Wednesday, August 29, 2012


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

well I have broken the rule again of more that so many comments so I shall go back to work till 7 Tomorrow is a 8-5 day yeah

Lolly said...

Yesterday we prepared 2 rolled flank steaks and today 4 involtini (veal roll ups). We do eat well on our trips!

Mema Jo said...

Linda, I like your explanation of initials! lol ♥
I just know you have pictures of Dennis feeding the CW babies! I gotta see that one!

I just had a breakfast dinner! My tummy has been a little uneasy today! Hope it goes away soon. I didn't nap and I bet that would have cured it.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda your book selection sounds very
interesting. I don't seen to have patience for reading. I wish it were
different as I usually read a good book or books while on vacation.

A gentleman is spreading mulch around the outside of the puppy pen and they go from one side to another following him.

Hoda said...

JO audio books are entertaining...I can go about doing my chores and at the same time have the company of a book...very entertaining...

magpie said...

Just caught a spectacular view of The Royal Nest, two or three refreshes ago...
Yep, I agree, there have been some Eagle visits on there, we are bound to see them sometime!


magpie said...

Went to Swinging Bridge for a little while, expecting to find muddy and high water, it was clear and normal...
saw a Cedar Waxwing and two male goldfinches splashing in the water together ☺

magpie said...

Saw some very pretty butterflies also, Buckeye, Red-Spotted Purples, Tiger Swallowtails, and two sphinx moths, which are like some pictures but can't load them up tonight.

magpie said...

Saw some of the aftermath of the flooding in Berkeley Springs yestereay, holy smokes, that downtown area was inundated. The springs where James and I fill water bottles was filled with debris and roped off. Also the swimming pool, filled to the brim, and all the wooden furniture washed up into the fence...what a mess, and so sudden !
That all happened on Saturday evening. Made a mess for quite a few businesses

magpie said...

Read WV Jerry's post from yesterday, always difficult with young ones are struggling, am glad that Jerry shared with us, and that the Guidance Counselor was compassionate and wise about the situation....
Best wishes and deep prayers for good outcomes all the way around....
(( WV Jerry and Son Hugs ))

magpie said...

zipping in and zipping back out now, Good to See Friends here, and am thinking very much about those we cannot See every day...
Love our Momsters and Dadsters, all the time

See you before bedtime, I think...
xo ♥ ☺

Mema Jo said...

Off to watch Jeopardy ♥

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and wow the nest looks good

JudyEddy said...

I said earlier I work at 8-5 tomorrow its a good thing I looked at schedule its 9-6 the next day is 8-5 Something sort of round is in the nest at the 9 branch anyone else see it I grabbed a pic and wow they them been bringing in the greens oh shoot now the cam is yuky

JudyEddy said...

Well I am goining to go watch the news I was hoping the eagles would drop in the nest for the evening I know the cell phone tower eagles are in the tower but on top of it like ours would be in the tree there is always hope and now the cam is nice again I wonder what does that ?????????????????

Lori O. said...

Slow night on the blog. So slow, I'm bidding all a good, restful night. See you in the morning.

Lori O. said...

Well, it wasn't so slow on here, I forgot to refresh...duh! SED everyone!

Lori O. said...

Well, it wasn't so slow on here, I forgot to refresh...duh! SED everyone!

Mema Jo said...


JUDY - Major Crimes on at 9:00
Same old cast from the Closer


Janet said...

Good evening friends.

I don't feel much like catching up tonight, so I apologize for not being "in the know"....hoping everyone is okay.

We had a great visit to Va Beach but don't feel much like talking about it right now.

Our furbaby, Luke, the blue heeler passed away this morning. We had just gotten home from the airport, were at breakfast when our son, Michael called.

I contacted the crematory services and had them to come out about noon. That gave everyone time to come and see him one last time, pet him, and grieve a bit.

Its been a rough day. SO thankful we had the day off. Feels like its gonna be a rough few days emotionally.....

Signing off for tonight. Will touch base tomorrow.

Light, love, hugs to all.....

magpie said...

Dear so sorry, so very sorry for your loss of Luke....

magpie said...

Dear so sorry, so very sorry for your loss of Luke....

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty quiet here today. Hope everyone enjoyed their day!

Hoda, the lighthouse book sounds good!

Oh Janet, so sorry about Luke. (((Hugs)))

Gotta go de-flea Nick. I found a flea on him last night. Think the last dose I put on him was kind of old, so got some shampoo and new flea topical stuff. Oh joy, wish me luck!

magpie said...

Wishing you luck, Paula....
give those fleas the old one-two punch !

JudyEddy said...

OH SIS I am so sorry about LUKE and to have it happen when you came back from vaca sucks big time I hope Livvy is doing ok with it tooo so hard on kids tooo

JudyEddy said...

Thanks JO on the head up on the show I just programed my DVR to record all new shows I see there are some on at 8 How did I miss these I wonder did not know it changed names

JudyEddy said...

PAULA some time I wonder about those drops the fleas may get immune to them I don't recall who on the blog but just recently someone took their cat to the vet and had fleas although they are on the drops and treat the yard and all
I remember giving my dogs bath before the drops were invented and the water would be blood red I hated that so much the flea shampoo worked good hundred of dead fleas in tub and on white towels we dried them with then I would take a flea comb to them wow those were the good ole days before drops YUK OK gonna go watch the show

paula eagleholic said...

Nick is all clean! He did very well, again! He got 2 treats! Bathroom floor is now clean too! On to the rest...gotta vacuum, have sofa cover and such in the wash.

paula eagleholic said...

I have had a flea infestation once before...probably over 10 years ago. It was awful! Fleas everywhere! Trying to nip this one in the bud! Found maybe 10 ? or so in the tub, so hopefully I've caught it early enough

JudyEddy said...

PAULA you had me chukling with the floor is all clean I do remember those days so well now I use to get in the tub with my dogs was easier and I had a long hose from the shower head to do them with Does Nick rub himself all over the rugs after tooo??? and shake all over the walls too?? OK back to TV jusst saw the email pop up

Janet said...

Thanks all for the hugs. Needed tonight. Olivia and Michael are taking this very hard; Michael because he had let him out about 5 a.m. and found him some time later....tough to find that...and Livvy, its the first fur baby that she remembers crossing the Rainbow Bridge.

He was "officially" Tom's baby, and so this is difficult on him too.

Yes, no punches pulled, it sucks. We had such a lovely weekend with friends whom we don't see all that often....and come home to heart break.

*sigh* been up since about 4 a.m. (took a 45 min nap tho) its now 9 p.m. I am wiped out.

Good night all.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about your furbaby, Janet. It is never easy.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
We had a wonderful surprise visitor on the lantana today~~~a Long-tailed Skipper!He/she was so fast, probably took 20 pics to get a couple decent ones. Put 3 in the Nook.
Just checking in before bedtime. Got clothes in the dryer & have to shampoo the do.
Janet, so sorry about your beloved Luke. Furbaby prayers to your family ♥

Gotta finish up my chores, so Please All have Pleasant Feather Dreams and Prayers for Good Health for ALL ;>)

Hoda said...

So sorry JANET that LUKE crossed to the Rainbow Bridge...HUGS to the family.

PAULA I am glad you de-flead Nick and he is alright now.

A very busy week coming up for me with meetings to organize with CFUW as we are hosting the Provincial CFUW AGM in Nelson in April...lots to organize now...All the other groups start up with projects this week too.

I need to have blood work done at the hospital tomorrow so first have to go see the doctor and if it is not a fasting test I will go tomorrow if not then I will try Thursday...all is well just routine.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Getting here late today. We had a wonderful time at the Grand Canyon yesterday, but got back late due to MAJOR "parking lot" type traffic, due to the street fair in downtown Sedona, for the Labor Day celebration. Took an hour-and-a-half to get from Oak Creek Canyon to our timeshare--it would normally take about 15 or 20 minutes. We were so tired from the altitude and the fresh air, we just sort of crashed after a late dinner. Slept like a baby! This morning we had to pack everything up again, because when Marsh (Sis-in-law) and Joe (Bro-in-law)left for home, we traded timeshare units with them. Theirs was on the ground floor, and ours was on the second floor, but had 42 steps to get to it (going down a hill from the parking lot, and then up to the 2nd floor.) Theirs has an even better view, too! Balcony looks right out on Snoopy Butte! Will have to share pictures once we are back home, but Snoopy Butte looks just like good ole Snoopy lying on his back! Really amazing!

You'll never guess what we saw in the tree right by our balcony this morning--a Cardinal!!! What a neat surprise that was! He was too fast to get a picture, but we will be on the lookout now, and hopefully will capture the rascal.

Linda, how fantastic to have a family of Cedar Waxwings! Love those birds!

Janet, I am SO sorry about Luke! I know how much it hurts to lose a furbaby, and my heart goes out to you. (((HUGS))) to all of you, and prayers for you, too.

Hoda, I'm very sorry for the loss of your teacher friend, too. (((HUGS))) and prayers!

Ms Bookworm said...

Today we went to the Coffeepot Cafe, which is right in front of Coffeepot Butte. The cafe was founded by the actress, Jane Russell! The food was excellent.
Amazingly enough, the butte looks exactly like one of those old tin speckleware coffee pots like the cowboys used to have in their chuckwagon!

After Marsh & Joe headed for home, we got moved, then spent quite a while on the balcony just enjoying the view. Ken got a nice long nap, and I did some reading. We went to the grocery store and stocked up, too. It's so nice to have a full kitchen! (Actually, we have a full kitchen AND a kitchenette, which goes with the second bedroom and bathroom.) We ate dinner at the Wildflower Bread Co., which is right in the timeshare complex, and then came back here. As it got dark tonight, it was threatening to rain again, but no rain yet. The clouds in the sky were spectacular!

Well, I guess I'll say goodnight. (I have to do a software update on my i-phone, and it requires having it hooked up to the computer for a while.)

Have said prayers for everyone here, for every creature, and for all our furbabies. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

ANDY it sounds like a positive experience you are having there...Ejoy and kepp posting please.
Thanks ANDY.

Good night all


magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals
oh, great pictures, Loretta, as always! Always learn so much from your pictures.

Prayers for Wellness, and Comfort...
for all of us, our families, friends, and pets

God Bless Us, Every One

JudyEddy said...

for those of you not on facebook or those who didn't look at the website picture I posted some on the blog they are sort of the proofs the pictures will have scales added to the tail Odd how she can do that She made a joke she would want her gals to have to walk around with a unconfortable suit on as if they walk LOL

Jordyn Mermaid not all 65 pic LOL I do that the thumbnails on the end they didn't scan in tooo good

Mema Jo said...

Good night one and all & God Bless & Keep you safe from all harm


Miss ya Lynn ♥

stronghunter said...

Heard some thunder and looked at the weather. Rain is headed our way.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like rain in our area for Tues, Weds and maybe Thurs. Had rain here at home today, but none at work.

Sounds very relaxing, Andy. Enjoy!

grabbing a bite to eat while i wait for the dryer...

stronghunter said...

Rain has come. Yes, they are calling for rain for several days. Remnants of the hurricane. My plants need it. Just hope we do not have flooding.

Envy you, Andy. Sounds really nice.

Bowling tomorrow. Hope I will do better than this time last year. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

I am feeling sorry for the little doggy next door. He is small--not sure what breed. They got him earlier this summer. He has been an indoor dog until this weekend, at least since they got him. They built a kennel in the backyard and put him out there.

He has been crying all weekend. I just heard him since the rain started. He has a doghouse, but it is a mighty big house for such a little dog. I suppose it's okay now, but not when it gets cold.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Shirley, how I hate to see a dog tied up out back....or left out back for that matter.

Getting some rain here now too.

Nick is all for the stuff on his back...he doesn't like that either!

paula eagleholic said...

Time for bed!

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

stronghunter said...

Me, too, Paula. I have been talking with her some. I knew they had been thinking about putting something out there, but had no idea they would leave the dog outdoors all the time. We let the dogs out into our fenced yard, but let them in when they want to come in. Luna thinks she has been abused if she has to stay out 15 minutes.

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone.

Costume Lady said...

Gene and I had a fun day...visited early with GG, went shopping at Sams Club (I hate that store!)...we shop there for the supplies for the Soup Kitchen, non-food supplies. Got our and GG's groceries at Shop and Save (really like that store).
Came home and grilled ribs and sat on the deck. That's all the fun that I can have these days:)

We have had some wonderful rains this Summer...the grass is so green everywhere. Looks more like Spring than the beginning of Fall.
Everyone's flowers are so bright and beautiful...hope we don't get an early frost! The trees should be beautiful in a month or so, when they change colorl

I should have been asleep an hour ago...Soup Kitchen tomorrow.
Good night to all, sending love and prayers♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, everyone!

Back to work today after a wonderful long weekend. Didn't even get any rain here either, PAULA. I'm sure we'll get it today.
Thought for sure the weekend was going to be a rain-out, so thankful it wasn't!

ANDY, sounds like you are having the time of your life! Can't wait to see your pictures!

JANET, I'm so sorry about Luke. I know your heart is broken. Big Hugs for you and your family.

LORETTA, gotta go look at your pictures - sounds awesome! How is Sherry doing?

JUDYE, thanks for posting the few JORDYN pics...still easier to see. You are such a wiz with links, etc.

SHIRLEY, good luck bowling today, CYCLONE!

Lori O. said...

LORETTA, beautiful pictures! Is the longtailed skipper a butterfly or what I've heard called a hummingbird moth? I know that's not the right name, but I don't know the real name of it. Very pretty pics of all the butterflies. I've been taking a lot myself. They seem so abundant this year!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and my other eagle friends! First REAL day of school for me!

Janet, my heart breaks for you and your family - I'm so sorry that you lost Luke!

Forecast here is for rain and thunderstorms all day - despite the huge dark clouds yesterday afternoon that chased me off the beach, we only got 1 brief shower.

Have a great day all!

Lori O. said...

Happy first day of real school, SANDI!

Lori O. said...

Bringing this over from FaceBook from SHIRLEY:

Shirley Phillips:
We are sitting on the front porch watching the firefighters. The house next door has burned down. Our siding is melted. We almost lost our house, too. Thank God everyone is okay.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Lori. I am pretty tired and need to take care of some business with the insurance company.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, you're welcome. Just glad you are all okay. (((BIG HUGS)))

Janet said...

Good morning friends.

Dawn breaks and we are already at Tuesday. Hard to believe, back to it. Tom is fixing to take the bus and pick up the kids and Livvy is eating breakfast. Beano is acting a fool as usual.....and Sable snoozes on her pillow.

And, we miss our Luke. Thank you for the warm thoughts and hugs. Time heals all, eh?

Dentist @ 8 for me. Crown on one side and filling on another. YUCK. Get it done and over with. :P bleech.

Rainy and cloudy today. Kind of fits my mood still. But on with life.

I will touch base later. I am off today. Light, love, hugs and healing to all....

T-Bird said...

Prayers and hugs your way Janet.

T-Bird said...

What a scary thing Shirley. (scary)

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Oh my - a trip to the Rainbow Bridge and a house fire. I was so hoping Sept. would start off fresh & clean with only happiness for us all. It is not to be. :o(

Sending thoughts & prayers to/for everyone.

JudyEddy said...

WOW SHIRLEY that was a close call and in the middle of the night So sorry you had siding damage and hope they get it fix to protect from the weather TARPS hanging for now may help I hope the insurance co jumps on it right away

JudyEddy said...

OH forgot to say G☺☺D M☼rning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

112 days to Christmas

JudyEddy said...

Wow tooth fairy just reported $3. is the payoff for a tooth Wow that has gotten higher It was just on the news on Fox

paula eagleholic said...

OMG Shirley, how scary! Was it the house with the doggie outside? Count your blessings!

stronghunter said...

I have been going through insurance company hell. I am now going to try to rest a bit.


stronghunter said...

Paula, it was the house with the doggie outside, and the fact that he was outdoors probably saved his life. He was in our house for awhile, but he is back in his kennel for now. He kept escaping from our house. He is a lively one.

Last time he escaped, he ran back over to the other house, and Eric (his owner) put him back in the kennel.

They also have Pepsi the cat. Pepsi is probably somewhere in the neighborhood, but I expect he got spooked last night.

stronghunter said...

We kept Hunter home today. He was up most of the night, but I could not get him to lie down, so I think I will lie down myself anyway.

Kathryn has gone to work, but plans to come back home early.

glo said...

Hmmm well good morning all sort of anyway. So glad to read Shirley's house is essentially pretty good. Insurance companies can be wonderful or absolutely awful to deal with. Prayers for the day to be good for humans and animals.

Linda said...

I just can't imagine that fear when you hear that poinding on your door to find the house next door in flames.

SHIRLEY - My prayers are with you and the family as you deal with the aftermath. I am so thankful you are all okay and are able to stay home, but the whole thing is down right scary.

JANET - ((((( HUGS ))))) to you and the family over the loss of LUKE. It will surely be a difficult week for all of you. Know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Lolly said...

Good morning! OMG Shirley! My first thought was "was this the house with the dog outside?" Then saw your answer! That is really scary! Will be curious to find what started the fire.

We have HOT temps all week, up to 100, and then a blessed cool front arrives Fri night or Sat. Then we have highs in the 80's. Yea! It will be easier to leave knowing my yard will not be cooking.

Linda said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!

PAULA - Happy to hear Nick is flea free now and hoping you nipped it in the bud! Sounds like you caught things in time. Sometimes we let Riley's treatment go a couple months instead of every month and we worry more about the ticks here.

JUDYE - When I get to my desktop later today, I will find a picture of our rhododendrons and post a picture. We had them all along the front walkway of our house, but they got too leggy and it was difficult to keep them at 2'.

I saw a picture from years back (before we owned the house) where they were so tall they just about blocked the front window!

magpie said...

Dear me Shirley....
I hope you are resting now and not reading...
but how very scary...those images of fire, the sound, the scent...
will be replayed in your minds for some time tom come...

Thankful prayers that you and your family are okay....and that everyone else is okay too....

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

I was happy to tune in and listen to the Lori and Loo show this morning for awhile ♪ ♫
betcha Lori is finished with her work day now

Linda said...

JO - I didn't get a picture of the Dennis feeding the baby cedar waxwings because at that moment I didn't have my camera. We sort of seized the moment. I did get a couple pics of the two little ones in the bush and if it turned out, I will post it.

Dennis says they are no longer in the rhodie bush this morning. I haven't gone outside yet to figure out where they are. He is not patient enough to sit and wait for the calls back and forth to find them. He said he didn't remember which call was theirs. I know! Hopefully they are flying today. Poor little things must have fledged too soon or got booted out somehow!


Linda said...

Good Morning LOLLY and MARGY!

magpie said...

It's the first day of school for a whole 'notehr bunch of teachers, students, school bus drivers and so on

Best Wishes and Bless You, All

Linda said...

That cool front will come in handy for when you have to pack the trailer, right LOLLY?

magpie said...

if I am going to spell it wrong I have to spell it wrong right

'Morning back to you Linda !!

Best wishes to everyone for a good, better, BEST day....

Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet for Wanda and Gene later on...
one of those "Labors of Love"

must earn my paycheck now, workday is 25% over already ☺

ttfn xoxoxoxox

Linda said...

LORETTA - Great all yours are!!

ANDY - Glad you had some down time after such a busy day touring the Canyon. I guess a holiday weekend brings even more people and thus more traffic!! Enjoy yourselves now that you are resettled!!

Linda said...

Well Dennis already has the vacuum going, so I better high tail it!! Small Group here tonight, so we do our vacuuming and mopping on Tuesdays! Ugh!

Wishing everyone some sunshine today!!


magpie said...

the Cedar WW's don't have much of a call, it's more like a little squeaky twittery sound....

betting they will be around awhile, and they are quite communal so you might see more families ☺

magpie said...

wish to express to Hoda.... condolences and prayerful thoughts regarding the loss of your friend and teacher that you mentioned to us a few days ago..

(( Hugs ))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

I have to say that "shop til you drop" does not even begin to describe this weekend. I think they were trying to kill me. I had no work when I signed in this morning so I have a few things to take care of here today and then I am heading home. Been a great few days with Andrew and Kelsey.

magpie said...

Well, that's the way a week-end with family should be, Sharon
hope you got some neat things for yourself also !!!


Linda said...

And one more thing........

Happy Happy Birthday Iris!!

May this be day be a special day for you.

Love and ((((( HUGS ))))) to you....


magpie said...

nest clear as a bell right now

magpie said...

oh Linda, glad you came back with that one more thing....and reminded me 'cuz I forgot:

Happy Birthday Iris....May this be your Very Best Birthday Ever.....xoxo

Lolly said...

Good morning, Linda. Ahhh, isn't it great that we have a jubby and a dubby that vacuum?

CarolAnne said...

RE: The pond

First, Hawkwood it is not! lol

Second, we re-worked the pond after a summer of leaks and then thefts from a persistent heron. The dilemna regarding the heron was finding a way to keep it from fishing in our pond without changing the pond area into a fortress.

Final solution was to move the pond to the deck. So we now have a "deck pond". Definitely not typical, but it is a solution. Deck is way bigger than our needs. The addition of the pond to the deck will give us a nice serene spot to find peace & calm.

Not yet totally completed, and probably won't be "landscaped/accessorized" until next spring, but Pond pics are on my blog.

Wishing peace & serenity to all today & the days ahead.

Lolly said...

We had a heron one time, that we know of! You should have seen me as I ran out, waving my arms and yelling. He flew to the shop roof of the house next door. Saw him one other time after that and we did loose a fish.

Lolly said...

I really need to get up and moving. I slept late and moving slow this morn. Jubby had a eye doc appointment so he has been up and gone! We are both at loose ends, so ready to get the trailer and start loading!

He has been working hard in his shop. He had Christmas projects to complete and he did. Our presents for our sisters and brother are ready!!! And, of course, he made them for the girls and myself as well. I will have to take a picture to show you as they are hard to describe. They are "orders" servers, with utensils. He turned the utensils on his lathe.

Linda said...

**** NEW THREAD ****

**** NEW THREAD ****

**** NEW THREAD ****

Come on over.......

stronghunter said...

Kathryn called around and found a contractor who is sending someone out to take care of protecting the house.

Needless to say, I did not go bowling today.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn called around and found a contractor who is sending someone out to take care of protecting the house.

Needless to say, I did not go bowling today.

JudyEddy said...

Lets see if this gets emailed to me

«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 496 of 496   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...