Thursday, April 12, 2012


New thread.   We all got a kick out of the behavior yesterday where the eaglets were being covered with grass by the adult.  We think it was to keep them warm in the wind and possibly shield them from a predator (although it's very doubtful a predator would get through the adults).


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Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I've also noticed that the parents bring in a lot more fluff in the late afternoon when it is going to be a very cold they have a built-in weather man:)

Costume Lady said...

I guess, by now, most of you know that we have never had TWINS before...only 3 or 1. This pair is a real treat to watch. We are blessed!

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, thanks for the link to Fin-Ferry, it is really foggy there. Haven't tried to catch the FERRY for a very long time:) Lolly and Jo used to wait up late night waiting on the Ferry before they went to bed:)

Somewhere I have the URL for Land Finny...will search for it.

Judie said...

Good morning, Steve. Thank you for the fresh thread. Have a lovely day.

I just looked at the "stuff" at the top of the nest and almost looks as if it could be a snake. Never seen snake brought in before, though.

Wanda, that cough could be allergic reaction. I'm having a bad time this week, also.

Babes resting in the sunlight.

Okay, off to the big school house. Yep, Margy, one day they are gonna be adults but doubtful before May 8.


Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday morning everyone. I'll need to go back on previous page to see comments of the morning.
Thanks Steve for the fresh thread - glad you are enjoying these 2 eaglets as much as we of the blog are.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. It is so very nice to have 2 very healthy young eaglets to enjoy this year. A breath of fresh air for us indeed.

hedgie said...

Good morning, pals. Hope everyone is doing well.

Isla apparetly has NOT laid an egg yet, but they do keep zooming in everytime she hunkers down. Wish the cam would run longer. But it restarts quickly.

Waiting to hear from Shannon's uncle as to when he is coming to fix the hot water heater. Hopefully it's going to be today! If not, may have to skip a bath tonight and do a quick shower instead (ugh!).

hedgie said...

Wanda, I don't think that Finny is an active nest anymore. Cam still there but never any birds! And now I can't find my link.

hedgie said...

Oh, here it is but it still says 2010 and snow!! Frozen image, amybe?

magpie said...

Let me bring it back over again, Lynn

Thanks Steve for the New Thread

back in a minute

magpie said...

Fin-Ferry Osprey

magpie said...

not sure about either of the two land nests, if that is what folks are looking for

Lynn - yes, hoping on that Hot Water Heater...not the breaker, huh....

magpie said...

I was also thinking that looks like a coiled up snake near the top of the nest

earlier it looked like a little round ball was balanced on it also

think I am seeing things.

magpie said...

Just think when you gaze upon these "babies"
that they are the size of grown chickens

okay, I'm missing an update from the Southern Delegation....

(( Hugs ♥ ))
back in look-see

Lori O. said...

Hello to all before me, Wanda, Lynn, Jo, Glo, Margy & Judie!

Thanks for the call over Wanda.

STEVE, thank YOU for the fresh thread.

LYNN, hope you get your hot water thingy fixed today, for a long, hot soak tonight.

MARGY, I hope you hear from your nieces soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

I thought they took the cam down at the land Finny.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, Lori's bathing suit picture is on the 97.1 Wash facebook page

magpie said...

yes Paula
I think you are correct on that about the Finland land nests...I've been waiting for the Cormorant cam to come back up !

thanks Lori
talked to niece, no improvement
little hope of recovery

paula eagleholic said...

Think the BWO ospreys were just "doing it" ☺

Eatin time our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Margy, I am so sorry.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, the finney land nest is still online!

Finney Land Nest

Lolly said...

Good morning! Margy...prayers for your BIL and (((hugs))) for you!

The other day when you put up the link to the fin/ferry, I went to it and opened it just as the ferry went by. I caught it, Wanda, and went for a ride. Wished you were there with me. LOL Ferry usually goes by around 10:20 or 11:20, your time, every evening.

Lolly said...

No time to be on here this morn. Lots to do, but wanted to say "Hi".

Will peek in later, as I want to see if Kay reports in.

Have a great day!

paula eagleholic said...

The forum says the first osprey should arrive in about 11 days.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, just popping in before I leave for work.


Lynne2 said...

Had an interesting Canada Goose event this morning. Kept hearing one close by while in the nature room. It kept honking as if in distress. Then one flew over, and still I heard one close by. Well, I went outside and a crazy goose was perched on top of the roof of the old trailer out back! The other geese down at the pond were making a huge racket as well. I approached, thinking surely she must be caught on something up there. GEESE DON"T PERCH ON ROOFS!! But then the closer I got, she started walking around, honking like crazy and when I got almost up to the trailer, she took off! She seemed OK...hope she really is!

magpie said...

yes, that was great
about your seeing the Ferry !!!
Wish we could all hop on and cruise away for awhile

back to work, trying to concentrate


hedgie said...

Nope, Margy, it wasn't the breaker. Checked that last night!

Sorry about the news about Dwain.

Oh, Yes, I have FinFerry---I thought Wanda was referring to the land nest. Oops!

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from tennis to find a new thread. Thanks Steve and thanks Wanda for the call over!

Email from my sister that she called a realtor and has made an appointment to see 4 different ground floor condos in the development close to her in Howard County. I've also done some research on sale prices in my mom's neighborhood in Balto. County to get an idea of what she could get for her townhouse/condo. Prices are considerably higher in Howard County but Mom HAS the money and it would be so much better for her to be close to Lisa. Where Mom lives now was 2 minutes from us when we were still living in MD, but she's about 35 minutes from my sister. Played tennis with a realtor here this morning and she agreed that seeing a place in person and being able to visualize where you would put your stuff often helps people with making a decision to move. So Lisa will check the places out first and then "drag" Mom to look (if she'll even go!" As y'all say, MTBR!

Lynn, hope the hot water heater gets fixed today. How are you feeling?

Still nothing from Kay today - am anxious to hear how she's doing.

And still no Thelma.

Belle just arrived and is digging in the flugg. Kids are lounging. Wind is STILL blowing! Geez!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wow - Belle is really tearing up the egg cup. I sure hope she doesn't hit bottom and create a hole ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hope all is well with the world!

Mema Jo said...

Hello Sharon! How is it in your world - I am doing well. Any update on Thelma
Miss her morning comments.

Mema Jo said...

My lunch break


JudyEddy said...

back from seeing the monkeys nap now

hedgie said...

Uncle Nick is on his way! Thank goodness I'll have a full tank of HOT water for tonight!

Costume Lady said...

LYNN, I was referring to the Land Finny nest.
Paula discovered that the cam was back on. It looks like they have done some major trimming of that tree. She also said that Osprey (Finny pair) are due back in a week or so. The nest is really rough looking for eggs and babes. Osprey's don't have as fine a nest as eagles, but it still needs some fine tuning:)
THANKS PAUL for that info!

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I too have had a cough on
and off for about a month so does
Angie along with Jordyn
We just assume its pollen and allergies
We are under high thick smoke warnings
97wildfires are burning north of here and
sure enough walked out this am and almost
chocked on it winds blowing from
the norrth You could see it on radar
also Wasn't gong to go anywhere
but Jordyn wanted to see first the Dolphins
but then changed her mind and said we hadn't
see the monkeys in along time so we went
there and there was not one trace of smoke
must be because they are north of us
Jordyn fell asleep on the way home got her
carried in and to bed boy is she getting
toooooo heavy for me

Costume Lady said...

*PAULA* We don't have a PAUL:)

Costume Lady said...

JUDYE, I did see on the map, last night, that Florida is having a lot of wildfires, especially the whole Northern part of the state.
I have been down there during fire season and the smoke was so thick on Alligator Alley, it was frightening. Thought the road should have been closed off! That was probably the year Capt. Gene left me, deep in the jungle of AA!

Bird Girl said...

I sure love our eaglets! They sure like to splay out and get comfy!

Hoda said...

Good morning good afternoon all.

Today I feel much better and I have energy to do flat I will be is overdue I tell you!!!

Thanks Steve for the new thread...yes it is very funny how Belle in particular covers the chicks with fluff...she has been doing it for a while now.We are enjoying them too and THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY

WANDA ANDY also has a cough...
and I just read JUDYE and ANGIE also have it...

Good news on the watrer heater LYNN...GOOD to hearlet us know what Shannon's Uncle says...

Mema Jo said...

You aren't going to believe this!
MN eagle nest in the comments: "Yes it's mom. Dad has a black spot at the top of his head"

That is too cool and almost unbelievable :)

Mema Jo said...

Hurray Lynn - Hotsie Totsie!

Hoda said...

oh I lost the live feed!!! Try again...

Hoda said...

JO Maybe they are brothers!!!LOL too far away though...LOL

paula eagleholic said...

I read the nest updates for Finney Land, in the bottom left corner...apparently the nest collapsed and some people rebuilt it...I'm sure the osprey's will add to it :)

Mema Jo said...

Most of these coughs (Mine included) are due to drainage from our sinus caused by Allergies! When I take an
Antihistamine I don't cough. It has been one whooper of a season for the pollen out there. At least that is what
is happening with me.....

Hoda said...

I am concerned about the reports of a sighting of a snake in the nest...I have been looking very carefully and I do not see anything one there is coiled grass and a lighter something on it...Big Gal just poked it and it did not this what SANDI and MARGY were talking about?

Hoda said...

Belle poofed and chicklettes untended...zonked out above the cup area...

hedgie said...

Feeling very stupid now, because Uncle Nick couldn't find anyhting wrong with the water heater. Only thing I can figure is that in my fog my foot must have hit the faucet and when I turned it up the cold was still spilling over, OR I didn't have the stopper closed all the way. BIG DUH! Guess I am named CLEAR now, huh, Lynne?

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, I'm not sure what it was but the eagles do catch eels in the river at times. I thought is was an extra large fish.. Not sure! I think you can still see the tail of the fish with its fin--- it is half eaten and large.

Mema Jo said...

As long as you now have HOT water all is well! :)

Hoda said...

Belle returns from ten and the chicklettes are both awake sitting up

Hoda said...

Oh LYNN so pleased that nothing is the matter with the heater and that you have hot water for your comfort...It is an honest mistake so do not eat yourself over the head for it, any of us could have done the same...This Uncle Nick chap sounds like a good guy.I am glad he was able to come today and see to it...

Mema Jo said...

Helen just put a great pic on FB - Osprey back at Finny/Ferry but being attacked by crows.

Mema Jo said...

Little guy put his Feetsies Up

Mema Jo said...

Mema is going to put her feetsies up now!

Hoda said...

Thanks JO eel is good!!!

magpie said...

So long for the afternoon Eagle Pals...
have two personal app'ts then headed down to Winchester Medical Center to visit with my family...

Lynn...happy happy about the water heater...hey, now that's jsut great !

Take care, Everyone xo
leaving now, so bye bye

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello! Love Steve's description of yesterday's "blanketing"!
They look like big bookends today!

paula eagleholic said...

Bro and Missy are sitting up and looking around...doing some preening, stretching, flapping and of course PS

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Slept in late this morning, and it felt GOOD!

Lynn, so glad to hear that the water heater is working! A nice long soak tonight will feel great!
Hope you are feeling well today. Love you! (((HUGS)))!!

Margy, sorry to hear the update on your BIL. Prayers continue for everyone, and hoping for the best!

Need to get some stuff done around here. No rain predicted for today, so IF my allergies decide to cooperate, I need to do some weeding--lots of unwanted stuff is sprouting in my patio pots. Need to prune a few things, too. Hope I'm not sorry later! Mucinex DM seems to be helping a lot. Still cough occasionally, though.

Miss Emma is restless this morning--she must hear a trash truck somewhere in the neighborhood. She is, unfortunately, convinced that trash trucks gobble up unsuspecting puppies!!! We BOTH will be glad when Friday is here!

Haven't seen a post from Thelma. Hope she is OK--have been missing her! (((HUGS)))!!! Take care!

For those of us who have a cough bugging us, I find that one of the best remedies for it is Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi. Somehow the carbonation seems to cut through the gunk. I usually avoid soft drinks completely, but if I drink it with very little (or no) ice, it works great! Only other thing that works is hot tea or hot coffee.

Well, better get going here. So much to do, so little time! Hope everyone has a good day. I'll check back in later tonight, after dinner. Later, alligators! :o]

NatureNut said...

Gee, oldest peaglet will be one month old tomorrow if I have my dates right.
What big feetsies you both have! ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The West Virginia State University Jazz Band (of which my baby boy is a member) will be performing tonight and tomorrow night at the Lincoln Theatre in Washington, DC. I sure do wish I was there!


e. 7:00 PM TO 10 PM PROGRAM


d. 6:15 PM Reception
e. 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Program

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thelma is feeling better today. Had issues with her computer earlier but I fixed it. I will suggest to her that she post something! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mutt and Jeffina are getting huge!

Hoda said...

I wish them well SHARON...I am sure they will be great performances...You will be there in spirit I am sure.

Hoda said...

KAY has resurfaced!!!! She is on Momster Mail making a comment about a turtle!!!

T-Bird said...

Hello everyone, my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

I'm feeling much better than yesterday. Thanks everyone.

T-Bird said...

Thoughts and prayers are always welcome, bakatcha.

Hoda said...

Missy has a lot fo balck showing on her wings as she was sitting up before she just keeled over!!! Bro not showing so much black yet...both zonekd out at ten and five...Missy just sat up again, really funny looking feet!!!

Hoda said...

YAY T-Bird checked in too...glad you are feeling a bit better...

Kay said...

LOL, HODA ! You caught me !

I'm so sorry that I've been AWOL for so long. It's been a trying ordeal. The second injection was far more painful than the first, due in part to the fact that my condition was so much worse going in. The doctor says she won't be willing to give a 3rd and that is this one doesn't help for a while, or when it runs out, I'll have to have surgery. Meantime, she says this one can't be counted on for 7 to 10 days, so it is now out of the question for me to think of driving to WV for the get together. Sob, sob. Can't take the chance of being stricken that far from home, family and medicos. Have sent e-mails to all the committee members I could remember, so they know to count me out. Will look forward to all pictures, videos and write-ups you attendees can share ! The injection was given about 1 p.m. and it was 4 p.m. before the pain eased up. By noon I was able to lay the cane aside and now the pain has reduced by about 50%. Thank you for all prayers and postive thoughts on my behalf !!!!!

Kay said...

Don't know if I'll back up too much for a catch up, but know one thing I missed was wishing PAULA a very happy birthday yesterday. Here's a belated hug {{{{{Paula}}}}} and I hope it was a Great Day !

Good to see you back with us, THELMA ! Aren't we lucky to have these MOMSTERS among our prayer partners ? I♥U !

Lori O. said...

Oh, KAY, count me among the extremely sad that you will not be coming to WV pretend Open House. I'm also so sorry the shot was so painful. (((BIG HUGS)))

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are snoozing side by side at the 9-10 spot

Hoda, aren't their oversized feet adorable ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, so sorry this is not your year for a visit! We will miss you, and hope that you can visit in the future!

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey laying in the nest at BWO

Kay said...

Thank you, LORI and PAULA ! Just talked to a clerk at the Aiken Center Comfort Inn. She asked for a reason for my cancel and I started crying---I think I brought her to tears, too ! If anyone is still looking for a room, you might get mine if you act fast.

JudyEddy said...

Haven't had a chance to read at all today Jordyn only took a hour nap getting ready to go to her house to open her presents and then to ballet and won't be back till late I hope all is ok I will catch up later

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay, I called the Comfort Inn in Shepherdstown just 2 or 3 weeks ago and they had rooms. Not sure why they didn't before.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hate so bad that you can't come! Makes me sad.

Lolly said...

Oh, sorry you are going to miss the non Open House and sorrier that you are in so much pain. Just not fair!!!

Clothes loaded...check
Food loaded....check
misc loaded....check

We are making progress, I have even had my do done!!

Hoda said...

I am in today till I go to yoga at four thirty and I know I am better because I got the vacuum out and I started to vacuum and I moved furniture and laughed as I moved the fridge too and got in all the corners and crannies, not that I know what a cranny is, just an expression that I like to say!!!LOL!!! I did do a good job vacuuming though...
I now started with the laundry and the windows are wide open and it feels awesome...Thinking I need to wash the windows, but think it might be too much for today and will do it by the weekend I hope...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


1. chiefly Scottish : a right-angled corner
2a: an interior angle formed by two meeting walls b: a secluded or sheltered place or part c: a small often recessed section of a larger room

1 : a small break or slit : crevice
2 : an obscure nook or corner

Lolly said...

We will be taking our laptops, but this weekend I will probably not have any wifi. I do hope to see you next Monday. Hopefully we will have connections at that RV park in Kerrville.

I'll take this time though to say, have a great time next weekend. I will be busy Fri and Sat at my HS reunion, but I will think of you. I am sending ((hugs)) to all of you and I will want to hear all about it and see loads of pictures.

Hoda said...

Bro has got the itch!!! their feet are funny PAULA.

KAY I feel so sad that you will not make the reunion either and I can understand the tears with the cancellation. God Bless you and keep you and restore you to a pain free state.

Praying for MARGY'S visit with her family and for BIL's journey...either way a journey.

DANAMO are you home yet? You said you all were not moving as fast as you would like earlier the day...did you stop at the glass place?

LYNN what have you had to eat today? I am thinking lunch just about now and I think it is going to be vegetables and tofu and some peppermint chocolate ice cream treat...

paula eagleholic said...

♫♥♥ Happy Birthday to JudyE's favorite granddaughter, Jordyn ♥♥♫

Hoda said...

Boo hoo!!! Boo hoo!!! Somone finished the Peppermint chocolate ice can not have been me...the gremlins must be back!!! So I will have to make do with berry and frozen yogurt is tough but someone has got to live it!!! YAY!!!

Hoda said...

and many more...♫ ♫ ♪ ♪

Bon Voyage LOLLY we will miss you and look forward to hearing stories of your family gathering...
Drive safely JACK.

Lori O. said...

I'm gonna try to hit the hay early this evening...still feel way out of it after traveling and no naps, etc. I don't like going to bed when it's still light out!

Hoda said...

Someone is bothering both Shep and Belle. He came in with a fish and waht a ruccous is going on...Bro and Missy are asleep...I like that Bro and Missy!!!PAULA used it earlier today...

Kay said...

JUDYE, please give precious Jordyn a big Mama Kay hug for her birthday ! xxxooo

HODA, making do with berry and yogurt frozen treat sounds mighty good to me !

LOLLY, you are so organized ! Have a blast with your H.S. reuners !

SHARON, thanks---I did so want to meet you and the rest of the Southern Delegation !

LORI, it's early, but I'm due for meds and dinner at 6. It won't be long after that and well before dark when I head to bed myself.

With prayers for all in need !


Hoda said...

Belle is eating. Bro and Missy are looking for food. Shep poofs.She is now feeding them

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Anne-Marie just posted on FB:

Anne-Marie Larsen
Hi everyone, no I'm not dead........Just very ill. I'm on heavy meds so I have to take this computer thing in shifts of a few minutes at a time. Ill be back later in the day and explain. Hugs

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So please pray for our Anne-Marie.

Hoda said...

NOOKS and Crannies...Thanks SHARON...I got it..the right expression and the meaning. Thank you. HUGS♥

Hoda said...

Prayers fpor Anne-Marie. Thanks for letting us know SHARON.

DanaMo said...

Very cute Steve. Our eaglets and their parents are quite amazing. Thanks for the new thread.

Home at last. Long drive, but nice trip. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting Kay.
The cave was everything I had hoped for, the glass factory was interesting (will post pictures later) and the distillery was intriguing as well. All and all a wonderful spring/Easter break. Hate to see it coming to an end.

My procedure is tomorrow at 10:30, then I guess it will be the couch for me for most of the weekend.
Annemarie and Monte go down the road Saturday to the State DI competition.

DanaMo said...

Kay-I cried when I read your note. I'm so sorry that you will not be able to attend, but certainly understand. I think I would probably be very concerned if you were getting on the road for such a long drive by yourself not at 100%. Hugs ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

DanaMo said...

Lori-your "photo joke" totally got me!!!

Sandi said...

GEEZ - I do believe I vacuumed 20 pounds of dust bunnies and dog hair from our bedroom!!! Moved all the furniture out from the walls and got all the baseboards and cobwebs in the corners (all the nooks and crannies, Hoda). Vacuumed the pleated shades, lamp shades, and ceiling fan blades, and cleaned the hardwood floors. Didn't get the windows washed - another day!

Thelma, so good to see you on today and to hear that you're feeling better!

Lynn, hooray on the hot water heater! Hope you're having a good day!

Kay, I am sorry that your injection was so painful, and even more sorry that you won't be coming to WV - I was really looking forward to meeting you!

DanaMo, welcome home! What time is your procedure tomorrow - glad you had a good trip and made it home safe and sound.

Margy, continued prayers for strength for your brother-in-law and his whole family.

Judy, Happy birthday to your lovely Jordyn!!

Sorry I missed telling Lolly to have a great time at her family reunion. Maybe I'll post something on her FB.

Sending positive energy to all who are coughing - I think whoever said allergies (Jo maybe?) nailed it. The pollen is awful here - a layer of yellow on EVERYTHING!!!

hedgie said...

Christie has been here for a few hours helping take care of some business matters and just left. Sure I'll n ever catch up a my back is bothering me. I'll give it a try.

Hoda said...

Good to read your post LYNN...Glad you had Chrisite's company and things also got done...

SANDI it must be catchy because I am thinking more nooks and crannies to tend to with window washing and tending to the blinds...LOL
For now I am folding laundry and will get ready to head out to yoga in a few minutes so I will wish you all well and talk to you later.


Welcome Home DANAMO and family...let us know how Aric makes out with his paper that he had to research and present soon. I hope he found enough material to support his point of view.

hedgie said...

So sad about Kay not joining us but understand completely. I cried when I read her email...for her rough procedure as well as missing her trip. :(

Happy Birthday to Jordyn!

Hoda and Sandi, you both were whirling dervishes today!!! Kudos but hope you didn't overdo.

Dana, glad you are home safe and sound. Prayers for your procedure to go smoothly tomorrow morning.

Lori--sleep tight!!!

Thelma, glad you are feeling better!!
Shar--how cool that the kids are performing in DC! I bet it will be r e ally super!

Back to sofa I go.....Jeopardy time approaches. BBL.

DanaMo said...

My procedure is at 10:30. Nothing to eat or drink tonight after midnight and nothing in the morning is going to be killer!! I can do without the food, it's the coffee I will miss! LOL!

House cleaning is something I should be doing before the break is over, but I think I will just be taking it easy. Not a bad thing, really. When we go back on Monday we will have...drum roll...35 days left!

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope you have a marvelous trip and reunion!!!

Margy, hope you are home by now, and that you left the family with a bit lighter hearts.

Heading for the tub. BB.

paula eagleholic said...

Love how Belle is standing in the nest with the chicks...they are partly covered with fluff

paula eagleholic said...

So now she is looking about with great interest and the kiddos are up too

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back DanaMO! Would love to see the glass factory pics, haven't been to one since I was about 6.

Lolly, safe travels and HAVE FUN!! We will miss you while you are gone!

Lynne2 said...

evening all, home from work now.

So SO sad that Kay had a difficult time with her procedure and that she won't be coming :(

Lynn...Welcome to Club CLEAR!!! Glad it wasn't a more serious issue with the hot water though!

Glad DanaMo is home and prayers for an uneventful procedure tomorrow and YES, take it EASY this weekend gal!

Safe travels and tons of fun for Lolly!

stronghunter said...

Crashed on the bed now. Hunter and Kathryn are going back to the lazy river, but I am staying in the room. We have had a busy day.

Kay, I am so sorry about your pain. And sorry that you can't come to our get-together. We will miss you. I do hope you get better quickly.

We got to go onto the Oceana Navy Base today. Kathryn's friend Angie has a pass, so she took us in. Hunter enjoyed seeing the planes. We went to a war plane museum earlier today. It has been all about aviation today.

Hunter and Kathryn went down to the beach for awhile, but I crashed. I will have to go down to the beach tomorrow. Supposed to be warmer, I think.

hedgie said...

That was a much better bath!

Sorry Anne Marie has been so ill...wonder what is up? I'll try to look at FB tomorrow.

It's bedtime for Bonzo here, I think. So goodnight sweet friends. Hope everyone has a good night.
Prayers for all.

stronghunter said...

Glad to know the bath was better today, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night.

Kathryn and Hunter are back from the lazy river. It is full of rude teenagers who are pushing and kicking people. She has called the hotel management because she is concerned for the safety of people there.

She got scraped on the pool bottom when she got pushed.

Lynne2 said...

Good Lord Shirley...that's so AWFUL!

stronghunter said...

Management was on the way to take care of things.

Kathryn said there were two very little girls in the pool and that the adults were sitting on the side; she picked up one of the little girls and handed her to one of the adults because she was afraid for her.

It can be a fun place but there are spots where people on the sidelines can't see what is going on in the water. Adults need to be in the water with small children.

JudyEddy said...

First of all thank you all for you Birthday wishes
for Jordyn as always we had a blast today. Her party is
on the 21st a combo of Carls B day and hers
family movie night also outside on a big screen
They have a bouncy house they sit up beside
the swingset and other outdoor play stuff and off
course the swining pool at Carls moms house

JudyEddy said...

KAY so sorry you won't make it this year either,
so sorry about your pain

JudyEddy said...

Just got back a bit ago now am so tired

LYNN so glad it was nothing with the heater
and I see LYNNE2 made you a honorary
member of Club CLEAR LOL

DANAMO I love the caves in KY
Living there I have been several times
I like the non Mammoths one tooo

THELMA glad you a back and feeling
better too

Traveling LOLLY I hope you have a good

HODA and SANDI in the cleaning mood
and they apparently do window My house
is next come on down its nice and warm
here in the 80°s
after working all day and havinig Jordyn
two days I have no time to clean

JudyEddy said...

Odd my trash cans is ontop of the A in April

JudyEddy said...

except on the last post I wonder if doing short sentences has anything to do with it

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY so sorry
for the rude
kids It seems no
matter where anyone
goes there are always
some there I had one
cut me off in line at
McD last week and I told
him when she was taking
him order What am I chopped
liver that I was next and he
was rude I think he was
shocked I said something to him

JudyEddy said...

I saw the video to where Shep and Belle were on high alert in the nest maybe a inturder about 530 you all reported it also

Lynne2 said...

Gotta wonder what some parents are thinking. I had to have a discussion with 2 kids, about 10 yrs old, who were jumping and yelling all over the waiting room at work the other day, while their father, or whoever he was, just ignored them. Being that it's a HOUSE and the surgery animals and ones there for treatments were directly below, I told them they need to stop because they would upset the animals. The blank faced man never said a word. DUH!

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Tried to do some speed reading to sort of catch up.

Kay, just so very sad that you cannot join the momsters/dadsters but think you are making a medically sound decision. I don't recall the reason for all the pain but if it is a disc, please have the surgery. I did and was up, home, in the kitchen 6 1/2 hours later. No pain in five years. Very very sad but you will be thought of, I promise.

Shirley, what an unfortunate situation at the hotel. Management should know and make sure everyone is safe, especially in a pool with children. Otherwise, so glad you had a nice day. Spent many many hours at the Oceana Officers Club back in the day. Dated a few fighter pilots.

Thelma, glad you're feeling better. Take care, please.

Lynn, so happy your tubby time was good and Christi was there to get some things accomplished. Rest well tonight.

Happy Birthday to Jordyn.

Hi to all those I have not mentioned.

JudyEddy said...

the other picture was me setting up the timer this pic a couple was walking by when I was sitting up the timer and asked if she could take THIS pic I thought that was nice of them
I tired to position Jordyns head to where it looked like he was picking her up Every time we go I try to take pic in the same are for comparison of pic later over the years as a matter of fact I need to do a 4yr of of Easter Angie ask me to do maybe when Jordyn is down for a nap tomorrow

Judie said...

The sandperson is trying to sneak into my office but I can feel the presence of sleep nearby. So I will turn the night light on and send sandperson to visit others. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday to Jordan.

I think the teenagers came on a bus with some poor woman who was not really in control of things.

Good to see you here, Thelma!

Good night for real.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, glad Kathryn called management!

Been to Wally world, grocery store, and conversation with #1 son...#2 son coming to the beach tomorrow, it will be just him and I...should be nice.

Have everything ready to go but the cooler, and going to try and dig up some plants that need to be thinned and take them down as well.

Going to try and make it an early night here as well.

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed....prayers for you all!

Hoda said...

I had a very good yoga practice. I am glad I went. My American Niece phoned from Reading England right forty five minutes before I was to head out and I was a bit late getting there but it went well and I made it on time and am glad of the practice.

We had strong thunder showers while I was in practice and the view from the windoe facing south east was spectacular.

SHIRLEY good to read your posts and know you are enjoying the activities. Sorry Kathryn had the scraping incident...and good on her for speaking up.

Good night LYNN glad the bath went well tonight.

PRAYERS for DANAMO procedure tomorrow...

YAY 35 days for SanDI and DANAMO...

paula eagleholic said...

Nite friends, sleep well.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

Mema Jo said...

JudyE please tomorrow give Jordyn a big hug. I am sure she had a very special day today with you

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Had a meeting at church tonight. Also going to pack up the laptop and load it up! Taking Annie in the morning to the vets and then we are heading out.

Lynn, I will be thinking of you. I hope you have lots of good days next week and have a great time at the momster reunion.

Kay, I will be thinking of you, too. Prayers that you have good days as well!

I do hope to be "seeing" you early next week.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Looks like our parent eagle is up at 11:00 position - Pray for a quiet night.

I have gotten Kay's sad news on her email and I promised her that some day some way we will meet her.

Mema Jo said...

I really hope we hear more from our original Momster in the Red dress on the cruise to Alaska....
Prayers for you AnneMarie - ♥

Mema Jo said...

I must go to my pillows now.......
No nap today makes it a heavy eyed Jumpin' Jo....

God bless one and all
Healing prayers for all in need
Prayers of Peace and Comfort for all
** (((HUGS))) **

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I'd love to tell you all the story about ANNMARIE, but the hour is late and I would mess the cute story up!


Lori O. said...


Hoda said...

No Fair WANDA!!!! LOL!!!

Lori O. said...

What a day yesterday was. I am so sad that KAY cannot be with us at the Non Open House, and pray she'll feel much better with the miracle of this second injection.

DanaMo, prayers for your procedure today that all goes well and you have no coffee cravings! :)

SANDI and HODA, is you feel like infecting someone with the cleaning virus you had, I'd very much like to have it!

LOLLY, have a wonderful trip and we will miss you, too, at the NOH. Be sure to post lots of pictures!

Prayers for LYNN, KAY, original Momster, Anne Marie and MARGY's BIL.

Hoda said...

Good night.


Lori O. said...

Goodnight, HODA.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Fell asleep in front of the TV with Emma tonight.


Pretty tired, so calling it a day.
Have said prayers for everyone, especially Lynn, Kay, Margy's BIL, Anne Marie, and Thelma. The porch light is on, and so are the security systems. Sleep well, all. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Lolly, hope you have a wonderful trip! Enjoy!

Kay, sorry to hear that you won't be able to go to the Non-Open House, but sounds safer for you to stay home. Maybe those of us not going can party here on the blog!
Prayers for you continue. Take care!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Sandi and DanaMO!
You're still spring breakin'!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and DanaMo! Yup, 3 more days of "sleeping in" til 6:15! =)

Sandi said...

Hoda, When I return to school on Monday, I'll have 41 days of school left. DanaMo, did you start back before Labor Day? Or maybe you just have a shorter school year (I recall that my boys did when they were in Catholic school). B/c the businesses here at the beach are so dependent on our high schoolers for summer employment, the kids never go back til after Labor Day. Hope your procedure goes well today - the FIRST stop after Denny's procedure on Wed. was to the Wawa for a giant coffee! =)

Hoping for a good day today for Lynn and Kay!

Margy, sorry that things are no better for your brother-in-law; continued prayers for him and the family.

Warmer today and less windy and really warming up for the weekend with no rain! Should be beautiful for Paula in Paradise!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi. Yes, we started school before Labor Day :( Years ago we never did, but alas that has changed.

Can't wait for that giant coffee. Not sure what I am supposed to do with all this time this morning. How do you get going without coffee. I sure wish my appointment had been earlier. I go at 10:30, but I don't think the procedure is until 11:30!!!

Sandi said...

Belle arrives with new fluff. Big is up on her feetsies and taking a few wobbly steps!

DanaMo said...

I don't know if we have a shorter school year. Our calendar is different, but I think we go 175 days. How many days do you have to have Sandi?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Odd how the other ones feathers aren't coming in as dark as the other Salt and Pepper he looks now really can see lots of dark feathers the way he is laying now

Lori O. said...

Okay, how many of you guys occassionally scroll UP the page when you want to post? I just did it.

Sandi, I saw my first of the year butterfly, like the one in your picture, last week. So pretty.

Good Morning, JudyE!

Sandi said...

DanaMo, school year for students = 180 days. Teacher contract = 191 days (I think).

OK, tennis again for me at 9. I'm a little stiff from all the bending and stooping yesterday, so I'm thinking Advil!!

Morning Judy!!

Have a great day all!!


paula eagleholic said...

Chicks were pecking their beaks together! Too cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Good luck on your procedure this morning, DanaMo

Sandi said...

Shep just arrived with breakfast for the kids!!

magpie said...

I do Lori...scroll up
Old habits die hard

Good Morning Eagle Pals....

Best wishes to DanaMo on her procedure this morning

So sorry to read of Kay's back problems and not being able to make the Nest Visit

Sandi said...

And Big walks over, up on her feet! Shep is feeding her. Lil is also up on his feet. Cam just shook so Belle must have arrived in the tree.

Lori O. said...

Shep is feeding Big and Little does a poop shoot!

magpie said...

big as grown chickens peaglets having a fun Friday

paula eagleholic said...

Shep just poofed! Bro getting breakfast from Belle....time for Missy to move over there, but she is waiting patiently

paula eagleholic said...

Shep back with fluff!

Landed right next to Belle. He puts some on Lil Bro!

paula eagleholic said...

Missy nips at his feathers as he stands with his tail towards her

Shep to the launch pad area now

paula eagleholic said...

Shep off to the right

Both chicks lined up for breakfast, but I think it's gone! Belle poofed too!

paula eagleholic said...

Big clunk....eagle in the tree. Cleaning beak sounds.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and the chicks watched her land.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks are nestled in the cup area.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So the Amber Alert issued from here - apparently Tracey Atwell, the father, killed his wife, went to his parents' house, robbed them, tied them up, kidnapped the girl and stole their Jeep. Scary situation for that little girl.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They have covered up the babies. What in the world are they preparing for?

magpie said...

We have the Amber Alert broadcast here, Sharon....
you can imagine....many white jeep cherokees are being....well, noticed

magpie said...

that is one scratchy blanky for those peaglets

JudyE -
One day late Happy Birthday Wishes to Jordyn ♥ ☺

stronghunter said...


Getting ready to heat out to the beach. Beautiful and warm here today.

DanaMo said...

Chicks all covered up, too funny!

hedgie said...

Good morning, gang.

Chicks don;t seem to mind being buried in fluff! Funny to watch......wonder if they'll shake it off when they stand?

DanaMo said...

At first I thought they weren't there. They are covered up and good.

magpie said...

Dear Friends,
I am more or less caught up on Blog Posts....
and I wish the best for everyone, getting over aches, pains, troubles of the mind, heart, and body....

but the last several days have been wrapped around my brother in law's situation and time spent with his family, and communicating with my family

there has been no improvement in my brother in law's condition.
He is 65 years old, father to five, grandfather to 8,
sibling to many,
and the husband of my deceased sister Katherine
(Dec 2007)

His advanced directive wishes will be followed and supported by his children, and the medical support measures discontinued today...
and we shall, wait, and see what happens next, and when

Thank you, each and every one, for your support, prayers, and friendship during this difficult time for my family and me

I might not be on here too much in the next few days.....I am keeping my work schedule as much as possible, but going to the hospital each evening as I can....

(( Hugs, aned Love ♥ ))
Magpie xoxox

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Margy, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! Love and ((((HUGS)))) to you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a friend in Bedford whose daughter was in a car accident at I think 18 years old that left her paralyzed. She is in her 20s now and has been in the hospital with an infection. Apparently, she has developed septicemia. Robert signed a DNR on her today. So sad. Please pray for them.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Margy, please know you are in our thoughts and prayers and wish you and each member of your family peace and acceptance.

DanaMo said...

So much sad news. Holding everyone in my prayers.

Costume Lady said...

Prayers for a peaceful passing for your B-I-L, Margy. Glad you have been there to represent your dear sister. I'm sure it means a lot to the family.

Costume Lady said...
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Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Costume Lady said...

Good morning, Thelma, feeling better today?

Mema Jo said...

Well Red Friday is here! I am thinking and praying for DanaMo - I don't care for early morning but for something like this I sure do. Get in and get it over with and get my coffee.

Margy I have been praying for Dwain and the family. I am thankful for his Family's Strength! Your sister would be so proud of you being with them and sharing in this sad but joyous event of his life. Prayers for God opening his doors for Dwain. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning my friend, Thelma

hedgie said...

Prayers, Margy and Sharon for the family and friends who are suffering . May God's plan for them all be peaceful.

hedgie said...

So much sadness......
what to say??

hedgie said...

I do have to say Thanks for more cards from many of you! Haven't done so in a while and they continue to come, so a big Thank you. Love them all!!!

Mema Jo said...

Speaking of cards - I just got a returned card in my mail from City when you went is for that short stay, Lynn. I thought they were going to keep you longer then they did. ♥

glo said...

Oh my signed in and di a quick read. I am so very sorry for the sad news on here today. Prayers for Magpie and Sharon and those they love who need prayers for healing and peace as this day passes.

Lynn you are always carried in love and prayers throughout each and every day by oh so very many of us.
I am down in the back today. Haven't had this for a long time. I was supposed to cover at the shelter tomorrow. I don't see how Dex and I can do all those stairs all day as I have to carry him now so I have called to get other coverage for the shift. That always makes me feel bad. Maybe an eagle cam will brighten things up.

hedgie said...

BIG poop shoot!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, hospitals used to forward cards to the patient's home address. :( No good service anymore! Thanks anyway!

Glo, hope your back feels better fast....take it as easy as you can.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 425   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...