Friday, March 22, 2013


The power spike yesterday apparently zapped the communication link between the camera and the link to the Internet.  NCTC folks are working to diagnose and fix ASAP, while ensuring there is no impact on the birds.

Stand by, new thread.


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Judie said...

Shirley, what a mess for Kathryn to have car trouble. Hope she has a good solution soon. How's she liking the new job and people? Hope she's happy there. Saw more fires near Ft. Collins so hope your brother/family/home are not in danger.

Am coming in second to NCSusan to report that Big Red has three eggs at Cornell. She looks lovely and both were there earlier for a changing of the guard.

Problem with sandpiper bird is the size and color and legs. The bird I saw was huddled under a bench on campus in D.C. and looked the size and similar color to a mourning dove (fluffed up against the cold/wind) with no visible tail feathers and a long thin pointed black hummingbird beak. It had tucked the beak into its shoulders (like Belle asleep)the second time I passed by. Continuing my quest and much appreciate the suggestions.

Okay, back to minor chores.

glo said...

Lolly You still have a choir and it does a cantata. I so miss those sounds in a church. I am so old LOL. Your home sounds beautiful I have snow for Palm Sunday :-). Dex and i have already gone on 2 walks and lets just say He needs to walk again :-)

Kay said...

Good Afternoon from snowy Columbus, Eagle Buds ! SHIRLEY, my oldest grandson is in grad school in Ft. Collins now. Being from MI, I'm sure Max is taking the extreme cold better than his Western compadres !

Yesterdays post was cut short, but I was going to share with you the fact that Penny and I survived a pit bull attack that morning. We rounded a corner to see a young man and his six year old daughter trying to get a leash on their pit, Ruby. Penny immediately set up a howl and before I could rein her in and pick her up the dog was on us. I was screaming, No, No, No while trying to grasp Penny. I lost my footing and fell just as the fellow reached us and got control of his dog. His little girl backed off with Ruby while I inspected Penny for the wounds I expected to see. There were none, but she was clearly horribly shaken. So was I as I then tested all limbs to see if a call to 911 was in order, but thankfully, NOT. Scott helped held Penny, helped me up and made sure we were going to be able to walk home. He then came across the street to give me his name and phone number so that I could call him with a welfare report later in the day. Very nice young man, but not the ideal way to meet a new neighbor ! A pit bull, unleashed and living in an apt/condo complex with no dog runs or fences is just not right ! Scott, of course, claims "she's never been aggressive before"--it only takes once and I hope he's learned a lesson from what turned out to be a traumatic incident for all of us. Yesterday evening Penny winced with pain upon being petted in the rib cage area and once when Seth tried to pick her up. Today, no signs of pain and she runs, jumps, eats, pees and poops normally. I have a very sore bottom with torn hamstring type pain running down the right leg, but no back pain. Whew ! The pain killers I'm still on for lower back and leg pains are helping with this latest assault to my system. Both Penny and I will be seeing our doctors if pain persists this week.

That's my shaggy dog tale for today and one I hope never has a sequel !

My thoughts and prayers ware with the Riffe family and with all Momster's, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsers in need !

Can't wait for our cam to come back up ! We're missing some of the really sweet times in the life of an Eagle family !


Mema Jo said...

Good early evening - Family company most of the day - Lots of grey skies!

We heard a hawk today but couldn't spot him out back......

Putting some soup on for dinner - Homemade chicken noodle - may need a grilled cheese with it - Strange dinner for Palm Sunday.

Tuesday out at Jenny's six of the great grandchildren will be getting together for lunch and an egg hunt. Really looking forward to it.

Sandi - very glad to hear about your evening in Baltimore and your visit with Brian.

I'll be back later this evening..... ♥

glo said...

Oh dear Kay so glad you and Penny are ok. I still remember Dex and I at the Marina last year about this time of year and those 2 pits tied together came for us. I have never walked him in that part of the Marina until I see there are lots of people there and someone to help if another dog happens to be/get loose.

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle watchers. I went birding yesterday and a bit today and saw eagles in every location. Two of them were sitting in nests! Both nests are visible from the road and within 1/2 hour from my home so I'll check from time to time. Many waterfowl--100's if not 1000's. Mostly hooded mergansers, ring neck, redheads, scaup, bufflehead, etc.

Kay- so glad that you and Penny are seemingly all right. Scary experience.

Beverly, so sorry about your brother in law.

Hope our cam can be easily fixed..

NatureNut said...

Well, sports fans, Nascar race is over and Kyle Busch, who was 3rd won. He has a horseshoe!! 1 and 2 tapped each other and spun out. Joey Lagano hit the wall & they just put him in the ambulance.Is this a sport? Driving the Beltway is a sport!

Kay, so sorry to hear about your doggy troubles, but hope no bad injuries.

Girl at Park today called me & said both adult eagles were busy in the nest--probably a food drop. We're pretty sure there are eaglets, as you can see more of Mom's head in the nest in the AM.
Yesterday, saw 2 ospreys in trees just up the road from our office. There is a nest platform right in the river there that has been MT. In afternoon, 2 O's were in the nest!!! We have seen a few eagle/osprey chases recently.

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work Hope each of you had a good day I also went to the park and didn't realize it was almost 7 wow saw both adults got some pic and video the one kept flying over me the sky is so dreary and overcast pic so dull but got them LOL we need the rain its just spitting not raining so to say OK got to go read

JudyEddy said...

OH MY KAY so sorry for the dog attack and he should have been on a leash

Janet said...

Its been a busy day!

KAY: am so glad that the injuries are minor in comparison to what they could have been!!! how scary that must have been

NATURENUT; that was quite the ending to the race!!!! rubbing an racing...did you see tony stewart loose his cool?

As per the plan, we spent the better part of the day in Olivia's room. I helped to clear out the closet, and while Tom installed the orgainizing cubes, shelves, etc...I had Olivia spring cleaning. Typically, in years past I have cleaned her room for her, usually about 2x a year, taking everything out, pitching, arranging, etc. OH NO< not today! I had her to do it and I supervised. She wasn't pleased. We took out 3 bags of trash.

I have 2 full boxes of clothes, shoes, etc to pass to my older daughter for the granddaughter...

So much room in there now....til my 11 year old packrat junks it up again.

As reward, I got her 2 redbox movies. :)

I have chicken n dressing in the oven. I simply pour a box of the stove top in a casserole dish, add chicken broth, top with chicken breasts, top with cream of chicken soup and butter. cover and cook. will make some veggies and call it all good.

Work tomorrow....tom AND olivia are now on spring break so i can sleep til nearly 6!!!! wooo hooo

hope everyone has a nice quiet evening. we had some thunder storms roll thru, now the temps are dropping, snow showers tomorrow....after pickign up the redbox movies, i foresee a nice quiet evening around here!

light, love and hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...

OH I forgot to say That something fell out of the nest with me right there and yep I picked it up If you get what I mean LOL

Sandi said...

Have been home for a couple of hours getting unpacked and making food for the dogs. Ready to relax and watch some TV for the evening.

Kay, what a scary event for you and Penny! I sure hope you didn't injure anything when you fell! Geez!!! Just what you DIDN'T need!!

Margy, hope you had a great day with James!

Paula, welcome home - sounds like a very productive weekend at the beach!!

Got Mom's phone problem straightened out and the repair guy left a card with his cell number in case she has any other problems in the future.

Will say goodnight to everyone now - see y'all in the AM! I sure hope our cam is back up and running tomorrow!!

JudyEddy said...

Uploading my video and I just noticed that one of the adults has a nice fish in it talons as in arrives at the tower

Lynne2 said...

I just had the misfortune of reading the following, and it's upsetting on so many levels I can't begin to tell was a "courtesy post" posted by the lost and found pets FB I follow:

Bischon Frise (Parkville)
We would like to re-home our 7 year old Bischon Frise. Her name is Sadie and she is quite the family dog and is very well behaved. She does not shed and does not have allergies, however she did suffer from a herniated disk back in the summer if 2011 for which we paid to have surgery performed. She walks with a limp and tends to drag her feet at times which causes an open wound to appear on her leg which needs to have neosprorin applied and wrapped. Due to the herniated disk, she has not re-gained complete feeling in her spine and does not always know when she has to have a bowel movement and will go in the house at times, usually in her bedding. She is able to urinate on her own and will let you know when she needs to go outside however due to her condition, needs to be expressed completely with the help of a human (which is pretty simple to do). She still loves to play and is a great companion however with two teen daughters and always being on the go, we are not able to give her the attention that she deserves. We would hate to have to put her down and are hoping that we can find a good home for her as we have had her since she was 8 weeks old.

Please contact us if you are interested in caring for this wonderful dog!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? How could anyone do this?? She'll likely end up as Pitbull bait. These people make me sick and I responded to the ad on Craigslist and let them know it.

Hoda said...

The RCMP is coming the RCMP is coming rumours of something falling out of a nest in Florida and questions on who picked it up and I said I knew nothing of it and sent them to California...that is the best I could do JUDYE!!! LUCKY LADY!!!

KAY so very sad at the experiences of falling and the dog being attacked. I am glad the neighbour is a nice lad but there are better ways to meet people I would say. Do tell your doctor you fell and tell the young man we will come after him with our eagle canes if he does not watch it!!!

LORI be kind to the ground hog. I see some very mean posters against the poor chap I am sad to say.

EARTH HOUR here went very well. I had a cup of hot chocolate and I had awesome candle light. I meditated and I chanted and I felt pretty terrific knowing I was part of a group that thinks of what it might be like to reduce consumption every day.
Very good meditation session and when the neighbours are in I am careful not to play my harmonium for chanting so I just use my voice. Then I went to bed.
Thank you for asking.

PAULA glad you saw a hawk and that you will keep an eye out for further encounters.

SANDI sounds like a terrific weekend. So glad you had time with BRIAN and that all the other activities went well.
Frustrating about the wait for the fix it people. It is however very important to have a working phone line...Good on you for helping your MOM.

LOLLY I saw look forward to seeing a video or a wide angled picture of the paronama of your approack to the house.

Terrific day here. Fantastic talk with my sister Carol in Connecticut and also a long and good talk with Batch in OKC.
Susan will start her treatment tomorrow. They postponed it from this week as they had to insert a feeding tube to avoid throat swallowing with the treatment. Her son from England is coming home Wednesday.Blessed be.

JUDIE I thought Sandpiper family too...keep us posted as to your mystery bird.

SHIRLEY buying a new car is a steep expence indeed but the safety of a reliable car justifyies the expence. I wish KATHRYN well.

JANET your day sonds full and with adventure of activity well directed.

Thinking of SHAR as she goes to the Doctor tomorrow and hopefully gets a better image...

On going prayers for BEV and TOM and the loss of their BRO.

LINDA thinking of you too and hoping DENNIS is doing well and the taxes are not driving you crazy.

I have not seen LYDIA on today...I hope she is having a terrific day.

Good to read your post JO and Blessed PALM SUNDAY to you and your family.

JudyEddy said...

This is a edited video from today at the park First you can see one of the juvies doing wingersizeing in the left side of the tower then a adult flies in with a nice size fish and then I get them flying out and flying around
Todays eagle at the cell phone tower wingersizing and a fly in with a fish and the fly out and around

JudyEddy said...

I also have pic on it

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for saving my arshe HODA LOL that was just tooo freaking getting my trucked pooped on and then the thing falls at my feet as the eagle was looking down LIKE HERE YOU GO now GO AWAY lol

JudyEddy said...

Hey it was mentioned that there will be no open house because of funds

Well when I was up there it was no open house and the non open house last year really had nothing to do with NCTC putting $ out and I wonder if we could do that again of sort
Would NCTC and STEVE allow us to come in and eat lunch etc and go to the gift shop that would give them $ and they wouldn't have to spend any $ at all and would we be able to go to the nest like the last two time on the grounds?? Just curious
I have been getting together a box for the occasion of little what nots

Hoda said...

You do visit the tower often and I am so very pleased for you JUDYE that you are learning so much and sharing so much about the eagles. The videos and the pictures you take add a good touch to the experience.

JudyEddy said...

HODA I have been going every day now I am waiting for the three juvies to start branching so far only wingersizing I love the time change just for that reason

Hoda said...

I watched the video and the juvie that was wingercising has strong wings.Thank you.

Check your email JUDYE

Lolly said...

Oh, my Kay!!! So very thankful that your experience was not worse than it was. Poor Penny and poor you. Yes, please let the doctor know what happened. Oh, I do hope you do not have more damage! (((hugs)))

Jack has built a nice fire. Why is it that we are so chilled? We got used to spring in February and not ready for winter in March!!

JudyEddy said...

We are 72° right now but a cold front is moving in

JudyEddy said...

Tue night is suppose to go to 44°

NatureNut said...

Great video, JudyE. That juvie is really powerful w/the wingercises. Guess they'll fledge soon! What? You got a PS on your truck???
Speaking of trucks, just talked to daughter and seems her hubby, Jimmy, was supposed to fly out of town (to Costa Rica) today.Austin Airport has been all booked, they thought because of March Madness Basketball tournament, so he had to drive to San Antonio to get a plane.His truck croaked 30 miles out of San An. He was right in front of a Chevy dealer, so left a note under their door (& hid keys),got a cab to airport and made his flight! He comes home TH & will have to hope the truck is fixed!

Dear Ms. Jo, hate to bother you, but when you are up to it, I put a couple pics in our album & last one is out of order datewise. TY

JudyEddy said...

Hey today is the first day that I didn't need tissues at work Yeah I think its mostly over My ribs and my back kill me muscle I guess from coughing I just have to remember next year to take allergy pills a week or so before the oaks dump the pollen is what I was told by the pharmacist

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA I got pooped a week ago It is what we get on finding a new thread fell out of the sky while I was under the tower area

JudyEddy said...

and there are suppose to be three juvies in the nest I saw two so far but only one at a time doing wingersize

GW is running late darn it

JudyEddy said...

I have a pic of two juvies and two adults The third must be behind one of the poles I guess With the cam beind down I spent more time there I will have to take my laptop to work to see if the cam is up hope I can connect at work I keep fogetting to call Bright House about getting my password for fee wifi outside the home You have to register

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, so sorry about your dog encounter. People do need to leash them in crowded areas!

Great birding report, Granny.

I think the nest I found IS active. We saw an eagle fly from around the nest today on our way home.

Cloudy day for the most part. Sun did peek out for a few minutes. Got lots more brush burned and cleared. I'm pooped.

oH JudyE, a nest treasure!

Sandi, glad you got to spend time with Lynnis and Brian!

Waiting waiting waiting for the Good Wife to come on....

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, nice catch on the video...

magpie said...

Oh my goodness, not so many posts cover a lot of territory here...
so sorry for the pit bull attack on Penny AND Kay...I think both will be sore for a few days

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
xo ♥

magpie said...

Heavier snow here earlier, especially in Morgan County....temperatures are right around freezing...
I think we'll get more

School delays in WV popping up, expect to see more

magpie said...

hoping that Kathryn can find a good deal...I have paid for my "POS" Blazer a time or two repair...wish I could just take the plunge and get something decent...

magpie said...

Wowser, I'll say what a birding report from grannyblt !
Wish I could go on one of those birding trips

Sandi...glad your Mother's phone got fixed...I had the same problem a couple of weeks dial tone, and only voice mail was working....some outside problem of some sort

magpie said...

I like Jo's menu for today !
And hope the weather is very nice for that Easter Egg Hunt on Tuesday at Jenny's !

Wish I knew what Judie's Mystery Bird is....

Lynne2: sorry about that Bichon Frise very sad...

magpie said...

Wondering if Charlie will be chauffeuring Jewels to work tonight...just can't tell what is really going to happen overnight...we are "on the cusp" of this storm.

Lolly! Enjoy your Dallas trip Monday ! Bring on time with Zacharooski !!! ♥ ☺

magpie said...

JudyE: I'll try to get to your
video in a bit...sounds like it's a good one....
glad you are not sniffling too bad now

ttfn I'm magpie-ed out for now...

Thinking of all that is going on with all of us, with (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

Best wishes and strong prayers for Carol's treatments...

magpie said...

Correction, Hoda:
Susan's treatments...

magpie said...

Blackwater is clearly getting some wet stuff....BWO view is ghostly
ane Mom Blackwater has her babies covered up

With this weather system, I doubt if the NCTC cam can be worked on
Monday :(

magpie said...

Eagle just arrived at Lake Washington Cam

magpie said...

and it left already

magpie said...

and just returned....
at Lake Washington
now BOTH there doing nestorations

NatureNut said...

We've got about 1/4+ " of white stuff here on the grass,railings, etc. but not on street. Couldn't tell if it's from flakes or ice balls! Much earlier today, our friends in Paw Paw had about 3" already.
Hope you had a great day with James the Wise, Margy ☺.
I can't wait either to learn the ID of Judie's bird! Take your camera back to school, plz!!!
Paula, sounds like an exciting nest at Paradise!
I will probably konk out soon, so Prayers for All in need and
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

It has been a very relaxing Sun for me

Hope everyone's Monday goes weoll

Good night for now

I love us and hope they start to fix our cam tomorrow! ♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight all




Jewels said...

Good mornng! Just wanted to hop on before everyone said goodnight!! Good night sweet people and sweet dreams!! Just wet outside for now. I am hopig this is a big flop like the others!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Jewels!
Good to know the County is well-protected tonight.....
that includes ME ♥

did you drive yourself in tonight?
I keep checking the schools updates for our area

It was snowing good in Morgan County earlier....nuthin' going on here now

magpie said...

OH Jewels...
I just painted my fingernails:

Getting ready for Easter...

magpie said...

I paint yours too if you want ☺

Lolly said...

Purple fingernails!!!!! I would do it to go to a TCU game!!! :)

Sorry about the weather.
We really lucked out. We had heavy rain yesterday and some small hail. However, just one mile from us and 4 miles into town, they had heavy hail. It was still on the ground at church this morning. Heard that on the golf course just a mile away it looked like snow. So very lucky we did not have that!

Have been reading this evening. Now time to get ready for bed.

Night all! SED!!!

Purple nails?!!!!!!!!! LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Oh no, SO sorry to hear that Tom's brother has passed away! Prayers &
(HUGS) for Tom, Bev, and the entire Riffe family!

Kay, I'm so sorry to hear of the scary attack that you and Penny endured! I can SO relate, since a very similar thing happened to Emma and me about a year ago. It's so very traumatic as it's happening, that it's really difficult to forget. I hope there will be no lasting problems for either you or Penny! (((HUGS)))!!

Lynne2, you're right--the ad about the Bichon is very disturbing indeed, on every level imaginable!
I would like to choke those people!
Boy, don't get me started. I wish a Bichon rescue group would take her.

Well, I had my MRI this morning, and honestly wish I hadn't gone there! When I got up today my neck and shoulder were feeling really good. However, when I had the MRI, the position they had me lie in was SO uncomfortable I could barely stand it! I was miserable!
I alerted the guy to the fact that I was in MAJOR pain, and he told me that if we stopped then, we'd have to start all over again. I barely managed to hang in there!
All I can say is, I hope it's worth it!--especially considering the expense. I have been practically back to square one all day! (Thanks for letting me vent!)

Oh--guess what. The bees are back.
We had to take Emma to Petsmart to spend the night, and maybe a couple of days. We have some angry sounding bees in our living room attic and ceiling (and a few flying in the house) again. Since dear Emma tries to chomp flies and anything else that flies, we had to board her for her own safety!
The bee removal guy is down one truck, so won't be here until tomorrow. Thank God, the critters have settled down now that it's dark outside. I sure hope we've caught this early, and it's not a BIG infestation like it was a year ago!

Well, think I'm going to call it a day. I am worn out! Hopefully a good night's sleep will make everything a lot better! I'm just miserable without Emma here! I'm hoping the poor girl doesn't think she did something wrong and is now banished! We fussed over her when we dropped her off, but I always wonder what our puppies think when we board them for a few days! Well, hope we all can manage to get some good sleep. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. SED, everybody! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I LOVE us!

magpie said...

Oh Andrea....I am sorry to read about the miserable day....
I sure hope everything works out
well and swiftly....

I hope you can rest without discomfort tonight also

magpie said...

Guess I better say Good Night also...
Hoping for good things for
everyone Monday...

(Lolly, I have green and yellow and blue colors, too....hard to tell what my hands will look like by Sunday )

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us All..
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

It has quit snowing here, for now. It says on the news that more will come around 5am.

Bedtime for me...
Good night, sweet dreams and prayers for all♥

Costume Lady said...

Is there a vacancy for a 9-1-1 operator where you work? Saw an ad in the Journal and wondered if it was a legit ad~

Jewels said...

Think I am caught up on this page. Kay I am sorry that that pit scared you and Penny. Very glad that you are okay.
Shirley, sorry that Kathryne is having car troubles. But I hope she can find a veh that she likes!
Margy, I drove myself... Not enough out there to inconvienence Charlie. Plus if school gets delayed, then he would have to leave before they even get on the bus. si... as of right now, its not even doing anything to amount.

Jewels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels said...

I used to do purple polish, but now its the french manicure look.
Sometimes I wish I did go back to a solid colorful nail.

Jewels said...

That is a sad situation with the Bichon. Happens alot with animals anymore.
The snow is coming down again. not hard, but its back.
Momma Wanda, we are indeed hiring.

Jewels said...

my delete, my comment posted twice.

Jewels said...

I apologize if I missed anyone elses comments..
Shar, I will get that in the mail to you this week on my day off.
Good luck at your appt tommorrow.

stronghunter said...


Good grief, I just realized how late it is. A bit wound up after having spend five hours at the car dealership.

Good heavens, Andy, you all have a heck of a time with wildlife out there. Bees again. I hope this will be the last time for bees.

Kathryn bought a 2011 Honda CRV. A pretty blue color. She got a lot of the features she really likes, including all-wheel drive and heated seats. This is the first time she has ever bought a car from a dealer.

We bought her first car from a man advertising in the paper, then she got the others when something good showed up at the body shop where she worked--a total loss that could be repaired or something someone wanted to sell. Got some good deals that way.

Since the company she works for now sells cars, she got the employee discount. Still doing okay.

stronghunter said...

Kay, how very scary. You and Penny certainly did not need to have such an awful experience. I would be terrified if I fell down just as a dog was charging at me.

Our next-door neighbor has a pit bull. She seems pretty laid back, but she sometimes barks when we go into the back yard.

And, at Thanksgiving, when we were keeping a dog (part chow) for a friend, the two dogs knocked a board in the fence loose trying to get at one another. That was scary, and goes to show you that some dogs are unpredictable.

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, Lynne, such a sad story. That poor dog. I would not know what to say.

stronghunter said...

Margy, I received your lovely card. Thanks for being so thoughtful.

stronghunter said...

It snowed for quite awhile this afternoon and evening. I already saw that Stafford County has a school delay. Need to check on Spotsylvania. I have a 10:00 doctor appointment. Going to see how I will work that out around a school delay or cancellation.

stronghunter said...

No school for Spotsylvania County Monday, March 25. Okay.

stronghunter said...

There is not really any snow on the street in front of the house, and it is not snowing now, but I think more is predicted.

Jewels said...

Its really snowing now and the oic tonightis advising the interstate is getting coevered and the roads are getting worse.
32 degrees and dropping , even city police is advising that the roads are getting bad.

Jewels said...

Berkeley county schools are closed

Sandi said...

Good soggy Monday morning my eagle friends. 39 degrees and just lots of rain here in Bethany - no snow last night but temps are supposed to fall so maybe some today. I'd take an early dismissal - ever the optimist?!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle early birds!

KAY, I was horrified reading your post, then when you said you fell... OMG! I'm so glad you are okay, but HODA is right, tell your doc you fell. My Mom is in PT right now for a fall she took 6 weeks ago. The pain just kept getting worse & she felt fine after the fall. Big (((HUGS))).

PAULA, glad you're home safe and sound and Paradise is open again!

JANET, happy sleeping in until 6, and happy spring break to Tom and Olivia!

SHIRLEY, congrats on the new CRV to Kathryn. I have a 09 CRV and still love it. My brother just bought at brand new one last week, and my parents have had 2 of them.. Good cars!

JEWELS, Good morning! Glad to see you're able to stay awake. Don't know how you do it, girl!

LYNNE1, awesome bird report. You lucky duck!

LYNNE2, that rehome report on Sadie is soooo sad. Glad you let 'em know that's just not right.

SANDI, hope you get your early dismisal today! Haven't checked the weather forecast for totals, but it's snowing here, now.

SHAR, good luck at the docs today. We'll be waiting for your report.

JUDIE, did you ID your bird, yet?

Have a great day, everyone! Prayers for all in need, and wishing you love, light and a day with a joy filled heart!

Jewels said...

Good morning Sandi and Lori.
IDK Lori, I like my job I guess.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MorningEagle BUds

Jewels said...

Good mornng Judy E.
Winding down here, only 30 min to go and I can drive home and go to bed!!!
Have a great day everyone.

Janet said...

Quick but cheerful good moring to all. Yes, LORI, I slept til 6 and it was lovely.

35 out right now. snowing north and west of here. thinking of our eagles and all my friends in the more northern climes....

was a good evening. watched one of those redbox movies olivia picked. it was cute. i was happy to crawl into bed however. i know i have 2 - 120 massages sleep is necessary to stay awake in those sessions. the room gets wasrm, a relaxed client, the music....easy to doze off.

anyway, hope everyone has a dandy day. am signed up for yoga tonight. hopefully will make it htere. olivia and michael are going with SIL chris and kids to the hockey game downtown this evening....

have a great day ya'll....and judye: think that eagle is trying to tell you something? lol.

light, love, hugs and smiles!

DanaMo said...

Good morning~
Snow day here in Hagerstown. Community College opening late (after Andrew's class) so no school for anyone here. Wonder if Dayton had a delay. They have had delays a couple of times.

Oh Kay, so scary. I hope you are okay. Maybe a doctor appointment is an order for both of you!

Would love to have a non-open house. I didn't see anymore posts on that, is it a possibility?

Well, we were going to candle our eggs today. I might go in and do it myself and check things out. I can do it again tomorrow with the kids. I always check them myself first anyway.

DanaMo said...

Guess we aren't going to get the cam back today :(

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Snowing here. I think I will call the doctor's office and ask if they are re-scheduling people with appointments for today.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Just got Ken off to work 1/2 hour ago, and wanted to let you know that I DID get a decent night's sleep last night, once I found a comfortable position in bed. I feel more hopeful this morning that things (especially with the bees) will work out. I'm not quite so painful, and think that if I am able to keep a heating pad on my neck and shoulder for a while (combined with the Percoset)that things might settle down.

Gosh, you folks back east are certainly getting slammed with some rotten weather! Prayers for your safety, and for the safety of our eagles! Hope the cam can be fixed soon.

Shirley, I'm so glad that Kathryn got a new vehicle! Sounds like a good one! Helpful features, considering the winter weather you get back there, and an employee discount too! Nice! And it's even a pretty color. God is good!

Interesting thing happened when we got to Petsmart yesterday to drop Emma off for the night. A guy was there with a black & white Springer, and he's the SoCal Coordinator for English Springer Rescue America, Inc. Emma was absolutely thrilled to meet the other Springer (the feeling was mutual between them), and I was glad to meet the man. Maybe
someday Ken and I could help with a good cause. If curious, their website is:
(Sorry--I've forgotten how to make a link!) I'm wondering if maybe there is a reason the whole bee thing was orchestrated from above just so we'd meet the rescue guy. I firmly believe that there are NO "coincidences" in this life! Need to be praying about this! :o)

Well, my tummy says it's time for some breakfast, so will be in "lurk mode" for a while. MUST try to keep very busy today, because I miss having Emma here SO badly I can hardly stand it! I'm gonna call later this morning and see how she's doing. She will be in "doggy daycare", playing with some other pups! HAGD, everyone! I love us!!!

paula eagleholic said...

4" of snow here this morning and still falling. Nick is outside barking at the snow plow :)

DanaMo said...

We have about 4 inches as well. Plow just went down the street. They must not have anything to plow on the regular roads. My neighborhood doesn't usually get done this early. Still coming down at a pretty good rate.

stronghunter said...

Called doctor. No answer. Do not know what to make of that. Maybe they do not open until later. Maybe nobody is going to be there today. I did not think it was so bad that nobody could make it.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...

We have about 2 or 3 inches last night and we are having a beautiful snow right now.

T-Bird said...

How is the weather at the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

TBird, I'm sure the nest has snow as well.

DanaMo said...

I'm sure they have what we have in Hagestown. A good 4 inches or so.

Costume Lady said...


Looks like the weatherman was Right On, this time. We have about 6" as of now. It had stopped snowing long before I went to bed last night, with just dusting. Woke up at 7am and everything is covered. Still snowing lightly.

Yes THELMA, I'm sure there is snow at the nest, but, you know Shep and Belle can handle this! 34°

Judie said...

Good snowy morning to all.

About 3" here with only a few flurries floating down. Trees look pretty.

Scary incident for Kay and Penny. Glad they are okay and hope Kay get's a check up just in case.

Congrats to Kathryn on her new chariot. New cars are so nice.

Still don't know what the mystery bird is.

Have a good morning everyone and drive safely.

glo said...

Good morning all. Not so good a morning for Dex and I. I fell on the ice with Dex in my arms trying to keep him away from a loose dog in the neighborhood. argh!!! The owner came for the dog as she saw it all happen out her window. I crawled off the street with Dex in my arms and called my neighbor who came and helped me and Dex back up. Dex is fine but of course holding him there was nothing to catch me with so I have 2 aching knees and I think a bit of a wrenched back. Dex of course will need me to walk him again later today. I am still shaking. Dex growled and wriggled to try to protect himself and me which of course made everything all the more difficult. OK for listening. Be careful. I am so Over winter I almost always have my phone in my pocket when I go out with Dex You all need to be sure if you are alone to have your phones too!!!

Judie said...

Glo, so sorry about the fall. Didn't the woman even offer to help you and Dex get back into your house? Maybe a check of those knee caps and back is in order.

Lily's babes have been named: male is Eli and the female is Ellie.

Just going over my remaining topics this semester and realize there are only 5 weeks remaining. Must make a decision. Must make a decision. Must make a decision.

glo said...

Oh yes she offered right away BUT I can't put Dex down as he would have tried to fight blindly. He had no clue except a dog was jumping on us 'mostly me". I told her to go take her dog in the house and I would call my neighbor. I crawled back out of the street and my neighbor and her came out to help. She held Dex leash and My neighbor helped me up and then he walked Dex and I across the street and watched us in the door. Someone else just fell out there 5 mins ago and David was out helping them. I told his wife we just need to hire him for street walker patrol today. Its very bad out there this morning.

Bob Quinn said...

Good morning! Ouch Glo! Sounds like a doctor visit is in order. Went out to BW yesterday hoping to see lots of osprey. Hardly saw any but there were lots of eagles:


glo said...

New thread folks with update from Steve
New Thread

Mema Jo said...
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1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...