Sunday, February 17, 2013


New thread.


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Sandi said...

Hey, lucky me!! A new thread! Thanks Steve - I’ll call everyone over!

Sandi said...

Greetings from chilly Baltimore!

Need to catch up on the old thread.

Had a good day yesterday. Denny found all three family plots at Holy Redeemer Cemetery - a major feat considering the size of this place and the fact that Denny hadn’t been there for YEARS! Got photos of all the family headstones and markers to send to Brian for his geneology stuff.

Then we took Mom back to see her old house, drove past our old house and stopped to say hi to two sets of good neighbors (we lived in that house for 28 years), and then met my sister and family for sour beef and dumplings (a favorite meal for Mom, Lisa, and me but Mom doesn’t have the stamina to make them from scratch anymore).

Got Mom’s stereo hooked up today. Mom told me last night that she hears music that isn’t really there and it’s annoying b/c it repeats over and over. I did a Google search and it’s something that happens to some older hard of hearing people. One article suggested that, if she has real music playing all the time, it will keep the phantom music from playing. So we’re testing that theory today!

Will check in later! Hope everyone is having a good day!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi congrats on your first feather!

Just had some snow flurries blast by!

Lolly said...

Home from church and called Laurel. Little Miss T spent the night in a cat carrier. She curled up and went to sleep. Did just great! She is very playful today. Has a teeny tiny little growl when playing. She is very messy and scatters Luke's toys all over the living room. Loves the bone the best as it scoots easily. She is playing with the boys and they are all falling in love with her. She measures about 7" to the top of her shoulder, so definitely is a teacup poodle. They are taking her shortly to be scanned. At this point we are hoping not to find an owner and want to deliver her to Sharon.

Lolly said...

There is no chip in little Miss T. Talked with my sister. She said Laurel does not need to take her to a vet, she will do it. So, looks like a road trip at the end of this week.

Lori O. said...

SANDI, congrats on your first we are tied at one each! :)
Glad you've had a great time in Balitmore. That's fascinating about the music and older people! Hope the stereo works.

PAULA, love your lighthouse! Great paint job, too!

LOLLY, lucky little Miss T, gets a great new home. So glad everyone at Laurel's house just loves her!

STEVE, THANK YOU for the new thread.

Lori O. said...

I've made lots of progress packing with just a few things left to do, that will probably have to wait until morning - all that stuff you use before you go.

Mom called today and said she's cleared out all this space for me so it should be nice!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !

LORI, sounds like all is in order both on your end and on your Mom's end ! It gives me a shiver of delight to think of the blessing you'll be to each other ! Will be praying for clear roads and safe travel through those mountains tomorrow !

SANDI, I've never heard of that phantom music in oldsters. I love music, but hope to avoid that old age phenomenon ! S'wonderful you're having such a good weekend "back home". I'm sure it's doing your Mom a world of good.

There's a theme here---can you tell I have a real appreciation for "kids" who care for their parents in such loving ways ? I'm so blessed to have kids just like you girls !

Had my usual good Sat/Sun with Seth, concluding with Julie's arrival with Chipotle fare at noon. Hmmmm, good !

Very cold here today, but expecting 47° tomorrow, then back down. Heavy jacket one day, light the next---come on Winter, head on out and let Miss Spring show her stuff !!!!

Prayers for all in need, including dear Dex and any other petsters who are ailing ! Thanks to SHIRLEY for sharing her Hunter and Luna stories !


Lolly said...

My guess is it is too windy for our eagle. Looks like he is tucked for the night. lol

Lolly said...

Floors are vacuumed and mopped. I am heading outside! 70 and sunny.

Lori O. said...

Lucky you, LOLLY. The wind chill here is 13.

JudyEddy said...




Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh new thread, Steve.
Just read of your eagle sightings today-how cool is that!

Dinner time here BBL

JudyEddy said...

we had a guard change in the wind and all poor things and Shep brought in a new stick

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Windy here too, but not like at the nest. Pulled some weeds, then picked a bouquet of daffidils and came on in. The wind had my eyes watering and tears running down my cheeks.

JudyEddy said...

BOY what a PIA I was uploading pic to fb and got bumped off with a message "For security reasons youa acct is temporirily locked Unfortuately your computer may be infected with a virsu Don't worry, We will help you find and remove any infected firles righ away and off course they want me to run a McAfee Scan Of course they want me to down load it too and I did ran the scan and found no VIRUS at all and now it still won't let me back on FB of course I didn't click to keep McAfee so I am re doing I can always uninstall it I guess what a PIA Has this happened to any of you????

Lolly said...

Bell is rocking and rolling in the nest. Hang on Belle! Lay low!

Lolly said...

No, Judy, it has not happened to me.

JudyEddy said...

Boy that has got to be some kid of SCAM I clicked on agree for McAfee and got facebook back ODD huh I am uninstalling it That is a scam I think

JudyEddy said...

this is the GreatbackyardBird Count FB page its public so anyone can see it this is a cool video iwht the red poll birds soooooooo many pretty birds too

You may have to scroll down the page if you don't go now and look its amazing how many many birds there are soooo coool Cool Beans

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful egg roll

JudyEddy said...

I asked the lady on the page where she from to have that many redpolls on her railing and she is from Alberta Canada I can always down load the video to Youtube if you all can't see it on the page sooo cool

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets.

JudyEddy said...

wow Dana on the pole for the race COOL BEANS

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon Hope you had a good day with the kids ♥

JudyEddy said...

46° now here Brrrr Low tonight 36° BRRr but on the brighter side by FRI in the LO 80's Thats Fl for ya I am sooooo cold

Lolly said...

Laurel weighed little Miss T. She weighs all of 3 lb 12 oz. She has played and played today. We think she is young, certainly not old. Also, two more people want her. Popular little dog!!

paula eagleholic said...

Home safe and sound

magpie said...

Yippeee, Paula !!
Safe and sound, and stay warm....
Woof!! cold and windy....

Feels like winter !

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Nice going, Sandi, congrats on your first feather !!

xo ♥

magpie said...

Well, little Miss Teacup has been a BARREL of delight, it sounds like, Lolly
very nice hope it all works out wonderfully for Sharon ♥

magpie said...

Sandi...your report is about Madeline...?
Great Birthday I hope !!

Lori: Yeah, those things one uses last....that can take up a satchel at least....!
Prayers for a very good night's sleep for you....and safe travels in the morning.
I know your parents must be soooooo excited about all this.


magpie said...

Well no Lynne2 yet today...
but if you can bear the cold,
she would want us all to notice
First Quarter Moon and Jupiter oootching up together so close...
watch tomorrow night, positions will probably be reversed !

my stepdaugher and her Dad, report cold temperatures in South Florida...I mean cold, like into the freezings tonight on the Gulf Coast but mostly inland...

magpie said...

Springtime Alert:
James and I saw four male, and three famale RED-WING BLACKBIRDS TODAY, in Berkeley Springs in our favorite spot:
a small pond with catttails all about.
AND, the male made his famous
Congareeeeee chirp.
Boss !

magpie said...

Oh I was happy to see ☼Hi☼ Sunshine Kay here today !
Sounds like a nice week-end...

speaking of Ohio...saw a couple of trucks all crusted up with snowy debris and chemicals...asked the fellows where they had come from:
Also saw some vehicles with Virginia tags all crusted up the same way...figure they were from
the part of Virginia down near
Bluefield way

I Love Us ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!!!!!
You will NOT BELIEVE what the saw at the Park last week!!!!!Got an email and pics, so put them in the Nook. They are first, as I finally got my other animal/.bird pics on there.

BBL (if I don't konk out)
"Killing Lincoln" is on Nat'l. Geo.
Started at 8.
BTW, Public TV several years ago did a piece about assassination and Boothe's flight. They used our (Park)wooden bridge to depict horsemen leaving the Navy Yard area and got permission to film a local burning barn.

magpie said...

Man oh man I know it is cold up in the Sycamore Palace

magpie said...

Tee-totally Awesome, Loretta !

glo said...

Loretta Love the photos Hate the ca pshaw or whatever its called. I always struggle so trying to post those letters/numbers. sigh. Many times I just come here and leave a comment but this time it did work on the second try LOL. Maybe I am getting better.

magpie said...

LOL Glo!

I just proved I was NOT a robot about six times in succession, failed once...
I had been way behind in
checking the Nook, but wow, what a wonderful Nature Journey !!
Thanks, Loretta..
SUPER pictures all of them,
and your narratives are at least half the fun !


magpie said...

Before that Moon is going to get closer and closer to
love it when the planets get close to the Moon like that, or maybe it is vice versa!

Venus has disappeared now, very low on the horizon in twilight in the East...maybe some will still be able to see it....
It won't be back until May :(
and then it will be in the West

The Planet of L♥ve

magpie said...

I'm still sitting here with my scarf, hat, wool vest and winter boots on from when I was outdoors;
Maybe it is time to change into my feetie pajamas

before the Night and Energy Bandit encroaches;
I think it is too cold for
the Sandperson !

magpie said...

Wish I could take a wool vest, hat and scarf up to Belle !
But I know she and the eggberts will be just fine

magpie said...

I think I saw one lone bufflehead today in Morgan County
White body, mostly black head.
there was NO where to stop and check it out with binoculars

Hoda said...

Very good day here.

I am glad that it sounds good on the blog too.

LORI safe travels and am glad MARGY has her Angel Travel Cloud up as an avatar. I am glad your MOM cleared space up for you.

I can not imagine it JUDYE spraying the citrus fruit when it is cold yet I heard of that after you mentioned it I went to google. I hope the prices stay reasonable. Cool about your contact in Alberta Canada. Did she say where in Alberta?

Welcome home PAULA.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE HUNTER thinking of LUNA and sharing his sleeping area with her...This is a good hearted young man you are bringing up SHIRLEY...Give him a hug from me when he is not being a too cool of a teenager to take hugs...even a virtual hug will do. Knowing about space and voluntarily sharing it is an awesome gift.

I saw STEVE'S post on the eagles too JO and thought it was wonderful.

THELMA it depends on who is doing the energy work as to the surge and yes every one can have it and it frightens some if you are not familiar with it. Training facilitates it happening for others. I find it can not be sustained for hours on end so I understand JANET speaking of the fatigue and it needs replenishing. Sleep is good. When one is spiritually attuned with the powers that be the flow is smoother and it is effortless can not be forced.

I look forward to hearing from JANET on this topoic.

LOLLY You are a kind and dear friend and I thank you for your words. I agree Little Miss T would not have done well traveling by herself. I am so glad the boys are enjoying her and that there is no chip. I think she sounds like a pup too and it will be wonderful for your sister to have her and take care of all the shots and a micro chip. LAUREL has a good heart. It does not surpirse me that others want her too...I would have loved to have her...

Bougth some Cross COuntry Skis today and will head out on them tomorrow. We have snow overnight so it should be good.

I saw a Grey Horned Owl and a rainbow in the snow all at the same time. It took my breath away and my heart still skips a beat when the memory comes back.

LYNNE WE LOVE YOU AND WISHED YOU WOULD CHECK IN Maybe as LORETTA said LYNNE might be moving this weekend.

I just need to say I AM SO VERY GRATEFUL YOU ARE IN MY LIFE. THANK YOU it is what goodness and wellness feel like.

magpie said...

I think I just missed an egg check!
Belle has changed positions.
I was checking my bird book for ducks !

magpie said...

a GHO and a rainbow in the snow...
That is really great !
Good to SEE You...
Always !

Hoda said...

Bought not bougth!!! for the skis that is!!!LOL

Hoda said...

Thank you was snowing and there was a rainbow and there was this ownl perched on a tree branch...the only reason I looked up was to see the end of the rainbow...there is magic in the world truly truly truly there is magic in the world.

magpie said...

I believe that, Hoda...
I really, really do...
you describe it well.

I have had some magic this past week and I am truly in awe of these things

going to try to watch
The King's Speech tonight, here very soon, I have had the DVD since July! I think it's time.

so ttfn....

Hoda said...

Excellent movie MARGY...Enjoy.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to stop in a say hi..have been really busy at work and away most of this weekend so I have been scarce. Hoping I have more time soon. I peek in at the cam as often as I have a chance though .

Hope you all are well

Janet said...

good evening.

T-BIRD, MAGPIE AND OTHERS: A few facts first: Reiki energy is a Universal personal belief is that it comes from a higher source, but it Reiki is not a religion and has no dogma to believe in. Energy is. If we can accept that everything in and on this earth is energy ....some more dense than others, then we are on a level playing field already.... and Reiki is of course known as Energy work.

To become a Reiki practitioner, in addition to classes to educate oneself, one must receive an attunement. In this attunement process, the Reiki master (who passes the attunement to the student) has a "ritual" if you will, physical things that are done to move energy through the student's body to allow a student to begin to channel the Reiki energy. That energy first passes through the Reiki Master's body....and the Master pushes it on thru the student's body. After doing this several times, it is tiring. This energy realigns the student's energy, retunes it if you will much as a piano tuner uses a pitch fork to tune a piano.

There is also an Kundalini energy which can be raised purposely, through meditations, Yoga, Qi-Gong...things of such a nature. But these need to be done with a trained instructor as they can be extremely intense....and they are different from Reiki energy.

Typically these things do not "just" happen.....

I am not sure how much you know about the human energy system, but if you have more questions, I can provide more detailed answers, but a better format would likely be off of this blog. I have no issues with discussing this, and am delighted to answer any questions, but I would not want to overstep my bounds....and I also know that
Not everyone will be interested....and that's okay. :)

We won two games and took overall wins at bowlign tonight. I stunk the first 2 games, just flat tired . My third game is quite good, however.

Heading to bed ya'll. Work tomorrow. Again, glad to answer any questions that you may have. But for right now SED> light love and hugs to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening and time to say good night
Read back a few - lots of topics

Just finished watching the 2 hr Season 3 final of Downton Abbey. I just knew it wasn't going to end without some drama - Bittersweet drama.

Prayers for all and pleasant sleep and AOYP

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...


Tried to read back, but my brain is scrambled now. Must rest.

Did see that Hoda (I think) appreciated the fact that Luna slept in Hunter's room last night. Not sure, but think Luna is downstairs tonight because there is a problem with Hunter's bed.

We took the old one down and Kathryn struggled with the new one. It is still in pieces all over Hunter's room. I think Hunter is sleeping on the floor in his mom's room. Lucky is in there, and he does not tolerate dogs in his room. Poor Luna is afraid of Lucky.

It was cold and windy outdoors today.

SED, everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Sorry for being absent most of the weekend, although I have been lurking here and there, reading of Snowbows and skiis and teacup poodles and an empathetic young man and phantom music in Baltimore, two Grannies spending time with their young men and a young momster strolling the beach in the rain with her dog, and another well known Dogster having some trouble and worrying his mom, and energy abounds!

As for me......UGH!

Steve has gone crazy, I'll be next. I have a truck reserved for the move Saturday and as of yet, not one confirmation from anyone as to help. I need to take Friday off, or at least the afternoon to do the lease and be there for the cable people, and not one of my coworkers is able to cover. I'm sure it will all work out but GEEEEZZZZ.

Margy, I have been seeing RWBs mixed in with the flocks of mostly Grackles, and probably close to 1000 birds in some cases. They apparently roost in the upper Chesapeake marshy areas at night, and fly to the corn fields of southern PA to feed during the day.

And today, this morning....I heard a male RWB sing, too!!

Lynne2 said...

Today, I discovered that, in fact, we have the PBS station that runs Downton Abbey.


I didn't KNOW it was shown in the TV listing as MASTERPIECE something rather that D. A. OMG!!!!! I could have been watching all along!

paula eagleholic said...

OMG, I totally forgot to tell ya'll that I found an eagles nest at the beach!!

I spotted it on my way home today. I didn't have any binocs with me, so I drove down another road to try and see it better, but couldn't. I don't know if it's occupied. It is close enough to the house where I can hop in the car and go check on is on the other side of the huge marsh and creek area in front of the house.

Also, an eagle flew over the car as I was heading home!

Watched Zero Hour tonight, was very good. Also watched The Good Wife.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go finish the laundry, and head to bed.

SED, love and hugs to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

Today, I discovered that, in fact, we have the PBS station that runs Downton Abbey.


I didn't KNOW it was shown in the TV listing as MASTERPIECE something rather that D. A. OMG!!!!! I could have been watching all along!

Lolly said...

Grrrr! Did not like the ending of this season of Downton Abbey. So horribly sad!!!!

Lynne, so very sorry about the moving problems. Certainly hope it works out.

Paula, so exciting about the nest and seeing an eagle today.

magpie said...

Yes, Yay for an Eagle...

Lynne2: thank you for checking in, and wow that's a heap of birds

I so wish I had an arsenal of fine, young, handsome strong men to help you out next week-end....

Lynne2 said...

Very cool Paula!

Got to head to bed. Should have done so an hour ago.

Anyone do bird counts this weekend? Still one more day...tomorrow!

Judy, hope you stay warm tonight....BRRRRR!

Hope Sharon and family had a good visit today!

magpie said...

I know several in fact, but don't think I can round them up due to some of their work schedules....

magpie said...

So I'm going to do the next best
thing and pray that what you need,
will be provided, Lynne2

magpie said...

I appreciate Janet's
thorough explanation,
and will explore more here locally
I do know some Reiki instructors
and my chiropractic staff
is all about energy things

Thank You, Janet !!

magpie said...

Yes, Hoda.... The King's Speech was everything and more than I thought it would be
such a touching, and True, story.
I still have the extras on the DVD to watch, but that will have to
wait for another time

Thinking of Hunter, Kathryn, Luna, Lucky, Shirley and all the family doins' at their Roost

Lynne2 said...

I think all of the "men" don't want to work in cold weather!!

Made some calls about mover laborers, too much money. Well, actually, not too bad, but too much since I have to rent the truck, too. They all send 2 guys for a minimum of 3 hours.

I called a local moving company, too. I have exactly NOTHING to move. We got it all in a 16' Penske rental last time. I'm going 25 miles. They wanted $675!!!!!!

magpie said...

It's time for me to put this place here to bed...and then myself

Prayers for Wellness in all our Eagle Corners, and
for Comfort, Serenity, and Peace

God Bless Us
Every One xoxo ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Night! The Sandman is coming!
Great, Paula, that you've seen a big nest!!Hope somebody's home!

Glad you liked the pictures. I know they are repetitive, but that's what's around now!I'll have to get JudyE's trick on disabling the "Comment troll" from the pics!

Safe travels for Lori tomorrow and for tonight, Good Health Prayers for all and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Stunning new avatar, Lynne2:
Another Charley Harper ??

Put your worries to rest
for the night...
trust in Providence...
I think it shall provide
(( Hugs ))

Lynne2 said...

Oh, Margy, we'll get it done. I'm just anxious. I REALLY need to get Steve out of this basement. He's gone Cattywampus in the noggin. We are arguing a lot. He's very bored, I'm very tired. Not that I mind taking care of him, but it IS a lot when I have to do EVERYTHING. (for example, he wanted to go to Conowing this weekend but I had to run errands and get laundry done. I have no other time to do them this coming week) Can't wait for next DR appt Mar 6. Hoping he'll be able to start weight bearing on the leg, and the wrist should be completely healed by then.

Lynne2 said...

Yes Margy....a WOOD THRUSH!!!!

Lynne2 said...

I actually HID my car keys last night because I was so afraid he'd go for a drive after I went to sleep!! LOL!! He thinks it's OK for him to drive now. NOT!! This isn't stopping him from nagging me to do so, however!

magpie said...

God Love ya' Lynne2...
Oh Wood Thrush, one of your favorites, and mine also !!

Prayers for Steve's overall condition also

Okay, Get Thee to Bed !!
and if you have troule sleeping...well, count birds, all the ones you have seen, or
something like that...
or try to name off all the Momsters
and Dadsters you know

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

oh hell, make that TROUBLE ..
not what I typed !!

magpie said...

Let's just have a cussing fest,
&% $#@((*&!!%$%$%$ !!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh BTW...I stopped over at the new place on Friday when I went to the Post Office (just a block away from there) at lunch. It took me exactly 42 seconds to drive from new home parking space to work parking space!!! Now, I didn't hit the light....but still!

Lynne2 said...

hey Margy...there is an audio clip of the WT song on my blog profile....!!!

Lynne2 said...

OH, I found an online radio staion that plays bird songs! It's from the UK, so it's not local birds, but so nice just the same! I had it on at work Friday!

Hoda said...

Thank you for checking in LYNNE!!!

Saw HUNTER'S bed in pieces on FB SHIRLEY!!! Good question you had as to IKEA assembling it...

Cool about the Eagle nest PAULA.

JANET very informative explanation on Reiki and Kundalini and Chi moving...

I do like LYNNE'S avatar.

Glad you liked the movie MARGY.

I asked the library to buy Downton Abbey the first three seasons.

Missing JUDIE and hope you had a terrific weekend JUDIE.

Lynne2 said...

OK, off to bed.

Good night, prayers for all, and I'll check in from work tomorrow if time allows!

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, our library has the friend Gail is number EIGHTY ONE on the waiting list!!

magpie said...

Hit that light and keep hiding those keys, Lynne2

G'Night Hoda...hope you saw the Moon and Jupiter, and if not yet
maybe not too late to do so....

Hitting the light here and heading to the pillows

Lolly said...

Hang in there, Lynne!! Know the frustration.

Heading to bed now. Did not do too much today, but I am still tired.

Shared a picture of Joey holding Luke and Miss T on facebook. You can see how tiny she really is. Poor little dog will be alone all day tomorrow. They are going to put her in the sun room with bed, food and toys. Laurel is a littl afraid to leave her loose in the house all day.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda, if you have not seen Downton Abbey, you will love it. Be sure to see season 1 first. You will get hooked!

Hoda said...

Goodnight all.

Love you great friends you are.


stronghunter said...


Belle sleeping all is well at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Egg roll.

DanaMo said...

Good morning! Crazy to be up on this President's Day but of course the pups needed to eat at 5 because they are starving! LOL!
It's a puppy day. Going to see those sweet little puppies. Dad is going with me this time for a little puppy therapy. Then we are going to have lunch. Should be a nice day.
Tomorrow is his pre-op appointment and I have been kicked out. They insist that they don't need me to be there and to save my days. Of course I will worry all day, but they are going to enjoy themselves and go to the Harbor after the appointment as long as everything goes well. Surgery is finally getting closer!
Apparently my brother has told my mom that he will be here Friday night after work (29th). Not counting on it, but sure hope he does come. I'm thinking maybe I wont go to the hospital while he is there because he might need a bed by the time I am done with him. Not really, but surely both of us do not need to be sitting around the hospital room. I may just go when he leaves. Still thinking about this.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMO and SHIRLEY and all early birds about to come!

DANA, hope all goes well with your Dad and your brother does show up. Sounds like you have a lot to think about. Remember, if you pray, don't worry....

SHIRLEY, sure hope you got enough sleep last're up early. Good luck getting Hunter's bed together - some of those projects can be tricky!

PAULA, YAY for you and finding the eagle nest and seeing one, too! Lucky girl!

LYNNE, How lucky are you to be less than a minute from your office? That's so great! Hope Stve gets to feeling better.

JANET, thanks for the Reiki info. I found it fascinating! Congrats on your bowling wins, too.

MARGY, thanks for your safe travels avatar. I love it.

I will be leaving this morning for PA and my car will be jam packed!

Prayers for all those in need of healing and comfort.


DanaMo said...

Time to come and relieve me Shep!!!

DanaMo said...

Travel safe Lori. Good luck with everything. I'm sure your parents are looking forward to having you. :)

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine friends.

Sandi said...

Good frigid Sunday morning Dana, Lori, Thelma, and Shirley.

T-Bird said...

Hello SANDI-it is Monday. You had me all confused (that's not hard to do). I thought it was Sunday when I read your post. : ))

Sandi said...

Lori, wishing you safe travels today. Don't know who sounds more excited, you or your folks!

Paula, wonderful news about finding an eagle's nest close to the beach house. Hope it's occupied. I'm beginning to think the eagles we saw back in January at the nest decided to take up residence elsewhere.

Shirley, how is Luna doing w/out Flash? I think either one of our dogs would be delighted to be an only child!

Lynne2, I hope things go smoothly with the move. Just keep focusing on the under-a-minute drive to work! I also hope you can survive Steven's recuperation w/out making it into the local newspaper for murdering him.

Dana, if you focus on what your parents need right now, then you'll be fine with your brother. Just keep focusing on the fact that they don't need the stress of knowing their children are fighting. That's how I survive visits with my brother.

Loretta, wow ospreys already!! St. Patrick's Day is when we look for them in southern DE!

Heading home by noon. Have had a good visit and got some great documents from Mom about my family tree that I can scan and send to Brian.

Prayers for all the needs on our blog.

Make it a great day all! Stay warm!

Sandi said...

Sorry Thelma - Monday is a school day for me so, since I don't t have school today I lose track of the days. Bet I'll do that all week - my bad!

DanaMo said...

I wouldn't fight with him, Lord knows mom and dad don't need that, but I don't think I even want to see him. Praying for the gift of right judgement. Seems to be the theme in my life these days!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Janet said...

Good morning all. Feeling more myself this morning, not so tired.

Glad my explanation helped you. Again, you can call me (phone humber is on my website), or email me and we can talk further if anyone has questions. I am very open to that.

I work today, but schools are out here, so Tom and Olivia are sleeping. :)

I hope everyone has a great day. LIght, love, and hugs to all!

T-Bird said...

SANDI-I'm always doing the same.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Safe travels Lori.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - enjoy the holiday and have a carefree day

Lori safe journey on your new adventure - it is really going to be worth it all

Dana praying for you and your mom and dad - let your wisdom come from their love

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

LORI - Praying for safe travels and a peaceful stress free journey to your parent's today. It's beautiful and sunny outisde today! Enjoy the ride!

DANA - Hope your puppy day with Dad is light-hearted for you both. Quality time is important and there is nothing like some darling puppies to bring joy to your day!!

LYNNE - Breathe in.......Breathe out.....
I am sure as the moving day comes closer, everything gets more stressful, but do your best to let it go and give it to God. Let His peace fill you, guide you and comfort you through each step of the process. Everything will get done. It always does. You have been such a blessing to Steve through these very difficult times and my prayer is that he truly realizes what a GEM you really are. I'll be praying for you both ..... xoxo

SANDI - Safe travels today back to DE. Long weekends are great, but never long enough, right??

SHIRLEY - Touching stories coming from your roost as you all deal with the loss of dear FLASH in your own ways. Hunter's heart is surely in the right place!

MARGY - Sounds like you had a wonderful time with James the Wise yesterday counting and admiring the birds all around! We are blessed with such beauty in our midst!!

JO - Praying that you are healing well and feeling a bit stronger each and every day. Sounds like you are behaving yourself until you're back to 100%!! Then, watch out world!!!

Linda said...

I see that SHEP is tending nicely to the eggs this morning, basking in the sunlight!!

Don't know how cold it is there, but it is still only 8 degrees here!!

Judie said...

Lynne2, congratulations on the new abode and so glad it is very close to work.

Hi Hoda. Amazon has Downton Abbey series but pricey.

DanaMo, enjoy the day with your folks.

Shirley, hope everyone is adjusting -- maybe Lucky and Luna will bark-hiss and make friends.

Jealous that Paula has an eagle nest almost in her back yard.

Wonder if Jo is giving up her hospital hours and sleeping late today. Hope so.


Lolly said...

Good morning! 63 and sun shiney, well sorta sun shiney. It comes and goes.

Hoda pointed out that the picture of the dogs with Joey did not show on fb. Thanks for pointing it out, Hoda. I saved the picture and reposted. The picture shows how tiny Miss T actually is. Not a good picture of Joey. He is growing his hair long and growing a beard for side burns, getting ready for Elvis in May.

glo said...

Yeah Lynne and prayers for your move. How difficult a time you have YET what an awesome attitude. I wish I was closer. I would be right there to help you.Magpie, I am so shocked I LOL. Its fun to start the week especially Monday with a chuckle. Lori God Bless you on your journey. he will be right at your side each step of the way. It is so obvious to me. Prayers for all for a good day.

Lolly said...

Whoops, sun back out in full force. Yea!

Not much wind at the nest today, thank goodness! Shep was so still I had to check and make sure the cam had not frozen.

Guess a little house straightening is in order today and going to start back walking.

Oh, and did you see the video of a couple being checked out for running a meth lab? LOL They were making maple syrup. Watch out Linda and Dennis!!! They may come get you!

Lolly said...

Lori, safe travels! I can just feel your mother's excitement as she cleared a room for you. She must be beside herself with joy! Yea, you!

Lolly said...

Yes, Glo, many of us wish we lived closer to Lynne to help with the move. I have done so much helping with moving recently....I feel like a pro.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Lolly, Glo...and all other Momsters on here today ☺ ♥

How about a little visit from
A Dadster or Two Three ??

Missing Movin' Jim for example..he usually checks in a little more often, hope all is well...
Grateful that Red and WV Jerry check in...

magpie said...


thanks, I think it might have been I that help provide a little chuckle

Hoping that Dex is frisky and friendly this morning ☺

Lolly: are you due for some rain?
Kinda looks like it.

and Glo: are you due for some snow?
Kinda looks like it.

glo said...

We might get a nice snow on Thurs not sure yet but will get ready in case. Dex and i went for a nice walk yesterday and again this morning. I will walk him before the rain sets in today. I do think some of this is about depression. He knows the route to the Marina and I haven't walked him there this winter. The pit bull htink last year really scared me for BOTH of us. So we can't walk there til spring when the snow barricades are down and lots more folks are at the park. Most of his rides for like 3 months have been to the Vets so no wonder he doesn't care to ride anymore. I hope i am right and he snaps out of it. I love to go riding with Dex.

magpie said...

Everything you report, Glo...sounds spot on for some of Dex's ways....

I also hope and think you will be right, I think Dex will snap out of it....

Bless his litle heart... ♥

magpie said...

I think it is a bluebird I hear at the nest...

magpie said...

Thinking of Lori tooling her way up the highway,
hope she is bee-bopping to some of her own favorite tunes ♫ ♪

stronghunter said...

Good morning! After Hunter left, I went back to sleep for awhile. Having coffee now.

It was 20 degrees here when I checked the thermometer earlier. Brrr.

I think Luna is doing okay without Flash. Kathryn commented that it would have been very hard on Flash if it had been Luna we'd lost. He was so devoted to her. He always waited for her to join him when he went outdoors, and usually came in when she did, even if he did not seem ready.

Happy travels, Lori. You are probably on the road by now.

Oh, Lynne, I know you have your hands full. Just praying that this move is the last one you have to make for a long time.

stronghunter said...

Glo, I do hope Dex gets over his depression or whatever it is. Such a sweet doggie.

magpie said...

I'm just not sure about that bird I hear. the little chirpy one...resembles a bluebird, but there is something just a wee bit different about it....

Hello Shirley !

Lolly said...

Yes, it looks like Wed night and Thurs might be rain days. I had a board meeting at church Wed night but it has been postponed until next week. So, we will probably go get Miss T Wed night and head to my sisters Thurs morn. We would make it a two night trip. 4 1/2 hours to get there.

magpie said...

I also hear a nuthatch now
and of course

get out your raincoat, either one, Lolly, sounds like you might need it
Hope it doesn't have to rain while you are traveling though


Lolly said...

Sound is much better on this laptop. Have been listening to the bird as well. Uh oh, here comes meowy Annie.

stronghunter said...

I have thought about going in and trying to do something with Hunter's bed construction, but think I had better leave it be. A few years ago, I did construct a couple of tall bookcases, but this thing is more complicated.

Lolly said...

A cat with dementia is not fun! Will have to board her with the vet while gone.

magpie said...

time for me to attend to some business...
taking a machete to the checking account and have some other stuff
to take time for

Thinking of EVERYONE here, what a wonderful colletion of friendships we share here ♥

ttfn xo

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy!

Love your cloud avatar.

magpie said...

Sounds like a great project for
Will and Rus, Shirley ☺☺

Lolly said...

Shirley, I have heard folks complain about Ikea stuff that has to be put together. Are the instructions inadequate?

magpie said...

And Hunter too, of course...he can get some hands-on experience with these things
Just a thought...

take care, be careful, enjoy your quiet time today, Shirley

Lolly said...

(((hugs))) Margy!!! Yes, our friendships here are very special and we all know it!!!! And, hard to explain to anyone who is not on here.

Lolly said...

I am now off for a while to start my day.

Have a good one!

Up to 66 now! Daffidils are blooming all over the yard, larkspur are coming up all over and some about to bloom, my tulips are coming up....spring is about to spring!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Bed project . . .

Might be a good project for Will and Rus--we will see.

Kathryn said that the instructions are not a problem, but I don't know for sure. There are no words, only pictures, and it is pretty complex. It is a bed with a pull-out section and two drawers underneath.

Just a lot of stuff to put together. And it is pressed wood--fiberboard. I hate working with that stuff. It's unforgiving.

stronghunter said...

Lolly, we have crocus blooms and some of the daffodils have been trying to bloom for awhile. Lots of stuff coming up.

magpie said...

by the way:
I have not doubt in my mind that you and Kathryn could figure out and DO exactly what needs to be done with that bed. GIRL POWER
reigns supreme at your roost, I do believe...
I was just thinking it could be a nice break for you and Kat to have a little MANpower on this one.
xoxox (( Hugs ))

stronghunter said...


magpie said...


Lots of Sunshine Vitamins on the nest ☼

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - lunch is over
Today I venture to the Pulmonary dr for a check up - Feet are sorta swollen - bedroom slippers are in style I hear!

Take care - I am on the mend
I did sleep later then hosp hrs this morning Judie lol

I'll BBL with a report........
I love us ♥

magpie said...

Okay Stay on the Mend, Jo...
and on the meds
and off your feet
(( Healing Hugs ))
and thanks for checking in

Yes, Bedroom Slippers Rule....
my friend Lorraine is Jonesin'
just to get INTO some of those with extremity swelling also...

magpie said...

Sounds of a R-S hawk in the distance at NCTC

magpie said...

Will be watching for your later-on report, JO...

headed out soon here myself with a 20-minute Panda Nap first

xoxox ♥

stronghunter said...

Hoping for a good visit to the doctor, Jo.

Judie said...

Quick visit.

Lolly, sounds like a good plan for traveling and you get to visit your sister AND deliver the pup to her new home. Good times for all.

Interesting that Margy mentioned Jim. Just checked Phoebe and she's tending her two hummers-to-be. Made me think of Jim as he usually comments on Phoebe.

Baked some pnut butter cookies. Beef short ribs braising. Last of the laundry in the dryer.

Now going to be a pretend Jo and put my feets up. Hope she checks in pronto this afternoon.

Shirley, leave that bed stuff for the guys. Maybe Hunter can help Will and be excited about his contribution.

Okay, feets up.

Lolly said...

Taking a peek in

Kitchen clean...check
Bathroom clean...check
bird feeders filled....check
street face on....check

Time to eat and then head to the grossssserie store. I think the rest of the day will be spent outside. Presently 74.

Lori O. said...

Glad to hear that JO and JUDIE have their feets up!

JO, awaiting your report this afternoon. Hope all went well for you at the docs.

Funny how THELMA and SANDI got days mixed up this morning. :)

I made it here to PA. The drive was nice, sunny & dry! Not a snowflake anywhere! YAY - my kind of driving weather.

Lolly said...

Thanks for reporting in, Lori. Glad it was a great drive. So, now time to settle in.

Sandi said...

Home safe and sound! Lori, glad you have already checked in!

This was a very productive weekend genealogy-wise! Will fill y'all in later when I'm finished unpacking and have the laundry going. Turns out that my father's father is not the only mystery man in the family tree (remember, I said he was a musician in the circus and my grandmother was an exotic dancer, and we're not sure if they even married). My mother's father was a pretty sketchy character as well!!! Lots of skeletons in the closet!!!


stronghunter said...

Will is off tomorrow. I think he might do just fine purchasing screws. Maybe a new drill would be a good idea. Maybe hiring someone to build the dang bed would be the most economical thing to do.

stronghunter said...

Good to learn that Lolly has finished household cleaning chores, Lori has arrived safely, and Sandi is chasing down the family skeletons.

Also good that Judie has chores completed.

Hmm, I have a skeleton in the back seat of my car. Left over from Halloween. Maybe it is time to remove it. Kathryn put it in the car as part of some hurry-up decorating. I tossed it into the back seat where it remains.

stronghunter said...

On our Dadsters . . . Do not know about Jim. Hope he is fine and just busy.

Red is busy giving me a hard time on Scrabble.

Egg roll at our nest.

stronghunter said...

Blogger cop is busy today. Just got an error message.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I've dragged myself into the room where the laptop is, to let you all know I'm still around, but hurting something awful. Went to the urgent care doctor on Friday at 4 pm, and the doctor says I tore/strained a muscle in my shoulder. He poked and prodded it, which made it flare up again, even worse than to begin with. He gave me a Rx for generic Norco, which is codeine and Acetaminophen, but at a lower dose than the X/S Tylenol I had been taking. He said to take only 1/2 a tablet, every 6 hours. Felt like I hadn't taken anything! Have been in complete misery. Yesterday I started taking a whole capsule every 4 hours, and have been baking myself with a heating pad, and it's a little better--I can at least tolerate it.
Going to get in to see my own doctor as soon as she can fit me in tomorrow.

Hope everyone is OK.

Shirley, I did see your posts about Flash, and I'm SO sorry that he's crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I just feel so bad for you and your family! (((HUGS))) and prayers!!!

I really have to go now, before the pain gets too bad; I have a couple of bills to pay online, and then I'm going to go take a nap with my furry hot water bottle, named Emma. Poor girl has been worried sick about me. Wish I could stay and chat, and I hope I didn't worry you all too badly. I'll update you when there's any news. Love all of you!♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

ANDY, so sorry you're hurting so badly and hope your own doctor can give you some relief. Keep us posted!

stronghunter said...

Andy, so sorry that you are hurting. I hope that you will get relief from your doctor. If this is the same injury that you were describing before, it has been going on for awhile.

stronghunter said...

Cam shake!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your kind words and concern about Flash. We do miss him. He was our greeter of guests. He always announced arrivals.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Prayer of gratitude upon reading that your are safely "home", LORI !

Fervent prayers for LYNNE2 and DANAMO, each dealing with unique situations. May God provide wisdom, grace and peace of mind for both of you !

So sorry to hear about your extreme pain, ANDY ! Hope you see your own doc soon. Meantime, you know our prayers are with you !

MARGY, enjoyed your "crusty Ohio trucks" comment. Perhaps the drivers were a bit crusty, too ! ☺

I'm loving the signs and sounds of Spring here in Central ☺HI☺ ! Yesterday and today I've heard a busy woodpecker, but haven't been able to catch sight of him/her yet. Nice day today so doing extra walking with Penny while the sun shines. Back to freezing cold tomorrow. Ugh !

Again, love and prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

On the bed project--Kathryn is not the only one who stripped screws. Will stripped one, too. Kathryn said that my drill is too fast. Will said that the screws are cheap. I expect that both are right. It is not a variable-speed drill. One I bought several years ago.

stronghunter said...

My sympathies go to those victims of Hurricane Sandy. I understand their problem. The insurance company expects people to invest up-front money before they pay out. If you do not have the up-front funds, tough.

I am still fighting for the final check from my insurance company. Their requirements that I have done the work involve lots of documentation--and some of it has to be done by the contractor.

Pitiful cries from Shep. I think he wants Belle to come relieve him. I think that's Shep. Not sure.

Lolly said...

I heard thos pitiful cries while putting away grossssseries. Temp has already dropped down to 71, so I am hurrying outside.

Andy, so very very sorry for your discomfort. Not good!

Anxious to hear from Laurel. She should be home soon. Wonder if anyone has called today about a missing dog. Also, wondering how Miss T did all day with no one to love on her. The other two dogs are in the house, they can be trusted. Do not know about Miss T, but suspect she would be okay, too. But suspects are not good enough.

Mema Jo said...

I have a return visit to Dr in two weeks
All my meds are in order - need to build up my strength - today's trip went very well - had a wheelchair and so I didn't overdo. Thanks for all your good thoughts and prayers - Spring is a coming and I need to be ready! Love all of you ♥

Sandi said...

I see Shep is egg sitting now. Still sunny at the nest!

Andy, sorry for the pain you are having! Does Emma work better than the heating pad? I bet she tries harder to make you feel better!

Shirley, we have bought and assembled a number of things from IKEA. Every assembly has resulted in varying amounts of cursing and throwing things!! Hate those directions with no words and just pictures! And I hate those little Allen wrenches that come with every single piece of their furniture!! Good luck! Good to hear that Luna is adjusting OK to life without Flash.

Jo, hoping that your doc report shows that your lungs are clearing up nicely!

Bev asked on FB for prayers for Granny Riffe. Consider it done, Bev!!

Glo, I have really enjoyed seeing your photos of the winter eagle season near you!! I hope Dex's dislike of going in the car is just temporary! Wouldn't it be nice to know what our furry children are thinking?

Came home to a house that smelled like burnt popcorn - yuk! You would think that a 29 year old would know that, when you put popcorn in the microwave, you don't just set the time and then go back upstairs - that instead, you need to stand at the microwave and listen for when the popping slows down b/c the time on the box is just an estimate! Good lord!!

About the genealogy discoveries this weekend. My mom's maiden name is Brown and she always believed that her dad was originally from South Dakota. Turns out, from sending names and birth and death dates of relatives that we found this weekend to Brian for him to research, that her father's name was really Joseph Scott, not Joseph Brown, and he was from Virginia! For some reason, when he moved to MD and married my grandmother (he was her 2nd husband), he took his mother's maiden name of Brown rather than keeping his last name of Scott! Hmmm ... of course, the big question is why a 50 year old man would suddenly change his name and lie about where he was from??

We also discovered that Mom's older brother was born on the very same day that his mother got her divorce decree ending her 1st marriage - her first husband had left her several years earlier but she never bothered to divorce him until she gave birth to a child by another man!! =) And she didn't marry her second husband (my grandfather) until 2 months after their first child (my uncle) was born! Oh, the scandal!!!

So Brian is now tracing that side of the family and trying to find out what may have caused my grandfather to lie about his name and where he was born.

Still no new news on my father's father, the musician in the circus. Mom gave me Daddy's birth certificate, which lists his mother's age as 23, when I know for a fact that she was only 19 when she had him! It also lists his birth date as March 2nd, even though we always celebrated his birthday on March 1st!

If I was retired and had more free time, I could become addicted to this family tree stuff! Brian says he has over 500 members of the family now b/c of the info. we were able to supply him with from this weekend!

Time to think about food for people and dogs. Later!!

Judie said...

Lori, glad to know you arrived safely at your parents home. Now relax, please.

Jo, glad the dr. visit was not too tiring. Yes, Spring is on the way -- something to look forward to.

Jo, how is Michael? and Samantha? and Jennifer?

Sandi, the change of a name/birthdate is a very common tactic to avoid unpleasantness such as bill collectors, etc. Would the timing be right for someone in hard times (the depression) wanting a fresh start?

Love doing the genealogy research and have found some very interesting "secrets" of my own family, e.g. my mother had a different first name. Well, not going to redo the headstone.

Andy, please ask your doctor for a referral to an orthopedic who specializes in should/muscle pain.

To the scullery I go. Shep was on duty.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

You're getting married?

You' re pg?

You're running away to join the circus?

Lolly said...

Excuse me! Have no idea, Judy. What's up?

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Getting ready to watch the news. Enjoyed my time outside, beautiful day.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

JUDYE - Congrats on the new ring - better than pg or the circus!

Very funny, LOLLY!

JudyEddy said...

Well LORI I bet your parents were really surprised when you showed up and said you didn't have to go back HUH You have my utmost respect

BELLE in the nest almost landed on Shep

Lolly said...

There's Belle!

JudyEddy said...

yep LOLLY that was cute

Shep is telling her no way I want to tend eggbert

JudyEddy said...

she is whistleing sort of and he complained back so stinkin cute and now he is up

JudyEddy said...

Shep poofed and Belle wiggle wiggle down she is

Lolly said...

Judy, is the ring gold? Looks like you lucked out!

JudyEddy said...

and the ring has 4 diamond chips on each corner tooo

JudyEddy said...

yep its 14K I had it sized already on the way home

JudyEddy said...

You know I was hoping the guy was there but his loss and my gain I would have loved to see the expression on his face it he was still working there

Lolly said...

Talked with Laurel. No one called today about Miss T. Joey said he would come home at noon and check on her. When Laurel came home she was in the house, not the sunroom, so Joey must have thought she was doing okay.

Laurel however is getting sick. Her throat is hurting.Dern!!!

JudyEddy said...

Its really nice out now 69° Night lite came on already on teh nest

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Someone is being murdered on the cam. Hear the yelling! lol Guess it is the fox!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

FUNNY as I was looking at that My maiden name is FOX and it made me chuckle LOL

Lolly said...

Scary, right, Judy?

Mema Jo said...

glad Belle is giving Shep a break for the evening

Lori O. said...

MARGY, what is the bright star, planet, so close to the moon right now?

Lori O. said...

JO, glad you had a good doctor's report and that you're taking it easy. Put your feet up. :)

Hoda said...

Very glad to hear JO's doctor report was good.

DANA I liked what JO said in regards your Brother's visit. Yes think of your parnets and you will find the wisdom and strength from within. We are here for you.

Bed still not assembled I read. Sorry about that.

JUDIE I will tell the Library about Amazon,yet I think because of its being gov't money it has to come from specific suppliers??? Not sure

Had a great day skiing and now it is time to head out to yoga. I had a tahini and greens sandwich after I came in and I feel it is light enough I will not have problems with it being too heavy in my stomach.

SANDI geneology is interesting and it is addictive...I have a friend that goes on trips around the world to learn more and meet family. Margaret got Clayton, her partner, hooked on it too and they love the search.

I always feel so very uplifted when I spend time outdoors...I am blessed.

LORI I am glad you made a safe trip..

Hoda said...

ANDY sorry you are not feeling well. I hope it goes away soon and that you get better.

LOLLY upcoming trip is good. Sorry LAUREL is not feeling well but glad Little Miss T-cup is doing alright.

I wished I lived closer to LYNNE I would help with the move too...

Sandi said...

Lori, I'm pretty sure Margy said the moon and Jupiter are very close right now.

Back to catching up on TV shows we have recorded!

NatureNut said...

Just checking in. Watched nest and read some today...
So glad Jo had a successful Dr. appt. and Lori had a good trip to PA!
Sandi, I love your's and Denny's skeleton search!
Shirley, hope some of they family doesn't have to sleep on the floor! It could be like camping, tho!
Lynne2, hope you get some friends or relatives to be movers! Best wishes.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...