Saturday, March 16, 2013


First Hatch Day thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Gonna go watch something I dvr'd not to many to choose from I have a Criminal Mind left to watch

JudyEddy said...

YEP she is right HODA I remember because I wrote it on my cheat sheet that I have so you and I aren't loosing it LOL Or we did and won't admit it LOL OK gonna go and watch tv

be back to check in gotta hit the hay earlier getting up earlier to walk to work I know it take 40 min

Lolly said...

We did mention waiting for a while before naming the eaglets, but since we are all in agreement I do believe Hedgie hatched today! Wahoooo!

Lolly said...

We split and I did not see it coming. Margy, you are supposed to warn us!

Lolly said...

Sure wish the night vision was not so blurry!

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Hope your neck is alright JUDYE...get some rest the 40 minute walk will do you good...I hope no rain...Maybe ANGIE can get you in the PM and or you take a taxi home. Is cereal enough for supper?

Unknown said...

Just went back to check nest a final time. Belle is awake and looking around but all is quiet and calm. Thanks for your time today everyone.
SEDs ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching some TV - all reruns so I am here watching our beautiful Belle get some shut eye.

I am going to do the very same thing shortly. It has been a productive day and by tomorrow we could have two bobbleheads.

God bless you and your loved ones!

Night ♥

Judie said...

Sandperson asked that I tell everyone that you're on your own. Plans to spend the hours in the tree above the nest -- just keeping watch.

Restful sleep for all and a special goodnight to Hedgie, Belle and Shep.

magpie said...

Chirpity Chirp Chirp Chirp
such a sweet little sound

Hoda said...

JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE!!! Did you not even ask him to do a quick trip around and then return to the nest???
Sleep well.
HUGS and Thank you.

JudyEddy said...

OH MY on hold with trac phone my phone say NO SERVICE

magpie said...

Lolly: yes, I fell down on the job!
I was watching the Gospel Music of Elvis was quite riveting - so I missed that upcoming SPLIT....

magpie said...

G'Night Judie...
Sooooo glad you made it back to us today....

Sandperson had a tough job last night, we were all Wired For Sound and Sight at the nest

JudyEddy said...

OK phone now working don't know what was up no bars at all but working now I love them little peeps I could listen all night

Hoda said...

JUDYE sometime the no bars is an interference to the cell tower and if a plane goes too close it interrupts the signal. Sometimes if it is no bars for a long time I turn the phone off and reboot it and they return. I wait ten seconds from shut off to restart.
Maybe this would help???

JudyEddy said...

HODA YEP I think a bowl of cereal is enough I know it fills me up I had spoon size shredded wheat Neck seems ok now and getting sleppy took my pills earlier so I need tooth picks to hold eyes open LOL

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

thats for the info HODA on the phone I got a strange message last nite at 10 that my services was ending and I think that had a lot to do with it I laughed at the text didn't think anything of it so I think some how I got cut off even though I have until 3/22/14 of 727 min which ever comes first I told them about the message then I got service so someone pushed a button I guess but its working If it happens again I will try what you said but lets hope it doens't happen That is what they had me do too and it didn't fix it until I mentioned the text so happy I remembered that Was sort of unhappy that the phone rang after 10 LOL ok nite nite

magpie said...

Spoon sized shredded wheat is my favorite cold cereal too, JudyE....
Hope it has filled your belly well

Thinking of Jewels as she prepares for another midnight shift....
a joyful day for her, hope that Energy continues throught the night shift for her ♥

Lynne2 said...

I LOVE Elvis Gospel Music, wish I had seen the post sooner Margy. I might have been able to find it on the radio.

JudyE, no worries about the suggestion. Paddy O'Joy, the last biological evidence of the great Liberty, the original founding father of this nest, is forever buried and a part of this nest still, and so is Lib as a result. I would love to honor her memory and Lib's with an appropriately named baby!

JudyEddy said...

REAL quick while I was washing my face I GOT A SUN BURN on my FACE from the walk call me pinky I don't feel it and I have racoon eyes from sunglasses LOL Not bad just slight pink should be gone by am just had to tell you before I forget you know how that is LOL

Hoda said...


Thank you very much.



magpie said...

Good Night dear Hoda...
Hope Sleep is Sweet, Restorative and very Peaceful
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

I made a pledge and I'll get the two CDs, could not afford the DVD's - I'll be glad to share the music with you for sure, it was a great program
How is your Resident Fisherman tonight?

Lynne2 said...

that would be awesome Margy....I didn't realize it was on TV!

The fisherman came back without a bite...none of the 3 got anything! But he was happy to be out fishing anyway!

magpie said...

Well, then a successful outing in its own way....
I don't watch much TV, Lynne2 but always check the PBS channel listings first, missed first hour of the Bluegrass show :(

but the 30 minutes I watched was GREAT, had some Ricky Skaggs, Bruce Hornsby and other musicians

magpie said...

Daytime should be a fun time
watching the nest and waiting
on Bobblehead2 ☺

Time for pillows and blankies for me
Been Fun, appreciate all the cool links and information and fellowship

Prayers for Wellness All Around, Amongst us ALL

God Bless This Nest,
and God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

stronghunter said...

I see that Belle is tucked.

All is quiet at the nest.

George has been medicated and is sleeping at the foot of my bed.

Kathryn and Hunter have returned from their adventures and are in bed.

Soon I will crawl under my own covers.

SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Heard chirpings and saw that Belle was awake and apparently there was an egg roll. Now she is settled back down.

Time for me to get ready to tuck in myself.

Night all! SED! Maybe, just maybe another hatching tonorrow. Should be a great St Paddy's

((Hugs)) for all and special thoughts going in Hoda's direction.

Costume Lady said...


Well guess what, friends...I put my foot in my mouth ove on the OC.

Here is what was said:


Wanda Concovia Wright · Owner at Countryside Costumes

Our new eaglet "HEDGIE" has made her appearance and is peeping her little head off (2:33) pm.

Reply · Like

· Follow Post · Edited · 3 hours ago

Nick Garza · Austin, Texas

Hedgie? Who named it that?

Reply · 2 · Like

· 3 hours ago

Donna Flowers · Top Commenter · Huntington, West Virginia


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· 3 hours ago

Ruth Adams · Top Commenter

Didn't know a name had been chosen for this eaglet, no votes taken!!!

Reply · 1 · Like

· 3 hours ago

Gary Shrewsbury · Top Commenter · Mountian State University Beckley Wv

Hedgie ???????????? What knid of name is that ?

try Freedom or something else patriotic .

Reply · Like

· about an hour ago

Wanda Concovia Wright · Owner at Countryside Costumes

Hey Folks, call it what you like. We (The Momster Group who started this Blog) have discussed naming this baby HEDGIE after a very beloved member of our group died from Pancreatic Cancer nearly a year ago. Her Blogger name was HEDGIE and was loved by so many.
Please call the baby whatever pleases you~

Reply · Like

· 2 seconds ago


stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

I know that people who post there don't necessarily know that we exist.

stronghunter said...

There are a lot of very new people there who are confused about what to call our male.

Belle is calling.

stronghunter said...

Now she is tucked. That's a good sign.

stronghunter said...


You asked about the weather for the weekend. Looks like some snow today and tomorrow.

Jewels said...

Precisely why I do not go to the oc website. I know I shouldn't take offense to t heir comments but I DO!!!

Jewels said...

Good morning....
on po po and they have bout driven me crazy! I need a drink!!

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Jewels and all my eagle friends!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Looks like Belle on duty keeping chick and egg warm and still all tucked in.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

BELLE up for a wiggle wiggle Hedgie must be asleep I hear no peeps but I hear a train

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Slept a little today, until 6! Enjoying my coffee listening the the tweets of the birds in my backyard. Couldn't even begin to know what's out there!! LOL!!

Wanda, we can call our eagles what ever we want. They call the male Ben, and well...that's not his name :). I don't even look at those comments. We have such a good record here of what is going on at the nest and there always seemed to be drama over there.

Playing tennis today, Sandi? I will be joining you in doing paperwork. Lesson plans for me.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE chirping

JudyEddy said...

I heard wing flap

JudyEddy said...

Shep must be up there flapping his wings and she is telling him to go fishing NOW

Sandi said...

Morning Judy. Belle called out and Shep answered. Maybe she sent him to pick up breakfast?

DanaMo said...

What did we do before cell phones? I can't imagine the kids out driving and not being able to text me when they arrive at places. I told them they had to text me each time they arrived. One text came in at 12:45 am that they had arrived at the party. I can't believe I actually answered. I totally did it in my sleep, cause I don't remember it at all.

JudyEddy said...

and remember GUYS the Hannock calls him Smitty and some call her Bella

JudyEddy said...

BELLE not a happy camper right now chirping

Sandi said...

Morning Dana. No tennis today. Belle calling out again. I think I still hear Shep near the cam.

DanaMo said...

I was the one who said we should wait to name the eaglet, but I think once the name was out there it was just too hard. I only feared being more upset it the eaglet didn't survive. Hopefully that will not be the case since we have all named it in our hearts anyway.

JudyEddy said...

She is no settled

JudyEddy said...

Yep I think he is at the cam tooo I heard wings flapping and she looked up I still think she told him to go get some fast food

grannyblt said...

Morning all.

Dana I saw your note on FB and was going to answer that my children were teens before cell phones. Parents just had to TRUST. I never slept a wink until I heard them come home.

JudyEddy said...

NOW not NO settled Got to get ready for work

DanaMo said...

I trust them completely. It's the driving that scares me to death!

Sandi said...

Dana, before cell phones we asked our novice driver children to call - on the land line - when they got somewhere. Didn't matter the time or if it woke us, we expected the phone call or they lost the keys. Wasn't any bigger of a deal - we stayed awake for the calls (or answered them half asleep) just like you do for the texts.

DanaMo said...

You hear of so many tragedies on Prom night and such. Kids in a car and have an accident. I know Adam is careful, but he is still only 7 months into having his license. Inexperience to how to react in driving situations and you really can't teach that.

Sandi said...

I hear little Hedgie loud and clear. Couldn't see much of the other egg to look for a pip.

Sandi said...

Shep arrived - with GRASS!!! =(

Sandi said...

Belle took off. Shep is chick/egg sitting. Maybe Mom will hit the grocery store while she's out!

Sandi said...

Top o' the mornin' to ya, Thelma! My avatar is Shep getting a look at his little Hedgie this morning!

Didn't see a hole in egg #2 during the switch. There could be one on the bottom since Shep didn't do an egg roll, but there was none that I could see.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Early Birds!

Can't wait to get a look at little Hedgie this morning. Didn't get much of a look yesterday.


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Trusting to day will be another great day. Off to coffee and dog treats for Dex and I. prayers for all.

Sandi said...

Woohoo!! Egg and Hedgie are uncovered and there's a hole in egg #2!!!!!

Linda said...

Good PIP Morning!!

Yes indeed we have a nice large PIP in the second egg!!

And a darling little chick looking up!!

grannyblt said...

Nice pip in second egg. sorry I will miss the hatching today--off in an hour to NY

Linda said...

What a wonderful sight to see!!

Shep in for some time on the nest and settling down!!

I don't see any fish in the nest...


others to follow!

Linda said...

Amazing to see those beautiful little black eyes looking up at you less than 24 hours after birth.

This one looks healthy...
holding its head up high...

Having a second hatch today would
surely keep them closer in size from
the start. That would be nice!

Keep the competition in check!

Sandi said...

Morning Linda! Changed my avatar to Shep, Hedgie, and the pipped egg! Very eggciting! I agree Linda that a 2nd hatch today would be great! It's still early so, if the chick has enough energy, he/she may arrive today.

I would like to see some food brought in before the snow arrives in Shepherdstown. Megan's forecast on FB is calling for 2-4 inches. Our eagles have great instincts so I'm sure they're aware of the pending change in the weather.

Linda said...

I seem to remember Shep filling up
the nest upon arrival of our first
chick last year. Anyone remember
that? Surprising that he hasn't done
so this year yet.

Must get ready for church.

Will check in when I can...

Happy St. Patricks's Day!!

Linda said...

Yes, Sandi, I agree with YOU, too!! We will just have to wait and see. Not liking snow at the nest, but they do so good at protecting their young in adverse conditions!!

Have a great day!

Linda said...

Did you get a good shot of the large PIP in the egg, Sandi??

It would be nice to have for the "record books."

Okay, gotta run...

Sandi said...

I put 2 photos in the yahoo album - one showing chick #1 and the egg, and one with Shep, Hedgie, and the egg. You can see the hole in the egg in both pics.

Shep seems to be watching something, but doesn't look alarmed.

WV sUSAn said...




Sandi said...

Shep has a wiggly, hungry baby and doesn't seem to know what to do with it! Instead, he's moving sticks! Now, maybe looking for some nestovers to feed hungry baby??

Sandi said...

Shep appears to have found a little something but he's eating it himself - good grief!!!

Unknown said...

WOW! Hi everyone. I had to check in before I leave for church. I see our first chick is an active little bugger and big PIP in second egg. ♥

I sure hope I come home to see some fish in the pantry!
See you all later...ff to church and lunch

DanaMo said...

Shep was like, "what the h$@# was that?"

Unknown said...

Well darn darn darn...just got home from church and lunch and turned on laptop as quickly as I could. I see belle on nest, but not fish yet?

Hedgie going to be getting hungry. soon will be 24 hours since hatch, and 32 on the way. Now i will begine to fret.

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...