Sunday, February 03, 2013


This could be an eventful week at the eagle nest.  Let's watch and see.

New thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 349 of 349
Lynne2 said...

well. the score is now Ravens 28, 49ers 6.

As much as I wanted the Ravens to win, I hate this slaughter. Pardon me and my lack of killer competition instinct. I wanted a good game. I wanted the Coach Brothers parents and family to be very proud of both of their sons during this game. And I'm sure they are...but Jim must be embarrassed, because, well, the 49ers ARE a GOOD team and I don't know what's happening here. And somewhere deep inside, John must feel bad for his brother. And as for me, well, I just expected a much better game....

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.

☺ ☺☺☺
.♥ ♥ L Y D I A ♥ ♥.

☺ ☺☺☺

JudyEddy said...

I am from Sunny Florida LOL

Judie said...

Uh oh! I see we have another stutterer on the blog. Welcome Lydia!

Hoda, Sandperson will be making drive-by visits before settling in with Jo. As for the eagle canes, well, yes, it is good to cheer the Ravens on to even greater numbers. Glad you had fun today.

JudyEddy said...

did you feel that we SPLIT and didn't even notice it you slide right on in LYNNE2

Judie said...

Uh Lynne2, looks like a real good game to

JudyEddy said...

back to my movie

stronghunter said...

Very dark at the stadium. Wow.

stronghunter said...

RAKS--I think Lydia just added a new word to our dictionary.

stronghunter said...

Hope we did not lose Lydia in the split.

Lynne2 said...

uh oh, you better go find her Shirley! Hey, she's GOOD....a new word on her very first day! Nice work Lydia!

stronghunter said...

I can connect on FB if necessary. We were chatting there.

stronghunter said...

She watches the bear cam, too.

Judie said...

Well, if it isn't one type of malfunction, it's another.

stronghunter said...

Left her a message on FB.

stronghunter said...

Well, time to watch the puppy bowl.

Unknown said...

I don;t know what slit means, but i sure do like hitting "newest" and bringing all the comments to the top beside the comment box!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the warm welcomes...and, I am afraid I may be adding many new words to your dictionary. As I said, I ma queen of RAKS and tend in invent lots of new words..LOL

stronghunter said...

It is a split, Lydia. Kind of like turning over a new page in a book.

stronghunter said...

The split happens every 200 comments.

Unknown said...

I am going to say "night to all now. G Ravens! I work full time during the week, so will be more active here later eves or on weekends (but I peek in on eagle cam form work whenever I can!) It was great to meet everyone.

Unknown said...

Oh thanks..split--like turning a new page...LOL, I will learn eventually :)

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lydia. I used to blog from work sometimes.

magpie said...

Welcome Lydia, but I already missed you...

I think you will find you have
some Sisters with RAKS here too!

49'ers are coming back to life...
many figured this would happen after half-time.

Thought the Singing at the start of the game was Great....!
But my predicted egg-laying
did not happen then

xo Hello Evening Eagle Pals

magpie said...

I missed the People Pile in the second quarter as I was driving home through the Snowflakes

magpie said...

The 49'ers coach also has a grandson who is part of the Ravens' Organization

magpie said...

I didn't have any fine food fare, but I did try the McD's McFish bites, pretty good...

So sorry to read from Lori that things are going roughly with her Dad....
Prayers for Wellness and Comfort, to take place very soon....

magpie said...

I can't say that the bird you heard was the same one I was hearing at the nest earlier...
they change up pretty quickly there,
the little singing and woodpeckering birds

Lolly said...

Welcome to Lydia! Great to have a newbie! We are on our way home! Accomplished a lot. All blinds are hung. All but one bookcase is completely installed. I folded 4 loads of laundry. We grilled steaks for dinner, so all was good. ( note to all...... I am keeping my mouth shut!)

LORI, great to hear from you. Have been so worried. (((Hugs))) for you and prayers for your dad!

Shirley, Laurel has taught Joseph how to do his own laundry. I folded his clothes , but he usually does it. I asked Laurel about clothes in a basket and she said I would have to ask him if they were clean or dirty.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Sounds like the Ravens are being challenged. I am not "in to" the game, but think it would be nice for all of you to have the Ravens win.

Lynne2 said...

Glad to see the REAL 49ers showing up....but still hoping for a RAVENS win!

stronghunter said...

My children learned to do their own laundry at a young age, too. At least everyone but Rus. I heard from the others that he was complaining that I had not done his laundry and he guessed he would have to do it himself, and they informed him that they were all doing their own.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has him bring the laundry baskets downstairs and sometimes he puts it in the washer. Essentially, he is pretty much there. But sometimes I do everyone's because I am here.

Lynne2 said...

I learned early. Had to learn for a Girl Scout badge!

Lynne2 said...

aw, a SHEETZ commercial....thinking of Judie...

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Lynne. You worried about the 49ers too soon!

stronghunter said...

I learned early when I got tired of waiting for my mother to do it. And that is what I told my children. If you do not want to wait, do your own.

Was very interested when one of the male teachers at school told me that one of our ninth grade boys was required to do his own laundry as if it was some kind of child abuse. Give me a break!

stronghunter said...

Funny thing is that sometimes when you go to do your own laundry, the machines are already in use.

stronghunter said...

And you have to wait your turn.

Hoda said...

OK OK OK soooooooooooooo what is the score now?

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Ravens still ahead. Barely. It is quite a game.

stronghunter said...

San Francisco tried for a 2-point conversion to tie it up, but they did not make it.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

...not that I understand what a two point conversion is...glad they did not tie!

Lynne2 said...

Instead of kicking for an extra point after a touchdown, they have the option of trying to run/pass the ball over the line and gain 2 points rather than one.

Hoda said...

Good defence then from the Ravens!

stronghunter said...

34-29, Hoda. Baltimore just got a field goal. But that's not a safe lead. Only 5 points.

Lolly said...

We are home and have the game on to watch the last few minutes.

See snow falling at the nest. What is the temp there?

Hoda said...

Thank You SHIRLEY! May the lead increase!!!

Welcome home LOLLY and JACK

Hoda said...

The internet weather channel says it is 28 at the nest...Shepherdstown anyway!!!

stronghunter said...

29, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

SF almost got a touchdown.

stronghunter said...

They are right at the goal line.

Hoda said...


magpie said...

Anyone have any fingernails left ?

stronghunter said...

Ravens held them. They get the ball now.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Well that is good news...that means they can send it to the other much longer on the clock?

stronghunter said...

49 seconds

stronghunter said...

11 seconds

stronghunter said...

4 seconds

stronghunter said...

time out

Hoda said...

on 4 seconds???

Hoda said...

Is it still 34-29?

stronghunter said...

Score is 31-34. There was a safety. I am getting confused. A field goal would tie it.

stronghunter said...

Game is over. Ravens win!!

Hoda said...

Is the Ravens Coach the older or the younger brother?

Lolly said...

Ravens win...congrats to Raven fans!

stronghunter said...

That was a nail-biter.

glo said...

That is cool. What a great game and I don't even watch football all that closely. But i loved the 2 brothers as coaches and thought I would listen in. It was that great close game you wanted lynne2 :-)

Hoda said...

YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!!

I think this should ensure that JUDIE sends the sandperson my way!!! LOL

Who is the older brother from the coaches?

stronghunter said...

I don't know, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I think so, Hoda.

Hoda said...


Lynne2 said...

Now THAT was a GAME!

magpie said...

for Jo:


Hoda said...

Thank You very much SHIRLEY for keeping me in the loop.

JO must be happy. I hope she will smile when she hears in the morning...Love you JO.

stronghunter said...

Yes it was, Lynne.

magpie said...

How about all that confetti ??
did ya' see the Ravens player
making "Confetti Angels" aka Snow Angels out of it ??

stronghunter said...

Don't suppose Jo is watching at the hospital. I would like to think she is.

Sandi said...

Holy crap!!! What an ending!! Don't know how I'm ever going to be able to settle down to go to sleep tonight!! Go RAVENS!!!

Hoda said...



Sandi said...

Goodnight all!! 5:30 will come very early tomorrow! Still can't believe that game ending! And I STILL say they should have gone for the field goal in the 2nd quarter instead of trying that trick play! Never would have been this close at the end. But ... they won!!! YAY!

Hoda said...

I wonder SHIRLEY!!! JO watching at the hospital. I think she is a happy camper if she watched it!!!

Hoda said...

Yes Coach SANDI!!! ;)

Judie said...

My goodness. What an exciting game made more so by a Ravem Raisins win.

Jo, we know you are, or will be, absolutely delighted with the Raven's win. Sandperson will arrive soon to make sure you have a good night's rest.

Hoda, yes the Sandperson will make a visit to you. Your decision to support the Ravem Raisins was excellent and you are assured a good night's sleep.

Margy, how was James the Wise? What did you two do?

stronghunter said...

I am going to call it quits, too. Will be getting Hunter off to school in the morning.

They are saying another clipper tomorrow night--some more snow.

Judie said...

Well, the Sandperson is about to depart to make quick rounds to everyone and then settle in to watch over Jo.

The night light is on. The nest is MT so I guess my prediction was less than accurate.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

It would have been truly painful for the Ravens to lose that one.

stronghunter said...

Anytime, Belle . . .

magpie said...

Yes, I keep checking the nest too.
Anytime is Right !

Judie, I missed you:
James and I went to see Wreck it Ralph for the 3rd time, gets better each time, worked on
Math homework, had some chow,
and watched the first part of
The Game Together...
then he called me right after the
game was over, a'whooing with delight. Yes, he was up past his bedtime...

magpie said...

Both teams have a LOT to be proud of, for sure...was a great game !

magpie said...

I liked the Kia Sorrento ad, (Dad, where do Babies come from ?)
and also the Wounded Warrior spot.
Didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the other ones.

magpie said...

Lots of WV schools have delays or closings Monday,
Including Mercer County: Bluefield!

Lynne2 said...

The Budweiser Clydesdale one was awesome!

Tide was hilarious, Kia was cute!

magpie said...

I have to admit, Lynne, I was not in front of the telly for a lot of it....
between driving and doing some stuff here at the Messy Place
xoxo ☺

magpie said...

Going to start closing things down here...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

anyone wandering around in the night time, check the nest !

So I'll spend the electricity and keep my computer on,
as I AM a wanderer ...

Prayers for Wellness, in ALL our Eagle Corners

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...



NatureNut said...


Got real scary 2nd half! Missed the shows and most commercials~~~Fubby kept pushing the button!I finally went downstairs in time for the power outage!!
I have a class to attend Monday for work, but I'm wearing my Ravens shirt anyway!! Don't think they'll fire me! LOL

Nighty-nite time~~Prayers for Jo, Lori and Dana's Dads and all else in need~~
Pleasant FEATHER Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Thanks, Lynne! Jack and I just watched the Tide commercial. It was funny! I did miss all the commercials, but had other stuff to do at Laurel's.

Heading to the shower and bed now.

Just want to say I miss Jo!! Love you, Jo, and saying prayers for a quick recovery!!!!

Good night....!!! I love us!


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Glad Lori checked in. Sorry your Dad is having problems, hope he feels better soon.

Welcome Lydia. Nice that you could attend the earth day get together as well. Are you an NBG fan too? Your name looks very familiar.

Haven't read this side of the split.

I like the Tide commercial, the Doritos with the goat, the M&M's and of course the Clydesdales.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and the Dodge ram commercial talking about farmers was great! The wounded warrior one was great too.

paula eagleholic said...

And it did turn out to be a good game!

Heading for bed, catchya'll tomorrow.

Nest is MT.

SED, love and hugs for all.♥

Costume Lady said...

I see we have a NEW FRIEND...LYDIA. Great! We haven't had a new friend for a long time~

Had a visit at GG's from Jillian and Aaron. What a treat it is to see the happiness between them.

Going to church tomorrow to cook some turkeys for Tuesday's Soup Kitchen, so off to bed with me...need to get up early~

Love and prayers for all♥

Hoda said...

Nest is empty.



Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends!


I am way too tired for a Monday morning of a 5-day work week! UGGHH!!!

MT windy nest at 5:35am.

Special prayers for Lori's dad and Jo today. Make it a good one!

DanaMo said...

MT nest :( no egg last night :(
Maybe soon.

Good morning everyone! I think the Governor should have declared a state holiday today. (I'm not even a football fan). I did watch until halftime which was great.

Back to the work week. Much to do this week in kindergarten. Back on track with Catholic Schools Week being over (thank God). Now it's back to business, except on Thursday we will have the 100th day celebration.

Sandi said...

Dana, yay for the 100th day of school - that's a milestone. Think you started back before we did though so we're not quite there yet.

Hope you get a surgery date for your dad today!

DanaMo said...

Looks like I must have missed the most exciting part of the game last night. Oh well.

Welcome Lydia. You have joined a great group of people who love and support each other through much more than the eagles. That is what brings us together but there is a lot of love here. Our dear Lynn would say "I came for the Eagles but I stayed for the friendships I have made".

DanaMo said...

Thanks Sandi. I think if mom doesn't get a call by noon, she is going to call the scheduler. We have spoken with her many times so I don't think she will mind us calling.

Janet said...

Good morning! and WELCOME LYDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a good weekend around here. Calmer weather for this week is forecast. They finally totaled up with 13 tornados last Tuesday/Wednesday. INSANE !!! January is not supposed to be that turbulent!

Went over to Chelsea's last night to watch the game with them. I read, played with the baby, heated up pizzas, glanced at the commercials. Again, I'm not a big football fan. Don't dislike it per se, just not into it.

Great halftime show though.

I am missing JO on here.... :(

Hope everyone is having a super day....its YOGA DAY around here and after last week, I am in NEED of that 75 minutes......we still have the extra dog as Russell can't fix his fence til the insurance adjustor gets there. Lucy, his dog cannot mix with other dogs, she doesn't like its a job taking everyone out to potty!!!!

Anyway, hope everyone has a day full of light, love, and hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...

I see both eagle in nest

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

moving large stick on rail is Belle and Shep watching

T-Bird said...

It looks like they carried in a log. : ))

JudyEddy said...

pretty colors at nest

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

more eagle calls

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

BELLE calls out again just one time each time

JudyEddy said...

BELLE calls out again

Lori O. said...

How exciting to see Belle sitting in the egg cup! Did she stay all night?

JudyEddy said...

I see HODA on the map up early gal

and Akron OH is that KAY ???

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Hope thing go better from your family today LORI

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!!

Congrats to all Ravens fans!

Another snowy night here in PA. Hope our teachers get a delay today!

Lori O. said...

Thank you, JUDY!

JudyEddy said...

BELLE picking on log on edge

Lori O. said...

Special prayers for our dearest JO!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

DANAMO, hope you get the appt you need for your Dad from the scheduler today! You gotta stay on top of these offices!

JudyEddy said...

two time this am I have gotten SERVICE UNAVAIBLE error 503

JudyEddy said...

BELLE is just sitting pretty in middle looking around

JudyEddy said...

almost time for me to head out EAGLE CALLS

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

I know Lori. I told mom to call them first thing this morning. She wants to give them time. I think if she doesn't hear from them by noon she will call. She has been down and out with a cold or the flu. Not sure since urgent care didn't test her for the flu. She hasn't felt well at all. She thinks she has what dad had so I am thinking she is not overly anxious to get scheduled because she is afraid if she isn't 100% she will not be able to take care of dad.

magpie said...

Good Morning....
An Eagle just arrived in the nest
I think it is Belle
can't quite see the head right now

WV sUSAn said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 349 of 349   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...