Sunday, April 15, 2012


Fresh thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning everyone - I have called others over. Thank you Steve
for the fresh thread.

Mema Jo said...

I am about to go to the Baby Shower
I will be back later this after..
Have a good day ♥

DanaMo said...

Very fresh thread!
Home from Mass. LAX today.

movin said...




nICE bright sunny day today in So Cal, topping out about 65°.

Cam action at all the Channel Island sites this a.m., and I see we have an egg at BWO.

Our chicks are growing huge quantities of black feathers already. Anybody have an approximate fledge date?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

magpie said...

God Morning Eagle Pals.
Oh there I did it, and I ain't going to fix it, but will add
GOOD Morning Eagle Pals....xo ♥

magpie said...

See you there Jim....always good to "hear" from you.

Great Paradise Report from Paula...oh, the sound of a loon, how wonderful that must be !
and a very productive week-end as well...

magpie said...

Saw many of you back on the other thread
and Thanks for the New Sunday Thread, Steve, and to Jo for the call over

Best Wishes to everyone in all our eagle corners,
hope that comfort from aches, pains and troubles is RICH today

DanaMo said...

How many buttons am I making?? I'm going with
We are family
nest picture
NCTC April 2012

magpie said...

I'll be catching up with family here and there today, so am about to disappear....

Lots of Wildlife cams to keep an eye on these days.....

Hope today is a Very Good Day,
for every one...

I see that Lynn♥ is up and at 'em and probably having that visit
right now from Charlie's brother....

Hoping that Kay and Red find quick comfort from their back and hip pains....RIGHT NOW !

Take Care, and See You Later
xoxo ♥

DanaMo said...

I posted this question on FB:
Why is it that healthy snacks are not filling?
I ate a good breakfast-scrambled eggs on a bagel thin, small oj and now had apples and PB and I'm still starving.
I hate diets!

hedgie said...

Hello again. DOnald just call.....he slept in. Coming later...maybe 1'ish. ARGH! I got up early because he was coming "early."

Dana, sounds like you SHOULD be full! Maybe it's psychological!

Have fun, Jo!

Jim, yes, BWO has an egg and SO DOES ISLA AT LOCH OF LOWES! Her 62nd egg!

Margy, hope you get some rest today. You have been SO stressed and on the go that you need some extra relaxation.

hedgie said...

Repeating this link as no one ever commented so maybe you missed it.

Richmond nest concerns

hedgie said...

Trying again!

Richmond nest concerns

grannyblt said...

GM all.

I read about the Richmond nest troubles. I am wondering if relocating the eaglets to other nests would be upsetting nature too much?

Hedgie, please share your new learned Kindle secrets. I have tried to post several times but no luck.

movin said...

That's a strange situation in Richmond for sure, Hedgie. I hope the repair work isn't responsible for it.

Have you seen anything about it today?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

WE is feeding chicks now. The smallest is still very small, but it is healthy and active pushing in to get food.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Good morning/ good afternoon all.

LYNN sorry you woke up early and then company will come later!!!I don't like it when that happens.

Strange the goings on at Richmond. I wonder if they have a rehab centre like they did to the NBG eaglets last year. That would be a perfect solution. I don't think putting them in another nest would work CAROLANNE.

I see Shep brought in two fresh fish, good size...what is this egg shape in the cup it a feather? I think so, Belle is certainly shedding if this is what eagles do, shed???

Hoda said...

Yes it is a feather it is moving in the wind

movin said...

Here's a link to the PH pair's egg hatching on Santa Cruz Island. Originally, they had two eggs, but one was broken in the night during a storm.

Hatching at PH nest

movin said...

PH chick is getting a little sun exposure now. Looks large for having just hatched.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Good morning everyone and thank you Steve for the fresh Sunday thread.

Been a busy day or two but still peaking at the babes when I can. They are really growing those pin feathers.

Hoping that Red and Kay find quick relief from their respective pain.

Hoping Jo enjoys the baby shower and Lynn gets a visit from Charlie today -- just sorry for the early wake up and wait.

Darth and I have been looking at potential adoptees. The Feline Federation of Greater Washington is a foster care for cats and kittens who are cared for in a home/family environment. We have identified two (sisters) who are about 6 months old. They seem to have the qualities we would like and enjoy. We submitted our application (to include references) and were approved yesterday. We go this afternoon to meet with the family and to meet Audrey and Grace. If any of you would like to see them:, click animals available then click list of animals then scroll to Audrey and Grace (not Gracie). Will let you all know what happens.

Wishing everyone a wonderful afternoon.

hedgie said... the bottom of the page is a link that says something like Use Web Version and when you click on it then post will show up on the puterized blog.

hedgie said...

Well, I can't find that now and only one of my posts showed. ARGH! Sorry, Lynne1. Good luck! My daughter is out of town today so I can't ask her.

Jim, that article was in today's paper a nd when I got it online, only saw the same one from several outlets, so nothing new.

hedgie said...

Good luck today, Judie!!! Hope it all works out beautifully for you.

Good vid, Jim!

Howdy, Hoda.....Belle has another feather on her back!!

Sandi said...

Afternoon all! Thanks Stave for the new thread, and Jo for the call over. Wonder if Steve got his lap top up and running? Played tennis this morning - outdoors for the first time since last fall. I shouldn't have b/c one of the 2 incisions where I had my stitches on my back has opened up and become infected, but I couldn't find a sub on such short notice. I only played for an hour and a half instead of 2 hours. When I got home, Denny cleaned the wound well and put more antibiotic ointment and a new bandage on it - it's definitely infected and I'll have to call the doc tomorrow to get more antibiotics. Hoping that some steri-strips and a lot of taking it easy and not bending or stretching will help it to close up again. I emailed Nurse Lynn this morning and she gave me some sound medical advice - thanks, Lynn!!! Love ya!!

What disturbing news about the Richmond nest. I'm happy that they will intervene if the parents don't resume feeding. I know that some people feel that humans shouldn't step in when there is a situation like this. But, as we all know from last year, it's so difficult to watch bad situations play out on these live cams.

Kay, hope you are having a relatively pain-free day!

Lynn, good to hear that you're feeling hungry!

Off to get some sunshine - would love to work in the garden, but that would involve too much stretching and bending. Think I'll go on an osprey hunt in the area. BBL!

grannyblt said...

I'll try that Hedgie. From my kindle ......

grannyblt said...

I didn't 't see anything about web version. Todayit just looks like the computer version. Please excuse me for going off topic.

The redtailed hawk cam in NYC has two little tan fuzzballs among the trash and dead rat. In the nest.

And the loon cam in MN is up. I've caught a glimpse of the loons.

movin said...

Cam at WE nest is very 'close-up' on the chicks right now. Check it out.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Hoda said...

Two loose Feathers in the nest for sure?

Sandi said...

Lynne1, your last comment about people intervening at Richmond showed up in my email inbox, yet i don't see it here on the blog! That has happened with posts that Lynn has made on her Kindle as well - very strange. You make a good point, that intervening may cause more problems than it solves. I would assume that whoever has made the decision to look for adoptive parents (if necessary) is familiar enough with eagle behavior to be pretty sure that another pair of eagles would be willing to accept a new chick. But it certainly could upset 2 other eagle families. There are few certainties in life, but I tend to believe that doing something is better than doing nothing.

Lolly said...

Good morning. Traveling to Kerrville now for HS reunion. Very emotional family worship this morn. Grandma and grandpa gave us a great legacy! Such a wonderful family!

See something about Richmond eagles.

NCSuzan said...

Hello, everybody.

Judie, those kitties have the best faces. You can almost "see" their personalities in the photos.

Sad about Richmond. They have had some problems all along. Wonder why this time was chosen to upgrade equipment. Could that have been a factor? Just sad.

Lynn, hope your guest doesn't tire you out unnecessarily. Rest and conserve your energy!

Margy, thinking of you.

Hoda said...

Glad the family reunion went well for you and JACk LOLLY. Safe travels for the class reunion. The Richmond parents have abandoned the chicklettes and are not feeding them. Intervention? What form? Take them to other nests? and so on and so forth...

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, family means more than we sometimes realize. So glad you are having a good time.

Hoda said...

JUDIE exciting about the keep us posted. Audrey and Grace...look forward to hearing how it all goes...such dedicated cat lovers you two are...

movin said...

Have a great Sunday, everyone. I've got to go.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !

Thanks to all who are praying for me and I'm happy to report this day is just a tad better than yesterday. Hope the trend continues !

LYNN, thanks for sharing the obituary for MARGY's BIL. His family and friends have lost an honorable man. May memories of good times shared console all.

MARGY, US Cellular rocks !

JUDIE, Audrey and Grace are adorable sissies. Can't wait to hear how the "meeting" went !

DANAMO and SANDI, hope you're enjoying the last day of Spring Vacation ! It's all downhill from here. ☺

DANAMO, are you picking up those eggs today ? I remember your sharing that classroom experience last year and hope you do so this year, too.

Kay said...

LOLLY, glad the reunion affirmed your steadfast love of family ! Hope the H.S. reunion goes well--you'll be amazed at how much older than you they all look ! ☺

LYNN, hope your company finally showed up and hope he won't be too long winded today.

JO, thinking of you and that joyful shower ! Isn't it going to be grand to have another little boy in the family ?

WANDA, speaking of the joy of having a new family member, someone mentioned hoping you'd have baby news today. Is Brantley showing signs of wanting to get outta' there ?

Kay said...

Belle has been the picture of serenity after a big stretch of the wings about an hour ago ! Her peaglets are beginning to stir, so I think it's just about mealtime. Going into LM, but hope to BBL....

Hoda said...

Look at those pin feathers on Missy she is turning really dark...they both have lost the white heads too...
Belle continues to stand guard.

Kay said...

Oh, pulling a MARGY here. NBG "host" this morning says the moving of chicks, like those from the Richmond nest, have been successfull when they were moved to nests where adult eagle pairs reside. He or she did not see it as an option for NBG, since one resident has no experience in raising younguns'.

Hoda said...

Oh I so much want to have those two feathers of Belle's from the nest...I already have a collection of eagle feathers that I found on my walks...these two would be a good addition.

Hoda said...

Food Ma please???

Hoda said...

I wished Missy would not do her wingersizing so very close to the edge...she could topple over either direction and so close to the railing makes me nervous...

grannyblt said...

Well, Sandi, I guess others have answered my concerns that only you saw about the Richmond nest. I wonder about this posting via Kindle.......sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't I guess.

grannyblt said...

Just checked the live camera and Missy and Bubba are napping at opposite sides of the nest with Belle(?) watching from above.
I'm off to do more document shredding. bbl

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch and find a new thread THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE

JudyEddy said...

LYNN that is the nest my friend at work watches good article hope they help the chicks

JudyEddy said...

I saw Lynns post on the Richmond here on the blog wasn't home to check email box odd it shows up on my blog page

JudyEddy said...

Here in Fl last year they relocated a couple of different eagles in nest and from what I remember they turned out ok the one was in the nest where Tracey lives in Palm Harbor and it did fall out of the nest but they did find it

Hoda said...

I love watching them with their wingersizing...

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon. Back home after a nice mini-vacation.

stronghunter said...

Yes, those little ones have grown some more.

hedgie said...

Well, Charlie came, too, so the guys got the water filter changed at last!
Donald brought me a candle and a nice card. He's a good guy, just has some quirks, like all people do!
He calls me Mommy Riner as if I was his MIL!

Lynne1...not off topic at all to ask a question!! Sorry I wasn't more helpful.

Kay, glad you are doing a bit better. May tomorrow be dramatically better.

By NBG, I think sommeone was referring to removing the chicks there and taking them to WCV. I am dubious about putting them into existing nests, too....hmmmm.

Hoda said...

That is exactly what I meant when I mentioned NBG and the sitution in Richmond. I was not suggesting they put them in the NBG nest, but rather refrenced last yea's situation when they moved the three chicks to WCV...thanks LYNN

Glad you had a good visit LYNN and that the guys were helpful.

stronghunter said...

Lovely kitties, Judie.

Hoda said...

Off to do groceries and errands.

BBL. Enjoy the afternoon...maybe I will see an eagle or two at the park...nice enough to go check things out.

DanaMo said...

Pool cover is off, water is very low. A first in all of our years. Shows just how dry of a winter we had, but we teachers already knew that! LOL!

DanaMo said...

Well Hoda, maybe we will find some feathers next week that we can mail to you ☺

hedgie said...

Welcome home, Shirley! Glad you had a nice mini!!! Back to the ol' grind tomorrow, huh? Is Hunter ready? LOL!

Getting ready to put a marinated pork loin on the grill.....sure hope it's as good as it smells now!

stronghunter said...

Hi Lynn,

I think Hunter will be ready by tomorrow.

We may be arriving at the nest weekend in a different vehicle. We got rear-ended in Norfolk and Kathryn's SUV got banged up.

Kathryn's back is a little sore, so she might have to see a doctor if it does not get better. Wasn't the best ending to our beach trip, but we still enjoyed ourselves.

We spent the weekend with Kathryn's friend Angela and her mother Doris at Doris's river house. I had not been there before. There are two osprey nests in the river behind the house.

I do have pictures, so I will introduce you to Fred and Ethel and their neighbors Ricky and Lucy when I get everything uploaded. Not sure you can see much of Ricky and Lucy--their nest is a bit further away.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Sorry, Dana, but illegal here to keep an eagle feather! Must be turned in to the "authorities." Canada doesn't have that law, as far as I know!

hedgie said...

So sorry about the accident, Shirley. Hope KAthryn's back is okay. At least you had fun til then!! Cool to have osprey nests in your own back yard----lucky Doris!!!

Sandi said...

Talked with my mom for a long time and convinced her to go with my sister and a realtor some time this week to at least look at apartment style condos in Howard Co. one day this week, and then to go with the same realtor and me next Sunday (while we're in Balto.) to look at condos in Balto. Co. The realtor (my sister-in-law's sister, who sold our house when we decided to move to Bethany0 knows that her challenge is to find a place in Mom's price range with enough of a wow factor to get Mom to say, "Oh yeah, I could live here!!"

Then I put Bella in my bicycle basket and we went for a nice long bike ride - what a beautiful day out there - except for the pollen!

Shirley, hope you, Kathryn, and Hunter enjoyed your little vacation!

Judie, the kitties are beautiful - LOVE their coloring! Hope it's a match made in heaven!

Kay, it was good to see you on the blog today! Happy that you are feeling a little better!

Lynn, it's a good sign when you're thinking/talking about cooking - it means you must feel hungry!!

Saw a video on FB of the Richmond chicks being removed from the nest Friday or Saturday and fed by hand. Since they were born around the same time as our 2, it gave me a really good idea how big these 2 are!

Belle is watching something and doing some wing flapping and calling!

CarolAnne said...

Afternoon all, or early evening for some,

Checking that all is well, or almost . . car accidents, late visitors, Richmond nest problems. All in a day's troubles it seems.,

Got to cottage & checked the camera chip. Hmmmm, some nice deer pictures, and then SURPRISE, a black furry beast. Posted the pics on blog.

Hope as the weekend winds down, everyone can reflect on a good moment or two.


DanaMo said...

Have Denny take a picture of you riding down the road with Bella in the basket. I'm having trouble not hearing the tune from the Wizard of Oz dund adund adun da,dund adund adun da...

hedgie said...

Pork loin was delicious but had trouble slicing the leftover. Will have Christie do it tomorrow when she comes.

Thanks for sharing the bear pics, CarolAnne. I didn't have my trail cam when MY bear came around. No sign of one in 6 yrs.

Dana, I was thinking the very same thing! Of course, Sandi is the GOOD witch!!!!!!!

Sandi, thanks for the update on the removal of the Richmond chicks. Maybe they will survive after all!!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds. Hope everyone is having a good sunny, Sunday.
Just checked the nest and Shep & one of the chicks are having dinner. Other is at far end of nest, but is watching. ☺ Been mostly outside today getting flower pots ready for new plants. Some of the potted perennials have buds already!!

JudyEddy said...

wow lots of talking now

NatureNut said...

I guess most of you know that Isla 0sprey in Scotland laid an egg!!!
Her new young thing is still the mate. Y7 hasn't been there. He was fairly young, I think and had only been w/Isla for 2-3 years.

NatureNut said...

Nest has Belle back & she must have brought live green leaves! Piggy who had been with Shep has a crop probably almost baseball size!

Food?? ~~gotta rustle some din din

JudyEddy said...

Shep needs to move the big stick he put in the middle of the nest

JudyEddy said...

He's gonna poke one of the chicks with that stick LOL

JudyEddy said...

SHEP watch it

JudyEddy said...

I am recording he almost took a chick out with that stick

Linda said...

Good Evening Eagle Friends!

I seem to catch up on posts from time to time, but fail to post myself!

Still here working away! Ugh!

Had a large ruffed grouse crash into the master bath window this afternoon. Took us a while to figure out what the loud noise was from. Found him in the back yard with his neck broken. He died instantly. Poor thing. :o(

Linda said...

Love seeing those pin feathers coming in on our little ones!

Sure hope the Richmond situation gets back to normal. I, for one, am relieved they have been fed and are going to be given a chance.

Dana - Those flying LABS must keep humor in your house constantly. I still can't imagine 3 labs in my house!! Our border collie likes soaps and lotions! Whenever I get a squirt of hand lotion, he gets up and goes over to the bottle on the table and licks the pump!! Too funny.

Lynn - Glad you got the walter filter changed, that the guys didn't wear you out too much and that you're eating and keeping things down!! Whoo Hoo! ♥

Margy - Thinking of you today ♥ as you visit with family and dear friends. It is always nice to catch up, but sad that it happens on such difficult times as this passing of your BIL. The obit was quite a tribute to him. We're praying you through this, holding your hand! ♥

Judie - Fingers crossed you get those adorable cats! Just love the coloring and if they are a sweet as their foster family claims they are, then those sisters would be a welcomed addition to your roost!

Hoda said...

Well YES DANA I hope you find a feather and send it to me...HURRAH!!!:^)

...OH NO LYNN :^(!!!Can we not keep a secret...I won't tell if you don't tell where it came from!!! LOL!!!

At least you all will have to send me a leaf from a Sycamour tree so I could save know pressit between cardboard and put it in an envelop??? I would be very happy with that idea too...

Very good experience at the health food store and I bought lots of anti inflamatory foods and this week I will eat really healthy and see if this does not get rid of the mucus...

Ducks and geese and an osprey at the park but I did not see an eagle. I am happy and the garden beds have all been turned so it promises to have some new blossoms in the near future...

LYNN So happy that you enjoyed the smells and ate supper...Yum Yum Yum...sounds good.

I see the fish is eaten and Shep was in when I first logged on and he poofed shortly there after...I am very glad he did not knock Bro out of the nest with that huge stick he was moving.

Linda said...

Lolly - Sounds like you're having wonderful reunions with family and friends!! So happy you're having a grand time!

Shirley - Glad you had a good mini-vacation, but sorry to hear about Kathryn's car and back.

JudyEddy said...

I uploaded the one video so far of Shep almost hitting the chick with stick Corporal punishment LOL


Hoda said...

Sorry about getting rear ended SHIRLEY. Tell Kathryn to check on her back even if it does could cause her trouble down the line and his/her insurance is responsible for the medical/chiropractic least it is so in Canada.

5 more sleeps and you all will be together. Hurrah wished I was going too.

Hoda said...

WOW look at Bro's full crop Its HUGE!!!

Hoda said...

I cooked garlic, ginger beet roots and bok choy for my supper and will have brown rice with cardoman that is fresh today too...yum yum is on the stove cooking as I type...You are invited to share...

stronghunter said...

Dinner tonight was made up of leftovers from our lunch at the restaurant. Easy.

Hoda said...

Dinner sounds good at your house to SHIRLEY...You had a lovely mini vacation as you called it and you were at the grand is that so simply ever so very grand!!! I hope the creatures were well and happy to see you on your return...

JudyEddy said...

so cute all three are looking out over the nest LOL bonding time

Hoda said...

So cute Mama and her chicks watching the world go by and the Geese fly...It is a wonderful world...I love that song...

JudyEddy said...

we did it again HODA saying the same thing sort of

Hoda said...

Yes JUDYE !!! It is a wonderful World...

Costume Lady said...

Just in case SANDI comes on here...tell her the Amazing Race (CBS) takes place in TANZANIA tonight~

Sandi said...

DanaMo, there's a photo of Bella in the bike basket on my blog, if you go back to maybe Nov. or Dec. of 2011Shirley, hope everyone feels OK tomorrow and the next day - sometimes it takes a few days to feel the effects of an accident. I bet Hunter is just as excited as DanaMo and I about going back to school tomorrow. =(

Think I'll watch some TV and then get to bed early! Hoda, I think I'll make myself one of those paper chains I suggested to you when you first mentioned your trip to the states in June. Mine will have 42 rings and will be counting down the days til school is out for summer!! I bet my students will be shocked tomorrow to see what the eaglets look like now!

Goodnight all!

Sandi said...

WOW - thanks SO MUCH for the heads up, Wanda!! I don't normally watch that show, but I sure will tonight!!! New baby yet??

hedgie said...

I have been caught up in a book...a Nicholas Sparks...but time for my bath now and then The Good Wife will be on, so I am going to go ahead and log off for the evening. I didn't sleep well last night so bet it will be a struggle to stay awake for t he show!

Glad so many have popped in this evening: Loretta, Linda (sorry about the grouse :( ), Hoda with her interesting menu, etc.

To those returning to school tomorrow, I wish you luck with the kids who don't want to be there anymore than you do!!!

Hope anyone in harm's way stays safe---Mom was okay as of 7; storms were close but no warnings as of then.

Jo---hope you aren't too worn out from your trip up the road today and all the fun!

Sleep well, my friends. Prayers for all and I'll see you in the morning--when it will only be 4 sleeps til Friday!! Love that, Hoda!!

Hoda said...

Sounds good SANDI...42/35/72 bonus number 5
Do you all have a lottery called 6/49? It is big you think we should use the above numbers for a winning ticket? They sound like winners to me SANDI and DANAMO and ALl OF YOU meeting next Saturday...

Linda said...

Hey......Where is Lynne??

She hasn't been on all weekend! Hope you didn't overdo it on Saturday helping out with your MIL's yard work and such!! Watch those knees, gal!

I am going to head for the shower and hopefully will be back!

I think I've spent enough time at my desk today! It never fails that I no sooner shut down my desktop and I get another email from a client with answers to my questions or new ones on their parts!!

Oh, well, it can wait till tomorrow!


grannyblt said...

Good evening folks. I am maybe one happy camper. I've found some important papers I thought were lost. I've been looking for them on and off for weeks. Nothing as exciting as a lost lottery ticket, but still.....and found old pictures I hadn't seen in 30 years. Decided I'll save the shredding of 35 years of canceled checks for another day.
Shirley, sorry to hear of the Norfolk incident. My brother lives there but he was supposed to be doing quarter round/painting duty so I doubt if you met him in a sudden manner. A pia for sure.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everyone. I am checking in from the comfort of home this evening. Not sure when I will be home for a weekend again. I cannot freakin wait until Friday until we head towards Shepherdstown and getting to visit with some of my bestest friends on earth!

stronghunter said...

Good to see you on here tonight, Sharon.

I have posted some pictures from our vacation on my blog--the second of Shirley's Pics. Somehow I have accidentally created two blogs for myself.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home safe and sound...watching the Good Wife.

Belle is at noon on the nest, looking to the left.

stronghunter said...

Paula, when do ospreys around here usually lay their eggs.

stronghunter said...

The person who crashed into us was a young woman. Several people in Naval uniforms came rushing back to check on her. They said that she was in their command, though she was not in uniform. She was probably 19 or 20 years old.

She had to wait for a tow truck and they stayed with her. She had a good bit of damage to her car. We were in an SUV, so we had less damage, but still enough.

I was drinking water from a plastic bottle and we all got a shower because water flew everywhere.

Kathryn figures that she hurt her back because she had to press hard on the brake to keep the car from hitting the one in front of us. She probably tensed up and pulled a muscle.

She got some pain meds at the doctor's office.

stronghunter said...

I've been in a couple of accidents that left me really sore the next day. One left me with broken ribs and a broken sternum. I missed a week from work that time.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, sorry to hear about your accident!

What area are you talking about for osprey? BWO has one egg so far.

Hoda said...

Pushing hard on the gas peddale can also cause hip and spinal misalignment SHIRLEY...Whip lash if there is a sudden stop to the car...where was Hunter in all of this? In Canada you would have three months to connect with a chiropractor or a doctor to document the incident...check into it please, it could cause problems later on.

stronghunter said...

Hunter was in the back seat. He said that he seat belt pulled on his neck, but he does not seem to have any injury. I am fine. Kathryn did not notice any pain until later on, but she did go to the doctor today.

Hoda said...

Glad to hear it SHIRLEY...I love the pictures on Facebook...such a wonderful holiday you have had.

stronghunter said...

This was near where the Rappahannock empties into the bay. I think there were eggs because the female was sitting in the nest and calling to the male for food. She was very vocal.

Doris, the woman who spends here weekends there, thought that the eggs were laid in June last year but they did not hatch. She thought that it was because the weather was too hot. But she is just now learning about the birds.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the candle link, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I was amused at Angela, Doris's daughter. She said that she got very annoyed at the ospreys last year because of the noise they made, but then she went out on the dock and watched them with binoculars. She said that she bonded with them then, and that's when she named them Fred and Ethel.

Now she is ready to get the other platform repaired so that they might get a third nest.

stronghunter said...

Angela and Kathryn have been friends since they were in first and second grades. They lived down the street when the children were growing up.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head up to bed. I have a dental appointment tomorrow. It is supposed to take a long time.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
How does it get this late??
Probably daylight savings time's fault! ☺
I put a couple nest pics in Momsters album. One of the Crop is unreal!
Somebody hit the hay, so I don't have to hear car shows anymore!!!!
Of course, I'll probably konk out! If that happens, Pleasant Feather Dreams to All & Prayers for Good Health---Xtra for our Lynn ;>)

JudyEddy said...

Richmond eagles

Lolly said...

Well helloooooo, Momsters!! We are now in Kerrville and set up in a beautiful RV park. Weather is beautiful. Sandy (SIL) served us our dinner and we sat outside and had a wonderful time. We are now back in our trailer and tired from the weekend. The family reunion was a huge success, lots of love, laughter, and hugs! I guess it is unusual for 15 cousins to be so close. 15 of us within an 11 year span and raised within 7 miles of each other in South Tx. Now we are scattered. We had wonderful stories to share. One husband of a cousin organized games for the kids. Another cousin gave our "sermon" this morning, and my nephew led the singing. It was emotional. But, we are now in Kerrville and will be here all week and our HS reunion is next Fri and Sat. We are just going to be lazy all week and have fun on outings!!

Hoda, I have not read back on the blog so thank you for explaining the Richmond situation.

Have a very weak wifi signal, so do not think I will be getting on very often.

Lynn, hope you are doing well. You are often in my thoughts.

Linda said...

Well, I made it back for a final post!

JO - Hope you had a wonderful time at the shower and rest well tonight!

LYNNE - Missing you..... ♥

LYNN - Hoping you sleep like a baby tonight and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

KAY - Praying for a better day with even less pain tomorrow.

SANDI & DANA - Good luck getting back into the swing of things! Sorry your Spring Break couldn't last even longer!!

Margy - thinking of you ♥ I am sure you are exhausted after a day with family and friends. Praying for peace among all.

SHIRLEY, HODA, JUDYE, PAULA & LORRETTA.....and any others coming later..........wishing you a good night!!

Haven't seen Andy post in a while either.....Hope all is okay.

Prayers for all in this roost and beyond!

Night ♥

Linda said...

So happy to hear you had such a wonderful day today, LOLLY!!

Enjoy your time with family and friends!!

Lolly said...

I am going to say good night. The computer is so slow...driving me crazy. Think I am going to bathe and get comfy. I is tired!!☺

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Hoda said...

Good to see you on here LOLLY.
Still missing LYNNE but it is getting late and I hope she is asleep by now. PAULA is home safe and sound that is good news. JUDYE that was a terrific video of the feeding of the Richmond eagles. Thanks a lot.Goodnight LINDA and SHIRLEY.

Hoda said...

JO Is MIA also...I hope yo uare having a GREAT time with family and I hope soon WANDA and ANDY check in.JUDIE has been silent also.

Mema Jo said...

So happy you didn't put out the silver alarm for me. I got home from the wonderful afternoon baby shower around 5:00 and just had to put my feet up for an hour and snooze. I have never seen so many baby items in my life! A lot in attendance from both Heather and Jeff's families. That new little boy is going to be the best dressed little guy in town. I did have a fantastic time.
Now to wait for May 15th.

Mema Jo said...

A lot of news happening on here today.
I've read it all but my mind is too tired to comment on it all.
I am closing down and will catch up with all of you tomorrow.....

Good Night and God Bless
Peace to all and Prayers for all
** (((HUGS))) **

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, June would be rather late for eggs to be laid for osprey around here. I think most are laid by the end of April.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, thanks for the video. The Richmond chicks are the same age as ours. Look how big they are!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Sorry I've been MIA for so long. My allergies got really, ridiculously bad, and I've been sneezing and blowing a LOT. Doing better today, thank God!

Margy, I am so, so sorry to hear of Dwayne's passing. Prayers for you and the family, that God will bless and comfort you. (((HUGS)))!

Golly, Emma has been sneezing since yesterday, too--not really often, but enough to notice. Guess she has allergies, too! She seems to feel like her frisky self, so don't think it's a cold.

Lynn, I'm thrilled to hear that you're feeling better, and that you are feeling like eating! Good news! Don't overdo, and conserve your energy for the Un-Open House!

Judie, tried to get to the pictures of the kitty sisters, but the website was down. Will try again tomorrow. I'm really thrilled for you and Darth that you have found some new kitties! Prayers that this match will be a total success!

Lolly, so glad that the family reunion was such a wonderful experience! Many good memories, I'm sure!

Shirley, sorry to hear of the accident! Hope everyone feels OK tomorrow. Glad the rest of the trip was so much fun!

Well, I'm kind of tired tonight, so think I will bow out early. Have said prayers for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sweet dreams, all. God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, you asked about the loon was somewhere out on the was dark...I have no clue how far away it might have been...but it sounded really neat!

Judie, hope everything goes well with the new kittens! Love the names!

Hoda said...

Thinking of MARGY and sending prayers out for her and her family.

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

Sorry to hear of your accident, Shirley. We had an accident at Virginia Beach many years ago. It took a day and a half to get every thing straightened up!


No baby yet, SANDI:( GG is praying that the ultrsound is wrong and that the baby is a GIRL:)

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and DanaMo! It's Monday - back to work day! Ugghhh!!! Counting down til WV Friday!

Sandi said...

Lynn and Kay, hoping and praying for a good day for both of you!!

Wanda, when I was pregnant with Kevin (younger son), my Dad was dying of lung cancer. He already had 3 grandsons and no granddaughters. Of course this was before the days of everyone knowing what they're having, so we were all guessing. He wanted a girl in the worst way!

Well, it's time to get ready for my first day back. Today is a normal day for me but I will start doing state testing on my special ed. kids tomorrow and will test every day for the rest of April - b-o-r-i-n-g!!!

Will check in from school.
HAGD my eagle friends!!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi!! Good luck today. Yuck on the testing! Damn tests are too important IMHO. Should be done away with.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

I see that all seems well at the nest.

Need to get my coffee and feed the critters.


stronghunter said...

Eaglets are being fed this morning. I think that is Belle.

magpie said...

looks like one of the babies has a beakful of feather
that's really funny to me.

Good Morning Eagle Pals xoxo

magpie said...

so bby goes to scratch his head and has a stick in his talons...
Ouch !

magpie said...

Hope everyone is feeling okay this morning, I was so sorry to read
of the rear-end collision

but it sure sounds like your mini-vacation was a lot of fun

magpie said...

I haven't had much time to be on the computer

and here I am at work for a surprise four hour shift

magpie said...

Sounds like a wonderful Baby Shower for the grandkids, Jo....

and Lolly's reports, sounds like some wonderful family time going on

magpie said...

Thanks for all the continued prayers and support, friends regarding my brother in law

busy time especially for the childre as they make final arrangements for their father's funeral services

magpie said...

either the nest just really shook?
or the wind is making it sway
I don't have sound here at work

Oh La Di DA there is Belle on board now

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Margy, Shirley, Sandi and DanaMo!

I am off today so late getting on here.

stronghunter said...

We had a nice trip, overall, Margy. But Kathryn is stiff and sore today. I hope she recovers quickly. She did go to the doctor and get some pain medications.

Need to take Hunter to school this morning and then go to the dentist. I shall return later.

Lori O. said...

Watched the video of the Richmond chicks...
WOWee, that ours are just as big!

Judie said...

Good morning!

Shirley, so sorry to read about the accident but very relieved there were not serious injuries. Please get checked by your doctor just in case -- insurance purposes, etc.

Jo, so glad you had such a fun time yesterday. Speaking of little ones, what's meatball up to these days?

Wanda, hope the baby watch doesn't last much longer.

Sandi, hope the infection heals quickly.

Lynn, hope you had a good night of restful sleep and will be feeling good today.

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Margy, only about 3 more hours and you can say "wheeeeeeee" all the way home!

Shirley, hope the dental appointment is painless and over as quickly as possible.

After an hour of getting acquainted and fact-finding, we arrived home with Audrey and Grace. They both spent the next 5 1/2 hours exploring almost non-stop. Grace is very shy compared to Audrey but they play well together and made several forays into the bed during the night. No eating or litter box problems so far. We think this time it will go well. Thank you all for your support.

Coffee and a chorus of meows are calling. BBL

Judie said...

Doing a Margy ... babes looked good when I checked. Shep on duty. Lots of pin feathers. Beautiful view of Isla this morning doing an egg roll and flugg rearrangement.


paula eagleholic said...

Great news about your new additions, Judie!

Missy and Lil Bro are snugged up together at the 11-12 spot. I keep losing the cam this morning!

Lori O. said...

JUDIE, Great news and so exciting about Audrey & Grace! So happy you are a rescuer!

paula eagleholic said...

Our chicks will be 5 weeks old this week! Don't know how I missed mentioning their 4 week milestone last week!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. I am at Bluefield ER with Sis. She was on her morning walk and fell. Gonna get her knee checked out. Will let you know when I know.

hedgie said...

Good Monday AM to all.

Oh, poor Sissy----is her knee cut up or did she give it a hard whack?? It better not be anything debilitating!!!!!

Margy, so sorry you got tagged for extra work hours. Boo!

Judie, SO very happy that Grace and Audrey are new members of your household. They sound purrfect!

Lori, good that you have today off!

Paula, I kept thinking about needing to say something about our chicks 1 month birthday and kept forgetting!
By date, Big Girl was Sat. and Lil Bro is today!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle in the nest with chicklets...she looks hot already!

hedgie said...

Just saw an osprey land on top of the other one at FinFerry, but no HP. He was on her head!!

Costume Lady said...

COME JOIN ME ON A NEW WEEK THREAD************************

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

Poop shoot!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...