat a Nelson brownie. Even if you are sick, you won't care (:

Happy belated birthday to Gianni. Hope she rocks her party on Saturday.

Need a little more coffee. Time for forage for food again.


Lynne2 said...

Judie, there is a picture circulating now of the white cap behind the child that was killed. What are the chances this is REAL?

Lynne2 said...


Looks like the bag is actually in front of the leg attached to the shoe beneath it which couldn't actually be being held by the guy in the cap. Thinking maybe he and the bag have been photoshopped in. On the other hand, with the bazillions of pictures they must have, I guess it's possible...

glo said...

Dang it my cousin teaches at Bridgewater State University. My heart pounds. My hands shake. Our little premie remains in ICU at Brigham Womans. Our floods here are nothing compared to what is happening in MA.

Mema Jo said...

Morning - Don't know where to begin commenting with so much going on... I'll stick to local...

Paula - I love love love black squirrels - Used to have one in the neighborhood but have not seen him so far this season.

Janet - safe journey - it is a wise move to go and keep an eye on the auction.

Judie - sounds so interesting and challenging. I wish you well with your decision. MUMs the word!

Ft Bragg bunch expected to come up next weekend - haven't seen them since Christmas BUT the enticement is to be visiting the Redskins Draft Party. They are so loyal and Patrick does need some more signatures!
Whatever the reason - suits me fine that they are coming.

Paula - happy to hear you are working!
Will Larry ship any fish home? Gianni having a 3rd year party.

magpie said...

(( Hugs )) to All....I just
don't much have words of comfort...
just standing by...and hoping things will ease up and get better and be peaceful
and painless.....

Janet, will be thinking of you and Tom and Livvy and all your family this week-end.....
prayers for beautiful weather
and easy traveling

magpie said...

I do think a fish magically arrived on Eagle Talons and
3/4 of the Royal Family was
enjoying it

magpie said...

that was awhile ago about the fish

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I hope your flu symptoms disappear.

Dana - good luck if you decide to try to get more ducklings

Lori - I'm still praying for your brain to be super charged with all this new information. Tell me the actual date of the test - it was 10 days from a few days ago.... I want to be praying in full force!

Glo - hope the basement gets dry and doesn't create Mold. You and Dex have a good day - ♥

Margy - thinking of you at work and sure hope you have some pain relief ♥

Wanda - thinking warm thoughts for you and your entire family that was touched by Baby Brantley's leaving.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD late morning one and all 86° out now yesterday as so nice and breezy lets hope the same for today was in the lo 90's yesterday Looks like the same for today gust up to 25mph

SIS sure wish I could go with you tomorrow but we have to put in for days off three weeks in advance and we didnt' get the notice in time for me to put in for the time off But I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope no Drama I wonder if Connie will be there??

JudyEddy said...

Poor BELLE is almost being blown out of the nest

Judie said...

About to go aforaging.

Looked at the picture and it may well be legitimate and leaked by someone needing to feel important. But, have to wonder if it has not been used by CNN, etc. because it is questionable.


Lynne2 said...

thanks Judie!

Lolly said...

Good Morning! Wow....lots going on during the night! Interviewing the uncle. I feel sorry for him. God protect his family!

Thanks, Lynne! Had a good belly laugh! "Hoda said a bad word!"

JudyEddy said...

wow that was cool hoover over the nest on landing

Lolly said...

Fresh fish delivery to the nest.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is draging it over to 6

JudyEddy said...

poof Shep

JudyEddy said...

he is a in and out kind of guy

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is tearing that fish up

JudyEddy said...

Feeding them as the lay down Lazy kids LOL

JudyEddy said...

ok getting up to get feed now

Lolly said...

Hoda, we will allow you time to bake the brownies before our party!!

JudyEddy said...

Shamrock is getting feed first and now come Hedgie over

magpie said...

Lynne I tried to open
up the picture
and I couldn't here at work....
somewhat limited to what I can do here on the computers

Hello Friends

back to the dough making

JudyEddy said...

so easy to tell them apart now with Hedgie being so much darker

JudyEddy said...

Hedgie is tugging on the fish and self feeding I am recording it too

JudyEddy said...

parent return with flugg

JudyEddy said...

hedgie is not longer feeding

magpie said...

Jo (and others)
Ref: My hands and such.
I think I feel almost
well, some parts of me,
on some parts of
some days ☺

Lynne2 said...

watching CNN online now but sound very low...can't increase volume for some reason. Watching the uncle. wish I could hear more. Poor guy.

magpie said...

Yes, very sad.....Lynne, I wish I could hear and watch more also.

but I DO see Parent eagle feeding
baby eagle at Ft St Vrain

magpie said...

LOL at at the Royal Nest
one of the eaglets
has its leg covering up
a nice fish.....
staking its claim

magpie said...

MIne, it's Mine!

Lolly said...

LOL I was thinking the same thing. Shame on you selfish Peaglet!!!

Happy that your wrists sometimes on some days feel normal. Remember a few years ago when I fell and badly sprained both wrists. I wore wrap type supports on both wrists for some time. Are you doing that?

Lolly said...

I am so amazed at the size of their wings when the peaglets stretch them out. Big feetsies, big wingsies!!

Lolly said...

Have Caramel custard cups in the oven for dessert tonight. Made a veggie salad last night, Jack is vacuuming, next make Chimichurri sauce for the rolled flank steak. Getting ready for company tonight.

Lolly said...

We have the TV going, listening to CNN.

Lolly said...

Breaking news.....Jack says that if you catch the end of a toilet paper roll in the vacuum, you get an interesting result. roflmbo

magpie said...

that is a roll on the floor
laughing kind of thing!
Too Funny -

magpie said...

frisky little eaglet at Ft St Vrain

glo said...

You all think I am crazy for mentioning Bridgewater State but the channel I am watching on the internet NECN said they had gone into lockdown a couple of hours ago. I have heard no more about it BUT I have heard from my cousin and she is home. Baby Mia is at Brigham and Womans without Mom who left to go back home to NH last night to meet with a pediatrician for when Mia can go home. Now of course she can not go back to the hospital today. She did like the Dr she met for Mia. She is upset to not be able to return to her daughter today given the conditions in Boston today. Where is my magic wand.

magpie said...

We have a Bridgewater college in virginia, that is originally what I was thinking you were referring to

magpie said...

I hope everything works out very well, glo...for everyone...

I am wondering...there must be people who were planning things like birthday parties, weddings,
etc for these things
in the Boston area.....
like for people flying in and out
for these things

JudyEddy said...

POOF Belle

glo said...

I know Magpie There really isn't much to say. I can pray as can we all. Its that helpless thing that hounds many of us when there is tragedy.

JudyEddy said...

I am uploading the video of Hedgie tugging on the fish and did a little self feeding, then Belle's landing and a poopshoot hope to have it up shortly other wise when I get home this evening I pick Jordyn up at school at 3 now instead of 4 we get to go to Largo Park now being more time

Lynne2 said...


magpie said...

Just saw that notice come through here, right now EasternPanhandle WV seems to NOT be included

Ft St Vrain cam stopped and I cannot open it up again...
but adult was in it when that occurred

stronghunter said...

Tornado watch here.

magpie said...

St Vrain is on again

magpie said...

So Grant, Hampshire, Hardy Mineral and Pendleton Counties in WV have that watch...those are 5 of 8 Eastern Panhandle counties

leaving Morgn, Berkeley and Jefferson NOT on the far

magpie said...

now Morgan and Jefferson, and Berkeley have the tornado watch

time for me to make like
a baby
and head out

ttfn xoxox Take Care...
(( Hugs )) ♥

Janet said...

quick good afternoon. i thought i'd check in. we'll be hitting the road in a couple of hours or so. i don't want to leave til rush hour traffic dies down....tom may have other ideas.

JUDYE: i wish you could be here as well, but we talked about this when it came up.....and i completely understand about the time off. i am there for BOTH of us. if anyone is there i WANT them to see me. i do not want to confront anyone, i just want to be there to see mom and dad's final wishes granted...and the estate closed. closure for both you and me.

besides, it will be too cold for you florida lady, it will be about 35 degrees in the a.m. there. lol. (teasing!)

all right all, i need to pick olivia up, feed the dogs and get a few things thrown in an overnight bag.

will catch up with you tomorrow when i get home.

light, love hugs, smiles, SED and all that stuff to my dear, sweet EAGLE family..... i love each of you.....(and HODA< get better PDQ).... :)

Lynne2 said...

Storms moving into Hagerstown area now...

Lynne2 said...

Best wishes for tomorrow Janet!

Lynne2 said...

make like a baby and head out? ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

I need to gear up to get home soon....I'm going to make like a horse turd and hit the trail....

magpie said...

Weather moving in in this area now,
could be some rough times at
The Royal Nest....

Prayers for Safety for ALL....
this storm has a wide path

Janet Prayers for
a Safe a Peaceful Journey,
thinking of you and your family
and your Sis Judy xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

A horse turd??? Lynne, where do you come up with these things? :)

House is clean, dinner is ready except for last minute prep. TV going all day...getting very tired of it all. Reporters are so dumb? You hear a person being interviewed say something and then minutes later they ask the same question or twist something around.

Company will be here in about an hour, then I will be gone for several hours. We are going to Denton tomorrow for excited kid's games.

Lolly said...

Okay, now I read Margy's departing words. lol You two!!!!

magpie said...

Yah, Lolly, Lynne's was a ROFLMBO
enjoy your family time,
hope no bad weather your way....

we will hit the SPLIT
soon...if enough of us are safe
enough leaving our computers up

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all! The weekend is finally here!

God love that Belle - she is covering her babies as the rain starts.

Janet, safe trip and good luck with the auction tomorrow.

Lolly, enjoy your company!

Hoda, hope you feel better.

Lori - I think you need ALCOHOL to take your mind off of the big test!

It was an ugly end to an ugly week for me! I think I need alcohol!!

magpie said...

Was happy to see the Away Rv video return after a few rounds
of the Beer commercial on
the Outdoor Channel

magpie said...

sorry about the miserable week
hope you can Let It Go for 64 hours at least !

magpie said...

downpour is about to get to the nest

because we have it BIG here in

magpie said...

I think I see 5 eggs at Kestrel
Cam, both parents WERE just there and now just one

magpie said...

Shep, Wet Shep, Arrives with a Nice Fish....
and just flew out

Belle shakes off,
one of the peaglets let out with
a big wet poop shoot !

Now about that fish...
is anyone hungry ??

magpie said...

rain slowing down for now....

I have to SPLIT
and we are going to have the same HERE in 3 posts or fewer

ttfn ♥

JudyEddy said...

Home from dinner with family at Biff Burger

JudyEddy said...

Here is a video of Hedgie self feeding a fly in and a poop shoot and a wingstretch

Hedgie feeds herself a nice poop shoot and a fly in and a beautiful wing stretch

JudyEddy said...

I love the way Hedgie pulls on the fish she is giving it her best to get something off it but with no success from what I can see

JudyEddy said...

OK I guess I should go see what is on the boob tube With the DVR I never remember what is on what nite

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 469   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED