Thank you PAULA. Excellent report on JO and thank you. So good to hear that she is doing better and that she is able to visit and that she has a lot of company. Yes it will be great when she is able to be back home and stop by the blog again. Good to have her oxygen level up and that they are working on the healing. THANK YOU PAULA.
Oh PS... my elderly (83 yoa) neighbor Lorraine, has had multiple complications from gall bladder surgery four weeks ago has been hospitalized and is now at a nursing home for rehabilitation. Her spirits are down, she is not making any kind of progress So I need to ask that you add my friend in need, to your Prayers... I need to go to bat for her on Friday....with a helpful call to her Power of Attorney if I fail. Please, and Thank You.....
Hoda, I did not make the Elvis suit. It was professionally made. I have mended it before, but this is the first time to really do some reconstruction.
Our lastest front has arrived. Temps have dropped to 62 after a high of 80. I had the AC on in the car today. House is still open and all my wind chimes are chiming away!!
Thanks Lolly.... feel like a one-woman band at time, but tonight a nurse friend of Lorraine's called with concerns similar to mine.... so we make a plan of action....
Oh, I remember in 2006 when I was a lurker but not a blogger, watching the nest for nearly an hour, three eggs untended-to...I thought I would have heart failure, and was not blogging... so I was a one-woman band then too in my worries... but all turned out VERY well that year Whew! Yep, it is nature allrighty !
Did you not add shinny glittery things to a white suit once LOLLY??? I have this image of a picture of you adding them!!!
JAMES the WISE with glasses we need a picture MARGY.
PRAYERS FOR LORRAINE. I am sorry she is having problems rallying up MARGY and it is a good thing that you are being a good neighbour and a good friend.Advocating for the elderly is such an essential thing. Our Hospice group moved to a new house and they will have open house and I will go to it when they announce it. It is important to support them.
For the second time in as many weeks a family has lost their home and belongings in the woods around Nelson. No lives of pets or humans lost but substantial material losses. They are staying with neighbours and the community started Till Gift Cards so we could at least cover their weekly food bill. COllecting clothes and seeing about what to do about housing. Both families did not have house insurance!!! I can not understand that part at all. Even in my flat I have insurance!!! On a whole house boggles my mind!!!
Hoda: My massage therapist tells me my energy levels are good, but my heart is heavy... I understand this.... not sure I can fix it too easily though. I am sorry about the folks who lost their homes to fire ? I wish I was in a position to send along some $$ help... I am tapped out on medical bills right now :( but I can pray, that is free ! And I will.... when I walk, and drive, I do a LOT of praying.....
I can completely understand how Grammar Girl Shirley is a whiz on the Scrabble... I would LOVE to play.... my parents were so strong on grammar and spelling, Thank you Mother and Daddy !!!
I am a little concerned about adding the red satin gussets. It might start me cursing. However, my trusty sewing machine has been serviced and is ready to go. So....we shall see.
And to think...I use to make all my clothes, even made my wedding dress. Also, ONCE designed a suit, made the pattern, and then made the suit. That was when I was young!!! Made all of Laurel's clothes, too and once made a sport coat for Michael, oh, and neckties for Jack. Oh...those were the days. lol
I can picture it Lolly... by the way, I have the worst case of osteoporosis... very lacy bones :( I am taking medicines for it but have no idea if I am doing any better or now. I love neckties ! Bet you made some bootiful ones.
My stepdaughter sent me a pile of large size pictures by email....nearly crashed my computer. Can't check them now, was hoping to check them on the laptop but it's too late, they have not transfered over to there... maybe later.
Had my last scan three years ago and I have been taking a once a week pill for osteoporosis. It is in my hip, not my spine. Have not dropped any in height. Still 5' 9". My hip hurts slightly, so hope this is no indication of anything.
Nope, Grammy failed to get pictures of James with his glasses... but when they are ready and he goes for his fitting, I will.... He said, "I told you so" when he and the eye guy came out of the exam.... Lolly, I read your comments about Michael.... I just wonder how long it is going to take for James to lose his glasses...he got progressives, the ones that shade in the sunlight. His generous other Nana is helping with the cost..... Blessing there for sure....
Margy, once Michael got his glasses, he could see the indiviual leaves on trees. He couldn't before. Also, when watching soccer he could tell if it was boys or girls playing. lol He never lost his glasses. Once he started wearing them he could see so much better, he never took them off. He did however loose a contact or too. Once time on a trip with other students, he put his contacts in the water bucket of a motel room. STUPID!!!! Yes, he is very, extremly intelligent, but that was STUPID!!!
oh darn blogger cop, I let my guard down and didn't save my comment first.. Shirley! the other Nana bought me a container of Mocha Chocolate marshmallows, I intent to have some serious hot chocolate before lent begins on Feb 13! And my son in law bought me a small heart-shaped box of Russel Stover chocolates...from him and James.... I go on chocolate abstinence for Lent... early Easter this year, March 31
that's encouraging, Lolly...about Michael not losing his glasses. Before I got prescriptions I had four or five pairs of reading glasses going, because I was always losing track of them, once I got a REAL pair of prescription glasses...No problem !
BOB - oh shucks Sorry I have been surely and sorely breaking the speed limit tonight... guess it is my small effort at venting some internal concerns and worries
HELLOOOOOO home from Angies and just was on face book and guess what the owl had its own egg right next to the eagle egg there is a picture of it there to so she has moved in on the nest I wonder will the eagles object????
MARGY You lift your heart up with song and gratitude Dear Lady! You already do a lot and all is good.
You do not have to worry about dollars to help others...I am in the same boat for right now. Yet the abundance we know in our lives is not about dollars. The folks here are well looked after and the funds are going strong and already money has been put in the tills for the next three months worth of food at the co-op. The families will do well. Don't worry about them. I was just sharing a story of the events in Nelson.
LOLLY you will do fine with the have so much talent and so much practice. I am sure you will foucus and you will do fine and it will look great.
My American brother did the same thing with the lenses in an ice bucket so I laughed when I read it here that MICHAEL did the same thing!!! MOM was not pleases since they were on Holiday skiing in New Mexico...they lived in OKC at the time.
Had a busy day today, so getting here later than I had planned.
Paula, thank you for the fantastic report on Jo! I bet she was thrilled to see you, and I'm sure those hugs will do wonders!
Margy, prayers for Lorraine, for sure! Can't wait to see a picture of James in his new glasses. Maybe he will look like Harry Potter!
It was overcast here today, and kind of breezy when I went for my walk. Feels like we will get some rain tomorrow, as they are predicting.
Well, I have some bills to pay online, so better get to it. Will check back in tomorrow morning to see what's up at the nest. We sure have a nice clear picture of it this year! Grateful for the night light, too!
Prayers have been said for everyone, especially those in need of healing--whether human or critter. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you! ♥♥Lynn♥♥ ♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥ I ♥ us!!!
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
LYNNE in Canada they get a base line for bone density when we ar 50 to 55 and then in our 60's they monitor us with more frequent checks when we get older.
I'm baaaack! Finished the ripping apart bit. Then cut out the red satin. That was fun. Did it sitting on the floor. It was like an announcement to Annie...."Come on down, sit on the satin, attack mode to the human!!!' She may be old but she still wants to play. lol Then, after finally cutting out the satin, I got the white knit, but instead of cutting it, decided it is not a good enough match. Grrrrrr! Back out tomorrow to look for white knit.
Not sure when I started having the bone density test. This was about my third I think. Dreading the prep for the colonoscopy! Yuckooo! Dr. Carol laughed and said yes, growing old is only for the brave. lol
LOLLY yes colonoscopy is not as much fun but it is much easier than it used to be even in the prep phase...wishing you well with the whole experience. did you say when already? sorry mind is not retaining it!!!
I was supposed to have a colonoscopy some time ago. I wanted to get my supplementary insurance first. It begins in March, but they will not cover the colonoscopy for 3 months. I need to see what the doctor says about this. Also need a mammogram. They would pay for a routine one, but this one is not exactly routine. I may just need to go ahead and schedule it. It will still be mostly covered by Medicare.
Good wet Friday morning Dana and all my eagle friends! Can't get the live cam. Still cam is working - looks like Belle sitting on the egg. Awake and looking around.
Sitting here reading and thinking: specifically, thinking of you MAGPIE: i have a mantra. after i send my light, love and blessings to others, whatever their need, i have to remember that I am not in charge and i must LET GO OF WHAT I CANNOT CONTROL. lighten your heart, lighten your soul....let go of what you cannot control.
yes, we have to help others. we can choose to be there for others with our time, our love, and our resources, but, their journey is their own. our journey is our own. we all have lessons to learn and holding hands and helping along the way, and loving along the way is good, but at some point, we have to remember, we are not in control....
I agreed with HODA"S comment....and just wanted to add this bit....
its a rainy day here in nashville...another beautiful day ahead. tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so we will trim our maple tree in the front yard and have agreed to take down there redbud. i have a mimosa tree i plan to plant.
it will be a busy weekend. a young friend of mine (at massage envy most of my co workers are 15 to 20 years younger than me) bringing his new girlfriend by to meet me, his second mom. wants an approval, lol. he is a good kid.
i hope everyone has a lovely day. remember, belle knows what she is doing....we are being helicopter "parents" hovering over her....everyone, please take a deep breath. IGBOK! Its Gonna Be Ok!!!
Getting ready for a big wintery mix with freezing rain so I will be staying put instead of driving home today. Will go home tomorrow instead. Dad is doing a little better each day except for that dang catheter bag.
Good morning all. Hope all is well in your worlds. I've been watching can daily for about two weeks and still missed the egg. I'm guessing only one egg now or will another come later. Take care all. Have to head off to work now.
No snow yet, but we are supposed to get quite a bit later this afternoon and tonight!! Love it!!
So nice to see everyone coming back for another nesting season!! Geula, BEagle, Maria, PattiO, Red, Bob, Jim, WVJerry, Robyn and WV sUSAn!! I might have even missed a few!!
It's so nice to have that screen up while I work during tax season's long hours. Kind of makes me feel like I have a loyal companion with me!!
Have to go out today for grosseries and another ear appointment. Bubble is still there......I think. I have waited to see the ENT Doctor for a month and in the last couple days, I haven't felt the bubble!! It has done that before. I just hope he can see it and figure out what to do with it. It is annoying!!
PAULA - Thank you for the first hand report on JO and how she is progressing. I am glad they won't let her go home until they are sure her oxygen levels are good. Don't want to have her have any relapses!
LORI - Keeping your Dad in prayer and happy he is getting a little better each day.
MARGY - Always thinking of and doing for others!! You're such a joy!! James is so blessed to have you and so is LORRAINE. Will put her on the prayer list.
LYNNE1 - Would love an update on your furbaby! Is he doing any better on eating??
JANET - I just love your light and happy attitude on life. There is just something REALLY special about you!!
Glad to hear BELLE didn't keep you ladies up worrying too awfully late last night! Otherwise you'd be zombies this morning with no sleep! Somebody has to worry, right??
Well, I best get in gear here this morning.
And the bubble is back just that quickly. Not that I like it, but I want it to be there when I see the doctor. It is probably always there, but sometimes I feel it and other times not. Who knows.....
Good Morning Eagle Pals... RED FRIDAY it is....I hope Jo has a little something RED at the hospital to wear, maybe a little scarf or footies or something.
Thanks to all of you for your support, regarding my pal Lorraine and other things I mention.... Janet appreciate your insight and realistic message this morning, Thank You !
Prayers for safety and wellness today....and for all in Storm Nemo's gigantic path....
GOOD MORNING... It is 34° here in Nestville and I do believe our 'weather event' is over. We had only a sciff of snow and it has all melted...headed for 40s. No problems at the nest today, but I guess North of Pa. and NY is in for a doozie...I haven't listened to the weather yet this morning...can't seem to get awake.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 389 of 389Weeeeeeeeeeee.......
Thank you PAULA. Excellent report on JO and thank you. So good to hear that she is doing better and that she is able to visit and that she has a lot of company. Yes it will be great when she is able to be back home and stop by the blog again. Good to have her oxygen level up and that they are working on the healing. THANK YOU PAULA.
Thank you Ever So Much, Paula...
this is the good kind of news we like and need to hear
(( Hugs to You )) ♥
As I sit here playing
my Celtic Woman CD
♪ ♫
am listening to the wind at the nest
James DOES need eyeglasses, is nearsighted, and
picked out a spiffy pair of
black wire-rims.
Time for me to read back.
Oh PS...
my elderly (83 yoa)
neighbor Lorraine,
has had multiple complications from
gall bladder surgery four weeks ago
has been hospitalized and is now at a nursing home for rehabilitation.
Her spirits are down, she is not
making any kind of progress
So I need to ask that you add
my friend in need, to your
I need to go to bat for her
on Friday....with a helpful call to her Power of Attorney if I fail.
Please, and Thank You.....
Yea, Paula!!!! So great that you got to visit her! And, that is a wonderful report!!
It's really NOT that windy down low, but 80 feet in the air at the nest, I guess so
Hoda, I did not make the Elvis suit. It was professionally made. I have mended it before, but this is the first time to really do some reconstruction.
Our lastest front has arrived. Temps have dropped to 62 after a high of 80. I had the AC on in the car today. House is still open and all my wind chimes are chiming away!!
Prayers for sure, Margy! You have been a God send to this elderly neighbor. God bless her!
Once again foiled by the split. I made my post and wondered where all the new posts came from. lol
Thanks Lolly....
feel like a one-woman band at time, but tonight a nurse friend of Lorraine's called with concerns similar to mine....
so we make a plan of action....
Oh, I remember in 2006 when I was a lurker but not a blogger, watching the nest for nearly an hour, three eggs untended-to...I thought I would have heart failure, and was not blogging...
so I was a one-woman band then too in my worries...
but all turned out VERY well that year
Yep, it is nature allrighty !
Did you not add shinny glittery things to a white suit once LOLLY??? I have this image of a picture of you adding them!!!
JAMES the WISE with glasses we need a picture MARGY.
PRAYERS FOR LORRAINE. I am sorry she is having problems rallying up MARGY and it is a good thing that you are being a good neighbour and a good friend.Advocating for the elderly is such an essential thing. Our Hospice group moved to a new house and they will have open house and I will go to it when they announce it. It is important to support them.
For the second time in as many weeks a family has lost their home and belongings in the woods around Nelson. No lives of pets or humans lost but substantial material losses. They are staying with neighbours and the community started Till Gift Cards so we could at least cover their weekly food bill. COllecting clothes and seeing about what to do about housing. Both families did not have house insurance!!! I can not understand that part at all. Even in my flat I have insurance!!! On a whole house boggles my mind!!!
I couldn't work on a hem these days if my life depended on it,
even with Elvis Pants...
I can barely button a button...
My massage therapist tells me
my energy levels are good,
but my heart is heavy...
I understand this....
not sure I can fix it too easily though.
I am sorry about the folks who lost their homes to fire ?
I wish I was in a position to
send along some $$ help...
I am tapped out on medical bills right now :(
but I can pray, that is free !
And I will....
when I walk, and drive, I do a LOT of praying.....
Thank you Paula for visiting with Jo and letting us know of her progress.
Belle is quietly sitting and I surely hope the weather will not be too unkind to her tomorrow.
Sandperson says get yourselves another hot toddy as he is on his way to watch after Jo.
Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.
I hope you can get that external sound thingy...
meanwhile, you will have to hear
vicariously through Us'ns. ☺
I can completely understand
how Grammar Girl Shirley is a
whiz on the Scrabble...
I would LOVE to play....
my parents were so strong on
grammar and spelling, Thank you
Mother and Daddy !!!
I am a little concerned about adding the red satin gussets. It might start me cursing. However, my trusty sewing machine has been serviced and is ready to go. So....we shall see.
And to think...I use to make all my clothes, even made my wedding dress. Also, ONCE designed a suit, made the pattern, and then made the suit. That was when I was young!!! Made all of Laurel's clothes, too and once made a sport coat for Michael, oh, and neckties for Jack. Oh...those were the days. lol
on the Celtic Woman CD, the song playing now is "You Raise me Up"
[On Eagle Wings....]
I can picture it Lolly...
by the way, I have the worst case of osteoporosis...
very lacy bones :(
I am taking medicines for it
but have no idea if I am doing
any better or now.
I love neckties !
Bet you made some bootiful ones.
Back on my own computer. I think it took Will about five minutes to figure out that the battery was loose.
At first, he said he would look at it when he had time. So I asked him when he would have time, and he found it.
Oh hell..
now NOW
want to get a re-test after
three years since the last one.
Having hot chocolate here, Judie. Happy to have the sandperson see our Jo.
My stepdaughter sent me a pile of
large size pictures by email....nearly crashed my computer.
Can't check them now, was hoping
to check them on the laptop but
it's too late, they have not
transfered over to there...
maybe later.
Had my last scan three years ago and I have been taking a once a week pill for osteoporosis. It is in my hip, not my spine. Have not dropped any in height. Still 5' 9". My hip hurts slightly, so hope this is no indication of anything.
Nope, Grammy failed to get
pictures of James with his glasses...
but when they are ready and he goes for his fitting, I will....
He said, "I told you so" when he and the eye guy came out of the
Lolly, I read your comments about
I just wonder how long it is going to take for James to lose
his glasses...he got progressives, the ones that shade in the sunlight.
His generous other Nana is helping with the cost.....
Blessing there for sure....
Have enjoyed the chatting, but the Elvis suit is calling my name! Want to finish getting the gusset out, so tomorrow I can add the new material.
Margy, once Michael got his glasses, he could see the indiviual leaves on trees. He couldn't before. Also, when watching soccer he could tell if it was boys or girls playing. lol He never lost his glasses. Once he started wearing them he could see so much better, he never took them off. He did however loose a contact or too. Once time on a trip with other students, he put his contacts in the water bucket of a motel room. STUPID!!!!
Yes, he is very, extremly intelligent, but that was STUPID!!!
oh darn blogger cop, I let my guard down and didn't save my comment first..
Shirley! the other Nana bought me a container of Mocha Chocolate marshmallows, I intent to have some serious hot chocolate before lent begins on Feb 13!
And my son in law bought me a small heart-shaped box of Russel Stover chocolates...from him
and James....
I go on chocolate abstinence for Lent...
early Easter this year, March 31
two not too......I know better!☺
that's encouraging, Lolly...about Michael not losing his glasses.
Before I got prescriptions I had four or five pairs of reading glasses going, because I was always losing track of them, once I got a REAL pair of prescription glasses...No problem !
Yah, you and me in the same boat, Lolly, typing faster than we are thinking....
Ok on to the hemming for you,
on to some late night chow for me !
xoxo ♥
I got a return email from Sandra...she is up on the egg news...
ttfn back later ♥ xo
Oh! was nice to see so many Momsters and Dadsters here today, including Rumpelstilskin Rumsey Rummy Bog
BOB - oh shucks
Sorry I have been surely and sorely breaking the speed limit tonight...
guess it is my small effort at
venting some internal concerns and worries
HELLOOOOOO home from Angies and just was on face book and guess what the owl had its own egg right next to the eagle egg there is a picture of it there to so she has moved in on the nest I wonder will the eagles object????
HEY LOLLY may I ask WHY are you sewing Elvis outfit has he come back LOL just kidding on the coming back part
MARGY You lift your heart up with song and gratitude Dear Lady! You already do a lot and all is good.
You do not have to worry about dollars to help others...I am in the same boat for right now. Yet the abundance we know in our lives is not about dollars. The folks here are well looked after and the funds are going strong and already money has been put in the tills for the next three months worth of food at the co-op. The families will do well. Don't worry about them. I was just sharing a story of the events in Nelson.
LOLLY you will do fine with the have so much talent and so much practice. I am sure you will foucus and you will do fine and it will look great.
My American brother did the same thing with the lenses in an ice bucket so I laughed when I read it here that MICHAEL did the same thing!!! MOM was not pleases since they were on Holiday skiing in New Mexico...they lived in OKC at the time.
Belle calling.
Miss Belle is not pleased...something is flying above her? Chirping away and off the egg
Belle is up ... looking around looking at her egg...big shuggle.
Shaking and preening.
All seems well...
I could hear her ruffling her cool is that!!!
Kind of like she was sound asleep when something alarmed her.
Sounds pretty neat, doesn't it Hoda.
Maybe an eagle nightmare.
I am very pleased with the Camera STEVE and NCTC brought us...picture is perfect and the sound it terrific.
"Shuggle"--I like that word, Paula.
Up for a poop shoot! Off the 3!!
Heard that on another forum, Shirley.
She is settling back down on the egg.
Yes PAULA it is very neat to hear her feathers...
MAYBE SHIRLEY I do not know...nightmare.
I am glad your computer is fixed and it was only a loose battery.
Belle had a Poop shoot perhaps?
Good one, Paula.
Back on the egg
It does sound like there will be a mixture of snow, sleet, and freezing rain early tomorrow morning. But it is not supposed to amount to much.
Belle and Shep can handle a bit of winter weather. Just hoping it is only a bit.
Evening all, work ran late so I ran late! Maybe hoping for just a little winter mess so I can go IN late tomorrow!
Paula, wow, thanks for that report on Jo! I'm so glad you were able to stop and see her and deliver special Momster hugs!
Margy, prayers for Lorraine....sounds UNgood. You just let her know that momsters are praying!
OOOOO Lolly, open windows, low 60s, chimes chiming....LOVE those kind of evenings!
Bet James the Wise will look very dashing and even WISER with his new specs!
What age is a bone density test to be done?
I had bifocals. I lost them. Was ever so hopeful that when we packed up the old house that they'd be found. No such luck.
So grateful for the news on MeMa Jo. prayers for your friend Lorraine Prayers for all.
PAULA What great new that you went and saw JO and so happy to hear she is getting better
Hi, Everyone,
Had a busy day today, so getting here later than I had planned.
Paula, thank you for the fantastic report on Jo! I bet she was thrilled to see you, and I'm sure those hugs will do wonders!
Margy, prayers for Lorraine, for sure! Can't wait to see a picture of James in his new glasses. Maybe he will look like Harry Potter!
It was overcast here today, and kind of breezy when I went for my walk. Feels like we will get some rain tomorrow, as they are predicting.
Well, I have some bills to pay online, so better get to it. Will check back in tomorrow morning to see what's up at the nest. We sure have a nice clear picture of it this year! Grateful for the night light, too!
Prayers have been said for everyone, especially those in need of healing--whether human or critter. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
LYNNE in Canada they get a base line for bone density when we ar 50 to 55 and then in our 60's they monitor us with more frequent checks when we get older.
I'm baaaack! Finished the ripping apart bit. Then cut out the red satin. That was fun. Did it sitting on the floor. It was like an announcement to Annie...."Come on down, sit on the satin, attack mode to the human!!!' She may be old but she still wants to play. lol Then, after finally cutting out the satin, I got the white knit, but instead of cutting it, decided it is not a good enough match. Grrrrrr! Back out tomorrow to look for white knit.
Yes, Judy...Elvis is in the house once a year!
Down to 57 now...have closed up the house.
Not sure when I started having the bone density test. This was about my third I think. Dreading the prep for the colonoscopy! Yuckooo!
Dr. Carol laughed and said yes, growing old is only for the brave. lol
Belle is awake looking around and ruffling her feathers and now preening. Looks good
LOLLY yes colonoscopy is not as much fun but it is much easier than it used to be even in the prep phase...wishing you well with the whole experience. did you say when already? sorry mind is not retaining it!!!
Egg is exposed infront of Belle who is in the cup's edge...yes she knows what she is doing...
Hoda, have an appointment to see the doctor first in 12 days. Then the test will be sceduled. I will be moaning and groaning on the blog that day. lol
I called today as I wanted to get it over with. That was as soon as I could get in.
Yes, see the egg. Guess Belle felt the need to stretch a bit. I am sure she will settle down soon.
Think I am going to read for a while before heading to bed.
Night all!! SED!!!
Belle looks tucked in I don't see her head at all no white showing at all but I see the egg I took a pic of it odd
OK Belle is tucked in and the egg is exposed...she knows what she is doing, she knows what she is doing, she knows what she is doing!!!!
OK LOLLY the 19th! Thank you...complain moan and groan all you want...
I see her white head JUDYE. She is facing six and her head is towards twelve white on the right side facing...
She is awake...
Vocalizing and looking around
Gets off the cup and backs towrds eleven.still vocalizing
Something is flying around and upsetting Belle. She has backed off the egg to the edge and is fussing.
She is OK JUDYE I think she is just doing her eagle thing...
She is quiet now, still off the egg.
And I heard another eagle somewhat distant...also chirping
Bet is was an owl or a bat flying around. She was looking around.
Back to reading.
I know she can't get confortable becasue of that stick that is off to the left looks like part of the branch is in the cup
ok turnin in this time lite out
Belle is still off the egg I forgot to say
What a beautiful site! Belle must think so too because she is off to the side. WooHoo.
When did it happen?
I was supposed to have a colonoscopy some time ago. I wanted to get my supplementary insurance first. It begins in March, but they will not cover the colonoscopy for 3 months. I need to see what the doctor says about this. Also need a mammogram. They would pay for a routine one, but this one is not exactly routine. I may just need to go ahead and schedule it. It will still be mostly covered by Medicare.
Yes, I am not asleep.
I see that belle is resting away from the egg.
I am hearing rain here. Not cold enough for snow or ice.
Hi BEagle!
Hi there StrongHunter! So glad to see you.
egg was laid Feb 6 around 6:10
egg was first seen around 6:19
that was p.m. on Wed evening
Hi there magpie. so good to see you too!
she's contemplating....something...
and I don't thing I can head for the pillows until that egg
gets covered up
Got it and I just may try a notebook.
I have a puppy and he is barking at the wind he's hearing. HeHeHe
Vocalizing again. Off the cup at the edge
Wonder what is disturbing her?
She did the same last year. Stood off the egg for a couple hours...didn't she?
thanks, B...
nice avatar...
still staying busy in our State Capital?
Barking at the wind at the nest?
She's tucked in for a snooze it looks like.
Yes, Batman Jake is barking at the wind at the nest.
SHIRLEY get to the docotor's and get those two tests done! why wiat three months not good!!!
Hello BEagle
Yes Magpie...still at it.
No I do not think she is tucked in!
Hi Hoda! I like your earlier comments..."she knows what she's doing" in reference to Belle standing aside like that. I keep saying that over and over.
Is it clear overhead or is this a new cam with night vision?
Okay. Her tail is in the ooutward poosition.
It is a new cam and it works really well at night...very pleased with that BEagle.
new cam with night vision, BEagle...
was installed about a month ago.
or so
I'm fixing to whistle a lullaby song here pretty soon
I'ts past my bedtime. Way past.
the moon is at zero, new moon.
Next Full Moon is Feb 27.
It will add some moonshine to the views then
WOW. The new cam is really nice. What a blessing!
I wonder if we will have spider issues with this cam. Hoping that somehow spiders will not be attracted. They really did like the previous one.
Yes. Steve and NCTC came through for us ! We're quite grateful...
We have really enjoyed the new cam. That is true.
I remember those spiders. They're probably teeny tiny but look like monster on the cam.
Yeah! The first time I saw one, I was quite impressed.
My pillow and I are now on the floor watching
She certainly knows what's up,
wish we did too,
we're over an hour now on
egg eggsposure
Belle is still off the cup.
Good night
You are right about the tests, Hoda.
I am going to try again to sleep. Good night.
I checked the weather and it's about 46 degrees in the capitol city. It's cooler up there in nest country but it may be warmer at the nest.
Walk over and plop down on that egg!
Night Hoda. Now it's my turn.
Sweet sleep to all.
How many are going to sneak another peak before a half hour is up?
Heading to bed now. Have been watching Belle, and also heard her a while back. Sure wonder what's up.
For the second time...Night all!
There she goes digging around the egg
She's still not quite on it.
Did anyone mark the time she was off?
There's the wiggle down. Ah-h-h-h!
I think JudyE or another mentioned 11:44.
Yes, she is back on he egg.
Good Night from here too...
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥
Yes. I went back and check and it was first mentioned at 11:44. Approximately an hour and half.
Good night.
Anyone else having issues? I can't get the cam.
Oh and good morning!
Good wet Friday morning Dana and all my eagle friends! Can't get the live cam. Still cam is working - looks like Belle sitting on the egg. Awake and looking around.
Looks like it must be the Outdoor channel's issue because the ad starts to play and then stops. :(
Oh right, I always forget about the still cam. I'll pull that up for a while.
Good morning Sandi.
Looks like coastal flooding for Bethany Beach this afternoon, tonight and into tomorrow! Oh dear!
I see Belle is up and off the egg - maybe waiting for Shep to give her a break?
Prayers for all of the needs on the blog, especially for Jo, Dana's dad, Lori's dad, Sharon's friend with cancer, and Margy's neighbor.
Make it a great day all!
Belle appears to be watching something pretty closely.
Belle is still off the egg and alert. Gotta go! later!
Good Morning Sycamore Palace! Live cam is up and running. woohoooo
Is that Shep on the nest already?!?
Good morning to all! TGIF /RED Friday!
Sitting here reading and thinking: specifically, thinking of you MAGPIE:
i have a mantra. after i send my light, love and blessings to others, whatever their need, i have to remember that I am not in charge and i must LET GO OF WHAT I CANNOT CONTROL. lighten your heart, lighten your soul....let go of what you cannot control.
yes, we have to help others. we can choose to be there for others with our time, our love, and our resources, but, their journey is their own. our journey is our own. we all have lessons to learn and holding hands and helping along the way, and loving along the way is good, but at some point, we have to remember, we are not in control....
I agreed with HODA"S comment....and just wanted to add this bit....
its a rainy day here in nashville...another beautiful day ahead. tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so we will trim our maple tree in the front yard and have agreed to take down there redbud. i have a mimosa tree i plan to plant.
it will be a busy weekend. a young friend of mine (at massage envy most of my co workers are 15 to 20 years younger than me) bringing his new girlfriend by to meet me, his second mom. wants an approval, lol. he is a good kid.
i hope everyone has a lovely day. remember, belle knows what she is doing....we are being helicopter "parents" hovering over her....everyone, please take a deep breath. IGBOK! Its Gonna Be Ok!!!
Light, Love, and hugs to all!
Good morning,
I see Shep on the nest incubating.
They must have done an early AM switch, Shirley
Good Morning early birds!
Hi Lori
It does look like it, Susan.
Mornin', Lori!
Good morning my fine friends.
I may have said this already but that is a great picture Steve posted.
Happy Friday, Thelma.
Good Morning, ladies! It's Friday!
Getting ready for a big wintery mix with freezing rain so I will be staying put instead of driving home today. Will go home tomorrow instead. Dad is doing a little better each day except for that dang catheter bag.
Lots of nearby schools are closed or have delayed openings today. Just wet here as far as I know.
Stay safe out there, everyone!
Good morning all. Hope all is well in your worlds. I've been watching can daily for about two weeks and still missed the egg. I'm guessing only one egg now or will another come later. Take care all. Have to head off to work now.
Do we have a male amongst us? Jerry : )
Yes WVJerry, there is only one egg and she could lay 2 more.
Good Morning! Shep is still on the egg, I see, has been for a while now, but he's doing god with the egg turning and the wiggle wiggle!
he's doing GOOD with the egg! What are the consequences of making typos! OH GOOOOOODY we have a spell check! Is that something new?
Geula, he's in his element, no doubt!
Whether or not you have spell check seems to depend on how you get here, Geula. No spell check on IE, but spell check with Google Chrome, for example.
I entered with my Google Account, maybe that did it....who cares, so long as I have a chance to correct my horrible spelling!
A call from Shep.
He looks so cute all tucked in there...he was fussing with the fluff awhile had to be just so!
Up for a dig
He's got a cute wiggle in ☺
I am a little surprised at the number of schools closed just a short distance from here. Culpeper is closed.
Didn't even think about needing to check on Hunter's school. It's open.
Good Morning!
No snow yet, but we are supposed to get quite a bit later this afternoon and tonight!! Love it!!
So nice to see everyone coming back for another nesting season!! Geula, BEagle, Maria, PattiO, Red, Bob, Jim, WVJerry, Robyn and WV sUSAn!! I might have even missed a few!!
It's so nice to have that screen up while I work during tax season's long hours. Kind of makes me feel like I have a loyal companion with me!!
Have to go out today for grosseries and another ear appointment. Bubble is still there......I think. I have waited to see the ENT Doctor for a month and in the last couple days, I haven't felt the bubble!! It has done that before. I just hope he can see it and figure out what to do with it. It is annoying!!
PAULA - Thank you for the first hand report on JO and how she is progressing. I am glad they won't let her go home until they are sure her oxygen levels are good. Don't want to have her have any relapses!
LORI - Keeping your Dad in prayer and happy he is getting a little better each day.
MARGY - Always thinking of and doing for others!! You're such a joy!! James is so blessed to have you and so is LORRAINE. Will put her on the prayer list.
LYNNE1 - Would love an update on your furbaby! Is he doing any better on eating??
JANET - I just love your light and happy attitude on life. There is just something REALLY special about you!!
Glad to hear BELLE didn't keep you ladies up worrying too awfully late last night! Otherwise you'd be zombies this morning with no sleep! Somebody has to worry, right??
Well, I best get in gear here this morning.
And the bubble is back just that quickly. Not that I like it, but I want it to be there when I see the doctor. It is probably always there, but sometimes I feel it and other times not. Who knows.....
Have a super terrific Friday!!!
LINDA, hope all goes well at the Doctor. Be careful driving in the snow.
Well, there are both of our eagles at the nest.
Looks to be Belle on the egg.
Egg roll!
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
RED FRIDAY it is....I hope Jo has a little something RED at the hospital to wear, maybe a little
scarf or footies or something.
Thanks to all of you for your support, regarding my pal Lorraine and other things I mention....
Janet appreciate your insight and realistic message this morning, Thank You !
Prayers for safety and wellness today....and for all in Storm Nemo's gigantic path....
Good morning all y'all.
Hope the snow misses you. Nothing but rain here.
Hi Bill!
Keep your eyes open for those
Q words and triple values in Scrabble, Red ☺
You too, Shirley !
Time to get the morning cranked up here...
Keeping you all in my thoughts and
xoxo ttfn ♥
Good morning my eagle budlets.
Good morning, Sharon.
It is 34° here in Nestville and I do believe our 'weather event' is over. We had only a sciff of snow and it has all melted...headed for 40s. No problems at the nest today, but I guess North of Pa. and NY is in for a doozie...I haven't listened to the weather yet this morning...can't seem to get awake.
.♥ ♥ GOOOD ♥ ♥.
.♥ MORNING A ♥ ♥.
.♥ ♥ N E W ♥ ♥.
.♥ ♥T H R E A D ♥ ♥.
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