Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Fresh thread.  Beautiful day here in WV.


magpie said...

Well, thank you very much, Steve

These days, we are pretty much always ready

lots of rain last night,
the Eagles did a great job
protecting the eggs...

WV sUSAn said...

Margy -- you need to make a feather bonnet! Thanks Steve and congrats to you, Margy!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

I'm happy to report that I had a fairly good night's sleep last night. Shoulder feeling pretty good this morning, so I'm babying it to keep it from complaining too much. Looks like it's going to be a VERY nice day here today, with a predicted high of 75. Supposed to be up to the mid-80s by Friday!

Have a few bills to pay online, so going to get that done right away.
Have said prayers for everyone, and I'm hoping you all have a fantastic day! Will check back in here later. I LOVE us!!!

magpie said...

Well I was thinking of a mini-little headdress, Susan ☺

Andy: keep going positive with that shoulder....

WV sUSAn said...

Absolutely, Margy.

Andy, hope your shoulder improves soon. Enjoy the wonderful weather!

glo said...

Well not lots of activity at the Marina this morning BUT there was some. It started to snow pretty good while I was there. I was happy I went

magpie said...

I'm happy you went also, Glo ..

Wowie what a picture...
very very unique...!!!

Brav☺ !

WV sUSAn said...

Glo, great capture, Glo!!!

glo said...

I didn't bring Dex with me so I didn't stay very long. No way to walk him at the Marina yet and since he won't ride in his seat anymore and I needed to haul a snow shovel just in case there was no way to put the shovel in the back seat and not worry about Dex hitting the corner with his eye.

WV sUSAn said...

Glo, that's a lot going on there in your back seat.

stronghunter said...

Okay, Andy is here already. That is great.

Beautiful day here.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon All!

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

Gracias for the call over, MARGY, and congrats on your soon to be mini head dress! :)

ANDY, glad your shoulder is feeling a little better today.
Keep babying it.

GLO!!! Your eagle picture is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. I love it.

stronghunter said...

Glad they caught this guy

This man sounds scary as heck. He attacked a man who beat him off with an oxygen tank.

Will knows him from visits to the liquor store.

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon. What is that noise? Is the nest near train tracks? or something. It doesn't appear to be terribly windy.

grannyblt said...

Today I went to get a new birth certificate as my old one didn't have my parents names listed, which I needed for a passport. I got that accomplished and then applied for a passport. Now if I would only win a trip to Ireland or somewhere...But I'll be ready if I do.

grannyblt said...

Congratulations to the Blackwater nest for their second hatching.

Lolly said...

Trying to type, but have an elderly, senile kitty kat thinking she should sit on my chest between me and the laptop. This will not work!!

Home from the new dentist. Yea! All went fantastic. Like him, like his staff. I have a temporary crown and I am not hurting. Yea! Double, triple Yea!!! Remember last fall...the dentist left me hurting...he was so clumsy working in my mouth. Then when installing the crown he dropped it down my throat twice!! And then he broke it!!!

But I really like this dentist!!! He likes to cook and gave me to recipes. Reason he had the recipes is because he needed to go to the grocery store. lol He and three other guys are cooking a gourmet meal for their wives this weekend. We had a great time talking. lol Jack and I have a favorite Italian restaurant we go to. He has had the chef, Donnatella, come to his house twice to cook!! They are now friends. I am impressed. lol
Going to take him a couple of recipes when I return. Isn't his hilarious?

Laurel just called. She went to school today and so did the boys. Joseph did well and she was just now picking up Jacob. She is going home, going to lay down, and then they are headed to church for dinner.

stronghunter said...

Didn't hear the noise, but, yes, we often hear trains and planes at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Got a chicken in the oven. I washed my hands after handling the raw meat, but Lucky must have thought I was tasty because he licked my hand when I sat down to type.

stronghunter said...

Need to find a good recipe for chicken gravy.

stronghunter said...

Happy you found a good dentist, Lolly. There is a difference! As our dentist told Susan--"It is an art." And not all of them are equally talented.

WVJerry said...

Good early evening everyone. Hope things are well with you and yours. Been enjoying the cam this evening...really happy...first time no buffering for me. Sounds a little breezy. On a side note, my mother-in-law will have surgery on two spots on her arm on March 20. Hoping it's a good sign the operation will be in doctor's office. I imagine we'll know more after surgery. Many thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers for her and us. My son has been upset about his grandmother's health and it's only natural. Thanks again and I'll offer our thoughts and prayers to all. Turning 58 tomorrow...inside I feel young...outside not sure most days. Take care - enjoy the evening - talk later.

JudyEddy said...



Lolly said...

Jack brought home a giftie!! A box of solar lights to go around the pond. We have tried different lighting but have not come up with a satisfactory solution. Wish we could afford professionals to come out and do the whole landscape. This just might work. Won't know til dark. We had two solar lights out there. Solar lights have improved, so we shall see.

Anxious to hear Lynne's story about this morning. Who wagered money? She was late. lol

JudyEddy said...

GLO that picture is outstanding

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said... are young Jerry. I have 11 years on you!!! Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!

glo said...

I discovered if you follow the link to the photo I posted late this morning and then hit PREVIOUS you can see the other 2 eagle snow photos i took this morning.

WVJerry said...

Lolly - Thanks. It sounds like you still live a fine and active life with your 11 years on me. I guess it's like the saying goes you're only as young as you feel. I just saw an egg roll. Any idea when they should hatch?

stronghunter said...

Um, did not mention an amount of money, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Middle of March, Jerry.

JudyEddy said...

both eagle were at BW just a second ago after dark he came in then left Checking out the misses I guess

Lolly said...

No amount of money, Shirley!! But, those who thought she would be on time....were wrong!!! Too funny!

Yes, Jerry! Only as old as you feel! Monday, I felt old. Today, not so old! Have resumed my "walking". You have to keep moving! I do enjoy hiking and yard work, though I admit it is getting more difficult.

Lolly said...

Have a board meeting at church. I am off....

Hoda said...

Great day here...
Had an excellent yoga practice. Ran errands and visited. Now home for a short while before I head out to the Yoga Festival Planning committee meeting at the college tonight.

JANET it sounds like you have it handled with the modifications and the good instructor and mostly honouring what you are hearing from your body.

JERRY egg hatch watch from the 13th for the first egg and the 16th for the second egg.


REVVING up the prayers for DANA'S DAD tomorrow and his surgical team too.

LYNNE it must be upsetting to show up late today too. You have undergone a lot of changes and I am sending you LOVE AND LIGHT.

Mema Jo said...

The pics are great Glo

Thankful for gentle dentists, Lolly

The pond should look great in the evening!

Judie should be feeling good with her new do

Hoda said...

Amen to all of MEMA JO'S post...

I think I am ready to have hot chocolate...

I just had a spinach onion and mushroom omlette for lunch and now need something hot to drink. Too late for tea so it will have to be hot chocolate.It was a late lunch...sometimes I forget to eat and that is not a good thing as I gain weight when I do make time to eat.

I am trying to cut out peanut butter. It is delicious yet I eat way too much of it...

Hoda said...

I am trying almond and cashew butters instead.
Tahini also is good as a foundation for sandwiches...

JudyEddy said...

Shhh keep a secret don't tell but every night I think of Steve when I see our nest. I wonder if we will ever take it for granted. I hope not! so amazing we can see them at night and not wait for a full moon. OH I remember how dark it gets at the nest with no street lights. Really dark

Hoda said...

True JUDYE gratitude for STEVE and NCPC for the wonderful cam.

JudyEddy said...

HODA did you know that there is caffaine in hot chocalate? 10 - 70 mg per cup, The amount of caffeine depends on strength of the brew and the other chemicals in the product ...

JudyEddy said...

so if you are not drinking the tea you so love you may want to go back to tea since it also has caffeine in it Just a thought

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Time for Jeopardy


Hi Hoda

magpie said...

Nice little 35-second YouTube that Blackwater posted of the two eaglets getting fed, looked pretty even between the two getting chow

It's on a link on the BWE site.

Good Evening Eagle Pals

JudyEddy said...

Nice to have the sound back on just slight winds tonight OK I guess I will go watch the TV LM which we can do now that we can see at night BBIALW

magpie said...

and a mention of a possible hole in the 3rd egg and maybe a hatch Thursday

same here, Hoda...I have to really try to eat and at the right times. Sometimes it seems that I am eating all day long at work, I take a lot from home with me.

tonight Jewels and I went to a little restaurant in Inwood WV and we decided it was time for dessert ☺ ☺ It was very nice...

JudyEddy said...

I love the pop up pictures that they have on BW site MARGY

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the headup on the link on their page on the youtube I just subscribed to it also so I will be notified in email whenever they upload a new one Cute vidieo also

JudyEddy said...

what did you have for dessert???

magpie said...

Me to JudyE, it's a real nice to see what happens there.

Carolyn had Red Velvet Cake,
and I had Apple Crum something or other, like a pie with cinnamony crust...really good
and each dessert came with a
scoop of Vanilla ice cream ☺

magpie said...

It was really tough, though deciding between dessert and
a tempting favorite:
BLT, but tonight was dessert night.

magpie said...

The proprietors hail from the Baltimore area, and Seafood is also on the menu, steamed shrimp,
crab cakes and another shrimp dish.
Another couple of trips are in store there for sure

JudyEddy said...

Icecream and apple crumbcake sounds goooooood

magpie said...

good dentist report, Lolly, and very entertaining about the sharing of recipes and the chef and all that.

Hoping to hear from First Mate Wanda something this evening,
don't recall seeing a post yet today or last night either

bbl, stuff to do here xo

JudyEddy said...

think I will go eat a ricecrispie treat want icecream and cake now but that is all I have sweet in the house

magpie said...

Thinking of WV Jerry on the eve of his birthday
and DanaMo's father on the eve of his surgery Thursday...

Prayers continue for the many people on my list

ttfn xo ♥

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE...Hot chocolate organic with coconut chemicals at all and no sugar either...I do not have a strong cup of hot chocolate and it has not caused me to stay up the night yet. I will keep an eye out though.

OFF I go!

I am excited about possibly being part of a Yoga Festival in Nelson this summer...September is the month we are thinking of.

Sandi said...

Good evening all!

Horrible day at school, even with the 2-hour delay. The parent who I have refused to call, email, or talk to unless there is an administrator present has now called the principal to say that she has been in touch with the Attorney General's office and is demanding a hearing with school and district personnel b/c I am harassing her son.

I have been on the phone with the special ed. chair and have called an attorney (but only got his voicemail.) Don't have any more energy to talk about the details this evening - sorry.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be in a better frame of mind. Goodnight all!

JudyEddy said...

OH SANDI I am so sorry of the issues with the parent We know you are in the right and thing will work out Keep your faith (((((((HUGS)))))))

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

8:00 TV CALL

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Sandi, is the attorney for free? From the school board? I think you'd better be talking to the principal.

Lolly, glad you found a new dentist..and one that like to cook to boot!

Belle is tucked.

paula eagleholic said...

congrats to BWE on their second chick!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Sandi. So sorry about the problems with the parent. The school should support you. If you are a member of the teacher's association, you should contact them, too.

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

♪♫ I feel pretty, oh so pretty ♪♫ Yes, got my do did and it feels nice.

Jerry, happy birthday early. Hoping you have a super wonderful day tomorrow. Thinking of your mom, also. Guessing she's having biopsies. I'm sure she will be just fine.

DanaMo, prayers for your dad's surgery tomorrow. Will be thinking of you and the family.

Congratulations to BW on the arrival of their second eaglet.

Ah, dessert. Sigh. None here tonight.

Lolly, so happy you found a dentist you like. Makes a mouthful of difference.

Sandi, I should think there would be zero evidence of harassment, especially since you have not had contact. Would also like to think the school system would provide legal advice free of charge. So sorry you are having this mess to deal with.

Judie said...

Well, the sandperson has begun creeping down the hallway soon to begin rounds for tonight. Going check on Jo and her "do" -- he seems to have a crush on her.

Night light is set for 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

Shirley, I may have missed a post but did Hunter's bed ever get assembled?


magpie said...

Hoping you will get the support you need and deserve all the way through this. Many are sending sme good counsel here....
I am so sorry; and you just got
added to my prayer list...
your Mother has been on there for some time
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

hearing about all the "do's" here
reminds me to try to eke out
some moola to get mine done...
once the car gets some repairs, and some doctor bills and so on.
But I won't resort to doing it

stronghunter said...

Unfortunately, the bed is not assembled. Hunter is sleeping on mattresses on the floor. Bed-building is scheduled for Saturday.

Kathryn is not home yet. She stopped at the doctor's to get some prescriptions taken care of, and they wanted to do some blood work, so she got stuck waiting. I don't know if I have mentioned this, but Kathryn found out awhile back that she is diabetic.

Anyway, she is starving now and picking up prescriptions at the pharmacy. It is good that Hunter is okay with the sleeping situation.

magpie said...

is Kathryn having to take insulin by shot, or taking care of this with pills and diet? I can't say I remember your mentioning it,
but, I am not up to speed on all things here amongst us....
I hope it all goes well for her...
I am sorry to read of this...
so glad she has you with her every day....

magpie said...

I am also remembering Kathryn in my Wellness Prayers, Shirley

magpie said...

new 3-cent postcard stamps are nice....
Apples ! Four different varieties.

magpie said...

oh not 3, but 33-cents

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has arrived with prescriptions that cost $200 dollars beyond what insurance covers. Yikes! She should be healed quickly.

stronghunter said...

She has been coughing. Eighty dollars worth of cough medicine should fix that, I do hope.

stronghunter said...

Pills and diet, Margy. She has been doing okay with that, but has to stay on top of things. The big worry with the job change has been insurance. So far, it seems her previous employer has forgotten to take her off the plan there. She thought she would have to pay for a Cobra plan, but has not heard anything yet.

magpie said...

oh dear, Shirley...well, my positive thoughts are high for this, the insurance...and her treatments.
glad just pills and diet...there is some good latitude with this.
thanks, Shirley...
the serenity of your presence will also go a long way...holds down some of the stress which can complicate these things...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I loved that song I bust your window out your car She sang that great I love that song tooo

magpie said...

Much more friendly weather tonight
at NCTC and Blackwater both.
But too overcast for Moonshine
hereabouts so far

stronghunter said...

Do not think I had mentioned the diabetes. Kathryn did not tell me at first, and waited awhile to tell her siblings. I do not think she has ever told Hunter.

She did tell her siblings--very important for them to know. Both their father and their grandmother were type-2 diabetics as well.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy. Your kind words are helpful.

She has medicated herself and gone upstairs now. I will not be far behind.

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, seems I never got around to finishing my thoughts earlier....

I didn't get to work on time today....because I was OFF today!

And I missed an EAGLE!!!

I never use my cell phone. We have prepaids, for emergencies. SO, unlike the rest of the world, my cell sits in the bottom of my purse, usually out of earshot.

This AM, late in the AM around 11, I had to get the phone to call Tracey and the only place I have HER cell number is in my cell. When I got it out, I saw I missed a call from Dr. Baker at 8:10am.

I called her back and she was calling to tell me that she had an EAGLE in her YARD! It had been feeding on a carcass, and was still there when I called her back. But he'd started moving around and by the time I got there, he was gone. UGH!!

She didn't have the new house number yet which is why she called my cell.

magpie said...

Awesome, Lynne2, but sorry you missed seeing the Big Bird...
What a sleeper: your fooling us
about not being on time for work;
That's a good LOL ☺
and that's a good long feeding on that carcass...!

magpie said...

Diabetes runs in my family too, far so good with me...
G'Night, all of you there at
Shirley's Roost....
good night for some Sweet Sleep
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Guess no one lost or made money on the bet for your work time this morning, Lynne2!

Lolly said...

Watching AI. Have a nice fire going. Jack just left the room and Annie has made herself at home in his chair. hee hee We have chair battles here too.

That is funny, Lynne. Here we were taking wagers. Hope you had a great day even though you missed seeing the eagle. Dern!!!

I am getting my do done tomorrow. Gonna be beautiful with Judie!

Lynne2 said...

getting back to work. I am SOSOSOSOSO sick of boxes! Steve is just really not able to be much help and I am so overwhelmed. I know the Dr is going to be able to tell he's been way over doing it. Sigh.....

Lolly said...

Both my sister and my brother have diabetics that they control with diet and pills. Being over weight is their problem.

stronghunter said...

Thanks again, Margy. I realized after I posted that I spoke of my children's father and grandmother in past tense. Their grandmother passed away years ago--due to complications of diabetes, but their father is still living.

stronghunter said...

Yes, weight is a problem with type 2 diabetes especially.

Probably not something our magpie has to worry about!

stronghunter said...

Well, I have not watched AI since Kathryn moved in. She is a Survivor fan, and I have been trying to keep up with that show. I will watch Dancing with the Stars when it starts up. Can only keep up with so many of these reality programs.

Lynne2 said...

Wow Shirley, sounds like Kathryn has a plan. Hopefully with diet and exercise she won't have to use insulin or take meds, eventually.

I am hyperinsulinanemic, simply put, I procuce very large amounts of insulin, much more than is normal, in order to control my blood sugar. I am "pre" diabetic. Of course, that diagnosis came after much testing 3 or 4 years ago. I have done practically nothing to fix it. No one to blame but myself.

I am so frustrated trying to get the new place in order...I want it DONE. Once it's all together, and life can return to a more normal way, I can start taking better care of my health. Not that I'm trying to put off taking care, but it's my OCD way of trying to get things done.

stronghunter said...

I am sure you needed the day off, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

I did the 6 week Body Makeover seen on TV!! And it worked! I'll need to get back on that ASAP. It's simple to do, I truly wasn't hungry, ate well balance meals and lost a lot of weight. Then I got Stevie Two Stomachs Sweettooth. I swear, that man....he must have a tapeworm or some other parasite while in the army in the jungles of Panama.

magpie said...

One walk through my Roost, Lynne2
and I think you would feel

Honestly speaking

I'm embarassed about it
but know that "one of these days"
I'll get my oooomph back to
take more care of things

I lost a sister to long-term complications of diabetes...and a niece at the age of 37.

magpie said...

I have trust you will get back to it, want to do this for yourself, and I KNOW you can, plus that walking will help a lot also.

I have really been working on
nutrition, drinking lots of water and cutting out a whole bunch
of junk food...
but it's not always inexpensive
nor easy...
but I'm getting the hang of it.
I miss hot dogs and candy bars.
and potato chips.

paula eagleholic said...

I hear the fox in the distance

Lolly said...

Know what you are talking about, Lynne. Laurel and I have unpacked so many boxes and they are still in her garage!!

Wish I could be there to help you!!

paula eagleholic said...

I have boxes everywhere too! I did get some out the other day...trying to work on some more...

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, you did mention Kathryn being diagnosed as a diabetic..

Lolly said...

I started really watching what I was eating, dieting...almost 2 wks ago. Down 7 pounds. Also started walking again with my DVD.

Gotta loose the Thanksgiving/Christmas pounds.

magpie said...

I might have missed the fox,
woulda helped if I had had the live feed up, but I am listening now Paula...
thanks for the heads up

magpie said...

I hear that now

Mema Jo said...

Myu 'do' is tomorrow afternoon! You were ahead of me, Judie and Lolly we'll just do it at the same time! Hope yours comes out beautiful. I am about 2 months too long for my short 'do'.

I am ready to close down! Tomorrow at dinner my gs and family with the newest ggd will come up! The first I've been able to see Rebecca! Can't wait ♥

God bless all of you
I love us!

stronghunter said...

Could not remember if I had mentioned it, Paula. It has been awhile now.

Sleepy. Already tucked into my bed. I will see you tomorrow. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

I just came back from my Yoga Festival meeting.
I love working with young people with their ideas their focus their thinking out o f the box with their courtesy and consideration and with how they listen.
I feel uplifted and the world is certainly a good place to be alive.

JUDYE I thought about your concern about my drinking hot chocolate in the afternoon.
These are the ingredients: Organic cocoa, cinnamon, ginger,chili pepper and vanilla.This is what I use to mix with coconut milk and hot water. It is a very good drink for me so please do not worry.

I will go get a hot rice with honey and cardomen and butter for desert...It is more chilly out than it had been for the past few nights it felt like. When I come back I will read back so I will be a while before I comment again.

I hope all is well. I love us.

magpie said...

Sounds like a wonderful day for Jo coming up Thursday!

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Gee Lolly, I wish you AND everyone else were here! What fun we'd have, talking, munching, unpacking....!!

Lynne2 said...

Think I'll keep on going til midnight and then get to bed. Don't have to be in tomorrow til 11am. Can sleep a bit later, and still get a few things done before work!

paula eagleholic said...

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Hoda said...

OK Sorry about the bill for the meds SHIRLEY! Hunger and diabetese do not go together at all. Bless her heart and I am sending healing energy for KATHRYN.

SANDI do not get rattled by getting in touch with a have an association lawyer as SHIRLEY pointed out also the school district has the obligation to provide you with legal counsel.

Being a special Ed teacher you have a work plan for each student. They fit with the guidelines as prescribed by the Dept of Ed. I am sure you have it all documented how many times you met with this mother and the results of those interactions with her abuse being paramount to why you stopped meeting with her without an administrator present.Every thing you have done with this student was part of the education plan which you built based on student's needs and following the dept guidelines and with the approval of the administration as these plans were submitted to the school administration...
Be very meticulous as to any interactions with her now that it is legal and document document and document!!!
The case could be what proves she is harrassing you...
DLTBGYD!!! I hope you all still know what that means if not
Paedon my French
Don't let the bastards get you down!!!

Hoda said...



magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
the Moon is out and way bright hereabouts.

Wishing you a good day today, and hoping you were able to set aside your worries and got some good rest and sleep overnight....

We're behind you all the way in what's going on at the school.

xo (( Prayers and Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

for DanaMo and all the family,
your parents and YOU especially,
Best wishes and prayers for your
Dad's surgery and recovery today.....

magpie said...

Happy Birthday Wishes to
WV Jerry...Hope it is a great day all the way through ☺♥

...and for the years to follow this birthday also

magpie said...

and Best Wishes to Everyone,
on the last day of February....
Any Leap Year Babies out there amongst our families...
Happy Birthday Today or Tomorrow!

ttfn xo ♥

grannyblt said...

Good Morning eagle watchers.

Happy birthday to Jerry

Prayers and good healing thoughts with Dana and her Dad and Mom as they begin this journey.

Also positive thoughts with Sandi as she deals with the parent situation.

And a great day to all the other Momsters and Dadsters whether they have issues or not.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Prayers, Dana. Hoping for a good day for you and your family.

Hang in there, Sandi. It really does sound like this parent is harassing you. I have always admired special ed teachers. You have a hard job to do. My days subbing for special ed really showed me this, and I did not have to do all of that paperwork.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Jerry.

stronghunter said...

Tried to figure out Hoda's comment. Have to admit I do not know what she said, but I second it, whatever it is.

magpie said...

Oh the Sunlight ☼ is turned on at the nest....nice

no parent switch yet

Good Morning More Eagle Pals...
Shirley and Lynne1 xo

magpie said...

wow, nice big fish to the upper left at Blackwater....
going to be a busy feeding and eating day there...

magpie said...

oh and feeding time there at BWE right now ☺

magpie said...

I see two chicks and one egg
and one parent

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!

First, I must feed a kitty that has been staring at me through the door glass.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

That's better...a happy kitty! Don't know where the others are, but this one waits until you feed her and when she wants more, which she always does, sometimes she'll stare in the house all day! She's very sweet. I believe my Mackie is one of her kittens.

Happy Thursday! One more day....

SANDI, I am so sorry that lady stressed you out so badly yesterday. Prayers that it all works out for you, easily.

DANAMO, prayers for your Dad and his surgical team as he has his operation today. Keep us posted, please. Big hugs!

Lori O. said...



paula eagleholic said...

Shep just arrived with some breakfast for Belle. She is eating to the right of the egg cup, he is up on the stump.

paula eagleholic said...

I think she finished it all, she took off to the right. Shep hopped down from the stump. SWITCH TO SHEP.

paula eagleholic said...


WV sUSAn said...

Woohooooo So glad Shep brought breakfish this morning!

GM to all and Happy Birthday, Jerry!

Janet said...

good morning to all.

HODA: i have learned, especially over the last 7 years, to honor my body and its needs. i am one, as you all may have summised, that i am generally a body in motion, doing this, doing that, go go go. however, honoring that pain in the body means slow down, stop, something is not right, i listen and heed that message.

good example, beyond yoga is today: i am off work again. i seem to have allowed myself to pick up a virus. the longer i was up yesterday, the worse i felt. i canceled my massages and went back to bed. i have called out today (not only for myself, but don't want to give this to anyone) and may have to go to the dr to get a note for work. they want a note anytime you are out "sick".... and because i really would like to take that 16 hour class this weekend, i am trying to just let my body rest and heal....lots of liquids, Reiki, and honoring my place right now.....

back to YOGA: i adore our instructor, Cameron. she is a young sweet girl, working on her master's degree. cute as a button, and as in tune and caring as they come. :) she is not only this attentive to me, but to anyone in the class who appears to be having difficulties....we are honored by her presence.

LOLLY: so glad you found a good dentist. it makes such a difference, and this from me, a MAJOR dental-phobe. my current dentist and hygienist have made all the difference.....i don't dread it anymore....its not only someone with talent, but someone who my book anyway.

SANDI: i hope you have a better day today.

We deal with diabetes here too...Tom is diabetic. He has learned over the past year about dealing with it and has lost close to 30 pounds. he is really good about his portion control, and monitoring his sugar levels. i am very proud of him.

LYNNE2: regarding the boxes, let go of what you cannot control. it will get done, one box at a time. breathe! i wish i could pop in there and help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I need to skeedaddle and get Olivia off to school then call the dr. office.

HODA: one more thing: your rice sounds divine. I love cardomen. I will be trying that.

Hugs, light and love to all!

Lori O. said...

JANET, I hope you get to feeling better today! Big Hugs for wellness.

paula eagleholic said...

cool..Mr & Mrs Cardinal and a woodpecker at the feeders this morning.

magpie said...

Bring on the fish!
Two now, partly devoured...
at Blackwater

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday, WV Jerry Enjoy your day and treat yourself special

Mema Jo said...

Thoughts of Dana and her dad and fmily down at Hopkins Praying for successful surgery for her dad

Waiting for daughter to arrive for a visit


Mema Jo said...

BWE off the chicks and egg?

Mema Jo said...

BWE Feeding time

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

DanaMo said...

Good morning. I haven't been on for a while, but wanted to drop by.

We are at Hopkins. Surgery has started. Now we wait....long.

Lori O. said...

Prayers for you and your family, DANAMO. We'll wait for a report.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Excuse my bad manners. I fell asleep in my chair last night. Jack woke me up to go to bed. Then we slept late. I thought you slept less as you got older. I am sleeping more at night. I do not take naps.

SANDI, thinking of you today. What a mess! Laurel went through the very same thing, but the school district really supported her team. It was her team, not her that was challenged.

I need to get ready to leave for my appointment for my do.

Talk with you later!

Lolly said...

Prayers are with your father, Dana!
God bless!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle budlets


│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

glo said...

Good late morning everyone. I have literally wasted 2 hours reading reviews LOL. Anyway .Happy Birthday WV Jerry Lynne 2 put a pretty cloth over a couple of boxes and make it look like a table. Unpack it later if its things you don't need right away.MeMa Jo . Enjoy your fun day. Prayers for Prayers for the needs for all. Hang tough Sandi you are an awesome teacher or you wouldn't even be with Spec Ed

JudyEddy said...

that was for WV Jerry...

forgot to put name with it

stronghunter said...

Been watching the farewell of the Pope. Very interesting, even if you are not Catholic.

stronghunter said...

Love your fancy posts, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of Lori, Sandi, and Dana this morning. Hoping a good day for each of them.

Mema Jo said...

It was beautiful full coverage of the Pope leaving - Going to be very interesting to have a new Pope named

Thoughts to Dana and her family
Sandi - you are above this, gal!

Getting ready to head for my 'do'


Mema Jo said...

BWE feedings are going very well
3rd egg has a chance to hatch today

Janet said...

Good grief! It is the 28th isn't it? Thnking of our DANAMO....

Doc's orders: to bed. no work. no play til monday.

and i for one am happy to comply.


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

DANAMO my thoughts are of you today, sending healing thoughts

JudyEddy said...

she is pulling and picking flugg from one side to the other busy little Belle she is back and forth

JudyEddy said...

looked like she almost put some on her back the flugg that is she still is taking some from the left to the right front to left and right

JudyEddy said...

this was posted on facebook if anyone hasn't seen it fro Danamo

O.R. just called....they are still working, everything is going well. That's all we've got so far.
Like · · 49 minutes ago near Baltimore, MD ·

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The first egg will hatch on March 11. That is my prediction.

How is everybody? I go for my MRI at 9:15 in the morning. I so do not like those things. Hopefully I can listen to Train and sleep during it.

JudyEddy said...

and Belle is still pulling flugg aback and forth this one goes here and this one goes there over and over OK now she is up to pick at the cup area

JudyEddy said...

Keeping fingers crossed for you SHAR for today MRI

BELLE is back down on the eggs

JudyEddy said...

BW eggs is exposed and the chicks too

JudyEddy said...

feeding time AWWW

DanaMo said...

DONE 3.5 hours, Dr. Bevelaqua said it went very well. He said he was ROCK SOLID throughout. No issues came about.

paula eagleholic said...

Great news Dana

Mema Jo said...

Back from haircut and feeling a little 'light headed' lol

Good to feel and look better!

I see all eagles are holding their own!

Dana I am so grateful for your good news on Dad! ♥

Feet going up! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Train will rock you to sleep tomorrow during the MRI I bet you will heaar the whistles! Reladx and I'm praying for a good clue for your pain!

JudyEddy said...

Great news DANAMO on your DAD

Hey did you know that Sooner nest has 4 eggs

JudyEddy said...

gettin ready to head out the door to get Jordyn and to the park
Its 71° now so will be nice we are expecting cold weather again and rain by the weeknd

Lolly said...

I am feeling "light headed", too, Jo! Yea us, for getting our do's done!

Keeping an eye on BW.

Thanks for everything going so well for Dana's dad. Now, for Sharon to sleep through her MRI. I have never really had a problem with MRI's it's a matter of mind over matter.

Lolly said...

57 here. Went out and fed the fish in our pond, but decided it was just a little too cool to work out there.

Jack has gone for lunch with friends. When he returns going to suggest we go buy some new rose bushes. I have an area that needs attention. lol Not a new flower bed but one that needs improvement and it does get sun!

Lolly said...

Eaglets on view at BW!!!

Lolly said...

Still just two.

Lolly said...

I see a crack in the 3rd egg.

Lolly said...

Feeding is back to work for me.

WV sUSAn said...

Dana -- YEAAAHHHHHH, what great news!

Sharon, hope your MRI gives you some answers and resolution to the pain.

Hi Lolly, not long for BW#3!

Lori O. said...






3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...