Monday, March 04, 2013


New week thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo Good Monday Morning to All

Mema Jo said...

Sun is shinning this morning - I am very happy to get another eagle feather.

No special plans for the day
Making sure the grocery order is updated

Thinking about all of you and just hoping this snow that is a coming doesn't do and damage or cause any of us a hardship.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the pre-snow thread.

Shep appears to be on duty and basking in the sunshine. Do not like snow storms at the nest this time of year.

Sun shining brightly here also Jo.

Also thinking about food supplies, etc. Wanda, I will need to check to make sure I have some Suddenly Salad on hand. Always makes me think of Miss GG.

Cagene Chicken -- nice play on the Capt.'s name.

Now have to formulate a plan for coping with snow as the wannabe adults have their mid-term exam scheduled for Thursday. GDub almost never closes but my ability to get their is the concern. Exam will have a snow date following Spring Break.

Hoping those not feeling well begin to feel better.


Sandi said...

Good morning from school. Thanks Steve for the new thread and Jo for the call over!

Jewels, Brian's and Lynnis's house in Ranson is on Old Leetown Pike.

Gotta run! Later.

grannyblt said...

GM all. Thanks for the new thread, Steve. And congratulations to Mema Jo for another feather.

We are having another white day here. I hope that big storm does a more northerly route to miss our nest. Those of us in the very snow weary north can deal with it better. The first year I watched the nest was '07, I think, and the clutch was lost due to bad weather. Hope for the best this year.

Lori O. said...

Good morning all!

Thanks STEVE for the new thread, and JO for the call over. Congrats, JO, on the new feather!

Change of schedule today...not going to docs with Mom, she had to cancel that appointment because Home Health is coming out for Dad, but she has another doc appt tomorrow, so I will go with her to that one.

SANDI, so excited for you that Brian is on his way home!

JUDIE, hope you figure out a plan that's great for you in case of the dreaded high snowfall amount.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Thanks Steve
for the new Monday Thread....we are ALWAYS Ready

Thanks, Jo for the alert !
Yay on yet another feather for you ☺

Glo made a final post on the old thread....

magpie said...

Beyond excited for Sandi
on the soon-to-return home
of Brian...

magpie said...

Thinking of Paula on this
official final day of the business as she has known it for 32 years....

Bittersweet for sure...
Best Wishes on the close-out
Paula xoxo ♥

magpie said...

and Super Best Wishes to
Every One for a day that
leaves you happy at the end of it ☺

Sounds like the next few days might leave Wanda Happy, but
"Slam Wore Out "

Thining of Jewels and her early morning post....
I hope she is sleeping and resting now....

xoxo ((All Day Hugs )) ♥

magpie said...

Happy, reading about your Dad smiling ☺

glo said...

copied from old thread i must have been asleep LOL "Good morning everyone. Got some sleep last night. Snowing here today. Will be another day to just stay in and hunker down except for those Dex necessary quick outs. I am sure I just have one of those like change of season colds. Not fun but not that bad. Wow I don't think if they asked for my phone number to get back in to anywhere online that I would give it. "shrug' hasn't happened yet so I will decide if and when it does. Dex and I are almost through another winter. I think when this week is over he will be done with the hardest to deal with kind of weather for him. Prayers for all. I could not be a 911 answerer either. I absolutely hate a helpless feeling when extreme danger exists. Helping is great but those ones you can't help argh!!! You all have my utmost respect for all that you do.

Monday, March 04, 2013 9:43:00 AM

magpie said...

Lisa has updated the BWE cam
and there is a link to more
information on the Eagle Web Cam Log

magpie said...

Oh Gl☺ happy to see you over HERE

xo Hi Dex !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Very good to hear reports of fathers getting better. We do need a report on Isaac.

Hard to listen to the reports of the expected snow. We are expecting the 80's today. I was thinking I would possibly work in the yard, but so far no sunshine and windy. Do not like that.

Lolly said...

Dana published a cute poetic prayer for snow on fb. As much as most of you would appreciate a snow day at home, I think now is not the time. Let's pray for no snow on our eagles!! I can not watch the cam when they are buried in snow!

Lolly said...

Great to see Candy peeking in here. I do think she should have her own computer! If Jack and I did not have our own this would be a much unhappier marriage. lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets!



glo said...

I don't know if Facebook lets me link to an album or not but I am going to try. Our Family Miracle. I added 3 more photos today plus the original photo I took right after her fall which no one saw until her birthday. I also uploaded a 30 sec video of her singing that I will treasure forever Moms White Christmas Just want to share with those who shared this journey with us.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, that video of Mom singing is beautiful. What a treasure!! And she has a pretty voice, too. Wish I could sing.

Another, Oh, wow!!! The third chick hatched at BW. Just watched a feeding. Not sure if the third one ate, hard to tell. The three are still so little.

glo said...

Its going to be a very rough road for baby number 3 at BW.

Lolly said...

I agree with you, Glo. I think he has already had a rough road just hatching! I know I saw pip in the egg end on Saturday.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo

Well, this is why we watch nature cams -- for surprises! Our 3rd chick just arrived and he's moving around. One extra piece of good news is that we caught dad helping to feed the chicks this morning, which is great since it looks like they'll have 3 chicks to feed.

Mema Jo said...

Third Chick Arrives
Posted on March 4, 2013 by Lisa

We just predicted in our earlier post that the third chick was too late to arrive, and then it hatched this morning — six days after our oldest eaglet.

We’ll have to wait and see how the youngest does being so far behind its siblings. We did see the father helping with a couple feedings this morning, which could be a good sign. Not all fathers help with feedings, so if he contributes, it might make it easier on the youngest to get his share of a meal.

Here’s the data on our third chick:

3rd egg laid: 1/26
Hatched: 3/4

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all!

Wow, egg #3 at BW hatched!! Hope #3 is a girl so she'll be larger, since she's starting out at a disadvantage!

Just had a parent switch at our nest - Shep is now on duty.

Janet said...

Popping in on a sunny afternoon.

Been outside some today as it is close to 60. Good excuse just to sit outside, sip some hot mint tea and absorb some fresh air and sunshine. I also aired out the house!


Looks like you all are in for some SNOW SNOW SNOW. hang tough, spring's comin' ya'll.

hoping our eagles stay nice and warm and keep those eggburts snuggly warm as well.

later ya'll....

magpie said...

I'm totally floored about the
3re chick at BWE
just saw the news on the site,
and raced over here to
read about it also...
Simply Amazing, hang in there little chicklet !!

magpie said...

Hoping that each day brings you closer to total Wellness,
xo ♥

magpie said...

Sure was a treat ☺ ♥ to see
Candy aka carolinabeachmom

Farmville, been a long time since
I heard anyone talk about that...
sounds like MY kind of game

Oh, the Sunshine Vitamins
are plentiful today !

Mema Jo said...

Putting some corn bread in the oven to go with the chili for dinner. Yummy!

I still need some comfort food in this house for the snow!

I am real excited for the new eaglet down at BWE. Would be great like Sandi said if it is female and can fight for herself. But Lord Blackwater was helping with the feeding - that is great!


Lolly said...

Just came in and now I am resting. Are you ready for is 82 and I got HOT. Wish it would not go from cool to HOT, would much prefer comfortable!!

Plenty of food in the pantry at BW. Now to see the little one fed.

Lolly said...

Whole family of 5 in the nest right now at BW.

JudyEddy said...



Janet said...

JUDYE: how are you feeling?
Was it a virus or allergies?

Janet said...

Thank you Magpie. Sitting here sipping mint tea.....feeling better than I have in a week! :}

JudyEddy said...

VERY ODD I got a friend request and a mssg from some one who says he is related to me from Finland sent him a mssg back telling he is mistaken his uncle was not my father

ear Judy , I am Bjarne Pedersen. Brekstad. Norway.My uncle Alf Sverre Rostad is your father??We are first cousins Michael and 3 girl??????Please write to me.

ODD HUH I told him I was sorry I was not the person he was looking for that was not my father

magpie said...

Nice avatar Janet...I think I just noticed it ☺

Is that You ? ☺ I think it could be really....

JudyEddy said...

SIS I feel the same sniffles although there is nothing to blow I feel ok but I know there is something there I am just trying to keep it at bay LOL with the meds day one now

JudyEddy said...

BW nest has all three hatched???

magpie said...

glad you are turning the corner on the illness, Janet...hope there are not a whole lot more corners you have to turn...and hoping the extra rest will leave you much

82! Lolly that is mighty warm,
spring breakers might wish they were in Texas today, not Southern Florida

magpie said...

Force fluids, JudyE...
hope you can stave off illness

JudyEddy said...

I noticed as I was reading the comments that
ANDY posted on the old thread and I didn't see it here so bring ober

Good Morning/Afternoon!

I've been taking it really easy over the weekend, and can hardly wait to go see the specialist this afternoon. Still hurting. Feels somewhat better sometimes, but then I'll move just the wrong way, and it starts really hurting again. Seriously want to know for sure what's wrong, and I hope I get some answers today! Dr. appt. is at 3:20pm.

Shar, WOW! Sounds like you need some major intervention! Hope you get some real relief, and SOON! Prayers, for sure!

Prayers for baby Isaac, too. Hope he recovers quickly from whatever's making him miserable!

Well, need to pay some bills online, and then get away from this computer. I'll keep you all posted about the doctor appointment. Hope there will be some good news! HAGD, everyone. I'll be back later. I LOVE us!

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Posted by Ms Bookworm to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Monday, March 04, 2013 1:35:00 PM

magpie said...

Sunshine aplenty at the Royal Sycamore

Food is really going to fly
into that Blackwater nest now..already quite a lot of it
sitting around.

Corn bread and Chili...great winter meal, JO

Neighbor guy just brought over a six pack of Chocolate Klondike bars...oh dear...straight into the Freezer they went !

JudyEddy said...

that should be over not OBER anyway I brought it over for

JudyEddy said...

JO I also am having chili I had it last night and will have enough for tommorrow also

magpie said...

Thanks JudyE for bringing over the info regarding Andy...
sure hope her doctor can get things fixed up PRONTO for her

ttfn xo
need to go soak up some of the
Sunshine ☼ Vitamins and take a walk

JudyEddy said...

I see all three in the nest AWWW

magpie said...

Shep doing his manly, fatherly
duty at the Royal Nest

JudyEddy said...

I got Service Unavailable error 503 is doing well LOL

JudyEddy said...

I have noticed for a couple of days has anyone else notice if you look at the ground its fuzzy and when we first got the cam you could see the ground or IS IT JUST ME LOL????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

I thought it was the lens the other day sort of distorated but now I don't know

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna watch the news LM BBIALW

Lolly said...

Three sitting up at BW, waiting to be fed.

Hoda said...

Very good day here. Watered the little shoots and also the spirea.

Went out in shoes instead of boots and felt much lighter.

I will make my own kambucha drink, fermented tea drink which is Japanese. In the health food store it is 4 dollars a bottle. Enough on this noise, I will make my own and a yogic friend of mine offered me the starter and will work on it tomorrow. Very good for the intestinal track.

JudyEddy said...

I thought it was FOG the other day forgot the word FOG in the above comment

Sandi said...

Latest predictions for Bethany Beach:

The National Weather Service has issued a coastal flood watch for Sussex County, DE from Wednesday afternoon, March 6, through Thursday, March 7, in anticipation of a still-developing system that is expected to blossom into a nor’easter and bring with it
tides at least 4 feet above
normal, 60 mph winds, and heavy rain. The forecast
is trending toward this being
a very strong storm with plenty of
negative effects, from coastal flooding and beach erosion to heavy rain and damaging winds. =(

And it's looking more and more like my son Brian will have snow in WV to drive his big ol' truck in!

JudyEddy said...

I use to do a fermented drink of sorts a mushroom tea I remember having to split the shroom with each batch and gave quite a few away I think it was for diet from what I can remember

Hoda said...

SANDI let us know when BRIAN lands. WELCOME HOME BRIAN.

Sandi said...

Hoda, it's a 24 hour flight so he won't land in DC til tomorrow afternoon/evening. But when he does, I bet you'll hear me all the way in British Columbia!! =)

JudyEddy said...



"""""Iam retired seacapt. Bjarne Sigurd Pedersen, Brekstad Norway.My uncle was Alf Sverre Rostad.I visit him and Betty in 1960.We are cousin.Take contact.I have contact with your brother Michael in Facebook I have skape too.""""

Judy Eddy
I have no brother at all so I am not who you are looking for My real dads name is Charles my step dad who raised me was Jack so I am so sorry I am not the girl you are looking for I HAVE NO LIVING BROTHER I HAD A BOTHER THAT DIED IN GERMANY RIGHT AFTER HE WAS BORN OF Diphtheria

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

ANOTHER SINK HOLE IS IN THE AREA OF THE OTHER IS ON FACEBOOK i have fox 13 and they posted pic on it anyone want to like my news page can if they want
fox 13 in Tampa, fl

JudyEddy said...

the sink hole is 2miles under a fence

and just when you thought it died down CASEY ANTHONY was in the area today and off course the news is covering it

they showed a picture of the house gone and just the slab there with the big hole in the slab they are filling it in with gravel
the family is so upset still about Jeff is being left in the hole while they are putting gravel on top if him
They have removed china pictures and lots of family memories amazing how much they got from the house sifting through the debris

Hoda said...

Oh I just got invited to a yogathon this Sunday! from nine in the morning till seven at night.I said I would go and am excited about it. It will be a terrific practice. Looking forward to it.

Hoda said...

JUDYE you are iving this chap waaaaayyyyy too much information. Just block him and be done with it.

Hoda said...

Looking forward for that Cheer SANDI and THANK YOU BRIAN FOR YOUR SERVICE! God Bless.

JudyEddy said...

This was on the news so funny for all dog and cat lovers I love it

watch what happens LOL

Lolly said...

Good advice to Judy, Hoda.

magpie said...

Owl was just at BWO, not sure if GHO or Barney but he didn't turn around enough for me to see...
I think GHO

Hoda said...

The Yogathon is to raise funds for a village in Nairobi called Kukua Pamoja...They use the funds for education and health care...I am excited to help.

magpie said...

Beautiful Google Image today...
Miriam Makeba's 81st birthday

Mema Jo said...

Prayers still needed for Isaac
Our prayers got him healed the 1st time - Let's do it again

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I am having a deep down belly laugh at the link - Dog pushed cat into bath tub! lol oh my! TY Judy

Mema Jo said...

Jeopardy time


Hoda said...

Yes MARGY MAMA AFRICA!!! Quite the Lady!


Headed out to yoga be back later.

magpie said...

Thanks Jo...yes, Prayers for little Isaac....and all his family.

JudyEddy said...

WOW the fish at BW glows in the dark LOL BIG FISH TOOOO

JudyEddy said...

JO so glad you loved the video as much as I did they played it several times on the news so funny that he did it on purpose smart dog he intended to do it

Judie said...

JudyE, please stop any and all communication with this person. You are simply asking for trouble. This is a phishing expedition and you really need to shut him down. Sorry to be so outspoken but you really are putting yourself at high risk.

Judie said...

Wishing a very quick recovery for baby Isaac. Feel so sorry for all the little guy has had to go through.

Hope Paula had a relatively decent day today.

I suppose once Hoda complete the yogathon we can expect her to be describing herself as a pretzel. You go girl!

Sandi said...

I just got an email from Brian that simply said "HOME!"

I thought for sure he said Tuesday evening, not Monday evening! But I guess I was wrong!

So my boy is back in the USA! WOOHOO!!!! =)

Judie said...

It is early but tomorrow is a day with the wannabet adults.

The night light is on and the sandperson's satchel is filled with sleeping dust. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Welcome home, Brian.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home, got something to eat, started laundry, fed the dog, made 2 phone calls...time to catch up on the blog.

magpie said...

Yesindeedy, Welcome Home Brian !
Wonderful, Sandi....a mother's delight !!! xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Judie, I don't think I will need
the Sandperson's help tonight,
but Thanks ! He can bypass Martinsburg, the Energy Bandit beat him to it


magpie said...

Go Go Go Go Go, Paula...
Welcome Home to you too !

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, glad Brian is home!

Thanks, Margy...was a looong day. Tomorrow should be better...and quieter I hope! Lucky you on the Klondike bars!

A 3rd chick at BWE! What great news. I will be pulling for that little one. Happy to hear the pantry is stocked.

Good luck to Andy at her Dr appt.

Hoda, hurray for shoes!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, glad your Dad is having some good day!

I have to wait til the 11pm news to catch up on the storm track...

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, is this anywhere near you?

Kentucky/Tennessee Eagles

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, I can't believe you hadn't ever used google earth! I love it.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, this might not be too far from you.

Eagles in Harmar, PA

Janet said...

good evening all...

am missing yoga tonight, but when i lie down i cough, therefore, i would be most disruptive...sooooo here i am.

JUDYE: continue to fight that bug! and I'm with the others, block this dude. Don't know who he is or what he may be looking for.....

MAGPIE: thanks. but, its not me in the avatar.

HODA: a yoga-thon! how awesome!

A quiet evening in the house. Thinking about Isaac....poor baby and his whole family.....

DanaMo said...

Excuse the typos I'm I. Bed on my iPhone. Looks like discharge formula dad is going to be Wednesday during the storm. Oh joy! Thank God I have a big ole Suburban with 4 wheel drive.

DanaMo said...

Sorry about the snow prayer, but I am a teacher! We didn't get any snow days last year and had to work and didn't get back our built in days. It really was awful. Three extra days of school no extras money.

Mema Jo said...

Back in the good old US of A
Yeah Sandi! Wow I know you are busting to see him!

Lynne2 said...

FOX screams!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Welcome home Brian!

Got my computer with me while I am curled in my bed. Bowling practice wore me out. My score got worse, not better. I got too tired.

We will see what happens tomorrow when I bowl with the league.

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

YAY Sandi, so glad Brian is home!

Glad Lori's dad had a good day!

Was thinking of you on your last official day at work Paula. And no, I never used Google Earth!

JUDY, that guy is trouble. Ignore him.

Oh, Sandi...geez, sure hope the weather isn't as bad as the prediction you posted. UGH!

Looks like we are in the 4-8 inch zone at the moment, but very close to the 8-12 zone.

anxious to hear how Andy made out today.

magpie said...

I missed the Fox screams, Lynne2
but thanks for the alert!

magpie said...

Noisy gravel,I hear that

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. Will see you tomorrow. Rest well, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good night, Shirley

magpie said...

you should ask Steve what kind
of fish head that is at BWE
but maybe you yourself know ☺

BIG Wing Stretch and egg tending

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

a poop shoot and one blogger cop and a double post

Lynne2 said...

Margy, he thinks it looks like a White Perch.

magpie said...

Thanks Lynne2...
I think I did a faceplant on the mouse and blogger copped myself with a quadruple post -
those are my 3 deletes.....
I am so sorry !

That's my's Bedtime !

magpie said...

Good Night and Restful Sleep
Wishes to All....

Prayers for Wellness All

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I meant to say Thanks Steve also...
he knows his fishies !
Soon he'll be out catching
some of his own!
Hang in there Steve !

G'Night ! ♥♥

Lynne2 said...

I'm sure wishing a trip to BW was in the cards for us this Saturday for the Eagle Fest.

Who knows what the future will bring....

<a href="<>what does this sequestration mean for our wildlife refuges?</a>

Lynne2 said...

what does this sequestration mean for our wildlife refuges?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like I am in the 8-12" zone...we shall see...

Lynne2 said...

I'm hoping that by tomorrow this storm will have shifted enough to keep us out of significant snow.

Mema Jo said...

It is time to close another day!
Got your email, Paula - thinking of an answer.

May everyone have SED and not to worry about the snow - I just know you have all your groceries and a good book.

Shirley - relax and let bowling be FUN - don't worry about that head pin and I bet you strike them all down!

Anxious to have an update on Isaac and also on Andy's pain. Sharon did you get any report yet? Bev wants her goody goody 2 shoes (that match) when she leaves the foot dr tomorrow.

Good night to all and God Bless you and your loved ones.

I love us ♥

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed. Good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

JO and all this was on facebook When JO said something I thought I would bring it over I am sure she won't mind

"""Beverly Crisco Riffe
From Nicole: Please continue to pray for Isaac. Results from Wake Forest ( Brenner's Children's Hospital) were mild pneumonia in both lungs. He was not admitted but we stayed overnight with my cousin to be close by the hospital. We took him back to his pediatrician today and he has tested positive for RSV. He has been so pitiful...praying he will rest tonight and that he starts being able to keep some milk down rather than just pedialyte. He goes back to the doc tomorrow. Eli has also developed a cough :-(. Prayers!
Like · · Share · 3 hours ago near Bluefield, WV ·

JudyEddy said...

so that would have been at 7:40 says 3hours ago

JudyEddy said...

So excited for you SANDI

welcome home BRIAN

paula eagleholic said...

Got the laundry and dishes all put away...going to go up and watch the news and wait for Larry to call...he just got off work.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Hoda said...

PRAYERS for ISAACS and FAMILY for sure.

This is PRETZEL HODA back from yoga!!! What a funny image JUDIE!!! I am too well padded to become a pretzel. Maybe a French Brioche would do?


I will put you in prayer as you undertake this drive Wednesday DANA...Yes you have a good solid car and with careful driving you all will return home safely I am sure.

PAULA very happy this day is finally over. It must have been very tough and I thought of you all day and blessings come your way...YOU ARE AWESOME PAULA.

Thinking of phoning the flower shop that gave me the bulbs to ask if they remember what bulbs they gave me...they are so so so cute sticking out of the mud!!! All covered up and tucked in for the night.

Lolly said...

ANDY...we are waiting to hear from you.

Watched some Tv, played some computer games, now I am ready for bed.

Going to be a slow week, no appointments, no meetings. Then next week Laurel and boys have spring break. Next week will be busy!!!

Looks like we all need to really keep Isaac in our prayers.

Night all! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

Things went pretty well at the church this morning/afternoon.
Making a pot of soup for 60-80
people is a LOT of fixing!
20# of chicken, 5# of noodles, 2 pkgs of celery 2# onions, small amount of carrots for color, spices and seasonings. I cooked the noodles separately so that they won't get over-cooked. I add them into the hot broth just before serving and as needed throughout the evening.
Capt. Gene got his Cagene chicken all seasoned and placed in baking bags, ready to be put in the oven when we go in tomorrow (er, today). Gene washed the dishes/pots while I put away some clothes in the Closet. ALL READY FOR TOMORROW. We work well together...I love it when we go in the day before Soup Kitchen and there is just the two of us...something special about that:)

OK, I'm done...have to jump over onto facebook and wish my Brandon a Happy Birthday (26)

Love and Blessings to all ♥.

Hoda said...



Sounds like a great meal to be served tomorrow WANDA. BLESSINGS.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

JudyE, thanks for bringing over my post from the other side this morning!

Well, the Dr. appt. went very well.
I like this new doctor! She's figured out that I have a pinched nerve in my neck, not a pulled muscle. I need to get my neck x-rayed tomorrow, and make an appt. for an MRI of my neck, too. She also wants me to call after 12 noon tomorrow and make an appt. with Physical Therapy. She said it may be a while before I can do much (because of the pain), but it will help once the pain has gotten better. She prescribed nortriptyline for me, which is used for phantom limb pain, and also helps other painkillers work better. Takes it a while to kick in, but should make a difference once it does. She says the MRI will help them read the neck x-ray better. Feel hopeful that we're finally on the right track. Still hurting tonight, but can start taking the Percocet later tonight instead of the Norco, and it's supposed to be slightly stronger.
I'm just hoping that I won't need surgery to fix what's messed up.

Prayers continue for baby Isaac!
Hope the little guy feels better, and quickly, too!

Well, going to go put the heating pad back on my neck & shoulder. That really does help a lot. I'll be back in the morning with an update. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, with SED! God bless, and goodnight.
I love all of you!
♥♥Caroline & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Jewels said...

Good Morning!! Wheww!! another doozy morning. Does the crazy ever stop?
Prayers for Baby Isaac, RSV is awful and pray that Eli doesn't get it!!!
Wanda, I would love to have the time to help you at the soup kitchen sometime. YOu two do make quite the pair!!
Sandi, Glad to hear Brian is home!!!
Andy, prayers for your back. Pinched nerves are painful for sure.
THought of you Paula, hope all is well.
Dana careful on your drive, but glad that he is being discharged!! Hope he mimds the doctors orders and rests and behaves!
Lolly very jealous of your weather, can we trade???
JudyE that just sounds strange!! MIght want to just block him, sounds like he is fishing for info.
Margy, turns out that possibly the female caller last night is in icu in Jefferson and from what I can tell from CHristie's mother n law Julia, she works at the hospital or her mom did with Julia. SO sad. It is in the paper today.
Happy to see the third chick hatched!! Praying for our clutch for the rest of this week!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!

Sandi-I can only imagine how excited you are to have Brian back in the USA, I get excited just to have Aric back in MD! :)

Well the local station is saying we will get 5-10 this morning! I went to sleep last night with visions of driving over South Mountain. Man, this is one time that I really wish Monte was going to be home during the storm. I might check with him and see if t here is any way he can be back tonight instead of tomorrow. I have a feeling that is not going to be an option and I am going to have to "put my big girl pants on". I will be very nervous. May go down tonight so that I only have to drive in it one way. Honestly I feel sick over it. I don't want them to wait an extra day though because I know how much they want to get home.

Praying for Isaac, hope he gets better soon.

Need to read back, sorry I have been so wrapped up in my own stuff that I haven't been keeping up on everyone else, but please know I love you guys and appreciate all your support.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see Belle in the nest with a swirling arrow above her. Geesh. Will try a refresh. She is sleeping but not tucked this morning.

RV ad on the OC today. As ads go, it is okay.

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Brian is back. Thinking of Sandi and the school issues, too. Hope the meeting with the parent turns out well for all of the teachers, and for the student as well.

Prayers for Isaac.

stronghunter said...

Andy, prayers that you are pain-free very soon.

Dana, glad that you have a good snow-traveling vehicle there.

Sounds like the soup kitchen crew is all prepared. So nice to read of your preparations, Wanda. I can just picture you and Gene working together to get things ready.

Oh, Lolly, your weather sounds so nice. I am ready for spring. Bought some jonquils/daffodils at the grocery store yesterday. They look pretty on the kitchen table. The ones in my yard have tried for a long time, but are still not blooming. The crocuses came up and are looking pretty, though kind of small.

stronghunter said...

I did something that might sound a little silly. Bought a little refrigerator for my bedroom. I have been keeping George up here because he decided to leave his mark on the sofa in the family room.

He has been up here for some months now. Since he really needs canned food, I was making lots of extra trips back down to get his meals, and my knees complain. Now George's food is in the little refrigerator along with a few treats for me. Might be really nice.

stronghunter said...

Well, Winter Storm Saturn is still heading this way. Don't know that I will get used to naming winter storms.

Still wondering about this storm for this area. Supposed to be above freezing temperatures.

Sandi said...

Good morning Dana, Shirley, and all my eagle friends.

Dana, I hope Monte can make it home early and do the driving for you - I would be scared/nervous too, considering the forecast! The snow amounts keep rising. Forecast is still the same for here - rain, wind, and flooding with a little snow maybe at the end. UGGHH!!

Andy, sorry about the pinched nerve - hope the meds do the trick quickly!

Shirley, the meeting with the parent from hell was yesterday. She's looking to file a lawsuit against the school district. Meeting #2 is yet to be scheduled. In the meantime, I have to meet with her to revise the kid's IEP yet again - that's supposed to be tomorrow after school, weather permitting.

Prayers for little Isaac. Will have to go a Google search on RSV.

Gotta run. Make it a great day! It will be for me b/c I know my boy is back in WV!!

stronghunter said...

On the bowling, I will feel bad for the teammate who took so much time to try and help me if today goes badly. I think she believed that she could really help my score and that if we did just one more session, things would get better.

I did remind her that I have lots of years on her and that I don't bowl so well when I am exhausted.

We will just have to see how things go.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Sandi, I hope all goes well and that the school adm does not get intimidated by threats of a suit. Sometimes that can be a problem.

stronghunter said...

Hope that you have someone with you when you meet with this woman.

stronghunter said...

I was kind of thinking the meeting was yesterday, Sandi. I think I have missed some posts, and apologize if I missed one of yours. I was very busy yesterday, then collapsed on my recliner and went into a stupor while listening to Wolf Blitzer talk about something on CNN. He did not mention the Parent from Hell, I don't believe.

stronghunter said...

But then, I did have a glass of wine, so maybe he did a whole section on the lovely lady. Who knows?

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Lots of things going on...
Joyful, Stressful, Prayerful...
Illnesses, and Challenges...

I'm IN on the Prayer Chains...

Best Wishes for a Good As Possible Day....

worktime looms....

xoxox ♥ Love You, all

(( All Day and All Week Hugs ))

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Thelma! Good morning.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds I see our beautiful nest in sun this am no snow I hope this contiunes and I see three eagles in the BW getting feed now

stronghunter said...

I hear some crows calling this morning.

DanaMo said...

I'm already a wreck. Shaking...geez am I a wimp or what. Watching the news of the mid west and seeing overturned cars isn't helping my nerves.

stronghunter said...

Dana, no need to watch that news.

Lynne2 said...

what in the world is in that nest with our eagle???

stronghunter said...

What are you seeing, Lynne?

Lynne2 said...


My pic ture is distorted and it looked like something was in there.

RUnning to work!

Janet said...

Good morning all.....

Its a wet morning here in Nashville, about 52 now, heading straight down to 30 by 3 p.m. woo hoo. fickle fickle march. snow showers tonight.

i'm still hacking and coughing, but feeling more human with each day and for that i am thankful. olivia is feeling puny now. :{
glad its my tuesday off. but must grocery shop.....

STRONGHUNTER: thinking of you today. someitmes the harder i try the worse i do....just let go and breathe. do what you can do. take the pressure off.

we only have 2 more sundays to bowl for this league i think....
obviously i didn't go this past sunday. livvy and i were asleep by 8 p.m.

i haven't been out sick this lon gin quite afew bout with mono i guess was the last time i was out for so long....this has been a doozy!

thinking of you all today, especially in the snow belt. wow. hang tight and stay safe.

hugs, light, love and smiles to all.

paula eagleholic said...

It is Shep in a funny spread! Looks to be half tenting.

magpie said...



magpie said...

sure does look interesting,
Shep does, Paula

magpie said...

but I don't think it's a towhee at BWO

more like a red-winged blackbird

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

I think Shep may need to practice that tenting move. I wish I could somehow put a big umbrella over our nest to keep some of the expected snow away. From what I've heard it will be wet and heavy and melt pretty fast. I am in the 1-3 zone so no worries here.
Andy, glad you have some answers and a treatment plan.
Janet, glad you are feeling a bit better
Sandi, glad your son is on USA soil.
Dana, you will be fine.. Worst comes to worst, stop at a motel..
Good thoughts for all of us with our unspoken needs.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Everyone!!!

Getting worried about all the snow some of you will get, and of course, worried about our eagles and eggs!

Only expecting 5 inches here in PA.

PAULA, thanks for the eagle link. It's close to Pittsburgh, about 90 minutes from here. Kate will be here this weekend, so maybe we can try to find it, though I don't know my way around here well at all!

DANAMO, sorry you have to drive in the storm, but your vehicle can handle it. Prayers you'll be fine. The docs may let him go earlier so you don't have to drive in it. Hope Monte will make it home.

SANDI, congrats on Brian being back in the USA!!! You must be to the moon happy!

HODA, I'm very proud of you for all the things you do in Nelson to help people around the world. You are so special!

ANDY, YAY that you found a good doctor who diagnosed you right away. Prayers the pain goes away and the PT helps alot.

Prayers for Baby Isaac! BEV and SHARON, keep us posted on how he's doing.

Just made up Dad's pills and vitamins through 6pm, now I just have the 9 & 11PM to go. So many pills!

JO, sure am glad you're retired and don't have to go anywhere in all the snow.

Lori O. said...

JANET, sorry you missed yoga last night, and hope you start feeling better PRONTO!

SHIRLEY, CYCLONE, good luck bowling today...lot's of strikes and spares!

magpie said...

I think of BeanBags when I see Shep sometimes on all that fluff

Good Morning Many More Eagle Pals..

xo busy here will be all day

Judie said...

Good morning.

Bright sunshine this morning - the sun before the storm.

Glad Andy got a diagnosis. PT will not be fun the first few times but it will help so don't give up.

Wishing everyone the best day possible, safe travels, and special thoughts of healing for baby Isaac.

magpie said...

Yes, pinched nerve for Andy... YEOOUCH!
Hope the treatments and relief
are speedy, Andrea
I still have mine but not nearly so painful as you desribe...

Have a good day, Professor....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am at the doc now to go over the MRI results. Will let you know when I know.

glo said...

Good morning all. Dex and I have made our treck across the street and back. Have about 3 inches of fresh snow so far. its really very pretty from inside :-). Prayers for all as you deal with life and weather. I am still coughing quite a lot here and not sleeping so good. I will bundle up with boring movie soon :-)

Lori O. said...

SHARON, will be waiting for the translation of your report!

Lori O. said...

GLO, I hope you feel better. Maybe a boring movie will put you to sleep and you can rest.

Mema Jo said...

I've been here and gone and come back and just keep reading and forgetting to say, Good Morning! None of you do things like that, do you? lol

Praying that all ills and pains can go away quickly - The morning sunshine is just beautiful and I really wish it would stay! But tomorrow we shall see or we shall not see the ground!

Waiting to hear from Sharon and her MRI results. Praying for Andy's pain.

Thinking about all of you from coughs to sniffles to other serious conditions. I love us ♥

magpie said...

feeding time at BWE
counting heads, or trying to

Lolly said...

Good morning! Nice to see sunshine on our cam. Sunshine here but if you step out you could blow away. Do not want to join the garland that is blowing around! Presently 51, our hot weather has departed. Down into the 30's tonight.

Andy, so glad you liked your doctor. Prayers that therapy is all you need.

Dana, do wish the doctors would release you dad a day early. I would be a basket case having to drive in poor conditions.

Need to go to BW to see what is going on there.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello my eagle budlets. I am back home from the doctor. They are referring me to a neurosurgeon. I gave them the name of one that is in Huntington, WV, close to Andrew. She thinks that they will order physical therapy and maybe some injections. I go back to her in 2 weeks for my physical (Pap smear, breast exam, results of blood work) and she is going to do a renal ultrasound to see what is up with cyst. I just recently had the CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis and there was no mention of the cyst.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

If anyone who is on Facebook gets a friend request from Anne-Marie Larsen, decline it. It is spam and someone hacked her account. She already has Facebook that we are all on.

magpie said...

Oh cool
eggs in the open air NCTC

Lolly said...

Three in view at BW!

magpie said...

physical therapy and shots should help during the waiting time,
I've had that treatment

Hope that ol' cyst just plain old
disappeared, vanished, poof !

magpie said...

none in view at NCTC
tucked back under Big Bird

magpie said...

those three little babies are so cute, Lolly, thanks for the alert !

Lolly said...

Thanks for the warning about fb, Sharon. Sounds good doctor wise, think you are on the right track to get this cleared up.

Lolly said...

It is hard to tell who is getting fed and who is not. Live cam lets us see that.

Lolly said...

Love, love, love those little black eyes. So cute!!

Lolly said...

Love, love, love those little black eyes. So cute!!

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, where did that double post come from. Well, I guess you know I mean it. lol

Lolly said...

Oh, no my BW cam just went blue!!

Oh, now it is back with a static view.

Lolly said...

The two eaglets at the Llano nest are flying!

Llano Eaglets

Mema Jo said...

I can't get the BWE cam up

Our nest looks so sunny! for now anyways.

Sharon - Sounds like you are going to get medical attention to get you out of any pain - I pray.

Dana - I'm sure transporting your dad and mom home from John's Hopkins will all work out Safely for all. I'm praying for you.

Mema Jo said...

Egg roll our nest

Mema Jo said...

Dana Hagelberg Hilmoe
Heading to Hopkins to pick up Mom and Dad.


Lolly said...

They were having problems earlier, Jo. I got a blue screen and then a static picture.

Lolly said...

Yea, glad she is getting them. She was so worried and I would be, too! Sensible doctors!!

Mema Jo said...

BWE cam is up now

Keeping those chicks deep and covered to be sure they stay dry and warm

Red said...

Good afternoon eagle buddies.
Today I got a facebook request to be Anna Maries friend and I accepted it. A few minutes later she linked to me on Facebook chat. I knew right away it wasn't her but I played dumb to see what the fake wanted. They are trying to get someone to pay $2,000 for a $120,000 prize. I told them they are crooks and that I was not born yesterday. But over and over they tried to convince me they were legit. I stopped the conversation and unfriended them. Sharon is right. It's a scam. I reported them to Facebook.

Mema Jo said...

BWE Feeding all 3 in a row

Thanks Red for all the info - I didn't get the friend request but know that you and others did.

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon. Well. I had accepted the friend request for Anne Marie, but thinking she was already a friend. After reading the comments here, I unfriended until we find out what is going on.
Still sunny and warm 41 here.

magpie said...

SPLIT in less than about 7 posts

I'm splitting now, time to leave the workplace behind..

xoxo ♥

Yay for DanaMo!

magpie said...

and I'll backtrack from home....
on the posts....

stronghunter said...

Oh, I just got that friend request, too, Bill. And I just accepted it. I am going to go over there and see what I can see. I was on my phone.

stronghunter said...

Okay, this person is trying to chat with me right now. Not sure how to complain to FB.

stronghunter said...

Now this person is going into the stuff about a "small basic grant" and trying very hard to get responses out of me.

stronghunter said...

I unfriended her. Was getting uneasy.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I unfriended, but she is still on my friends list. Is this because she was already there? I do not know what to do.

Lolly said...




Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone! I too got a friend request from Anne-Marie Larsen. It is NOT her. When I said, "I know you're not Anne-Marie, I'm blocking you, stop bothering people" they said "No" and disabled the account.

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...