Tuesday, March 05, 2013


Well here it comes, a big snow event first one of this size in more than two years.  It will be the biggest test for our pair this winter. 

New thread.


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Lolly said...

Wahooooo! I get a feather!

Thanks Steve!

Lolly said...

I alerted the others!

Do not like the sound of the snow. Grrrr!!!!

Shirley, if you unfriended that one and you still have the Anne Marie, that is probably our Anne Marie.

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

Congrats on the feather, LOLLY!

stronghunter said...

I went ahead and unfriended again. I figured we can re-friend when she gets her account un-hacked. I made a copy of the message I got, though.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and thanks for the call-over, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa there Lolly gal! You got a feather!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve

"It will be the biggest test for our pair this winter." Here's p[raying for our Royal Couple and their about to hatch eggs! Keep them warm and dry!

I am not looking forward to the nest 2 or so days!

Lori O. said...

I just checked the Nat'l Weather Service, NOAA, for the nest and it says 3 - 7" of snow for tonight, and another 3 - 7" possible tomorrow. Pray for our eagles and their eggs.

Mema Jo said...

The NEXT 2-3 days
I have our NEST on my mind big time!

I hope BWE keeps their 3 little ones covered

Lolly said...

Okay...here is a picture of our lower pond at night with an unknown critter. ??????

Pond at night with new lights

Lolly said...

I thought it was a possum but when I look at it again, I feel sure it is a raccoon just by the shape and maybe can make out the tail. What do you think?

Lori O. said...

Gosh, it's hard to tell, LOLLY.
I think with a raccoon you would see the rings around the tail - if the tail is showing??? Hmmmmm. Think I failed this one.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lori. If you click on the picture it enlarges. Easier to see.

Lolly said...

And, if you look carefully and the middle tree, behind the shrubs, you can see our tree "Ent". lol

Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone! I too got a friend request from Anne-Marie Larsen. It is NOT her. When I said, "I know you're not Anne-Marie, I'm blocking you, stop bothering people" they said "No" and disabled the account.

Bird Girl said...

And I think it's a raccoon at your pond :)

JudyEddy said...

HELLO Home from work and find a new thread


JudyEddy said...

LOLLY nice weather has departed and came to Fl nice and warm again at the present time till the next front comes in right now its 74°

JudyEddy said...

feeding at BW

Sandi said...

Hi all! Home from school and then the dentist! Very good check-up; I have been a good girl!! =)

Need to read back and then catch up on the weather forecast.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Delphia! That is what I am going with! The cam is located on our patio, attached to the chiminea.

I got a friend request, too. Thanks for the warning, Sharon, as I did NOT friend her. I hate that in fb we are getting things like that. Grrrrr!

Sandi said...

OK, this is certainly not life or death, but I'm still asking for some Momster prayers. Here's the current forecast for the DE beaches, from the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center:

This nor’easter has the potential to rival some tropical storms and hurricanes we’ve seen in the past when it comes to flooding, it’s expected to be that strong,” Sussex
County Emergency Operations Center Director Joseph L. Thomas said. “Areas that have historically flooded stand a very good, almost certain, chance of flooding in this
event, which could last through several tide cycles. So that is why we are encouraging residents in these areas to think about going somewhere else.”

Forecasters with the National Weather Service predict wind-swollen tides could span
Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning before subsiding, and could reach levels of 8 feet above
the mean lower low water mark. That kind of flooding was last seen during Superstorm Sandy last October, the 1998 nor’easter, and as far back as Hurricane Gloria in 1985.

Glad to hear that Dana's dad is being discharged early so she can get a jump on this weather and get him home before the storm hits.

Sharon, I hope physical therapy and injections can prevent surgery for you!

Parent from hell has requested a meeting tomorrow after school to revise her son's IEP. I told my dept. chair that I will be professional, but I will not be friendly! I said that she has lied about me and slandered my reputation and I would not sit across a table from her and pretend that everything is fine. Dept. chair said she understands completely. I also said that, the minute this woman tries to shift the meeting to criticizing the job I'm doing, I will stand up and walk out of the room. Again, Regena said she understands completely. Not sure if the meeting will even happen b/c I suspect the district will cancel all after school activities b/c of the storm. But I wanted to be clear about how I'm feeling.

OK, need to work on my lesson plan for an observation tomorrow by the assistant principal. Later!

Lori O. said...

Egg roll and wiggle wiggle...looks like Belle.

Lori O. said...

Prayers you safely endure the weather, along with the eagles and eggs, SANDI! I hate that you have to go through this again. Big Hugs!

Glad DANAMO was able to get her Dad sprung early and can drive safely.

glo said...

I am thinking maybe we all need to unfriend our Anne Marie and maybe email that she has been hacked. The hacker has to be targeting her friend list. I haven't gotten that friend request yet BUT I don't want to get it. Any thoughts from others.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

This is from facebook on the Norfolk eagles Its super long so here goes

Permission has been given to allow reading of the efforts by EOA to alert everyone of the activities at NBG through the following press release dated:

March 5, 2013

After five months of harassment, eagles refuse to leave their territory
Eagle advocacy group seeks humane solutions

Media Contact: NorfolkEagles@aol.com

Norfolk, Virginia – After more than five months of harassment by the USDA with paintball guns, pyrotechnics, lights and the removal of five nests that they have built since early October, the resident bald eagles at Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) aren’t leaving. This cruel treatment of our national symbol and the damage being done to the Garden through “tree modification” isn’t working and there is no proof that the methods being used to force the eagles to relocate have ever worked – at least not for this species of raptor. As the eagles begin building their sixth nest at the Garden, and the expenses associated with these dispersal programs pile up, Eagle On Alliance (EOA) continues to insist that there are better proven methods to protect Norfolk International Airport (ORF) and the bald eagles and that it is time to stop the futile harassment of these birds.

JudyEddy said...

Eagle On Alliance is a 785-member world-wide group dedicated to researching solutions to the issues that serve both the best interests of the NBG bald eagles and preserve airport safety. EOA is also part of a much larger network of thousands of citizens in the City of Norfolk, across the Commonwealth, across the region and around the world who champion the bald eagles at NBG. The NBG eagles became one of the most watched and loved nesting pair of bald eagles in the world. This citizen’s network is credited with bringing attention and thousands of dollars in grants to the Garden and many, many visitors to Norfolk thus providing a positive economic impact for the city.

It is the belief of EOA, that when the City of Norfolk supported the request to remove the eagles’ nests at NBG and then harass the eagles, the City did not realize the full impact this action would have, including the economic impact on NBG. Donations to the Garden have dropped significantly.

After spending countless hours conducting research, speaking with wildlife biologists, environmental lawyers, officials of the state and federal wildlife agencies and local officials, and after reviewing over 2,000 pages of documents received as a result of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to Norfolk International Airport (ORF), EOA has found more constructive solutions to the situation.

JudyEddy said...

Through this research, EOA concluded that the issue is not about “dangerous eagles”. While we understand and respect the importance of passenger safety at ORF, and the safety of the eagles, we found that the chance of an eagle strike at ORF is .00000438356. Only one eagle with ties to NBG has been struck in 22 years. And in the 22 years of record keeping for bird strikes, the American Bald Eagle only makes up .001 of a percentage point in all bird strike records in the United States. The fact remains, that other types of wild life such as gulls, geese and flocking birds present a much greater risk to ORF’s passengers than eagles.

In addition, documentation received through our FOIA requests to ORF shows that the underlying issues are budgetary and the resulting insufficient wild life mitigation efforts by ORF. Reports show that although the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA-APHIS) recommended a larger budget for mitigation efforts, ORF’s management questioned the estimate and requested a budget for half of the amount recommended.

Documentation shows that a USDA staff person only works 60 hours a month at the airport which includes airport services and now NBG services. This equates to less than three hours a day. ORF has stated that they have other staff members and even volunteers (?) to assist with mitigation, but ORF staff members only provide mitigation services as a “collateral” duty. And wildlife mitigation does not appear as a “line item” on ORF’s annual budget.

From the very beginning, NBG eagle advocates asked the City to delay requesting a permit for nest removal to form a committee to study all other mitigation options. One request that was repeatedly mentioned during discussions, emails and public comments was the use of Avian Radar Systems to assist with all wildlife mitigation at ORF. While ORF’s Executive Director Wayne Shank indicated to The Virginian-Pilot that the airport had looked into this as an option for airport safety, it is clear through documentation we received that this was not the case. Mr. Shank also added that avian radar is a tool that would not have prevented the death of two eagles in 2011. We strongly disagree.

All research we conducted shows that Avian Radar, while relatively new technology, is already making an impact in the reduction of bird strikes at private, commercial and military airports worldwide. In fact, the FAA has endorsed the use of Avian Radar Systems to the point that they are offering AIP grant funds to Part 139 airports. ORF is a Part 139 airport and would be eligible for these grants. While Mr. Shank said that the death of the two eagles wouldn’t have been prevented, our research shows that the death of the NBG female eagle (“Mom Norfolk”) could have been prevented by either proper mitigation efforts or through an Avian Radar system.

Airport tower reports of the strike show that the airplane pilot that landed on “Mom Norfolk” reported to air traffic control that two eagles were seen eating a fish on the end of the runway. Instead of telling the pilot to fly over while the eagles were dispersed, no word of caution was received from the tower and the pilot proceeded to land on the female eagle. The strike report also states that pilots were not warned of wildlife in the vicinity. The male eagle, fortunately, flew off. But the female eagle was killed, causing damage to the airplane’s landing gear when she rose to get out of the way.

JudyEddy said...

Avian Radar had been in place, an alarm would have alerted air traffic control and the incoming flight of the presence of the eagles in the vicinity. Avian Radar systems can track the movement of almost all wild life in air space both vertically and horizontally.

In addition, the current Wildlife Hazard Management Plan for ORF signed by the FAA on January 25, 2011, states in section 139,337(f)(5)(iv)“Communication between wildlife control personnel and any air traffic control tower in operation at the airport: “All wildlife control personnel are equipped with radios and have proper training to contact the air traffic control tower. If an immediate hazard exists that might compromise the safety of air traffic at ORF, the Director of Operations or the Wildlife Coordinator shall coordinate with the air traffic control tower, and if necessary, detain arriving or departing air traffic until the hazard is eliminated. In extreme cases, the runway may need to be closed temporarily at the discretion of the Director of Operations. Although the air traffic control tower cannot be expected to monitor all wildlife hazards on the airfield and still direct air traffic, tower personnel regularly notify the Fire Department immediately if pilots report hazards or any such hazards are observed from the tower.”

The pilot of the plane that struck the female eagle on April 26, 2011 reported seeing two eagles on the runway. Where was the ORF Fire Department and why wasn’t it dispatched?

While the events that occurred on April 26, 2011 were unfortunate, what is even more troubling is that the NBG eagles have become a scapegoat for improper mitigation efforts at ORF. The picture presented by ORF to wildlife agencies and the City of Norfolk indicated that the eagles at NBG had suddenly become an emergency threat to life and property even though the eagles have nested at the Garden for more than ten years.

JudyEddy said...

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and the USDA convinced City of Norfolk officials that they had no choice but to support the next step of nest removal as the way to solve the problem. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) merely recommended removal. The Administration did not mandate nest removal. Scare tactics were used by the USDA to convince the City Manager’s Office that there was no choice but to remove the nests.

Our research also shows there actually was another option that could have been included in the City of Norfolk’s application for a nest removal permit. Federal Register document dated September 11, 2009, U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, 50 CFR Parts 13 and 22, Eagle Permits; “Take Necessary to Protect Interests in Particular Localities; Final Rule” indicates that through these rules, the City of Norfolk could have asked for the permit to allow the USFWS and USDA to relocate the nest to an alternate location or provide a substitute nest in a safe area of the eagles’ territory and attract the eagles to those safer locations.

On page 44, Section 22.27, Removal of Eagles Nests, (a) (2), it states “Where practicable and biologically warranted, the permit may require a nest to be relocated, or a substitute nest provided, in a suitable site within the same territory to provide a viable nesting option for eagles within that territory, unless such relocation would create a threat to safety. However, we may issue permits to remove nests that we determine cannot or should not be relocated.”

In discussions with Eliza Savage, Division of Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Department of Interior in Arlington, Virginia, who is the Department’s contact for this document, she stated that the option of nest relocation was indeed a possibility for the NBG eagles. Her office is well aware of the NBG eagles and the efforts of Eagle On Alliance. She advised that we should indeed ask the City of Norfolk why this provision was not included in the original nest removal permit application.

When the City was asked this question, the response from the City Manager’s office was “We didn’t know

JudyEddy said...

Ms. Savage also suggested we contact Sarah Nystrom in the Region 5office of USFWS in Hadley, Massachusetts, the office that issued Norfolk’s nest removal permit. Ms. Nystrom is also well aware of the plight of the eagles at NBG and was quite helpful in addressing this issue. She advised that normally the relocation efforts are begun ahead of actual nest removal but that it was not too late to put plans into place. We believe this plan may have provided one solution for the airport, the eagles, NBG and the City of Norfolk.

We suggested joining the City Manager’s Office to make a formal announcement that a resolution had been presented. In addition, this solution would have allowed more time for ORF and the City of Norfolk to research Avian Radar systems – a much better alternative for protecting our passengers and all of the wildlife surrounding ORF. Eagle On Alliance founder Carol Senechal and City Councilman Tommy Smigiel met with City Manager Marcus Jones and Assistant to the City Manager Wynter Benda on January 28, 2013, to discuss this and other beneficial solutions to the issues concerning airport safety and the pair of bald eagles residing at (NBG).

We hoped that the city would consider this as one of the options for moving forward. We were ready to partner with the city on a more sensible solution and tell the thousands of supporters and the media that the City of Norfolk would, indeed, do the right thing. But the City Manager’s office repeatedly delayed the process of finding alternate nesting sites by questioning our research, even though we presented hundreds of pages of that research to Mr. Jones and Mr. Benda. The delay has extended for more than four weeks.

At our January 28 meeting, EOA again also officially requested that the City of Norfolk discontinue the USFWS Eagle Nest Removal permit and delay by one year any further removal of nests and any further harassment of the NBG eagles. We hoped that at some point, there would be a realization that both man and Mother Nature could coexist side by side. This is the same position that EOA has held since July of 2012.

The challenges of wildlife existing near airports have been solved by many other communities by using some of the recommendations we presented. Sadly, no such solution has been reached or researched by the City of Norfolk.


The following text & photo is being added to this post by myself & is a photo taken by a member with copyright attach & permission given for it's use. This is Dad Norfolk:
Like · · Share · 20 minutes

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

HEY gardners have you ever heard of a PENNY BALL ?

JudyEddy said...

Penny Ball for the garden. Pennies in the garden repel slugs and make hydrangeas blue. Cool idea. It looks old and new and beautiful. Like if you could use this to keep the slugs off of your strawberries! glue pennies on a ball or half a ball and set in garden picture is on facebook someone posted

JudyEddy said...

Well it looks like I am exceeding the limit of post will not post until someone else does like HODA says LOL

Hoda said...

Good luck with the observation tomorrow SANDI.

You did right by agreeing to meet with this woman for IEP and for saying to the Admin that if it turns to abuse you are out of there.WAY TO GO!!!

Hoda said...

OK JUDYE fork out the big dollars. I posted and here it is your chance to post again. The agreed upon price as per our phone conversation was ten thousand dollars. I will expect a cheque in the mail!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

How about a electronic CHECK LOL

JudyEddy said...

SANDI will your meeting be one on one or will there be a witness??? Good LUCK ♥

Lynne2 said...

Wow, thanks for that info Judy!

Glad Dana was able to pick up the folks TODAY!

Sandi, I hope that the storm passes without too much trouble. BOTH storms, that is!

Sharon, glad the Dr isn't suggesting surgery right off the bat. Most back trouble is resloved with PT and injections.

Lolly said...

Sandi, prayers headed your way. How about moving cars to higher ground? And, move items out of the storge closet.

Yes, you are going to have someone with you for the meeting? Right? Better yet, record the meeting. Tell her..."I will be recording our conversation for reference."

Ahhh, the wonderful observation. I am sure that by now that does not bother you.

Hoda said...

Off to yoga.
See you all later.
I hope you all stay safe back east.

I saw a car here from MAINE and smiled to myself as they are from way back east.

Lolly said...

Glo, I got the friend request and just got rid of it. Still have Anne Marie as a friend. Have not heard anything more.

Lolly said...

Just received a really cute card from someone special!! Sitting here with a smile. lol Margy, that is exactly the same word I said when I broke the orchid!!! Hey, and I love your eagle stamp. Cool!!!

Lolly said...

When is the snow due to start?

magpie said...

I thought the snow was already supposed to start....we announced this morning that it would start in the afternoon and go on....
forever (sort of)
I have the car all wrapped up in
plastic again...so maybe it won't snow at all !!

Prayers for Sandi and anyone, including Megan and her Greenhouse...all that are in a dangerous path if this storm - Saturn... takes off

Good Evening Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

Righto Lolly...!
I shoulda bought about a dozen or so of that very same card, and sent one to myself !

The Eagle stamp, was actually out of the automated stamp seller at the Post office...

magpie said...

Oh bummer, about the Anne-Marie wannabe !

At least that is one issue I don't have to deal with...on Facebook...
I know it has its advantages, I truly do...Facebook...but I have some friends, good one, going through some angst and agony about things that show up on Facebook...

magpie said...

One good side effect of the Anne-Marie scam....
we saw RED and BIRD GIRL pop in ☺☺♥♥

magpie said...

ahem, how about a Bowling Report ??

magpie said...

The plumber mechanic showed up last night with the latest progress report - it's all upstairs, apparently one of those
invisible leaks...so they'll be doing some repairs upstairs...pretty soon..the sound of water dripping is like
But, that kid is cute ! He can come check my apartment any time he wants...

Don't mind me...

magpie said...

At the time of your Orchid report or shortly after, Lolly, I posted
"those words" on here....just
as a little preview ☺

I plagiarized those words
from Lynne2 ☺

magpie said...

I see the Northern Panhandle of WV has posted delays for the morning...
Wheeling is included in those...guess that is pretty close
to the Pennsylvania areas where
Lori and maybe grannyblt are...
I expect those listings to grow
by leaps and bounds as the night wears on

JudyEddy said...

I just check my WeatherChannel app and said by 3am 100% chance of snow the radar looks like lots of rain and right in the middle is snow and sleet and that is the part that I think will be near the nest

JudyEddy said...

need to go get a shower before AI comes on Its on for 3 nights this week Lator Gator

magpie said...

Betcha Wanda and Gene and the rest of the Church Angels had a
standing room only crowd tonight for that magnificent chow....
wondering if the predicted snow
will affect the Food Bank

okay, time to do some stretching, picked up a sore back somehow,
just from driving and parking the car...
Woof !!

ttfn xo ♥

magpie said...

I'm "on" for an early departure for work if the crew needs an extra body
I'm one of the closest ones...
no fear here...the Four Wheel Drive comes in handy

Carolyn already has HER Chauffeur lined up for her midnight shift before here two days off
: Charlie !! ♥☺

magpie said...

Gee Moniey, that is loud at the nest, it is breezy hereabouts

DanaMo said...

Aw... Steve, our poor babies. Can you construct a canopy over the sycamore tree?

Dad is home!!!! WHOO HOO!!! I'm so glad that I didn't have to brave the expected snow tomorrow to get him.
Can you believe he doesn't even have any restrictions? Not even driving? Can't wait to see his stitches. I haven't had a chance to see them yet, but they did show through his t-shirt a little. Another badge of honor. Did I tell you guys that he wants to get a zipper tattoo right over the scar?

JudyEddy said...

OH thats so cool DANAMO on the tattoo and so happy he is home before the strom and you didn't have to go in it

magpie said...

Welcome Safely Home, Dana....
Excellent report !
You've done wonderful ministry with your parents....
xoxo (( Hugs )) ♥
PS I hope you get a SNOW DAY Wednesday.....but not a monster amount of snow !

Lynne2 said...

Well, looks like we'll be opening in the AM. We called all of the appts and surgeries scheduled for tomorrow and no one called back wanting to reschedule. SO, what will happen is, we'll go in. They will call and cancel anyway. We actually asked them to call back one way or the other, and we were open til 7 this evening. RUDE PEOPLE!

I'm actually off tomorrow, and Steve's appt is tomorrow but we have decided that if snow is on the ground in the AM, we will reschedule. We did call them and asked if they wanted us to just go ahead and reschedule, but they said no, just call in the AM.

Lynne2 said...

oh, yeah, I guess I should finish my thought....LOL!

I'll be going in tomorrow for my sick coworker.

Lynne2 said...

oh, yeah, I guess I should finish my thought....LOL!

I'll be going in tomorrow for my sick coworker.

magpie said...

Okay, so be careful, Lynne2
sounds like you have a good plan
for yourself and Steve...
and one for all the clients too,
sorry you did not get any callbacks...
Maybe they were away from home
at the Grocery Store !

magpie said...

For Sandi...
yes, lots of good ideas here on that conference tomorrow,
starting with YOUR plan...
I like the suggestion to record,
and hey, how about video-taping the whole event?

(( Hugs for All This, and More ))

Lynne2 said...

to further complete my thought....my coworker Chris, who is also working tomorrow, has a Hummvie and will be stopping to pick me up on her way in....not so sure I want to walk in such gusty winds tomorrow...and I'm NOT driving, even if it IS only 3 blocks!

Janet said...

LYNNE2: seems to me that given the sitution, the vets would cancel the surgeries and appointments themselves.....for the "protection of their valued clients" (and of themselves as well).... you are right, people do not think about manners in these situations.

the prior owners of the place that i work used to INSIST that we comein on snow days....@ 7:45 a.m. when you KNOW mornign massages are going to cancel due to snow....we do not have a lot of snow removal equipment here....some, but not a lot and people are going to cancel. so instead of using their brains and opening late, calling clients ahead of time, canceling and rescheduling, they would insist we come in to sit there. we do not get paid if noone is on the table.

the new owners, however, are smarter. they will close early, open late, as needed. i appreciate that.

i am sorry that you have this problem.

SANDI: hope the meeting, if it goes off, goes well. just keep your chin up and stay professional. that's all you have to do.

DANAMO: glad dad was released early!

keeping the entire area in the path of snow in thought and heart....our eagles and other creatures especially. we have homes to refuge in....they are outside in the elements.

SHARON: sounds like the doc is right on with the PT and such. research those epidural injections for your own FYI before you accept that.... i've seen really good reports back and not really good reports back, as in sometimes they work...and sometimes they don't....just do your research and have a well informed decision before you jump into something .

STRONGHUNTER: bowling???????

JUDYE: what a lenghty and informative post....from the gist of what i get, it pretty much sums up what most thinking minded people knew and could figure out....those eagles were no threat to the planes....and the incidence of eagle hits is miniscule...someone got their panties in a wad and thought that this was a good idea and unfortunately had the clout to pull it off. :P

all right, this is getting long. someone else's turn.


magpie said...

Super Duper Plan, Lynne2
Yep, no slipping and sliding on sidewalks or wet roads allowed !

ttfn xo ♥ Hot Bath time here

stronghunter said...

Bowling . . . we lost to the last place team, Margy. It was a disaster. I tried to bowl the way my teammate showed me, but had to go back to my own way.

She wants to get together again. I think I need to talk with her about my comfort zone. She has a beautiful bowling style, but I can't just change my own style.

stronghunter said...

Oh, and I see Janet is asking, too.

magpie said...

Oh dear, Shirley....
well, keep it fun, I think that is the best bowling style

Thanks for the update...

Lolly said...

Watching AI and enjoying the girl singers tonight.

Lynne2 said...

oh dear Shirley....sorry you lost.

Janet, our Docs have a big 4 wheel drive truck and live very close by. They would happily come in for the clients, and would also happily take care of answering phones and whatever if no one else came in, and they wouldn't be upset in the least. THEY ROCK!!!

Lynne2 said...

Who is Al and why is everyone watching?

stronghunter said...

AI--I think it is American Idol, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

OH...I get it now. Thank you Shirley. I think I need to go get some sleep. Brain NOT functioning too well this evening.

stronghunter said...

Just turned on AI myself. I had lost track of it. Been awhile.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn will go in to work tomorrow if it is all possible. She does have 4-wheel drive. But it is a long trip up I-95.

Lynne2 said...

well, the forecast for the nest calls for 10-15 inches of snow, per the Weather Channel. Strong winds. I could just cry....

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's job is to help people get their cars fixed after they get wrecked on days like this.

Lynne2 said...

I sure hope she has a safe trip in. And I'm sure she'll use good judgement.

stronghunter said...

I know, Lynne. It is a tough forecast.

stronghunter said...

I will be here to hold down the fort and take care of Hunter. That leaves her free to do whatever--even if it involves finding a hotel room closer to work. Will has already said he might not come home if it is too bad. He is in Dahlgren. It's some distance away, too. His job has him traveling all over this part of Virginia.

Lynne2 said...

I'm suddenly getting very uneasy about this storm...I hate that feeling.

WHEN I AM QUEEN: No one will travel in snow. You must stay home!!

Lynne2 said...

Sounds like a good plan. That makes me happy, that she'll stay in a hotel instead of driving home. Will, too. I hope it's not too bad on the WAY to work, although they have pre treated and the worst should be in the afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

The Queen has spoken LOL

stronghunter said...

I would be surprised if she does stay in a hotel, just saying that I can hold down the fort if it comes to that.

Lynne2 said...

Precip moving in close to the nest....

Janet said...

LOVE IT Then queen has spoken and so it is. NO SNOW DRIVING! :)

LYNNE2, while that is very generous of your vets....and am sure is appreciated, especially in an emergency, it is also very rare!

STRONGHUNTER: I agree keep it fun. I am not by any means a great bowler...sometimes i do well and well sometimes not, but i try,even on those disasterous days to keep it fun, because afterall, it is a game....

All right, signing off for the night.

See you in the a.m. SED!

stronghunter said...

Snowing here now.

stronghunter said...

38 degrees outside my back door.

magpie said...

Well you are the first one to call it in Shirley....
nuthin' hereabouts yet.
My parking lot is treated with salt crystals that look like snow

Sounds like a good plan you and your family have hatched, Shirley

Good Night to Janet, JudyE and maybe almost HRH Lynne2

stronghunter said...

You are right about the keeping bowling thing. I got too frustrated today.

stronghunter said...

You are right about the keeping bowling thing. I got too frustrated today.

magpie said...

Well, maybe we DID have some snow reports from our further Western folks earlier

magpie said...

oh by the way, Shirley
I LIKE that idea about your little refrigerator...
customize things in your
Woman Cave ☺

magpie said...

More WV schools are posting delays or closings, including down near but not IN Sharon and T-Bird's county yet.
Hampshire, the county Romney is in, is closed....Morgan is adjacent to that, James's school zone

magpie said...

Bedtime looms...

Prayers for Wellness All Around...
with special emphasis on
All Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Eggs not covered. Eagle calls.

Now they are being covered.

magpie said...

A little egg tending action, and some eagle chirps at the Royal Nest and I think Belle lightened the load a little

stronghunter said...

Yes, I think I am going to like this little refrigerator. Picked it up at Walmart. The least expensive one I saw. Do not need much.

stronghunter said...

They are upping the snow totals on the news.

Belle is tucked now. I was just a little surprised when I clicked in and saw two eggs, then heard the chirps.

Lolly said...

I voted on AI. I think the girls are awesome this year. Wow! I actually split my votes between 2 of the girls.

I forgot to comment on your little refrig, Shirley. I think that is a great idea. We have a little frig. It was Laurel's in college. When she no longer needed it, Jack put it in the study. It holds all his beer and our kitchen refrig is not crowded with beer. lol If it dies, I am sure we will buy another!! It is so handy.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

We replaced our little fridge at work a long time ago...I got the old one in the basement. Use it for beer and such. Very handy to have.

Hoping the snow is on the lesser side of the predictions. I will go to work tomorrow, once I get everything shoveled and cleaned off.

Poor Larry has to open tomorrow, he has to be there at 6am.

Mema Jo said...

I guess if it is snowing at Shirley's - it's not too far away! Praying for our eagles and BWE also. In fact all eagles in bad weather.

So happy that Dana's dad and mom are safely home. I am not setting foot out of this house tomorrow - dr appointment will just need to be rescheduled.

Saying good night but watching out the window every 10 minutes.

God bless all and keep us safe from all harm. I love us Nite ♥

stronghunter said...

Ground is getting white here.

Will just came home. Said he wishes he'd stayed in Dahlgren, that the employer would cover the hotel bill. He figures he will probably stay there tomorrow night.

Lolly said...

Maybe he should just turn around and go back. lol Roads probably better now than tomorrow.

It is so funny. So much talk about snow that I expect to look outside here and see snow. Nope! That is not my weather. 46 here and no moisture falling from the sky. We might get rain this coming weekend! But, I am not holding my breath!!!

Lolly said...

Have a headache. Think I need to go take some Advil.

stronghunter said...

It would have been wonderful to have one of those little refrigerators when I was in college. We sometimes put items outside a window on a cold day to refrigerate them.

stronghunter said...

We would not have been allowed, though, I think. It would have used too much electricity.

stronghunter said...

We would sneak and use one of those little coil things to warm a cup of soup. They weren't allowed, either.

Hoda said...

DANA I am glad you made a safe trip and won't be driving in this tomorrow.

YRH LYNNE THE SECOND you might have to amend the snow rule for CANADA I will need to go for provisions after all!!!

SAFE DRIVING everyone.

Belle is tucked in and it is windy but I am not seeing any snow yet.

stronghunter said...

Since this is a college town, the stores are all stocked up with those refrigerators at the beginning of the school year.

Hoda said...

I am starving and do not understand why!!!
I just had Tahini and pepper and kale sandwich and I seem to be a bottom less pit tonight. I had my 8 fruit for the day...I think I want another sandwich but have used up my quota for bread!!! UGH UGH UGH!!! Now what do I do? I do not like to go to bed hungry!!!

Lynne2 said...

I hate that Hoda.....just eat something. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

I hate that Hoda.....just eat something. LOL!

stronghunter said...

I agree, Hoda. Eat something. You will sleep better. You can blame it on Lynne and me.

Lynne2 said...

I can't really see anything at the nsest but according to the radar, there is precip at the nest.

Going to bed.

Will check in tomorrow when I can!

Everyone, stay safe. Goodnight and prayers for all

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night. I am ready for sleep.

Will has parked behind Kathryn in the driveway--He usually parks on the street. I mentioned that she will be getting him up early to move his car, and he said that he figures he is blocking the snow so she can get out more easily, and that he expects to get up and move out of her way in the morning.

stronghunter said...

I don't see anything at the nest, either, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

it's VIRGA, Shirley!

Yes Hoda, blame US. You know you can't sleep well if you are really hungry....

Hoda said...

Thank you LYNNE and SHIRLEY. I put a sweet potatoe in the oven and will have it with cinnamon and butter!!! When I indulge I go all the way!!! Wow is me!!!
I will walk longer tomorrow!!!
Thank you both...sweet dreams to you two...

Hoda said...

I will sleep well tonight. Comfort food. I am no longer hungry!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!

Hoda said...



So far all is well at the nest!

Costume Lady said...

Soup Kitchen went well...
Clothes Closet is now a bit messy:)

Good night...love and blessings for all. ~♥~

Lolly said...

I see something falling at the nest now. Oh, I hate this!!! Be strong eagles!!

We were not to have anything in the dorm room, but I remember having the coil thingy to warm soup. We also had a kitchen on the floor. However, I was poor, never left campus, never went to a grocery store. Ate at the cafeteria on my paid plan. Can you imagine...seldom left campus, no TV, no telephone except the one down the hall. Dorm mom would ring our room if I had a call. That was my freshman year and half of my sofomore year. Met Jack in Feb. of my sophomore year. I did leave campus then!!! Wahooo!

Lolly said...

I did not have a car either. Forgot to mention that.

Okay, heading to bed. God protect our eagles!!! Those of you who have to get out in the morning, please be careful!!


Jewels said...

Berkeley county schools closed.
Good morning from the office!! Snowing here~~
Hoda your Sweet potatoe has made me hungry!! If we do not lose power I may make my sisters sweet pototoe casserole!

Lynne2 said...

oh boy...look at that snow.

Lynne2 said...

geez, I can't remember who is on the nest. Poor thing.

stronghunter said...

Belle was completely covered when I first looked, but she shook off and did an egg roll before settling in facing 5:00. She is getting covered again now. Tenting.

It has stopped snowing here for now, but I expect it will start up again. Looks like we are on the rain/snow line down here.

I saw that Kathryn was up and posting a couple of hours or so ago and that Hunter's school is closed. Will has moved his car and is now parked behind me. That's fine.

I had told my bowling friend that I would join her, weather permitting. But the weather is not going to permit bowling today. I can drive in snow when it's necessary, but bowling isn't an necessity today.

stronghunter said...

I am assuming that it is Belle on the nest, Lynne. She is now tucked and tenting.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Hoda. A sweet potato. Sounds very comforting.

stronghunter said...

Hope you do not get lots of emergency calls, Carolyn.

stronghunter said...

Verga--I remember that word, Lynne. WWF awhile back.

stronghunter said...

Belle is almost out of sight--covered in snow.

stronghunter said...

DC Schools closed.

stronghunter said...

Federal government offices closed.

Jewels said...

Hasn't been too bad tonight, a couple accidents. I imagine when everyone wakes up and gets moving, we will get busy! in the next hour or so...

Jewels said...

It makes me sad to see Belle all covered up like that.

Jewels said...

I have a new addition. My cat Bob (named that because she is a bob tail) had one kitten. She had it under my azaela bush in front of my garage. Glad we found her with all this snow, it would have crushed her. We made a bed with straw and the leaves she had her bed in , in the garage. She seemed content.

DanaMo said...

Good morning. Poor Belle. It looks a little windy too and I think that is supposed to get worse as the day progresses.

DanaMo said...

Thank God I got my parents home!

Jewels said...

Looks like Shep is tenting over Belle// not sure if that is what I see or not

Jewels said...

I agree DanaMo!!

Sandi said...

Good rainy Wednesday morning my eagle friends!

God bless our eagles in the snow! Looks like one is egg sitting (can't tell which) and the other is tenting over the parent on the eggs! Wow, what instincts! I hope they are able to keep those babies safe through this whole storm - it will be a LONG day and night for them.

Sandi said...


magpie said...

Good Snowy Morning, Eagle Pals, and:

Happy Birthday Sharon !!
Well, not everyone gets a
White and Snowy Birthday in March!
Hope this is your Very Best Birthday Ever ! xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

The Blackwater Eagles are doing the very same as the Royal Eagles...
tenting together !

I have never seen this before !

magpie said...

"Wherever two are more are gathered in my name...there I Am"

Congratulations Jewels and Bob!
New furbaby on the planet, now neat!

magpie said...

How not Now !

Now one of the BWE eagles has moved away a little
and almost out of view

Jewels said...

Sandi, so I was right!!!!! Wow, that is awesome!!! Don't remember that ever happening before.
Good morning!!!
Happy Birthday Shar!!!!!! Hope you have a great day!!
Good morning Margy!!

Jewels said...

Thanks Margy, she or he is all blk. Bob is tan, blk with some wht.

magpie said...

40 of the 55 WV counties are closed or delayed, Kanawha is Open!
(Charleston area)
everything surrounding Mercer (Bluefield) is closed or delayed,
but Mercer is not listed yet

magpie said...

Well, we shall expect pictures of the happy cat family when the time is right, "Bob's" colors sound dreamy!

Yes of course you were right about the Royal Eagles....wish we had live feed at work !

Jewels said...

Not sure how much snow is out there, hardly anythng in our parking lot, and the lot was already plowed, but really there wasn't even enough to plow there, I guess it was really holding the heat. Margy be careful coming in.
CHristie said they had about 31/2 inches in ranson

Jewels said...

me too on that live feed!!
I will get some pics of Bob and her baby.

Sandi said...

I think Shep is on the eggs and Belle is tenting over him since she's larger. That would make good sense and our eagles sure seem to have a LOT of that!

Stay safe all of you getting snow. I am off to school - still rain in the forecast all day today, maybe mixing with some snow tonight!

Lolly, after 29 years of observations, I'm not sweating this one a bit!!

My meeting with the parent from hell will not be just the 2 of us. IEP meetings are always held with a team of people.

Later all!

magpie said...

I saw that the snow had started here just before midnight,
Carolyn....thought of you and Charlie making your Snow Trek....

magpie said...

I was like Jo...looking out the window every ten minutes

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Seeing is believing! 2 heads are better then 1 Love the royal couple ♥

Hey there - what a day this is starting out to be ♥

Happy Snowy Birthday Sharon!
Enjoy your special day and Celebrate YOU ♥

magpie said...

(( All Day Hugs, Sandi! ))

Best wishes...God Speed....
xo ♥

Jewels said...

Good morning Momma Jo!!!!
Yes a good day huh!!

Jewels said...

Sandi, either way, your in my thoughts!!

magpie said...

Shake off time !

magpie said...

and an egg Check

birds and squirrels will be looking for chow at your place
today !

DanaMo said...

Sandi have fun with that observation. I don't sweat them either and it's only been 8 years for me.

Happy Birthday Sharon.

What is the web address for the Blackwater cam? I only watch this one.

DanaMo said...

Shoveled one already. I measure 3" on my deck. The snow is VERY wet and heavy. Please be careful folks. Go out often to clear things off.

magpie said...

time for me to shuffle...

now one Parent and two cozy eggs

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe Day,

ttfn xoxo ♥

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone!!

I think I just saw something I have never seen before. Belle and Shep were both together in the nest covering the eggs. She flew off before I could get a screen capture of it.

magpie said...

give me a minute, Dana, on Blackwater....I'll post it

magpie said...

You are Right, Sissy ! And had been for quite awhile...
and Blackwater eagles were doing the very same ! Fascinating !

magpie said...



magpie said...


ooops. sorry...
Blackwater Eagle and Osprey Cam

magpie said...

Ditto Jewels !

DanaMo, on the right of the site view, there is a link to the Osprey cam.....
you can just go back and forth between the two...
Lots and Lots of info and pictures on there....Lisa the Webmaster does a fantastic job !

DanaMo said...

Thanks, and Sissy, I got a screenshot and posted on FB. I will try to remember how to get it on yahoo a little later and post it there unless someone already did.

DanaMo said...

Thanks, and Sissy, I got a screenshot and posted on FB. I will try to remember how to get it on yahoo a little later and post it there unless someone already did.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks DanaMo! I shared it! How's your dad?

Mema Jo said...

BTW Congratulations Bob! Very glad you found the kitten! Be careful out on those roads. Back for about 2 more hrs sleep.

Take care my friends! ♥

magpie said...

Ooooh Cobalt Blue at the nest

magpie said...

Ooooh Cobalt Blue at the nest

Jewels said...

Thanks Momma Jo. Bob is a great mother. THis makes her thrid or fouth litter

DanaMo said...

Interesting that is does not feel very cold out. It will be interesting to see if it really does snow all day here in Hagerstown. The roads on the TV for DC look just wet.

DanaMo said...

Dad is great! I'm sure I will hear from them later this morning to see how his first night home was. Hopefully no issues. He is a tough ole, rare bird! :)

Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

I just checked and guess I missed the double eagle tent...looks like just Shep on the eggs...unless Belle is underneath him and I can't see her... What a sight. I'm sure I'll get to see the double tent later today. Those poor eagles. I pray they can withstand this storm.

DANAMO, so glad you got your Dad home in time to be safe!

SANDI, good luck on your meeting today. Prayers for a good outcome.

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Doesn't look like snow at BW she looks wet

JudyEddy said...


♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪

stronghunter said...

I see Shep is in the nest now.

Lori O. said...



T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Look at all the snow on Shep...wish he'd shake it off.

Lori O. said...

Belle is back!

stronghunter said...

I see Belle there with Shep on the eggs. Glad they haven't hatched yet.

Lori O. said...

Belle is sitting on top of SHEP.

stronghunter said...

Shep left. Belle settling on the eggs. The egg cup is still snow-free.

stronghunter said...

Snowing hard here in Fredericksburg.

Linda said...

Good Morning!

I don't think I have ever seen that. Belle literally settling down on Shep since he wasn't moving.

Praying the egss are warm enough, but feeling they are...

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 503   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...