Wednesday, February 20, 2013


New thread. 


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Mema Jo said...

WHoo Hoo it is my day

Mema Jo said...

A feather - a beautiful eagle feather - our nest is so beautiful

I'll call the other over to the fresh new thread of the day
Thanks Steve

Looks as though Belle is on duty

Lynne2 said...

HA. Soon I'll be the ONLY ONE WITHOUT a FEATHER. WOn't I be special then!

Lynne2 said...

trying to keep up, you know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Getting last minute stuff done before big move on Saturda!

WV sUSAn said...

Well look at you Jo!!! You've gotten a feather :-)

WV sUSAn said...

Well look at you Jo!!! You've gotten a feather :-)

WV sUSAn said...

That's interesting.

Kay said...

Thank you sooo much for the New Thread, STEVE !

JO, WhooRay for you, girl ! How many feathers does that make for you ? I latch on to every word you post and am so happy that you are doing well, all things considered.

LYNNE2, hope your moving plans are shaping up and that it goes smoothly ! Here's hoping Steve adjusts well and has a good attitude adjustment as a result of the New Beginning !

SHAR, you know you have only to ask and WE ARE ON IT ! Remembering Granny Riffe in those prayers, too !

Good Golly Miss Lolly, you don't like Dolly ? Dolly Madison is my great-great-great something...aunt and I'm partial to her name ! May Miss T find joy and love in her new home !

GLO, hope Dex responds well to your attempts to rid him of the Winter blahs ! Always amazing to see how our cats n' dogs respond to some of the same emotional cues we do ! ☺

JEWELS, it was, indeed, disconcerting to see a mailing from your dear Mom. I knew it had to be a scam and didn't open it, but it had my heart fluttering for a few moments there. You and Christie are so often in my thoughts----love you ! ♥

LORI, wish I had the knack for those one line messages you send out ! Thinking of you and your New Beginning with much love, too ! ♥

Love and prayers for all...♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

WV sUSAn said...

Hey Jo, hope you have a great checkup today.

Sharon, will be thinking of you and sounds like you're playing it smart not keeping them in your hands ;-)

Lynne2, another move and, hopefully, the last for a long while.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Lynne2 said...

Steve will have a better attitude if I have to beat it into him! LOL!!!

Plans are coming together, just anxious for it to be OVER.

Lynne2 said...

Had a Red Tail hawk, our Manchester resident, land in the tree right outside my window here at work earlier today! Got a picuture. Will post later...

Gotta run, almost time to go home!

Lolly said...

Love it, Lynne! Beat it into him!!!

Home from the doctor. All is set, I go Monday afternoon. That means I start the prep on Sunday. Liquids all day and then the yucky stuff Sunday evening and Monday morn. Just want to get this over with!!!!

48, cloudy and miserable. Where is my sun? We had just a little rain last night, but more is predicted tonight. Hmmmm??? Are they just teasing us?

Nope, do not like Dolly. So, we shall see. Hope she gets the dog to the vet today.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread and Jo for the call over!

Home from school - a little better day today; just avoided my principal! =)

Sharon, so sorry you are having such pain. I'm all over those prayers, girl!!

Prayers also for Granny Riffe and the whole Riffe family!

Lori, we convinced my mom to go on antidepressants after her dog died - she was a sad mess! It takes a while for them to have an effect and dosages often have to be adjusted so, you and your dad may need to be patient!

Lynne2, glad the moving plans are coming together!

Lolly, I made that tortellini dish that I re-pinned on Pinterest for tonight's dinner! Wow - can you say super easy and super tasty??!! It would be a great dinner for those who don't eat meat on Friday's during Lent. I'd be happy to post the recipe on the blog if folks are interested and aren't on Facebook or Pinterest!

Need to run out for a few! BBL!

Lolly said...

Sounds great, Sandi! I might share the recipe with Laurel. You do not have to have meat every day!

Linda said...

SANDI - Post the recipe!! I'm always looking for different recipes!! I haven't ventured into Pinterest yet, but many of my friends like it. I just didn't want another social networking account!

JO - Glad you are home and doing okay!

SHAR - You poor thing!! Hang in there and I will definitely pray for your health and pain tolerance. Please keep us posted on the results of the MRI and what is next. Don't overdo it in the meantime!

LORI - Even though self catheterizing is a PIA, I am glad your Dad won't have the pressure of that darn balloon in his bladder and the bag always attached to his leg. Praying he doesn't even need to do that in the coming days......

My heart jumped for a second, too, when I saw the email, but so many yahoo email accounts are hacked, I am not surprised. Plus, that wasn't Lynn's regular email address!!

Lolly said...

Two things I have been forgetting to mention.

I have an orchid that is going to blooms! Wahooooo! I have never been successful getting an orchid to bloom a second time. Michael gave this to me last May.

Also, Laurel "liked" the City of Denton Animal Shelter fb page, so Laurel is receiving their posts. Anyway, she read where someone brought in a white "stray" poodle Friday. What are the chances of two stray white poodles? More and more we think Miss T was dumped.

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...

I SEE BELLE in the nest I missed the switch again huh they are suppose to wait till I get home LOL OK off to read the comments

JudyEddy said...

This is freaky I got a email in my junk mail from LYNN RINER



JudyEddy said...

ITS A YAHOO ACCT also addressed to Frankbeahan Andy,(andrea Young)that ANDY right 62 lynne; acctgspecialties, aldedios, and annemlarsen what is this anyone know

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Judy, yes, do not open that email. There has been discussion of this email.

JudyEddy said...

OK I just read about the acct being HACKED my suspicions were right especially when it was from LYNN

JudyEddy said...

she would have had a YAHOO acct with the momster group

JudyEddy said...

Looks like a nice new pile of flugg was brought in at 1130 in the nest looks like it could also blow away soon still windy at the nest sound must go down

JudyEddy said...

When did the still cam come back up I guess JO email to STEVE did it THANKS JO

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I bough 8 more bags of RAW Peanuts for the squirrels at the park - they were regularly 798 marked down to 50 so I bought what there was

JudyEddy said...

on facebook Sally has a picture with the poor owl in the nest she is under about 8inches of snow the nest is full and all you can see is her ears :-(

Sandi said...

OK, here's the recipe for anyone who is interested. Lolly, I think you can buy tortellini with either meat or cheese inside. Am I right? If so, that would satisfy the carnivores!

Crockpot Tortellini

Ingredients: 1 bag of frozen tortellini, 1 small bag of fresh spinach, 2 cans of italian style diced tomatoes, 1 box or 4 cups or vegetable broth, 1 block of cream cheese.
Put all ingredients in crockpot, chunking up the cream cheese. Cook on low for 5-6 hrs.

Mema Jo said...

Belle has her head tucked under her wing
Very very Windy up there and suppose to be a cold 3 dog night!!

My dr has me returning in one month - this is my family dr He has prescribed a med to help keep blood sugar down until all this prednisone is finished.

Starting to walk around the house without walker - I know NO FALLS ALLOWED

I love us and will check back in later

Thinking of your Sharon for pain to just disappear. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - when the weather warms up Steve needs to go fishing! Call his Fishing Buddy!

PA Nana said...

Good evening. Checking in while I make din din. This will be my last week of stir frys. Jim is retiring officially March 1, but next week would be his scheduled week off. So his last day is tomorrow; also his birthday.

Not sure how I feel about this yet but am concerned about medical coverage. Got to read the book on medicare. yikes!

Gotta stir...

PA Nana said...

Sandi, that recipe looks good and easy for me to handle.

Mema Jo said...

Be great if Shep would bring in a lot of fluff and cover Belle for the night ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judy - don't know when the still cam came back on - I kept checking but I didn't 'refresh' so I thought it was still down.
Thanks Steve for resetting it!

Mema Jo said...


PA Nana said...


Lolly said...

Another thing I forgot to mention. Last night on the news...a man filmed two bobcats in his front yard face to face and yowling. Very interesting!!!

Lolly said...


JudyEddy said...

I saw that on the news last night also LOLLY so funny and scary

Ms Bookworm said...

Howdy, Gang!

Well, I think I'll survive! Our Dr. was taken aback at the state I was in, so she ran next door and snagged a colleague who's expert at doing cortizone shots in target areas. Two shots later, I felt better! She also gave me a course of cortizone tablets to take, and a new painkiller. Phew! Bring on the drugs! No kidding--I feel so much better I can't believe it! Thank GOD!!!!!!
After a 2-hour wait at the pharmacy (They blamed a new computer system.), and a panda nap, I'm on the road to recovery.
Thank you for all your prayers and well-wishes! I LOVE us! Gotta get busy on Dr. reports now. Will try to get back later tonight! Prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Yea! Andy, sitting and typing on those report is not irritating or causing the problem, is it? Please take care of yourself.

JudyEddy said...

ANDY be careful please I know when I was on pain relievers I felt invincible and with the no pain I did every thing not knowing it was still bothering my neck but I just wasn't feeling it Just thought I would pass on my experiences with pain meds makes you a super hero LOL
So please take care and take it easy Healing is needed OK Judy the dr is done LOL

JudyEddy said...

hope you make it over Lynne2

JudyEddy said...

she was posting on Sun page she doesn't want to play with us LOL

Sandi said...

Judy, Lynne is just doing her typical "clear thing!" She'll get with the program eventually! As a blonde, I understand these things! =)

Lynne2 said...


Sandi said...

Hi Lynne!!! We ♥ U!!!

JudyEddy said...

hey she made it HI LYNNE2

JudyEddy said...

well are you bringing over your fishing comment???? LYNNE2

Lynne2 said...

well, I hope you got the posts from the other side. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

I'm too tired to carry the posts over. LOL!

JudyEddy said...

Lynne2 has left a new comment on the post "Sunday":

Jo, I already have a fishing plan for Steve...there is a nature area with a pond right up the road from our new place. It's accessible with a wheelchair. Catch and release only. But it beats a zero! Since the regular fishing spots require hiking through woods to get to, those kind of trips are way in the future....

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Posted by Lynne2 to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Wednesday, February 20, 2013 7:39:00 PM

JudyEddy said...

Lynne2 has left a new comment on the post "Sunday":

evening all!

Sandi, the computer with the problems is my old laptop. For some reason unknown to mankind, when we moved here and needed wireless and the adapter didn't work on the other one, I tried the laptop again just for chuckles and grins, and it actually came on! But many things don't work, the CD player, the sound, most of the Function keys, etc. I actually took it to have it looked at and this is apparently a problem in many HP/Compaq laptops of a certain age...this one is 5 years old now. But at least I can get internet. I will not have wireless at the new place and will be using the better computer there. I really miss having sound!

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Posted by Lynne2 to Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at Wednesday, February 20, 2013 7:37:00 PM

JudyEddy said...

I just went to my email and copy paste peice of cake LOL

Unknown said...

Oh, now I understand! Mema Jo found the new thread and got a feather!

Unknown said...

Oh and pardon my rudeness, good evening everyone! I hope you are well

Unknown said...

Oh, and another question, how do you use bold font when you type in this comment box?

I don't see a way to do that. I think there is al ot about Blogger that I need to learn

Lynne2 said...

why thank you Judy!

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOOOOOOO I FINALLY beat Shirley at a game of WWF!! I think she let me win....

Lynne2 said...

Hmmm. I can't remember how to do bold, italic or blue font....

Lynne2 said...

let's see if this is blue

Unknown said...

I wondered, since last night I was told you have to announce find a new thread and announce it in bold on the old thread to get a feather.

But I have no clue how to do bold

Unknown said...

No, but it is BOLD Lynne, how did you make it bold?

Lynne2 said...

<font color="green>what's this</font>

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 don't you remember that we can't do blue any longer from a update awhile back

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...


glo said...

to make bold you need to use the B but you have to put it in brackets. One opened bracket < > one closed bracket < / > but no spaces just bracket b bracket or bracket / the letter b and close the bracket. NO SPACES. I can't type it out for you without spaces or it will just come out bold Good luck

JudyEddy said...

you take the symbol < the letter b and the symbol again >

then behind you put < / b> but no spaces between the smybol

glo said...


Lynne2 said...

Lydia, try this link....


JudyEddy said...

you type what you want inbetween the symbols you can't demo it because it makes it bold so do the symbols before and after what you want to say

glo said...

italics is the same except you use the letter i in the brackets instead of the letter b

JudyEddy said...

better idea Lynne2 hard to explian

Lynne2 said...

oh yeah Judy, I remember about the blue.

JudyEddy said...

back to AI

glo said...

LOL typical momsters we are all trying to help Good luck :-) We will probably all know when you do it :-)

JudyEddy said...

this is the link to learn how to make a link

JudyEddy said...

and don't you remember HODA words were RED one time

JudyEddy said...

I can hear the car races window are open didn't realize would be able to hear it

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

remember how it would drive us nuts sometimes with the blue colors not being a LINK LOL

JudyEddy said...

BELLE egg roll and peaking out

JudyEddy said...

wiggle wiggle wiggle rocks back and forth and down

Lynne2 said...

what does this do

JudyEddy said...

ok I give what was it suppose to do LOL

Lynne2 said...

well, it should have sparkled and danced. oh well....

JudyEddy said...

OK have you been borrowing HODA stuff LOL sparkling LOL

Unknown said...

Okay, I just came back and thanks for the directions. Is this working?

Unknown said...

Yay! It did! Thanks for the lesson

JudyEddy said...

BRRR I just looked at my weather ap for the nest 24° now but no chance of snow for a few days maybe a mix on Wed sure wish I could send up some Fl warm weather

back to AI

JudyEddy said...

little things excite us huh LOL

JudyEddy said...

wait till you learn to make a link I got it down to memory no cheat cheat needed OK now back to AI sort of boring

Unknown said...

It won;t let me underline

Unknown said...

lets try this

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Well, that was exciting. You are right, does not take much to amuse me. Thanks again all.

Lynne2 said...

good job Lydia! There are a lot of these things that the blog just won't let us do. But that's OK!

Unknown said...

My main problem is I want to hit "like" on your comments. I am used the the facebook wildlife pages. The switch to the blog takes some getting.

Unknown said...

used to ) oopps, left off the end of the sentance)

Unknown said...

Okay, I learned something new and am getting too chatty. Time to shut down. My alarm will be ringing at 5 am. SED to all ♥

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals

Oh Goody Yay
the Still Cam is back to normal, now I can see something from work

Thanks to Jo and the Powers that Be


magpie said...

Good doctor's report, Jo

and finally, some relief for Andrea

daggone it, it is cold out !

magpie said...

A fishing plan for Steve, and
anticipation of getting your PC back up and running with sound,

things could start looking UP for you two pretty soon

Nice to read about that orchid
double-blooming Lolly,
also, I am sure you'll get through your procedure just fine on Sunday....and Monday and Tuesday afterwards too

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. Please pray for the Riffe family. Granny Riffe passed away tonight.

Hoda said...

Good and beautiful day here.

Yes it sounds like Miss T Cup was dumped LOLLY...stupid though because they could have sold them!!!

Glad you know how to bold LYDIA.

SHAR I am praying that you do not stay for medication for long and that it is not habit forming. Glad someone else has the supply and I hope that they find another remedy to this situation. Did you tell your history to your doctor? I am actually faulting the doctor for prescribing it!!! SORRY you are in pain.

I had a terrific yoga class today. It was beautiful out so had most of my day walking and visiting outdoors. Ate lunch out and felt generally good about life.

Glad your check up went well JO.

LYNNE praying for you and STEVE with the move and the fishing as it gets warmer...

Hoda said...

May she journey well SHAR...
Blessings to her soul and her family.


magpie said...

God Bless All the Family Riffe, and may Granny rest in Peace,
I am sorry for the great loss
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Lynne2 said...

Rest well Granny Riffe.....

Mema Jo said...

Beverly Crisco Riffe
The world just lost a beautiful lady. RIP Granny Riffe. We love you so much. Such a strong and faithful woman.

Prayers for the Riffe Family

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

I am tucked into my bed with my laptop. Tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, and Hunter has an appointment after school--both routine stuff.

Lynn, I did not let you win. You played very well.

Prayers for the Riffe family. Wishing for blessings on Granny Riffe. She was well-loved.

JudyEddy said...

So sorry for your loss BEV and SHARON

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all of my friends
Belle looks so cold - Sure hope those feathers provide good insulation


glo said...

My prayers too certainly include the Riffe Family. It's been a very tough couple of days for them. Granny is a peace and all is well for her.

stronghunter said...

I see that Lydia has gotten lessons on how to do links, bold, etc. Soon, she will be linking, bolding, and italic-asizing away.

stronghunter said...

Then we have to explain eagle canes, flugg, deet, and some of the other terms we use.

JudyEddy said...

Bald eagles have 7,000 feathers. Eagle feathers are lightweight yet extremely strong, hollow yet highly flexible. They protect the bird from the cold as well as the heat of the sun, by trapping layers of air. To maintain its body temperature an eagle simply changes the position of its feathers. While an eagle suns itself on a cold morning, it ruffles and rotates its feathers so that the air pockets are either opened to the air or drawn together to reduce the insulating effect. Feathers also provide waterproofing and protection, and are crucial for flight. Feather structure makes pliability possible. Overlapping feathers can form a dense covering, which the birds can open or close at will. The bald eagle has several layers of feathers, each serving a different function. Under the outer layer of feathers is an inner layer of down or smaller feathers."

JudyEddy said...

oh and what about the WAX she willnever know of it LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

Oh goody, a new thread!

I am sorry that Granny Riffe has passed, but glad that she is at peace.

Thank God I have you all at the end of the day...and my man! Little things mean a lot!

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Thoughts of sympathy for Sharon and Bev and all the Riffe family. Very sorry for your loss.

It seems Jo had a good dr. appointment and wish the same for Shirley and Hunter tomorrow and that Dex was a bit more enthusiastic today and Lydia is catching on quickly.

Had an interesting evening at the basketball game and will share details when I have a bit more time. Need to get some sleep - school tomorrow.

The night light is on and the sandperson is pacing the hall waiting to depart. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Tough day then PAULA?
Glad you are home and do vent if you need to do so.
We are here for you.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, hope you get your rain.

Lynne, you don't have a feather yet? You can have one of mine.

Sandi, I do enjoy meatless meals. Had parmesan pasta with spinach and mushrooms the other night.

Glad the still is working now....checked it this morning.

Good Jo, pitch that walker!

PA Nana - good news on Jim!

Andy, glad the shot helped!

Shirley, you are sweet letting Lynne win at WWF

The instructions for making links are on the Momster Yahoo group, under file, instructions for clickable link.

Fishing from a wheelchair...go Steve!

Margy, thanks for always being here and cheering everyone on!

And who still has the WAS email, LOL

Hoda said...

Very windy at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

WAX email, not WAS email,,,oh boy, have another one, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, I am washing away my cares. I just want it all to be over. Thank goodness I have you all and Larry at the end of the day...

Hoda said...

Bottoms up!!!

Hoda said...

{{{{{{{GROUP HUG PAULA}}}}}}}

paula eagleholic said...

Which reminds me...gotta send an I love text to my kids...OK, that's done.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, think I'm ready for another half glass!

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night, as tomorrow will be busy. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Love and (((hugs)) for Tom, Bev and family. Our prayers are with you!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like our Paula is winding down big time tonight. Glad you have Momsters and Larry to support you.

Lynne2 said...

ROFLMBO.....y'all are hilarious! I gotta go to bed. I might just sleep in Steve's chair! I'm gonna need a chair.

this is Joker's last night here! I'm taking him to work to stay til after we are somewhat settled Saturday. He'll be much safter there.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, glad you are seeing the Dr for your pain, and I hope he find a solution for you...I figured something was wrong as well. Has to be scary on the pain meds....glad you have a plan.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, Steve let you sit in the chair?

Lolly said...

Watched AI tonight. It is going to be a great year. Wish I could carry a tune! lol

Lydia, you are catching on just great. Do like you have been doing...just ask when we confuse you with our carrying on!

paula eagleholic said...

Lydia, good for you on learning the italics and bold!

Symbols are next! ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○0

The above it alt key and press 1, alt key and press 2, etc....

Lynne2 said...

I don't get to sit in the chair. Steve is mean and he beats me with his boot when I get too close. If I don't learn my lesson, he sics Puddles on me.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I don't think I told ya'll that Larry got a job...working FT in the hardware dept at Lowe's....better than nothing...he's gonna loose his pension when we close...that really sucks...but no $$$ left...

magpie said...

Yesindeedy Paula....
Your posts are sending me to
a happy night with the pillows.
Thank YOU for being here for US.
You never miss a beat !

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Prayers for Wellness, Peace, and Good Rest for all

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, stick him in the bed and shut the door, and go jump in the chair.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I forgot to add Nick to that list...he is always there for me!

magpie said...

Lowe's is a good organization Paula..Best Wishes for Larry, I'm sure he will do GREAT here...

my former husband, James's Grampy,
was manager of the small tools department here in Martinsburg, and then in Florida....
he's on a little break now, semi-
retired, while he helps care for his mother there...she is 92.
xoxo ♥
(( All Night Hugs ))

Lolly said...

Lynne, Laurel worried and worried about PC and Izzabelly. Well, both cats go outside now. PC goes outside, explores around including the roof as the fence helps out there and then comes to the back door to get in. Issabelle took longer, but she finally asked out. She explored the fenced back yard, then asked back in. She only goes out occasionally. She is older and sleeps a lot. The move was really great for them. PC invaded Issabelle's domain and she was intimidating. Laurel moved PC first and then brought over Issabelle. They have now been found asleep on the same bed!!!

Lolly said...

Lynne, Laurel worried and worried about PC and Izzabelly. Well, both cats go outside now. PC goes outside, explores around including the roof as the fence helps out there and then comes to the back door to get in. Issabelle took longer, but she finally asked out. She explored the fenced back yard, then asked back in. She only goes out occasionally. She is older and sleeps a lot. The move was really great for them. PC invaded Issabelle's domain and she was intimidating. Laurel moved PC first and then brought over Issabelle. They have now been found asleep on the same bed!!!

Lolly said...

Lynne, Laurel worried and worried about PC and Izzabelly. Well, both cats go outside now. PC goes outside, explores around including the roof as the fence helps out there and then comes to the back door to get in. Issabelle took longer, but she finally asked out. She explored the fenced back yard, then asked back in. She only goes out occasionally. She is older and sleeps a lot. The move was really great for them. PC invaded Issabelle's domain and she was intimidating. Laurel moved PC first and then brought over Issabelle. They have now been found asleep on the same bed!!!

Lolly said...

LOL Please excuse all the posts. It would not post, I kept hitting publish.

Lynne2 said...


paula eagleholic said...

LOlly, glad the kitties are getting along better.

Larry also has a cat...Clem...she like to chase Pepper at times...and other times Pepper chases her...she is 12...and was OK with his move as well....thinks she's retired now ☺

Lynne2 said...

I think Joker my like the new patio/yard. Privacy fence that I think he can't jump over. I just want him and the dogs secured at work while so many people are in and out and doors opening and closing.

Lynne2 said...

Larry works with you at the store Paula??

Lolly said...

That is a great idea for the animals, Lynne.

I did not know that Larry worked at the store, too.

Lynne2 said...

YEAH, seems to be a LOT we didn't know about Ole Larry....

Lolly said...

Izzabelly is FAT and 14. She does not jump. PC is young and a real jumper. Both are really sweet. Then there is Bosco who is half Great Pyrenees, a big dog and 14. He is so fragile and will go anytime. They will not let him suffer. And, Luke...who is so happy that Miss T is gone. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Ole Larry worked at the store longer than I did...

Lolly said...

Paula was being sneaky for a long time! :)

paula eagleholic said...

So, I've known him for 30+ years...

Lolly said...

And how long have you have you been "friends"? lol

Lynne2 said...

Very interesting, Paula. wink wink!

Really sucks about his pension. It makes me so sad when smaller, local businesses fail. So many have in this economy.

paula eagleholic said...

Relationship didn't start till after he left and he realized how much he missed me ♥ Took him awhile...but that's OK

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Lynne, I agree it sucks too. There just isn't any help out there for the small businessman.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, we have been very good thing to start a relationship with...I think we are best friends...we have shared a lot over the years...

Lolly said...

And, speaking of making hearts,music notes, etc. I still have not figured out how to do them on this laptop.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, do you have a number pad?

Lynne2 said...

no, there isn't. And small business built this country. Every one that fails is someones once big dream...

paula eagleholic said...

That's how I get them to work on this laptop...they don't seem to work on the numbers at the top...I don't it.

Lolly said...

That is really great, Paula. Jack is certainly my best friend, but we did not start that way. lol

paula eagleholic said...

well, we have had a good run...almost 60 years.

Lynne2 said...

hit your FN key down on the bottom left of the keyboard Lolly. Then, ALT and instead of using the actual numbers you'd normally use, use the tiny numbers in the squares on some of your keys....

Lolly said...

I will look. Know there is no number pad. Calculator is on the screen. Yes, numbers at top do not work.

Lolly said...

My other laptop has numbers on the letter keys, but not this one.

Lynne2 said...

I knew Steve for about 20 years, and we were friends! Now I am afraid of him because he guards his chair....

Lolly said... tiny numbers.

Lynne2 said...

No numbers on the keys? Weird...I don't know what to tell you to do then.....

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Lynne, happy the chair works for Steve! ☺

Lolly said...

roflmbo Should we report this, Lynne?

Lynne2 said...

I think you should. And report that damn Daisy, too. She gets in the chair as soon as he gets out of it. She's the guard dog. I is powerful skeerd of her, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Try this, Lolly

On a laptop computer, there usually is no numeric keypad. So, instead, depress the Fn (function) key, then the Alt key, then the numerical code sequence. The numbers are on the fronts of certain keyboard keys: M=0, J=1, K=2, L=3, U=4, I=5, O=6, 7=7, 8=8, and 9=9.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, that's for numbers, not symbols...

Lolly said...

I'll call 911 immediatly. They both will be punished!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, give it a try anyhow...was instructions I found for special symbols

Hoda said...

WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOSE PENSION??? Pension income is insured is it not? Over the years employer sets the money in a fund and then on retirement the employee collects said income. It does not matter if the company is closing!!! Larry and you too PAULA paid for pension income!!! I am shocked and did not know that such a thing could happen!!! NOW I AM UPSET!!!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly said...

Paula, that does not even creat numbers on this keyboard. Grrrr!

Lynne2 said...

Happens here a lot Hoda....

Hoda said...

Part of my salary was put in a pension fund matched by my employer in our collective agreement. My cheque no longer comes from the school board it comes from a pension fund!!!
You are an accountant you must know but I do not think it is right!!!

Lolly said...

lol I tried putting the calculator up, but when I hit the fn key the calculator disappears.

Hoda said...


Lolly said...

Howdy, Hoda!

PA Nana said...

gGood evening. I'm trying to catch up with everyone since my absence but it's overwhelming.

Lynne2 moving? Paula-Larry? I remember Nick but Larry is new.

Also see that Granny Rifffe has gone to her reward. Blessings for those left behind.

I'm learning to post from my iPad with some difficullties so please bear with me.

Lolly has orchids?? How green your thumb! My daffs are up about 3 inches so spring is coming.

Must check email and facebookkk so I'll give my goodnight and blessings for a peaceful night.

Hoda said...

Howdy LOLLY this is HODIE!!!

Hoda said...

PA NANA LARRY is PAULA's Prince Charming not a fur baby!!!

Lynne2 said...

goota get to bed....see you all tomorrow sometime! goodnight, prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Night LYNNE sleep well and tell STEVE to keep the peace!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, it was a privately funded pension...funded by an insurance policy that built a cash value that was to be used for the pension. However, times got tough and we had to cash in the insurance therefore, no backup for the pension payment.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, the 401k for the employees is safe...and he still has that. This was a different agreement.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...