Wednesday, August 29, 2012


New thread.


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grannyblt said...

Do I get a feather? Anyway thanks for the new thread Steve.

Mema Jo said...

You sure did get the Feather! Congrats!

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Jim for the word on the new thread.

I am out of here for a while - dinner and then a visit to Sam's Store.

Still cam still down. Live feed still say 2013 season.
Sharon Great news about Lori & Sissy.

I'll check in later.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread!

Good afternoon everyone!

Kay said...

Wahoo ! A new thread thanks to STEVE and word from DANAMO,LINDA and LYNNE2, thanks to those who did some goading ! Just leading busy lives and no negatives ! I'm tickled pink !

LYNNE1, happy to hear about the new Equinox--can't complain about the old truck--16 years is mighty good service ! Yes, I did feel those happy vibes when you waved ! I thought it was an earthquake for a moment, but soon realized it was just you, sharing your love ! ♥

SHAR, thrilled to hear of Lori's move to Rehab--prayers answered once more ! Praise the Lord ! Is this your first time to see Andrew and Chelsea since the wedding ? Happy for all !

Got my hair cut--very short--and it feels great. Had enough stamina to go through Kroger for some pintos and a ham hock. Friday I'll cook a pot of beans and we'll have an old Okie fav-- beans, cornbread and crudites. Picked up Bahama Mama Sausages, Brats, sauerkraut and buns to take to Julie's for a Saturday evening cookout, poolside. We're going to have a rootin' tootin' good time and it feels so good to have some oomph at last !!

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

YAY for KAY! It's so great to hear you feeling great! That Saturday poolside party sounds so fun.
You made me hungry with that menu!
Love YOU!

JudyEddy said...

GOOOOOOOD afternoon or evening eagle buds I see we have a new thread as I come home THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD AND LYNNE1 GOT A FEATHER YEAH

Hoda said...

CHEERS KAY...On the mend for sure if after getting a hair cut you still had so much energy to move through your day...I hope JULIE imporves soon also and am glad she is taking the term off.

JudyEddy said...

Angie has this on facebook I had to share with you all

updated her status: "So yesterday walking out of Jordyns school hands completely full while holding her hand "Jordyn" says can you carry my lunch box. "ME" no honey I have my hands full, she lets go of my hand and says..... you can if you don't hold my hand you have a hand free now.... miss smarty sassy pants she is."

Hoda said...

I have to read back to find out how BEV is doing???

My day went very well and I am pleased with my yoga practice. I feel with energy and I did errands and the town is busy but not so much so...some Alberta plates are still here so I presume after the long weekend they will head home.

My herb garden is doing so well I think I will have to dry some herbs for the winter.This is not a problem feels like a luxury to me.

JudyEddy said...

SHARON GOD does not punish people by making others die or sick around them, so please don't blame yourself for peoples demise around you Bad thing happen to good people and that is that I am sure most of us will agree you are not being punished
My mom would say what have I done that God has made me hurt so much that always bothered me to

So chin up SHARON you are a good person and you just have had friends with bad luck and that is part of life we have to deal with

I hope I haven't step out of line by voicing my opinion JMHO

Lolly said...

No toes stepped on, Judy.

Mema Jo said...

We had a great day today at Walter Reed and as you can see everyone is worn out

Hop over to their cam! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Yep JO those are whopped puppies 5 are asleep together and the one is in the play house thing so stinkin cute they are I envy DANAMO for getting to be with the a couple of times

Hoda said...

I agree with LOLLY No toes stepped on JUDYE Your post to SHAR is from the heart and it speaks well how we love how we live and how we die.

It is funny because when I read SHAR'S announcement of yet another death I thought to myself how incredible it is that she has so big a heart that she is able to call so many people friends!!! It told me about her love and her kindness and how she includes everyone and how she shares her self and her energy with so much joy and laughter and strength...I do not see punishment in any of that I see God's Grace and Blessings on SHAR'S are a LADY who knows people and is not afraid to live from your heart...this is a blessing and yes people die and that is a loss but the blessing is what counts... LOVE YOU SHAR

Sandi said...

Evening all! Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks to Jim for the call over!

Sharon, what a miracle about your friend Lori! God is surely sending you a reminder that there is always good to help offset the bad!

Kay, your post sounds like you're feeling great today - how wonderful!! Pray tell, what are crudites????

Met students and parents this afternoon/evening when they came to school to get their schedules. But I am slam wore out now! One more day of meetings, then a 4-day weekend!!

Heading over to FB to get an update, then off to bath and bed for me! Goodnight all!!

Hoda said...

Oh my I will join the chorus and say I WANT ONE!!! those dogs are adorable...I have the cam up and I smile, they have wonderful toys in there too...

Hoda said...

OK I have to admit it!!! The clouds came in today and I thought rain...My rain coat from last year was needing attention so I bought a new one...shhhhhhhh it IS still August, they were on sale and I got a bright coloured one to off set the dreary colours before winter sets in...I find the lack of colours the worst thing in the winter...

Hoda said...

Does the PUPPIES MOM ever come in the camera enclosure? They are very active right now...

JudyEddy said...

so sad the news of the Canadian bride that died on her wedding day
Angie just told me about it She was doing a photo shoot of trashing her wedding dress I guess its the latest craze out there but the weight of her dress she drowned so sad that they happend so if you know anyone that wants to do this tell them about this

Jordyn has a mermaid shoot Sat Angie is so excited about it tooo and that lady does the above pix had told Angie about it

I did google it and yep its true sooo sad

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

New thread, thanks Steve!

JudyEddy said...

HODA yes the mother of the pups do go in on occasion

Lolly said...

Are your ready for this? I have a cute Joseph story.

He told his mom he needed to tell her something but did not want to tell his dad. Did not want to be razed about it. He told her he had a girlfriend. Laurel asked her name. lol He does not know it!! She wrote him a note "Do you like me?" With boxes to check yes or no. He checked yes! But she told him she was not allowed to date. Laurel told him "No problem, you are not allowed to date either. They are in a class together...I am sure we will learn her name. Oh, yes, my Joseph is going to be chased!

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE I would like to see the MOM of those Awesome PUPPIES.

The Canadian Bride was married in June. The trashing of her dress happened earlier in August...they tried to save her but did not make it...very sad indeed.

I put this on FB and I would like to share it here with you all...great catchy tune...
I Love You

Lolly said...

Think I am going to knit for a while and then read. I will be checking the blog.

I know of two babies being born tonight and tomorrow. One is Michael being born to a former student of mine. The other is Rhett being born to Jenny and Michael and big sister Rhyan. Exciting times!!

Hoda, you said it great concerning Sharon. She is blessed with many friends as she is such a neat friend.

Hoda said...

What a TERRIFIC response from LAUREL LOLLY!!! Way to go JOSEPH!!! You're the MAN!!! so cute...

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Cute Joseph story, Lolly.

Could someone please give me a link to the puppy cam. I keep reading about all of their activities, but haven't gotten to see them.

JudyEddy said...

Puppy Cam soooo stinkin cute

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I did just send you the link
Let me know if it doesn't work...

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, precious story from Joseph. I agree that he is going to be stalked!

I am extra tired tonight. Our AC went
kaput. Techie coming out 9:00 tomorrow morning. We will be fine - each room has an over head fan and it is cool out this evening.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to beat the sandman tonight!
Whoo Hoo - catch me if you can!

God Bless and keep all my friends and family in Your care.
I Love Us ! ♥
Life is good!
Say a prayer for my lung CT on Friday.
I don't want any new suspicious spots!
Thank you so much!

I miss you, Lynn ♥

stronghunter said...

Thanks Jo and Judy, I found it. Saw lots of cute sleepy puppies.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to wind down for the night. I will see you all tomorrow. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Peaceful sleep JO and I am glad it is cooler tonight. Sleep well SHIRLEY too...
Life is going well here and I find myself

Hoda said... peace

is the rest of this sentence...

JudyEddy said...

Shhhh I hear someone knocking on my door

JudyEddy said...

no you can't come in I don't want to go to bed yet Sandman I'm off tomorrow and can sleep in

JudyEddy said...

Drat why am I tired didn't take any pills HMMMM

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

Well we know the still cam isn't working when it shows all the green at nite

Just pulled a margy but I noticed it just now again and whanted to comment on it Dern it anyway

Lolly said...

I was going to check in more often tonight but. I got lost in my book. Think I am going to get ready for bed.

Night all! SED!!!

Hoda said...

Good night all.


Costume Lady said...

I am always so tired and sleepy when I get on here at night time that I can't even think what my day consisted I just say good night and send love and prayers to everyone♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
First of all, Shar, I'm SO sorry to hear that you've lost another friend! (((HUGE HUGS))) for you, Bev, Thelma, and your whole recovery group. Doggone it, cancer just sucks!...Glad to hear that Bev's counts are better today. Hope the CT scan will be helpful, and they'll figure this out, pronto! Prayers continue!

Wow, so good to see Lynne2, Kay,DanaMo, Linda, Carolyn, and Lynne1 here!...and the rest of you too, of course! I'm finally dragging my bedraggled self in here. It's been quite a day! Had to call a plumber to fix a nasty drip from the bathtub faucet. He did a great job, and gave me a really good price--I'm happy!

We're shaking and baking out here again--had a 4.1 quake at 1:31pm (Pacific), centered 1 mile north of Yorba Linda. This one was a strong, sideways jerk, but I barely felt it because I was walking at the time. I just heard a loud boom. It's still shaking down south in Brawley. I think the largest aftershock there today was a 2.6.
It was hot & sticky here again today. High of 95 for this roost.
WAAAH! I wanna move to Alaska! Oh--'scuse me. Shut my mouth!
Emma was miserable with the heat today. Wet her down with a wet washcloth, and she loved it!

grannyblt, congratulations! Enjoy your new transportation!

Mema Jo, prayers for the down syndrome boy injured in the shooting.

Oh, Shar! A miracle for Lori, for sure! God IS so good, all the time!
Wow, I think you really needed this wonderful news!

Well, I think I'm probably forgetting some things I wanted to comment about, but I've already used up enough space here tonight.
I am slam wore out, so think I'll call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, for every creature, and all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. SED, everyone.
God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you!
♥♥I miss Lynn!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!!

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

Hope you all had a restful night and are feeling refreshed this morning.

Well, I'm all caught up on the blog, but not enough time to comment, except that I love you all and wish you joy today!

I'll try to sneak on during work!

Jewels said...

Share, that is great news about your friend!!! Sad for Rocco. Please don't blame yourself. Seems like our lives are too much alike.
Men's Jo, sorry about your ac! Seems that has been passed to my loved ones too. Ours running again after $255 but, Charlie is having to use the wet dry vac as I type cause water is pooling in the tray. Must have a clogged hose.
Great to see everyone on today.
Prayers for all and love to all!!♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Up and at'em here too, due at work at 0400 maybe I can say HI from work in a while....

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

xoxo Have a Good Day...

hmmmmm I wonder if Jewels is still awake ??? :)

I know Lori is !

ttfn xo

magpie said...

Well, all's quiet for the time being
missed being able to be-bop to the Lori and Loo was too early!

Hope everyone has a good day...

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Jewels, Margy, and all my eagle friends! Today is MY Friday! Woohoo!!

magpie said...

Oh wow, that was fast...
Friday on Thursday, good for you, Sandi !
I think this is my Wednesday ??

Pretty morning out there, "herebouts"

Sandi said...

Jo, sorry about your AC but you're right about "cooler." I turned our AC off yesterday morning for the first time in a long time and we slept last night with the windows open! Heard a great horned owl as I was falling asleep! Only 60 degrees here right now! Another great day today, then it looks like things heat up again tomorrow.

Have a great day all!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Trying to pop in once a day!
All my kinders come today, but only for a half day! Whew...not sure if I am ready. We forget each year how little they know when we get them in August. Walk in a line...what's that?? Pray for me! ☺

I, too, am enjoying the lower temps. If I can't be in the pool then it might as well cool off. My classroom is a sauna!! No a/c

Well I'm off to blow dry my mop! Have a great day everyone!

Janet said...

its me ya'll. good morning. i'm checking in. sorry for the absense. been in a deep funk.

dr. had put me on prempro as what i had been doing for hot flashes had not been working well....and that sunk me into a deep weepy place. its taken a few days to come off that medication and find myself again.

and my friends moving has me alternately sad and angry. i won't go into all of that, but suffice it to say we will have a sincere talk before they move back. i believe people need to take responsibility for their choices, not blame their choices on other people.

I've worked all week. sat all day, Sunday til 3. Monday i was home feeling awful from the medication withdrawal, tuesday, 4 outcalls, wed 2 out calls and getting ready for this trip.

sharon: hugs and thoughts are with you. judye spoke correctly in my mind. life sometimes is difficult, and sometimes there are no "why's even though our human mind demands that question.

ordered another pair of ice skates last night. ordered from the rink, from the grand poo-bah of the ice skating rink here in nashville. so livvy was properly fitted" and within a couple weeks we should be good to go....yikes!

i need to get moving. i will touch base when i am back. am not taking my computer on this trip. i will have my phone...can check email if you need me.

light, love, hugs and smiles...

Lori O. said...

JANET, so sorry you had that deep funk, weepy thing. Know how that feels. Glad you're feeling better now!

So good to see you on here in the morning, DANAMo!

Happy Friday, SANDI!

MARGY, sorry we missed each other this morning. At least you'll be done early today!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Sis definitely has a urinary tract infection and diverticulitis. Couple more days of antibiotics.

Please pray for a friend of mine, Lisa. She is 47 years old and getting a hip replacement this morning. I am so excited for her. Gonna give her a new lease on life, I just know it!

I am going to see my friend Lori this afternoon. Miracles really do happen.

Our Lori - how are you feeling? ((((HUGS)))) to you!!

Janet, sorry things have been tough on you. Much love and ((((HUGS))) for you.

There is going to be a service for Rocco this weekend that a lot of us will not be able to attend. We are planning a celebration of his life cookout in mid-September for our recovery family. He had such a huge impact on so many people!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Thelma!

magpie said...

Tweet Tweet, Eagle Peep checking in, T-bird
☺ ♪ ♫ ♥

Oooh I missed my Lori tunes this morning

Linda said...

Good Morning!

I feel like I am bring up the rear in the morning crowd. Such early birds you all are!

Woke up to a beautiful BEAR laying in the front yard tearing up one of our front feeders for some seed!! Dennis got brave and started leaving the front feeders out at night. Not a good idea!! The windows were closed because it got down into the upper 40's last night, so Riley didn't smell him!

SHAR - Wonderful news about Lori. What a blessing from God. Will say a prayer for Lisa and please tell SISSY we love her and are praying her through this.

KAY - You sound so full of life again!! Yipee!! I am so thrilled you're getting back to feeling so much better. Making plans, grocery shopping, and cooking too?? Awesine!!

LOLLY - Love the story about Joey!

JO - Hoping that your A/C will be fixed today and will keep you in prayer for your CT.

JANET - Happy to hear you're out of your "funk" and feeling back to yourself!

LORI - Love and ((((HUGS)))) to you .....always!

I see SANDI and DANAMO are back in school. Wishing you both a good year ahead with kids that listen!!

MARGY - Early day today!!

ANDY - I've been hearing about those earthquakes. It's really scary thinking of how many are happening over there lately. Stay steady, Gal!! xoxo

HODA - Great idea.........a bright colored raincoat to keep you happy and cheerful in an otherwise dreary situation!!

Wishing each of you a Blessed Day today......

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

A bright-colored raincoat--I remember when I was in college, I liked to have a colorful umbrella to counter the gloomy day. Have I ever mentioned that Greenville, N.C. is known as the "kidneys of the South"?

Well, I had a hot pink umbrella. Regardless of its cheerful color, it got blown inside out as I was going to the cafeteria one evening. I was so frustrated that I dumped it into the trashcan at the entrance. When I got back to the dorm later, all of my friends were laughing because they knew as soon as they entered the cafeteria exactly whose umbrella it was.

I hope your raincoat serves you better than my umbrella served me, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I would be amazed but a bit fearful to find a bear in my yard, Linda. What cool wildlife experiences you have!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Once again having a case of "bear envy"!!! lol All I get in my yard is squirrels, skunks and raccoons (though I never see them). Knock on armadillos this summer! Wahooo!
Over the years we have had horses, goats, and a calf!

A whole lot of early birds this morning! Just love that at least once a day a momster sticks her head in. Now, we just need to get our flowergirl, Megan,to stick her head in occasionally.

Lolly said...

Raincoats and college campuses!!! What memories! At TCU we could NOT wear pants. So, on Saturday morning if you wanted to stay casual to go eat breakfast or go to the PO, you put on a raincoat over your pants or shorts. That was in the 60's. Took some summer courses in the 80's....girls were in very short shorts in class!

Lolly said...

Nothing on the adgenda today, maybe some yard work before it gets too hot. Also, very envious of your cooler temps and sleeping with windows open.

Lolly said...

I think I am approaching my limits on comments. lol Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! It is so good to hear from all of you in the morning. Wishing you a great day I have been informed by my 2 daughters that we are going sight seeing to Chewsville - where I grew up.
Whopy do!

When I return home I will check back in
My AC is fixed to the tune of $30 ! My son's have friends for which I am very thankful!


magpie said...

Good Morning and sounds Good, Jo,
the day you have planned, and the fix on the A/C.

Law Enforcement Community mourning the loss of a WV State Police corporal, and another trooper critically an incident on Clay County, Wednesday evening. The suspect is dead, another officer and one tow tow truck driver injured from gunshot wounds.
You just never know....nothing is really ever "routine."

Prayers for the Families, Friends, Fellow Officers and...
so many others

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning Eagle buds or almost good afternoon eagle buds I shuld say I am all caught up reading

WOW seems like ole times seeing all the name pop up on the blog even with no eagles so glad JO and myself put something on FB to gently nudge you all

SO soory about the AC JO and so happy it was not to bad of an expense cheap so to say to fixit

OH MY ANDY your heat sound unbearable has it always been that hot over the years or is it changing with time??

DANAMO I know you will have some good times with them kinder kids and try to save us a story or two and are you going to work in sometime for your new loves The puppies???

JANET have your dr put you on the hot flash patches they are a more natural and it took a couple of weeks or less to affect me that is Estradiol I was on the large patch to begin with and now on the Dot lots less MG Just got to remember to put on two times a week and I love mine I use my garbage days two times a week easier to remember that way my dr laughed when I said that there is a area on the box you can mark the to days you take as a reminder tooo and sis too remember you also moved from one state to another leaving your friends and that is part of life also Hope you get over the feeling soo Love you sis

SHARON so happy SISSY is doing better did they put in the Pic line as you said I was there when they did my moms was scary I thought

OH LINDA a bear sooo neat need to get someone nose checked LOL

KAY so happy you are feeling almost like you ole self and how about a pic of the do you got done

LOLLY so happy you are armadillos less this year and happy for your garden as well

Kay said...

Hey, look at this. I actually maee it in during morning hours, just by the skin of my teeth ! ☺

Thanks for all the hoorays about my zest for life. It was slow in coming and I still have some recupeing to do, but I'm gettin' there ! I still wear a brace during waking, up and walking hours, but hope that goes away by Sept. 10th when I see the surgeon again. Hoping to bid the pain killers farewell very soon, too.

JUDYE, I have no talent for taking pics and/or putting them on the blog. Justin cut the hair mighty short, but it makes it so easy for me to deal with.

LINDA, a bear in the yard. Yikes ! I'm happy to stick with our deer herd, raccoons, marmots, opposums and birds ! Bears are proliferating in large numbers and inching up from the hills to the south, so it's only a matter of time.

Love reading about all the wildlife in your lives and that means both kinds of wildlife !!!

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

HEY KAY is getting to become of the early bird now Yeah KAY and that's ok about the pic but if I was there I would teach you I can remember the day that I didn't know how to post a pix on FB Tracey at works just reminded me of that and I can remember where I said I don't want and would never use a puter when my sister Connie gave me her she got me hooked LOL

Here is a cool image of the day from NASA

This computer generated montage shows Neptune as it would appear from a spacecraft approaching Triton, Neptune's largest moon. The wind and sublimation eroded south polar cap of Triton is shown at the bottom of the Triton image, a cryovolcanic terrain at the upper right, and the enigmatic "cantaloupe terrain" at the upper left. Voyager 2 flew by Triton and Neptune on Aug. 29, 1989.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

MY delete I copied and pasted the caption under the pic

Kay said...

JUDYE, if you're ever up this way do plan on staying a few days with me. I'd love to have you teach me some computer skills and would also enjoy showing you around our Columbus wetland and parks areas !

SANDI, crudite` is just a French and fancy way to say raw veggie platter ! LOL Tomorrow ours will consist of tomatoes,zuchinni, cukes, broccoli, onions, carrots, cauliflower, and also a couple of kinds of cheese slices. There will be a small bowl of Hidden Valley Spicy Dressing for dipping. Simple and nutritious !

Kay said...

Time for a bite of lunch followed by some time on the ice pack and a quick snooze. I'll get out about 2:30 to pick Seth up (Julie is suffering with a severe headache) and need to stop by the pharmacy for the next months Rx supply.

Thanks for the neat link, JUDYE !

Hope you're all having an Apple Dumpling Dandy Day !!!!!

glo said...

Good afternoon. I am late getting on today and no time to read actually. Busy ties but overall a good day. I hope its going well for all of you.

JudyEddy said...

WOW looked down in my puter tray and its 94 ° feels like 105° Heading out the door be back later this evening

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday Bobbi
Enjoy your special day and have a great year ahead ♥

Mema Jo said...

I had a beautiful afternoon with my 2 daughters as we toured the town where my childhood history is and then to a lunch that had the best dessert that we shared! ♥

Getting ready for family for dinner

I'll check back later!

Mema Jo said...

Still cam - our nest is sorta visible
Of course it is MT
Looks like a jungle!

Hoda said...

Had a wonderful Cranial Sacral treatment. JO it is a process of moving energy and IDing the blocked areas and seeing how the energy moves from the was working well as I had sensations of heat and actual moving in terms of what felt like twitches in the cranial is very relaxing and I needed to drink lots of water after the whole experience. She identified areas where I have blocks and saw how they moved and I agreed with her description of what was happening inside of my skull...brain twitches...unsettling at first and then it was good to feel them move on...
I will wait for a month or so to see how long the effect lasts and what else results from this treatment. My health insurance covers it but I do not want to go without seeing the after effects.

Hoda said...

See you all later.
I am off to yoga.

Sandi said...

Hi all - first week back to school is DONE!! YAY!

Hoda, your cranial sacral treatment sounds very interesting! After this week, I feel like I've had a cranial lobotomy treatment! =)

Kay, you sure are sounding like yourself again!! So great to see you on the blog more often!!

Janet, glad you're getting new skates for Livvy from the rink shop - they will sharpen them for you and don't forget to ask them to heat form them to her feet! Sorry the Prempro wasn't a good fit for you - it has worked wonders for me!!

DanaMo, good to see you back on the blog in the mornings - bet you're exhausted too!

Bev, hope your progress continues and you get out of the hospital soon!

Sharon posted a pic of Andrew on FB so she's gettin' her "son fix!!"

Pizza time, then I'm sure I'll be in bed very early tonight! Woke up at 4:30am when younger son pulled into the driveway (just coming home from his night out) and couldn't get back to sleep - we are currently having some "issues" with Kevin that need to be discussed.

Tennis for me for the next 4 mornings - hope my legs/knees can handle 4 days in a row after all the sitting this week!

Goodnight all!

Lolly said...

Inservice will do that to you, Sandi. My sympathy!!!

Did a lot of work in the yard today, but then it started heating up. They say we are going up to 100 for three days this weekend. Do not like that!

No baseball to watch tonight while knitting. Not sure there is anything to watch.

Mema Jo said...

I had a beautiful afternoon with my 2 daughters as we toured the town where my childhood history is and then to a lunch that had the best dessert that we shared!

Lolly said...

Yesterday I mentioned I knew of two babies that were going to be born. Well, Michael arrived yesterday evening weighing over 9 lbs. Then today, shortly after lunch Rhett arrived weighing just over 6 lbs. I love fb as I have already seen pictures of them. What a blessing to both families, beautiful healthy boys!

Lolly said...

Now going to pick up my knitting. I do enjoy doing it especially while traveling.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds. Didn't have mucvh interesting going on, but have a few hature tidbits! vAt home, I'm really trying to keep an eye on those hummingbirds.They are really sipping away so that I can see the nectar going down.We've had our bad boy that won't let you pick up the camera and a couple females that he chases away.Now we've seen others who are juvie males. They are starting to get spots on their throats where it will be red.I just refilled the bottle and of course bad boy was searching. He went to the lantana.
Other bird story is about the osprey nest at Park. Altho the UStream connection croaked, we can see the nest in the Vis. Ctr.There are still the 2 fledged juvies coming in now and then. I donm't get to see them enough to tell if they are catching their own fish, but they are eating in the nest. TU PM, one juvie was there and all of a sudden adult (I'm pretty sure) came in, dropped a fish and flew away!I doubt if a sibling would act like a parent this early!!
Been watching a lot of TV lately.
Hope everyone like Sissy with ailments is on the mend! ☺

NatureNut said...

P.S. I probably mentioned awhile back about a lovely shrub that had been in my daughter's woods.I was hoping since it's native plant that may be it could be purchased. It has beautiful purple berries in the Fall/Winter. It's called Beautyberry. Well, Sherry found one in the front of the lot! It's under a tree, and survived!!

grannyblt said...

Evening eagle buds. I suppose I should be watching the convention onTV, but I despise politics so I won't watch. So glad the subject is discouraged here.
Went to have my mammo and a bone scan today. My appt. was for 11 and I got there right on time and was finished at 11:12. Ya gotta love small town hospitals.
Hope to go looking for shorebirds tomorrow. I'll check out our local eagle nest to see if any juvies are still hanging around.
SED everyone.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Just checking in. Haven't read back, but you know I have you all in thought and prayer. Will try to catch up tomorrow from work if it's not too busy.....

Lynne2 said...

Hope everyone has clear skies and gets a look at the almost full blue's breathtaking!

Lynne2 said...

I think I'm going to HOWL!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Glad to see Kay, Linda, DanaMo, Lynne2 and Linda!

Kay, sounds like your recovery is finally coming along! Menu sounds great!

Stud's house is back on the market... :( ... Issue was with the well, buyer didn't want it repaired, he wanted a new well dug. No way, said Stud. He is about 80% moved out, so he will just finish that, and market the house empty.

Good news is next weekend Michael, Laura and 2 friends are coming to the beach. The weekend after that, we go to Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg for Sun-Tues (I have to come home Monday night). The weekend after that, hope John, Ajay and kids can come to the beach. John is going to put in the 1/4 round trim in the whole house. Michael and Laura coming down again, too.

Glad Sissy is starting to improve, and that Sharon is gonna get her baby boy hug!

Haven't heard from CarolAnne in awhile!

Made a mess making dinner, gotta go clean up!

magpie said...

Hello and Good Night Everyone.
Working the second of two 12-hour days 0400 - 4 pm, afraid it does not leave too much time to chitty chat.
Expecting a nephew and grand-nephew here at the Big House, sometime or other...guess I might be sleeping when they get here.
From Michigan.

Great Wolf of my dream places to get to, Paula...James has been there once and totally loved it.

Yes, HOWLING here at the moon also, Lynne3, and Hello with Hugs to you !!

magpie said...

oh for goodness sake, make that Lynne 2! sorry..

grannyblt, bravo on the quick check, hope all turns out well, the results...
and oh boy for your birding trip Friday

Jo, sounds like a really fun day for you.

And to everyone else, I am sorry I am a little short on words tonight to comment more, but I am trying to keep up with the Momsters news

magpie said...
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magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Yay on the new babies, Lolly, great news...

Prayers for Wellness and Comfort...
the needs continue, and so do the Prayers....

Good Night, Everyone...

God Bless Us, Every One xoxo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Checking in from Scott Depot while I am sitting here looking at my baby boy and my beautiful daughter-in-law! I am a happy momma!

magpie said...

That's great, Sharon...
Lovin's to all of you there...


magpie said...

RED FRIDAY right around the corner,
God Bless our Military...

Good Night now, Precious Pals...

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Just home from the football game. Have gotten into my pajamas and am sitting in bed. I feel like I played the game. Very tired.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Yepper the moon is worth a good howling! Tomorrow is the
Blue Moon........

Watched a little TV after company left
Alexis is doing very well and loves her teacher!

Paula, your Paradise is getting to be a happy family gathering home.

Mema Jo said...

I don't prefer to watch conventions either..

Good to see you Lynne2

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Had a nice dinner with family and Angie had one of her good friends over also
Bought me some kick butt sandals today three pairs at the thrift store white, brown, and silver Angie loves them
Got Jordyn a tangled wig its two feet long she got a kick out of it Angie may take along on Sat for her mermaid shoot Maybe

Just watch Clint Eastwood he was good

Mema Jo said...

Carol Anne is well - She just finished making me a Vow Renewal book for the kids. We had fun doing it.

JudyEddy said...

I thought the news was on but its not the convention is on every station sort of makes me mad but will read till the news comes on

JudyEddy said...

I put a couple pix of the woodstork from the park today I think they are soooo cool and there are three pix of Jordyn two with her blonde hair tangled 2ft wig on and one at the park a week a so ago if you want to see

Jordyn, Woodstorks, and my new used shoe what a combo

I took pic of my shoes and made a picture of them and put on the blog

Mema Jo said...

I am going to get ready for that Sandman
Everyone take care and get a good night's rest.

God Bless and Keep you all
I LOVE US ♥Lynn♥
Carolyn & Christie ♥♥

stronghunter said...

About to quit for the night.

Hunter did get a small injury at the game tonight. Fingernail ripped. He sat out a little while. Was kind of upset that the coaches just wanted him to go back in, but he went and made some good plays.

Kathryn reminded him that he was needed. Surely do not want him to think he has to play with a serious injury, but glad he went back in this time.

Unfortunately, they got badly beaten. We lost track of the score, but our guys did get one touchdown.

The game was played on a baseball field. Nope, we do not have goalposts. The soccer field we used for the first game was much nicer.

The park was very busy tonight with various activities going on.

I did take some pictures. I will try to share tomorrow.

Rest well, everyone. SED.

Hoda said...

I need to say goodnight.
I am sure I will have a very sound sleep.


Costume Lady said...

Hey...tomorrow is FRIDAY...OH, this is tomorrow, so it is NOW Friday. Next comes the looong holiday weekend. Hope you all have plans to spend time with your families:)

Good night to you all, sweet dreams and prayers headed your way♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Happy to report that I just finished my work for the doctor. Now I can mail it all back to him tomorrow.

We're getting down to the wire--Ken and I are going to Sedona, AZ early Saturday, and we return on Sept. 7th. We get to stay at the Hyatt in Sis-and-Bro-in-law's timeshare there! It was a last minute opening, and we took it. Now I'm feeling guilty because we have to send Emma to puppy camp for a whole week! She has been a total Velcro puppy for the last few weeks. I hope I'll be able to enjoy myself! Sis- and Bro-in-law are going to meet us there. They are only staying for the long weekend, though. We have planned a Pink Jeep Tour to the Grand Canyon with them on Sunday! It's been too long since we've been there, and will be nice to have someone else do the driving. It's an all day trip. I'll be taking the laptop, so will try to keep up with things here. I think we have to pay for internet access there, but we'll see. Gotta have my Momsters blog!!!
We have rented a car, and will be driving to AZ. It's a bit of a journey, but beautiful scenery! We pick up the rental car tomorrow night, and drop Emma off at puppy camp then, too. Leave VERY early on Saturday, to try to beat the heat.
(Thank God, it was a bit cooler here today, with a little less humidity.)
Have started packing, and don't have to take as many outfits, because the timeshare has a washer & dryer--YAY!!! Has a full kitchen, too.

I've read back here, and want you all to know that I'm praying for all the different situations. Just too tired tonight to comment on everything. You are all on my mind and in my heart, though! I LOVE us! Gonna go hit the hay soon. Have said my prayers for everyone, every creature, and all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Wishing you all SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!!!
♥♥Thinking of, and missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning eagle buds! So glad everything seems to be going well for all. AND we head into a three day weekend today! !!!

No special plans here, but SANDI I'm glad you get to play a lot of tennis!

KAY, I just get smiles and so happy hearing that you're doing so well and back with us more often. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

SHARON, I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking. Had the Nurse Prac. from hell yesterday at pre sppointment for scope. MTBR if I can stand to relive it!

Have a great trip ANDY!!!

Okay, running behind again, and have to get gas this morning before I head in, so I'd better head to the shower. Best wishes for a joyful day for everyone!

magpie said...

Well, Gooood Red Friday Morning, Eagle Pals...

oh go outside if it's still dark, well not very dark with that nearly FULL BLUE Moon out, but, check in the East....
Jupiter about halfway up in the sky
and Venus working its way up also


Google, great image today, for Maria Montessori's 142nd Birthday

xoxo (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

"didn't even hardly need to use headlights" on the way to work this morning...

and who is here when I get here ??
Jewels !!!
covering half a shift for a call-out...
great to see her, but, well, I would rather she would have been home sleeping ♥

magpie said...

oh, going to the gas$ pump$ i$ $sooooo much more expen$ive the$e day$s..

Lori, I had to miss be-bopping to your tunes and voice this morning...but I did hear some good music ♪ ♫
xo (( Friday Hugs !!! ))

magpie said...

Oh wow Andy!

I am so excited for about your triop ! And you got all your doctor's reports done,
Sail Away

Emma will be fine, but be sure to bring here a treat !!

magpie said...

Guess I better earn my keep for awhile....and get the dough-making

Hope to SEE YOU Precious Pals through the day

xoxoxox ☺ ♥

God Bless Our Military, Each and EVERY Day

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning Lori, Margy, and all my eagle friends!! Lots to do before tennis at 8, but I check in later! Have a good one!

T-Bird said...

I love watching the six in the morning light.

magpie said...

Good Morning T-Bird...

Oh, this seems to be the best time to be checking our nest also...
I want to see an eagle, or two, or three or even four !!!

magpie said...

Love the thought, T..
what six is that...
I'm thinking but it's kind of early for my brain yet ☺

magpie said...

I don't see any Eagles but I sure do see a lot of "Leaf Birds"

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Gosh I couldn't sleep much last night so argh gonna be tired today. Hope everyone is doing well. Only one real holiday weekend plan all though there is tons going on where I live for folks to do. Monday a special little shiht'zu is coming for his 8 weeks photo. I am aexcited about that. HAGD everyone.

Costume Lady said...

THELMA, I too, would like to know what SIX you are looking at?:)

Morning,Margy...been missing you.
Seems my days are filled with so much to do from morning til night. Can hardly find time to say hello and good night to my friends on here.

GG is needing a lot of extra help these days and I sure am trying to do all that I can to make life as good and interesting for her as I can. Her breathing is very bad and asks me if I will as the doctor to give her something to make her breath easier...NOTHING:(

Managed to mow some grass yesterday and make a butterfly puddler...put it on my deck and anxious to see if any winged beauties come to it. I will sit with my camera this evening while Capt Gene grills and be ready for a photo oppertunity:)

Have a wonderful day♥

Costume Lady said...


magpie said...

Wanda Wanda Wanda....I have been mnissing you too, have a tote bag with some shoes....for Clothes Closet, two cool pair of teen sneaks, and two other things...
and have some hoodies, and such, need to try to get them to you for THIS upcoming Soup Kitchen...

(( Hugs on your Lovin's to GG all the time ))


magpie said...

new word


sure wish everyone here too, and am so sorry I can't be more sociable and polite

company at The Big neat to have an 8 year old (my grand-nephew)
come on in at 10:45 last night with his Dad....a little time for just the boys only ...
Nephew brought in a large quantity of Michigan Produce...oh yum !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Out to mow, will check back later!

Have a great Friday!

Linda said...

Good Morning to all!

Wow is right! The Sedona, AZ trip sounds wonderful, ANDY!! Hope it is every bit as great as it sounds. I think we all understand how you feel leaving Emma at camp, but she will be well cared for!

Think of how neat it would be if we all lived close enough to each other to help each other out with those sorts of things......and so many others!! We're all pet lovers, so any of us would be more than happy to take in another furever friend for a time while one of our own went on a trip or vacation!!

Think of the fun we would have, too!! :)

Linda said...

SHAR - Happy to hear you're with your son and daughter-in-law for this long weekend!! Hope it is a fun one!

LORI - So sorry to hear of your appointment from Hell yesterday. Love and ((((( HUGS ))))) to you. Shouldn't be that way. That whole procedure should be peaceful and painless, so please don't worry. You'll be in twilight sleep before anything ever happens.......xoxo

WANDA My heart breaks to hear GG is suffering with her breathing. It must be awful. I know it is difficult for you, too, trying to do whatever you can to make her feel better. ((((( HUGS ))))) to you both.

T-Bird said...

The six are the live cam of puppies. I guess I thought my eagle peeps were watching it too. You know what they about assuming, oops.
Beverly is doing better and getting out of the hospital today.

Linda said...

Guess I should change my Avatar as my male rose-breasted grossbeaks are changing and will soon be gone for the winter..... :(

Amazing to watch that transformation. What an awesome God!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sis update - she is getting out of the hospital today. Now she has thrush from the antibiotics and they are having to treat that but she is feeling quite a bit better. Thanks for the prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Friends! lol Thelma, I also check out the sensational six first thing in the morning and also last thing at night. They were all sleeping in separate pens last evening. One of them was ready to dig out of there!
Well the CT is for today and I won't know results until 9/6. I pray for the best picture yet!
Andy enjoy your trip - remember that you will probably miss Emma more then she will miss you until she sees you!
Enjoy your tennis, Sandi.
Sharon should be in heaven being with her son!
Everyone have a sunny day with smiles.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Linda! Hoping you are having a good day - your being here helps make us all very happy. ♥

magpie said...

Oh let's wish some yogurt upon Sissy....
Welcome Home in advance, Bev-sissy

okay the six...T-Bird...I was thinking sunrise at six, then I was going to count how many bloggers we had on at six, but puppies on a cam sounds more fun !

Good Morning More Eagle Pals..

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle peeps ANDY a vacations sounds fun and I am sure you will take lots of pictures to share with us AZ is beautiful and it is rough on animals too but she will be fine I'm sure

WANDA So sorry to hear that GG is having breathing issues

I only pop in on occasion on the fabulous 6

We saw the eagle at the park yesterday on the tower not at the park but over a block I take my binoculars now and again 4 parents were unaware of the eagle that live there I don't think people look up anymore of appreciate the wild life around I love it there the Wood storks yesterday were soooo funny walking around with their beautiful black and white wings outstretched like they were drying them or cooling themselves not for sure which but I have it on video so cute
on my Misc Blog I posted it also on the Greatbackyard bird count

SHARON so happy BEV is getting out and wonderful she is down 35lbs but bad way to do it

MARGY the moon here was soooooo pretty last nite can't wait to see it tonight toooo will attempt a pix I want to buy another camera This one is being a PIA push the button to take a pix and it freezes up and I have something on the inside of the lens to On the video of the Woodstork you can see it on the right I did tap the camera after the video and it seemed to drop down How does something get in there in the first place It would cost more to get it checked out than another camera I think

Yesterday when I picke up Jordyn I walked in signed the book and she was dancing with her teacher with a drum stick and a zylophone and didn't know I was there I wanted to get a video I started it and with in 8 sec she saw me Yelled OMA and ran to put the equipment up so my video is only 15sec long will try again today She looks like she has such fun in her new class

JudyEddy said...

NICE the NASA image of the day is cool here it is if you want to view it I love having a daily pix to see some are great and when they are I will bring them over
A giant of a moon appears before a giant of a planet undergoing seasonal changes in this natural color view of Titan and Saturn from NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, measures 3,200 miles, or 5,150 kilometers, across and is larger than the planet Mercury. Cassini scientists have been watching the moon's south pole since a vortex appeared in its atmosphere in 2012. See PIA14919 and PIA14920 to learn more about this mass of swirling gas around the pole in the atmosphere of the moon.

JudyEddy said...

long title but I copy and paste part of what they send to me and what is under the pix

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Suzanne is on FB now - I just spotted her! She must be down at the Library on their PC. I'll let you all know if she comments ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I sould go do something Not having Jordyn all day still sucks I guess I will get over it one day
So cute when i pick her up I ask here where she wants to go and its always the same Freedom Park I give her a choice of two parks or Oma house to play and she picks the park I am so glad of that even though its 105 with heat index I know she will sleep well for Angie later She gets so red in the face I freeze a water bottle for her too have to drink

JO I don't think I have meet Suzanne

Mema Jo said...

No you haven't - Suz was always our morning person as she worked government job and reported early early morning. Suz is now retired - she is our best cat caretaker!

Judy you need to find one older loving cat to keep you company! ♥

JudyEddy said...

Headin out for a bit I just saw the nest so clear on the still cam and then it went to hell LOL put a pix on FB and on the View now they said The Closer is going off the air for good I loved that show

Mema Jo said...

Judy, Major Crimes is taking its place. It has most of the cast - except the closer herself. I am enjoying it.

Judy, I sometimes get a good pic of the nest but as soon as I mention it on here or FB it goes kaput!

Going to eat a little lunch and then out the door I go
C U This afternoon sometime ♥

Janet said...

Good afternoon from va beach! Thinking of you all. Drove by botanical gardens where the eagles are last night. Its right by the airpott.

Going to the beach in a few. Bringing each of you with me I heart and thought

Janet said...

Good afternoon from va beach! Thinking of you all. Drove by botanical gardens where the eagles are last night. Its right by the airpott.

Going to the beach in a few. Bringing each of you with me I heart and thought

Lolly said...

In from yard work and cleaned up. It really exhausted me today. I think the humidity is up and that is why. Usually, after mowing, edging and blowing, I will stay out a little longer, but not today. I had to rest before I showered!!

Lolly said...

Love the sound of your trip, Andy. As you look down into the Grand Canyon, think of Jack white water rafting way down there last summer. Exactly a year ago! Had to laugh at your saying it is quite a trip! Just think of us driving to California or heading to Canada soon. Now, those are long trips!!

Yes, it would be fun to be able to keep each other's pets. However, no one would want to keep Annie. She is old and set in her ways and she is definitely on a two person cat. Joseph did make ground with her a little when they were here. He actually picked her up!

JudyEddy said...

Back from some retail therapy Got the identical outfit for Jordyn it was half of what I paid last week last week 749 and I got it for 374 this week Its a cheerleader dress up outfit with a matching Barbie dress so cute so now when one of her friends come over they have matching outfits to wear and lucky the puters didn't crash this time like last time Had lunch at Tellys talked with Terry a long time waitress that has worked there since I went there when Zayres was there I am gonna make it a weekly habit just so we can talk was really nice and she's not that busy can talk while she works She wants me to find out if Walmart is going in where Kmart is closing she heard that rumor

JudyEddy said...

the still cam is really really bad now

I had to pick up another light strip was gonna by a 18" replacement bulb for it burned out but when I saw the replacement bulb was 888 and the new strip was only 797 I was smart and bought the new strip The light that I keep in my overhang burned out and I don't want the possums moving back in like they tend to do when there is no light

magpie said...

yes but every once in awhile you'll get a 30 second glimpse of glory !

gotta go 'bye
12-hours is complete...

ttfn xoxox

Have a good evening, all....

JudyEddy said...

Like right now cool shadows on the nest

JudyEddy said...

and gone that fast

JudyEddy said...

this pic has cool shadows playing in the nest

Lolly said...

Grilling Salmon and baking potatoes for dinner.

Tomorrow we are going to Dallas for the afternoon and dinner. Whole family is getting together at Michael and Ashley's. ☺

Mema Jo said...

I am home from my afternoon running - It is One Hot Hot day out there. Guess we're up to 97 ♥ Grilled cheese for dinner! Old Friday tradition in this family.

Don't forget to turn your calendar tomorrow as September is upon us!

Going to watch some tv and will return this evening........ ♥

magpie said...

I love turning the calendar pages over.....I have quite a few, at both Roosts...

Nice sunset skies, waiting on the Moonrise....

Best wishes for a nice Friday evening....


magpie said...

got my vehicle registration renewal card just in the nick of time...
Thank you USPS !
And WV DMV....

Hoda said...

I have not read back yet.
Good evening everyone...hope all are well.
I had a terrific day at Kokanee Park where I saw the salmon run and had a good hike and then went on to Kaslo for lunch at the golf club, my friend wanted to eat there,the people who own the restaurant are her friends.
It was a coolish kind of a day but a very pleasant day. I saw two wonderful eagles displayed in a galary in Kaslo and took their pictures for you...I will post them on my blog in a little while. The salmon pictures too I will post. I am very pleased with my day and it is a good start for the long weekend.

Stay safe everyone.

Hoda said...

Oh dear!!! I can not download the whole album I have to do one picture at a time...this will take a while then??? Don't hold your breath...LOL!!! The pictures are on FB

Hoda said...

After all this time it is on 4/15 I think a cup of tea is needed here and I will stay away from the computer so that I do not call it slow and then it will get all miffed!!!

magpie said...

I kind of have had a feeling that was going to post twice...
the Moon is THAT spectacular


magpie said...

Well what am I talking about...
it posted twice then not at all...

The Full Blue Moon is up in all its splendor....

It's coming your way in a few hours, Hoda...
I hope your skies are clear...

They are perfectly clear here...
then I plagiarized Jo's great expression:


Hoda said...

Now it froze so I start all over again...did I have the intention to be patient today??? I think so...

Hoda said...

WOWSER!!! Is right...I saw it last night and again this really was full at 7:35 AM here...I will look for it when it gets dark however MARGY...thanks for the encouragement to go out there and see it. MEGAN had a picture on her FB page it is great.

Hoda said...

Well I heard sad news today. They destroyed another bear in Fairview where I live. This is another black bear and it was 3 to 4 years that is the second bear in this area of Nelson in two weeks!!! SAD SAD SAD.
Earlier the summer they destroyed a Grizzly bear in Nelson...not a good year for bears here...

I told LOLLY that 220 Texans left El Paso Texas this morning on Motorcycles and they are headed to Nelson and should be here by Monday!!! I feel the town will never again be the same...LOL!!! They booked into the fanciest hotel in town and I can not imagine what the sound of 220 motorcycles will be like...I dare not think of the partying 220 Texans will do...There is a car show here on this why they are coming? Somehow I do not think so!!!LOL

Hoda said...

Sorry it froze again and I can not bring the photos over to my blog...I did try though...

Hoda said...

OK I never in my life liked giving up!!! So it is the case tonight too!! I managed to download five pictures and they are on my blog. Sorry I did not have the patience for all fifteen of them but you can get an idea as to the day.

Here is a link from CFUW The Canadian Federation Of University Women. If you scroll down you will see the interview about me. It is an article as they deleted the questions and made it into paragraph form. It says about my life...don't fall off to sleep anyone!!! LOL!!!
My life Story on CFUW Bulletin

Linda said...

HODA - Good On You!! You really did a great job of telling of your life.

Hoda the Amazing!!

Hoda said...

Glad you did not fall off to sleep LINDA!!! Thank you...

Hoda said...

LINDA posted twice today!!! WOWSER is right...good to see you LINDA it is such a terrific thing and we miss you much when you are absent.

Lolly said...

Linda and Hoda, you both had fantastic pictures on fb.

And, speaking about bears, my nephew put on fb that two black bears had been seen at Falcon Lake in far south Texas. That is amazing!

Have been watching the ball game and knitting. Think I am going to read for a while.

JudyEddy said...

HODA sometimes its easy to the blog pictures if you down size them What I do is I make a email with the pic I want choose med to small when it comes up on email I type something in but don't email I save as a draft and from the draft I download those in my puter the smaller megapixels its easier to upload to the blog I find so try that some time also face book

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from Angies and I noticed one of my shows is on the red lite is on the recorder BONES so I need to go get a shower and watch it had a nice evening with the fam as always and I got the disc from Angie of Jordyn photo shoot when she was at dance she just picked it up herself I can't wait till tomorrow pix of the Mermaid sitting its at 9 in the morning in Tarpon Springs so Angie has to get up early on her day off bummer but will be worth it And the moon is beautiful here also

JudyEddy said...

Love the article HODA you look super in it as always

Mema Jo said...

I just lost my comment - trying again

Linda said...

Thanks LOLLY!! I was thinking of you when posting my bear pics!!

Posted bear pictures to my Blog, too. I just don't remember how to do the link!!

Linda said...

Jo - You made me smile this morning with your "happy" comment!! Thanks!!

NatureNut said...

Well I certainly came on at the right time! Got to read Hoda's story! I must also echo, "Good on You!" Very interesting and I'm sure there are many more chapters! ☺

Is someone going to the Grand Canyon????? I've been wanting to go there since high school.Did a term paper on it and my uncle who lived in CA sent me a few Indian items from there!!! (you didn't read this, but I mentioned a trip to GC around here and was told, "who wants to go see a hole in the ground?")

Got call from daughter in TX and will have to say kitty prayers.Her beautiful, sweet gray longhair, Merry, is very sick, has a lemon size lump inside & hopefully they can do surgery tomorrow. She needed IV to even do a blood test.She will be 8 yrs. old tomorrow, so no one really knows what the problem is. It's always something.

Linda said...

Oh, Loweeda! So sorry about Merry. Hope the lump isn't anything really serious. It is so hard when our critters get sick.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - love your salmon pictures
Linda - love your bear pictures
Megan - love your moon pics on FB

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Merry the kitty. I love all furry creatures.

Loretta - Andy, CA, and her hubby are traveling to the Grand Canyon.
Lucky ducks! Andy is just really concerned about Emma going to the kennel

Hoda said...

OH NO!!! Prayers for MERRY and her MOMMA LOWEEDA!

Linda I have to go to your blog to check out the bear pictures...bbl

Mema Jo said...

Linda, I love it when I can make people smile - especially to start their day! ♥

Hoda said...

LINDA!!! That is one CLOSE bear...I had read the story but only understood how close is close with the pictures...close enough to throw a rock??? he looked pretty relaxed lying there on the lawn...Thank You...

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE about the advice to make the pictures smaller...I will try for next time...

Linda said...

HODA - They always come that close because they come for our bird feeders that are either in the front walkway or on the back deck.

We get REALLY CLOSE encounters! Sometimes too close! My first encounter was face to face through our screen door without realizing it. I was probably 3' from him!!

Fortunately the ones that have come to our back yard have not AT ALL been aggressive. We don't take that for granted, but it is neat to be able to get some good photos!

Linda said...

Jo - You are so kind and ever so thoughtful!!

It's nice to have a little time to be here with my friends!!

NatureNut said...

Sad about the black bears which are pretty much a gentle breed according to Dr. Rogers.
Linda, bears in PA. I know they like mountains and are in W. MD. Never seen one.
Gonna check the pics.
BTW, pictures can be made smaller be "Resizing" them. Almost every photo program has a Resize Option.
Sometimes it might be in a program that came with your computer. You can double-click your picture and see where it goes.Where the top toolbar in program is, check Image & that's where Resize usually is. If you don't have anything, there's a Super, Free program called Pinta. Just Google & download.

Hoda said...

Thanks LORETTA, pictures...I will investigate...

Linda said...

Well, Dear Friends, it is time for me to head upstairs!!

My eyelids are getting heavy!!

Wishing you all restful sleep! Prayers for Merry and prayers for wellness for all.

Night xoxo

Hoda said...

Thanks for being here LINDA...SED

NatureNut said...

Thanks all for thinking of Merry. She is our Grandkitty who came up for Xmas w/her folks! ☺

In case I konk out, LOL, to all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for Good Health for ALL ;>)

Lolly said...

Andy is heading to Arizona in the morning! They are going to have a great week.

Hoda, really a great article. Proud to know you!

Loretta, so very sorry about Merry. Will say kitty prayers!

magpie said...

Good Night,Everybody
Sleep Tight...
God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

Oh, a SPLIT is approaching...

Lolly said...

Nite Margy! (((hugs)))

JudyEddy said...

So sorry for the Merry the kitty hope she get better still haven't gotten the shower been out side looking at the moon

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."



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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...