Wednesday, August 29, 2012


New thread.


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Costume Lady said..., after Jayden put a sand bucket on his head and called it a 'helmet', then tackled Brantley and ran for a touchdown!
GG turned in early then got back up to tell everyone goodnight. She tries so hard to be a good hostess!

Good night to each of you, sending my prayers and love♥

Mema Jo said...

Before you go to bed
Change your calendars

Mema Jo said...

Good Night to all & God Bless you
Prayers for all in need


Miss Lynn♥

Lolly said...

Just took a look at that blue moon! Yep, it is big, shiney, and beautiful, shining down on all the momsters!♥

stronghunter said...

Have to check in so I can check out this evening.

Please rest well, everyone.

We will be going to Lexington, VA, tomorrow for Heidi's wedding. Will take my laptop.

Hoda said...

Goodnight all...

I feel honoured to be part of our group. Love and Light to all.


stronghunter said...


Couldn't sleep and decided to check my mail. My brother had sent an interesting video he got from a friend who obviously has a cam set up outdoors. It is in Laporte, Colorado, just south of the Poudre River. He said she had a mountain lion once before.

I posted it on my blog.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Jumping in here really quickly to let you know I'm still around! Just about ready to try to sleep a bit. Ken went to bed quite a long time ago, but hasn't been able to get much sleep. He's like a kid on Christmas Eve!! Emma's at the puppy camp already--I think she will be fine. She has deluxe accommodations--an indoor room, with a doggy door to a big dog run!
One of the girls there got along GREAT with her last time, and she's going to spoil her for me.
She likes to sit down so Emma can cuddle up! They will take it easy on the exercise with the sticky hot weather, and she will get a bath next Saturday morning! I think Ken and I are going to come home next Friday, so we have 2 full days to recover before Ken has to go back to work. Well, gotta pack up the laptop. Will say goodnight now. Have been saying prayers for all situations. Great that Bev is home!!! Thank God! The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled.
Sleep tight, with SED. God bless, and goodnight--or is it good morning?! I love all of you!!!
♥♥Missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥As always, thinking of Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!!!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Andy,

Good to see your post. I am not sleeping much, either. We will be staying overnight at a Howard Johnson's in Lexington tonight. Just an overnighter with Kathryn, Susan, and Hunter to attend Heidi's wedding.

stronghunter said...

Cute Jayden story, Wanda!

Lori O. said...

It's so great to see so many friends on the blog!

Good morning everyone - happy Saturday and long holiday weekend!

LORETTA prayers for Merry kitty that she gets surgery today and will heal quickly.

HODA, I loved the article about you. What an interesting life you had even before Nelson! Didn't realize you had come here as a scholarship student. The USA loves you! Oh, I enjoyed the salmon pics, too. Very pretty!

SHIRLEY, hope you got some rest! Have a great time at the wedding.

LINDA, loved your bear pics. WOW! Nature like that right in your front yard!

ANDY, have a great trip and take lots of pics!

WANDA, cute story about Jayden and the football bucket helmet. :)

MARGY, are you working all weekend? Remember it's an all 80's weekend on the station, so you should bee-bop on over! Love the 80's!

JUDYE, how are you liking your new schedule? Feel weird?

JO, thanks for the calendar reminder. Can't believe it's SEPTEMBER! Christmas and snow will be here before you know it, but that also means our eagles will be back, too, working on their nest!

Lori O. said...

The only plan, and it's not a firm one, I have for this weekend, is to go look at motorhomes and trailers! Just think it would be fun to see what's out there and dream of a retirement like LOLLY! Or an Eagle Express like WANDA and Capt. Gene!

Lori O. said...

Think I'm just really excited about going camping with my parents to the reunion later this month! I really can't wait!

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!!

Hoda, thanks for sharing the article about your life! I love learning more about the folks I blog with.

Andy, have a safe and enjoyable trip to the Grand Canyon! As my younger son Kevin says, "Pictures or it didn't happen!!"

Linda, GREAT pics of your yard visitor! WOW!!

Loretta, prayers for grandkitty!

Found out yesterday that Brian and Lyniis will be home from Africa on December 11th! Lynnis will stay in the states for good; Brian will go back in January for about a month to train his replacement, then come back home to the states.

Tennis club board meeting at 8 followed by our annual membership meeting and then tennis after that, so I'm off and running! Beaching it this afternoon - hopes it's as beautiful as yesterday was!

Have a great day all!

CarolAnne said...

Morning everyone, HAPPY SEPTEMBER! First day of meterological fall (not calendar fall for awhile yet).

Summer is great, but I do love Fall/Autumn with its fresh, crisp air & beautiful colors.

Have been following all illnesses amongst us, including furbabies with extra prayers, rejoicing in the healing of those that have been not so well, and enjoying the travels, both long & short, of the travelers.

Though not here regularly I keep you all on my mind and in my heart.

Have stuck with email correspondence. Any more than that and I get sucked into the internet and surface much later than expected. lol

Hope to finish many projects this weekend: reworking pond, replacing deck boards, redoing pantry and moving freezer from basement to pantry - all have been started, now need to finish.

Take care - enjoy your holiday weekend & beyond!

Lori O. said...

CAROLANNE, please take and post pictures of your pond! I love ponds and would love to see yours!

CarolAnne said...

LORI - will gather some together & post. Will wait until we finish with the transformation & get a few more.

Lori O. said...

Great - can't wait to see them, CA!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds Yeah today is a short day The only reason is we were suppose to get a day off because the new boss doesn't like people to get more that 40hrs but instead of day off they are having me work 4 and a half Hey I like the extra money and will be nice a half day
LORI right now I do like the schedule if its not all 10-7 like it is this week I just don't like having to look daily to see what time I have to be there 8 9 or 10 I only have one 10 day this week I don't like getting home at 720 feels like the day is gone

We have our first case of West Nile in the area Scary

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY loved the Bear video Bright shiney eyes at nite Looked funny at first the tree had legs and looks like she got the apple LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH OH HOW PRETTY this one is and the name is appropriate for it SUPER BUBBLE I love it

Super Bubble Image of the day from Nasa

JudyEddy said...

Well its time for me to go to work

they just had on the news the last RNC had over 800 arrest and ours totaled only 2 arrest
They attribute it to having over 200 bicycle police and horse police besides the one on foot tooo

Lori O. said...

Hope you have a great day at work, JUDYE!

Linda said...

Good Morning!

CAROLANNE - Nice to see you, too! I totally understand what you mean about getting sucked into the internet!! I have to be careful or half my day passes and I've got nothing to show for it!!

I do love starting my day HERE with my dear friends!!

Off to do some morning reading!!

Wishing everyone a pleasant day today! xoxo

Lori O. said...

LINDA, GREAT to see you this morning. Enjoy your reading and have a spectacular day!

Linda said...

LORI - That sounds SO FUN to get an RV or camper and travel that way.

We have friends here that go to Assateaque in MD on the beach with the wild horses and camp every summer. It sounds beautiful.............except when the horses get into their coolers and steal their food! LOL

Linda said...

Thanks, LORI!

I love hearing about Jack and Lolly's camping trips, too. People in campgrounds seem so friendly, too!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Love looking at RV's, Lori. Would be fun to have one, but I am not sure I could drive it. Maybe a small one.

Hi CA! Good to see you back on here.

stronghunter said...

We had a camper back when the children were young. We used it to hide Christmas gifts. Thought it was a wonderful secret. Little did we know . . .

Found out later that when we left the big kids in charge of the little kids to go shopping, they headed straight out there to check out the goodies.

Campgrounds are very friendly places. We used to get teased because we had a Shasta camper with wings on the back. People wanted to know if we flew in.

They used to get the mattresses and use them as sleds to slide down the stairs. They said that they once propped open the front storm door and slid all the way into the yard.

I must say those mattresses must have been well-made. Just glad we had no broken bones from those experiences.

It seems that even the poor dog endured those sliding trips down the stairs.

stronghunter said...

Sorry, that previous post is a bit confusing. I did too much pasting of paragraphs in the middle.

Lolly said...

Yes, they are!!

Good morning fine friends of fur and feather! I am so ready to pack up and head out! Our trailer is small but Jack and I love it! It would be nice to have an RV motorhome however, we do not see investing that much in something we use twice a year for short trips. My sister, Sharon and her dubby, Dan left in their RV a week ago and will not be home until November!! We are NOT going to be doing that! We are quite happy for 4 weeks in our little trailer.

Dan and Sharon have left the Houston area and are in Indiana for a national rv rally. Then they are headed to Williamsburg as they have never been there. After that they are headed to New York where their granddaughter plays college volleyball. It is her senior year. They also plan to go into Canada. Nice long trip! Oh, and their dog travels with them.

Lolly said...

I must say our trailer is paid for and our car almost is paid for. Their RV is not! We see a new trailer in our future next May. Our trailer still looks great but by then we will have had it 13 years, time for a new one. We look for a light weight trailer, one our Expedition can pull.

Lolly said...

Going to the RV shows this winter will be fun! Do not like going to them unless I really am in the market. Do not want to see something I want when I do not plan to buy.

stronghunter said...

We decided on a trailer because we did not want to need to take the whole thing every time we took short trips from the campground. We did lots of short weekend trips to nearby places, and it worked well for us.

When we went to Canada, we rented a big motorhome. That was really nice for traveling with kids. We took the dog along, too.

The motorhome went right through Manhattan on that trip. That was a bit challenging.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

September 1st, where has the time gone?

Lolly said...

Shirley, another reason not to have a motor home is I am not sure we could park it in our driveway for loading. We have a down hill slant to our drive. To get the trailer level Jack has to raise the tongue end up way high. Then getting it into the drive would be a problem too, as there are big ditches on both sides at the end of the drive and a bigger ditch just across the road. No big turns allowed!! Laurel had a boyfriend, who drove a BIG pickup, end up in the ditch. Poor boy...such an embarrassment!

Lolly said...

Morning, Thelma!!! Yes, August is gone!!!! Hallelujah! I hate August!!!!

Lolly said...

Heading out to water pots.

Later, Gators!

glo said...

Well Shirley I watched you video and tried to post my comment 3 times. I give up on that word thingy but my comment was "An apple or "few" a day, keeps the Dr away. Great video. :-)

Mema Jo said...

Good September Morn! I love reading all about everyone's events for their day or about the trips coming up!
Andy I am so glad you are at peace leaving Emma - sounds as though she will get excellent care! Safe Journey and like Sandy said "We'll believe it when we see those pictures" Same for you, Lolly and Jack!
The sensational 6 News..........
2 pups are leaving today to start their healing journey/training...and ceremony is being video'

Mema Jo said...

Holly is with them now in their pen! I think maybe the foster parents are going to be there also. This is my
Cam Fix for now.

glo said...

Wishing all of you a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend. It's raining "again" here. Which is good as the ground is cracked dry but its way too late for the crops. Got 2 photo shoots this weekend :-) I like that. Both are babies one a human "lol" and the other a puppy.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Shirley - I best watch out at the apple tree in my next door neighbor's yard! That was an excellent video - He really shook those apples down and I loved his glowing eyes!
I hope Heidi's wedding is beautiful!
You best get some beauty sleep! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Abby & Lucy are leaving...... :(

They have graduated :)

Mema Jo said...

Now they are saying Ruby & Lucy
Leaving at 1:00 -
Boy this is like watching a first fledge

Mema Jo said...

Almost 1:00 and the puppy cam is up/running..... Soon for 2 puppies to leave.........

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break! BBL

Lolly said...

In from watering and it is already up to 91. Groan........

Meant to say, Shirley, I loved the video. At first I thought I was seeing headlights and then realized it was the bears eyes! Really neat!

T-Bird said...

Do you have any idea why the puppy cam is only showing the people? Don't they realize we need our last fix!

T-Bird said...

Hey-I must be all powerful Jo. They are now showing the remaining pups. ; ))

Lolly said...

We are off for Dallas soon! See ya!

Hoda said...

Thank you.

Good afternoon all.

Glad Ruby and Luch are with training homes. I wish them well and I hope they help the ones who will provide them with homes later on.

I would like to see the pictures too C/A

Keep us posted on RV and Trailers LORI and LOLLY...There is a lot out there judging by what I see arrive to Nelson.

WOW!!! Jacket weather this morning...down right nippy and there was a fair chop on the lake...we still took the Dragon Boat out and we had a good paddle. The God's of the Autumn are certainly making themselves known...SHHHHHHHHHHHHH Jo it was almost time for socks I felt when we were out...felt better on the sandy beach was warming up...I got invited to join the conditioning team next year and I think I will do so...We will train together in various physical fitness classes this winter...I will see what is offered and make some choices.I like THe Dragon Team...

Mema Jo said...

Thelma - they did span the cam out as those were leaving. Holly is there now watching the 4 puppies.

I am off to Mass


JudyEddy said...

Slo day on the blog I see everyone out enjoying their Sat off
Angie said Jordyn did good at the mermaid photo shoot and she probably took about 60 pix I can't wait to see them Angie said the lady is asking 200.00 for a disc of the shooting I told Angie I thought that was a little high that I would wait to look at the pic she charges 2.99 per 3.5x5 print that is the least expensive one prices go up from there Carl went with them Its a good thing to cause she need carried in the mermaid tail from area to area I will have to do some serious thinking before I put 200 in to a disc to get all the poses JMHO

Mema Jo said...

Home from Mass and a dinner of a chef salad. Nothing much on TV so I may be at the computer this evening.

Lolly has a new picture of all 3 gs.
They are all good looking your men

BBL - towards bedtime

T-Bird said...

I'm here JudyE. I think the price for the disc is really over the top. I forget how much the photographer charged Andrew and Kelsey for their wedding. It was really, really over the top.

T-Bird said...

Mema Jo the pups look pooped. They have really been playing this evening. I miss the other two.

JudyEddy said...

Hey THELMA thanks for the input I also thinks a little high She is new in the business tooo

GLO maybe she can add something being she also does photography

and I asked Angie what should she do with 60 pictures We can pic out a few and go from there and I wanted to ask if she was gonna as the other grand parents to chip in LOL since I am sure they will get pic to I just can't see paying that for a disc and then you would have to print them the cost of paper if you bought 60 of the 299 prints that would be 180 we will see I told Angie to wait and see how they turn out I just don't see getting all 60

JudyEddy said...

I sure wish I lived close to go see the puppies like Danamo did they are sooo stinkin cute

JudyEddy said...

well I need to go get a quick shower and get my butt in bed earlier tonight I was so sleepy this am 8-5 tomorrow BBIALW

JudyEddy said...

WOW the moon is prettier tonight than last night looks bigger

Lynne2 said...

popping in quickly to say


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all

Finally home from work, and had to make a couple of stops on the way home. Had some showers/storms here at home this afternoon, but none at work.

I snapped a nest pic from about 11:30 this morning, nest was still MT. Put it in the album.

Grabbing some chow, will try and catch up while I'm eating.

Linda said...

Hoping it was a good day for all!

It's time for the news and then off to bed for us!

((((( HUGS ))))) and prayers for each of YOU!!


paula eagleholic said...

Went to the Pub in Gettysburg last night to eat with some friends...saw some people photographing the blue moon rising over the battlefields...pretty scene.

Sure wish I had time to watch the puppy cam..ya'll know how much I love goldens ♥

Andy, have a wonderful trip! Emma will still be happy to see you when you get back!

Linda, that is funny about the horses raiding the campers' coolers in Assateague! It's not too far from me, but not sure I'm going to make it there this year.

CA/ sounds like some good projects, bet things will look spiffy when you are done!

Hope you have fun at the wedding, Shirley!

Lowreeda, hope Merry is OK

Bet Lolly is having a good time in Dallas!

Janet, have a wonderful time in VA Beach!

Linda and Hoda, wonderful pics!Shirley, cool bear video!

magpie said...

Well, Hellooooooooo and close to saying Goooooooood Night, Eagle Pals

xo got some pretty good rain hereabouts today...

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

I saw the picture of the floods in WVA I hope none of you are involved Berkeley Springs has pic on FB

Mema Jo said...

Those pics of the flooding were devastating to say the least. I had no idea that Berkley Springs got it that badly.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - 2 of the pups have headed out today to their foster homes for training. Tonight the remaining 4 are sleeping in 3 crates - the room is
darkened and all seems to be quiet.

We had no storm here this evening

Mema Jo said...

Well it is Sept 2 already!
I am off to bed
Praying that everyone had a good day and that you are looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.


Love Lynn ♥

NatureNut said...

Hello and Good Night!!
Well, we got rain and the electric went out for 2 1/2 hours! I ate the tail end of the ice cream as I figured it was going to melt anyway!
Everyone is probably snoozing.
Sherry called this AM and unfortunately Merry's lemon-sized mass was lymphoma & was through the system--no cure. They opted to put her to sleep. She could have been medicated and kept around for about 6 months, but they didn't want her to feel bad for so long. The vet agreed. Sher and Jim both put pics of her and statements on facebook.
Talk about wonderful friends~~~a couple who had them stay at their home right after last year's fire called to see if Sherry wanted to go out to lunch. Jim was leaving for UK - Wales in early afternoon & she didn't want to go. The lady, Cindi, is a raccoon rehabber. She and her husband came to Sherry's this afternoon and gave her a big stuffed raccoon toy! Now she has something to hug!♥
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health for ALL ;>)

Costume Lady said...

So, it is now September...does that mean we have to put away our white pants and shoes? Can I wear a velvet tank top under a sheer blouse to church tomorrow? I think ANYTHING goes these days...and...I like it that way:)
The Blue Moon was gorgeous on our way home last night. I was hoping to see a photo of it from Denise...not sure where she is right now...she was headed for OBX yesterday, hope she got a moon shot there. Karla's Mother In Law has been there for a while now and got a really pretty picture of the moon shining on the ocean. It's on facebook (Pat Carstater). Don't know if any of my friends can see it or not?

Wishing a good night to you all and sending love and prayers♥

Hoda said...



Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!

WANDA, I'm with you - I think anything goes these days,
except maybe white sandals in the snow. :)

HODA, is it sock time yet?
I love socks and Birkenstoks! Very comfy.

PAULA, sorry you couldn't be at the beach this weekend...
hope you had a good sale at work!

JUDYE, I can't wait to see the mermaid pics of Jordyn,
either! I bet they're darling.

LORETTA, so sorry to hear about Sherry's cat, Merry.
I think she did the right thing, but so sad.

What's everyone doing today???

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Shhh I am still sleepy
I hope each and everyone of you have a great day in what ever you do

JudyEddy said...

I am so mad at myself I lost one of my threader eagle earrings at work yesterday I hair got tangled and I did feel it slide out I felt it in my ear and then a customer asked for help finding bratwurst and I went to show him where it was with in seconds and the earring fell out I looked and looked in the isle and it was not to be found

CarolAnne said...

Quick Good Morning everyone.
Oh JudyE - sad about the earring. Hope someone turns it in.

Have a great day everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks CA I had about 6 associates look for it They were all sooo sweet knowing me and my eagle addiction and the maintenance said they would keep an eye but I feel it is gone probably got kicked and will not be seen when swept up but I can always hope Almost time to head to work

JudyEddy said...

one of my bosses said its gonna be in someone else ear and he can just see me checking out all ears at work Funny man huh

Ms Bookworm said...

Good (Early!) Morning, Everyone!

We were traveling most of yesterday, and arrived safe & sound at Sedona, AZ, despite driving through some awesome thunderstorms with lightning and driving rain with dollar-sized raindrops! (Boy, that really slowed everyone down to a crawl!)
We shared the driving chore, and are enjoying our rental car--a Ford Taurus. Smooth ride, and loaded with bells & whistles, including air-conditioned seats!
Has a camera view in the rear-view mirror when in Reverse, too!

Oh, Sedona is breathtaking!!! If possible, even more beautiful than I had remembered it to be. It's a real show stopper! Haven't time to share pictures now--we're meeting Sis- and Bro-in-law for breakfast at 6am, then get picked up for the Grand Canyon tour at 7--
A 6-hour bus ride! Glad THEY will be doing the driving today.

Haven't read back much, but Loretta, did see your post about Merry. SO sorry!!! They did the kind thing, though. Oh, I hate cancer and all that it does!!!
Please pass along my heartfelt condolences. (((HUGS)))!

Hoping that Bev is feeling much, much better, and will be glowing with good health! Prayers continue!

Well, the shower's free, so gotta run. Will check in late tonight--today is supposed to be a 10-hour deal--should be lotsa fun!!!

Prayers for everyone, and all furbabies. Take care, and have a fantastic day!! Taking lots of pictures, so I can share when we're back home. I love us!!!!

Lori O. said...

Have a fabulous time, ANDY. It sure sounds beautiful! Enjoy your ride!

CarolAnne said...

The pics should be beautiful. I can see a book or Smilebox on the horizon.

Sandi said...

Morning all! I typed a really long post at 6:30am and then hit "Publish" but it didn't! No time to retype now - tennis at 9am.

Will just say happy traveling to Andy and Janet!

Loretta, so sorry about Merry, but it sounds like your daughter made the right decision.

Have a great day everyone!

Linda said...

Good Sunday Morning!

Oh, LORETTA - I am so sorry Sherry had to deal with losing Merry to cancer. My heart just sunk when I read your post. It is so difficult when we lose one of our pets. Prayers for Sherry and Jim.

PAULA - I get such great stories from my friends' trips to Assateague. They love it there. Sorry this ended up being a work weekend for you! Ugh!

ANDY - I love the excitement in your posts!! Enjoy every minute of your day and if you're not too pooped to post tonight, we will look forward to hearing about your Grand Canyon tour!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning LINDA and THELMA!
Hope you both are planning a great day!

No plans here today. I've been working on dog tug toys and the weekend website duties for work. Looks like we're in for some rain!

Yesterday was fun looking at the RV's. We drove to the place we wanted to look and all the gates were locked with a sign that said "closed, gone camping for the weekend!" UGH! So we drove down the road to a smaller place, but all they had were used RV's... which is fine, but we were just window shopping anyway, so wanted to see the fancy ones! LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Lowreeda, so sorry about Sherry's kitty. It was the right thing to do, but it is never easy. Hugs for her.

Gonna see if I can help Stud do a little more moving today before it rains...gotta get some coffee first!

Oh, John and Ajay and Gkids are coming to the beach in Sept! Yay!

WVJerry said...

Just want to check in and say hello to anyone/everyone here. Hope all has been well. Haven't done much since vacation. Got tow on a personal side and one concerning the eagles. The eagles first. My friend from work was on the Potomac earlier in the week with his son in a canoe. They were on a float and fishing trip from near Hancock to above Dam #5. Some where along the way he said they saw a large adult eagle and a younger one(according to his son it had spotted undersides of wings). Pretty sure it would have been the ones from Shepherdstown although there has been an eagle spotting on Conococheague Creek area as well from what I have heard. Just wanted to report and see what everyone thought. On the personal side. My son is 17, has a pretty bad case of acne, doesn't enjoy school and has few friends except on-line gamers. My wife decided to home-school...she has no experience. My feeling was he was dropping out and could get a GED but given his motivation I wasn't sure about that happening. After much shouting, some criticism and eventual encouragement he decided to give school another chance. He was taking classes more geared to college and was doing miserably and getting discouraged. Now his Guidance Counselor(God Bless him)has changed his classes especially math to give him a better chance to succeed. After his first day I told him I was proud of him for going back to school and told him he would be thankful one day he did. I felt really bad and felt I had forced him to do something he did not enjoy or want for himself. I'm trying now to lose those feeling and keep encouraging him any way I can. Sorry to fill a post with so many personal things but I just had to get some feelings out. Hope everyone has a great day and week ahead. Take care all.

Lori O. said...

Jerry, how nice to hear from you. I'm sure your son has forgiven you since he is doing better. You sound like a great father. Don't be so hard on yourself!
Thanks for the eagle report. Sure hope it is our juvie and parent!

T-Bird said...

No need to apologize. This is a place where we can share that way and we can pray for your son and your family.
We are spiritually connected. We can vent here.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all my friends. Paula captured a good clear still cam pic of the nest - it is in the Momster album.

Jerry it is good to have you here. Don't beat yourself up for pushing your son - not one little bit. You are the adult and have experienced Life and you gave it your best shot
to encourage him to do what will be the best for his future. God Bless the guidance counselor - he did a great job and seems to be looking out for the students. Any chance that a dermatologist could help him with the acne problem?
Traveling to the beach on RT404 on the Denton Bypass - I spotted 2 nest and one had an adult eagle sitting in it. They were on different sides of the highway so I guess they both had their territories. Take care Jerry.

Mema Jo said...

Oh my! Andy should be in the canyon now. I am very excited for her.

Loretta - so sadden about Merry! Love to Sherry.

Lori - Making more doggie tugs! Keeps you busy. Here's hoping you find your dream RV!

Judy - Remember:
Tony Tony Turn Around
Judy's earring is lost and must be found

glo said...

Good Sunday morning everyone. Busy day today. The newborn I photographed 6 months ago and his mama are leaving the shelter this week for their new home. I am going to go do 6 month old photos for her. This woman has worked herself totally out of debt. All past landlords are paid in full, all utilities are caught up and she and her son will go to a nice apartment. We don't normally keep folks for 6 months but given the choice she made at 8 months pregnant because she could see no other options, and then us taking her back into shelter with her newborn and keeping them both until she saw a light at the end of a very dark tunnel was the only right thing to do for this mother and baby. Please join me in wishing this small family well as she leaves a more structured environment and "fledges' from the sheltered community. It's a little tough for all of us to let them go to be honest. We will be ongoing support system for her however. All she will have to do is ring the phone :-).

Lolly said...

Good morning! Fabulous time in Dallas and we did not get home until after one this morning, more like 1:30. Too old for that kind of hour!

Now it is time to get ready for church, but wanted to say hello. Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

CA you may start to being busy with trip books for our members so you better
get that pond flowing. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Glo - such a heartwarming happening for this young woman and child. Your hearts at the shelter surely are in the right place. God is good and I am thankful He is working through your hands ♥

Mema Jo said...


Jenny is with me ♥

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and all caught up on the thread and disappointed in no pic on the website of the mermaid shooting Darn it

LORETTA so sorry about Merry the kitty she is now playing with all the other furbies from the blog over the rainbow bridge

ANDY can't wait to read more about your adventures and yep its is breath taking out there and at times pictures just don't do it justice

LORI hope you enjoy your vaca with family and so sorry they decided to go camping without checking with you all LOL

JERRY we are here you sometimes its just good to type it down and your son will thank you for this and being a parent is hard at times Well most of the time. and thanks for the eagle report I just think it was our eagles I sure wish I could see them although I do get my eagle fix from the cell phone tower eagles I would love to see ours

JO when you mention two eagle on opposite area I see the cell phone tower eagles I believe its the nesting pair at the park but there is always just one in that tower and a block over is another tower and there is always another eagle in it Maybe they stay apart and just look at each other in the distance LOL I just notice it all the time now never in the nest tower together and a juvie was with one on the other tower Fri

GLO good news about the young mother so happy for her

Lolly said...

Jerry, I feel so bad for your son with the acne. Is he seeing a dermatologist ? Conquering that problem will help him so much. Kids face so much and skin problems are no fun!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work WOW I stopped and had a smoked sausage from Checkers only one dollar so I thought I would get one to see if I liked it good thing I only got one WOW WOOHOO its hot I though it said smoked and DUH it said SMOKIN but I ate it and it was good even though it was hot next time read Judy read LOL

JudyEddy said...

and I had to sign in to google I wonder why it does that at times I haven't ever signed out and sometime it tells me to sign in

JudyEddy said...

I see the nest sort of and it is MT lots of rainbow lines but you can see there is no eagle in it

JudyEddy said...

hey the nest looks good now

JudyEddy said...

this is the pix I just grabbed and looks like something in the lower part of the nest at 6 a reddish in color

Mema Jo said...

I don't know what that object is Judy
At least it may prove that our eagles have been there. They really have a jungle in the nest!

Hoda said...

Good afternoon/ good evening all...

No LORI banish that thought for a while longer...NO SOCKS PLEASE NOT YET!!! It seems I wear socks for ten months out of the year!!!LOL!!!

JERRY Good on you for talking your son to going back to school. It was the right decision and with a good councellor he should do alright. PRAYERS COME YOUR WAY AND YOUR FAMILY'S WAY.

A very good Teacher I met on the spiritual path died on Friday. She was diagnosed with Parkinsons a few years ago and she turned her sickness into a spiritual practice and helped others with Parkinsons do yoga...she was a great success and she kept her balance. They earlier this year she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and this is what she died of on Friday...on a full blue moon...RIP. I am sad about her passing and very happy she no longer is limited by her physical ailments.

A beautiful day here and hard to stay in so I will talk to you all later...

JudyEddy said...

Hey I wear socks everyday to work with my sneakers other wise my feet get sweaty and stinky LOL now when I come home they are off and only sandal when I go out and I have lots of sandals now

JudyEddy said...

I put a pix on the nest with a better showing of the redish thing facebook taken a couple of min later

JudyEddy said...

Ok gonna go watch the news if it is on LM I will be back shortly

Mema Jo said...

Did you find your earring, Judy

JudyEddy said...

JO NO on the ear ring find I really don't think it will be found probably got kicked around Our store is a extremely busy store on Sat we get about 15,ooo transaction (and how many people with a transaction is questionable1-6 or more) so I will probably never see it ;^(

glo said...

I have shared one photo on fb with Mom's permission. I of course did not disclose who what or where. If you go to see and comment you will know what to do :-). I am going to make her a card with that photo and pretty much what I wrote about it when I give her the nice size photograph I haven't even selected yet. Lots of real cuteness at 6 months :-) . I have a cute frame I have been saving for this time, that holds nine close up faces for a baby. Its gonna be fun choosing those as well. He was a cutie pie today indeed.

JudyEddy said...

I lost the candle link does anyone have it I would love to light a candle for GLO young lady and her son

JudyEddy said...

the link to Jordyn pix of the Mermaid are here if you want to see
under Mermaid Jordyn
Mermaid Jordyn I don't think Angie know yet I saw the web site post something on facebook and I just left a message for Angie on phone she is next doot at MIL for Birthday

Hoda said...

Here is the Candle Link JUDYE

JudyEddy said...

oh my oh my some of the pictures are oh so precious my little mermaid Jordyn 65 pic is what she took

Hoda said...

Yes indeed JUDYE the Mermaid JORDYN pictures are adorable...very professionally done...

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, those are very cute pics of Jordyn! What a great idea.

HODA, hope you're enjoying your beautiful day in Nelson. So sorry about your friend passing. Prayers for her family and friends.

Just got back from dinner at Outback, and a trip to Lowes to pick up a few things to finish off the bathroom tomorrow...well, finish the little things like changing the TP holder, light plates, etc. Looked at new sinks. Some pretty nice ones and think I found one we like. Anyhow, I'm stuffed!

JudyEddy said...

I love the pictures at the very end of the set so hard to figure out which ones to get

Mema Jo said...

Watching Hallmark movies


NatureNut said...

Happy Holiday Weekend.
Meant to get on here earlier~~~put a MOON and some butterfly pics in Nook.
Gonna eat.
Thanks so much for the kitty condolences.I talked to daughter right before losing power last night and much later when it returned, she had sent me an email about Ragdoll breed cats! I think her's was part of that breed. Had longhair and very friendly. Think she's window shopping which is a good diversion. I don't know if they'll wait for house to be finished, or not.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I was LOL at your SMOKIN' sausage!

Home now from Studs...did a couple of truck loads to the new place...I'm beat...but gotta do some stuff around here tonight, we'll see what gets done!

Gotta check out all the pics!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, was one of those eagle nests on Rt 404 near the chicken processing plant...the big one with the walkway over the road?

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, was one of those eagle nests on Rt 404 near the chicken processing plant...the big one with the walkway over the road?

paula eagleholic said...

Jerry, good to see you. I agreee with everyone, good to push your son to finish HS! A dermatologist might do wonders for his confidence.

Lori, dinner sounded wonderful! I always have fun shopping at Lowes or the Depot!

Just got done a nice plate full of zucchini! Yum!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Hancock would be a little far for our pair.

Lori O. said...

Paula, you had a busy day! Bet you sleep well tonight!

Hoping KAY and LYNNE2 are doing okay. I miss them on here. Oh, Kay, has family in town so she's probably just tied up.

Off to bed for me...SED everyone.

JudyEddy said...

LORI I can just see KAY being all tied up YA think they are using nylon rope LOL

CarolAnne said...

Wrapping up the day here. Final push tomorrow to get projects done. Turkey & archery season start soon and everything else will come to a standstill. lol

Hope everyone's day went well.

Nite all!

Linda said...

Good Evening!

HODA - Sorry to hear of the passing of your Teacher. I know you are happy for her no longer living with her ailments, but for those of us here, death is always sad.

JUDYE - Cute pics of Jordyn.

Mema Jo said...

Well I watched Hallmark and then a Mid Summer Night's Mystery. Both were very entertaining.
Paula - I don't know where on 404 the place is that you're asking me about. This is on the major bypass of Denton.

Loretta, Ragdoll kitties really get large and they are very friendly.

Judy I can't help you with selecting those photos of your little gal! They are all good.

Mema Jo said...

I am missing the Sandman Lady! Going to send Judie an email unless one of you knows her whereabouts.

Good Night and God Bless
Enjoy the rest of the holiday

Missing Lynn alot cause there is a commercial now with an animated Hedgehog with a little red tie on - cute as the devil and think it is promoting Flu Shots. Hope you all get to catch it. Nite ♥

Linda said...

This afternoon I had household chores planned after church while Dennis was mowing the lawn.

He came up to the screen door with a tiny little bird in his hand and said it was in the grass! He almost mowed over it!!

I went outside with him to see where he found it and we found another one.

He went back to mowing and after another couple passes he stopped and had to move another one out of the way. They were cute, but we couldn't quite figure out what they were. They had little dark masks around their eyes and black and yellow at the tips of their tails. Otherwise they were kind of two toned gray.

So if you'd like to see the 'lil darlings I watched for 2 hours this afternoon.....

Fledglings in Our Yard Today

It really made for a fun afternoon...

Linda said...

Nite, Jo ♥

magpie said...

Good Night Eagle Pals...

Alive and well here in
West Virginia, just very busy these days with a lot of things, including my nephew and great-nephew's visit...

" See you on Labor Day"

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

going to check your fledgling pics Linda but the description sounds like Cedar Waxwings

xoxo Hello !

Linda said...

Right you are, Margy!!

We weren't sure until Dennis was moving one out of the way so he could finish mowing. Mom and Dad both were dive bombing him when he had the little guy in his hands! Amazing!

Then you'll see that I sat for HOURS and watched as they fed the fledglings. It was just amazing to watch and listen to their communication back and forth.

It was a fun afternoon.......and much better than housework!!

xoxo Good Night to you, Margy and everyone here and beyond tonight!!


Lolly said...

Glad mom and dad were there to take care of their babies, Linda!

I love Ragdoll cats, but they are expensive! Remember, we used to have a blogger that raised Ragdolls. She lived in Maine. Missed her when she did not post any more.

Have been reading tonight, but I am ready for bed. Last night's late hours have made me crash!

Night all! SED!!!!♥

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, the nest I saw might not have been on 404...I'll have to ask Larry what road it's on.

Cool baby bird pics, Linda! Little waxwings!

Heading to bed...working tomorrow...

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

stronghunter said...

Good very late evening. I have not read everything yet, as I have been busy trying to post some videos on FB. We had a fun weekend.

The wedding was on Saturday night. The bride was beautiful and all of her little barefoot flower girls were precious.

Today we went to an animal park near Lexington where we got to drive through and feed animals. Hunter made a video of our experiences feeding camels. The signs said the camels would try to take the feeding containers and would chew them up, but it was okay to feed them anyway.

We got to experience the taking of a container as well as watch them chew the containers into little plastic messes.

They also tried to eat the antenna on Kathryn's car.

I have videos I will try to share, and I will try to bring the ones on FB over here. Sometimes it takes me awhile to figure everything out.

Hoda said...

Thank You...

Oh LINDA I see you discovered the fledglings while Dennis was mowing. On FB I made a comment about not taking out the mowner!!! Glad he found them...BLESSINGS

PAULA you have terrific energy...good on you...

THANK YOU...oh I started with came again so I will leave it.

Headed off to bed.



stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. I will see you tomorrow.

SED, everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Well, I hope that all this rain has not dampened anyone's spirits on this Labor Day Weekend...looks like tomorrow will be very damp, also:( The Capt. and I will do some shopping, need some groceries for GG and I need 15 bags of mulch. Most of what I put in the back garden is gone with the wind:)

Plan on BBQing some ribs, come hell or high water (we do have a cover over the grill and table. Love to sit out there when it rains, but the wind drives us indoors!

Glad to see Margy is having some family important!

PAULA mentioned eating squah and that reminded me of a new recipe I tried and we love it...Zucchini Crab Cakes (no crab in recipe, just tastes that way).

Good night friends, prayers and love coming your way♥

Jewels said...

Hey there everyone, good to read up,
sorry a bout Merry the cat... so sad, but even animals suffer and glad to know that she is no longer suffering.
Jerry, so glad that your son is back in school, I know school is rough these days. Kids are picked on for everything these days. I worry about my youngest daughter. Not so much this year, because her big sister is a senior and will take up for her no doubt.

Let me tell you about the small dilema we had this weekend.

Mom's house was shown on Thursday. Showing went well, so well in fact that the person that looked at it had her decision down to two homes out of 10. Mom's and another. Saturday, we get a email advising, would we be willing to rent, verses selling. Answer no! Next question, would we do a pre occupancy agreement.they would be willing to pay a rent for 60 days while the paperwork was completed for a buy.
I was not comfortable at all, asked Christie when they needed a answer. She said a couple days.
I googled info on such. All things read, WARNING, RED FLAG, NO, don't do it. So that was our answer.
Dad and Shannon, sis's hubby said go for it, what is there to lose.
I said alot. SHe could rip the place up, kids could spill stuff on carpet, ruining carpet, kid could break the glass in sunroom, etc...etc..she was a single mother, newly divorced, no where to go due to a fire. NOt to mention, loan could not go thru, and we could potentially have to spend time and money taking her thru court to evict her if she didn't move out at the specified time.
So short dilema made easy with a big fat NO as a answer!

Sandi said...

Good cloudy Monday morning eagle friends! Happy Labor Day!

Jewels, when I sae your post on FB last night, I figured it had something to do with your mom's house. Since you had posted the pic of all the bags of stuff, I knew you were cleaning it out. What a difficult time this must be for you and Christie, going through Mom's stuff and the house - my heart breaks for you both. But it sure sounds like you made the right decision about the renter. The right buyer will come along - patience is hard work!

Lolly, LOVED the photo of the 3 boys together - they are fine looking boys!

Hopefully tennis for me this AM if the weather holds out and today is the rain date for the tennis club picnic that got rained out yesterday. Sadly, the forecast is not good for today either.

Have a great day all!

Jewels said...

It sure is difficult. I wanted to hang on to her clothes, even tho they would never fit me. They had her scent on them. That alone makes me tear up even now. I think we each had something like 20 bags that we took to Goodwill. Someone needs her size and will be able to afford them. It did break my heart to watch them throw the bag up onto the pile. Especially since I carefully laid the bags down in a group setting. UGH!!! I still ask WHY!!! IT jsut not fair!!

Hope you can play tennis. Weather here is iffy too. But rain will help me sleep today. :)
Have a great day, get off work at 8am and a then a quick run to grocery store. Then home to bed!!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

T-Bird said...

I have a question y'all might be able to answer. Why is it that dogs and cats want to walk right through the dirt while your sweeping? : ))

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone! Happy Labor Day! It sure doesn't look or feel like it is going to be a good day outside.
OMGosh it is so humid. I was going to go to my classroom today and do a little bit of work, but I'm not sure I could handle it. We do not have a/c and boy does it get hot.

Lori O. said...

LOL, THELMA - they're trying to get your attention???

Good morning everyone, & happy Labor Day!

LINDA, loved the pics of the fledglings. So cute!

DANAMO, so good to see you!

SANDI, hope you get to play tennis and don't get rained out. We've only had a few drops here all weekend.

LOLLY, such a handsome family. I feel like I know the boys! Thanks for sharing your stories and the pic. :)

Lori O. said...

JEWELS, you absolutely made the right decision saying no to the woman who wanted to rent. My parents used to have lots of rental properties and it was such a pain for them. Good for you!!!

DanaMo said...

I agree, renters are usually a problem. My parents also have rentals and it's the one part of the business my mom has always despised. Waiting for rents, rude people, and property destroyed. Good call!

DanaMo said...

I hope it starts to pour rain soon, it is horrible outside! Makes me want to crawl back in bed and put the a/c on high! Just might do that after a quick trip to the classroom. Must go feed the turtle!!!

T-Bird said...

That sounds like the reason to me Lori. : )

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

and have a good Labor Day I will be laboring on Labor day

JudyEddy said...

JEWELS I totally agree with the no renting of the house They could do lots of damage and also if the sell doesn't go through also they may be hard to evict and Did they get pre qualified My mortgage was and it didn't even that a month for me to get in my house was so much nicer that way

JudyEddy said...

I see the STILL CAM is all black

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Let's see JudyE the Li'l Mermaid photos are so very cute. Now my Elia would rather be a Princess or a Dinasaur, depends on the day LOL.

Absolutely the right decision not to RENT Lynn's house. All of our rental experiences were bad one. I agree patience will brign you the right buyer. They will buy it because the like/love the home and you will have the peace of knowing they want it and will take good care of it.

I hope everyone has a nice Labor day. I have a puppy shiht'zu coming to get his picture taken. It should be fun.

I miss the Jerry Lewis telethon. Oh well it is what it is.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Going to be yet another hot, dry day!

Jewels, you and your sis made a very intelligent decision. So, glad you said no.

A week from today we leave. We will get the trailer in a few days and start loading up. I am so ready and would like to get the trailer now. However, it is a big pain having it in the driveway. I can pull into the garage, but can not back the car out. Yep, Scaredy Cat!

So, today I will do a little house cleaning, make a few calls, and pile some more stuff onto the dining room table. That is our collecting spot before we load. One thing I do not want to forget is my electric lap blanket. We will be packing coats and gloves. Wow!

Lolly said...

High temp predicted is low 60's, low temp is mid 30's. I am so ready. Hard thing will be to come back to HOT temps so hopefully it will be better.

magpie said...

Good Morning, and Happy Labor Day to all, here, there, everywhere...
Don't Labor too hard if you can avoid it...but BRAVO
to all of us because we work all the time, and definitely have what is called a "Labor Of Love" in many aspects of our lives.

Special Tributes to the 24-7 workers, emergency providers, service workers....the Military, and the list is endless...

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

When I first opened up the still cam, it was a beateous and perfectly clear sight to behold


but it goes wonky more often than not...but one of these times we ARE going to see an Eagle on that nest !

magpie said...

Yepper, sounds like a wise Jewels and Christie decision...sometimes a good rental agreement can be achieved....but it can be such a risk, especially with a total unknown ....

relatives, good friends, work associates, sometimes it works out...

Here? At the Big House...I maintain and hold the fort down until the children can make their plans and decisions....

magpie said...

so for now it is working out for us nicely, and I do not pay fact....the kids are sending ME something every month, and they take care of all the utilities...but this is an unusual situation.....

I do take care of television and internet

magpie said...

Nephew and grand-nephew left this morning with 12-foot utility trailer and the grand piano in some things like tools and a go-cart....
but now I am sad and the house is empty, but it has been a great visit...

okay, time for me to Labor...
Love to all, and I am not caught up so please forgive me for not being more sociable on all the doins'


Lori O. said...

Have a great day MARGY. Don't labor too much!

LOLLY, what do you pull your trailer with? You have a big truck?

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and although it is overcast, the minute I sign in on the blog, the world is perfect. I love you all so very much and am so thankful each and every one of you can share your life events with me. I love us ♥

Lori O. said...

I echo that, JO! You have a great Labor Day!

Mema Jo said...

Boy, am I getting 'mushy mouth' lol
However, I know all of you feel this way about the blog!

I have to check out pics of Loretta and Shirley and Linda. I best check others blog for what I may have missed.

Everyone celebrating Labor Day - Enjoy and hope your plans come through as planned. ♥ mean like Ribs in the Rain ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lori were you at the Frederick Outback?

Lori O. said...

Yes, Jo, went to Frederick Outback. Sometimes they're not great, but they were okay last night. Had seared ahi tuna, and I don't even like fish, but it didn't taste fishy!

Mema Jo said...

I agree with that - sometimes great food and other times I have to complain.
The Outback on RT 50 just outside of OC has always been fantastic. Even with my love for crab dishes I have to have my steak when in OC......... lol

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Getting a very slow start this morning.

Kathryn got up and left some time ago. I think she will be hitting the car wash. Her car was full of animal food and camel slobber.

Carolyn, it sounds like you are making really good decisions. I agree with you about the house. You do not want to be faced with having to evict someone. There are reasons a person cannot qualify for a loan.

Jerry, so sorry your son is having a tough time. Do keep the lines of communication open. I believe you said he has made it to the senior year, so he is almost there.

Stay in touch with the teachers and the guidance counselor. As a teacher, I found that it was really helpful to stay in touch with parents by e-mail. Just a "How are things going?" from time to time is helpful.

Parents would sometimes ask me to let them know when there were problems, and I would try to do that, but I always told them to remind me by asking once in awhile. Not that it is necessary to ask every day or two--I had some of those--but every couple of weeks or so, maybe, depending on events.

And, his school probably has a program that allows you to check grades online whenever you want to. You can find out through the guidance counselor.

Mema Jo said...

Alexis is visiting


Lolly said...

Lori, we pull the trailer with our Ford Expedition. We used to pull it with our conversion van, but the Expedition does a better job. Both the van and the Expedition are very comfortable traveling.

Have been working in the yard. Very hot but the humidity is down so I was able to work for a while.

Now going to clean up for a trip to Wally World. Need to get our special trailer TP.☺

stronghunter said...

Oh, special trailer tp. I remember that. We just bought cheap tp. The stuff they sold for trailers was so expensive, and seemed to be just cheap tp. Don't know if that has changed over the years.

Lolly said...

It is expensive, but I do not want to risk messing up the trailers system and it is not bad TP. Hate cheap TP.

stronghunter said...

I don't really like cheap tp, either, but I could not see any difference between it and the expensive rv tp. Read somewhere that you could just buy the cheap stuff. Maybe it has changed over the years, though.

Mema Jo said...

TP I have no idea what this is other then that it is important to have if you have an RV
Remember this Lori!~ lol

stronghunter said...

Toilet paper. You need something that will dissolve easily in the RV sewer system. They sell special toilet paper for RV systems. It is more expensive than the really nice toilet paper, at least it was when we had an RV.

stronghunter said...

I read an article that said that it was really no different from the cheap toilet paper, and tried it. But that was a long time ago.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Shirley TY I have learned something new today! lol

That's is like when I read TV - I wonder what is on but it's those darn Turkey Vultures on everyone else's mind

Mema Jo said...

I just wrote on FB my wish for today and would like all my blogger friends to see it too:

I wish all Americans could celebrate Labor Day because they had worked 20 or 40 hrs this past week. That would be so wonderful ♥

Linda said...

Okay, we have TY for "thank you" and TP for "toilet paper" and TV for "turkey vultures" and........

for the rest we have CRS!!!! LOL

Linda said...

Good Afternoon to all of you!

Happy Labor Day!

Checked on the CW (that would be cedar waxwings) this morning and they made it a little farther last evening across the driveway and closer to the barn. Two of the babies are in one of the rhododendron bushes Dennis transplanted and I don't know where the third one is! :(

I don't worry as much about the missing one because he was twice the size as the other two. We weren't sure of Mom was around, so Dennis got a few choke berries and actually fed the little ones!!

About a half hour later we saw Mom back feeding them. I think I hear the third, but can't find him.

I hope they don't get too cold and wet with the rain that is coming. You can actually see the crest on the backs of their little heads today. Amazing!

Linda said...

I think it is interesting that they can't fly yet, but they are out of the nest. Wonder if they were knocked out, fell out or what.

At least they are in a bush instead of out in the middle of the yard. That is much safer!!

Linda said...

Jewels - Yes, I agree with you and the others about possibly renting Mom's place. First of all, it would be WAY too emotional to have to be involved with whoever is living there from month to month.

That lady's situation is unfortunate, but you've been through so much this year and just don't need to have another potential headache. Plus your Mom would most likely be screaming, "NO Way!!"

You done good Gurl!!

stronghunter said...

And, RV=Recreational vehicle, of course.

Hoping with you that the little birds are safe from the rains and cool weather, Linda.

It seems that there is a raging debate in the RV community over TP. I Googled. It has been so many years that I am not really up to date on the issue.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Good afternoon all.

Happy Labour Day.

JEWELS you made absolutely the right decision on LYNN'S house. You are very smart to see the all sides and all possibilities...
As to the bags of her clothing it is not personal the way they deal with donations. I still think they will spread joy comfort and warmth to many who will be very glad to have them and she will continue to help others...BLESSED BE TO YOU AND CHRISTIE...

stronghunter said...

And, though the lady is in an unfortunate situation, she needs to find a situation she can afford.

Hoda said...

Cooking and laundry happening here and I started a new audio book.A Woman At the Light. A novel written by Joanna Brady...
Interesting development of the story line 1839 story of a woman, a southern belle, who marries below her and goes on an adventure to Florida and the keys...she tends the light house with her kids and an escaped freed slave who beached on her island...she spins a good story line.

Lolly said...

Back from Wally World. Survived!

The good 2 ply TP for the trailer is good. Yes, Jo, this is important to know!! lol

JudyEddy said...

home for lunch

JudyEddy said...

I see we have been chatting this afternoon about TP TV and TY I dislike cheap TP also I use Cottonelle I use to use Scott with the kids to rough but lasted with kids but not now

JudyEddy said...

It is a zoo at work everyone forgot this or forgot that and are upset if we are out of it I know if I didn't have to work that is the last place I would be

JudyEddy said...

But for the most part the customers are understanding

The nest looks good right now

JudyEddy said...

LINDA you have rhododendron bushes June has them all ovr her yard I would love to see a pic if you have any She tells me that they are pretty in bloom when ever I go they are not in bloom

JudyEddy said...

and she also tells me that they have a rhododendron festivale every year there tooo

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...