Tuesday, March 26, 2013


New thread.

The guys are heading out this PM to try a temporary fix to get the cam back on.

Update:  They were out there working on it.  NO good... :( 

The guys will keep working


grannyblt said...

Well, I'll claim the feather they find. Thanks Steve, hope the fix works.

magpie said...

Well, That would be Tee-Riffic, Steve !

Thanks for that, and the New Thread

and thanks grannyblt, in the blink of a keystroke that one went up !

Lolly said...

Ahhhhhh........ thinking of us and trying to get us back up. Totally awesome!!!!

Thanks, Steve!!!

Lolly said...

Have finished our walking and watched Sooner cam the whole time and never got a peek at the quads!

Whoops she is up....I see them. Do you think she heard me?

Lolly said...

Really can not count heads, but watching a feeding.

Lolly said...

I may attempt some yard work today. Just went out, it is 54 and no wind. Feels good!

Lolly said...

I really like the Sooner cam which is over water. Do you think an eagle sitting in the nest ever sees breakfast swimming under him and goes for it? lol Breakfast in bed!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD NEWS, STEVE...hope for all concerned that it works.

If you are on facebook and haven't voted for KARLA'S photo, please do so now. I have it set up on top...it will work it's way to the bottom shortly with all the other posts pushing it doooowwwwnnn:) Thanks!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo hoo, good luck guys...keeping my fingers crossed.

Lolly said...

Margy, since you do not have fb, I have put this in my blog for you to see.

Two Chefs!

Lolly said...

Voted, Wanda!

magpie said...

Lolly, in "a Word:"
Thoroughly Precious!
Thank You...You KNOW what I Like !
xoxox (( Hugs )) ♥

magpie said...

Big Wishes for Karla to Rise to the Tippy Top with those Votes...

magpie said...

out of the home chores to attend to...
xoxo ♥ ☺

glo said...

So hoping to see Hedgie and Shamrock. Thanks for all those trying to help us out here.

Lynne2 said...

can you vote more than once wanda? I already voted a few days ago...

Here's to hoping for a temp fix so we can get a wee glimpse of the wee ones!!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread and mostly for the news!

The Zach story was great! Wish you could see him more often.

I had a blast with all the ggkids and everything went well. I had to take a nap when I got home! I'll post pictures later.

Off for dinner!


Sandi said...

Good afternoon/evening all!

Thanks Steve for the new thread and for the update on the cam. We really appreciate everything you are trying to do to allow us to see our new chicks!!

Four boys from our team (3 of my special ed. kids and 1 regular ed.) were written up for bullying one of the special ed. kids in the self-contained classroom! They were making fun of how he was dressed and called him a retard. Dear God in heaven, these kids are so mean!!! Only 2 more days until spring break and only 49 more days in the whole school year!

Need to feed dogs and people and then head to the grocery store - later!!

Sandi said...

Wanda, meant to tell you that somehow, Karla's sand dollar photo was downloaded to my Kindle Fire. I was able to set it as the default background for the Solitaire game on my Kindle. It's a lovely photo! I did vote for it as well - can I vote more than once?

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and find a new thread

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

Drove by the cell phone tower got a quick glimps and video of the fly out of the cell tower nest and decided its toooo cold so came home

stronghunter said...

Testing, testing . . .

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Thought maybe my network was down. Have only a moment until I must do something about dinner.

JudyEddy said...

Hey did you all notice the comments are back in the 2t on the live feed page Odd they they came back huh

stronghunter said...

Voted, Wanda. Very nice photograph.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for all of your efforts, Steve. Hoping to get the cam back soon.

JudyEddy said...

OUR wind chill now is 40's Brr the wind is just a whipping out there its 56° now The temps are suppose to be 39° tonight brr and with the wind will be colder brrr

JudyEddy said...

did you notice on the live cam page says could take several days

JudyEddy said...

MARGY check your mail there was a picture on FB I thought you might be interested in it

JudyEddy said...

This was on facebook from JUDYB

I am posting an update/commentary from the Hancock Forum, written by JudyB, who is the moderator of the Turtle Bay section of Hancock Wildlife Foundation forum.
. . . "Glad to hear that the cam will be back - not sure how often they'll visit the nest, but it will be interesting to see! And all of us who live far away are so lucky to have the great ground observer team letting us know what's happening beyond the range of the cam.

Thanks for posting the update from the folks at Turtle Bay. I'm not surprised that they said much the same thing as David Hancock, though in different words - that the attacks on the chicks may have come from inexperience, not meanness or intent to build a dynasty. I remember many, many years ago watching one of our barn cats give birth for the first time - and being horrified to realize that she didn't know where the afterbirth ended and the kitten began. She did great with her next litter, and by the end of her long and productive life was known as "momma cat" - but she clearly had her first litter before she finished reading the manual. And that may be what happened here.

JudyEddy said...

We are learning many new things from all of these eagle cams - some sad, some funny, some just neat. I'd always heard that eagles can't fly at night - and while I suspect that they can't see as well as owls or other nocturnal creatures, I remember seeing the male at a nest I watch arrive at 3 am to stand beside the female and chase off an owl who was after their newly hatched chicks. And just last night I watched an eagle that I thought would spend the night on the nest fly off at 10 pm (it's time for eggs, if they're going to produce any this year, so I was hoping). I don't know if we would have learned this without cams - there might be intrepid biologists who would spend the night with a spotting scope - but it does get dark without the wonders of infrared cams.

Another thing we're learning - not entirely from the cams, but also from the work of the Institute for Wildlife Studies, which has a population of eagles with wing tags - is that eagles only sort of mate for life. Many or even most pairs continue as pairs as long as both survive - but new pairs seem to annul the pair-ship after a year or two if they are not successful at raising a family, and sometimes pairs just break up, and both partners are seen later with new partners - so we really don't know if one of the new partners drove the former mate off - or if it was some sort of mutual agreement that it wasn't working.

And yes - I am aware that I'm using "humanizing" terms - but as far as I know, we don't yet have the vocabulary to describe this in eagle terms.

I also remember someone who had studied eagles and who has credentials I do not have saying that he thought eagles might be more bonded to the nest than to each other in some cases. We don't yet know if that's true - and there's a real good chance that the "truth" is somewhere in the middle - but it is another of things that we will learn, thanks to the eagle cams, and the great group of observers willing to watch and record around the clock.

It's an interesting phenomenon, but sometimes while posting on a forum, one's heart leaps out and takes control of one's fingers. I think it happens because we know that those who post here and those who read here are here because they care about what happens at this nest - whether emotionally or intellectually or some combination - and we feel as if we can share our thoughts. And it usually works.

I would encourage everyone to know it's OK to step back for a breath or two - or a day or two. Many of us have had moments where the heart overpowered the brain in the last week or so - but in the grand scheme of things, this is a thread with a huge amount of scientific data about eagles being gathered on a regular basis. And once we all take our few deep breaths - it will be again.

I apologize to those of you who would like this to happen sooner - but it is what it is.

Thank you all for your comments - and for your willingness to understand where we all are coming from.

And Tangie said it better than I ever could - good wishes and flowers for all."

Here's the link to the Hancock Forum.

JudyEddy said...

had to do in two parts because to many characters the limit 4,096 characters

Mema Jo said...

Busy day today - lunch and get together with 6 great grandkids
and their moms. Had to nap when I got home. Didn't cook - went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. Resting now before Terrific
Tuesday TV starts! BBL this evening....... ♥

Sad news Steve but we know they did their best!

magpie said...

Yepper, those techies and Steve get A++++ for their efforts...

Sounds wonderful, Jo!
I am going to Cracker Barrel Wednesday after work to meet up with a good friend.....

magpie said...

The narratives from the Turtle Bay people are very informative and surely compassionate...
Thanks for posting these JudyE...
and to Paula for the initial reports last week....

and I am up to date on those emails from you Thank You !

magpie said...

Oh how very sad...your report on the bullying....

at the doctor's office today, there were
TWO special needs young men there with their caregivers....was very dear to see the interaction and loving
care they received.....

magpie said...

In case some might have missed this, as I was kinda confused...
Steve added an UPDATE to the
initial New Thread comment:

"Update: They were out there working on it. NO good... :(

The guys will keep working "

magpie said...

my brother in Naples, Florida reports that weather was
"donwright chilly with 20 mph" winds...
I'd STILL like to get to Florida in the "winter and early Spring" months...have been there for that and it is wonderful!

Time for din-din

I was OFF work today, man oh man, I could REALLY get used to this!

magpie said...

Anyone buying stamps these days...
go for the Cherry Blossom Forever stamps...
as you know, Lynn♥ was especially fond of the Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC this time of year coming up ♥

JudyEddy said...

MARGY on the news last night they talked about over in Europe Germany has made a scented taste stamp Chocolate is the flavor with different like Nutella also was on Fox news lick stamps when was the last time you licked a stamp LOL

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the update and to those who are working hard to bring the live cam back to us.

Am tired tonight. Online critical thinking assignment is due at 11pm. Cannot begin to describe the amazing coincidence of an online assignment being due and the number of computers suddenly becoming serial impaired. Modern day equivalent of the dog ate my homework.

Well, the sandperson is preparing for departure. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

good evening my eagle pals.

what a day. today was rabies shot day for our crew and check up day for sable.

four out of five went to the vet today; scout had already had her injections.

every one was doing pretty well.....but dr. k was most upset when she saw sable. i have known that since sept sable has lost weight. try 13 pounds. for a 70 pound being, that is a substantial amount of weight.

sable is loosing muscle mass, and the slight swelling in her left front leg is, as i suspected likely due to the lipoma putting pressure on the lymph glands, not allowing good circulation. i also told the doc that the nails on that foot do not grow as quickly as the other feet. she of course, does have cataracts and is loosing some hearing (some is selective)....and so dr. k recommended that i use this enzymatic toothpaste for her as she has a small gum infection, switch her gradually to purina one beyond food, as it has more protein, do some massage on her on a regular basis, and to let her know if sable needs more tramadol. i said right now is is good.....she trotted like a 2 year old into the vet's office.... she sleeps a lot, and we have to shake her or pet her firmly to wake her to potty, but she gets around okay and eats well.

so i got the toothpaste, the food and made a gradual switch in her food...mixing the new with the old...although food changes have never bothered the old gal.

dr k offered to do x rays, etc to find out "what" is causing the problem and i asked her dr. k, will it change the outcome? she said no, no it won't....and she teared up with me.

i love my vet. she is simply awesome.

i shall have to do something for her some time to let her know how much i appreciate her....

so its been a downer kind of afternoon. i mean, i already know that she is declining....but....just hard to hear a seasoned professional see and voice the same things i feel but don't say.

its a quiet night. having an adult beverage. was gonna go see one of my clients perform, but decided it is too cold, and i'm just not in the mood. he performs the last Tuesday of every month...perhaps next month.

light, love, smiles and big warm hugs to each of you.....and happily receiving any hugs that might be returned to me.....

magpie said...

Night-night Judie....

I am not quite prepared for
the Sandperson but I will try to
be hospitable

magpie said...

I cannot tell you when I last
had to lick a stamp...
wouldn't do it for chocolate even!

magpie said...

Oh Janet....
this is sad about Sable...
but she sure is in the right home with you and your family...
((Hus ♥ ))

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judy,

Regarding the computer issues, I remember that I learned the hard way that I could not be nice when a student came and said that he/she could not print, and had the paper on a disk and could I print it for them?

DanaMo said...

I would take a few cold days in Naples than months on end up here. my retirement will be in Naples. excuse the typos I'm on my phone!

stronghunter said...

Licking stamps? I haven't licked one in a long time, either, Margy.

I remember that someone warned us that we should not use a no-lick stamp because someone might steal it. Even at the increase in the price of postage stamps, it is likely that there is a more profitable crime that the theft of stamps off letters.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about Sable, Janet.

I think most of us have been there, but it does not make it any easier.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update Steve...will keep hoping cam comes back on soon.

Where do I find Karla's picture to vote on?

Miss you all. I have been tuning into Sooner lake too for now. Active nest, albeit crowded. So much always to learn and see. Just wish i had more time to spend.

Hugs to all and SED's ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

Janet said...

thanks guys. i am actually okay, just feeling a little sad tonight. i mean, i KNOW what's coming....i just have to love her, (and all of them) the most that i can every day.....and no it isn't easier....but knowing that i keep company with folks who also love and honor their furbabies, helps....

stronghunter said...

Watching DWTS tonight. Some good dancers this year.

Unknown said...

PS I am so sorry Janet..have been down a similar road, so hard

Lolly said...

Just listened to a voice mail from Andy. Missed her call. They are at a motel, she could not get her laptop....they had a swarm of bees in their house!!!!!!

She wanted us all to know...did not want a silver alert!!!

Unknown said...

PSS Thanks Judy E for the information and observations form Turtle Bay--Hancock Forum

Lolly said...

So very sorry, Janet. We are fast approaching more serious problems with Annie...so feel your worry.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!
If I didn't need to cook dinner and eat, etc. I would have some pics I took today to ease your cam image fix!!!! I will try to work on them tonight & they'll be on in AM, I swear!
Needless to say, our Ustream Osprey Cam at Park is not connected to internet yet, but we can see them on our office monitor.
I wonder if the NCTC folks can see the nest in their building?
Had to go to Park Rangers office today to get fingerprinted. They do that now to all new employees, but I had a break for a long time!!!!And they don't use ink!!!!Have a small computer scan!!
Anyway, when I got back to Park, was a large bird in tree right by the Visitor's Ctr. I thought probably an osprey, BUT NO!!!!It had a white tail!!!!
BBL sometime!

magpie said...

Night-time got all gobbled up, just set the multiple alarm clocks for 5 am-abouts

Oh, Awful!! Poor Andy and Ken...
Thanks for the very bad bee news, Lolly....

Thinking of all with happy thoughts and smiles....
Good Night, Precious Pals.

Prayers for Wellness

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One
xoxoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE and all the wonderful NCTC Folks. Sorry it did not work. Thank you for trying proud of you all

Thinking of you JANET and am sorry...

WOW swarm of bees at ANDY'S Dangerous no wonder they are at a motel.

Thank you LOLLY won't send out a silver alert.

GLO how are your knees today?

We have not heard from KAY have we?

Moved from three layers of clothing phase to two layers of clothing...spring is indeed a comin'!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Don't know if anyone reported on Steve's update...at least they tried and are still trying before the parts come in.

New thread.

The guys are heading out this PM to try a temporary fix to get the cam back on.

Update: They were out there working on it. NO good... :(

The guys will keep working

Mema Jo said...

Enjoyed my day - God is Good All the Time

Perhaps tomorrow will be our "Fix it" Day with the cam hook up! Thanks guys ♥

Good Night to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I see everyone is up to date on the cam...hoping for good results sooner than later.

Hitting the hay...will check in tomorrow.

SED Love and Hugs for all :) ♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight PAULA and JO.

God Bless STEVE and the GUYS for trying to fix the cam.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all.

In the early AM hour of 5:27, it will be the FULL WORM/CROW/SAP moon.

It already looks full and with the clouds around it, it's just beautiful out there.

Hoda said...

It still has not gone up over the eastern mountains here.Thanks LYNNE I will go out and check. It is 99.84% illuminated according to my iphone!

Lolly said...

Gee, Hoda, you have a smart phobe! roflmbo

Lolly said...

That was supposed to be phone. Can not type.

Thinking of poor Andy and Ken. Stress like this can not possibly help her shoulder pain.

Hoda said...

Dear God it was 55 degrees here today and will continue to be in the fifties with sun for the rest of the week.
The weekend is 65 degrees!!!
I had to pick myslef off the floor when I read that!!! No I am n ot seeing things it is true.

Maybe one last ski on Thursday unless I go up the mountain for some cross country skiing with the big folks!!!


Hoda said...

I know LOLLY I thought the same when I read your note about ANDY and KEN and the swarm of bees...I hope she can rest tonight.

I understood phone! First I read up because I thought maybe I made a mistake typing and then felt good that others also have typos...

April is already booked to the hilt!!! Why do I do that I wonder?
How did I ever have time to work...?

Lynne2 said...

I worked from bell to bell today, covered for a coworker who is sick. Long day, 11.5 hours. WHEW! It was fun, busy. Glad to be off tomorrow and really looking forward to my 3 day weekend!

Janet, so sorry about Sable...we've all been there done this, and while we can totally relate, of course it's so personal for each furbaby and parent. I know you'll make her as comfy as you can...You know we are here for you.

ANDY...OMG about the bees!!! BEEing run out of you own house...geesh! Hope sleeping in a strange bed doesn't set your poor shoulder back.

Margy, I didn't see Cherry blossom stamps but I got some Ladybird Johnson stamps!

Very nice report on Turtle Bay. Sure wish I had time to watch all of these cams. When I am QUEEN and no longer have to work (HA HA HA)I will watch many cams! Thanks Judy, for posting that.

Sandi, what a pity about the bullying. Makes me SO ANGRY. I have just had it with mean people. Really, I have.

Hoda, you got me to thinking, and I hadn't really thought about it before, mountains in the EAST. LOL! My mountains are in the west! I don't know why this strikes me as fascinating, but it does...

well I need to get some rest. We watched Sunday's episode of The Bible this evening after I got home. It's been a very good series, and the last 2 hour episode is on Easter Sunday night.

Lolly said...

You are one busy person, Hoda, but I do think you really enjoy it. Do what you enjoy! I have my activities at church and activities with mny family and then just digging in the dirt makes me happy.

We were up really late last night. So, I am heading to my hot hot shower and then to bed.
We are expecting warmer temps tomorrow too, but then we have several days of possiblity of rain. So...out I go again tomorrow.

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...

LYNNE I am in a valley surrounded by mountains...the flat faces east and there are huge mountains right out there...

Hoda said...

Tomorrow the snow tires come off!!!
I booked an appointment so will go in the afternoon after yoga.

As I said I am down to two layers insread of three and looking forward to one in the months to come!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!

I hope JUDIE'S students submitted their papers on time and that there were no technical glitches...or dogs who eat homework!!!

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

LYDIA...you have to be on facebook in order to vote for a photo:


copy and paste, then 'LIKE' Karla's Sand dollar photo (if you like it). Thanks!


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Early Birds!

Thanks for the camera update, STEVE. We really appreciate you keeping us up to date! Thank YOU!

JANET, so sorry Sable is ailing. My heart aches for you, but I know you will know what to do when the tiime is right. Big ((HUGS)).

LOLLY, thanks for passing along the message about ANDY and her house full of bees. That sounds so scary!

LYNNE2, have a great day off!

PAULA, meant to tell you I was so happy you ID'ed the Hawk you saw.

JUDIE, did I miss it - did you get an ID on the bird you saw in DC?

JUDYE, thanks for the Turtle Bay update. I think they have a great handle on the situation there.

GEEZ, can you imagine how big Hedgie and Shamrock will be when we see them on the cam again? WOW! I can't wait.

HODA, glad you get your snow tires off today - a sure sign spring is near.

JO, So happy to hear that you had such a nice time yesterday with your GG's and their Moms. That would wear out anyone! How are you feeling?

KAY and GLO, hope you are both doing okay after your falls. Big ((HUGS)) to both of you! Extra treats for Penny and Dex.

I see SANDI and DANAMO have their end of the year countdowns going! Good for you! Sorry about the bullying, SANDI. Some kids ARE mean!

Here's hoping we get the cam back today. Nothing wrong with hoping, right? :)

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Have an email from my mom that she has no phone service again!!! GRRR!!! Waited 6 hours for the repair guy on Sunday and he swore it was fixed! I have his cell # - Mom doesn't like to call b/c her hearing is so bad that she has to keep asking people to repeat themselves.

Dana, enjoy your last 1/2 day before a we;;-deserved Easter break!! Woohoo!!

Make it a great day all!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
I SAW that Full Worm/Crow/Sap Moon right at about 5:27 and was wondering when it Went Full,
so Thanks Lynne2 - you are on the ball !

Beauteous it was, has set now.

Bummer about the Phone problems again....hope it is a very quick fix...

xo ♥

magpie said...

Best Wishes for A Good Day
for Every One...

No matter what's on your dance cards

getting ready for work,
will see Jewels at shift
change and she SHOULD be on her days off Woo Hoo !!

ttfn xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Chilly morning eaglebuds

Lori O. said...

Good Morning MARGY and JUDYE...have a great day at work!

Janet said...

good morning my dear eagle family.

ya know, i don't fknow how i would react with a darn swarm of bees in my house. i hope they can figure out a way to get rid of them FOR GOOD. SHEESH!

its morning again. wednesday. 29 degrees and very frosty, but heading to the 50's. i can deal with that. yesterday it was 39. normally cold doen'st bother me, maybe it was my meloncholy mood? don't know, but i really felt the cold yesterday.

i have 4 massages this morning, then take olivia to the ice rink, and tom has the window guy coming back out . (sigh) i really dislike these guys coming out. i KNOW the windows have to get done....just not really in the mood right now.

reporting on the invisible fence: it seems to be working great. we had to tweek it a bit, making the field a certain size. scouts collar has an adjustable setting so from 1 to 6 for "strength " of correction. beano's does not. beano will go NO where near the white flags and scout has learned... FYI: we bought it at PETSMART and it is the PETSAFE brand. it took 12 hours to install, but right now seems well worth it. (old gal sable of course has no correction collar on....she just goes out, does her business and comes back)....so jus tin case any of you wonder....yep, i'd recommend it.

all right, time to get ready for work.

hope everyone has a great day. thank you for your support, love and hugs. they mean the world to me as we go through this process. it is very personal as i have had sable since she was 8 weeks old. and like i told dr. k i will not allow her to suffer....but for the moment, she is sleeping on her pillow in front of me...and we will take this one day at a time, giving her love, hugs, and reiki...

Light, love, hugs, and healing to each of you on this beautiful day. remember to grace your face with a smile becuase it will look lovely on you!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

My Woodpecker friend is at it again this morning. Pecking away on my house.

I was confused about the bees in Andy's house until I read back and see that it is Lolly who told us that Andy and Ken had to move to a motel because of the bee invasion. I kept thinking they had taken care of that problem. Now I see that the bees are back.

Wow! I don't think I have ever heard of anyone having so many problems with wildlife invading their house.

Have been doing some quick reading as I have not had as much time to keep up, what with car-buying expeditions and bowling practice.

I do not want to give up, but I am really frustrated with my bowling recently. The harder I try, the worse things get. I will go over there again today and see if I can improve. I never considered myself athletic, but I should be able to do this.

stronghunter said...

Glad the invisible fence is working, Janet. Had thought about it myself, but we did already have sizable portions of our yard already fenced because of the neighbors, so we took that route.

Sometimes I think I should put an invisible fence around the front yard because Luna insists that she wants to go out that way. Right now, I wonder if she is trying to find Flash.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Thank you Steve for updating the cam status.

stronghunter said...

Such wonderful weather, Hoda. Springtime in Canada. Lovely.

It is sunny here. Not sure what the temp is. Need to venture out soon, though.

stronghunter said...

Okay, 34 degrees here now. Supposed to go to 52. Not really warm now, but 52 is not bad.

stronghunter said...

Hope it is good camera-fixing weather.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, need some coffee...couldn't find the comment box...the window was too big and it was way up there on the right....

Have a good day all...

glo said...

Good morning all and an extra hug for Janet and Sable Back from coffee and dog treats. Sun is shining: snow is melting. Prayers for all for a good day. I so hope they can tweak that cam back to working while we wait for the real fix. I keep the pop up still cam running all the time and check it frequently, hoping for a surprise. Maybe today will be the day.

stronghunter said...

Have been looking for something to get George to play a bit. He does show occasional interest in the new laser toy from time to time. It is fun to see him chasing around the room the way he did in his kitten days.

stronghunter said...

Hi Glo,

Waiting here, too. Hoping . . .

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - breezy cold out there
One or two squirrels came up for breakfast! We have to remove one of our trees out back - it is rotting BUT the squirrels & birds really use this one.
I'll miss it as much as they will.

No plans today - hair do tomorrow

Thinking of Judie with all her papers..
I think Sandi and Dana are going to make it to Spring breaks... ♥

NatureNut said...

Hello, Eaglebuds! Gotta hit the trail, but I DID get my Eagle Fix pictures on blogspot.☺ Didn't finish last night before konking out & had to "share" 'puter in AM.

Have a great day ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - sill George play with a large paper bag or a cardboard box? Our two get their daily exercise with the lazer light.


magpie said...

You say pics are UP
and I am Over there !

Great pictures....and your
picture blog is soooo easy to
navigate, robot words and all!

Hello More Eagle Pals...
xo ♥

magpie said...

I have not seen any action in the kestrel cam box,for several days now

magpie said...

sorry you have to give up a popular tree, Jo....

darn it !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Think I will call Andy back since I missed her call and just had voice mail. Let her know we are thinking of her.

55 here presently and heading up into the 60's. Think I will tackle spreading more mulch. Jack will groan as he is the lifter of the bags into the wheelbarrow.

Hoda, I now have Andy's phone number saved!

Also, need to start thinking of Sunday's dinner. So excited to have everyone come. I am doing all the cooking, but that is okay. Laurel is so loaded with things to do and Ashley is not a cook. One of these days they can cook for me. Laurel is a good cook, she is just so busy.

Lolly said...

Had a great night with Annie. She did not start crying until close to 7 this morning. I slept til almost 9. I am getting where I sleep so late!! But, I am sleeping so well. Love it!

Lolly said...

I checked the cam, was hoping for a temp repair. No such luck!

Hoda said...

Good morning all...it is still morning here!

Good on you LOLLY re ANDY's phone number. Good thinking!

Headed off and wanted to check on the cam.

Enjoy the day.

Lolly said...

Have done my walking and gotten myself "street ready". Watched the Sutton cam while walking. That nest seems so small! Tried to imagine 4 grown eaglets in it and just can not see it! Close quarters!

Just talked with Andy. Bee keeper got the swarm with the queen and took it away. This was in her dining room. They are getting a shop vac to clean up those who did not make it. One more night in a motel. She sends her love. Forgot to ask about her shoulder, but she sounded great!

Unknown said...

@ Lolly--re Sutton nest--only 3 eaglets. The 4th hatched but did not survive. The first 3 are thriving, but yikes--yes, it will still be a crowded nest. Need more crib rails there. I fear one of them going overboard as they grow more active.

Hello to all. I am at work but taking a quick break to pop in and see any new news. Have a good afternoon and eve everyone :)

stronghunter said...


Been sleeping. Wore myself our practicing bowling.

Back to using my regular ball.

With my teammates not watching and bowling the way I did before everyone started criticizing my style, I bowled the way I did last fall before my score took a nosedive.

I like to swing the ball a couple of times before I release it. They think I should not do this. Today, at practice, I just swung that ball the way I wanted to. I think I need to tell my teammates not to watch me. They are very nice people, and good bowlers, but it has not been working.

I have been so discouraged that I have considered quitting.

It would not be the first time someone has requested that no one watch.

Janet said...

Good afternoon all.

Been a busy day. After the massages took Olivia to the doctor, she has a ganglion cyst on her left hand.....and allergies have lead to a problem with the skin around her eyes....sooooo back to the pharmacy for eye ointment. the cyst, of course, is not a problem and will likely dissapate over time.

it is sunny and nice, 50. i am getting ready to make taco salad for dinner....feed my furbutts and then we have the window guy coming back out. sheesh i dread this. bleech.

back to work tomorrow....and private ice coaching, but no group classes this week as it is spring break.

have a good afternoon all!

stronghunter said...

The Sutton nest--Didn't an eaglet fall out of that nest and die last year or the year before?

Glad they got the bees out of the house at Andy's. Is it just that all the critters know she is an animal lover and want to move in with her?

stronghunter said...

Thinking about Sunday dinner, too, Lolly. I saw some nice-looking roast beef at the store. May get one of those. Usually get a ham, but Rus does not like ham, so I end up fixing ham and chicken. We all like roast beef.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - tell team mates to just watch - they may pick up a couple of good hints! All bowlers have their own unique style and you have yours! Go for it!

Does Hunter like his mom's new set of wheels?

Mema Jo said...

Daughter is having family there for the Easter meal. Guess what - all her sisters and her brother all coming. A few older grandchildren will be there. Jenny is giving me the nicest Easter gift ever ♥ Our dinner is ham and then the families are bringing the sides and desserts! Michael is traveling by Amtrak to NC to be with Christine and her family.

paula eagleholic said...

I am going to make a turkey and a ham for Easter....

Mema Jo said...

I keep checking for the cam - but nothing yet. I guess they are waiting for parts. The BWE are getting large and their pin (?) feathers are starting to come in.

I need to get some dinner in me.... BBL

JudyEddy said...

HELLLOOOOO HOME FROM work and a visit to the cell phone tower eagle nest and got a video of one of them chirping and some pic will go upload and read but I will be back Its 55° now I think that was the high for the day and with the wind it chilly I know I am a wimp

JudyEddy said...

I found a new function on my camera I knew it was there but didn't know what it was Magic filter pretty cool I posted pic on FB there is a pencil drawing and pop filter I did

JudyEddy said...

I posted a few pic and the video of the eagle talking to me today at the pak Check out the new function I found on my camera also Magic filter I can't wait to take a picture of Jordyn with the pencil drawing one and the reflection one is cool beans

Eagle talking to me at the park a fly out and a few picture with the magic filter on my camera Love it

Lolly said...

In from working in the yard all afternoon. Spread mulch and then Jack went for more. Griping that they will NOT sell him anymore. LOL He came home with another load in his pickup and he will get more tomorrow. That might do it.

JudyEddy said...

This is one of the pic I took today

JudyEddy said...

I cropped the picture lets see if bigger

Hoda said...

Well snow tires are gone till next October!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!

I hope this is not our summer but today was so warm I took off my fleece jacket and went out without mitts or tuque...socks and shoes next.

Tomorrow I ski and then go to tea at the beach!!!

We are all wondering what is going on this is so very odd!!!

Hoda said...

I like the cropped feature and wishe to learn how to do that JUDYE.

Hoda said...

More Mulch at LOLLY'S and JACK'S!!! It takes a lot of work to produce those beautiful gardens and they are all well worth it I am sure you feel.

JudyEddy said...

cropping is easy you can do on your camera under edit or on you puter where you view the pictures there should be option to do it mine is under Preivew FIX and then crop super easy also can do on lap top just open the picture and there should be tool bars on top or side all depends on your puter

JudyEddy said...

I loved your pics LORETTA love the eagle just can see the top of her beautiful head she is trying to hide LOL

Janet said...

Good evening all.....

STRONGHUNTER: you know what? we have some of the most oddball sytles of ball release in bowling and NOONE says squat. most of them are darn fine bowlers. i have seen people pitch it, almost like they expect it to bounce....myself, i look like a softball pitcher....

while i do have to adjust , maybe today my body wants to roll it left, or maybe right, i will move a few boards this way, that way....slow down.....but whatever, they should respect your style. if it works for you, let it be!!!!

JUDYE: great pix!!!!!

HODA: hurray for no snow tires!

been a busy day...just checking in.

SED ya'll

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE I will have to explore that more...cropping and cameras.

Well I have to think of something to eat as I am starved.
It always surprises me when I am starved!!! Such a strange feeling really and it makes my hands cold!!!

Unknown said...

Good evening everyone! Stopping in before bed,

Hey I saw a post from Wanda over at WCV site on a screen cap of Buddy I had posted there today. *you all know I am a huge fan of WCV and that my daughter is outreach director there, right?) Wow--is this our Momsters?

It said this :"The transformation of Buddy's beak is miraculous...WCV has done great work...and I am proud to say that our group of MOMSTERS have contributed to this organization in the past~"

Wow! You all are awesome!

I am so anxious to see the NCTC nest again our Belle, Shep, Hedgie and Shamie!

Tragedy at the Sooner Lake nest makes me wan to see them even more..at Sooner lake today earlier all 3 eaglets looked healthy and well fed and tonight there are only 2. So sad. Lots of speculation about what happened to #3, but no one sure. Waiting for Sutton to review all the tapes.

Unknown said...

And also wishing you all a good night and SEDs. ♥

Hoda said...

Good night LYDIA...SED Sweet Eagle Dreams.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a youtube video from the Ft Meyers nest

Mom delivered a fish and shortly after Dad flies in. Towards the end of the video, a juvie is seen flying over the nest. There was also an adult bald eagle soaring overhead during that time. Thank you Dick Pritchett Realty for this eagle cam. http://dickpritchettrealestate.com/ea...

Mema Jo said...

Take care and have a peaceful night's sleep.
More sunshine tomorrow - the beginning of Holy Week.
Good Night ♥

Hoda said...

Blessed Holy Week JO to you and your family.
Goodnight SED JO

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Pals...

Watched a Great PBS show regarding the Meteor/Asteroid that hit Russia last month.

Shirley, I hope you find YOUR own personal, satisfying Bowling Groove, and Stick with It !
As Long as it is also FUN.

Haven't seen the Full Moon here - yet - maybe early in the morning the clouds will disappear

See that Easter Plans are getting made amongst us... good food and great fellowship

Prayers for Wellness All Around...

God Bless Our Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One xox ♥

JudyEddy said...

I also was gonna say go look at the MOON it sure is pretty

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Collapsed tonight and watched AI.

Lydia, yes, the momsters are all fans of Buddy. Jack and I visited him when he was just an egg. lol

Watched Sooner cam this morning but not this afternoon. Sad to hear that something happened to one of the eaglets.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the comments about bowling. I agree, bowling styles differ greatly. We have watched with amazement one woman who holds the ball over her head straight up, sometimes balancing it on her thumb. She is a lefty, so she does this with her left hand. She is an outstanding bowler. I do not think I could hold a 12-or-14-pound ball this way for as long as she does.

I will try to practice a few more times and would like to get a session with the bowling teacher who works at the alley, but have had trouble getting in touch with her.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to learn that something has happened to another eaglet at Sooner. That is not a big nest.

Lolly said...

Shirley, you should bowl with me. Have not bowled in years, never bowled very much...YOU WOULD LOOK LIKE A STAR!!!!

stronghunter said...

Glad you are rid of the snow tires, Hoda. That's something we don't hear a lot about in this part of Virginia. We did buy them in Ohio, even had spiked ones for awhile until they were outlawed. I think they damaged the roads.

Way back when I was young, one of my friends had a set of chains for her tires. They worked well on snow and ice, but I haven't seen anyone using them recently.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to get ready for bed. Have been going to bed too late and then sleeping too late.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...



JudyEddy said...

Here is a stork camera in the Netherlands
Storks of The Netherlands they have eggs

Lynne2 said...


Thu, Mar 28 - We apologize for the inconvenience.
Parts are being obtained and repair work is to be performed on the camera system.
It may still take a few more days. Thank you for your patience.

Lori O. said...

Good Holy Thursday Morning Eagle Pals!

It's snowing little flakes here. Won't add up to much but it's snowing AGAIN! Not sticking to concrete so NO shoveling! YAY! .... Although, shoveling is great exercise.

Thanks for posting the new message LYNNE2. Hopefully the cam parts will be here pronto! Can't wait to see Hedgie and Shamrock again. :)

Wishing everyone a great day!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
I SEE You Morning GLori ☺

I also see the Full Worm/Crow/Sap Moon starting to set in the West here, very beautiful


magpie said...

Checking out that Stork Nest in the Netherlands that JudyE provided the link for,
exquisite...the bird AND the countryside....

Thanks JudyE!

Lynn ♥ would often watch a couple of storks' nests in Sweden...
think I'll try to check those out soon also

magpie said...

Morning Shuffle in full swing here...

Best Wishes for a Very Good,
Holy Thursday Day for All

xo ♥

magpie said...

Actually it is in Germany I think,
can't interpret a word on those sites...
this one has eggs also:

Stork Nest in Hochstadt, German

I can hear children on the one in the Netherlands....

Andrew said...

Good morning Lori and Margy!

First day of spring break. The dogs let me sleep 45 extra minutes! :)

I've got a FULL HOUSE Yipee!

Hoping those parts come in quick. Such a bummer. The eaglets are going to be so big when we see them again!

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Lori, Margy, and all my eagle friends!

Last day of school before my 10 day break! Hope Dana is sleeping in on her first day off!

Word is that the 4 boys involved in the bullying will be arrested. Hallway video cams caught them tripping one 6th grader on the way down the hall and then forming a circle around another boy and laughing at and taunting him. Three of the 4 are my special ed. kids - 2 of the 3 are thugs, will probably be in and out of jail their whole lives. One of the 3 I am sad about - nice kid, but has made a change for the worse lately. Don't know what getting arrested means in terms of them returning to school this year. One of them has his IEP meeting today ...

Glad to hear that Andy and Ken are beeless and Hoda is snow tireless!

Prayers for all the needs on our blog - gotta go!

Make it a great day all!

Sandi said...

Morning Dana, aka Andrew! =) Enjoy your day and having everyone home!!

Andrew said...

Good morning Lori and Margy!

First day of spring break. The dogs let me sleep 45 extra minutes! :)

I've got a FULL HOUSE Yipee!

Hoping those parts come in quick. Such a bummer. The eaglets are going to be so big when we see them again!

Andrew said...

Why did it do that?? LOL!! Guess Andrew was logged in last on my google! Too funny!

DanaMo said...

Okay, now hopefully I'm me again.

magpie said...

Too Funny "Andrew" aka Dana...
Full House, Yay...a Mother's Delight ♥

sad and troubling about the students, Sandi...
maybe someday there will be Peace in their lives

Lori O. said...

LOL...was wondering who Andrew was!

Good Morning, SANDI, DANAMO and MARGY!

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi....makes you wonder what this world is coming to! I just don't understand the whole bullying thing. So sad.

DanaMo said...

I was wondering who Andrew was too! LOL

DanaMo said...

Thinking about going out for a run. Trying to find the motivation though. Perhaps stepping on the scale will motivate me to get the lead out!

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grannyblt said...

My delete. I went back to save my stork link and realized there was one in Germany and one in Netherlands. Thanks JudyE and Margy. I didn't see any eggs in the Netherllands, but the parents were bonding. Parent on nest in Germany. The storks are fun to watch, but with the time differences, it is hard for this addle brain to keep up.

Lori, I heard the weatherman call this 'nuisance snow'.

Janet said...

good morning all.

another chilly morning, but promising to be a beautiful day. rain this weekend.

hope everyone has a lovely day. thinking of each of you....

spring break is almost over here....just a few more days. i kind of feel badly for olivia, but it is what it is. she has at least gotten to stay up late and watch the top ten (david letterman) with tom and sleep late. i think they have played the wii.

am looking into ice skating camp for her this summer. it is 2 weeks..got a few details, but can't sign up yet. it is cheaper than the camp she previously went to....this is about $165 a week. whippoorwill was $300 a week. she only got to go for 1 week.

with tom having surgery early june, looks to be a quiet summer....i am thinking probably no boating til the end of summer (once he has surgery)....not sure, but seems reasonable. will have to figure out how to entertain her some....

anyway, enought about that. ya'll have a great day! light, love, hugs and smiles!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my superlative momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

I hope everyone is well this morning.

T-Bird said...

I'm not sure if the snow is going to stop here. How is the weather in Shepherdstown?

T-Bird said...

We got a light dusting through the night.

T-Bird said...

I think it is suppose to be 50 degrees here on Saturday.

T-Bird said...

There is lots of snow to melt.

T-Bird said...

(((Hugs))) right bakatcha Janet.

glo said...

Good morning Andrew :-) and everyone else too. It is so time for all the snow to go!!! Dex and I are off to the Vet this morning. He is a little under the weather. Hoping nothing too serious. Maybe just a med adjustment. Right now off to coffee and dog treats. Its Maundy Thurs, a day that causes me to do a lot of reflecting on who I am and why I believe what I do.

magpie said...

I didn't see eggs in Netherland yet but did see 3 at Germany

Good Morning More Eagle Pals...

xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Must get ready to go see the lady at the bank about my mortgage. May be re-financing. Looking for a better interest rate.

magpie said...

The Netherlands site does say second egg was laid on March 26

I need to turn away from some of these cams! Got dough $$ to make

Good Luck with that, Shirley

magpie said...

lots of activity at the Netherlands stork nest....
the two adults just chased off a 3rd adult..

I don't have sound here but it must be loud

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Almost time for me to get my "do" done. Amazing how fast one's hair can grow - Since all the meds I take, my hair is just baby fine - used to be all body.

Guess I best read back before I say anymore!

**Not only during Lent but all the time we should live as children of the light, performing actions good, just and true
Peace to all on this Holy Thursday

Mema Jo said...

Dana aka Andrew -A great morning for a run - Hope Boomer went with you!

No sunshine here yet - I hope it keeps trying to bust through those clouds

I'll be back later today - ♥

magpie said...



paula eagleholic said...




paula eagleholic said...


magpie said...

Not real sure which parent is on the nest, see some wushi...

paula eagleholic said...


magpie said...

What a huge surprise it was...
I had just gone to have a look, Paula...
nearly fell off my work chair

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's Belle in the nest

magpie said...


magpie said...

Still showing the apology message, Paula....

will keep checking now and then though....

magpie said...

can't WAIT to get a view of the babies....

WATCH for the SPLIT - it's a'comin up....
will keep checking for New thread though

Thank You Steve and the Nest Techs..... !!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Margy...I'll take the still cam :)

magpie said...

apology message is gone, spinning arrow is....spinning

IOt's UIP the LIVE FEED at NCTC !! >

magpie said...

Try this LOL

can I type when I am excited ???


magpie said...

I won't have sound but I sure have
eyesight !!

magpie said...


New Thread !!
Go see new comments, new thread and ESPECIALLY live and Still Feed !!!

DanaMo said...

Sure as heck doesn't feel like spring break around here. I am so tired of the cold and wind it is making me grouchy!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...