Wednesday, February 13, 2013


New thread.


Kay said...

Thank you, STEVE ! I've called the others over to you nice new thread !

Going back to catch up on news BRB !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon. Thanks Kay and Steve.


grannyblt said...

Yay Mattie.

Lolly said...

Oh, now the fun begins, Sharon. lol

Shirley, we shall pray that the steroids do the trick for flash.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Kay for the call over. Put a new feather in your hat!!!

Kay said...

Wahoo ! What a great birthday for MATTIE ! Congrats to a great young woman !

Yeah, my first feather, at last !

LORI, you've made my heart sing ! Yes, like your parents, I'm so blessed with kids who are dedicated to taking care of me ! I don't take it for granted, that's for sure !

SHIRLEY, you know this pet loving group---we're all thinking of your family and hoping the steroids provide Flash with some comfort !

JO, it's good to see you here ! Chicken pot pies, hmmmmm good !

It thrills me to read your Momster accounts of visits with our eagles, talk of meals, home projects, Valentine's Day plans, sewing machine repairs....the list goes on ! I ♥ us ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Saw a shadow, Belle is talking, cam is time for changing of the guard?

WV sUSAn said...

Sharon, please tell Mattie I said congrats and Happy Birthday. She is such a sweetie!

Thanks for the new thread Steve and, Kay, for the call over.

Belle's eye looks good today, much better that Tuesday. She's been watching something and it's so funny. She's "chicken-neckin" all around like someone has a laser pointer. haha

She's calling out now.

Hi All ! ! ! !

glo said...

Happy Birthday and Congrats to Mattie Prayers for Flash

Lolly said...

Belle is rolling the eggs, but no sign of leaving.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon!

HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY, MATTIE! Congratulations on passing your Learner's test! Way to go! Have a fantastic day!

Shirley, mega prayers for Flash, your family, and you! Hoping that steroids will help, and praying for a good outcome. (((HUGS)))!!...and God bless that concerned Golden Retriever!

Would like to ask for healing prayers for my shoulder/shoulder blade. Stretched too hard this morning, and now they're sore. When I make a circle with my shoulder joint, everything "grinds." Did the same thing to the other shoulder in December, and it bothered me for a month or more, but symptoms eventually went away. Putting heat on it, and taking Tylenol, which seem to help. Thank you in advance!
Guess I'd better get busy now, with lots of housework to do. Will take it easy on that shoulder, though. Have a good day! I'll check back in later. I ♥ us!!!

grannyblt said...

Shirley the steroids may work. When I was a girl, we had a dachshund who somehow became paralyzed in her hind quarters. In those days surgery was too iffy. My Dad was in Vietnam so Mom had the hard decision to make. She decided to try the steroids and restricted activities. a friend of the family even built a cart for her to get around. That dog drug herself around, even finding her ball, her pride and joy. After several weeks she began walking again and eventually was nearly as good as new.

WV sUSAn said...

Shirley, so very sorry to hear about Flash. Quality of life is important and I think most of us have been through something similar. Hopefully the steroids will be the answer for him for now. I'll be thinking about him, and you.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon All!

Happy Birthday and Congratulations to Mattie Jane!

SHIRLEY, hope Flash does well on the steroids. Prayers for the little guy.

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to KAY for the call over. Congrats on your new feather, too, KAY!

ANDY, hope you get your shoulder heals faster this time!

I am exhausted after this morning's last day. Now it's time to pack and get back to PA again. Thinking of leaving Friday - hoping I can pack fast tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

Thank you all for your concerns. It is very comforting to have your support. Hunter is home now, and, of course, the first thing he did was to ask about Flash. Interesting about your little doggy, Lynne1.

They did not see any progression of the disk damage on the x-ray. Only an MRI would show if there is a slipped disk, and that would cost $1,500.

stronghunter said...

Hi Lori!

Take time to rest a little before you start packing, Lady.

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!! Looks like someone is flying over the nest with all that rubber necking going on. Is that Belle in the nest now?

Oh SHIRLEY, I feel so badly for poor Flash, especially because he is really so young. If the x-ray doesn't show any progression of the disk damage, maybe he just did some type of a temporary injury. We can certainly pray for that.

YEP, it was Belle as SHEP has just joined her in the nest.

Linda said...

Break time.....

BELLE is off the eggs and POOF

Linda said...

SHEP standing at 11

Approaching the eggs....

And down he goes...

Linda said...

OH, ANDY - sorry for the shoulder injury. If you can stand it, ice would be best in the first 72 hours, I believe. Then switch to the heat.

If you have injured something, the ice will reduce the inflammation. Also, if you can take Aleve, Aspirin or Advil instead of tylenol, you may get some anti-inflammatory benefits from those.

Will put you on the prayer list, along with Flash!

Linda said...

Congratulations to Mattie...
passing the Drivers License Permit test!!

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Mattie!

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Andy. Hoping that you heal very quickly.

So very good to see your posts on here again after the long absence.

Linda said...

MARGY - Wanted to let you know Dennis tapped 7 Maple trees today. He noticed sap coming out of a few of the maples and said he might as well get them going.

We are expecting some days over the weekend below freezing, but we are starting to see some days above freezing, too!! Here we go.....

WVJerry said...

Good afternoon everyone. Got a couple things. Was listening to radio as usual this morning a little after 5:00 AM...when I hear Loo say it's Lori's last day. I could hear the sadness in his voice. Lori I commend you on you leaving to take care of your parents. I wish you and them the best. Just want to I was a fan and I'm just one of many.

Judie said...

Shep on duty.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

So nice to see that Jo stopped by today.(:

Shirley, hoping the steroids work for Flash. Such difficult decisions.

Congratulations, Mattie. Use caution and stay safe.

Hope your shoulder heals quickly, Andy.

Lori, take an evening to slow down and gather your thoughts and feelings. Packing will happen and you will be on your way to your parents.

stronghunter said...

Shep calling.

WVJerry said...

On the personal side, we just found out my mother-in-law has squamous cell skin cancer. I can honestly say she has treated like her own son. She has always supported us through life's problems and never interfered in our disagreements. I worry about my wife...don't have to tell anyone here the about mother-daughter relationship. We'll know more the 27th. Day before my birthday. Also see by the past posts that still two eggs. Hope everyone enjoys their evening.

stronghunter said...

Well, now he is just sitting on the eggs. Kind of wiggling around like he is laying. He is some kinda guy, that Shep.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jerry,

Wishing your mother-in-law the best. I am not an expert, but skin cancer is quite curable. Don't know the circumstances in this situation, though, just hoping for the best.

Sandi said...

Good soggy afternoon all!

Raining pretty steady here with a forecast of possibly changing to snow after midnight. Radar map looks like WV may be getting some frozen precipitation very soon!

Congrats to Mattie on getting her learner's permit - what a great birthday gift!! I sure don't envy Bev, or Tom, or Sharon, or Thelma, or whoever has to take her out driving! i don't miss those days at all!

Shirley, I'll add my prayers that the steroids will help Flash. Lynne1's news about the dachshund was encouraging.

Lori, congrats on your "retirement!!" Will you be selling your house to move to PA?

I really hope Belle and Shep just have the 2 eggs. Two worked out just fine last year! I know I would worry about a 3rd chick that's a whole week younger than the oldest.

Need to get out of school clothes and into some sweats. NO feedback again today from my principal or my despt. chair about the email I sent. I really don't know what to make of their lack of response, but I sure do appreciate all the support here on the blog.


stronghunter said...


nks again! I am sure Flash is feeling all of your good wishes. I will tell Kathryn about all of the wonderful support on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo hoo for Mattie

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Flash! Time for dinner here for Fish Sticks - Mac/Cheese!
It is Lent!

Thanks for the new thread Steve and Kay your feather is beautiful behind your ear!


stronghunter said...

Just talked with the vet. They're keeping Flash tonight because they have him on an IV with strong pain medication because he was so uncomfortable. He is resting quietly now.

stronghunter said...

Oh, we had fish sticks and mac and cheese a couple of days ago, Jo. I think spaghetti tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley you can get a good night's sleep tonight by knowing Flash is well taken care of...... ♥

JudyEddy said...



Linda said...

WV Jerry - So sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I do know that the type of cancer she has is a nonmelanoma type and spreads faster. It is not like basal cell. Will certainly put her on the prayer list and hope this is an early detection that can be remedied quickly.

SHIRLEY - Keeping FLASH quiet and medicated may let whatever happened begin to heal without him injuring things further. Prayers for Flash!

SANDI - I can't believe that you still have not received any response from your "higher ups" about your email. That is awful.

Early dinner and church tonight!

Hope everyone has a nice evening.....

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

I am just glad that Flash is resting quietly right now. Poor guy could not rest last night.

stronghunter said...

I heard some rain, too, Judy. And now Geese.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

If Mattie is scared to take the test them maybe she shuold wait My son didn't want to get his at 15 he was also scared and so we waited Shep see s belle in attic

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

I think Belle just landed. Heard a clunk and then Shep spoke.

JudyEddy said...

I think Tommy was a little over 16 when he said he was ready to get his restricted

What is that noise I hear is it Belle in the Attic

Janet said...

good grief! over a thousand entries on the old thread! we blew it up, lol!!!

hi everyone!

YEAH MATTIE! way to go!!!!!! now the fun times begin........

SHIRLEY: hugs and love to you and Flash.....

Healing thoughts for Ms. Bookworm......

WVJERRY: comforting/healing thoughts to you and yours as is lovely to hear someone speak kindly of their mom in law. so often, we hear the opposite....

Its been a busy day or so. Watched the grandkids last night while my oldest daughter and hubby went to a Predators (Pro hockey) game downtown. I caught a few zzzzz's while the kids slept, but they got home @ 10:30 and it was past 11 when i got home....i was a tired pup this morning.

After my morning massages, I caught a nap. Now I feel functional once again.

I am going to have very large classes this weekend.....I took papers to the printer yesterday. I will pick them up tomorrow and then put everything together for Saturday and Sunday. No ice skating tomorrow night, so that gives me a chance to get together!

Its been a chilly day....misty and damp. made the 40 degree day feel raw and yucky.

hope everyone is doing okay. things are good around here....thinking of you all. light, love, hugs and smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Yep Shirley she landed and Shep looked up and squaked at her and I can hear her on the cam tooo

Janet said...

good grief! over a thousand entries on the old thread! we blew it up, lol!!!

hi everyone!

YEAH MATTIE! way to go!!!!!! now the fun times begin........

SHIRLEY: hugs and love to you and Flash.....

Healing thoughts for Ms. Bookworm......

WVJERRY: comforting/healing thoughts to you and yours as is lovely to hear someone speak kindly of their mom in law. so often, we hear the opposite....

Its been a busy day or so. Watched the grandkids last night while my oldest daughter and hubby went to a Predators (Pro hockey) game downtown. I caught a few zzzzz's while the kids slept, but they got home @ 10:30 and it was past 11 when i got home....i was a tired pup this morning.

After my morning massages, I caught a nap. Now I feel functional once again.

I am going to have very large classes this weekend.....I took papers to the printer yesterday. I will pick them up tomorrow and then put everything together for Saturday and Sunday. No ice skating tomorrow night, so that gives me a chance to get together!

Its been a chilly day....misty and damp. made the 40 degree day feel raw and yucky.

hope everyone is doing okay. things are good around here....thinking of you all. light, love, hugs and smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

SOO soo sorry just reading about FLASH my heart goes out to you all on him that is extrememly a large of amt of money

JudyEddy said...

Shep is off the eggs

JudyEddy said...

He is on rail out of site POOF now

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

HP in the attic again?

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

eggs are getting WET

JudyEddy said...

that eagle chrip didn't sound like SHEPS normal HP voice

JudyEddy said...

Before he cheats and BELLE is home

JudyEddy said...

Well I did click the box and I am not getting the email in by box ok will click the box again Here goes lets hope it works

JudyEddy said...

ok I am not getting the email in my mail dern it

JudyEddy said...

JudyEddy said...

ok now its working after the last one without any words let see now

JudyEddy said...

Ok I am now working yeah now to go read todays blog not in email form

ITS MY FRIDAY and I am on mini retirement like MARGY says

stronghunter said...

Belle in nest.

JudyEddy said...

yeah just read she passed her permit congratulations and Happy Birthday on the same day way to go MATTIE

glo said...

Prayers for Flash and I also only want 2 eggs now for this year. Too much time has passed since egg one to have another egg. Too little and fragile. I do not like the rockem sockem on the little guy stuff and this would be a really little guy/gal in comparison.

JudyEddy said...

I stopped in at the tax place at work and they want 180.00 to do my taxes I will just have to do it my self no way will I pay that Libaray hopes to have the form and the books the end of this week they said we will see I know I can print the forms but I still want the box I have to fill out Schedule D sold stock and its a PIA to figure out to me any it is but I will get through it eventually LOL

JudyEddy said...

Silly question Do eagle have HP
in the off season or just in mating season and I also agree to much time since the last was laid and Shep would have to build an addition if they had more LOL

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, am so very sorry to hear about Flash. Hope the steroids will help.

Jo, it is wonderful to see your posts. Hope you are getting enough rest and taking it easy.

Lori, please make sure you look after yourself too. And I hope the best for your Dad and comfort for your Mom.

JudyEddy said...

YEAH we got rain coming in we need it sooo badly Gonna head out for a bit BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

want to get there before the rains come

Hoda said...

WV JERRY thinking of you and your WIFE and MOM IN LAW. I hope like LINDA said it is an early detection and that it could be dealt with...Thank you for letting us know. She is on our prayer list and keep us posted please.
ALERT ALERT ALERT: JERRY'S Birthday is the 28th of February B-day wishes will be due...


So sorry SHILREY For the health problems with Flash. Blessings to you and to your family and yes it is worth a try. I understand about having to think about 5 to 10 thousand as being lots of money. It is.

Spring like day here!!! The street sweepers are out. That is it then!!! Whatever snow we get in town will not be much of it!!! Soon the boots can go. I keep forgetting how fast it all is in Nelson. ALberta will certainly go into April with here it is not even the middle of February and the street cleaners are out!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY DANCE.

Sandi said...

Do I see snow on Belle's feathers??

Hoda said...

Yes SANDI I would say that is snow!!!

Hoda said...

LORI thinking of you and your last day went so well and am very proud of you.
Blessings to you and your decision.
I want to ask what will happen to your house and to KATE??? Are you moving to your parents for good?

Sandi said...

Looks like Belle is tenting - keeping her eggs dry.

Lori O. said...

Sandi and Hoda, Kate will be staying here at the house while I go to my folks for 3 - 4 months and get them through the crisis stage and see how my folks like living with me and see if it works out! I'd like to move there as soon as possible. I'm hoping Kate will want to relocate, too!

Lolly said...

I see snow or something falling at the nest. Belle has her wings spread to protect the eggs.

Lori O. said...

It's snowing here in Frederick! Big pretty flakes like what seems to be falling at the nest.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!
Was busy at work today so couldn't wait to get home and see the nest! Poor Belle. Looks like some fast, heavy flakes or sleet falling. We just have rain here.

Sandi said...

Lori, is the assisted living place where Kate's mom is now living in Frederick? And doesn't she have a sister with Downs who is living with another sister - sorry, I don't recall all the details.

I'm sure your folks will LOVE having you with them! Lots of decisions ahead for you, but you've already made the most important one! Whatever happens with you and Kate and the house, I believe that things work out the way they're supposed to. I wish you the very best!

Hoda said...

Thank you LORI for answering my question. I have such admiration in my heart for you and I became concerned for KATE. You are a gracious Lady for not minding my questions...Yes one step at a time and try bit by bit and see where it takes you...

Sandi said...

Headed for the bathtub and then to watch Survivor. Will check back during commercials to see if Belle adds a third egg.

Lori O. said...

Thanks HODA and SANDI - I'm just praying God leads me down the path of His choice. I appreciate, so much, your support!

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It's mumbrella time.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hey Lori, you get to stay up late tonight! :)

Lori O. said...

And better yet, SHARON, I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night! YAY

NatureNut said...

Prayers for safe driving!! ☺

Shirley, prayers for furbaby Flash. Hope the treatment works.

WV Jerry~~prayers for your Mom-in-law.Squamous is a little faster growing than basal cells, but I've had both removed from my face and they stayed Gone!
Andy, hope you feel better soon. Prayers for that shoulder. Heat and Tylenol is what Dr. told me to do when I had that problem a few years ago.

Lori, prayerful thoughts and lots of support for your decisions and prayers for your Dad.♥

glo said...

Hugs and prayers for you Lori

Costume Lady said...

We are getting some sort of frozen precipitation, it is 34°. We've been told not to panic, only ½ inch at the most...we only hope!

Hoping everything goes well for LORI and her decision to be with her parents. It is so hard to know they need you and not be able to be there. When the store that Gene worked at closed, we both agonized over whether or not Gene should retire or look for a job. We weren't prepared for retirement financially, but I desperately needed help at that time...I was caregiver for both my Dad and GG. It didn't take long to make that decision...we turned it over to the Lord. It has been one of the best decisions we have made. We enjoyed those first years...traveled in the Motor home with my parents, all over the United States. Neither one could walk very well but certainly enjoyed the traveling. After Dad passed, we took GG to Florida once or twice a year (her favorite place, Ft. Pierce) Then, she got so she didn't want to travel, didn't enjoy it anymore, wanted to sleep in her own bed. We have not been anywhere for 5 years, except for a Road Trip or two with our Momster friends. LOL, at 3.79 a gal. couldn't afford to go very far anyway.
What I am trying to say, LORI and anyone else that may be thinking of retirement, if possible, DO IT. And enjoy every moment, enjoy your time with your loved ones and don't look back! We've been retired since 2001. 12 glorious years:)

magpie said...

C5 flying over
the nest
in this weather !

paula eagleholic said...

I heard it Margy.

I would like to see 3 eggs...but if it doesn't happen tonight, I don't think it will.

magpie said...

yeah, that big bird really roared its engines, Paula

Thinking of Flash and all the
Stronghunter family tonight...
and Shirley: Your reports are very poignant (there's a scrabble word for) and heartwarming.
Know it must be hard for take it hard when a pet is hurting
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

the snow here in Martinsburg is really rather pretty, temps are moderate, I think the Royal Nest and its Occupants will fare well through this

magpie said...

I had a dashchund her elder years, belonged to my mother in law....she had us to care for it....she had hip problems, was given the first time I ever heard of that helped some...she was a dear little pooch

magpie said...

kind of like grannyblt's report from earlier

my niece had a chocolate lab, BIG DOG, whose hind quarters just completely gave out, they also had a little wheelie for it....quite the mechaniism it was

magpie said...

thinking of our dear WV Jerry and the report about his mother in law...prayers for a speedy treatment and all possible good outcomes

magpie said...

I read your Maple-sapping report, Linda.... oh how I would love to be there to share a ladle or two !!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice tenting by Belle

gotta go get some dinner

magpie said...

Disappointed for Sandi...not getting any feedback on the important emails...
that can be very frustrating...

magpie said...

And Congratulations to Mattie Jane on obtaining her learner's permit
Bravo, Clap Clap Clap !

Also wonderful to read ANY and ALL posts from Mema Jo...☺ ♥

magpie said...

I especially liked the posts from Shirley on the communication between her and the Golden Retriever at the Veterinarian's...
(( Hugs for Flash, Rest well, buddy...♥ ))

magpie said...

Sooo, the rest of my Oatmeal
Creme Pies might be stockpiled
for Egg-Hatching time ☺

stronghunter said...

Thanks Margy and everyone else on here who is wishing Flash well.

I enjoyed that golden retriever. At first, I wondered if he was growling, but he was just talking in a low growl-y sounding voice. The woman who had brought him in said that her husband had taught him to talk that way. Really sounded like he was trying to say words. And looking me right in the eye.

stronghunter said...

Belle and the nest are getting snowy.

paula eagleholic said...

I certainly teared up at the end of Loo and Lori's show, as I'm sure most of you did who were listening. Lori, take a down day certainly deserve it.

Shirley, sure hope the pred helps poor Flash!

Jerry, sorry to hear about your MIL, and hoping all goes well with her treatment.

CONGRATS and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MATTIE. I don't think you can get your learners permit in MD until you are 15 yo and 3mths.

Judy, eagles will bond in the off season as well.

magpie said...

Sure is....the nest and Belle...
as Sharon said:
Mombrella, or maybe Mumbrella it was....but NOT a scrabble word, Shirley ☺

We're with you, Shirley.... ♥

magpie said...

I was at work at 8, so missed the final moments...but sure enjoyed the show up until then...
Lovin's to you, Lori....Sleep in
Thursday for a change !

magpie said...

the near-perfect meal...
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup, one problem, no soup, so stewed tomatoes instead

Back later say Good Nights


Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

I see MumBella is getting covered in snow! No worries...the reason the snow SITS on her and doesn't melt is because that is just how well insulated she is...body heat not getting to surface!

Congrat Mattie Jane!! It's a big milestone in a young'us life!

I couldn't get the station in up here this AM so I missed the last Loo and Lori show. Lori, glad Kate is going to hold down the fort for you. I, too, think you should just take a day tomorrow. But you know what's best for you and I am sure you are anxious to get back to your parents.

Jerry, prayers for you mother in law. This is, as stated by others, usually quite treatable. But the "C" word is scary and of course nothing is for certain. I'm sure your wife feels that she has had a rude slap in the face as to the fragility of time. She is a blessed woman to have such a caring husband who loves her mother, too.

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, how is Flash doing tonight? I was wondering if the vet indicated whether Flash has deep pain sensation in the rear legs or not.

Lynne2 said...

Joker had some tests done yesterday. He has been very food demanding and restless, especially at night. Exam revealed a palpable thyroid, initial blood testing revealed a rather high glucose. Fructosamine test (feline equivalent to and A1C) revealed normal glucose levels. Just stress!! Thyroid test reveals number in the normal range. Not sure what to think about that and will be anxious to discuss with Dr tomorrow. The gland shouldn't really be palpable. Hyerthyroidism is caused by a benign tumor in the thyroid. And while his initial number is WNL, that wouldn't rule out early stage HyperT. MTRB

stronghunter said...

Getting sleepy. If I do not post again, just want to wish everyone a good night. SED.

stronghunter said...

No sensation in rear legs, Lynne. He is hospitalized tonight and on an IV with pain medication. They said he was in a lot of pain, panting and crying, so they went for the really strong pain medication.

Lynne2 said...

aw, I'm so sorry Shirley....

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up for an egg roll

Lynne2 said...

Shake and Roll!

magpie said...

Looks like Blackwater Mom Eagle is tenting also

Hear the Choo Choos, louder in the wet weather

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up for a shake off.

Standing in the nest, wings spread, trying to look around.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

oh, a shake off and a view of those eggs right now...

Prayers for Wellness all around,
amongst US, our Families, and our Pets

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

POOP shoot

paula eagleholic said...

Snow is much lighter.

Backing up for a poop shoot at the 12 spot.

magpie said...

and a very discreet Poop Shoot

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll and a wiggle in. Wings still spread, but not as much as before.

paula eagleholic said...

anyone else lose the live feed?

paula eagleholic said...

Nevermind, finally got it back.

paula eagleholic said...

Update from NCTC February 13, 2013

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 our NCTC eagles laid their first egg. The second egg quickly followed on Saturday, February 9. We have observed the male and female switching off on incubation duties, but rarely will you see the eggs left alone for very long. In fact, 98% of the time one parent will remain on the nest. Laying on these eggs day in and day out can be tense, so the parents will call each other for reprieve. Since tonight is calling for snow, let's watch them and see that not rain, snow or wind will keep these parents from protecting their young. They will be there to protect these eggs through adverse weather and even potential predators. In approximately 35 days, we'll all be watching for that first eaglet.

paula eagleholic said...

3 eggs this year for Turtle Bay

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is tucked, with her wings slightly spread.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to hit the recliner! lol
Pleasant sleep and sweet dreams to all

I love us ♥

Hoda said...

TWO eggs still in the nest and not a third!

Thank you PAULA for NCTC update.

Hope FLASH is comfortable at the Vets tonight.
SHIRLEY I hope you get some sleep.

I have decided to be a part of a committee which will bring a Provincial gathering of Yogis and Yoginis to Nelson. Exciting group to volunteer with. Nice people. Very productive meeting. Some think it could happen September 2013 I am thinking September 2014! MTBR

Costume Lady said...

Off to bed early...have to take GG to the Dentist (2 at 10:30 one at 12pm~ Going, going, gone!

Love and prayers for all♥

Lolly said...

Belle just did an egg roll and a shake off.

Have had my nose in a book tonight.

Lolly said...

Will be thinking of GG tomorrow. Wanda, I remember when I first started blogging you and Gene were on a trip out west. Gene had hurt his hand and you were reporting in when you stopped at rest stops.

Lolly said...

Jerry, prayers for you mother in law. We will be thinking of all of you. Be sure to keep us updated.

Lynne, it has now been 2 1/2 years since Annie started having problems and was diagnosed. She has lost a little more weight and she is not eating. Still likes to drink a ton! We buy a variety of foods, trying to find something she really likes but nothing works.

Lolly said...

Annie is so funny. She has always liked to drink from a running faucet, but recently she has become fanatical about it. She will go to the bathroom and cry and cry. She knows when I am going to get ready for bed and she runs to the bathroom. I limit what she drinks from the faucet as she throws up a lot too.

Hoda said...

I like it how you treat ANNIE LOLLY. She is indeed a personality of her own.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, Hoda, Annie has a strong personality and to think we have had her for soooo long. Just cleaned up more throw up, but since she is not eating, it is not bad.

What to do, what to do? LOVE HER! That is all we can do.

Heading to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. We have a visitation to go to, I am skipping a meeting at church and Jack and I are cooking a special dinner. Friday is the funeral at the Dallas/Fort Worth Natl. Cemetery.

Night all! SED!!!

Lori O. said...

Good morning my early morning eagle family & all the rest to follow!

I slept in until 4:30...I think I will take the advice of my wise eagle friends here, and make this a down day, jusst doing what HAS to be done & won't wait.

Thanks for your message WV JERRY. You are so kind. God Bless your MIL and prayers for a quick and complete recovery for her.

SHIRLEY, I trust you'll let us know when you get an update on FLASH this morning.

LOLLY, sorry to hear that Annie is not eating again. Like you said, just LOVE HER.

WANDA, I loved your story of going into retirement. Thank you for sharing it. I won't be retiring at this time - I wish I could. I'll take a few months and get my parents stable then maybe try to find a job around there and see how it goes. My parents have a motorhome, too, but Dad says he doesn't want to drive very far in it anymore.

LYNNE2 - hope the doctor gives you good news on Joker. I'll be thinking of you today -- and your upcoming move. I'm so excited for that for you two!

Snow in the nest and one sleeping eagle parent.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Trying again. Blogger cop got me this morning.

Hoping that you get a good report on Joker, Lynne2.

Lolly, hope that Annie will decide to eat. I know about the drinking from the faucet thing. George wants a little bit of water in the bathroom sink. Not really from the faucet, just a little puddle. Lucky used to drink from the faucet, though, and we had a German shepherd who liked to get in the bathtub and drink from the faucet. They like that fresh, cold water.

stronghunter said...

Thinking about what you asked, Lynne2, I got my information second hand from Kathryn about the pain sensation in Flash's back legs. They said no sensation, but she did not specify anything about deep pain sensation. Not sure. They think the steroids might work. We will have to see.

stronghunter said...

Will let you know when there is an update on Flash.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the NCTC report, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Is Annie tempted by people food, Lolly? Or kitty treats?

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Lori, Shirley and all my eagle friends! Happy Valentine's Day!

Shirley, my very first thoughts this morning were for Flash and for you, Kathryn, Will, and Hunter as you worry about him. I hope he makes a miraculous recovery!

Jerry, prayers for your mother-in-law that the squamous cell has been caught early enough. I play tennis with a number of women who have had them and they have successfully been removed.

Lori, enjoy being "retired" for as long as you can. You'll know when it's time to go back to work. As you and Wanda both said, just turn it over to the Lord. Things will turn out as they are supposed to.

Valentine's Day is a BIG day for 8th graders - I can hardly wait!! My current thinking with my principal and dept. chair is that no news is good news. They haven't come to me to say I can't do what I have proposed, so they must be OK with it!

Make it a great day!

stronghunter said...

Hi Sandi,

I remember writing long messages to adm that went unanswered. I think they get busy and just do not even realize your are expecting a response sometimes.

Oh, I think I hear that fox this morning. Such a strange sound.

Wow, Lori. You slept in until 4:30. Guess that is about when I woke up, too, though. I am enjoying my quiet time until I need to make an appearance. Kathryn takes care of getting Hunter up and ready. I just have to get him out the door.

Valentine's Day--yes, it was a big day in high school, too. Lots of flower deliveries. I asked Hunter if he needed valentines for school, and he said. "We don't do valentines in middle school." (Well, not in 6th grade when you are a boy and there is not a class party. That may change in later years!)

stronghunter said...

Eagle calls.

stronghunter said...

Belle calling and answers coming from out there somewhere.

stronghunter said...

She is settling back down on the eggs.

stronghunter said...

I think that call-out was to tell Shep that she wants her breakfast: Either bring it here, or let me go get some, Sheppie-boy!

Now the fox and more calls from Belle. She's restless. And she took off.

Eggs alone.

stronghunter said...

Eagle in nest.

stronghunter said...

On eggs.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

I think it is Belle. Do not see spot.

stronghunter said...

So sweet of you to think of my family this morning, Sandi. I really hope Flash is sound asleep this morning. He really wore himself out night before last.

magpie said...

Watching your narratives...I was listening and watching some, Shirley...
You are ON TOP of the reporting this morning....

magpie said...

oh is that the fox ?

I did her the rooster

magpie said...

hear the rooster, that is

Happy Valentine's Day,
Eagle Pals xoxo

magpie said...

hear the cardinal and the wren also ♪ ♫

stronghunter said...

Shep at the nest, now. Snow more visible in the morning light.

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Very Good
Day to all....
and that Flash is improved today, maybe can come home,
and that Lolly's Annie has a better day too...

Thanks Paula for posting that nice report from NCTC !

Doing the morning shuffle here,
catch you wonderful folks through the day, perhaps

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

I think Shep has taken over the nest duties...for his Valentine
Belle ♥♥ and the eggberts of course also !

stronghunter said...

Listening to the morning "getting ready for school and work" sounds in my house, Margy. I need to make an appearance after 7:00, just to remind Hunter that he needs to catch the bus.

Night light has gone off.

magpie said...

OH, also, Lynne2: hope you get some answers about Joker today...
did I leave any pets out ?
Sorry if so....
There are a lot of furbabies amongst us!

ttfn xo

magpie said...

and hear a mourning dove from time to time also, haven't heard one there for awhile

Have a good day, Shirley...
hope YOU too can catch up on a little overdue rest

Janet said...

Good morning and Happy Valentines to one and to all! ((((HUGS)))) from me to you!

Chilly morning here, but feels warmer. Yesterday was damp and cold feeling all day.....colder today....but feels warmer. Lovely starry skies...

Work today.....and trip to the printer...

thinking of each of you.....sending light, love, healing, and smiles to each of you. in the year i've been on here....each of you has added light, love, and smiles to my life....<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

WV sUSAn said...

Happpy Valentines Day to all you eagleholics out there and to the royal couple in the Sycamore!

Hoping all the four-legged critters are doing well this morning, Shirley, Lolly & Lynne. Poor babies.

Sandi, no news is good news? Hope so.

Went out to dinner last night at Fugiyama. Yummers Leftovers for lunch will be a treat.

I'll be in and out so everyone have a blessed day and take care of each other.

grannyblt said...

Happy Valentine's Day to each of my eagle sweeties.

Hope all of our fur baby news is positive today.

magpie said...

I think I just heard a Robin at NCTC ☺

hearing more other birds too

and SEEing more Momsters ☺

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle peeps.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this the sweetest day of the year. I love us and wish you all have a wonderful day! Know that you are loved

Hoping for some good news about Flash

8th graders and valentine cards -= that is exciting!

TTUL Oatmeal time!

magpie said...

I just devoured my oatmeal, Jo ☺

Best Wishes to back, on all the
Sweetie's Day wishes !

HI T-Bird ! Top of the Morning to you...nice eagle watching right now..
Shep is in the House !

must make like a pea and split now
worktime looms

magpie said...

umm I meant to say Best Wishes Back To All !

and I type for a living ...!

T-Bird said...

WV sUSAn I had some left overs too but Buddy got to them. I thought for sure I put them up but I guess not. You would not believe how Buddy can stretch and use that long nose to pull food off the counter. He usually has an iron stomach. I hope he does this time because he had 2 pizza wraps, at least 6 hot wings and no less than 4 barb. wings. Man, I don't see how those hot wings are not burning him up and having him parked at the water bowl.

WVJerry said...

Good morning and Happy Valentines Day to my Momster friends. Looks like nest got a little dusting. Also a sincere thank you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers, encouragement and insighs on skin cancer. It's nice to have a place with such wonderful support. Returning your thoughts and prayers and wishes for a nice day for all.

T-Bird said...

JERRY, we are glad to have you too! We love us!

Judie said...

Good morning and happy valentines day to everyone.

Much going on with so many. I will just wish each of you the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Happy Valentine's Day from Fredericksburg to all Momsters and eagle lovers.

T-Bird said...

JERRY, we are glad to have you too! We love us!

Jewels said...

Happy Valentines Day to t he best group of People that I have vome to know and care about so much!!!! Hope everyone finds some time to spend with your loved ones today!!
Prayers to WV Jerry and your family.
Prayers for everyone today and everyday!!

magpie said...

Good Morning side by side, kind of,
with Jewels at The Dough Factory ☺☺

Oh T-Bird: Buddy really ripped you off of some Good Eats !!
That rascal...

magpie said...

G'Morning WV Jerry, two days in a row,
keep coming back....
Best Sweety wishes to you and the Family also


Split in about 14 posts or so...

glo said...

Good morning and prayers for all. LOVE SOMEONE human or critter, be sure they know today and everyday.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds I got woke up with EAGKE CAKKS and what was that oh BELLE

JudyEddy said...

and I had to sign back in to google what is up with that


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥NEW THREAD ♥ ♥.

☺ ☺☺☺

magpie said...

oh boy new thread before we SPLIT ☺
See ya' over there pals...xo

magpie said...
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magpie said...
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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...