Sunday, April 29, 2012


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

New thread, new feather. Good morning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I don't even know what to say about hearing this song this morning except by that dear friend is really with us!

Eagles and Horses by John Denver

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Horses are creatures who worship the earth
As they gallop on feet of ivory
Constrained by the wonder of dying and birth
The horses still run, they are free

My body is merely the shell of my soul
But the flesh must be given it’s due
Like a pony that carries it’s rider back home
Like an old friend that’s tried and been true

I had a vision of eagles and horses
High on a ridge in a race with the wind
Going higher and higher and faster and faster
On eagles and horses I’m flying again

Eagles inhabit the heavenly heights
They know neither limit nor bound
They’re the guardian angels of darkness and light
They see all and hear every sound

My spirit will never be broken or caught
For the soul is a free-flowing thing
Like an eagle that needs neither comfort nor thought
To rise up on glorious wings

I had a vision of eagles and horses
High on a ridge in a race with the wind
Going higher and higher and faster and faster
On eagles and horses I’m flying again

My body is merely the shell of my soul
But the flesh must be given it’s due
Like a pony that carries it’s master back home
Like an old that’s tried and been true

My spirit will never be broken or caught
For the soul is a free-flowing thing
Like an eagle that needs neither comfort nor thought
To rise up on glorious wings

I had a vision of eagles and horses
High on a ridge in a race with the wind
Going higher and higher and faster and faster
On eagles and horses I’m flying again

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning and I love you guys!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Shar...will check out that song later...not sure if I remember the tune, but I love John Denver....certainly like the lyrics

Sun is shining here

Lori O. said...

Thanks Shar and Lolly for the calls over!

SHARON, that is beautiful. I don't think I've ever heard it. WOW!

Lolly said...

I posted on the old thread and then saw Sharon's call over.

Lolly said...
Good morning! Send the addresses out Momster mail, I think we could all use the addresses.

Getting ready to read the paper, but had to get on here first. 71 here and cloudy, but no rain expected.

I do hope Hoda is sleeping. She was up in the middle of the night drinking tea. LOL

Sharon, that song is perfect for Lynn. (((Hugs)))

Mema Jo said...

Good morning and look at that sunshine
I am heading to Market when Jenny comes by at 11:00. Thanks for the song Sharon
It was new to me and I love the words.

Mema Jo said...

I have sent through Eaglet Momsters/Dadsters email the Obituary of our dear friend, Lynn.

Mema Jo said...

I should be able to email the addresses
soon I just wanted their permission.
We have Carolyn's address on our
List of Momsters .

Lolly said...

Off to get ready for church. Have a great day!

WVJerry said...

Mema - Got your e-mails. Thanks for including me. I will most likely make a donation in her name to the NCTC unless someone can recommend another cause she would have liked. I've been watching the cam some this morning and relaxing. I'm sure you all have seen what I'm seeing many times. Looks like the larger of the two youngsters is fast becoming a young adult. I was supposed to be getting ready for my Mom and Step-Dad's arrival today. My Mom has been trying to avoid double knee replacement with some injections in her knees. She called and said she wouldn't be able to come after the injections. I think my son and I will try to get out fishing this afternoon...most likely to Sharpsburg and Middletown Ponds...that is if he gets up this afternoon. I have been enjoying everyone's remembrances of your friend. I was disappointed to have missed the recent gathering and now I am double-diasppointed since she was there at the Visit. With the Memorial on a Saturday it will be hard for me to attend. Take care all. I will be working 6 days again next week so I may not be on much again next week. I also enjoyed the John Denver song lyrics posted earlier. Sounds like some inspiration from his plane flying experiences.

Sandi said...

Home from tennis! Thanks Steve for the new thread and Lolly for the call over.

Thanks Jo, for the addresses. I had Carolyn's but not Christie's.

Sharon, BEAUTIFUL lyrics! Thanks for sharing them on the blog!

Sun is shining and it's warming up outside. Need to get the top railings painted all the way across the front porch so I can hang my wrought iron brackets and get my window boxes up one afternoon this week. Should also be a better day to get my other pots planted with annuals.

Denny is FINALLY motivated to work on the bathroom. He tore the old tub/shower out on Friday and the new one will be installed on Tuesday. Today he's working on putting the beadboard on the lower 2/3 of the walls. This has been one long, drawn out project!! Will be so glad when it's finished b/c, for now, we're sharing a bathroom. In 36 years, that has never worked well for us! =)


Hoda said...

Thank you very much SHAR

On eagles and horses she's flying again...

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all!

Passed out early last night... lots of back and knee pain after over doing in the yard.

Carolyn, glad you went to the party. I wouldn't expect you to have a good time just yet, but, one day you will. Baby steps! For you and Christie, this whole next year will be so difficult. You will have the "first" of so many things without your precious mother...birthdays, holidays, etc., and it will be so hard as you remember the events of years past when she was with you, and remember the last holiday or birthday when you still had her. I wish I could tell you it's going to be easy, but it won't, and I so wish I could take the pain away, but I can't.

But you come here, and let us wrap our collective love around you and we will help you through! You have are arms to hold you, our prayers to lift you, our shoulders to cry on anytime you need us!

T-Bird said...

Good morning again everyone. Thanks for the call over. Love the song!! Thanks Steve for the new thread.

glo said...

Thanks for the song Shar. Haven't heard it in ages. I am a big John Denver fan, and this song surely speaks to all of us today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

God never ceases to amaze me. He puts stuff in our lives at the perfect time. God is good all the time.

Lynne2 said...

I have just spent the last half hour sitting in a clump of chest high pasture grass to be less conspicuous, to watch the bluebird box. The babes should be leaving the box today and tomorrow. I got to see mom and dad both bring in food, saw baby with head out of the hole! Took some pictures that turned out really lousy. Will go out again in a bit and try a different setting on the camera. Can't get too close, don't want the babies jumping ship too soon. I have checked myself for ticks. None discovered so far. AND, I saw a red fox running through the field, too!

Hoda said...

What wonderful experiences LYNNE...

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Jo, thank you for the information you sent today. Much appreciated.

I recently found out NCTC cannot accept gifts directly as it is a Federal Govt agency. Paula may be able to contact the Friends of NCTC to obtain guidance on gift donations, either as a group or on an individual basis.

Thank you Sharon for the J. Denver lyrics. Most appropriate.

Lynne, hope you catch the Bluebird fledges. That would be a real treat.

Okay, back to trying to read/grade. Difficult as my mind is in vagabond mode.


WVJerry said...

Judie - Thanks for pointing out the gift donation thing. I think it would be best if I wait until everyone decides what to do. I probably jumped the gun a little there. Thanks again.

Lolly said...

Home from church. Wow, it is really slow on here. I am feeling sleepy. Although I am getting better I think the meds are making me sleepy, so still not up to par.

Going to do a little house cleaning today and then head outside. We have still managed to keep the AC off and the house open. Listening to the birdies sing! Love it!

Wish I could sit out in that field with you, Lynne. More fun! And a fox....great!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jerry, you didn't jump the gun. That is what Lynn's obit says. We have made donations to Friends of NCTC in the past.

Judie said...

Jerry, Sharon is correct. You did not jump the gun.

Friends of NCTC is a non-profit group the momsters/dadsters have given to in the past. Just thought it might be more manageable if Paula, or one individual, can work out the best method of donation if that is what some wish to do in remembrance of Lynn.

I really forgot my manners yesterday and, I think, the day before. WELCOME AZPATTI. You are a welcome addition.


Lynne2 said...

I am doing more things outside that are going to render me unable to walk tonight. But I cannot help myslef! (I get this from Lolly!)

Lynne2 said...


My tulip foliage is just about spent as is the crocus foliage. I am considering digging up the bulbs to store, and replant elsewhere in the fall for next year. Can I dig them up with the foliage intact?

Hoda said...

In comes Shep with fresh food and is feeding Missy. Bro approaches but is not getting any...

Don't know LYNNE. LOLLY to the rescue I hope...

WVJerry said...

E-ES and Judie - Thanks to you both. I'll keep an eye out for more details and wait until everyone decides what is best.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds Home for lunch and find a fresh new thread and some hungry squealing birds too boot


JudyEddy said...

NatureNut said...

Lynne 2, Love your yard excursions!
We have two robins' nests we're aware of, but aren't going too close.One in back is built in ivy under the garage roof! Adult goes in and out and sits a lot on Pedro! He's a 10' tall dead tree trunk wearing a straw hat!
Gotta watch those ticks. If I built a large box blind to watch the foxes from the middle of the field, I'd sure be worried about them!
Been working upstairs, downstairs and really want to get outside!
Gotta see if I can get into Momster mail. It always says it doesn't know me!! DUH

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Megan is at Market and may not see your question...... Not sure you're get any answer here - Google it... ♥

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Lynne, I can not answer you. Bulbs do need the the folage until it dies back. Some of our tulips bloomed this year that were planted last year. Also, I do know bulbs can develope mold while in storage. Megan can best answer your questions for your area.

Hoda said...

When the feeding happened before Shep poofed only Missy had been properly fed. Bro hardly got any...

Hoda said...

Headed out.

Will go to the park.

I spoke to my college roommate and she will be here the middle of May and we decided on the kinds of things she would like to do...


Mema Jo said...

Can anyone help me out ??????????
Trying to get links for the donation sites of Lynn's wishes for any donations
Animal Advocates of WV - WHAT is the correct name for the organization with whom she was involved..

floralgirl said...

Hello :)
Hey Lynne-
Tulips go dormant 6-8 weeks after blooming. Ideally you should wait until after the foliage dies back before digging them up. Digging too early can cause them not to bloom next year.

floralgirl said...

That is the correct name, Jo
Animal advocates of WV

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Megan....they are SO ugly looking right now!

Anyone catch the Blue Heron nest? 2 chickies have hatch, 2 eggs still unhatched but one has a pip!

Lynne2 said...

LORI, are you lurking? Got your request for Words with Friends. What is it? I know lots are playing! Guess I'll join in too!

Lynne2 said...

Heading back out. I've been digging and separating and planting and rearranging my over crowded front flower beds and I'm covered in dirt from head to toe! LOL....I LOVE IT!!! But now I will take the dogs out and turn them loose in the field and see if I can hide in the grass and get some better pictures of the BBs.

stronghunter said...

Words With Friends is similar to Scrabble, Lynne.

Kay said...

Hello Sunshine and Eagle lovers !

I finally got enough sleep to tide me over and enjoyed the breakfast Seth fixed. It's the same every Sunday, biscuits by Pillsbury Grands, sausages, juice, etc.. I'm pleased he has that one down pat and he's pretty proud, too.

This afternoon I went to his house to pet Malcolm as we basked in the beautiful sunshine. This while doing one of my favorite things-- watching other people work as the family cleaned and mulched flower beds, weeded the brick walk and porch, potted some plants.... Needed those rays desparately and it all took my mind off the pain. Am so looking forward to tomorrow !!!!

SANDI, happy, happy news about your Mom. Trust she'll continue to improve and will be ready for the big move on the 25th.

Thanks to JO for addresses and LYNN's impressive obituary. Are we each donating individually to the charity of our choice, or is there a movement for a joint contribution ?

Love seeing Missy and Bro soaking up some rays, too. All is well at Sycamore Palace and that's a beautiful thing !

Love you Eagle Buds and am praying for all in need. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

What a great weekend you are having Kay! The sun surely does help with forgetting the pain!

Lynne2 said...

Dogs have had a nice fact, Daisy is still out there somewhere. UGH UGH UGH.

Dinner is cooking, plant mess all cleaned up, everything is watered, and tools put away.

No sign of the BBs. Will check after work tomorrow to see if anyone is hanging around the box.

OK, I am now playing WORDS WITH FRIENDS. Who else wants to play!

stronghunter said...

I will play you, Lynne.

Lynne2 said...

Well, after 2 days of spending most of my time outdoors in sight of the hummer feeder, it's safe to say that there are NO hummers yet.

Saw the first one on the 25th last year. By this time last year, I had already saved a road crossing snapper, seen Indigo Buntings at the feeders, seen my first Tiger and Black Swallowtail Butterflies....

glo said...

In IL we had summer in March. Its now a very cold rainy early spring and has been like this for several days.

Lynne2 said...

OK Shirley! I should be easy to beat!

Lynne2 said...

Been a strange Spring all over, hasn't it?

I need to start keeping better journal notes. LOL! My last entry last year was end of May! But it's neat to look back and see what happened when in the past.

Lynne2 said...

One of the amusing things that has been going on here is a battle between a Robin and a Blue Jay. The have had it out several times. Not sure if the Robins have young in the nest, or fledglings that the Jay is harassing or what. The AMUSING part is that the Jay and it's mate sit in the Maple tree, and make the most bizarre sounds! One of them made the sound of a CAR HORN beeping! Those birds are nuts!

Lynne2 said...

Also saw a starling exit one of the green houses carrying a big white blob. Figured it was a poop sack. A few minutes later, another came out carrying one, too!

Sandi said...

Well, I didn't get the railings painted but I sure did have fun getting my pots planted!! For any of you who are FB friends with me, you MUST go to my FB and look at the photos my daughter-in-law took of the wildebeest migration at Serengeti National Park. Talk about a mind blowing weekend outing!!!

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, I'm going to need a dictionary....

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, I don't see them....?

WVJerry said...

Didn't get to go fishing but got one eye on Storage Wars and the other one on the larger of the two eaglets. Looks like she is practicing taking off or something like it.

Sandi said...

Lynne, OK, they are now on my timeline. Check 'em out - the "cover" photo shows the snows of Kilimanjaro!

Sandi said...

Jerry, you are right about the eaglet! Those feet are definitely comin' off the ground!! Yikes!!

Lynne2 said...

Hey Jerry, sorry you didn't make it fishing. Steve is out today.

These babies will start doing some REALLY SCARY THINGS in the weeks to come! It's amazing that they manage to stay in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Lynne I once saw a blue jay attack a robin's nest and carry out one of the baby robins - I was devastated watching this scene. . Next worst scene was when Truder (now know a Father Shep) destroyed our Patty O'Joy.I know it's Nature but I didn't like those 2 scenes.

I did go to Market and got plants and a bouquet that Megan had saved for me. She had Sold Out most of her plants and flowers. "Good on her" A lot of people were at Market today in the sunshine! Jenny, Aaron & Valerie went with me to Mellow Moods for lunch. I thought I had order a Smoothie but instead I was brought a Fruit Parfait! Granola, Yogurt and strawberries and bananas. WOW - I'm sold!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Sandi, I can't see them!!!! I'm too CLEAR!

Lynne2 said...

oh Jo, I suspect that is a possibility. The Robin in the one who is attacking the Blue Jay, not the other way around. UGH.

Glad it was such a nice day for market and the Megan sold out most!

Lynne2 said...

One of our clients and her husband just did a Kilimanjaro climb in Janurary! The had a great time and also did a safari.

Mema Jo said...

That darn friend of mine - you know Lynn. She is popping up at me everywhere
I just opened Animal Advocates of WV by using Google and I had remembered that Lynn had made this site for the group -

Mema Jo said...

And also Lynn's eagle with the fly on its head is there. I love her so much.

I am getting an email together with all the places mentioned in Lynn's obit
for donations. I'll send it out very soon and yes each of you that wish may do your own donation in honor of Lynn.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - maybe that robin is fighting off that blue jay from the robins nest.

Hope your bluebirds are ok.

I think Missie has started what we call
'branching' = when they get airborne as they wingercise. I sure hope she doesn't jump much on the rails of the nest...

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynn is everywhere. She sat with me in the yard today. I was enjoying the day, just beautiful, and I thought of her.

I got out finally and got several things done. Then Jack and I sat out and enjoyed the late afternoon. He is grilling hamburgers now, so we will sit on the patio and enjoy the yard some more. I do love spring!!!

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...
I know it is hard to believe but I am low on words....long and deep on feelings....♥

Had a nice talk with Jewels earliers, she was out with one of her BFF's - - Best Friends Forever, a fine young lady I tutored waaaaay back in 1981 or so...

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - Looking at you FB pics - They
even have beautiful rainbows in
Tanzania.Not too excited about a herd of so many elephants keep you awake at night by coming through the camp!

I hope Denny gets those bathrooms done so you can get on with your trip preparations. ♥

magpie said...

I did finally get some time with James the Wise Kidster ... it has been two weeks !

Lolly said...

Looks like two exhausted peaglets in the nest right now.

magpie said...

So happy that Megan's Market is going well, what a fabulous day for these kinds of things....
also very happy that Jo and family got some plants, and some good time together xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynn would have a cheeseburger, Lolly!
And ice tea........... ♥

Lolly said...

Belle just arrived with a late dinner.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Margy - did you get any time in this weekend with James?

Lolly said...

Yep, we did agree on cheeseburgers!

magpie said...

I have one overwintered Stella d'Oro plant from Megan's Market last year doing well, James's Aster plants are high stalks now,
and I have my Forget-Me-Nots ☺
Still need to get started on the rest of my garden...."one of these days."

Many thoughts of Lynn and the girls today, all the time...

Mema Jo said...

I should have read up farther before I asked about James! ♥

Lolly said...

Cheese is now on the burgers, so I will depart for a while. Fresh Fish dinner at the nest. Belle is serving!

magpie said...

Yes, Jo I did...have time with was good to laugh about the things we laugh about. I have missed that....

glo said...

The eagle with the fly on its head is Mom Norfolk. She died one yr ago April 26. I got chills when I realized how close the Anniv was to when we lost Lynn. I think lynn put that photo there when she took Liesl's off. I wonder if she wasn't trying to tell us all something or in her own way preparing us and herself for soaring heavenward.

magpie said...

It's Okay, this is the only program I have up, haven't even opened the cam sites yet, Jo...

I told James about Lynn, that is he knows her from looking at "this here blog." Lynn picked us up from the train station in Martinsburg July 2009 when we returned from Massachusetts....We hugged, he was saddened....
We included her in our Grace Prayers and our Milk "toast" was to Lynn and her family

stronghunter said...

Rus just posted this on Facebook.

"Went glider flying today with some friends in the park next door, had the red shouldered hawk show up, and then a bald eagle was flying around with our planes too!"

magpie said...

I have read the obituary and the lovely tributes that many have written....I am not ready to write yet

magpie said...

James Rockets ALL over the place now...
and I am seeing other wildflowers.
AND I have one beautiful blue morning glory in bloom ♥ That's one of YOURS !!

Dew on some evergreen branches this morning, with the sun shining on them....was like prisms, all sparkly and rainbow colored....
It was something to see

magpie said...

Someone here needs to do some housework...I live alone, so I guess that is gonna be me!

Thinking of All, with Love...
ttfn xoxox ♥

Lynne2 said...

Saw some Jame's Rockets at Megan's, Margy! Glad you got to finally spend some time with him today! A MILK very precious! Awwww!

Shirley is killing me in WWF. UGH. Very neat report from Rus!

Hoda said...

SANDI the pictures are beautiful,
WV JERRY I saw MISSY do the skip and my oh my is she able to eat today...I have no idea where she is putting it all,but she got moren than Bro's share...First Shep brought in a fish and it is gone, then Belle brought in a fish and it is gone, now Shep in with another is good today it seems like.

JO HUGS♥ I love your connections to LYNN'S continued presence in our lives...that will continue even after some time a more subtle refined way becasue my sense of her is she was very subtle and refined...our memories will always be stirred by her. Especially you your her BFF.

Lynne2 said...

Just a reminder to send anything you want to regarding Lynn to CarolAnne for her memory book she is making!

magpie said...

Thanks for the reminder...Lynne2 -
will surely do, but it might take me a few days...

Signing off for some things to attend to....

God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

GLO, Bless your heart dear friend. Your post on the connection between LYNN and MA NORFOLK touched my heart...we never know for sure do we but there is a connection and it is as it should be...thank you for bringing it here GLO.

Lynne2 said...

off to shower and recheck for ticks. EEWWWWWWW!!! Army Wives at nine!

Hoda said...

MARGY, I keep you in my prayers...
I have so much gratitude and admiration for you and your way of being and how present and helpful you are to LYNN and HER DAUGHTERS.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - that was an awesome glider flight Will had - never did I imagine
what sites you could see up in the air.

grannyblt said...

Good evening folks.

I attended an Eagle Court of Honor for a neighbor today. Afterwards I didn't want to continue working on a budget for next year for an organization, so I drove the 10 miles to the local eagle nest. I was able to see a small brown/black head popping up from time to time. So I've finally seen a young eagle in the nest in person. Exciting for me.

Lynne2 said...

that's so cool Lynne!

AZPatti said...

Evenin' all! Please add me to the list of walking wounded gardeners. Sure wish I could get the body to keep up with the mind and heart. :(

Thanks for the welcome, Judie!

Lynne, I keep a garden journal, too. I periodically suffer from CRS so I'd never know what's coming (or supposed to be coming) if I didn't. :)

I'm off to relax and enjoy the fruits of today's labor. Wishing all a good night and prayers for those in need.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Home safe and sound.

Off to watch the Good Wife.


AZPatti said...

After the Amazing Race tonight, we're going to watch a concert we recorded last night - Crossroads with Steven Tyler and Carrie Underwood. Hope it's awesome!

AZPatti said...

Now I really going. That glass of wine has quit whispering and is now screaming.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home Paula.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I've had the worst time yesterday and today getting anything to post here! Durn blogger cop! That'll teach me to copy everything first!

Had a crazy morning today. We decided to take Emma for a walk, and started out going to the left at the end of the driveway, instead of the usual right turn--NOT good! Our neighbor's German shepherd/Doberman mix came out of nowhere and attacked Emma!!! She really lit into her, and scared the stuffings out of all of us! Our neighbor grabbed his dog very quickly, and although the attack sounded awful, I don't think the skin was broken anywhere. Poor Emma was traumatized, though. Gotta say, so was I! I checked Emma carefully, and she seems to be OK. Sure will be careful from now on, on the weekends. During the week, the shepherd mix is always locked in their backyard, or in their house. This time, she broke open their front screendoor.
It's a flimsy one, not a security door. Our neighbor, Mike, was very apologetic. He felt really bad about it. I'm sure he'll be really careful from now on. I'm gonna be, too! Yikes!

paula eagleholic said...

I posted earlier today, but I guess it didn't post, Friends of NCTC, for the donation for Lynn, note it's for the Eagle Cam in honor of her memory.

OK, I see Jo is sending out an email.

Hard to believe our chicks are flapping so hard to get some air!

Mema Jo said...

Andy - that would have traumatized me! I hope it doesn't make Emma shy away from other dogs now.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I looked at the form on line for Friends of NCTC - It doesn't have anywhere to put a tribute name or to earmark it for the CAM - I would suggest not donating on line but with personal check to them.

paula eagleholic said...

JO, that is the best option, check in the mail.

Lynne2 said...

OMG Andy! So glad Emma is OK! how AWFUL for you both!

Patti, love the Walking Wounded Gardeners!

Shirley is KILLING me in WWF. I need a knew vocabulary!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just opened the Animal Advocates page and it took my breath. The gray dog on the top of the page looks just like my Mopsy!

Ms Bookworm said...

Sandi, I'm glad your Mom is doing much better! Prayers for her continue.

AZPatti, sorry you're a bit sore from gardening! I probably will be too, tomorrow. I got some new plants to go by the front porch, so need to do that in the morning.

Kay, is your Dr. appt. tomorrow?
Hope I'm remembering correctly.
Can't wait for you to get some real pain relief!

Margy, I'm glad you got to spend some time with James! How is his new dog doing? BTW, I know what you mean about being long and deep on feelings! I find myself talking to Lynn all the time. Words can't express how much I miss her!

Shar, love the John Denver song! Just perfect!

Well, Emma is looking for my lap to sleep on. Guess we'll be watching some TV together for a while. Prayers have been said for everyone, especially those with urgent problems, and those in need of healing and comfort. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sweet dreams, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. Love each and every one of you SO much!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - did you see Lynn's Myrtle eating the tomato and the eagle with the fly on its head that Lynn had used.
Lynn created the web site for them. I remember her working on it.

Lolly said...

Andy, that is horrible about the attack on poor Emma. That would have terrorized me, too! Geeeesh! Why do people have dogs that would do that??

I am doing pretty good with the gardening and the sore bod thing. I am just trying to not over do!!

Glad you are home safe and sound, Paula. How are things shaping up in Paradice? What are you working on now?

Lolly said...

Isn't one of the pictures of Liesl, too?

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, so sorry about the next door neighbors dog! Hope he keeps the front door locked from now on!

Lolly, working on finishing the floors...have one more room to do with the wood, so today I sanded the 1/4 round that we took up last fall. Have to stain it before John comes down to finish the floors. Got all my storm windows out this weekend and the screens in. Did some clean up yard work as well, and watched the ospreys :)

magpie said...

well I was making a post and blotto hit something and ended up who knows where!Q

Andy, so sorry about that incident with Emma and the neighbor dog.....hoping that all will be OKAY

Sharon: Perfect, the John Denver song....Thank you so speaks volumes....xoxo

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a pic of Mei in there as well.

magpie said...

And that is some kind of pleasing avatar, Sharon !!
Nice to see it again...

Thinking of Kay on the eve of her visit to the neurosurgeon on Monday, sure hope there is some relief on the horizon
xo (( Pain-Free Hugs ))

Hoda, thanks....for your kind words, just wish I could do more...

grannyblt: Way Cool! Your baby eagle sighting today...

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, hope your appt tomorrow gets you some answers...

Hitting the hay for tonight.

(((Hugs for all)))♥

magpie said...

Paula, wasn't the weather just great today! Glad you were able to get to much done and watch the osprey also...

James was talking today about wanting to go to the Nest and be in the Eagle Express's unfortunate that we just missed the perfect opportunity last week-end....but, there will be another time for it...

I am still pretty far behind on the prior posts...don't mean to not say lots more things

it's time for me to disappear again for the night....

Hope that Sleep is Sweet for all...(( All-Night Hugs )) and
Good Night....xoxox

Kay said...

No doubt about it, the imprint made by LYNN is amazing and will be lasting. What a blessing she was to all creatures, big n' small---far and wide. She was one of a kind and one of the kindest !!!! I've been concerned about her Mom who is about 91 years old--CARO, how is she doing ? Will your Mom's sister be able to attend the memorial or will she stay with their Mom ? I keep wavering around about which charity to send my LYNN memorial donation to. Such good causes and I can think of good reasons to support every one of them.

Yes, ANDY, dear. I see the neurosurgeon in just about 12 hours. Will try to report in here sometime in the afternoon or evening. I'm so excited you'd think I was going to a prom. Yikes, so glad Emma is okay !

And, that reminds me. Have we had a prom report from ROBYN ? I do so hope Tori had the time of her life !

MARGY, so glad you got in some James time and very sweet about your hug, your prayer and your toast for LYNN.

Going to try for some zzz's. Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

I am going to call it a night.



Lolly said...

Sounds good, Paula. Remember the pictures when you are through.

I think I am headed to bed. I am going to bed earlier and earlier, but I do sleep good!

Going to the grossssserie store in the morn and then doing some cooking. Going to Denton for ball games. Both boys have games. Laurel has it figured out where we can sit and see both games. LOL I am taking dinner up....meatballs!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Prayers for Kay and her appointment tomorrow. Prayers for Lynn's girls!!♥

Lynne2 said...

well Shirley just beat the pants of of me on Words With Friends!! Fun game, we'll have to play again!

Now I must get me arse to me bed...

Kay, prayers for good outcome tomorrow!

Will try to lurk from work..does that make me a jerk or one with a quirk.

Prayers for all and have a good night.

I'll post my crappy BB pictures tomorrow since I think that will be as good as it gets!

stronghunter said...

Yikes, Andy!!

I am glad the dog attack was not worse. Poor little Emma.

stronghunter said...

So glad you had time with James, Margy.

Jewels said...

Good late night.... some things never change... I am always late and a dollar short... I am happy that Rus had an eagle flying around him, that was Mom!!! My BFF text me at 8:30 am and asked me if I was awake... of course I was, who really sleeps anymore? So she says she was coming up. I think she got to the house about 9:45am. We ended up leaving the house, went to Winchester and walked thru Kohls, then went to Elranchero for lunch... had Mom's favorite, Beef Fried Chimichanga. :) Then we went to the Mall and Aril got both of us a great smelling Yankee Candle, Fruit Fusion it is called, went to Bath and Body and got each of us a new pocket size lotion, then went to Sweet Frog and had fozen yogurt, and came home. We laughed and teared up... it was good therapy today.

Mema Jo said...

I say it is time for me to hit the pillows. I hope you get some good words tomorrow Kay.
Lolly your baseball player and your bike rider are growing up too fast.

Good night and don't forget to say your prayers........ for everyone.
** (((LYNN))) **

NatureNut said...

Read some of this evening's posts, but might not remember all the news---Senile Citizen, you know! ☺

Went thru a lot of emails that needed answering,long phone call w/TX! Kid will be going to several countries in the next few weeks and be away on her B'Day in early
June, but while in Amsterdam with a free weekend may take herself on the train to Paris!!!
New TX law because of economy is that loan secured from bank (to house builder) can't be used for 30days!!!!!They're going to sign on Monday & groundbreaking was supposed to be May 1. NOT!!! Maybe they'll have a home by Xmas!!!
Enough of that~~~I also wanted to thank Shar for posting the John Denver song---I copied the lyrics and put it in Word!
Today when outside on the deck, I looked up again and said Hello to Lynn. That also prompted me to say some prayers for all the family members gone before. No one that special is ever forgotten.And I think their spirit is still here.

Hope Kay has a successful Dr. vist on Monday and gets some relief finally.
Guess Paula had a great day in Paradise!
Margy, glad you had some James time and got to your roost!
Andy, SO sorry about the dog incident today. Hope poor Emma won't be traumatized. I guess you'll be walking in the other direction. What you must be careful about is not getting harmed yourself if trying to break them aparty. We were told garden hose is a good idea. We used that once but unfortunately our neighbor already got his hand bitten & Fubby took him to the ER.
Neighbor's monster dog (but not unfriendly to people) grabbed and somehow pulled our dog under the chain link fence into their yard!!!!!
Well it's time to shut 'er down.
Pleasant Feather Dreams, Prayers for Good Health and Blessings on Lynn's family ;>)

Jewels said...

Also went to Christie's and we went to a friend/ co-worker of hers and started making the memorial books for Mom. We will ask that everyone signs both, so that Christie and I both have a book to look back on.
I MUST tell you a secret, or should I not.... Oh its so hard to not tell!!! It has a sign in it from MOM in it!
Jo- you mentioned two pics from the AAWV page that you seen when you first opened it up? We picked the same pictures for the book!!!! Now how AWESOME is that?!!!! I love US!!!!! and yes GOD is GOOD all the time!!!!

Jewels said...

I have talked to my Grandma every day. She is doing well. Grandma will actually be 93 on June 15th. She forgets that she has talked to us, and tells Aunt Gail that she hasn't talked to us.. She has Dementia. So it is a little difficult for her to remember. Aunt Gail will not be coming out for the Mem/Celebration of life. Grandma will feel as if she was being abandoned. So.... I completely understand and am fine with that.

Jewels said...

Andy so sorry about the incident with the neighbors Dog. Hope your doggie is ok.
Kay hope all is well, feel better..
Margy and I did have a nice chat... will be getting together this week. :)
Christie and I will be getting paper work started tomorrow at the courthouse. Time for us is running out, since I go back to work Friday... but at least I work the weekend and am off Mon and Tues.

stronghunter said...

My brain is wearing down and I need to go up to bed.

Sounds like plans are coming together for you and Christie, Carolyn.

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed playing WWF with Lynne. I think she got the highest-scoring word in the game.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

stronghunter said...

Whoops. Stuttered.

Costume Lady said...

I was so glad to read about Carolyn and friend driving to Winchester and shopping around. Good for your Morale Carolyn:)

Margie, glad you found time for a James/George visit he
was relly glad to see you!

Andy, hope Emma isn't afraid to go out after the incident today!

Kay, you know my prayers go with you tomorrow when you see your doctor. Judie related to me, once, about her surgery for her back pain and how it worked right away for her. Hope you have a similar story♥

Costume Lady said...

Would you look at the time!
Yawning my head off...bed time.

Good night my friends, tomorrow is another day, sleep well and dream of a warm, sunny day tomorrow:)

Prayers for all~



Lori O. said...

KAY, praying for the best and
fastest outcome for pain relief from your Neurologist visit
I can't wait to hear your news.
I know why you're so excited.
I love you! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Prayers for Christie and Carolyn as they miss their mother, our friend, LYNN.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DanaMo.

Kay, I will be thinking of you today and hoping the doctor has a solution for your pain ... and can make it happen quickly, even if the solution is surgery.

Jewels, prayers that today offers more smiles than tears for you and Christie.

One peaglet is up and checking out the fish in the nest (standing on it and pecking at it). The other is still sprawled out but awake.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, Sandi! Think you'll
have any more fog delays this year?

Sandi said...

Lori, I can only hope!!! Only 32 days left in the school year and I am taking 2 personal days in late May and the very last day of school (always take that one b/c it's so totally stupid that the district expects teachers to sit thru 3 days of meetings AFTER the kids are gone) which makes my total 30!!! After today, the total will be in the twenties - that's psychologically significant!

Andy, glad Emma was hurt in the scary dog altercation!!

Margy, sounds like you had a lovely weekend!

Paula, refinishing floors - you go girl!! Somehow, Paradise doesn't conjure images of sanding floors!

Missy is definitely taking care of breakfast on her own this morning!!!

I;m off to get ready for my Monday. DanaMo must be running - good on you, DMo!!


T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Good morning, THELMA!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning EAGLE BUDS got home late again last nite from Angies for dinner

ANDY that was a horrible experience you all had with the dog so glad Emma is OK

SANDI happy things are going smooth with your mom How old is she?

That is tooo cool about LYNN being all over that website I also thought the dog was LIESL

KAY hoping that you get some relief from your pain

JudyEddy said...

Shep in with a head less fish

JudyEddy said...

I think its Missy eyeing the new fish keeps looking at it now is picking at it one time and now waits to be feed

JudyEddy said...

Shep is feeding the chicks from the older fish that was in the nest not the new one and they are picking at the fish on and off trying the self feeding so cute

JudyEddy said...

doing pretty good with the self feeding Shep POOFS

JudyEddy said...

Missy I think its here is self feeding and Lil Bro is wingersizing so stinking cute and she is still self feeding

JudyEddy said...

Missy has moved over to the fresher fish and Lil Bro is to close to 11 flapping his wings

JudyEddy said...

Checked the map me and Palm Harbor Fl and a unidentified marker are only on the blog did everyone else fly the coupe HELLO IN PALM HARBOR from PP Fl

JudyEddy said...

Missy is dragging the fish to 3 and eating it there the new fish

CarolAnne said...

Morning all,
Hope the day dawns bright for everyone with fewer aches & pains and sunshine in your hearts.

HODA, I tried, I really tried. Spent all day trying.
Planes, trains & automobiles - and rain or sun, sleet or snow did not slow me from my appointed mission . . however, those darn, picky customs guys caught us.
Evidence on blog. :O)

Time to begin my day.

JudyEddy said...

Lil Bro just keeps watching her

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

It seems from quickly scanning that most everyone had a very nice day yesterday. I am sorry Emma had such a scary experience. Glad she wasn't injured.

Kay, thinking about you and your appointment today. Wishing a good outcome, of course.

The babes were sleeping when I checked. Quiet nest.

Off to find some coffee and then to read/grade more papers. Will return later.

JudyEddy said...

JEWEL or anyone up there does your newspaper have the online Guest Book linked with obituarys Something to check into In Fl we have it

JudyEddy said...

I almost can't tell the chicklets apart both are sitting at 11 picking at flugg so cute side by side

JudyEddy said...

Well need to finish up getting ready for work

glo said...

Good morning. Still cold cloudy and rainy in IL. We need the rain but gosh the gray skies are getting awfully old about now. Dex and i are off to coffee and dog treats :-)

Jewels said...

Yes, our online obit has a sign the tribute page.
click on Mom's name, view obit, scroll down and then click sign tribute.
ps...hi everyone. Day not starting out good at all. Kids missed bus and that was enough to start upsetting me. :(

Jewels said...

mis spelled that, lets try it again.

CarolAnne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CarolAnne said...

I hope the funeral home website is prepared for the Eagle Bloggers to become Lynn Bloggers as they all post their tributes to Lynn.

She was one of those people who came into our lives and left footprints on our hearts, and we will never be the same."

Sandi said...

Jewels, kids missing the bus is your morning reminder that you are still in the land of the living. It's God's way of letting you know that you need to get yourself up and out of bed and moving because there are people who need you today! PS - There are also plenty of people who love you, today and every day, as evidenced by your BFF getting you out of the house yesterday! Hang in ther ... baby steps, young lady!

Sandi said...

Passing along today's quote of the day:

“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”

Francesca Reigler

Some days, it sure seems like it takes more work to be happy than it does to be miserable, doesn't it?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Monday Morning :)

Prayers for all that are having any discomfort.

Sharon where you posted on Sunday at 9:19am. Thank you very beautiful Lynn will love it.♥

Need to catch up on a few comments. Fell asleep again.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sandi, great advise for Carolyn! Now is the time to be the best mom she can be to her girls just as Lynn was to her. And, isn't it wonderful that Carolyn and Christie have each other. Sisters are the best!!!

Slow moving this morn, but must get to the grossery store. Which reminds me! AZPATTI.....are you sure you have not been on here before? LOL You know us well and have picked up on our Momster language! I caught your "grossery".☺

Have watched the peaglets feed themselves this morn, but Shep is now helping them to pig out.

wvgal_dana said...

Neat that Rus was flying with a hawk and an eagle. Lucky guy!

Shirley I am glad Emma's skin was not broken. Although I am sure it had to put a shock inside her. I think I would walk the other way.
Give her a nice ear rub for me please :)

Lynne I remember the year I had Bluebirds as I do again this year. Ed was amazed at how long I sit under the patio umbrella to watch them fledge. It was so neat!!! Hoping you get to see yours fledge. it is amazing :)

Lynn did a lot work for Animal Advoctes. She even wrote up the paper to send out for the stopping of "Puppy Mills". Although it did not pass. That is one thing I hope passes in the future. She was dedicated at anything she took on.♥

wvgal_dana said...

Margy so very happy to hear you finally got some James time. I believe you both needed that :)♥♥

Jewel I'm glad your BFF texted you and came over. Great that you had some laughter even with tearing up. You are so right it is "good therapy". :)

Prayers for strength for you and Christie as you go to town today to work on preparation of other things for your Mother ((((Hugs)))
Remember we are here for you. We love the both of you.♥

Lolly said...

I am now off to start my day! Have a good one!

Prayers for Kay today.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Hello on this Monday morning ♥
I opened the cam to see Shep with his 2 peeps chowing down. I always say a prayer that as the cam starts to open that I'll see both of those growing eaglets in that nest. I breathe easier when I do.
Sandi - love your quote of the day and also you words to Carolyn. TY
Judie - what is your "papers yet to do" count?
Thinking of you Kay and praying for some good advice that will make all you pain be history. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning, Sharon - Make it a good one! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Still tired from all my extracurricular activities of late.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Changed my avatar again.

Mema Jo said...

Brown Funeral Home

At the end of the Obit click &
Sign the guest book
You can also read the Tributes ♥

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break - signing a guest book takes it out of you - the tears, I mean
Have to find some photos for CarolAnne.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just when I thought I might be through with the tears, I read the tribute page. If the whole world could touch lives as Lynn did and always will, what a lovely world we would live in!

Mema Jo said...

PA Falcon News: 4/30/2012 Egg Update
There will be two nestlings banded at the May 9th banding event. Last year, one chick hatched for a total of three young produced at the nest over two years. This female was very young last year, and typically young peregrine females will lay eggs that are not viable. Even with adult females, one of four eggs not viable is not unusual. So there is reason for optimism in the sense that this pair has doubled the number of nestlings this year and as she matures, this female should produce eggs with a greater hatch success rate. The unhatched eggs in the nest will be added to the eggs from last year's nesting season and submitted for testing.

Mema Jo said...

I can never get to the Loon cam when she is on the egg to date but that egg well has been dug really deep.

Hoda said...

Good morning all

C/A I told you "me not speeka the inglieeeeesh" when it comes to all things feather!!! LOL!!! The evidence is on your blog OMG!!!Being a good friend I hope you told them you were going to Quebéc not British Columbia with those feathers????Throw them off the trail and all!!!

SANDI I love your quote it applies to all of our lives does it not?

CAROLYN, what a few days you have had. Making the books touches my heart deeply and I send you and CHRISTIE much love and LIGHT.

KAY must be at her neurosurgeon appointment by now. I hope it goes well and that we hear of a date set for her to have her procedure.

I have not heard from RED for a surgery and improving blood in preparation for next date...did I miss something.

I smile SHIRLEY at the wonderful story of RUSSELL and the eagle.
I hope KATHRYN is feeling better.

stronghunter said...

Dana, Emma is Andrea's dog. Emma is a sweetie, but I have enough doggies around here already.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They unzoomed our cam! Whoohoo!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Shirley I needed a nap although I slept well. So I've just awoke from a nice nap. Having a hot cup of tea.

Some good wing exercising was going on in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Awwwwwwwwwww Snuggle time in the nest

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and no new Thread What shall I eat LOL

LOLLY I remember AZPatti saying she has been lurking for a while

AZPATTI I have a cheat sheet that was given to me in Mar of 2011 anyone new since then won't be on it so if you want me to email it to you I can just go on my profile and my email addy is there email me your addy and I shall send it It has just the names, pen names, where they are from and relationships to each so let me know OK I sent it to my sister and I know it was helpful to me in the begining

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 I can visualize you sitting in the tall grass LOL to cute

Lolly said...

I have been to the grossery, had the car washed, and have finished my meatballs and sauce. All they have to do is cook in the sauce when I get to Laurel's. We will leave shortly to go up there. Always try to beat the rush hour traffic in north Ft. Worth. Yuk! They are getting ready to improve that part of the interstate. Needs it badly, but that means construction for us every time we go to Laurel's for the next 5 years. Thinking about telling them "Bye, see ya in 5 years." Ha! Do you think that will happen?

Lolly said...

Split is getting close!!

I will see you all later this evening!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think it is Missy trying to eat a fish. Not standing on it but trying to get a piece off of it. Just put her talon on it and starting to eat a little bit. Our babies are getting so big.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sure Lolly, I am sure that will happen. Boycott them all for 5 years!

JudyEddy said...

I got a video of one of them I can't tell them apart hardly eating for a long time and the other just watched I guess two days makes a difference Boy is she pulling on it Good job MISSY

Hoda said...

LOLLY before you boycott for five years I can see you moving closer to them so as not to do that!!!LOL!!! In other words it won't happen.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, that was an interesting drop in by Belle. She is eating, babes are going to join in.

movin said...




It was foggy and drizzly in So Cal last night, and it isn't too much brighter out there now.

I hope you all have a great week.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Eyes need a rest. Paper count is down from 100 to about 40. Tiresome process.

Jo, was really lucky this morning. Saw Ms Loon on her nest and probably dad swimming nearby.

I see Jim was here. Phoebe has rebuilt her nest and last I could see, has two eggs.

Our babes resting side-by-side last I checked.

Need to get a huge drink of water. Hope Kay checks in soon.


Mema Jo said...

Running an errand with Hubby - dropping one of our cars - Since we will be downtown, we'll go ahead and eat.


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 359   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...