Friday, February 22, 2013


TGIF thread.


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magpie said...

Well, this is GREAT

Happy Week-end Steve....

hope the weather does not present any problems....


magpie said...

Belle has been tuckered out since she did an egg roll and a wiggle or two

Got bet that Shep is out enjoying some freedom for awhile

Here at the dough factory...
will be watching for more Friday
Morning Eagle Pals

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve, for a new thread and Margy for the call over. Just have a minute to check the email box! TTFN!

Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE, for the new thread!

Congrats on the feather, MARGY, and thanks for the call over!

Freezing rain, snow and rain expected here today. Not a fan of the freezing rain at all!

magpie said...


interesting image today

I see a few CATS on there ☺

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on another new thread - Thanks Steve. Glad you got a feather, Margy.

Our nest looks so good - Fluff being placed all around

Lori you best start another sewing project and plan to stay home today in the bad weather.

I'm sure Lynne and Steve are very excited - I am very happy for them

Thoughts for the Riffe family's gathering. Peace to all of them ♥

Linda said...


It's a great day for new beginnings....
Wishing all that and more for
LYNNE & STEVE today as
they celebrate the new place!!

Hoping LYNNE doesn't end up
overdoing it and in pain.
Be KIND to yourself, LYNNE!

Linda said...

LORI - It is so nice....
NOT to see your
1 am posts anymore and....
to know that you are sleeping
instead of getting ready to head
out in the dark to get to work!!

So happy to know you are safe
and sound and hopefully getting some
down time to de-stress and rejuvenate!

Also hoping Dad isn't driving you crazy!!

I know you love him dearly, but sometimes.....
men aren't the best patients!

Linda said...

Boy, LYNNE sure did head out early this morning.....

Long before my eyes opened today...

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!
Jumping in quickly to say TGIF and wish everyone the best Red Friday possible. Thoughts & prayers for the Riffe family, and hope Tom is feeling MUCH better today! Shar too!

Have a couple more reports to finish today, and then grossery shopping tonight. Shoulder is better, but still a bit painful this morning, because I slept so well last night that I missed a meds dose. Playing catch-up this morning. SO much better than it had been, though!

Lolly, LOVE the bedspread!! Totally understand about Annie's senile quirks. We went through that with our last cat, Meggie. She lived to be 16+, and got a little weird too.

HRH Lynne2 & Steve, can't WAIT for you to sign the lease!!! Wishing you all the best in your new palace!

Will try to check back in later tonight after dinner. Love you guys! I LOVE us!

glo said...

LOL here I am. Here I am wheee. Nothin really on my old post worth bringin over. except so many prayers for so many folks and well wishes for the queen.

grannyblt said...

Morning eagle buds.

Last I checked parent eagle had head under wing? Do we still have a couple of weeks before hatching??or is it longer?

Lori, I am north of Pittsburgh and so far just some of those icy pellets. I'm sure sick of the weather we've had this week. Last night I dreamed I was looking for a place to live in TX and the redbuds were blooming. Lolly, I'm about to pack my bags !! well, maybe.

Positive energy goes out to us all today.

Lori O. said...

GrannyBLT, I'm in Punxsutawney!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Shep is flinging something around in the nest. Not sure what it is. Windy there.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to take off this morning. Need to practice bowling.

Kathryn has a long week. She works 10-hour days, and is working Saturday this week. I hope the paycheck reflects the extra hours.

stronghunter said...

Trying to find a bowling teacher.

magpie said...

Been waiting til morning hours to tell you:
My Naturalist Pal in NY did the very same thing with the maple tree syrup tapping.....
he started it, then it stopped, so he's going to fully enjoy his ice fishing unitl things warm up again ☺

stronghunter said...

I think I can bowl for free on Fridays. About to find out.

magpie said...

So nice to see you Jo !

As it is, to see everyone here

busy at work, just now starting to drizzle...we could get right busy as the day progresses


stronghunter said...

Will said that when he arrived at work on Wednesday, he found out that he was expected to conduct job interviews. New experience for him, and he had no warning!

magpie said...

OH two eagles I see
on the still cam

magpie said...

whoo, big surprise
at least he did not have advance notice to get nervous
Shirley, ref Will

magpie said...

So now one eagle, and it is SHEP
Belle is getting a lot of running around time


the first egg hatching would normally start 35-38 days or so after one is laid

now with BWE - they are not exactly sure when those eggs were laid due to their cams being down

You will get better more precise information from others I'm sure


magpie said...

quite a lot of fluffy flugg at NCTC

glo said...

A very dear place to both Dex and I Sunset Marina at Sunset with an Eagle flying by the flagpole at the lookout No the eagle was not photoshopped in. I waited for this moment. I have a witness Dana was there with me for this sunset. It does have an oil filter applied and will hang on my wall in a 16 by 24 canvas. ahhh my Daph had many a wonderful walk here too.

magpie said...

two eagles again

magpie said...

so I think Belle is back

going to check it now, Glo....
yoour pic ☺

magpie said...

Never fcr a minutes would I have even suspected photoshop, Glo...

Your pictures are genuine and spectacular all on their own !!

ttfn xoxox

glo said...

Thanks Magpie Well if a picture speaks a thousand words it would indeed be true of that one for me. My heart sees all of what that photo portrays which is why it is going in a very prized spot in my home. For some its "just a sunset" oh my not for me :-) or even for Dex actually and countless others. I have watched the sunset there many times. But this was a special time in many ways.

Lori O. said...

GLO, beautiful picture! Nope, never photoshop with you. You always take authentically gorgeous pictures! Thanks for sharing.

JudyEddy said...

Good late morning eagle buds


Judie said...

Judie said...
Hello from a dreary looking morning. Visiting before I begin to create exam questions for a midterm.

Hoda, the NCP are awesome. What a laugh I got reading first about the drug dealers and then the round up of the hitch-hiking villain. I absolutely adore stuuuuuupid criminals. Started to ask why the drug dealer was not arrested but then remembered Nelson's agriculture. Thanks so much for the laugh.

Lowreeda, wondered if the crime news was reported in MD. Now I know. Glad you don't have to return to the dr. for a year.

Now we have to figure out a way to intervene in the case of the chair that instigates domestic angst. Hope all goes well for HRH Lynne2 and Steve today and over the weekend.

magpie said...

Hi Judie

And reminds me:

Loretta....glad you doctor appointment went ok Thursday

Judie said...

Back to finish up.

Lynne, take your vitamins. Elizabeth II apparently plans to stick around.

Larry the Studmuffin. Sigh♥ Congratulations on the new employment.

Glo, hope Dex is having a good day.

Shirley, an update on Hunter's bed, please. Chocolate malt - yum!

Thelma, so glad Tytun was not injured. So like having human toddlers that get into everything.

Hope Tom is feeling better today. Continued thoughts for the Riffe family.

Hope Jo rested and slept well last night.

Okay, I must begin to work on exams.


JudyEddy said...


WV sUSAn said...

It sure is snow, JudyE! The Sycamore is getting a dusting.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Glo, beautiful picture of what was surely a more beautiful real-life experience.

Hi Margy, have a good/quiet day at work. Hi to Carolyn.

Hi Lori. Hope Dad is doing well as he can.

Shirley, enjoy your bowling. Will is going to do just fine but I think that some advance notice would have been nice. Hope Kathryn's extra hours are paid.

Ah, I see Jo was here. Hi Jo.

Okay, I really am leaving now. Bye

Lolly said...

Good morning! Very chilly this morn, down to 33. Glad it did not get lower as I have fern fiddle-heads coming up. In fact they are way up!

LORI...neither Laurel or I have heard anything about Miss T. Beth's husband comes home today. Yikes! I sure hope she has taken her to the vet!! No sign that she had been neutered. I think she came from a puppy mill, but guess we will never know. I will let you know when I hear someithing. Laurel said she did fine when Beth picked her up, but when Beth posted pictures on fb, Laurel cried.

HRH Lynne...thinking of you today!!! Remember, we need your new address.

Lynne1, come on down to Texas! I need another momster down here!

WV sUSAn said...

Glo, I posted on FB but will say it here, also.... your sunset pic is absolutely stunning. What a moment to hold!

Lynne, thinking of you and Steve this weekend. Finally, YOUR place with ALL the amenities (necessities). Will the CHAIR be going with you? hahahahaha

magpie said...

message delivered, Judie ☺

she returns the Hello

Wowser, so it really is snowing at the nest !! has not started yet here in Martyburg but it is sleet and rain mixed

shucks would rather have some good old snow !!!

magpie said...

I'm flipping between BWE and NCTC nests and am amazed at the similarities and have to remind myself which nest I am looking at

Lolly said...

Sounds more like sleet on the cam. Snow should not make a sound and I hear what is falling.

Lolly said...

See what you mean, Margy, about the two cams.

Our cam is occasionally having a technical problem. Do NOT like that! Weather related?

I am off to start my day. Time to start moving around! I am off of some meds in prep of Monday's procedure and my joints ache. Moving helps!

Have a great day!

WV sUSAn said...

WOW Margy, BWE and NCTC really ARE similar now, huh. Just took a look.

magpie said...

I truly think some of the work Blackwater techs were doing, have kicked in...whee, and just in time for their hatching dates pretty soon

It's "Beauteous"

Hi Lolly and Susan again...

magpie said...

I truly think some of the work Blackwater techs were doing, have kicked in...whee, and just in time for their hatching dates pretty soon

It's "Beauteous"

Hi Lolly and Susan again...

magpie said...

did you all see the Cats on Google?
I am not familiar with the person it is commemorating today....
but I see CATS ☺☺☺☺

magpie said...

but now BWE seems to be getting a tad bit wonky on some of the refreshes....
know it's not the best weather down that way either :(

JudyEddy said...

I went over to BW and got a blue screen and some rainbow lines after it refreshed twice reminded me of our still before remember LOL

JudyEddy said...

Its 81° here right now have a front comin in with rain possible for the weeknd could interfer with the race 40% chance of rain Sun and more on Mon and Tues

magpie said...

LOL I saw that JudyE, and thought the very same thing about BWE,
immediatlely after I went
G r o a n....
but it's generally seeming to be OK

Judie said...

Google: Edward Gorey, author and illustrator. 1925-2000. Did lots of animals.

magpie said...

Thanks, Judie...

JudyEddy said...

Our cam is a PIA today with the buffereing and stopping

magpie said...

I see Mombrella-ing going on now at the Sycamore Palace

magpie said...

LOL not a problem for me here at work Judye...
I can only get the Still Cam,
but am mighty glad to get that...

Mema Jo said...

Well I love our cam! Tenting going on big time! It is beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater refuge
Nest Update

We're making progress on improving the cam image. We're still dropping some images on the upload, but we're trying to fix the issue. Hatching of the 1st egg could potentially start before the end of the weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Time for Feet - up
Home health care PT just finished... Gave me a good workout - says I can stop use of Walker in and around the house.


magpie said...

that's Great Jo...
when they say it's ok it's good...and they have! ☺

I know some people try to rush it
and then there can be disastrous

WV sUSAn said...

Jo -- thanks for that update on BWE. I surely hope for them a better season than last. Also, great to hear your good health report!! Don't go kickin' up your heels. hehe

Lori O. said...

YAY JO! Soooo glad you got the
A-OK from your PT to not use your walker. Remember no falling! Glad you were a patient with patience. :)

JudyEddy said...

I am sweating my booty off Outside cleaning the inside of my truck out Jordyn and her eating snacks makes a crumby mess LOL I am soaked with sweat come in the house and no AC on Now need to go pressure wash the bird poop off my truck lots and lots of bird poop I have been parking under a tree at work just for the shade HMMM may have to rethink he shade deal LOL

JudyEddy said...

I can just see JO doing laps around her house now Congratulations JO

JudyEddy said...

Angie just called with the funniest story she went to Chicago Deli for a tuna melt but they only had enough tuna for half a sandwich Angie said well if I brought you up a small can of tuna can you do it I have tuna and cracker kit here and its not what I want I want a tuna melt and YEP they did it only charged her half price toooo

JudyEddy said...

the STILL CAM says No connection to video source eagle cam

JudyEddy said...

and now its back silly cam

JudyEddy said...

OK now that I have cooled down some I guess I better get out there and finish my truck

Lynne2 said...



glo said...

Hi Lynne . I am SO-o-o-o-o-o-o happy for you

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

I sure wish we were moving in TODAY!!!

glo said...

Its gonna be OK Lynne 2 Hang touch. Easy as she goes.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LYNNE why can't you move in tonight???

Lolly said...

Yea for HRH...she is checking out her new royal palace!!! Wahooo!

Judie said...

CONGRATULATIONS JO! Been there and know how good it feels. Just be extra careful and no falling down, please and thank you.

Judie said...

Happy Day for HRH Lynne2.

JudyEddy said...

OK back in the house the outside of the turck is poop free and it matches the inside of the truck CLEAN and smells gooood

magpie said...

signing off soon,
cold but no active precip falling out of the sky

Yay for Steve and Lynne2...just one more night and then
time to sleep at their Royal Palace, complete with windows!

ttfn xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

watching the Fl cam for a few min they are getting so big

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne, I'm so excited for you and Steve. Soooooo close!!!!

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all! Work week is OVER!!!

Yay, Jo is walker-free and Lynne2 is almost basement-free!!

Cold and dreary here today. The sky was so beautiful when the sun rose on the canal this morning (put a photo on FB) but then the clouds rolled in. Forecast is saying rain with maybe some sleet/snow mixed in tonight and then a cold rain all day tomorrow!

JudyEddy said...

AWWW SHEP has his feetsie up so to speak He is tucked in awww ♥

JudyEddy said...

oops he woke up and now is pick at flugg in front of him

Hoda said...

HRH LYNNE has her new digs...So Happy for you.

JUDIE I am glad you laughed. I am sure I told you about the guards in a prison in Alberta, where I used to live, who needed to carry through a prisoner transfer. They bought the prisoner a bus ticket and and gave him pocket money, reportedly 100 dollars, to make a transfer to a jail in BC. They did not designate an escort!!! When the prisoner did not show up at his new cell they were surprised!!! I lauged so hard I fell off my chair!!! The said guards were ex-students of mine!!! This happened a few years back and I am still laughing. Up to twenty years now!!!

Beautiful picture GLO...looks heavenly and also very real.

Rethinking parking spot might be a solution JUDYE. Get some of thos sun viser blocks for cars and trucks. They sell them in Walmart here and in Home Hardware stores.

Hoda said...

Snowing here. Sandals will have to wait LORI...after seeing them in the stores yesterday I so very much want out of my boots...there are some cute and playful shoes too. Both the sandals and the shoes that I liked were Clarks and I like this make very much...

Hoda said...

Very very happpy that the PT said it is OK for JO with no walker!!! Love you JO.

THinking of SHAR and am sending prayers and Light.

Thinking of the RIFFES.

Hoda said...

I just got an advertisement for Silver Star wide head lights!!! Would they not blind on coming traffic? Is this a problem for anyone here?

Hoda said...

Twirling and twirling and twirling away now!!! UGH!!!

grannyblt said...

Lori, my grandmother was born in Punxsutawney in 1880. After her marriage she moved west, to the Pittsburgh area. Someday I hope to get there to check out the genealogy.
Hope you didn't get the sleet and slippery roads we've had this afternoon. Also hope it misses the nest.

Hoda said...

Well I checked the news world wide and left Nelson local news for today.

Pistorius freed on bail!!! SERIOUSLY!!!???

Lance Armstrong is being charged by the Justice Dept of Defrauding US Postal team!!! LOL!!! What a surprise!!!

Hoda said...

Is Punxsutawney not where the Ground Hog lives?

JudyEddy said...

Belle arrives

Hoda said...

Miss Belle in the house so is Shep.

Lori O. said...

HODA, yes, Punxsutawney is where the famed groundhog lives! We should start a sandals countdown! :)

GRANNYBLT, interesting that your grandmother was born here. We'll have to get together someday and go looking around! We had the slippery roads today, too.

Prayers for JO, SHARON, and ANDY, DANAMO's Dad, GLO's MIL, Dex, RIFFE Family and all in need. Big Hugs!

JudyEddy said...

Shep stays in cup Belle is at 1

Hoda said...

Some chirping and I heard her wings coming in...this is so cool!!!

JudyEddy said...

I don't think Shep wants to give up his cozy spot

JudyEddy said...

Belle still hanging out at 2

JudyEddy said...

Shep still in cup

Hoda said...

Anyone else with twirling issues?

Hoda said...

Off he goes and the eggs are good and he takes to wing

JudyEddy said...

poof Shep on the branch saw his tail

Hoda said...

Belle approaches so gingerly. I like how careful she is when she steps near the eggs. She settles down

Hoda said...

Shep lands above cam. Belle looks up and there was a shake

JudyEddy said...

YES HODA all day with the spinning

Sandi said...

Not that this matters one bit to anyone else on the blog, but there are only 23 days with students until spring break and only 70 days with students until the end of this God-awful school year!

One of the boys on my caseload was arrested yesterday. He brought a very large knife to school on Wednesday and showed it to several students on the bus ride home. He told kids on the bus that he intended to use it to "slit throats" and "kill people."

Thankfully, several of the students on the bus reported the incident to the assistant principal yesterday. The young man's locker was searched and the knife was concealed inside a bag inside his backpack.

The principal later said that after interviewing the student, he was convinced that the young man would have carried out his threat - he was very specific about what he planned to do with the knife. Don't know if he was also specific about who he planned to use it on!

He has been charged with 10 felony counts and could spend the next 4 years of his life in a juvenile detention center. All of this makes my heart hurt! He was a very passively resistant young man who was on-track to fail the 8th grade b/c he pretty much refused to do any work, but I wouldn't wish his fate on any child, no matter how difficult! I just hope he can get the help he needs to deal with his anger and depression, rather than just being "housed" in a jail setting for 4 years.

OK, time to fix food for people and pets! Later!

JudyEddy said...

did you notice spinning circle seems to have stopped for a while anyway

Hoda said...

It does matter to all of us because you and DANA are teachers...
Very disturbing news about your student.
I think it is amazing that you still wish he gets the help he needs and this is a reflection of how professional you are.
Blessings to you.

Hoda said...

I shut down the cam as it was bothering my eyes JUDYE. I am glad they seem to have eased off.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI that also happened here about a week ago Two boys were bragging what they were gonna do and they told and now they are in jail I love it that the kids are listening and reacting in a good way They have also boxes set up around the school for kids to drops notes in on bullying etc

JudyEddy said...

Hoda put the cam back on no spinning circle at all

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna go figure out what I want to eat and watch the news and take a shower I am stinky from sweating doing my truck today

Hoda said...

LORI I would go crazy if I started a sandal count down in February and I might make irrational decisons in regards to wearing them with socks evern!!! LOL!!!
I have to wait till Easter weekend so I would be rational.
Most stores here are already beginning to change their store front displays to reflect Easter and here it is snowing today.

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE...Cam nd twirls!!!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Glad this whirlwind day is finally winding down!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!!!
Sympathies for the Riffes.

Congrats, Jo!!!!We know you're happy, but don't go dancing a jig right away!!
BIG Congrats to Lynne and Steve!!!Sure hope you got some help. If I didn't work tomorrow, I'd come up there! ☺
What? Hoda may have to get sandals???

BTW, finally did get my Tuesday Park pictures on the Blogspot.Enjoy
Din Din----BBL

Lynne2 said...

Back in the basement now. Plans to move still on for tomorrow as the weather looking less menacing. Cable/phone/internet all hooked up and YAY I get my WETA UK station back! But I loose GMC. Oh well....

Better computer WITH SOUND is the one I messaged from earlier...glad to have it back online!

Hoda said...

YAY YRH LYNNE! Pleased for you. I see you have your UK connection back! Jolly Good Jolly Good!!!

LORETTA Funny on the sandals...right now I might have to have more coats...snowing still.

Off to the blog spot to see pictures LORETTA!!!


Hoda said...

Beautiful pictures LORETTA you must have a good camera. Thank you.

Lori O. said...

LORETTA, lucky you, getting to see all those gorgeous birds...loved the juvie and the pileated wp. Thanks for sharing!

Lolly said...

So, HRH Lynne has already moved her computer and has it up and running at the new place. Way to go!

My what a lazy day this has been. Did not accomplish much at all. Oh well.....

magpie said...

Wonderful, all the news, Lynne2 .
I knew you were Jonesin' to get that computer sound back !
Too bad we can't talk on here!

Sandi, yes indeed, we DO care, and it is sad....your compassionate and caring outlook is very
important....this child, yes, child, surely needs help. Something has gone wrong, many things perhaps....I do hope he can get the help he needs.

magpie said...

Once I start wearing sandals, I practically never stop...
socks or no socks....they are some of my most comfortable shoes ☺

magpie said...

and I got the best pair, practically new, of Mephistos....
for 6$ a few years ago.....
only they need to upgrade them is some new velcro ☺

New....the are maybe, $150.

magpie said...

My car is wrapped up in blue plastic, the windshield, and the side front doors...just in case we get all freezened up overnight.
I have to work in the morning.
Good Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

Belle is not asleep.

Hoda said...

Smqart MARGY to keep the ice off the car.
Good on the sandals too.

HRH won't be on here tonight then since her computer is at the flat? I did not make that connection but of course you are right LOLLY.

Not doing anything days are good every once in a while.

magpie said...

Lynne2 probably still has her laptop with her, Hoda....
the PC is at the other flat. ☺


Costume Lady said...

Hi There...
Just got home a short while ago and the roads are not slippery, but the steps and sidewalks are. It is 27° and we have a Wintry weather advisory...Freezing drizzle til early Sat. morning. Yes, JAMES the WISE has a WISE Grammy...covering her car will make it a snap to get going to work in the am.
GG continues to do well with her automatic pill dispenser and it surely does give me peace of mind!

Jo, so glad you are Walker Free...I hated that thing! But it did serve it's purpose:)
LYNNE, I do hope that you and Steve will be happy in your new roost.(((Lynne * Steve)))

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA loved the pictures and BTW your time on the comments is 3 hours behind I just commented and it said 4:57 LOL Your blog in in a different time zone that you are LOL

Lynne2 said...

oh, I'm here.....yes indeedy! On the semi functioning never to know when it might just quit again Laptop!

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, OMG....that is just so awful on SO many levels about that student. Geez....I don't know what to say. Except glad the other kids dropped a dime on him. Had they not done so...BRRRRRR...I shiver to think what might have been.

magpie said...

Helloooo Costume Lady,
Thanks for the encouragement...I'll tell James of your opinion....he is growing up, for sure, and has informed of some things that I do that are annoying....but I know he tolerates my silliness pretty well all in all.
Happy, so happy that new-fangled pill dispenser is working out so well for GG..
Did you have some Friday Family Fun tonight ??? ☺ Hope so !

magpie said...

and there's our almost-free-of-the-dark cellar Lynne2 !

magpie said...

Yep that's our Loretta, JudyE.
a pace of her own, a great pace it is !
working in the kitchen here on chicken salad for tomorrow...
had tuna salad today, it's Friday after all ☺

xo back in a bit

Lynne2 said...

Steve actually went "walker free" for the first time today! I borrowed Dr Baker's old 4 footed cane that she doesn't need any more. Too soon, I think...the Dr said Mar 6 after next visit maybe start using cane. But it sure slows him down! He can't scoot along with the cane like he does with the walker!

magpie said...

understand that, Lynne....
he MUST follow the orders now, falls allowed...

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, very funny story on the prisoner! I have some clarks too...very comfy. For summertime I Like can buy online.

Hurry for Lynne and Steve!

Lori, have you seen Phil, LOL

Sandi sorry to hear the news on your 8th grader...hope he gets some help

magpie said...

I'm really tempted to have an Oatmeal Creme Pie tonight for
Lady Blackwater and the Cambridge Eggberts.....
I had predicted "before the week-end" so they better get
get it? Crackin'!

I'm about to cut up some celery so if I don't make it back, you can all assume that I cut some fingers off

magpie said...

Oh good, are here.
Two questions:
When does Larry start his FT job, or has he already ?
And what town is the Lowe's in?
Thanks in advance

paula eagleholic said...

Larry starts training on Frederick

paula eagleholic said...

Wassupposed to be today...but they called last night and said Monday...he'll be right up the road from me!

magpie said...

Okay! Road Trip ! LOL ☺
Best wishes, Paula...

paula eagleholic said...

That is until I leave there.

We had fun today going thru some old pics and ads and such...

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

and an off-camera bodily function
and an egg roll

Lynne2 said...

that Shirley....she's letting me think I have a chance of beating her again at WWF! Such a good sport!

magpie said...

Two of my favorite foods:
Avocado, and Mango...both slippery to peel.
can you imagine the challenge with carpal tunnel and pinched nerve?
No wonder I like bananas best !
But Mission Accomplished...
No Blood !
Best time to pack lunch for the next day is when one is hungry

magpie said...

Shirley is gracious, but fair and square for sure, Lynne2 ☺

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

interesting sound, and also at train..

that was my delete, I lost a tab and lost track of the Blog

magpie said...

"A" train.

Lolly: What are you up to ?
Any word on Miss T Dolly?

Hoda said...

Avalanche Season has claimed its first fatality. A group of six skiers were out in the back country. They triggered an avalanche and three were caught. They rescued two and the third was declared dead and they will recover the body tomorrow. All BC back country is under avalanche warning. The Selkirks the Purcells, Kootenays included...

magpie said...

looks like a fresh coat of snow at
The Snowman Cam...and a fresh round of visits from the Night and Energy Bandits here in Martinsburg, the Sandman cannot compete with these bandits

Thinking of the Family Riffe tonight and as the arrangements come together for Granny's services...

Prayers for Wellness All Around...and for Sweeeeeet Sleep

Thanks for the Precious Friendships here....what a treasure

Signing off.....
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Oh dear, Hoda....
relentless....sorry to read of this...

NatureNut said...

Back for awhile!
So glad you liked the mostly blurry pics. That was just a lucky day! We weren't real busy, so I did get a chance to check windows between the phone calls.
Wanda asked about the towhee range. Wiki said they breed between SE Canada and Gulf Coast and spend winter in Southern 3/4 of their range. Whatever. JudyE, think the Blog clock is on CA time.
Well, gotta do the do.
Guess what? Truck races are on!!! Va-roooooom

Lynne2 said...

Our own BirdGirl has a beautiful picture of a Spotted Towhee, speaking of towhees, on FB! They are western birds. But very similar to ours

Lynne2 said...

oh Hoda, how sad for those skiers.

Judie said...

The sandperson is once again pacing the hallway and anxious to depart. Please prepare for sweet dreams and restful sleep.

NatureNut said...

Oh, how awful about the skiers, Hoda. Hope the others stay away from those areas.

HI, Lynne! When I was reading about the towhee, I saw info on the spotted. How cool for Bird Girl!
Will you be able to sleep tonight????Maybe you'll get the chair. But then again, a 4-footed cane could be quite a barrier!!

magpie said...

I had to come back and say:
Magnificent, your new pictures !

Thank you, you bring hope of a bright and colorful springtime !
G'Night Precious Pals xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Belle seems to be asleep, so why not Us !!

Lolly said...

It is really scary to think of Steve armed with a cane like that. Yikes!

I am here....and no word on Miss T. Just talked with Laurel a little while ago and she has heard nothing. She told me though that if Beth could not keep her, she would go get her, keep her, and that I could pay dog support. lol

Sitting here shivering. Jack did not build a fire tonight. Think I should go take my hot shower.

Hoda, Hoda, Hoda...please, please, socks with sandals. lol

grannyblt said...

The sandman is knocking at my door. those 430 am days make for early bedtimes. Hope the weather is better tomorrow. While Lynne2 and Steve are busy with boxes, I will be out hunting a Harlequin duck that has been sighted on the Allegheny River near Freeport PA., Then to Dunkirk NY to hunt for ducks on Sunday.

Glad that scary story ended well for you and everyone, Sandi. I hope he somehow gets the help he needs.

SED everyone..

Lolly said...

Busy weekend for Laurel. This is basketball tournament weekend..the end of basketball. Joseph lost his game tonight. Plays again tomorrow at 2. Jacob has his first game at 12, but at the same time Joseph has his first soccer game. Jacob also has his second basketball game at 2 when Joseph has his. Got all that? It took me several tries. Had to write it down to comprehend. Next week Jacob starts baseball. Busy busy busy!

Thank goodness Laurel was feeling better this evening. Last night I tried to talk here into staying home tomorrow, but understand fully that it is easier, though not wiser, for a teacher to teach than prepare for a sub. She taught!

Lolly said...

HRH Lynne, email us your new address!

Hoda said...

LOLLY you must go to FB I left you a message about the socks I think it will change your mind about me and the socks with sandals!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm pretty close to a face plant, but wanted to say goodnight. Got all the Dr. reports finished and sent back!!! My shoulder and neck are feeling that a bit, but I'm sure a good night's rest will help.

Lots of good news here, and Sandi, some not so good too. Hope the student gets the kind of help he needs. Scary!!!

Thinking of the Riffes tonight. I was wondering earlier if Granny has met up with our Lynn yet!

Hoda, if you want to wear socks with sandals, look for some of those "toe" socks with all the individual toes in them. Cute!

HRH Lynne2, WHOO HOO!!! It's getting SOOO close to tomorrow!!!!

Well, I've said prayers for everyone, and all fur babies, and our eagles and egglets, and the porch light is on. Have enabled both security systems. Sleep tight, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you! I love us!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

I like Hoda's socks!

Lolly said...

Nite Andy! Please take it easy tomorrow. Give that shoulder a rest!

WV sUSAn said...

Margy, cheers to BWE. Just have that pie! Need to chk out your sandles. I'm on a Jambu kick, myself.

Sandi, Dana, and all those in education, I salute you for your compassion and dedication.

Lolly said...

Oh, Hoda Hoda Hoda! What to do with you???? roflmbo I will go to bed tonight with a smile on my face.

Heading to the shower now. I need it nice and hot! I'll be back!

WV sUSAn said...

Lynne, please tell, what is HRH?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, I want to know what that means. I feel left out!

paula eagleholic said...

Probably a Queen version of HMFICC, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I remember now...Her Royal Highness!

Mema Jo said...

Just coming on to say Good Night

Sandi - thank goodness for the kids who take things seriously and reported him.

I think Dana is getting ready for 3/2 which is Dr Seuss's birthday. On Fb she is making decorations for school I'm sure she'll have pictures for us.

Praying the Riffe Family is finding Peace and Closure for Granny Riffe.

Love the pictures Loretta

Tomorrow should be a good day - no special plans - I am ready to get some rest and look forward to Sandman's arrival.

I've been watching Jeopardy every evening for their Final Playoffs - some of those people are so knowledgeable. Just remembering our Lady Lynn watching the show and Blue Bloods is just about over now.
I love us ♥ Good Night ♥

Lynne2 said...

HRH is Her Royal Highness. Now, I don't really think I'm royal. What is a Serene Highness? I like to be serene. Although I have been called a Royal Pain in the A$$. I have raptor socks. Has anyone seen my Unicorn?

stronghunter said...

Been watching Jeopardy, too, Jo. And it does remind me of Lynn.

paula eagleholic said...

Don't have raptor socks! I want a pair. I do have doggie socks and beach socks!

NatureNut said...

Think the sandman has swung this way!
Andy, don't work too hard and take care of that shoulder.

Good Health Prayers for all in need and Prayers for the Riffes.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda, your pics are great! Nice shots of the herd.

Lolly said...

Awesome pictures, Loweeeeeda! I loved the commentary with the pics, too!

Linda said...

Good Evening!

MARGY - If you happen to still be awake......You would have also loved our home in Davie. We had an avacado tree and 2 mango trees. We could never give enough of them away. I am not too fond of either.

Before the citrus canker spread down that way we had 7 citrus trees. We had a 3 orange, comquat, tanerine, meyer lemon. We also had a quava tree, a bananna and a mulberry tree, too. I used to always know when Dennis was eating the mulberries!!! Very red lips and red juice all over his shirt while outside working!!

Linda said...

SANDI - I am THRILLED to hear you are counting down the days for spring break and until you are done with teaching for the year.

That is awful what happened with the student. Thankfully things didn't escalate before he was abducted and taken away. What is wrong with all these kids these days. Parenting seems to be getting worse in this world we live in.

Thankful YOU are okay!!

Lolly said...

Now, what did I do to make that post look like that? lol

I've had my hot hot shower and now I am going to put my nose in a book for a while.

It is so funny when we are hopping between blog and fb making comments. I am afraid none of my socks will win a contest. I used to have a big assortment when I taught. I had brilliant rainbow colored ones with the individual toes. Wore those on "Funny Feet Friday". One guess what letter we were highlighting. :)

Lolly said...

Is HRH having a clear moment? Would she behead us if we pointed it out? Seen her unicorn?

Linda said...

HODA - I remember when we used to go spring skiing in March, they were often blasting to control avalanches in some areas. We always stayed away from any of those danger zones!! Very scary when you see it happen.

I can imagine that they must do that in Canada where they get all that snow, too.

Linda said...

So many of those expert skiers loved to ski in what we called the back mountain areas where it was not safe. They love the challenging terrain and I guess they love the risk, too.

Not me.....

Linda said...

"Funny Feet Friday!!"


Linda said...

Hoping for a calm, serene, joyful moving day tomorrow for LYNNE & STEVE.......


Has anyone ever had a calm, serene joyful moving day?

I don't think so!!

But we can pray that everything goes well and you get everything moved in. Unpacking and getting settled can happen over the coming days and weeks, right?

Linda said...

So, I am out of here........

Sandman has definitely made a delivery here....
And I am ready for some zzzzz's

Prayers and restful sleep for all.....


Lynne2 said...

OMG Lolly, I had rainbow socks with individual toes too! Seemed like a great idea at the time but I hated the toes.

Serene. Tomorrow will be serene.

Must rest now...if I don't here get in the AM, then I shall see you in the PM sometime! Goodnight and prayers for all!

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED